June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Daniel Miller

Daniel Miller is President of the Texas Nationalist Movement and has been an outspoken advocate for Texas independence since 1996. As the head of one of the largest and most influential political organizations in Texas, Miller has extensively researched and engaged the issue of self-determination, not just for Texas, but as part of a growing global trend.

He has been featured on every major news network and been interviewed by every major newspaper in Texas and around the world. A featured guest on Fox News, CNN, CNBC, BBC News, Real America’s News, and many other news outlets, Miller has been a vocal proponent of a fundamental reexamination of the relationship between all states in the Federal union.

In 2011 he authored Line in the Sand, his first book, which addresses the roots of Texas Nationalism and the practical implications of national self-identity for Texans. In 2018, Miller released TEXIT: Why and How Texas Will Leave The Union which became a four-time bestseller on Amazon. TEXIT covers the motivations behind the modern movement for Texas independence and lays out a practical path to achieving it.

Miller, a sixth-generation Texan, was born and raised in Northeast Texas and currently resides in Southeast Texas with his wife, Cara. Both avid Texas Music fans, Daniel and Cara operate Radio Free Texas, one of the first online outlets for independent music created in Texas.




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