June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Prayer Requests



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  • Karen has sciatica nerve pain in her left leg. She also has lymphatic fluid in her legs. The pain is very sever end never ends. Please pray for pain relief and removal of the fluid.
  • Please pray that Sebastian Kaye's brain and body be restored to its perfect divine blueprint and that he be freed of worry and fear.
  • Please pray for me and my wife Sandra. I am 59 yrs old and have chronic pain issues all over my body and she is disabled at 54 from flesh eating bacteria in 2017. Also I cant work much finances are bad. I discovered yaw and also Texe Marrs back early 2000 via shortwave radio. And obviously pray for our nation, the Mark of the Beast is coming soon I and she are backslidders I cant go to church I have to work every Sunday. In closing I listen to Chuck Baldwin when I can, Thanks from North Carolina
  • Thankful for hours prayers. I'd like prayer for addiction spirit to be broken in my family.
  • that a negative evil spirit is removed from the spine of my back perementley and good, that my grandmother Verna learns to forgive herself and those of her past too, and that she allows God to through her and change her for the better good to where she can become the person who he wants her to be, and that my auntie Nicole learns to open her heart up and forgive me for that situation that happened not so long ago with the food when through she might have seen as me being ungrateful. I just know in myself that I should not have got upset in the first place knowing it was just a big misunderstanding which can easily be fixed. That Christian faith publishing accepts my book and is willing to publish it. So I can move on to the next steps for my book. That my cousins keep turning their hearts and selves over to God so he can continue to work through them to better them for his kingdom
  • Please pray for Carolyn and her family.  Carolyn is a long time listener of The Power Hour and really needs your love and prayers right now.
  • John 13:34: "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."

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