July 6, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Upcoming Guests: November 02 – 06, 2020

Power Hour Guest Schedule for November 02 – 06, 2020

Stream the show live: http://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/powerhour/player/powerhourplayer.html 

Monday, November 02, 2020:

Guest hosting the first hour of The Power Hour is former Army Officer Scott Bennett.

Scott’s Website: www.shellgamewhistleblower.com  

Scott’s Book: “SHELL GAME” A Military Whistleblowing Report to Congress

Available at: www.lulu.com/spotlight/shellgame

Joining Scott Bennett is attorney David Kenney.

Joining George today is investigative journalist Jack Mullen

Jack is a contributing writer on the following sites:



>> Real CV19 Facts Flyers to Download to Raise Awareness by Jack Mullen

Also joining from thegovernmentrag.com is guest Stephanie Sledge.  

Archives for today’s show:

November 02, 2020 (hour 1): Guest host Scott Bennet w/ guest David Kenney

November 02, 2020 (hour 2): Guest host Jack Mullen w/ guest Stephanie Sledge

Tuesday, November 03, 2020:

Today’s show is live with Daniel Brigman taking your calls!  

We want to hear from you – give us a call to express your hopes, concerns and ideas.

Call 844-769-2944 to be live on air with Daniel!

Professor James McCanney will also join today to discuss the election.

Website: www.jmccanneyscience.com

>> >2016 Presidential Election Voter Cheating Fraud White Paper – Mathematical Regression Analysis By James McCanney, M.S. January 19, 2017

>>Addendum to Mathematical Regression Analysis By James McCanney, M.S. – January 19, 2017 (Read Original January 19, 2017 with May 23, 2019 Addition before reading this addendum)

Archives for today’s show:

November 03, 2020 (hour 1): Open lines for listeners calls

November 03, 2020 (hour 2): Open lines for listeners calls w/ guest James McCanney

Wednesday, November 04, 2020:

Pete Hendrickson joins Daniel on The Power Hour today to discuss what the facts say about the actual C19 CFRand the absurdity of focusing on C19 “cases”.

Article: How Stupid Do They Think We Are? Pretty stupid indeed, it would seem, as the renewed C19 panic-mongering continues…

Website: www.losthorizons.com

Archives for today’s show:

November 04, 2020 (hour 1): News/Open lines

November 04, 2020 (hour 2): Guest Pete Hendrickson

Thursday, November 05, 2020:

Joining in the first hour of today’s show to discuss the global banking system is Daniel Estulin.  He has published 14 books, among which figure The True Story of The Bilderberg Club, which was an international bestseller.  

Website: https://english.danielestulin.com

Book: In the Shadows of a Presidency by Daniel Estulin

Archives for today’s show:

November 05, 2020 (hour 1): Guest Daniel Estulin

November 05, 2020 (hour 2): News/Open lines

Friday, November 06, 2020:

TPH favorite Deborah Tavares delves deeper into critical world events and actions against humanity.







Archives for today’s show:

November 06, 2020 (hour 1): Encore of guest Deborah Tavares

November 06, 2020 (hour 2): Encore fo guest Deborah Tavares

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