June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Week of (November 22 -26, 2021)

Monday, November 22, 2021:

Hour 1:  News + Open lines

Hour 2: William Federer, Author of 20 books and speaking in over 100 cities a year, William J. Federer is a best-selling author and nationally known speaker. His book America’s God and Country: Encyclopedia of Quotations has sold over a half-million copies! His daily radio feature “American Minute” and popular television program “Faith in History” broadcast nationally.

See: American Minute with Bill FedererThe – First NATIONAL Days of Thanksgiving

Website: http://americanminute.com

Archives for today’s show:

November 22, 2021 (hour 1) 

November 22, 2021 (hour 2)

Tuesday, November 23, 2021:

Hour 1: Don Huffines

Don Huffines is a proud fifth-generation Texan, husband, father, grandfather, and self-made businessman.  Don fought fearlessly for fiscal restraint and government accountability in the Texas State Senate while representing Dallas County’s District 16.

During his two legislative sessions, Don earned a reputation for being one of Texas’ most conservative lawmakers.

Website: www.donhuffines.com 

Hour 2: Former YouTube software engineer and self-proclaimed “whistleblower” Zach Vorhies.

Website: www.zachvorhies.com

New book:Google Leaks: A Whistleblower’s Exposé of Big Tech Censorship”  

Archives for today’s show:

November 23, 2021 (hour 1) 

November 23, 2021 (hour 2)

Wednesday, November 24, 2021:

Hour 1:

  1st half: News

  2nd half: Wayne Elliott, lifelong herbal healthcare professional and international leader in the field of waste and resource recycling will share timely information on the heart-health benefits of Strauss Heart Drops.

Strauss Products mentioned on today’s show are available by visiting www.thepowermall.com or by calling 877-817-9829.

Hour 2: Larry Klayman, author of It Takes a Revolution: Forget the Scandal Industry!  Klayman, is founder and former chairman of the successful non-profit foundation Judicial Watch, and current chairman of Freedom Watch

Website: freedomwatchusa.org

Archives for today’s show:

November 24, 2021 (hour 1) 

November 24, 2021 (hour 2)

Thursday, November 25, 2021:

Holiday Rebroadcast

Hour 1:  News 

Hour 2: William Federer discusses the  First NATIONAL Days of Thanksgiving

Website: http://americanminute.com

Archives for today’s show:

November 25, 2021 (hour 1)

November 25, 2021 (hour 2)

Friday, November 26, 2021:

Holiday Rebroadcast

Hour 1: News + Guest Dennis Behreandt of The New American

Article Archives: https://thenewamerican.com/contributor/dennis-behreandt/ 

Hour 2: Kenneth Rapoza, industry analyst from the Coalition for a Prosperous America, former staff foreign correspondent for the Wall Street Journal and a senior contributor to Forbes covering China since 2011. 

Archives for today’s show:

November 26, 2021 (hour 1)

November 26, 2021 (hour 2)

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