June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Who is Dave from Texas?

I’ve known Dave from Texas for sixty-eight years, both of us having been born in the same year, in the same place, and at the same hour. You might say I know him better than anyone could know the secrets of another human being.
Sitting on his front porch one evening, listening to the music of coyotes and hoot owls that surround his small cabin in the wooded outskirts of Dry Springs, he told me of his recent invitation to write stories for the world-wide audience of “The Power Hour Nation.”
I already knew him to be a long-time listener, frequent caller and occasional guest on The Power Hour Radio Show. And knowing his diverse professional background included many years of writing and broadcasting, I had few doubts about his abilities. But I did have a few questions about the timing of such a challenge at his age.
“You’ve got a terminal illness, Dave! Did you bother to tell the folks at The Power Hour? Are you even certain in your own mind that you can do it?” I asked in disbelief.
That familiar grin came across his face once again as he answered my questions. He was too humble to look directly into my eyes, but that was okay, as I already knew what laid behind his.
“Regarding the question of the day or hour of my death, he responded, only my Heavenly Father knows that answer. As for sharing my condition with The Power Hour, they already knew about it. Regarding the question of my mental and emotional abilities to write stories, you’ll just have to ask the people who read them. I pray over every one of them,” he added.
Dave from Texas has a way with words, and having read – or heard – every one of them, I can honestly say that all of them come from the heart of this crusty old man.
Today, living in remote woods of northeast Texas in a small cabin of his own construction, admired by an ever-growing population of four-legged companions, Dave from Texas reflects on the matters most important in his final days – the matters most important to all of us.
With a unique and simple writing style, using humor, satire and gentle provocation, he writes about life from “both ends”. His stories – written both before and after his terminal diagnoses will entertain and inspire you.
Your comments on any of them are welcome and you may contact him directly by email.

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