July 4, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Upcoming Guests: July 25 -29, 2022

Week of (July 25 -29, 2022)

Live call-ins are welcome!  We encourage you to call the show live with your comments/question from 11am – 1pm CST

To be on air call us at 844-769-2944

Monday, July 25, 2022

Hour 1: News + Open lines

Hour 2: Activist Mitchell Gerber joins the show today for an update on one of the most atrocious human rights violations that’s taking place in China, forced organ harvesting.

Forced Organ Harvesting in China CONFIRMED Evidence Sites:



Archives for today’s show:

July 25, 2022 (hour 1) 

July 25, 2022 (hour 2)

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Hour 1: 

  1st Half: News

  2nd half: Wayne Elliott, lifelong herbal healthcare professional and international leader in the field of waste and resource recycling will share timely information on the heart-health benefits of Strauss Heart Drops.

Strauss Products mentioned on today’s show are available by visiting www.thepowermall.com or by calling 877-817-9829

Hour 2: Ken McCarthy of BrasscheckTV.com

Ken’s New book:Unraveling The CoVid Con

As the truth comes out about CoVid and the catastrophically bad response to it fueled by news media hysteria, government incompetence and corporate greed, there are bound to be many cases of “amnesia” about what we knew and when we knew it.

This book, a collection of blog posts by Ken McCarthy edited by Paul Morrison, shows with time-stamped clarity that the multi-layered frauds that were used to sell this CoVid panic were apparent virtually from Day One.

A huge amount of what we call “business savvy” is the ability to see through bullshit: the bullshit of vendors… the bullshit of gurus… the bullshit of lawyers… the bullshit of accountants… the bullshit of government officials… the bullshit of the news media… the bullshit of academics… the bullshit of doctors… and more.

If you want to see what thinking for yourself in the face of an onslaught of government and news media bullshit looks like in practice, this book is an example.





Archives for today’s show:

July 26, 2022 (hour 1) 

July 26, 2022 (hour 2)

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Hour 1:

  1st half: News

  2nd half: Author Cheryl Chumley, Democrats are Great for Republicans

Website: www.cherylchumley.com

Hour 2:

  1st half: Idaho Gubernatorial Candidate Ammon Bundy

  2nd half: News + Open lines

Archives for today’s show:

July 27, 2022 (hour 1) 

July 27, 2022 (hour 2)

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Hour 1

  1st half: News + Open lines

  2nd half: Rev. James R. Harden, M.Div. is the CEO of CompassCare Pregnancy Services.  

Jim pioneered the first measurable and repeatable medical model in the pregnancy center movement, helping hundreds of centers nationwide become more effective at reaching more women and saving more babies from abortion. He has written extensively on medical ethics, executive leadership, and pro-life strategy.

Hour 2:

  1st half: David Parker

  2nd half: Mike Stickler, Whatever happened to Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy? 

“It’s not what you think,” said prolific Christian author and Leadership Books co-founder Michael Stickler, who spent more than 60 days documenting Bundy’s side of the conflict while Bundy was incarcerated in federal prison. 

Stickler details the events (as told to him by Cliven Bundy) preceding, during and following the 2014 standoff between Bundy’s armed supporters and federal agents. The standoff made national news and resulted in Bundy and 18 others being charged with federal crimes.

“January 6 protesters are facing the full weight of the government, but Cliven Bundy went through it first,” Stickler added.

In Cliven Bundy: American Patriot, Stickler shares Bundy’s side of the standoff, which was the result of a 21-year legal dispute between Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management involving the grazing of Bundy’s cattle on federal land.

With plenty of intrigue, twists and turns, Cliven Bundy: American Patriot also includes Bundy’s personal account of “life lost” and the continued costs that the “Bundy 19” endure in prison.

“From here, Cliven shares his personal inner fears and hopes for the future,” Stickler said. “It’s a burden that weighs heavily upon Cliven’s heart.” 

About the Author


Archives for today’s show:

July 28, 2022 (hour 1) 

July 28, 2022 (hour 2)

Friday, July 29, 2022

Hour 1:

1st half: News

2nd half: Michelle Perrro, M.D. – Independent Practitioner, Researcher, Educator, Lecturer

Dr. Michelle Perro is a holistic pediatrician with nearly 40 years’ experience in acute and integrative medicine, a member of the HHRA science advisory board, and co-author of the book “What’s Making our Children Sick.” She has worked for decades to restore wellness to children struggling with health and behavioral problems rooted in gut health. 

Executive Director: GMOScience.org

Founder: www.drmichelleperro.com

Hour 2: Susan Smith Jones, PhD, has made extraordinary contributions in the fields of holistic healing, top- notch well-being, anti-aging, optimum nutrition and balanced living. She taught

students, staff and faculty at UCLA how to be healthy and fit for 30 years, and is the founder and president of Health Unlimited, a Los Angeles-based consulting firm dedicated to teaching people how to be vibrantly healthy — physically, mentally and spiritually. 




Archives for today’s show:

July 29, 2022 (hour 1)

July 29, 2022 (hour 2)

The information provided during this broadcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professionals.

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