July 18, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Prayer Requests



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  • Please pray for the healing of our daughter who was diagnosed with multiple melanoma cancer.Thank You All!!God Bless You All!!
  • Hello I've been hoping to sell my business/home soon and retire. The dilemma is leaving established area and productive vegie garden for the unknown. I have asked GOD for a sale close to asking price if it's the right move for me. If not close to asking price then I know HE wants me to hunker down in my current location. Thanks for the prayers!
  • In February, I was dismissed from a position which, with an exemplary record, I held for more than 12 years simply for exercising my right to decide whether to wear a mask. I'm a USAF veteran who served with honor and now am being denied liberty. Presently, I'm seeking employment which is strictly working from home. Please pray with and for me in successfully being reemployment by an organization respectful of it's staff.
  • Please pray for my mother and sisters relationship as well as the health of my son. I’ve has high bilirubin levels and a bleeder line enlarged spleen. Pray his levels go down (they have been) and his spleen gets back to normal size. Also, please pray for my faith, just having more of it, trusting. Thank you
  • Please pray for my relative who is very sick with cancer. Please pray that the treatments that she is undergoing will work and she will be in total remission. Thank you.
  • Please pray for my nephew he was diagnosed with Ataxia. This attacks his brain. Rendering their body useless then death. Please for his healing KEENAN BOYD. THANK YOU
  • Pray for my wife and l to get closer to each other. We have grown apart over the last few years. Dear Lord help us and heal our brokenness. We need to pray together more also. Thank you!
  • I pray for a defeat of the Deep State/Globalist agenda, for the truth about the PLANdemic and the election coup to be revealed to the masses to the point they can't ignore it. Please God, let the truth be revealed to the gullible, brainwashed masses. Until the people are jolted into reality the powers that be will continue to successfully cement a globalist agenda that will be the end of civilization. Thank you.
  • Pray for my wife and l to get closer to each other. We have grown apart over the last few years. Dear Lord help us and heal our brokenness. We need to pray together more also. Thank you!
  • Let's pray that all Ministries will follow this Messianic path of our True Saviour Yahawshi Masheeakh or else this world is lost with no hope, Look, Yehzus or Jesus Christ don't exist how can that be a savior? Think about it!!! Shalawam!!!

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