July 18, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Upcoming Guests: January 18-22, 2021

Week of (January 18-22, 2021)

Monday, January 18, 2021:

Hour 1:  Lt.General McInerney shares disturbing information about voter fraud.

Hour 2: Dennis Clements will join The Power Hour today to discuss a revolutionary new product.

Archives for today’s show:

January 18, 2021 (hour 1)

January 18, 2021 (hour 2)

Tuesday, January 19, 2021:

Hour 1:  New + Open lines

Hour 2: Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, whistleblower, freelance writer, and former senior policy advisor to the U.S. Department of Education joins The Power Hour today to share her thoughts on how to save America at the local level. In her best selling book The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America Charlotte has exposed how changes gradually brought into the American public education system work to eliminate the influence of a child’s parents, and mold the child in preparation for a socialist-collectivist world of the future.





Also joining in the second half of this hour is National Security journalist, Mary Fanning.

Website: https://theamericanreport.org

Book: THE HAMMER is the Key to the Coup “The Political Crime of the Century”: How Obama, Brennan, Clapper, and the CIA spied on President Trump, General Flynn … and everyone else

Archives for today’s show:

January 19, 2021 (hour 1) 

January 19, 2021 (hour 2)

Wednesday, January 20, 2021: 

Hour 1: Wayne Elliott joins for an important discussion on health.

Products mentioned on today’s show are available by visiting www.thepowermall.com or by calling 877-817-9829.

Hour 2: Joining in the second hour is “America’s Pastor” Pastor Nicholas Wright  

from Covenant Love Christian Center.

Website: https://myclcc.wordpress.com

Archives for today’s show:

January 20, 2021 (hour 1)

January 20, 2020 (hour 2)

Thursday, January 21, 2021 :

Hour 1 & 2: Guest hosting The Power Hour today is Canadian George Freund, host of Conspiracy Cafe.

Joining George in the first hour is author Daniel J. Flynn.  Daniel writes for the American Spectator.

Daniel Flynn’s book: “Cult City: Jim Jones, Harvey Milk, and Ten Days that Shook San Francisco

Archives for today’s show:

January 21, 2021 (hour 1)

January 21, 2021 (hour 2)

Friday, January 22, 2021: 

Hour 1: News + Open lines

Hour 2: Judd Dunning joins today to discuss his new book 13½ Reasons Why NOT to be a Liberal and How to Enlighten Others by Judd Dunning.  Judd Dunning is an author, host, producer, and president of CU Media Group, bringing together some of the biggest names in politics and entertainment, offering its own unique, unconventional, and highly entertaining brand of political discourse. 

Website: bulletpointnation.com

Archives for today’s show:

January 22, 2021 (hour 1)

January 22, 2021 (hour 2)

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