June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Wednesday, October 18, 2017: Pamela Geller + James Fetzer

Activist and author Pamela Geller joins today to discuss Islamization of America.  Pamela is the author of the newly released book Fatwa: Hunted in America in which she tells her own story of how she became one of the world’s foremost activists for the freedom of speech, individual rights, and equality of rights for all. Critics have called her ‘the most dangerous woman in America and ‘the anti-Muslim movement’s most visible and flamboyant figurehead.’
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/atlasshrugs2000
Pamela’s Articles On Breitbart: www.breitbart.com/author/pamela-geller
James Fetzer joins to address the inconsistencies that still remain in the Las Vegas shooting.
Blog: www.jamesfetzer.blogspot.com
Archives for today’s show:
October 18, 2017 (hour 1)
October 18, 2017 (hour 2)
October 18, 2017 (hour 3)

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