June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Week of (December 06 -10, 2021)

Monday, December 06, 2021:

Hour 1:  News + Open lines

Hour 2: Janet Levy, MSW, MBA, writer, public speaker and world traveler.  She has contributed to American Thinker, PJ Media, The Jerusalem Post, World Net Daily, FrontPage Magazine, Family Security Matters, Israel National News and other publications and has served as an investigative reporter for Full Disclosure Network.  

Archives for today’s show:

December 06, 2021 (hour 1) 

December 06, 2021 (hour 2)

Tuesday, December 07, 2021:

Hour 1:  

  1st half: News + Open lines

  2nd half: Hans von Spakovsky, a Senior Legal Fellow and Manager of the Election Law Reform Initiative at The Heritage Foundation. He has been involved in the election process for three decades. He served on a presidential advisory commission on election integrity and is a former Commissioner on the Federal Election Commission. 

New Book: Our Broken Elections: How the Left Changed the Way You Vote

By John Fund & Hans Von Spakovsky

Hour 2: Ben Swann, CEO of the new social platform, SOVREN,  and founder of the Truth in Media Project, a web series that focuses on stories that mainstream media won’t touch. 

It is time to be Sovren once again! Register today for the new premium video and social media platform SOVREN! Claim your Sovren Space now at https://www.sovren.media 

—> FOLLOW THE POWER HOUR ON SOVERNhttps://www.sovren.media/u/thepowerhour/ 

Archives for today’s show:

December 07, 2021 (hour 1) 

December 07, 2021 (hour 2)

Wednesday, December 08, 2021:

Hour 1: 

  1st half: News + Open lines

  2nd half: Paul Alexander, COVID-19 consultant, researcher in evidence-based medicine (EMB), research in methodology, and clinical epidemiology.  Informally providing support to some members of the US congress.




Hour 2

  1st half: Researcher and independent scholar Jordan Maxwell joins in both hours of today’s show to discuss topics in the field of occult/religious philosophy.  His work on the subject of secret societies, both ancient and modern, and their symbols, has fascinated audiences around the world for decades.  Considering the rapidly moving events of today, and the very real part that hidden religious agendas play in our modern war-torn world, he feels these controversial subjects are not only interesting to explore, but too important to ignore!

Website: www.jordanmaxwellshow.com

  2nd half: Open lines

Archives for today’s show:

December 08, 2021 (hour 1) 

December 08, 2021 (hour 2)

Thursday, December 09, 2021:

Live coverage of Clay Clark’s ReAwaken American Tour!

Our host Dave Kreiger is live at today’s event.  Tune in for one on one interviews with some of the tour speakers & more!

Website: www.TimeToFreeAmerica.com 

Archives for today’s show:

December 09, 2021 (hour 1)

December 09, 2021 (hour 2)

Friday, December 10, 2021:

Live coverage of Clay Clark’s ReAwaken American Tour!

Our host Dave Kreiger is live at today’s event.  Tune in for one on one interviews with some of the tour speakers & more!

Website: www.TimeToFreeAmerica.com 

Archives for today’s show:

December 10, 2021 (hour 1)

December 10, 2021 (hour 2)

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