July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: April 13, 2023


China is Preparing for War; Is the US Ready?

News Analysis

The ammunition is running low, casualties are immense, medicine and other critical supplies have not come for weeks, and a nuclear attack on the American homeland is imminent.

It is a dramatic scene, more closely resembling a Hollywood drama than any war that the United States has actually fought in the last half-century. It is nevertheless what many expect a war between the United States and communist China could look like this decade.

Biden’s Migrant Mobile App to Release 30K Foreign Nationals Monthly into U.S

(NOTE: That’s ¾ of a million people by the time Biden leaves office in 2025!) 

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will release as many as 30,000 foreign nationals into the United States monthly via a migrant mobile app whereby users schedule appointments at the southern border, a new report details.

The mobile app, known as Customs and Border Protection (CBP) One, entices foreign nationals living in Mexico who are pregnant, mentally ill, elderly, disabled, homeless, or crime victims to schedule an appointment with agents at the border in the hopes of being released into American communities.

Brazil’s Lula Lands in China to Sign Trade Deals, Insert Himself in Ukraine Conflict

Brazil’s radical leftist President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva arrived in Shanghai on Wednesday for a two-day visit to China that will conclude with a meeting with dictator Xi Jinping in Beijing on Friday.

The Brazilian government seeks to “relaunch its relations to China,” which has been the South American country’s main trading partner since 2009. Lula’s trip to China was originally scheduled for late March, but was postponed after the Brazilian president was diagnosed with pneumonia.

Japan’s population drops by half a million in 2022

Japan’s population has fallen for the 12th consecutive year, as deaths rise and the birth rate continues to sink, according to government data released Wednesday.


Latest leak suggests US spying on UN chief Guterres over Russia

US document says UN secretary general accommodated Russia during Black Sea grain deal negotiations, according to a news report.

Trump Sues Former Lawyer Michael Cohen for $500 Million

Former President Donald Trump filed on Wednesday a civil complaint against his former lawyer Michael Cohen for more than $500 million in damages resulting from Cohen’s alleged breach of his attorney-client duties with Trump, unjust enrichment, and other causes, a Trump spokesperson confirmed with The Epoch Times.

“The lawsuit and the many wrongdoings by Michael Cohen—a convicted felon—stand for themselves, and have been admitted to by Cohen himself through his falsehood-filled books, podcasts, and constant media appearances,” a Trump spokesperson wrote to The Epoch Times in a statement. The lawsuit was filed in the Southern District Court of New York on Tuesday.

Cohen’s conduct after his 12-year attorney-client relationship with Trump ending in 2018 consisted of “multiple breaches of fiduciary duty, unjust enrichment, conversion, and breaches of contract,” as well as “spreading falsehoods” about Trump that would likely be “embarrassing or detrimental,” the lawsuit alleges.

Trump’s lawsuit seeks relief that is “expected to substantially exceed” $500 million in damages and requests a jury trial.

Mainstream Media Outlets File Lawsuit Over Jan. 6 Footage Released to Tucker Carlson

A group of news organizations filed a lawsuit Wednesday demanding access to surveillance footage from the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol breach that was released to Tucker Carlson earlier this year.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) handed over more than 40,000 hours of surveillance footage to the Fox News host, who aired clips from the surveillance. The new video footage, Carlson said, raises significant questions about the official narrative around the Capitol breach.

The Associated Press, the New York Times, Advance Publications, CBS, Gannett, ProPublica, CNN, Scripps, and Politico signed onto the lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, asking (pdf) the FBI and the U.S. Attorneys’ administrative office to hand over the footage via an expedited Freedom of Information Act request.

They assert that federal officials haven’t produced the footage and now want a federal judge to intervene. They are seeking all closed-circuit camera footage captured on Jan. 6.

“The Speaker’s Office has since provided only a single cable television program access to the Capitol Surveillance Videos, while indicating that it plans eventually to release the videos in some manner to the press and public,” the lawsuit stated. “Plaintiffs have continued to press the Speaker’s Office for access to the videos as quickly as possible and on equal terms with other media requestors, only to be told that the Speaker’s Office will not even provide a timeline for when such access might begin,” it also said.

Court Rejects Bragg’s Request for Restraining Order Against Jordan

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s urgent request to enter a restraining order against Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) was rejected on April 11, the same day it was filed.

U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil, a Trump appointee, turned down Bragg’s emergency request for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction against Jordan.

“The Court declines to enter the proposed Temporary Restraining Order and Order to Show Cause,” Vyskocil said, noting that she hadn’t yet received several documents that were referenced in Bragg’s filings.

She ordered Jordan and other defendants in the case to respond to the lawsuit and scheduled a hearing for April 19.

On April 11, Bragg sued Jordan for allegedly infringing on state sovereignty. Jordan has subpoenaed a former Bragg deputy and demanded documents from Bragg’s office regarding the prosecution of former President Donald Trump, who was indicted by a grand jury after being presented with charges by the Democrat district attorney.

Jordan “has no power under the Constitution to oversee state and local criminal matters,” Bragg’s suit stated.

IRS Says Taxpayers in Some States May Be Eligible for Bigger Refunds

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) said Tuesday that taxpayers in nearly two dozen states should consider filing amended tax returns because they may have needlessly reported income from relief payments and so stand to get bigger refunds.

The IRS said in a press release that taxpayers who reported certain state payments related to general welfare and disaster relief as taxable income on their tax returns did so, in many cases, unnecessarily.

Report: Unearthed Divorce Filings Reveal Allegations Democrat Katie Porter Abused Ex-Husband

Bombshell accusations of Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) allegedly physically abusing her ex-husband surfaced on Wednesday, which come on the heels of her pattern of aggressive interpersonal interactions in recent years.

Porter was the first of three prominent House Democrats to announce their candidacies for Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) seat as she heads to retirement at the culmination of her term. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), both of whom have held House seats for at least two decades, have also launched bids in the high-stakes race.

Texas dairy explosion leaves at least 18,000 cattle dead, 1 person critically injured

Initial reports say more than 18,000 cows died in the Texas explosion


Video: Bill Gates openly admits he’s vaccinating the world’s livestock with mRNA.

—> Remember to buy your meat from local ranchers! 

Court preserves access to abortion pill but tightens rules

 A federal appeals court preserved access to the abortion pill mifepristone for now but reduced the period of pregnancy when the drug can be used and said it could not be dispensed by mail.

The ruling late Wednesday temporarily narrowed a decision by a lower court judge in Texas that had completely blocked the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of the nation’s most commonly used method of abortion. 

Report: U.S. Sees 32,000 Fewer Abortions 6 Months After Dobbs Decision

The United States saw 32,000 fewer abortions in the six months after the U.S. Supreme Court issued the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade,  according to a report.

The Society of Family Planning, a left-wing non-profit that “believe[s] in just and equitable abortion and contraception informed by science,” published its #WeCount report on Tuesday. The group describes the #WeCount report as a “national abortion reporting effort that aims to capture the shifts in abortion access by state” following the Dobbs decision.

FDA Makes Narcan Available Over the Counter

No pharmaceutical executive has ever been sent to prison for their role in the drug epidemic they intentionally created and promoted. Meanwhile, entire communities have been devastated and destroyed by addiction

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data, there were 81,692 fatal opioid-related overdoses in the 12-month period ending in April 2022

March 29, 2023, the FDA announced it will soon make naloxone (brand name Narcan) — a drug that reverses the fatal effects of an opioid overdose — available over the counter without a prescription

Instructions on how to use Narcan are provided

While OTC Narcan may reduce the number of lethal overdoses, it does nothing to address the underlying problem, which is the ease with which people can access opioids

Opioids were initially approved for breakthrough cancer pain only, and there’s a solid argument to be made for banning opioids for all other uses, especially considering they provide no better pain relief than over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Nearly 1 in 4 Women 60 and Over Use Antidepressants

Depression is a mood disorder commonly treated with antidepressants; data reveal 24.3% of women age 60 and older are on antidepressants, which is over twice as many as women age 18 to 39 years

The number of women on antidepressants jumps dramatically in the 40-to-59-year age range, which experts believe is related to perimenopause and post-menopause. During these years, hormonal changes can have a significant effect on a woman’s mood

The number of women on antidepressants is greater than men in all age ranges. While women are three times more likely to attempt suicide than men, one woman dies for every four men by suicide

Experts recognized a rising number of people with depression over the last two decades, but there was a marked jump in the number during the pandemic and the levels have remained high

Scientific evidence demonstrates antidepressants do not improve the user’s quality of life, and the effect is only slightly greater than placebo in the short-term and has poor long-term outcomes. This has led many doctors to consider other more effective options

—> Power Mall Product of Interest: LITHIUM BALANCE – Safe potential mood stabilizer and possible healthy alternative to anti-depressants

RELATED ARTICLE: Nutritional Risk Factors in Suicide: How Vitamin D Can Help

Globally, approximately 800,000 people die from suicide every year, which seems shocking. This is more than the entire population of Seattle, Washington. In the age groups 15 to 29 and 15 to 44, suicide is the second and third leading cause of death. According to experts, the number of attempted suicides is even 10 to 30 times higher (in some subgroups, it may even be up to 200 times higher). In other words, there may be 8 to more than 24 million attempted suicides per year.

Besides the huge emotional pain the victims go through, almost all of these 800,000 people have relatives and friends who will often suffer from severe emotional trauma, shock, grief, pain, anger, guilt etc. after their loved one committed suicide. Thus, the amount of pain associated with and resulting from suicide and suicide attempts is immeasurably high. It is a worldwide emergency.

While suicide has many different causes and risk factors, many recent studies have suggested that low sunshine exposure and vitamin D deficiency may be a major factor in suicide. A recent meta-analysis of 20 studies showed a significant association between latitude and suicide. A higher latitude was associated with a higher prevalence of suicide. In other words, more exposure to sunshine seems to be protective by reducing the risk of suicide.

Many additional studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency is associated with a higher risk of suicidal ideation, suicide attempts and completed suicide. People who attempted suicide had significantly lower vitamin D levels than healthy controls. A genetic predisposition to lower vitamin D levels was also associated with a higher risk of suicide attempts, which suggests that vitamin D may have a preventative potential against suicide attempts. People with a genetic predisposition to lower vitamin D levels might require higher amounts of vitamin D to stay healthy.

—> Consider taking VITAMIN D3 (4000 IU) along with your  LITHIUM BALANCE 

Tonsillectomy: A ‘Minor’ Procedure With Major Long-Term Risks

The Miraculous Immune System (Part 2)

In this series, “The Miraculous Immune System,” we explore the layers upon layers of specialized molecules, cells, tissues, and organs that work tirelessly to protect us and provide practical ways to support these vital gifts.

Tonsillectomy is often a treatment for severe tonsillitis with enlarged tonsils.

A 2018 JAMA study of almost 1.2 million children reported that removing the adenoid or tonsils in childhood was associated with a significantly increased relative risk of later respiratory, allergic, and infectious diseases. Increases in long-term absolute disease risks were considerably larger than improvements in the disorders these surgeries aimed to treat.

A Taiwan national cohort study showed that patients with a history of tonsillectomy had a risk of deep neck infection 1.71 times greater than others.

A Canadian study suggests a strong association between a history of adenotonsillectomy and the development of retropharyngeal or parapharyngeal abscesses.

Cumulative evidence of long-term associated risks of infection has proven the irrefutable role of tonsils in our immunity. The mechanism of increased infection relates to various functions of the tonsils in the immune system.

Second Phase of Fluoride Lawsuit Set to Begin in January 2024

On Tuesday Judge Edward Chen, the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency set a date of January 29, 2024 for the second phase of the ongoing fluoride lawsuit. The second phase of the trial is set to last one to two weeks.

The FAN sued the EPA after their 2016 petition under the the Toxic Substances Control Act was denied. Since that time the plaintiffs and the U.S. government have been locked in a legal battle, with FAN attempting to prove that fluoride is a neurotoxin and should be regulated or banned under the TSCA.

The court’s decision comes only weeks after the U.S. National Toxicology Program released a previously suppressed draft report from May 2022 which concluded that “higher fluoride exposure is consistently associated with lower IQ in children.” The NTP also released a July 2022 meta analysis, titled Association between fluoride exposure and children’s intelligence: A systematic review and meta-analysis. The scientists behind this meta analysis drew similar conclusions as the monograph, writing:

“This meta-analysis confirms results of previous meta-analyses and extends them by including newer, more precise studies with individual-level exposure measures. The consistency of the data supports an inverse association between fluoride exposure and children’s IQ.”

During Tuesday’s hearing, FAN’s lead attorney Michael Connett told Judge Chen that the release of these documents means the court now has sufficient data to make a decision on the toxicity of fluoride. Connett also told Judge Chen that the plaintiffs intend to “examine some of the facts around HHS’s (Department of Health and Human Services) decision not to release the NTP documents,” a reference to emails between the HHS and CDC which were released as part of open records requests.

Those emails state that Assistant Secretary of Health Rachel Levine did not want the NTP report to become public despite the NTP scientists themselves saying it was ready for release. An email dated June 3rd, 2022, shows Nicole Johnson, Associate Director for Policy, Partnerships and Strategic Communication in CDC’s Oral Health Division contacting Jennifer Greaser, a Senior Public Health Policy Analyst in CDC’s Washington office. Johnson states:

“The latest we heard (yesterday) is that ASH Levine has put the report on hold until further notice.”

Connett also noted that the plaintiffs plan to depose more witnesses in the effort to “understand why the HHS instructed the NTP not to release that monograph.” He also said they plan to depose an official from the CDC and the office of the Assistant Secretary of Health, as well as NTP Director Dr. Richard Woychik. Dr. Woychik previously filed a declaration with the court claiming responsibility for blocking the release of the NTP monograph. Connett said the ultimate goal of the depositions is to “understand why that report, which was considered complete and final by NTP scientists, was not allowed to be published.”

Struggling With Hair Loss? This Common Vitamin Deficiency Could Be To Blame

Whether we’re talking collagen powder or vitamin C, there’s no doubt certain supplements can help bolster your beauty and give you a healthy glow.

And while vitamin D is fairly well-known for its skin benefits in the beauty realm, many don’t realize that the essential vitamin is critical for hair growth as well.

The connection between vitamin D & hair loss

Vitamin D delivers myriad health benefits, including supporting healthy, long hair. As it turns out, vitamin D3 is involved in various signaling pathways in the hair follicle and has a direct (and critical) role in the hair growth (aka anagen) phase.

It goes the other way, as well: According to a 2021 review from the 1Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology1, individuals with the following non-scarring alopecia conditions are more likely to have insufficient vitamin D levels:

  • Telogen effluvium: Temporary and reversible hair thinning that occurs after periods of severe stress or a change to the body
  • Androgenetic alopecia (aka male-pattern baldness): Genetically predetermined hair loss that causes permanent balding
  • Alopecia areata (aka patchy baldness): A disease in which the immune system attacks hair follicles, causing sudden hair loss in patches
  • Trichotillomania: A disorder that causes recurrent, irresistible urges to pull out hair on the head and other places (e.g., eyebrows, eyelashes)

In one case report published in Annals of Dermatology, a seven-year-old boy with reduced vitamin D receptor (VDR) expression in alopecia areata had new hair growth after six weeks2 of applying a topical vitamin D analog (calcipotriol) daily. Complete regrowth was found after three months of application and no hair loss was observed for the next six months.

“Vitamin D3 directly interacts with hair follicles, and when D3 levels aren’t optimal, it can decrease the volume of hair on the scalp and throughout the body,” FWTS-certified trichologist William Gaunitz.

—> Power Mall Product of Recommendation: VITAMIN D3 (4000 IU) 


These Are The US Banks With The Most Uninsured Deposits

Today, there is at least $7 trillion in uninsured bank deposits in America.

This dollar value is roughly three times that of Apple’s market capitalization, or about equal to 30% of U.S. GDP. Uninsured deposits are ones that exceed the $250,000 limit insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which was actually increased from $100,000 after the Global Financial Crisis. They account for roughly 40% of all bank deposits.

In the wake of the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) fallout, Visual Capitalist’s Dorothy Neufeld and Sabrina Lam look at the 30 U.S. banks with the highest percentage of uninsured deposits, using data from S&P Global.

QUESTION: How many of you didn’t know that Anheuser-Busch wasn’t American owned?

Bud Light Boycott Over Trans Activist Dylan Mulvaney Ad Campaign Has ‘Legs,’ Analyst Says

The boycott of Bud Light following an ad campaign featuring transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney appears to be having an impact, industry analysts say.

“This boycott seems to have more legs than most,” Justin Kendall, editor of beer industry trade publication Brewbound, told the New York Post on Tuesday. “It started out as a conversation on social media and has breached into mainstream media.”

Beer Business Daily editor and publisher Harry Schuhmacher gave a more dire assessment. He said that distributors in some rural areas are “spooked” by the backlash, noting that some of the distributors rely on Bud Light sales to keep afloat.

“This is probably the biggest controversy we’ve seen in a long time,” Schuhmacher told Fox News. “There was a little bit of worry, especially in the South and the Midwest and especially in rural areas where retailers were reporting the, you know, their customers weren’t happy with Bud Light and some retailers themselves weren’t happy with Bud Light.”

Referring to the impact on distributors’ business, some companies “tend to be smaller and more reliant on the Anheuser-Busch brands to pay their bills,” he said. “And so, yeah, there is some concern about it.”

The Epoch Times has contacted Anheuser-Busch, which is owned by Netherlands-based AB Inbev, for comment.

Anheuser-Busch has told news outlets that “this commemorative can was a gift to celebrate a personal milestone and is not for sale to the general public,” adding, “Anheuser-Busch works with hundreds of influencers across our brands as one of many ways to authentically connect with audiences across various demographics. From time to time we produce unique commemorative cans for fans and for brand influencers, like Dylan Mulvaney.”

The controversy was further inflamed after a video showed Bud Light’s vice president of marketing, Alissa Heinerscheid, speaking about how she wanted to update the “fratty” and “out of touch” humor of prior Bud Light ad campaigns. On social media, some conservative critics instead accused Heinerscheid of being out of touch with Bud Light’s target demographic.

‘Burn Bra Challenge’ Takes Over TikTok in Protest of NIKE’s Dylan Mulvaney Ads

Several women have taken to TikTok to join the “Burn Bra Challenge” to destroy their NIKE sports bras after the sportswear giant hired transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney to flog the company’s sports bras and leggings.

A TikTok user calling herself “chatterbox.mama,” and who also describes herself as a “southern mama,” posted her “Burn Bra Challenge” on Tuesday in which she is seen setting a NIKE women’s sports top on fire as she tells viewers that she is “sick and tired” of the company pushing women around, the New York Post reported.

Portland Coffee Shop Cites ‘Extreme Violence’ and ‘Crime’ as Reasons for Closure

A coffee chain local to Portland, Oregon, announced it is closing its downtown location due to the “extreme violence and criminal activity” its employees have endured, the New York Post reported on Wednesday. 

Coava Coffee Roasters announced “with a heavy heart” on Instagram this week that the downtown location’s last full day of operation is April 13. The chain said it is closing the location after trying to employ several different strategies to deal with the rampant crime in the city. 

Walmart Announces It’s Shutting Down Unprofitable Chicago Stores After Investing ‘Hundreds of Millions’

Retail giant Walmart announced Tuesday that it is closing down of its stores in the Chicago area because none of the stores have been profitable and “lose tens of millions of dollars” annually, according to a news release.

After about two decades of continual losses, Walmart said that it also invested “hundreds of millions” of dollars into the four locations, according to the release. However, that still hasn’t helped the firm turn a profit in the area, it said.

“The simplest explanation is that collectively our Chicago stores have not been profitable since we opened the first one nearly 17 years ago—these stores lose tens of millions of dollars a year, and their annual losses nearly doubled in just the last five years,” the press release said. But Walmart said that after millions of dollars in investments and “many different strategies,” it has to cut its losses in the area.

“Over the years, we have tried many different strategies to improve the business performance of these locations, including building smaller stores, localizing product assortment and offering services beyond traditional retail,” Walmart’s release said. “We have invested hundreds of millions of dollars in the city, including $70 million in the last couple years to upgrade our stores and build two new Walmart Health facilities and a Walmart Academy training center.”

Walmart said that the four locations will be shut down on Sunday, April 16, “to the public.” Pharmacies at the four locations will remain open for another 30 days, the Arkansas-based company added.


Report: Biden’s Tax Credits for Electric Cars ‘Running into a Problem’ as China Controls Supply Chain

President Joe Biden’s tax credits for American-made electric vehicles are “running into a problem,” a new report details, as China controls the supply chain for raw materials needed to manufacture batteries.

Last year, House and Senate Democrats approved Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act which gives thousands of dollars in tax credits to American consumers to buy electric vehicles made in the U.S., Mexico, and Canada.

NPR Quits Twitter Amid Spat With Elon Musk Over ‘State’ Media Label

National Public Radio (NPR) left Twitter after it was labeled by the social media firm as a “state-affiliated media,” according to the public broadcaster in an article published Wednesday.

However, as of Wednesday morning, NPR’s account was still online. The outlet—currently labeled as “government-funded Media”—posted several consecutive Twitter posts telling users that they can download the NPR app, sign up for its newsletter to “[walk] you through all the stories you need,” to sign up for specific email-based newsletters, and to access it on other social media platforms like Facebook or TikTok.

It’s not clear if NPR, which critics say has exhibited a strong left-wing bias over the years, will delete its account or will simply not post.

In an NPR article published around the same time, officials with the public broadcaster attempted to portray itself as the “first major news organization to go silent on the social media platform.” Officials also said that the reason for the decision to leave Twitter is because it labeled the broadcaster as “state-affiliated media,” similar to Chinese Communist Party mouthpieces like Xinhua or CCTV, or Russian-backed outlets like RT and Sputnik News.

“The downside, whatever the downside, doesn’t change that fact,” NPR CEO John Lansing said in the article. “I would never have our content go anywhere that would risk our credibility.”

Lansing said that even if Twitter dropped the “government-funded” label, it’s not clear if NPR would return in the near future. Lansing said that individual NPR staffers and reporters can leave Twitter or not, although it’s not clear if any had done so as of Wednesday morning.


Homeland Security Agency Urges iPhone, Windows Users to Update Soon

The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) cybersecurity agency this week advised users and administrators to update their Apple, Microsoft, and Adobe products after security vulnerabilities were detected.

“Apple has released security updates to address vulnerabilities in multiple products. An attacker could exploit some of these vulnerabilities to take control of an affected device,” said the Cybersecurity Infrastructure & Security Agency in a statement on April 11, referring to a handful of security updates issued for iPhones, iPads, and other devices in the past week.

This week, Apple rolled out its security update to older Apple iPhones, iPads, Mac desktop computers, and Macbooks after it released iOS and iPadOS 16.4.1 and macOS Ventura 13.3.1 to fix two actively exploited security flaws. That update was extended to older devices, including those that use iOS and iPadOS 15.7.5, macOS Monterey 12.6.5, and macOS Big Sur 11.7.6 to patch the same security bugs.

That impacts all iPhone 6, iPhone 7, first-generation iPhone SE, iPad Air 2, fourth-generation iPad Mini, and seventh-generation iPod touch models that Apple sold in the mid-2010s, according to Apple’s support page. Last week’s update impacted all of Apple’s later phones and devices.

“If you have an older Mac, you need to ensure you have last week’s Safari update and this latest patch to go with it. If you have an older iPhone or iPad, you need to get today’s update, or else you remain vulnerable to both bugs, as used in the wild in the attack discovered by Amnesty and investigated by Google,” said security firm Sophos on its blog.

The research firm said that CVE-2023-28205 is a “hole in Webkit,” or the engine used by Apple’s Safari browser and other browsers, that can allow a hacker to “give cybercriminals control over your browser, or indeed any app that uses WebKit to render and display HTML content.”

“Apple’s own Safari browser uses WebKit, making it directly vulnerable to WebKit bugs,” the firm said. “Additionally, Apple’s App Store rules mean that all browsers on iPhones and iPads must use WebKit, making this sort of bug a truly cross-browser problem for mobile Apple devices.

VIDEO: Part 1: Kevin Shipp, CIA Officer Exposes the Shadow Government



Biden Admin Proposes Reducing Water Supply From Colorado River Basin Amid Drought

The Biden administration has proposed a federal mandate to reduce the supply of water to 40 million Americans who live in western states dependent on the Colorado River Basin to address long-term severe drought and low run-off conditions.

A draft report by the Department of the Interior’s (DOI’s) Bureau of Reclamation proposes to revise the current guidelines for the near-term operation of the Glen Canyon and Hoover dams.

According to the DOI, the move forms part of the Biden administration’s efforts to invest in climate change resilience for the Colorado River Basin and all the communities that rely on it.

The draft report explores different alternatives to ensure continued water deliveries and hydropower production for the 40 million Americans who depend on the river system.

Two manmade reservoirs along the Utah–Arizona border, Lake Powell and Lake Mead, have dropped to dangerously low levels, threatening to reach a “dead pool” state in which water can no longer flow out of them. This would threaten the water supplies and hydropower-generated electricity of tens of millions of Americans.

Biden EPA’s New Vehicle Emissions Standards Spark Backlash From Auto Industry, Republicans

The Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed emissions standards for automobiles and trucks are raising eyebrows in the auto industry and Washington alike.

“EPA’s proposed emissions plan is aggressive by any measure. By that I mean it sets automotive electrification goals in the next few years that are … very high,” John Bozzella, president and CEO of the automaker trade organization Alliance for Automotive Innovation, wrote in an April 12 blog post.

The federal standards would tightly restrict emissions from new vehicles. That will effectively force automakers to boost their sales of electric vehicles (EVs).

The agency’s proposal anticipates that under the new standards, two-thirds of new light-duty vehicles sold in the United States would be electric by the model year 2032.

It similarly predicts that 46 percent of new medium-duty vehicles sold in the United States would be electric by that model year.

EVs made up less than 6 percent of total new vehicle sales in 2022. That’s an increased percentage relative to past years even as total new vehicle sales were down to 13.8 million units from 17.3 million in 2018.

The EPA claims its standards would lower carbon dioxide emissions by 10 billion tons.

Agency administrator Michael Regan described the standards as the “strongest ever” during an April 12 press conference.

“The proposal exceeds the administration’s own 50 percent electrification target,” Bozzella wrote, adding that his industry is “fully committed to an electric and low-carbon transportation future.”


Shepherd’s Purse – Identification and Use

This non-descript plant is both gourmet green and powerful medicine. Samuel Thayer calls it the “most underrated wild edible” and praises the leaves and roots. The book “Backyard Medicine” hails it for stopping bleeding and reducing inflammation.

Range and Identification

Shepherd’s Purse is a common weed, found throughout the world, though it’s native to Eastern Europe. It’s a hardly annual with seedlings that sprout in fall and then sit through winter as small rosettes less than 2 inches across. They easily survive temperatures to 0 degrees F.

This initial rosette gives way to a larger rosette a few inches across, with deeply toothed leaves. The plants produce multiple 4 to 20 inches tall flower stalks. Stem leaves alternate up the stalk, and get smaller and less lobed near the tip.

As these stalks grow, purse-shaped (or heart shaped) seed capsules form along the flower stems. These seed pods are easy to spot, and probably the easiest way to ID the plant.

The flowers are small and white, with four petals. Shepherd’s purse flowers year round, as temperatures allow. The plant reproduces by seeds – lots of seeds. A single plant can produce from 500 to 90,000 small, light brown seeds.

How to Eat Shepherd’s Purse

Always make sure to positively identified a plant before use.

Both the greens and roots of shepherd’s purse are edible. Once it flowers, it becomes tough and chewy. Harvest the greens (and roots, if desired) in winter or early spring for best eating quality.

Like many mustard family plants, the leaves have a slight peppery flavor. They’re high in omega 3 fatty acids, calcium, iron, zinc, and vitamins A, B, and C. Eat the small leaves raw in salads, or cook mature greens.

Chop seed pods and use for a peppery flavor in soups and stews. Add them near the end of cooking time. Use the seeds as a pepper substitute, either whole or ground.


Appeals Court Rules Kentucky Government Pay $270,000 in COVID Church Lockdown Case

A federal appeals court has ruled Kentucky must pay more than $270,000 in attorneys’ fees to plaintiffs who sued the state over Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear’s COVID-19 lockdown policies.

Plaintiffs Randall Daniel, TJ Roberts and Sally O’Boyle sued the Beshear administration in 2020 over orders they received to quarantine after they attended an Easter church service. The trio argued the administration had violated their constitutional rights.

In a legally complex decision, a federal court granted a preliminary injunction barring the Beshear administration from enforcing its lockdown policies against the churchgoers, and then dismissed the lawsuit against the Beshear administration as a moot issue. The plaintiff churchgoers subsequently sought attorneys’ fees in the case, but the Beshear administration fought the effort—arguing that the plaintiffs were not the prevailing legal party in the lawsuit.

On Monday, a panel of three judges on the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a district ruling (pdf) that the Beshear administration should pay $272,142.50 to the plaintiffs for their attorney’s fees.

Twitter Pressured to Label COVID-19 Facts as “Misinformation”

Internal Documents Reveal Researchers Pushed Twitter to Label Vaccine Side Effects as “Malinformation”

Last month, Twitter Files number 19 was made public. Entitled, The Great COVID-19 Lie Machine Stanford, the Virality Project, and the Censorship of ‘True Stories’, the released documents show that researchers from a coalition known as the Virality Project (VP) pressured Twitter to treat facts surrounding COVID as misinformation or “malinformation”. These facts included descriptions of COVID vaccine side effects, including reported vaccine injuries and deaths, and criticism of mandatory COVID vaccine policies and vaccine passport systems.

Stanford, NYU and Others Form Coalition to “Mitigate Misleading Narratives”

Per their Twitter bio, Virality Project defines itself as “a coalition of research entities” that focus “on detecting and mitigating the impact of false and misleading narratives related to COVID vaccines.” The organization collaborated with Twitter in December of 2020. Research partners with the Virality Project include Stanford, New York University, and the University of Washington, among others

NOTE: Musk vaxxed his “eligible” kids! Does that mean he’s woke?

Brain Injuries After COVID Vaccination

There are back door routes to the brain. COVID vaccine developers have traversed a path through those doors. And they knew they had entered the brain by November 2020, before the vaccine rollout.

We have 86 billion neurons in the human brain, and each of those connects with 10,000 other neurons. No other structure in the known universe rivals the brain’s complexity.

The brain is also the most exclusive club, so to speak, in the body. The gatekeeper is the blood-brain barrier (BBB). That barrier, shown in the second illustration below, is mostly composed of tight junctions between endothelial cells that line, in a single layer, the capillaries (our smallest blood vessels) that nourish the brain. So the BBB is in effect the capillary walls and the tight junctions between its cells.


The Second Amendment by Allen West

The first Ten Amendments to our US Constitution are referred to as our individual Bill of Rights. They are not a suggestion but rather the codification in our rule of law as those specified rights of an American citizen. The First Amendment lays out a series of rights: freedom of religion, speech, expression, press, and the right to petition our government for redress of grievances. However, the framers of our Constitution knew that those First Amendment rights were passive rights that could easily be undermined and taken away.

This is where the Second Amendment comes into being. The lesson our founders experienced was that the only thing that prevented the tyrannical usurpation of those first amendment rights was the right to be armed. That lesson was taught to them by the British who repeatedly violated their individual rights as subjects. It was only when American patriots armed themselves did they find the ability to defend their rights, and themselves. And that was why the British, on April 19, 1775, marched inland towards Concord, Massachusetts, to destroy a weapons and armaments factory. It was on their way that the Sons of Liberty met them on Lexington Green and they fired the “shot that was heard ’round the world.”

Therefore, the language of the Second Amendment reflects that historical moment:

“A well regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

On that day in 1775 there was no US Army, US Navy, US Marine Corps, those services were established later in June, October, and November of that year. The intent of the Second Amendment was to stress that “well-regulated” does not mean government regulations, it means well-trained. The militia is each and every individual, citizen, able bodied person. A trained group of citizens is necessary to the security, safety, or a free state. This is to keep us secure and safe from the intents and desires of those who would violate our First Amendment — or any — rights. Therefore, the right of the American citizen to keep and bear arms, weapons shall not be infringed, undermined, removed, or eliminated.

Today, the new tyrants, the progressive socialist, Marxist leftist seek to do exactly what the British aimed to do almost 247 years ago. The desire to subjugate runs hot within the veins of the leftists, and the history of socialist dictators proves such. When a woman suffering from the mental condition known as gender dysphoria guns down six people at a Christian school in Nashville Tennessee, including three 9 year old children, the left’s rhetorical response is for gun control, meaning the disarmament of legal, law abiding citizens. It is not about focusing on the shooter and why they should not have been able to acquire firearms. It is not about answering the question as to why we spend more money to secure a sporting event than our children, and schools. It is not about a failing system of background checks, the NICS system.

No, it always comes back to the one dream of the left, turning citizens into subjects.

It is time we reclaimed the language and not allow the left to dictate and dominate the narrative. Constitutional conservatives, and those who love their freedoms, must begin to push back against the lawlessness of the left.

We at the American Constitutional Rights Union will not allow this to stand. That is why we are inviting you to join us Thursday evening at 8pm ET/7pm CT for our next webinar series on the Second Amendment. We will have an in-depth discussion about the second amendment and the threats to its existence. The words shall not be infringed are pretty direct, simple, and easy to comprehend, yet the leftists in America continue to try.

Time to stop this!


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Former NHL Player Raymond Sawada Dies of a Heart Attack at 38

Former Dallas stars winger Raymond Sawada died of a heart attack on Monday at the age of 38, his family announced.

Sawada was playing a recreational hockey game when he suffered the arrest, according to reports.

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