July 18, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Week of (May 16 – 20, 2022)

Monday, May 16, 2022

Hour 1 & 2: News + Open lines

Dave will be sharing his thoughts about the ReAwaken tour in Myrtle Beach

If you attended this weekend’s event call-in and let us know how your experience was!

Call 844-769-2944 to be live on air

Archives for today’s show:

May 16, 2022 (hour 1) 

May 16, 2022 (hour 2)

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Hour 1: 

  1st half: News 

  2nd half: Bobby Piton, expert in voter integrity having testified before Senate and congressional committees in numerous states already.  He proved out voter mules using the voter registries before True the Vote found it on video having testified that over 600,000 voters’ votes were digitally erased in PA and essentially digitally shipped/shifted to GA.  He has helped citizens of AZ and FL, NM and some counties in CA.  Now he’s doing the same thing in his home state of IL.

Bobby Piton for U.S. Senate (IL) 2022: www.bobbypiton.com

Bobby has been endorsed by General Flynn and Seth Keshel and he is hosting a “Fight Like A Flynn Fundraiser” this coming Friday evening, May 20th. At this event he will be revealing some serious fraud he has uncovered in the IL Voter Registration rolls and discussing a project our campaign launched for voters in IL to review/validate their voter history as per the State Board of Elections rolls.  So far, the hit rate for anomalies or inaccuracies is over 40%. If you want to see some of his videos of recent speeches, you can check out his Rumble account here.  https://rumble.com/c/c-710253

Hour 2:

   1st half: Carolyn Blakeman,Media Director and Victim Liaison for the FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation.  FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation is investigating all crimes related to the covid response, censorship and the disregard of our Bill of Rights

  2nd half: Additional news

Archives for today’s show:

May 17, 2022 (hour 1) 

May 17, 2022 (hour 2)

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Hour 1:

   1st half: News

   2nd half: Adam Andrzejewski, CEO/Founder of OpenTheBooks.com

—> Fauci’s Royalties — And The $350 Million Royalty Payment Stream HIDDEN By NIH

Hour 2

  1st half: Steven Harkins of  North American Herb & Spice joins to discuss being active outdoors: Nutritional and Herbal strategies for enjoying the great outdoors and the importance of keeping our joints/bones strong, and energy levels optimal.

North American Herb & Spice products discussed on today’s show are available at The Power Mall online 24/7 or by calling 877-817-9829

  2nd half: News

Archives for today’s show:

May 18, 2022 (hour 1) 

May 18, 2022 (hour 2)

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Hour 1: News + Open lines

Hour 2: Mary Tocco of childhoodshots.com 

Mary Tocco has been in the natural health care field for over 40 years and spent many years working in the holistic, functional medicine and chiropractic health field. Mary is working as a natural health advocate for people who want to improve their health by consultation.

Mary was married to chiropractor Sam Tocco of Clarkston, Michigan for 24 years and they have 5 healthy non-vaccinated children and 10 non-vaccinated grandchildren. Before having their first child 41 years ago, they had the opportunity to research childhood vaccines, and the practice of drugging healthy children and decided to raise their children “outside” the medical model. There was enough evidence back then to convince them to avoid vaccines and unnecessary drugs. Mary has now spent thousands of hours sifting through studies and journal articles and presents compelling evidence that vaccines are a “medical assault” on the human body and those vaccinated  end up dependent on medical interventions.  She has dedicated her adult life to learning, attending numerous chiropractic and holistic conferences, functional-medicine conferences as well as vaccine and autism conferences around the country.

In 1994, a bill was introduced in Michigan, which threatened to remove the “Philosophical Exemption” to waive vaccines. Mary was very concerned for the families in her state and got involved with Michigan Opposing Mandatory Vaccines (MOM), a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the right of parents to waive vaccines if they choose. She testified before the government health policy committee as to why this bill should not pass. The group successfully stopped the bill from passing and to date; Michigan is one of about 15 states that still have the philosophical exemption. The group is now called, Michigan For Vaccine Choice.

That was the beginning of a dedicated, passionate career of educating and reaching out to parents around the country. Mary has been sharing and encouraging parents to be proactive in the health of their family, utilizing natural, holistic and health promoting ideas for raising their children. She had four of her five children born at home with midwives, promotes breastfeeding, attachment parenting and an active healthy lifestyle supports home education and is a dedicated Christian. She founded the Precious Health Campaign to help reach parents across America so that they too would have the same opportunity for healthy families.

Mary speaks around the US and Canada and does radio and podcast interviews often. She is on a passionate mission to reach parents and physicians with the truth about vaccine toxicity, natural immunity benefits and more.  She published her first book called, Natural Immune Development, A Deeper Understanding available on this site and downloadable on Kindle.

>> You can purchase Mary’s DVD set “Vaccines: Risks, Responsibility and Rights” here:


Power Hour listeners can 50% use coupon code “ vax2022

Archives for today’s show:

May 19, 2022 (hour 1) 

May 19, 2022 (hour 2)

Friday, May 20, 2022

News + Open lines

Archives for today’s show:

May 20, 2021 (hour 1)

May 20, 2021 (hour 2)

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