June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

What is on the G7 summit agenda?

Reuters – Leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) wealthy nations begin a three day meeting in Cornwall, England, on Friday, discussing issues ranging from COVID-19 vaccines and economic recovery to climate change and geopolitics.

The G7 is made up of the United States, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan. Representatives from the European Union also attend. This year South Korea, South Africa and Australia will attend parts of the summit. India, also an invited guest, will participate in some of the summit virtually.

Here is the outline agenda:

Friday: First discussion session – Building back from COVID-19.

Saturday: Second discussion session – Economic resilience

Third discussion session – Foreign Policy

Fourth discussion session – Health. Melinda French Gates and UK Chief Scientific Adviser Patrick Vallance will address leaders virtually at the meeting.

Sunday: Fifth discussion session – Climate and Nature. Naturalist David Attenborough gives a pre-recorded video message.

Sixth discussion session – Open societies.

Leaders are expected to issue a communique.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson holds a media conference, followed by other leaders’ conferences.

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