July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: April 11, 2023


World Economic Outlook, April 2022: War Sets Back The Global Recovery

Global growth is projected to slow from an estimated 6.1 percent in 2021 to 3.6 percent in 2022 and 2023. This is 0.8 and 0.2 percentage points lower for 2022 and 2023 than projected in January. Beyond 2023, global growth is forecast to decline to about 3.3 percent over the medium term

Easter Rising: Police Attacked with Petrol Bombs in Northern Ireland on Peace Agreement Anniversary

Northern Ireland on Monday marked the 25th anniversary of its landmark 1998 peace accords, but the fragility of the province’s truce was underlined as masked youths pelted police vehicles with petrol bombs during sectarian disorder.

No major public events are planned for the day itself, but British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and US President Joe Biden will arrive Tuesday to launch several days of high-profile commemorations.

Tens of Thousands of Doctors Walk off Job For Four-Day Strike Over Pay

Tens of thousands of doctors walked off the job across England on Tuesday, kicking off a four-day strike billed as the most disruptive in the history of the U.K.´s public health service.

The walkout by junior doctors, who form the backbone of hospital and clinic care in the National Health Service, is due to last until 7 a.m. on Saturday.

Pentagon leak shows S Korea torn on sending Ukraine weapons

Leaked Pentagon documents appear to reveal a sensitive conversation between high-level South Korean officials on whether to sell weapons that could be used in Ukraine.

The intercept targeted two of President Yoon Suk Yeol’s senior advisors.

They are torn between US pressure to send ammunition to Ukraine and their policy not to arm countries at war.

One of the advisers suggests sending the shells to Poland instead, to avoid appearing to have given in to the US.

Washington has been scrambling to trace the source of the leaks, which the Pentagon says are a serious risk to national security.


Biden Signs Measure Ending COVID-19 National Emergency

President Joe Biden on April 10 signed a measure that ends the COVID-19 national emergency more than three years after it was enacted, the White House announced.

HJ Res 7 passed through the Senate on March 29 by a 68-23 margin, with 21 Democrats joining 47 Republicans to support the measure.

Four Republicans and five Democrats did not cast a vote—and 23 Democrats voted against the short resolution—which was introduced by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) last month and passed by the House 229-197 on Feb. 1.

Louisville Bank Shooter ID’d as a Portfolio Banker, ‘Pronouns He/Him’

The suspect who opened fire in Louisville, Kentucky’s, Old National Bank has been identified as a 23-year-old portfolio banker who listed his pronouns on LinkedIn as “he/him.”

He was an Old National Bank employee.

Breitbart News reported that police were alerted to shots fired at the bank at 8:30 a.m. Monday. Officers arrived on the scene within three minutes of being dispatched and exchanged gunfire with the attacker.

‘CBDCs Grease the Slippery Slope to Financial Slavery and Political Tyranny’: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

The U.S. government will use the current financial crisis to promote a central bank digital currency (CBDC), warned Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., adding that such a move will only culminate in absolute financial surveillance and threaten basic personal liberties.

“CBDCs grease the slippery slope to financial slavery and political tyranny. While cash transactions are anonymous, a #CBDC will allow the government to surveil all our private financial affairs,” wrote Kennedy in a tweet on April 5. “The central bank will have the power to enforce dollar limits on our transactions, restricting where you can send money, where you can spend it, and when money expires.

“A CBDC tied to digital ID and social credit score will allow the government to freeze your assets or limit your spending to approved vendors if you fail to comply with arbitrary diktats [such as] vaccine mandates.”

House Republicans Set Hearing on Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s ‘Pro-Crime’ Policies

The House Judiciary Committee announced on April 10 it will hold a field hearing in New York City on April 17 to discuss Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, just weeks after the unprecedented indictment and arraignment of former President Donald Trump in Bragg’s district.

The hearing is titled “Victims of Violent Crime in Manhattan.”

Bragg has come under fire, mainly from conservatives and the GOP, for what those critics say are “soft on crime” policies. The hearing, according to the committee, “will examine how Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s pro-crime, anti-victim policies have led to an increase in violent crime and a dangerous community for New York City residents.”

Bragg’s office has fired back at the scheduled hearing, calling it a “political stunt.”

“This hearing won’t engage in actual efforts to increase public safety, such as supporting national gun legislation and shutting down the iron pipeline,” a spokesperson for the office said in a statement posted on Twitter.

Arizona GOP Sheriff Files Paperwork To Run For Senate

Arizona Republican Sheriff Mark Lamb has filed the paperwork to run for Senate in 2024, according to Federal Election Commission filings.

The Pinal County Sheriff will challenge the incumbent Independent Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, if she chooses to run for reelection, and declared candidate Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego, according to NBC News. Lamb could also face former failed GOP gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, who has not yet ruled out a Senate run, in the Republican primary.


Former AG Bill Barr: Bragg’s Case Against Trump ‘A Political Act,’ Will ‘Gravely Weaken Trump’

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s indictment against Donald Trump is “transparently an abuse of prosecutorial power to accomplish a political act,” which will rally a big portion of his base but “gravely weaken Trump” in the general election, former Attorney General William Barr said April 9 on ABC’s “This Week.”

Trump pleaded not guilty to 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree in a New York City courtroom on April 4.

He was indicted by the Manhattan DA’s office on March 30 following an investigation into an alleged effort to use “hush money” payments of $130,000 to adult film actress Stormy Daniels and $150,000 to former Playboy model Karen McDougal’s prosecutors before the 2016 presidential election.

The 16-page indictment and accompanying statement of facts reported that Trump “orchestrated a scheme with others to influence the 2016 presidential election by identifying and purchasing negative information about him to suppress its publication and benefit the defendant’s electoral prospects.”

Trump has denied all wrongdoing and the alleged affairs, and said that Bragg, a Democrat, brought the case forward because he is motivated by politics.

Justin Jones: Tennessee lawmaker reinstated three days after expulsion

Nashville city council has voted to reinstate one of two lawmakers who were expelled for leading a gun control protest last month.

The council voted unanimously to return Justin Jones to the legislature on Monday during a special session, 36-0.

Republican colleagues voted out the Nashville lawmaker along with Memphis lawmaker Justin Pearson last week.

The rare expulsion vote came just days after a school shooting in Nashville that left six dead.

Can Nashville and Memphis legally reappoint Justin Jones and Justin Pearson?

Following the expulsion of two Democratic lawmakers from the Tennessee House of Representatives last week, their home communities have both indicated they intend to send the two expelled members back to their seats.

Metro Nashville Councilmembers were quick to voice support on social media for Rep. Justin Jones in District 52 and are set to vote tonight to appoint Jones back to his seat as an “interim successor.” The chairman of the Shelby County Board of Commissioners said that board would similarly consider action to send Rep. Justin Pearson back to the state house.

But can they do this?


Biden Health Secretary Suggests Ignoring Court Order Against Abortion Drug Is ‘On the Table’

Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra said Sunday that the Biden administration is considering defying a conservative federal judge’s order that suspends the approval of mifepristone, the nation’s most widely used abortion drug.

“We want the courts to overturn this reckless decision,” Becerra said on CNN’s “State of the Union” of the ruling issued Friday by U.S. District Court Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk. “We want, yes, that women continue to have access to a drug that’s proven itself safe. Millions of women have used this drug around the world.”

Kacsmaryk, who was appointed to the Northern District of Texas by President Donald Trump in 2019, ordered the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to put a hold on its approval of mifepristone while a civil lawsuit over the medication’s safety proceeds.

Mifepristone received FDA approval in 2000 alongside another drug called misoprostol.

Democratic governors are stockpiling abortion pills in the wake of Texas ruling

Inslee said he ordered the state Department of Corrections to purchase 30,000 doses of mifepristone, which arrived at the end of March. 

Rep. Gonzales Suggests Defunding FDA If Biden Admin Ignores Ruling on Abortion Pill

Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas) has said that defunding the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) could be an option if the Biden administration dismisses a court ruling that suspended approval of the abortion pill mifepristone.

Gonzales, who sits on the Appropriations Committee, said House Republicans might decide to use the “power of the purse” to hold the administration accountable.

“It’s very dangerous when you have the administration, the Biden administration, coming out and saying they may not uphold a ruling,” Gonzales said during an interview for CNN’s “State of the Union” on April 9.

“As an appropriator on the House Republican side, I look at it, the House Republicans have the power of the purse.

“And if the administration wants to not lead this ruling, not live up to this ruling, then we’re going to have a problem. And it may come to a point where House Republicans on the appropriation side have to defund FDA programs that don’t make sense.”

What Can Forced Vaccination Teach Us About Medical Ethics?

I believe the major problem we face now with medical ethics is that it is taught at a superficial level which focuses on how to logically answer a few test questions rather than on one that teaches physicians how to fully appreciate the consequences

I recently learned about a lawsuit filed in Washington DC. The lawsuit alleges that a physician forcefully vaccinated two children against their consent and deliberately concealed doing so from their mother

If you review the events detailed in the lawsuit, it should be clear that the ethical constructs that occurred, greatly differ from what almost any doctor believes should be followed

Fasting Beats Low-calorie Diet at Preventing Diabetes

Intermittent fasting is all the rage due to its laundry list of potential health benefits — from weight loss to longevity.

Now, new research suggests that it may beat low-calorie diets when it comes to preventing type 2 diabetes in high-risk people.

Folks who only ate between 8 a.m. and noon for three days a week and ate normally for the other four days showed greater improvements in blood sugar metabolism for at least six months when compared with people who followed a low-calorie diet. Interestingly, folks in both groups lost the same amount of weight during the study period.

—> Don’t forget to add SUGR-2-FIBR to your diet when you are not fasting!  Converts 50-90% of the sugars in a meal to fiber.


JPMorgan CEO Warns of Economic ‘Pain’ and Turbulence ‘That Will Scare People’

JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon said Thursday that Americans will feel economic “pain” before an agreement is reached on raising the debt ceiling and markets will start to experience frightening turbulence as a possible default gets closer.

Dimon made the remarks in an interview with CNN on Thursday, predicting that deadlocked Democrats and Republicans will reach a deal on lifting the debt cap beyond the current $31.4 trillion within a few months—but not before Americans suffer some economic hardship.

“You’ll feel the pain before it happens,” Dimon told the outlet, referring to the moment when the Treasury Department’s arsenal of “extraordinary measures” for continuing to settle the U.S. government’s debt obligations runs out.

Various analyses, including a projection from the Congressional Budget Office, have estimated that the Treasury’s “extraordinary measures” to keep the government funded will run out sometime between July and September unless Congress lifts the cap.

As the moment of potential default approaches, Dimon suggested nervous investors will send markets on a wild ride.

“You’ll see it in the markets and that will scare people,” Dimon said, adding that most people in Washington understand how serious the debt ceiling standoff is and “they want to get it to a resolution.”

But until a breakthrough occurs and the threat of a debt default dissipates, Democrats and Republicans remain in a debt cap deadlock.

Every Move You Make…I’ll Be Watching You

News Commentary

Those are a few lyrics from the song, Every Breath You Take, by The Police.

How many Americans know what Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) means?  It’s all over the Internet on web sites that deal with the economy and independent media. I doubt it’s being exposed on the prostitute media’s nightly news or any of their “all the news that’s fit to fake” newspapers and web sites.

What is it exactly and how will it impact every one of us?  Catherine Austin Fitts, a woman I greatly respect knows this issue well.  Central Bank Digital Currency Prison, March 4, 2023:

“The CBDC is the ultimate lockdown tool, and they can lock anyone down whenever they feel like it.  The Fed’s biggest fear is losing control of the financial system.  CAF says, “The Fed is scared to death of the global debt growth model, and they kept this model going by growing the debt more and more and more.  Now, interest rates are accelerating in a way… it shrinks your productivity.

“So, the pie that is supporting the debt, is shrinking. . . This is a coup model just like in Ukraine.  You push all the people out or you kill them.  You have war conditions so you can pick everything up cheap.  You can do this with government money to ‘help’ Ukraine.  No, it is government money to help the insiders to buy Ukraine, control Ukraine, own Ukraine.”

Make a donation to Trump, a pro-life organization, a Second Amendment organization – your bank account can be shut down without notice.  That’s what happened with supporters of truckers up in Canada protesting mandatory COVID experimental injections being passed off as vaccines.  People who donated to the trucker’s efforts, their accounts were simply frozen without warning.  Think it can’t happen here?  Get out of denial America and wake up.

Texas lawmakers propose a gold-backed state digital currency

The bills state that the trustee must hold a sufficient amount of gold in reserve for all units of digital currency that have been issued and are still in circulation.

Texas may dial back bitcoin mining incentives

To get a better handle on grid management, a Republican-sponsored bill proposes limiting cryptocurrency miners’ participation in demand response programs and barring virtual currency mining from tax abatements.

U.S. Postal Service Blames Inflation, Moves on Stamp Price Hike Threat

The cost of mailing a letter or bill could rise three cents this summer after the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) moved Monday to launch previously threatened moves for a postage price hike as Bidenflation hits the service.

The increase in mailing services prices will become effective July 9.


Avoid Using Free Public Charging Stations for Phones: FBI Warning

The FBI is warning people to not use public phone charging stations as hackers have been taking advantage of the situation to infect connected devices with malware.

“Avoid using free charging stations in airports, hotels or shopping centers,” FBI Denver said in an April 6 Twitter post. “Bad actors have figured out ways to use public USB ports to introduce malware and monitoring software onto devices. Carry your own charger and USB cord and use an electrical outlet instead.”

Malware is software designed to gain unauthorized access to devices such as mobile phones and laptops. Once hackers gain access, they can manipulate the device’s tools and apps for their own personal gain or to disrupt the original user’s life. Criminals can track keystrokes, get a hold of personal information, and commit identity fraud, as well as use financial information to steal funds, among other activities.

When bad actors use dirty USBs at public charging stations to infect devices with malware, it’s known as “juice jacking.” At present, many malls, airports, and public convenience stations have charging stations that are used regularly by commuters. The agency has recommended that consumers carry their own USB cables and charging plugs and use AC electrical outlets.


Texas 911 Dispatcher Suspended for Allegedly Sexting 7 Cops

The Bexar County Sheriff’s Office in San Antonio suspended a married 911 dispatcher and two deputies after the woman reportedly sent illicit text messages to seven deputies. The trio faces possible termination of employment as the investigation into others continues.

Dispatcher Krystle Perez, Sgt. Renaldo Salinas, and Deputy Juan Leal are currently on unpaid administrative leave after allegations of sexting and other inappropriate activities were reported by spouses, according to News4SA NBC.


Biden Admin. Wants Rules to Push Electric Car Sales to 10X Current Levels

The Biden administration is reportedly planning to propose some of the most stringent automobile pollution rules in the world, which are meant to drive up sales of electric vehicles to ten times their current level so that up to 67 percent of new cars sold in the U.S. are electric vehicles by 2032.

The proposed limits on tailpipe emissions will be brought by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), with EPA administrator Michael Regan making the announcement on Wednesday in Detroit, Michigan, according to people familiar with the situation who spoke to the New York Times.


Thin to win!

What?! I have to toss some of these perfectly healthy seedlings I worked so hard to start? Which do I save and which do I not? That is the reaction of many a new gardener upon first learning that thinning seedlings is a necessary step to ensure healthy growth of plant starts. The reality is that, if left in crowded environs, your seedlings will eventually suffer.

What is thinning?
Thinning seedlings involves removing some of the seedlings sown too close to one another so that the strongest ones can thrive. This practice ensures the proper spacing of plants, either in cells inside or in the ground outside. If your seedlings are indoors, thin them out until there is only one left in each cell or pot. If your seedlings are direct sown outdoors, thin them according to the spacing requirements on the seed packet.

Why should I thin my seedlings?
Thinning crowded seedlings ensures that your plants have plenty of room to grow into strong, healthy, mature plants. If left un-thinned, crowded seedlings will compete for nutrients, water, air, and root space, and that will ultimately stunt their growth. 

When should I thin my seedlings?
Thin seedlings when they have one to two sets of “true” leaves (in addition to the first set of leaves to emerge). 

Here’s How to Keep Chickens Out of Mulch

As a chicken owner, one of the great joys we have is watching our chickens run around while free-ranging and seeing what they get into.

What do Rabbits Eat? (Includes Printable List)

What do rabbits eat? Most people are aware of the rabbit pellets you can buy in the pet and farm-supply stores.  This is a balanced diet, and nutritionally sound feed choice, especially for those just starting to raise rabbits.  Rabbits are herbivores and there are a huge variety of plants that they can safely eat


Biden Quietly Signs Bill Ending National COVID Emergency

President Joe Biden signed a resolution Monday officially ending the COVID-19 pandemic national emergency more than three years after former President Donald Trump imposed it.

Masks Cause Headaches, Itching, and Lower Oxygen Intake: Study

A systematic review of 2,168 studies that looked into the adverse effects of wearing masks during the COVID-19 pandemic has found that the practice led to negative health consequences, including itching, headaches, and restriction of oxygen.

“We found significant effects in both medical surgical and N95 masks, with a greater impact of the second,” states the review, published in the “Frontiers in Public Health” on April 5. A meta-analysis of multiple studies found that headache was the “most frequent symptom” among mask wearers, with a prevalence of 62 percent for general mask use and up to 70 percent when using N95 masks. Shortness of breath was observed at 33 percent for general mask use and 37 percent among N95 users.

David Crosby Cause of Death Revealed: Coronavirus

Legendary, award-winning singer-songwriter David Crosby’s cause of death earlier this year was the coronavirus. The musician reportedly died in his sleep from COVID complications just hours after rehearsing for a concert.

“He was rehearsing for a show to do in Los Angeles with a full band. After three days of rehearsals, he felt a little sick,” Crosby’s bandmate Graham Nash told the Kyle Meredith With… podcast.

Footballer, 28, dies suddenly as family and his club AFC Portchester pay tribute to ‘top guy’

Family, friends and colleagues have paid tribute to a 28-year-old footballer after he died suddenly.

Mason Peddle, who was the under-23s captain of AFC Portchester, near Fareham, passed away in recent days.

Tributes have poured in for the ‘top guy’, with loved ones describing him as a ‘huge character’ and adding that his death will be a ‘huge loss to everyone’.


FBI Includes ‘Based’ and ‘Redpilled’ in Its Glossary of Extremist Terms

The FBI has a glossary of terms it associates with extremist, involuntary celibate individuals (incels) and members of religiously or ethnically motivated violent extremism (RMVE), including popular internet slang such as “based” and “redpilled.”

The conservative Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project recently obtained copies of FBI training materials relating to involuntary celibate violent extremists (IVEs) and RMVEs. Among the documents the conservative think tank received was a glossary of terms the FBI lists as indicators of IVE and RMVE affiliations.

The FBI document, which references events as recently as 2019, states: “Indicators of IVE ideology may comprise constitutionally protected conduct, and no single indicator should be the sole basis for determining IVE or criminal activity. The following indicators of IVE ideology may constitute a basis for reporting or law enforcement action when observed with suspicious criminal or potentially violent activity.”

Report: Anheuser-Busch Distributors Across America’s Heartland ‘Spooked’ by Backlash to Transgender Campaign

Anheuser-Busch distributors across America’s heartland and the South are “spooked” by public backlash to a Bud Light campaign promoting transgenderism, an industry insider reported.


Are Carrots Good for Your Pets?

Carrots are enjoyed around the world for their flavor and crunchiness, and their inherent nutrients may benefit your health as well. Wouldn’t it be great if your pet could enjoy them, too?

If the thought of feeding carrots to your pet doesn’t appeal to you, it’s time to reconsider. Steamed or raw, carrots can be enjoyed as a delicious snack, and they’re much healthier than commercially made pet treats. In addition to being a snack, carrots can be part of a nutritionally adequate, species-appropriate diet. Whichever way you choose to include carrots, it’ll be a win for your pet, as long as the serving size is controlled.


VIDEO: New York Bystander Caught on Camera Tackling Gunman Fleeing Police, Helps Make Arrest

Security camera footage has caught the incredible moment a bystander took down an armed gunman running from police on the streets of Manhattan, New York City.

A male suspect fled from a store in the Chelsea neighborhood with firearms in hand on March 16, according to Newsflare. While evading police with his handgun drawn, he ran head-on into a pedestrian who bravely blocked his way with his arms.


Sheriff – Healthcare Workers Livestream Abuse of Elderly Woman: ‘Pieces of Crap’

Mississippi woman who had sex with dog filmed act outside a church: cops

Gov. Katie Hobbs vetoes 8 bills in one day: here’s a list of the bills affected

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