June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Video: News Reporter Talks About “Police Reform” as Gunshots Ring Out at George Floyd Square

Numerous people are pointing out the chilling irony of a video which shows a news reporter talking about “police reform” at George Floyd Square as a criminal gunman began firing shots.

Note: Power Hour Executive Jason Worsley, who is of Caucasian decent, visited George Floyd Square on April 21st, 2021 and will be posting video of his encounter with three African American Males who made it apparent he was not welcome. Story Developing..

The one year anniversary of Floyd’s death has provided Black Lives Matter activists and their slavishly sympathetic mainstream media echo chamber yet another opportunity to push divisive rhetoric and extremist policies.

One such news reporter was doing precisely that by beginning a monologue about “police reform” while live from George Floyd Square in Minneapolis, only to be interrupted by the sound of gunfire.

“We just gotta be careful here with some gunshots,” states the reporter as he ducks for cover while the shots continue to be heard.

“It sounds like gunshots, I’ll let you know what this is,” he adds as others are seen running away in the background.

“Shit, where is that?” he then asks are more shots are fired.

Only one person appears to have been injured during the incident, which is surprising given the amount of bullets fired.

“The suspected shooter was last seen driving away from the scene, according to police,” reports NBC News. No other details, including a motive for the shooting or the identity of the victim, were immediately available.

“Maybe the bigger problem isn’t the police,” commented one respondent.

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