June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Jay's Corner: The Miracle of Healon

Salley Enterprises makes some of the best products around, like most innovators, Ron Salley doesn’t know the meaning of the word impossible.
Many years ago Ron Salley introduced Joyce Riley to his product, Healon.  And over the years you may have heard Joyce say over the air that she had to use Healon on her cats and dogs.  The cats would get in fights with each other, the dogs would go out into the woods and come home all scared up and injured.  She frequently praised this product as being one item that you simply must not be without.
To throw in my opinion of the product, absolutely 100% behind what Joyce had experienced.  A few years back Ron sent all of us employees at the Power Mall a bottle of this Healon to try for ourselves.  Well for me, I had a tendency to bake in the oven and forget to use my oven mitts to take the food out of the oven.  I would grab just a small mitt, just not my full hand oven mitt.  And suffered the consequences!!  Although I  would use the old wives tale and put butter on it afterwards,  it would still scar later, and  for months that scar would still be there.  I looked like I had battle scars of my hands and wrist.  When I was given the Healon to try I decided to use it after another oven battle, and immediately no burn  sensation, and within a few days you never knew I had been baking. So much better than butter !!!!
Another example of this magnificent product; my husband fell off of a ladder down onto a file cabinet.  He scraped his side from the ribs down the waist area and it looked hideous!  I cleaned and sanitized the area and put the Healon over it.  The pain subsided and we kept applying it to the area a few times a day.  Within 3 days there was such a dramatic improvement, it was simply amazing!  I have never known of a product to work to well and so fast.  I sincerely became a believer after that.  I too will not be without this product.  I even carry an extra bottle in my purse, and yes have used it on others.
According to reports from users, his Healon product has shown itself to be effective in as little as 3 days.  In just 3 days, people see improvement.  In 3 weeks, some have reported to be completely healed.  Sores that have never healed in the past are healing.
Ron uses only organically grown or wild crafted herbs.  He adds nothing unnatural, no emulsifiers, so you do have to shake the bottle before using.
Healon may be used on bed sores, blisters (ulcers), diaper rash, dry cracked skin, various minor skin irritation and toe fungus.
Healon is a perfect blend of natural organic herbals, botanicals, oils and emollients that complement and helps restore the body’s healing chemistry.  It contains the empirical healing properties formulated using a proprietary “cold extraction process”  to increase the bioavailability of herbals and botanicals.
This product is a must for your natural first-aid kit!
This week’s special is buy 2 Healon’s and get 1 FREE (you must call The Power Mall at 877-817-9829 to take advantage of this offer)
* Offer valid from 3/5-3/11 2018 – Limit one offer per person
Healon is available at thepowermall.com or by calling 877-817-9829
Amazing Healon testimony from Phillip S.
On Thursday, January 19, 2017
TO: Mr. Ron “Bo” Salley
Last year, my foot became infected.  The doctor tried to get rid of the infection with antibiotics.  After 2 weeks with no success, he decided to get an MRI.  He found a piece of metal in my foot that had gone through my tendon to my bone.  Apparently, it had been there about 4 months.  I never knew when it went in and never felt any pain. The only way I knew it was there was the infection on 1/4 of my foot.  He told me that I would need it surgically removed or possibly risk loss. I had him schedule an appointment immediately.
My first picture shows the foot the day after surgery on October 29, 2016. I started putting HEALON on my foot immediately every time changed my bandages.  After the bandages, I put HEALON on one drop twice a day.   I took pictures regularly until this date January 2, 2017.  As you can see, the scar is almost totally gone.  I figure in a couple more weeks, that there will be no trace of scar whatsoever.
My foot surgeon was totally amazed and wanted to know what I used.  He had never quite seen anything like that.  Of course, he wanted to claim it was his superior job of stitching.  Hahaha!  We both knew that was a joke.  It still would have left a scar.
This HEALON is beyond believeable.  I did get my surgeon and his nurse attendant a supply of HEALON and some of your other products.  He is going to try it out himself.  I already know, he will be AMAZED as I am.
Thank you for all you do.  I am a long time user of your HEALON products, and totally convinced of its effectiveness.
Bless you for the year 2017, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Your friend, Phillip S.
PS:  I never want to be without HEALON products for its many uses on cuts, scars, scrapes, burns, nails, and wrinkles.  As far as I’m concerned, nothing on the market can touch these great miracle products.
Healon progress images from Phillip S.

The information provided on the pages of this web site are intended as information only and are not a substitute for diagnosis and treatment by a physician or health care provider.  If you have a health concern, please seek advise from a physician or health care provider specialized in your area of concern. Do not take if you are pregnant or nursing. These products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition or disease.

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