July 19, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

News: November 03, 2023


Pictures: Over a Million Left Without Power as 100mph+ Storm Rips Through Britain and France

Winds up to 180 kilometers per hour (108 mph) slammed France’s Atlantic coast overnight as Storm Ciaran lashed countries around western Europe, uprooting trees, blowing out windows and leaving 1.2 million French households without electricity Thursday.

Strong winds and rain also battered southern England and the Channel Islands, where gusts of more than 160 kph (100 mph) were reported. Hundreds of schools stayed closed in the coastal communities of Cornwall and Devon as downed trees and flooding hindered morning commutes.

Salon Magazine: MAGA Republicans, Christian Nationalism ‘Bigger Threat to America than Hamas’

Today’s Republicans, as well as Christian nationalism, are a greater threat to the United States than the Hamas terrorist organization, which is responsible for scores of terror attacks including the most recent massacre of over 1,000 civilians — according to a recent Salon piece that is drawing fierce backlash for the “gross” assertion.

Following the deadliest attack on Jewish people since the Nazi Holocaust, Salon magazine published an essay declaring MAGA Republicans and Christian supporters a “bigger threat” to America than the Hamas terrorist perpetrators. 

FBI Director Wray: Iran Has Attempted To Hire Assassins To Kill Current And Former U.S Gov. Officials

Following the murder of 1,400 Israelis by Palestinian Islamic terrorists last month, FBI Director Christopher Wray issued a warning this week about the increasing potential of terrorist strikes in the United States.

In front of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, Wray made these statements during his opening speech.

“It seems especially well-timed this year with the dangerous implications the very fluid situation in the Middle East has for our homeland security,” he said. “The reality is that the terrorism threat has been elevated throughout 2023, but the ongoing war in the Middle East has raised the threat of an attack against Americans in the United States to a whole other level.”

“It’s not just Hamas,” he continued. “As the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, the Iranians, for instance, have directly, or by hiring criminals, mounted assassination attempts against dissidents and high-ranking current and former U.S. government officials, including right here on American soil. Along those lines, Hezbollah, Iran’s primary strategic partner, has a history of seeding operatives and infrastructure, obtaining money and weapons, and spying in this country going back years.”

Exclusive: Swiss authorities, banks mull new rules to prevent bank runs -sources

Swiss authorities and lenders, including UBS (UBSG.S), are discussing new measures to prevent bank runs after Credit Suisse’s rescue earlier this year, four sources familiar with the matter said, a move that could affect billions in deposits.

The talks, which have not been previously reported and are part of a broader review of the country’s banking rules, are intended for the top Swiss banks and could target mainly their wealth clients, two of the sources said.

Divide and Conquer: Here We Go Again

‘Divide and conquer’ works until we’ve had enough of it, and then it doesn’t.

Geopolitical endeavors and big wars are mob battles and money laundering schemes, designed to make the very rich richer at the expense of the people on the ground.

Unfortunately, psychopathic individuals in high positions of power are very skilled at pulling ordinary people into their militant talking points and their dirty wars.

One of the tragic consequences of the tricks that the tyrants play on us is the destruction of warmth and camaraderie in formerly tight communities over the “angry zombie” talking points.

We are living history, and in every challenging situation, there is a lesson and opportunity for growth; learning how to remain even-headed and grounded in spiritual honesty under pressure is a very valuable skill.

No matter how difficult our journey may be, and how twisted the route, the destination is always healing, and the point is always love.

… and when you’re not paying attention, this is what THEY do! 

Watchdog Report: U.S. Has Given Afghanistan $11 Billion in Aid Since Disastrous Biden Withdrawal

John Sopko, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), issued his latest report on Monday.

The report revealed the United States and its allies have supported the Afghan economy with “cash shipments” averaging $80 million that “arrive in Kabul every 10-14 days” ever since the Taliban takeover and President Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal in 2021. The U.S. has sent over $11 billion in assistance to Afghanistan and Afghan refugees since then.


They should reword the Robert Fripp song, “The Fall of the Crypto King”!

Sam Bankman-Fried trial: former crypto star facing up to 110 years after being found guilty of fraud – as it happened

Sam Bankman-Fried is still facing multiple counts of foreign bribery conspiracy and bank fraud that were scheduled for a separate trial due to start in March 2024, the same month he is supposed to be sentenced.

Judge Lewis Kaplan, however, today asked prosecutors to provide an update by February on whether that case will proceed.

The US attorney Damian Williams told reporters that Bankman-Fried “perpetrated one of the biggest financial frauds in American history, a multibillion-dollar scheme designed to make him the king of crypto”.

Biden extends Executive Order 12938 for one year! (see attached PDF)  Does it really matter whether the mainstream media talks about this?

For those who want the truth, the whole truth and nothing BUT the truth … 

Trump and the 14th Amendment: Reiterating

An Open Letter Sent to Donald’s Legal Team in Colorado

This will be short. I promise. Those claiming that Trump is disqualified from running for the presidency next year because the 14th Amendment, Section 3, bars anyone having engaged in an “insurrection” from running for (or holding) public office, haven’t read the entire Amendment.

I’m not a lawyer or law professor or other legal “expert,” but I can read plain English.

Section 5 of the 14th Amendment specifically designates Congress as authorized to make this judgment, not any court — state or federal.

What Section 5 states: “The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.”

If Judge Wallace rules that Trump’s name cannot appear on the Colorado ballot next year, the ruling will need to be appealed immediately to the Supreme Court with this information, lest the ruling be precedent-setting (Minnesota, Michigan, elsewhere).

If the Supremes follow the Constitution, they will drop everything else and reverse the Colorado ruling immediately.

Chinese Funds Moved Through Biden Family Accounts to Joe Biden, Bank Records and Documents Suggest

President Biden received a $40,000 ‘loan repayment’ from his brother in funds sourced from a Chinese-owned company, Republican memo argues

Bank records and other documents suggest that a $40,000 payment President Joe Biden received from his brother in 2017 may have originated from a Chinese firm and moved through a series of Biden-family entities, according to a memo compiled by the Republican-led House Oversight Committee.

The evidence in the memo does not establish beyond a reasonable doubt that the money from the Chinese firm was meant for President Biden, who at the time was a private citizen and a former vice president. But several layers of circumstantial evidence, including a text message from Hunter Biden to his Chinese associates in which he invoked his father’s name days before the money was wired to a Hunter Biden account, has led the Republican chair of the Oversight Committee, Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), to accuse President Biden of receiving the foreign funds.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment. President Biden has vehemently denied that he benefited from his family’s business ventures.

James Comer: National Archives Withholding 99.98% of Pages of Joe Biden’s Alias Emails

The Biden administration is obstructing the House impeachment inquiry by withholding 99.98 percent of emails from President Joe Biden, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) recently said.

The emails, thousands of which are under aliases, are in the possession of the National Archives and are relevant to the impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden. The alias accounts raise concern because they are unusual, suspicious, and “shady,” experts and lawmakers previously told Breitbart News. The use of a private email for official business is discouraged by law.

Like THAT’S going to work … like everything else she’s been put in charge of? 

Biden Confronts Wave of Antisemitism by Putting Kamala Harris in Charge of Islamophobia

President Joe Biden has found a novel way to fight a dramatic rise in antisemitism since the Hamas terror attack on Israel October 7: putting Vice President Kamala Harris in charge of a new “national strategy on Islamophobia.”

The country has seen a near 400% rise in antisemitic incidents since the start of the war, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

GOP Sen. Mullin: We Have to Strike Iran, They’ll Back Down if We Do

On Wednesday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “Rob Schmitt Tonight,” Sen. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) argued that the U.S. needs to strike Iran and that while Iran may bluster, when they’re hit, they back down.

Host Rob Schmitt asked, “What is your take on that idea, you attack Iran, go after them?”

Mullin answered, “Well, you have to. … Iran’s going to be a bully and they’re going to continue to be a bully unless they are threatened. The reason why they stayed within their boundaries underneath President Trump is because they were afraid of him. They knew that his words meant something, and that they were going to be followed up with actions if they did this, which is what they’re doing right now. The Middle East, Rob, only responds to strength, not words. They do rhetoric all the time. Think about the rhetoric that they’ve had towards the United States since the late seventies. … These individuals that want to be dictators, they stand up and say the worst things they can possibly say, but they do nothing about it. If you strike them back, Rob, they will back down. They’re going to say awful things, but they’ll back down. And we have to take this head of the snake off. That’s it. Hamas is not the head. Hezbollah is not the head. The funder of Hezbollah and Hamas is Iran, and everybody knows that.”

Judge Overturns Primary Election, Calling Evidence of Fraud ‘Shocking’

A primary election in Connecticut has been overturned by a judge, who said the evidence presented was “shocking.”

The Sept. 12 Democrat primary for the race to become Bridgeport’s mayor included thousands of absentee ballots. John Gomes, one of the candidates, presented evidence indicating some of the ballots were cast fraudulently.

State law enables absentee voting but contains multiple rules, including that a person who helps distribute more than five absentee applications must register with the town clerk as a distributor.

Adams’ chief fundraiser raided by FBI over alleged kickback scheme involving Turkish government

The home of a top fundraiser for New York City Mayor Eric Adams was raided by the feds early Thursday morning as part of an investigation over an alleged kickback scheme involving the Turkish government and a Brooklyn construction company.

Federal agents burst into the Brooklyn home of Brianna Suggs, a campaign consultant and lobbyist — just as Adams abruptly bailed on a slate of White House immigration meetings to fly back to the Big Apple almost as soon as he had landed in Washington DC, The Post confirmed.

The raid was connected to a broader public corruption probe by the feds looking into whether money was illegally funneled to Adams’ 2021 mayoral campaign via a Williamsburg-based construction company – and was purposely conducted while the mayor was out of town, law enforcement sources said

Complaint Calls for Trump New York Trial Judge’s Clerk to Be Disbarred for Excessive Political Donations

The top clerk for New York Justice Arthur Engoron, Allison Greenfield, appears to have violated judicial rules preventing officers of the court from making excessive political donations, Breitbart News has learned.

What’s more, it appears Engoron was advised of Greenfield’s violations in a 72-page complaint addressed to his court via email  that was also filed with the New York State Bar Association the same day he decided to issue a gag order against former President Donald Trump in his case currently playing out in Engoron’s Manhattan courtroom. Engoron has subsequently fined Trump a total of $15,000 for two alleged violations of that gag order preventing the former president from criticizing his principal law clerk.

California Senate Hopeful Adam Schiff Maintains Primary Residence in…Maryland!

If one were to compile a list of hypocritical, clueless members of Congress, Adam Schiff (D-CA) would be near, if not at, the top of the list. Now, as he is engaged in a campaign for a California Senate seat, we find he claims as his primary residence a 3,420-square-foot house — in Maryland.

Police in Armored Vehicle Fire Tear Gas at Legal Observers Who Filmed Interaction Between Cops and Protesters

The Rutherford Institute is calling on the U.S. Supreme Court to hold police accountable for firing tear gas from an armored vehicle at legal observers who were standing in the yard of one of their homes after lawfully and peacefully filming interactions between police and protesters. In an amicus brief filed with the Supreme Court in Molina v. Book, Rutherford Institute attorneys note the importance of such legal observers and citizen-journalists to expose wrongdoing by police, and argue it is clearly established that the First Amendment protects citizens from retaliation for observing or recording police activity in public.

The Republican candidates who have qualified for the third debate

Four Republican presidential candidates have qualified for the third GOP debate on Nov. 8, according to their campaigns.

Why it matters: That’s about half as many candidates as the first and second primary debates. Like the first two, the Miami debate is unlikely to feature frontrunner former President Trump.

Driving the news: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, businessman Vivek Ramaswamy and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie have all qualified for the third debate, their campaigns said to Axios.

Speaker Johnson Floats Novel Idea for Avoiding Government Shutdown

With time running out on the 45-day stop-gap funding bill, Speaker Johnson is searching for a way to keep the government funded without losing his job.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) floated the idea of a “laddered” continuing resolution (CR), a novel idea for avoiding a potential government shutdown on Nov. 17, when the 45-day stop-gap funding law expires.

“Potentially, you would do a CR that extends individual pieces of the appropriations process, individual bills,” Mr. Johnson said at a Nov. 2 press conference.

The idea could be a lifesaver for the newly elected speaker, who could soon find himself between the same rock and hard place that crushed his predecessor: the choice between allowing the government to shut down for lack of funding and passing a stop-gap spending bill.


House passes $14 billion in Israel aid with costly cuts to IRS

The Republican-controlled House on Thursday approved legislation to send roughly $14 billion in emergency aid to Israel and cut about the same amount from the Internal Revenue Service, in a deeply divided vote on a measure that Senate leaders say they won’t take up and President Biden has already threatened to veto.

‘Exploded into a Fireball’: Woman Wins $7.1 Million After Cooking Spray Fire Burns Her

A Pennsylvania woman has been awarded $7.1 million in a lawsuit against Conagra Brands after she was badly injured when a can of the manufacturer’s commercial cooking spray ignited and set her aflame. 

It was May 2017 when Tammy Reese was going about her day, working in a kitchen at a social club when “suddenly and without warning” a can of Swell cooking spray “exploded into a fireball, causing burns and injuries,” according to her lawsuit obtained by the Associated Press. 

Uber and Lyft to pay out $328m to New York ride-share drivers

Drivers celebrate ‘historic victory’ as companies agree to settlement after being accused of withholding wages and benefits

The ride-share companies Uber and Lyft have agreed to a historic settlement totaling $328m after being accused of withholding wages and benefits, such as mandatory paid sick leave, from drivers.

The news, announced by the New York state attorney general’s office, comes after a multi-year investigation following a complaint filed by the New York Taxi Workers Alliance (NYTWA) union, alleging the companies were committing wage theft and passing on taxes and fees to drivers rather than passengers. The attorney general’s office said it was the largest wage-theft settlement it has ever won.

National Association of Realtors CEO quits earlier than expected after federal lawsuit loss

The National Association of Realtors announced Thursday that CEO Bob Goldberg will resign earlier than expected, as the group contends with the fallout from a federal lawsuit and a harassment scandal.

The leadership transition comes days after a federal jury found the association — and some residential brokerages, including units of Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway

 — liable for conspiring to artificially inflate commissions from home sales. The NAR was ordered to pay $1.78 billion in damages.

Home Equity Trends Mixed Across U.S. In Third Quarter Despite Continued Price Increases

ATTOM, a leading curator of land, property, and real estate data, today released its third-quarter 2023 U.S. Home Equity & Underwater Report, which shows that 47.4 percent of mortgaged residential properties in the United States were considered equity-rich in the third quarter, meaning that the combined estimated amount of loan balances secured by those properties was no more than half of their estimated market values.

Zombie Foreclosures Rise In Fourth Quarter Across U.S. As Lenders Pursue More Delinquent Mortgages

ATTOM, a leading curator of land, property, and real estate data, today released its fourth-quarter 2023 Vacant Property and Zombie Foreclosure Report showing that 1.3 million (1,294,505) residential properties in the United States are vacant. That figure represents 1.27 percent, or one in 78 homes, across the nation – virtually the same as in the third quarter of this year.

Foreclosures and Bankruptcies Won’t Crash the Housing Market

If you’ve been following the news recently, you might have seen articles about an increase in foreclosures and bankruptcies. That could be making you feel uneasy, especially if you’re thinking about buying or selling a house.

But the truth is, even though the numbers are going up, the data shows the housing market isn’t headed for a crisis.

Wal-Mart is looking to give its stores a facelift, while Target is shelling out billions to refresh its in-person and digital shopping experiences and JCPenney, fresh out of Chapter 11 bankruptcy, is investing a billion dollars to renovate its brick and mortar stores!  Like any of this is going to help, given the “woke” boycotts, which the mainstream media keeps forgetting to mention …

Walmart taps inventory management system to predict demand ahead of holidays

Every retailer is arguably part fortune teller, and every merchandising plan is a bet that future demand will justify a particular product mix or inventory level.

Indeed, major retailers often make bold predictions about the course of the US economy: “It’s going to be a big holiday season,” Walmart US president and CEO John Furner told investors during an earnings call in August.

But where does such a prediction come from? Does Walmart have a crystal ball hidden somewhere in its Bentonville, Arkansas, HQ or is this just a best guess?

The answer is obviously the latter, but the company’s economic predictions aren’t coming out of nowhere. Walmart uses an AI-powered inventory management system to predict demand, and this year it’s testing out a new and improved version designed to help meet demand without building up excess inventory like it did in 2021.

“The inventory management system is going to be key, and we are super excited to use it this upcoming holiday season and serve our customers in a much better and improved way,” Parvez Musani, SVP of Walmart Global Tech, told Retail Brew.


7 Food Additives Banned in Europe, Commonly Used in the US

The stark contrast between food quality in the United States and Europe is often immediately apparent to those who travel abroad.

The stark contrast between food quality in the United States and Europe is often immediately apparent to those who travel abroad.

Before visiting Italy, Anna Fox was strictly gluten-free due to her doctor’s recommendation. After avoiding gluten for a few months, Mrs. Fox noticed an improvement in her digestive health and mental clarity. “I regained physical and mental energy I didn’t know I lost,” Mrs. Fox explained.

But she became concerned that she would lose the good health she gained while vacationing in Europe, given her intention to savor the pizza and pasta of Italy. “There was no way I was going to miss out on Italy’s iconic cuisine,” she said. While vacationing, Mrs. Fox enjoyed Italy’s infamous gluten-containing dishes. But to her pleasant surprise, she did not experience the unwanted symptoms that occurred when she ate gluten back home in the United States. “Every day there, I felt refreshed rather than drained. I was elated.”

Conducting Health: Our Electrical Connection to the Earth and Sun

Studies show that the Earth’s rich supply of free electrons can have multiple and systemic effects on several physiological functions.

Humans are inherently electrical beings. Electricity keeps our hearts beating, makes our muscles contract, and facilitates signals throughout our nervous systems that enable us to think, feel, move, and interact with the world around us.

Neurons in particular are highly electrical cells, although our energetic nature goes far beyond our brains. Understanding this electrical nature helps us understand different keys to health—and different factors contributing to disease.

Inside Our Bodies

Doctors rely on measuring our electrical activity to help diagnose different diseases. An EKG, or electrocardiogram, measures the electricity of the heart, for example. Electrical stimuli are generated in the heart’s upper right chamber called the sinus node, or sinoatrial node.

Depending on variables such as age, fitness level, height, and weight, the heart produces electrical pulses 60 to 100 times every minute. This electrical energy powers the heart to contract and pump blood through our bodies.


Executive Order On The Safe, Secure, And Trustworthy Development And Use Of Artificial Intelligence

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1.  Purpose.  Artificial intelligence (AI) holds extraordinary potential for both promise and peril.  Responsible AI use has the potential to help solve urgent challenges while making our world more prosperous, productive, innovative, and secure.  At the same time, irresponsible use could exacerbate societal harms such as fraud, discrimination, bias, and disinformation; displace and disempower workers; stifle competition; and pose risks to national security.  Harnessing AI for good and realizing its myriad benefits requires mitigating its substantial risks.  This endeavor demands a society-wide effort that includes government, the private sector, academia, and civil society.

My Administration places the highest urgency on governing the development and use of AI safely and responsibly, and is therefore advancing a coordinated, Federal Government-wide approach to doing so.  The rapid speed at which AI capabilities are advancing compels the United States to lead in this moment for the sake of our security, economy, and society.

In the end, AI reflects the principles of the people who build it, the people who use it, and the data upon which it is built.  I firmly believe that the power of our ideals; the foundations of our society; and the creativity, diversity, and decency of our people are the reasons that America thrived in past eras of rapid change.  They are the reasons we will succeed again in this moment.  We are more than capable of harnessing AI for justice, security, and opportunity for all.

AI-Generated Deepfake Porn Scandal Rocks New Jersey High School

A New Jersey high school is grappling with the fallout from a scandal involving AI-generated explicit images of female students circulated by their male peers. It is just the latest example of the disastrous consequences of unrestrained AI on American culture.

The New York Post reports that Westfield High School, a well-regarded school in Westfield, New Jersey, has become the center of a troubling controversy. AI-generated pornographic images of female students were reportedly created and distributed among male students, sparking a police investigation and widespread parental concern. Images and videos created by AI, known as deepfakes, can be very dificult to identify as computer generated.


Lawmakers Demand Answers From Costco Over Sale of Surveillance Equipment Made Using ‘Banned Chinese Components’

Rep. Christopher Smith and Sen. Jeff Merkley questioned the retail giant’s continued sale of Lorex products, which have been linked to human rights abuses.

Two bipartisan lawmakers are demanding answers from Costco over its decision to continue selling Chinese-manufactured security products that have been linked to human rights abuses and cybersecurity risks.

In a letter dated Oct. 31, Rep. Christopher Smith (R-N.J.) and Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) questioned the retail giant’s continued sale of Lorex security products, noting that the company previously had ties to China-based company Dahua, whose products are restricted in the United States by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

Lorex is a former subsidiary of camera maker Zhejiang Dahua Technology, a China-based company that was added to the U.S. trade blacklist in 2019 because of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) treatment of Uyghurs and other predominantly Muslim ethnic minorities.


And for those who think the government “shovels” enough of THIS, let’s pause for some useful commentary:

Chicken Manure as Fertilizer

If you have a backyard flock and want to increase the soil health of your garden, did you know that you can use chicken manure as a fertilizer? Assuming you follow a few simple steps, your plants and your soil will love you. You’ll also have the added benefit of getting rid of all that chicken poop in an environmentally friendly way.


Georgia Gun Store Owner: Sales to Jewish Buyers Trending Up

This short piece of text, this natural right documented in our Constitution, is something that only we Americans enjoy:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The United States is unique among the family of nations for many reasons, but the Second Amendment is certainly one of the biggest ones. In Georgia, Jewish people are increasingly becoming patrons of gun stores, for reasons that may be obvious.

Sam Landesman never thought he’d buy a gun.

“That’s the last thing I’d want to own is a firearm,” Landesman said. 

But Landesman, like others he knows, fears antisemitism abroad and at home in Georgia. 

“I feel like I need to be ready to protect myself and protect my family,” Landesman explained to FOX 5.

Report: Jordanian Arrested in Texas Was ‘Plotting to Attack a Jewish Gathering’

A Jordanian national was arrested in Houston, Texas, last month on a federal firearm possession charge and was “plotting to attack a Jewish gathering,” according to a report.

Sohaib Abuayyash, 20, who is in the United States on an expired nonimmigrant visa, made “statements to others that support the killing of individuals of particular religious faiths,” and “referenced an event in Houston for members of a particular religious group,” according to a federal court judge who ordered the man be detained pending trial.

The affidavit also says Abuayyash “has been in direct contact with others who share a radical mindset, has been conducting physical training, and has trained with weapons to possibly commit an attack.”

But in an order of detention pending trial document filed on October 24, US Magistrate Judge Christina A. Bryan wrote that Abuayyash “has viewed specific and detailed content posted by radical organizations on the internet including lessons on how to construct bombs or explosive devices; and that Defendant has made statements to others that support the killing of individuals of particular religious faiths.”

Read the full report here.

FBI Director Christopher Wray, during his Tuesday remarks before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, alluded to Abuayyash, though the nation’s top law enforcement official did not mention him by name.


Twisted Anti-Vaxxers Rush to Blame Matthew Perry’s Death on Covid Vaccine

In addition to Friends — which ran for 10 seasons and 236 episodes, and for a number of years was one of the most-watched television shows in America, earning Perry an Emmy nomination in 2002 for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series — the actor earned a pair of Emmy nods for his scene-stealing turn as Associate White House Counsel Joe Quincy on The West Wing, and had memorable performances on Scrubs, The Good Wife/The Good Fight, and Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, as well as the films Fools Rush In, The Whole Nine Yards series, and 17 Again opposite Zac Efron.

When the news of Perry’s passing broke Saturday afternoon, a number of prominent right-wing/anti-vax accounts on X (formerly Twitter) — including Kandiss Taylor, a former Republican candidate for governor of Georgia and current GOP chair of Georgia’s 1st congressional district (and who also recently compared Taylor Swift to Satan) — were quick to blame the actor’s death on Perry being vaccinated for Covid-19 — even before an official cause of death had been established.


Students walk out of Hillary Clinton’s class to protest Columbia ‘shaming’ pro-Palestinian demonstrators
Walkout at foreign policy lecture was in support of students who signed a declaration blaming Israel for October Hamas attacks

Dozens of students walked out of a class taught by Hillary Clinton in New York on Wednesday in protest at their university’s alleged role in the “shaming” of pro-Palestinian demonstrators.

About 30 students were involved in the protest at Columbia University, where the former secretary of state and previous senator for the state was delivering a foreign policy lecture as part of her global affairs class.

The walkout followed an incident last week in which photographs of students who signed a declaration blaming Israel for the 7 October Hamas attacks were displayed on video screens on trucks parked near the university campus above the words “Columbia’s biggest antisemites”, the New York Times reported.

Elon Musk Says George Soros ‘Hates Humanity’ and Backs Policies That ‘Erode the Fabric of Civilization’

Elon Musk has once again criticized billionaire activist George Soros, claiming he pushes leftist policies that ‘erode the fabric of civilization.’

Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk has renewed his criticism of left-wing financier-activist George Soros, claiming that the big-ticket donor of various left-leaning causes “fundamentally hates humanity” and is undermining civilization.

Mr. Musk made the remarks in an Oct. 31 episode of Joe Rogan’s popular podcast, in which the Tesla CEO unloaded on Mr. Soros and his history of donating money to the election campaigns of progressive district attorneys who would pursue policies that are soft on crime.

“He is, I believe, the top contributor to the Democratic party,” Mr. Musk told Mr. Rogan.

Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Teases Gender ‘Non-Binary’ Bonanza

Not even Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is safe from the left’s maniacal obsession with gender non-conformity.

The family-friendly holiday tradition — which will be broadcast on NBC — will feature performances from several Broadway shows, including the musicals Shucked and & Juliet, both of which feature gender “non-binary” performers in major roles.


Mariah Carey sued for copyright infringement over All I Want for Christmas Is You

Carey faces second lawsuit from songwriter Andy Stone over huge holiday hit, after he filed to dismiss his own 2022 claim

Mariah Carey has been sued over alleged copyright infringement with her perennial festive hit All I Want For Christmas Is You.

As reported in Billboard, it is the second lawsuit she has faced from songwriter Andy Stone – who performed under the name Vince Vance – who filed then withdrew a similar claim in 2022.

Stone released a similarly lovelorn song of the same name in 1989 with his group Vince Vance & the Valiants, reaching No 52 in the US country singles chart in 1994 after receiving extensive radio play during Christmas 1993. Carey’s song was recorded and released in 1994.

Stone’s lawsuit claims: “The phrase ‘all I want for Christmas is you’ may seem like a common parlance today, in 1988 it was, in context, distinctive […] Moreover, the combination of the specific chord progression in the melody paired with the verbatim hook was a greater than 50% clone of [Stone’s] original work, in both lyric choice and chord expressions.

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