June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Vaccine Ingredient List

Vaccine Ingredients
We have listed vaccine ingredients (substances that appear in the final vaccine product), process ingredients (substances used to create the vaccine that may or may not appear in the final vaccine product), and growth mediums (the substances vaccines are grown in) for vaccines approved by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and commonly recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC.) Controversial products used to make vaccines: African Green Monkey (Vero) cells, aluminum, cow products, Cocker Spaniel cells, formaldehyde, human fetal lung tissue cells, insect products, and mouse brains. Though not listed, each vaccine contains strains of the virus being vaccinated against. Each vaccine entry links to the manufacturer’s package insert that contains information about dosage, ingredient quantity, and how the vaccine is made. Some vaccines, like influenza vaccines, are modified frequently and you may wish to consult the package inserts online and your doctor for the most current information.
All vaccine inserts are here:
24. Polio
25. Rabies

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