July 21, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Upcoming Guests: July 15 – 19, 2019

Power Hour Guest Schedule for July 15-19, 2019

Monday, July 15, 2019:

Joining today’s show to discuss her Father’s tragic story is Thara Tenney, daughter of patriot LaVoy Finicum.  Thara has written a book titled Liberty Rising: One Cowboy’s Ascent: The murder of LaVoy Finicum.  Her hope is that the book will spark continued discussion about her family’s tragic story in an effort to get people asking hard questions.

Ebook and paperback of Thara’s book can be found on Amazon, limited edition hardback and paperback can be found on her family website.

Video: Final moments of LaVoy Finicum before he was murdered

Website: https://onecowboystandforfreedom.com 


Archives for today’s show:

July 15, 2019 (hour 1): News

July 15, 2019 (hour 2): Thara Tenney

Tuesday, July 16, 2019: 

Are you still using regular toothpaste with fluoride? Joining today to tell you why it is one of the most toxic substances is Robert Takhtalian, formulator of one of the best natural toothpastes out there called Vita-Myr and it is available at The Power Mall!  Learn about the natural way to keep your breath fresh, your gums healthy and your teeth clean and bright. Don’t forget about the fabulous Maca powder from Vita-Myr!

Vita-Myr products are available online at www.thepowermall.com or by calling 877-817-9829.


Rebecca Friedrichs, founder of the group For Kids & Countryn joins to discuss the unspeakable evils taking place in California’s public middle schools.  Rebecca is a school teacher-turned-whistleblower who says that the new “education standards” in the Golden State are so beyond the point of depraved that most parents, if they really knew the truth, would be marching on these indoctrination centers with pitchforks in hand.

Website: https://forkidsandcountry.org/ 


Archives for today’s show:

July 16, 2019 (hour 1): News + Robert Takhtalian

July 09, 2019 (hour 2): Continued w/ Robert Takhtalin + Rebecca Friedrichs

Wednesday, July 17, 2019:

Award-winning Italian filmmaker, Massimo Mazzuco, joins to discuss his most recent project “American Moon”.  For the first time, a film compiles in a single piece of work, all the best evidence in favor of the moon landings and the evidence contrary to them. For the first time we can also analyze the Apollo pictures in detail, with the aid of some among the top photographers in the world. What was the Apollo project really? The biggest achievement in the history of mankind, or the biggest fakery of all times, watched on live television by more than half a billion people?

Watch here: 


Archives for today’s show:

July 17, 2019 (hour 1): News + Massimo Mazzuco

July 17, 2019 (hour 2): Continued w/ Massimo Mazzuco

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Guest hosting The Power Hour today is Canadian George Freund, host of Conspiracy Cafe who will be discussing events around the globe.  For 20 years George has been a talk radio junkie revealing to millions upon millions the deep dark machinations of the shadow government.

Website: www.conspiracy-cafe.com


Joining George on today’s show is author and researcher Michael Masters to discuss UFO’s.  His new book, Identified Flying Objects: A Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO Phenomenon, challenges readers to consider new possibilities while cultivating conversations about our ever-evolving understanding of time and time travel.

Website: https://IdFlyObj.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MorphoTime

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/idflyobj/


Archives for today’s show:

July 18, 2019 (hour 1): Replay of guest host George Freund w/ guest Michael Masters

July 18, 2019 (hour 2): Continued Replay of guest host George Freund w/ guest Michael Masters

Friday, July 19, 2019:

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, whistleblower, freelance writer, and former senior policy advisor to the U.S. Department of Education joins The Power Hour today to share her thoughts on how to save America at the local level. In her best selling book The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America Charlotte has exposed how changes gradually brought into the American public education system work to eliminate the influence of a child’s parents, and mold the child in preparation for a socialist-collectivist world of the future.






Archives for today’s show:

July 19, 2019 (hour 1): News + Charlotte Iserbyt

July 19, 2019 (hour 2): Continued w/ Charlotte Iserbyt

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