June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

We’re Being Played: Video Shows COVID Vaccine Being Administered With Empty Syringe

President Trump and hoaxes. (Photo illustration: Yahoo News; photos: AP, Getty Images (2))

Shocking video out of Brazil shows the country’s Health Secretary receiving a COVID-19 vaccination that appears to actually be an empty syringe.

Brazil’s Secretary of Health Benedita Oliveira is shown in the video supposedly receiving the COVID-19 vaccine in Quixada, but closer inspection reveals the vaccine syringe is empty, with the doctor administering it slightly pulling the plunger back to give the impression he’s about to squeeze the vaccine into her arm.

Other televised COVID-19 vaccinations show similar antics.

This video from University Medical Center in El Paso, Texas shows healthcare workers getting jabbed with the syringe, with the plunger already fully pressed, indicating the COVID-19 vaccine was never actually administered.

Some have even received the vaccine with the plastic cap still on the needle.

For example, the premier of Queensland, Australia, Annastacia Palaszczuk, was seen on TV receiving a COVID jab with the cap still on, prompting the Associated Press to call the incident a conspiracy theory after questions began piling up.


But why the deception?

Nurse Erin Olszewski Reveals The Shocking Truth Behind Covid!


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