June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

‘Vaccinated-only’ sections can fill to capacity at churches, sporting events in Washington

Virus infection of blood cells

Updated guidelines for spectator events allow venues to designate certain sections for vaccinated people to sit with no physical distancing required.

Updated guidelines for spectator events and churches in Washington now allow venues to designate “vaccinated sections” within their facilities that can be seated at full capacity. 

Under the new guidelines, spectators must present proof they’re fully vaccinated in order to be admitted to the vaccinated-only section. Vaccination cards, a photo of a vaccination card or an immunization record will be accepted as proof.

Physical distancing won’t be required in vaccinated-only sections. People seated in those sections may be seated directly next to other groups. Vaccinated spectators are still required to wear face masks unless actively eating or drinking. 

Children between two and fifteen years old may present a negative COVID-19 test result that was taken within 72 hours of admission. Children under the age of 2 need to be accompanied by a vaccinated adult. 

Vaccinated spectators must enter facilities in a separate line from un-vaccinated ticket holders, according to the guidelines. 

Outdoor facilities may add vaccinated sections until their total capacity is at 50%, or 22,000 people, whichever is lower. Outdoor unvaccinated spectators cannot exceed 9,000 people, according to the guidelines. 

Indoor facilities can add vaccinated sections until their total capacity is 50%, or a maximum of 2,000 people. Indoor unvaccinated spectators cannot exceed 200 people in Phase 2 or 400 people in Phase 3 for rooms with greater than 100,000 square feet of space. 

Religious and faith-based organizations may add vaccinated-only sections to increase overall capacity to 50% in Phase 2. 

For full story along with videos of local news outlets promoting the push of vaccinations to be able to attend church, sporting events while offering

For full story along with videos of local news outlets promoting the push of vaccinations to be able to attend church, sporting events while city leaders are starting pop-up vaccine clinics to meet people where they are at and administer more doses. Full Story

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