June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

NSA Whistleblower William Binney Tells CIA Director the DNC Hack was Inside Job

CIA Director Mike Pompeo reportedly met with NSA whistleblower William Binney for an hour at CIA headquarters two weeks ago at the request of President Trump. Binney disputes US intelligence claims over Russian hacking of DNC emails and has done forensic analysis to conclude that someone “with physical access” inside the DNC leaked sensitive information during the 2016 presidential campaign, as opposed to a sophisticate hack perpetrated by Russian Intelligence. Trump allegedly told Pompeo that if he “want[ed] to know the facts, he should talk to me,” Binney said.. “I was willing to meet Pompeo simply because it was clear to me the intelligence community wasn’t being honest here,  I am quite willing to help people who need the truth to find the truth and not simply have deceptive statements from the intelligence community.” The meeting to discuss the narrative that directly contravenes the findings of the US intelligence community was so productive that Pompeo is already arranging further meetings between NSA and FBI officials and Binney to discuss his analysis of the alleged DNC ‘inside job.’ Binney also raised the death of former DNC staffer Seth Rich to Pompeo during their meeting. The CIA has declined to comment.. “As a general matter, we do not comment on the Director’s schedule,” said Dean Boyd, director of the CIA’s Office of Public Affairs.

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