July 17, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Week of (March 06 -10, 2023)

Monday, March 06, 2023

Hour 1 & 2: News + Open lines 

Call us and let us know what’s on your mind!

To be on air call us at 844-769-2944

Archives for today’s show:

March 13, 2023 (hour 1) 

March 13, 2023 (hour 2)

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Hour 1: News + Open lines

Hour 2: Marjory WIldcraft discusses modern self-sufficiency and the importance of growing your own food.

The cost of beef, chicken, tomatoes, potatoes, and milk is up. 

Marjory has an upcoming free seminar that will show you why you should not always depend on the government.

Regardless of which political party you choose, congressmen have always agreed on one thing: spending money they don’t have. And the amounts keep getting bigger and bigger. As I’m writing this, there is a $3.6 trillion package being pushed through. And there are more stimulus bills coming behind that. 

We are well on the path of out-of-control inflation that will never be reined in.

And it is happening right Now. In the coming weeks and months, you’ll see the prices of food doubling, then tripling, then jumping by 10X. It’s called hyperinflation, and we are headed straight into it. 

What you need is to learn how to never have to buy food. 

How could that be? It’s simple.  You can grow your own. 

Website: www.PowerHourFood.com

White Harvest Non-GMO Heirloom seeds available at The Power Mall!

***All kits come with a Gardening Basics Booklet Included

Archives for today’s show:

March 14, 2022 (hour 1) 

March 14, 2023 (hour 2)

Wednesday, March 08, 2023

Hour 1: News + Open lines

Hour 2: 

1st half: Clay expert Perry A~ The benefits of Living Clay are untold and yet many people don’t utilize it to its fullest. To gain an understanding of how to use clay, join author Perry A. as she explains what it can be used for and how to use it effectively. With the toxins everywhere we turn, clay is more important than ever and everyone should have it in their medicine cabinets!  

Book: Head to Toe Calcium Bentonite Clay by Perry A. 

Clay can be purchased in 1 or 4 lbs:

2nd half: Clay Clark discusses the upcoming ReAwaken American Tour


Archives for today’s show:

March 08, 2023 (hour 1) 

March 08, 2023 (hour 2)

Thursday, March 09, 2023

Hour 1: News + Open lines

Hour 2: Kent Heckenlively, JD, is a science teacher, a founding editor of Age of Autism, and an attorney.

Kent Heckenlively is also an investigative reporter, he is relentless in finding the facts, no matter what the cost. He is best known as coauthor of the PLAGUE series (PLAGUE, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION, & ENDING PLAGUE) with Dr. Judy Mikovits and Dr. Francis Ruscetti, winner of the Distinguished Service Award from the National Institutes of Health. He has also become the unofficial biographer of Project Veritas whistleblowers, co authoring with Zach Vorhies, GOOGLE LEAKS, as well as BEHIND THE MASK OF FACEBOOK with Ryan Hartwig. The third in his series of books with Project Veritas whistleblowers, THIS WAS CNN: How Sex, Lies, and Spies Undid the World’s Worst News Network, coauthored with Cary Poarch, is scheduled to be published on December 10, 2022. Currently, Kent is working with a fourth Project Veritas whistleblower, David Johnson, for a book currently titled, KILLING MARTIN’S DREAM, about Critical Race Theory.  Kent believes he has become the “Voldemort of the literary world” as on May 17, 2020, Chuck Todd of Meet the Press devoted an entire five-minute segment to denouncing his book, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION, without even mentioning the title of the book or the names of authors. Also in 2020, his book, THE CASE AGAINST MASKS, also written with Dr. Judy Mikovits was dropped by Amazon and had to eventually be published with a different title. In 2017, Kent received the dubious honor of being the only American writer banned by an entire continent, as Australia denied his planned lecture series on vaccines as being “a threat to public order.”




Archives for today’s show:

March 09, 2023 (hour 1) 

March 09, 2023 (hour 2)

Friday, March 10, 2023

Hour 1: News + Open lines

Hour 2: 

1st half: Dr. Lynn Carey, a Doctor of Chiropractic, Author, and Entrepreneur, has had a remarkable journey. After two spinal surgeries for scoliosis in high school, she was constantly sick until she discovered chiropractic, which changed her life. She opened her own practice in Wilmington, Delaware in 1998 and practiced there for 18 years. During this time, she also went on chiropractic mission trips to Brazil and India, where she learned that there is only One-verse in this universe: love.

Dr. Carey believes that to be healthy, one must examine every area of their life. She loves to empower individuals to create their desired life of health, wealth, and perfect self-expression. In December 2016, she followed her bliss and moved to Miami Beach, where she continues to be an entrepreneur and homeschools her teenage son, teaching him how to be financially free.




2nd half: Professor Francis Boyle joins to discuss Coronavirus is a Biological Warfare Weapon.

Francis Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law.  Professor Boyle served on the Board of Directors of Amnesty International, as a consultant to the American Friends Service Committee, and on the Advisory Board for the Council for Responsible Genetics. He drafted the U.S. domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, that was approved unanimously by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush.

Global Research Articles: https://www.globalresearch.ca/author/francis-a-boyle 

Archives for today’s show:

March 10, 2023 (hour 1)

March 10, 2023 (hour 2)

The information provided during this broadcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professionals.

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