June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: April 23, 2024


Taiwan was hit by numerous earthquakes again; the strongest reaching 6.3 in magnitude!

Taiwan’s capital was hit by a series of earthquakes overnight into the early hours this morning, with the Central Weather Administration saying the strongest was a magnitude-6.3 tremor originating in eastern Hualien.

The first strong quake — a magnitude 5.5 — hit yesterday at around 5:08 pm local time, according to the Central Weather Administration. It could be felt in the capital Taipei.

That was followed by a series of aftershocks and quakes, with two intense tremors hitting one after another around 2:30 am local time this morning, according to AFP reporters and witnesses in Taipei. The Central Weather Administration said a magnitude-6.0 quake had hit at 2:26 am, followed six minutes later by the magnitude-6.3 tremor.

The US Geological Survey put the first one at a magnitude-6.1, followed by a magnitude-6.0.

Dozens more smaller tremors were recorded by the Central Weather Administration over the rest of the night, with a new one every few minutes, according to its website — all in the Hualien region.

Through Monday, AFP reporters could feel their buildings swaying during intense quakes, while one said “glass panels of bathroom and windows were making noises” as the island shuddered. Hualien’s fire department said that teams were dispatched to inspect any disaster from the new quakes. Taiwan sees frequent earthquakes as it is located at the junction of two tectonic plates.

Russian journalist calls out the European Union as a technocracy! 

Indeed, Russia itself danced with Technocrats through the 1920s and 1930s to build the Soviet Utopia. During the ensuing years, virtually all of the technology was exported by the West, propped up that evil regime. Now, this Russian journalist is flat-out calling the EU a Technocracy, and for the right reasons.

Indeed, Russia itself danced with Technocrats through the 1920s and 1930s to build the Soviet Utopia. During the ensuing years, virtually all of the technology was exported by the West, propped up that evil regime. Now, this Russian journalist is flat-out calling the EU a Technocracy, and for the

your future as planned by Technocracy and Transhumanism, this is the must-read place to start.

 One commenter echoes my criticism that “Carbon credit is a scam and a scheme for people who want to keep destroying earth!” Of course, there is more to Technocracy than just carbon credits, but the war on “carbon-based life forms” is unmistakable.

Excess deaths hit 115,000 following the 3rd COVID shot according to a new study!

A new study on harms resulting from the COVID vaccine was published on April 8 in the U.S.- based peer-reviewed medical science journal Cureus. It represents the largest study to date on adverse effects of the COVID vaccine, and the results are shocking, to put it mildly.

In the study, titled “Increased Age- Adjusted Cancer Mortality After the Third mRNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan,” five Japanese scientists used an entire dataset of the country’s 123 million population (Japan has the highest vaccination rate in the world) to study excess cancer mortalities coinciding with mass COVID vaccination.

The authors also provide a sound explanation as to why these deaths occurred after the mRNA injection.

The study shows there were 1,568,961 total deaths in Japan in 2022. About 1,453,162 deaths were expected based on statistical predictions using pre-pandemic information, which means there were 115,799 excess deaths in 2022.

The 115,799 “age-adjusted excess number of deaths” in 2022 occurred after two-thirds of the Japanese population had received the third dose of COVID vaccine.

Based on Japan’s Ministry of Health data, I calculated that there were 39,060 COVID deaths reported in 2022. So, the majority of Japan’s excess deaths in 2022 were not caused by COVID infection, but rather are strongly associated with the vaccination.


Germany arrests three people accused of spying for China! 

Three people suspected of spying for China and arranging to transfer information on technology with potential military uses were arrested in Germany yesterday.

Prosecutors said the three German citizens are accused of having acted for Chinese intelligence since some point before June 2022. They are also suspected of violating German export laws by exporting a special laser without permission.

One of the suspects, identified only as Thomas R. in line with German privacy laws, was allegedly an agent for an employee of China’s Ministry of State Security and procured information in Germany on “militarily usable innovative technologies” for that person, federal prosecutors said in a statement.


Judge approves Trump’s $175-million bond; AG James won’t get to seize Trump properties! 

Former President Donald Trump and New York Attorney General Letitia James reached an agreement on April 22 regarding his $175 million bond in his New York civil case, imposing additional restrictions while resolving concerns about the funds’ security.

The attorney general argued that Knight Specialty Insurance Company (KSIC) lacked a “certificate of qualification” and that President Trump still had access to the Charles Schwab account pledged to the insurer as collateral.

Judge Arthur Engoron accepted the April 22 agreement, which gave KSIC exclusive control over the account. The state made the offer after Chris Kise, President Trump’s attorney, provided oral argument.

The attorney general established five bond conditions this morning that allow President Trump to use a non-New York company as a traditional license surety to cover the $175 million he was ordered to pay.

KSIC is unauthorized by the New York Department of Financial Services, which bond experts have said is a victory for President Trump.

“[The company] is probably charging Trump less and they accepted a pledge rather than actually receiving $175 million in cash,” Bruce Lederman, a commercial and real estate litigator who has dealt in bonds for more than 40 years, said.

All of President Trump’s attorneys agreed to the settlement stipulations, which are expected to be memorialized by the end of the week.

The five bond conditions include retaining the collateral in a Schwab account and restricting KSIC from trading or withdrawing any of the funds for anything other than payment of the bond.

“The state was not looking to be vindictive,” Mr. Lederman told The Epoch Times. “They are looking simply to be guaranteed that they are getting paid if they win the appeal, and they were sufficiently satisfied that if these five conditions were met, they would get paid.”

Court filings in the Trump classified documents case show possible collusion between NARA and the White House! 

Court filings newly unsealed on Monday in the Mar-a-Lago classified documents case include emails between National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) officials, the Biden White House, and the Department of Justice (DOJ) regarding former President Donald Trump’s presidential records.

The trove of unsealed filings also revealed that the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) code name for its investigation into President Trump’s presidential records was “[Redacted] Plasmic Echo.”

A key exhibit included with a motion to compel filed in January was an FBI case file labeled “[Redacted] PLASMIC ECHO; Mishandling of Classified or National Defense Information.”

This file, now made public, summarizes an initial review of documents forwarded by NARA to the FBI on Feb. 24, 2022. The review uncovered 106 classified documents across 12 out of 15 boxes, totaling 767 pages.

Last year, President Trump pleaded not guilty to 40 counts related to allegedly mishandling classified documents. In January, the defense filed a motion to compel discovery along with several exhibits under seal, which included emails containing names and identifying information about government officials.

The defense has argued that the emails unsealed on Monday indicate communication between NARA officials, the Biden administration, and the DOJ regarding President Trump’s records, alleging coordination in targeting the former president since 2021.

One email from NARA’s general counsel to the national archivist discussed drafting a letter to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland concerning “missing Trump records.” Subsequent emails revealed coordination between NARA and the Biden White House counsel’s office regarding the handling of these records.

The Sept. 1, 2021, email revealed that NARA’s general counsel, Gary Stern, had been in touch with both the DOJ and the Biden White House “about this issue.” A subsequent email on Sept. 30, 2021, reveals that the White House counsel’s office “is now ready to set up a call to discuss the Trump boxes.”

This email came after Mr. Stern emailed Deputy White House Counsel Jonathan Su two days earlier to “check back in to see when and how you want to proceed re [sic] meeting with [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], and NARA to discuss the Trump boxes?”

Furthermore, the defense highlighted instances where NARA officials didn’t disclose certain actions to Trump representatives, suggesting bias in the investigation process.

The defense alleged that Mr. Su didn’t disclose to a Trump representative that NARA had already drafted a DOJ referral letter when contacting them to discuss access to notes “from the Trump administration relating to records handling.”

The unsealed emails show that NARA took into consideration the Democrat-led January 6 Committee’s investigation when considering the timing of reporting to Congress on their issues of getting access to President Trump’s posts on Twitter (now X).

On Oct. 5, 2023, Mr. Stern wrote in an internal NARA email that the release of a letter to Congress “can be timed with our public release of the Trump social media records … as well as our release to the 1/6 Committee of responsive tweets on the day of January 6.”

Mr. Stern noted that NARA had “issues” getting President Trump’s “social media records” because the Trump White House didn’t “capture them through the use of third-party archiving tools.”

“I do not think that these problems are something that the AG/DOJ can deal with, but it could be appropriate to report them to Congress, especially since the January 6 Committee has specifically requested Trump’s Tweets from the day of January 6,” Mr. Stern wrote in the email.

Mr. Stern adds that the Biden White House counsel “is now also aware of this issue, and has asked that I keep them in the loop to the extent that we make any reference to the White House Office of Records Management.”

Another email shows Mr. Ferriero saying that he had run “out of patience” amid back-and-forth communications with Trump representatives regarding “missing boxes” that, according to a draft email to the attorney general, were reported as having been “possibly destroyed.”

The defense, along with a coalition of news media, asked the court to unseal these exhibits, arguing that the court filings are “matters of public record.”

The defense has accused the prosecution of withholding potentially exculpatory evidence and alleged bias in the investigation.

The filings made public on Monday revealed previously sealed information while limiting the redactions to keeping secret the names of government witnesses.

They were included as exhibits in a motion to compel the prosecution to produce discovery material. In the Jan. 16 motion, they argued that the office of Special Counsel Jack Smith has engaged in discovery violations and has disregarded fundamental fairness in its pursuit of prosecuting President Trump.

The disclosures come amid a protracted battle over court documents, with Judge Aileen Cannon having reminded both parties in various court filings of the “strong presumption of public access” in the criminal proceedings, showing a preference for making public as much as possible. In January, she ordered that no unclassified material be sealed unless there were clear risks to personal safety or national security.

The back-and-forth over documents has extended the pre-trial motions stage and delayed the original May 20 trial date.

U.S. Supreme Court denies bid to expand no-excuse mail-in ballots in Texas! A win for Texas!

The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear a legal challenge to a Texas law that requires voters under the age of 65 to provide justification to vote by mail, meaning that the Democrat-aligned attempt to sharply expand “no-excuse” mail-in ballots in the Lone Star state has failed, with implications for other states.

According to an April 22 order list, the high court denied petition for a writ of certiorari in a case that stems from a federal lawsuit filed in 2020 on behalf of the Texas Democratic Party and several voters who requested that Texas lift its age-based limitations on no-excuse mail-in voting.

Texas law only allows individuals to vote by mail without a qualifying excuse, like sickness, if they are 65 years or older. In their original complaint, which made its way through a number of lower courts before ending up before the Supreme Court, the petitioners alleged that the Texas voting law violates the 26th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits denying the right to vote due to age.

The Supreme Court’s refusal to hear the appeal means that the Texas law stays in place, delivering a win to election integrity advocates who argue that no-excuse mail-in voting is prone to fraud and makes elections less secure.

At the same time, the high court’s decision to deny certiorari is a setback for groups who see laws like Texas’s age-based limits on no-excuse mail-in ballots as “voter suppression” or an unfair attempt to impose barriers to voting for certain groups, in this case younger voters.

Jim Jordan has launched an investigation into the deadly ATF raid in Little Rock, Arkansas!

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) is now actively investigating the circumstances of a deadly federal law enforcement raid on the home of Little Rock, Arkansas, airport director Bryan Malinowski on March 19.

Agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives’ (ATF’s) Little Rock field office had suspected Mr. Malinowski—executive director of the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport—of selling firearms without a license and without conducting background checks. The ATF had obtained a warrant to search his home and arrived at the man’s home at about 6 a.m. on March 19 wearing full tactical gear.

The exact sequence of events after the federal agents entered Mr. Malinowski’s home remains unclear, but there was an exchange of gunfire and he was struck at least once in the head. He died of his wounds two days later.

Yesterday, Mr. Jordan wrote to ATF Director Steven Dettelbach demanding that his agency turn over records relating to the deadly raid.

“The circumstances of Mr. Malinowski’s death raise questions about whether the ATF followed proper protocol during the execution of this search warrant,” Mr. Jordan’s letter reads.

Mr. Jordan noted recent revelations that ATF agents covered up a doorbell security camera before they entered Mr. Malinowski’s home and were not using body cameras to document their actions during the raid.

A June 2021 Department of Justice (DOJ) memo orders federal law enforcement agencies, including the ATF, to submit policy proposals for requiring agents to wear and activate such body cameras to record their actions during planned arrest operations and when executing searches and seizures. A May 25, 2022, executive order by President Joe Biden called on federal law enforcement agencies to identify the resources needed to begin implementing such body camera policies at the agency level.

Mr. Jordan said the March 19th ATF raid may have also run afoul of a DOJ policy, announced by Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco in September 2021, requiring federal agents to limit their use of so-called no-knock entry tactics. Her policy memorandum states that no-knock entries may be used only when a requesting agency believes that there is a threat of violence, and an agent must first get supervisory approval from both a federal prosecutor and the agent’s law enforcement component before using no-knock entry tactics.

It’s unclear whether the ATF agencies followed the normal “knock and announce” procedures or whether they forced their way into Mr. Malinowski’s home with no-knock tactics.

The Malinowski family contends that there’s no evidence suggesting that ATF agents identified themselves before they entered the home. The family further contends that Mr. Malinowski and his wife, Maer, believed intruders were breaking into their home on the morning of March 19 and that he loaded a handgun as he went to inspect the commotion.

Bud Cummins, an attorney representing the Malinowski family, has argued that the decision by ATF agents to cover the doorbell camera also appears counterproductive if their intent was to announce themselves before the raid.

“ATF has not explained why it resorted to a no knock entry of Mr. Malinowski’s home when it could have peacefully executed the warrant while he was away from his residence,” Mr. Jordan’s letter to the ATF director reads.

Mr. Jordan called on Mr. Dettelbach to turn over all documents relating to the planning and execution of the search warrant on Mr. Malinowski’s home on March 19. This request includes any audio recordings that may have been captured during the raid in the absence of body camera footage.

Mr. Jordan also called for the ATF to account for its lack of body camera footage from the raid. He asked the agency to disclose the number of “no knock” entries they had conducted since Ms. Monaco posted her September 2021 memorandum on such practices.

He asked the ATF director to provide the records by May 6.

NTD News reached out to the ATF and the DOJ for comment about the March 19 raid.

“As is standard practice, this matter is under review by state authorities in Arkansas,” an ATF spokesperson said on April 22. “The Department of Justice does not comment on pending matters.”

Anti-Israel protesters were arrested at NYU, adding to those picked up at Yale, Columbia!

Anti-Israel protesters involved in an encampment at New York University (NYU) were

arrested on Monday evening. Officers from the New York Police Department (NYPD) reportedly began making arrests amongst a crowd of anti-Israel protesters around 8:30 p.m., according to the New York Times.
The arrests reportedly came after officials from NYU warned protesters they could face potential consequences “if they did not leave” the campus plaza, according to the outlet.

Officers reportedly moved in to make arrests after university officials said the anti-Israel protesters had broken through barricades and were acting in a “disorderly, disruptive, and antagonizing manner.”

Video footage posted to X shows police officers dressed in riot gear attempting to clear protesters out. The arrests at NYU came as 74 anti-Israel protesters at Yale University were arrested on Monday morning in relation to their involvement in an encampment on the university’s campus.

Hundreds of anti-Israel protesters, including Isra Hirsi, Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) daughter, were arrested on Thursday in relation to their involvement in an encampment that had been established on the lawn of Columbia University on Wednesday morning.

Several pro-Palestinian student organizations at the University of North Carolina, Boston University, and The Ohio State University have also held anti-Israel rallies and protests in support of the anti-Israel encampment started at Columbia University.


Disgraced Democratic megadonor Sam Bankman-Fried will flip on Tom Brady and others! 

Middle-aged NFL legend Tom Brady recently hinted at the possibility that he might stage a Michael Jordan-style comeback. He just might have to in order to stay whole thanks to disgraced Democratic mega-donor Sam Bankman-Fried’s latest act of betrayal.

Bankman-Fried, the convicted fraudster whose mom figures is too autistic for prison, has apparently agreed to cooperate with the group of cryptocurrency users suing various FTX influencers, including Brady and his ex-wife, supermodel Gisele Bundchen.

Brady and Bündchen each took an equity stake in FTX as part of a 2021 ambassadorial partnership. While Brady became a brand ambassador, Bündchen took on the role of FTX’s environmental and social initiatives advisor. The former couple appeared in a series of FTX commercials.

Former NBA star Shaquille O’Neal, Golden State Warriors basketballer Stephen Curry, Los Angeles Angels baseballer Shohei Ohtani, “Shark Tank’s” Kevin O’Leary, and “Seinfeld” co-creator Larry David are all named in the class-action complaint and this flip may come back to bite them all in the keister! 

IMF issues grave warning to Biden administration on out-of-control deficit spending! 

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has sounded the alarm on the Biden administration’s high deficit spending, warning that its fiscal stance and ballooning public debt threaten to stoke inflation and possibly even spark financial chaos.

“The fiscal stance, out of line with long-term fiscal sustainability, is of particular concern,” IMF economists wrote in a recent blog post, which accompanied the release of the group’s latest editions of the group’s Fiscal Monitor and its World Economic Outlook Report, which both warn of acute risks to public finances in an election year in which much of the political discourse is loudly in favor of fiscal expansion.

Deficit spending in the United States last year hit $1.7 trillion in 2023, or 6.3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), according to a recent report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), which warned that deficit spending that adds to a growing pile of public debt would slow economic growth and drive up interest payments to foreign holders of U.S. debt.

The IMF has taken notice of America’s ballooning debt and added its voice of concern, warning that the Biden administration’s spending levels are unsustainable and could push the economy to breaking point.

“It raises short-term risks to the disinflation process, as well as longer-term fiscal and financial stability risks for the global economy,” IMF economists wrote in their post. “Something will have to give.”

Fashion retailer Express files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection; shutters nearly 100 stores

United States fashion retailer Express Inc. has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in Delaware as it plans to shutter more than 95 stores. In addition to nearly 100 Express stores, the company is closing down all UpWest stores, a subsidiary with locations across several states. The Columbus, Ohio-based clothing retailer, which is also the parent company of the Bonobos brand, announced the decision in a Monday news release.

The locations to be shut down have not yet been released, but company officials said closing sales will begin today. Otherwise, Express says it “expects to conduct business as usual.”

Executives also said they received a non-binding letter of intent from a group that WHP Global leads, looking to purchase the majority of the company’s stores and operations.

According to Express, it filed for Chapter 11 protection “to facilitate the sale process.”

“We continue to make meaningful progress refining our product assortments, driving demand, connecting with customers and strengthening our operations,” said Express CEO Stewart Glendinning. “

As of now, the company operates around 530 Express retail and Express Factory Outlet stores around the U.S. and Puerto Rico, as well as about 60 Bonobos Guideshop and 12 UpWest stores.


Thinking about an Apple Watch or some other “wearable”?  Think again!

Computers have become intimately tied to modern life. But has our relationship grown too close?  It’s something to consider in the age of wearables.

As the name suggests, wearables are computers worn close to the body. They often connect wirelessly to the internet, and take several forms, such as rings, bracelets, glasses, and electronic tattoos.

The technology is much more than a high-tech fashion statement. Medical biosensors can be embedded in clothing, and even implanted inside your body, to track, record, and analyze what’s going on inside you.

An article published in the journal npj Digital Medicine defines a wearable as a sensor  “unencumbered by wires for the continuous and non-invasive detection of biosignals, analytes, or biomechanical and impact forces for monitoring human health and performance.”

Some wearables, such as smartwatches, give you a few things to do—like the opportunity to flip through your favorite songs or check the latest weather forecast. In most cases, however, you’re not meant to consciously engage with the technology for it to do its job. You just wear the device, and go about your day, as the wearable works in the background.

The tech industry sees wearables as a big area for growth. Apple currently dominates the wearables market, however, Google is also turning attention to developing these products.

Currently, about a third of the adult population uses a wearable. And, as you might expect, most users are younger (18 to 44; Gen X, Y and Z and some Millenials). However, the biggest projection for growth is toward older folks.

One major reason people wear these devices is to benefit their health. Wearables can record the number of steps you take, calories you burn, or any other health data you might want to collect and analyze. Fitness trackers, for example, chart your exercise progress, encouraging you to improve your numbers over time.

And people say they work. Results from a 2019 health information survey found that frequent use of fitness wearables improved patients’ physical activity levels.

Beyond gauging and enhancing physical performance, wearables may be used to evaluate our psychological health as well.

A 2023 study examined machine learning models that sift through data from wearable devices designed to identify a patient’s degree of resilience and mental well-being. Researchers say these findings support the use of wearable devices as a way to monitor and assess psychological states remotely without the use of mental health questionnaires.

Wearables have also been used to track the progression of disease. A 2021 review looked at  22 different types of wearable technologies designed to detect COVID-19 infection. The goal was to see if the technology was effective enough for health care policymakers to “mandate its use for remote surveillance.”

For all the health benefits wearables claim to offer, there is also evidence that suggests these devices are not so healthy. For example, some individuals find all this personal data overwhelming. Some studies show that health tracking can contribute to addiction and anxiety.

A National Institutes of Health-funded study in 2020 found that although wearables can motivate some people to engage in healthy behaviors, they may inadvertently contribute to pathologic symptom monitoring and impaired function in others.

The study looked at patients with intermittent atrial fibrillation who were especially susceptible to excessive cardiac monitoring with a wearable device. They found that anxiety was prevalent among this population, leading to a higher symptom burden, worsened quality of life, and an increase in health care consumption.

“Thus, technologies that heighten awareness and attention to normal and potentially abnormal fluctuations in heart rates may lead to substantial increases in anxiety in predisposed persons and prompt unnecessary medical care,” the study stated.

Other studies reveal a correlation between the use of fitness and calorie trackers and an increase in symptoms of eating disorders, particularly among college students.

Although preliminary, results suggest that for some individuals, these devices might do more harm than good.

There’s a big push to expand the wearables market, but many consumers are hesitant to strap on a wireless device that records and transmits data from their minds and bodies. Non-health-related concerns include the privacy and cyber security issues regarding your personal information.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cautions that these devices could also be a source of distraction and lead to a number of safety issues, particularly for those “driving a car or participating in other activities that require close attention.”

Radiation exposure is another concern with wearables. These devices typically connect wirelessly through Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or other wireless communication technologies, and since they are in close proximity to your body, you are exposed to more of the frequencies wearables emit.

Of course, any device that transmits radio frequency (RF) radiation must meet exposure limits set by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). However, many scientists, doctors, and public health advocates dispute the safety of the FCC standard.

FCC guidelines for wireless radiation were adopted in 1996, long before smartphones and wearables were introduced. However, several studies since then have suggested that RF radiation exposure—considered harmless by FCC standards—can cause harm.

In 2011, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer classified wireless radiation as a Group 2B possible carcinogen.

Some of the strongest evidence that FCC standards may not be adequate came in 2018 from the final report of a $30 million, 10-year study funded by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It was conducted by the National Toxicology Program (NTP)—the federal agency tasked with testing toxins—and was designed to be the final word on whether wireless radiation was harmful. It showed clear evidence of cancer and DNA damage linked to cellphone use.

In 2021 a federal court ruled that the FCC had to reevaluate its wireless safety standards based on studies that show harm. Regulators have yet to update their standards, but until they do, some are calling for more caution.

One is Fariha Husain, EMR (electromagnetic radiation) and wireless program manager for Children’s Health Defense (CHD)—one of the organizations that sued the FCC to change its RF safety standard.

Ms. Husain points to several health impacts associated with exposure from wireless devices, particularly when worn close to the body, like wearables. These include an increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damage, structural and functional changes in the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and more.

“Exposure to electromagnetic energy generally decreases with distance from the source. Therefore, our guidance is to eliminate or increase distance from wireless sources whenever possible. Since wearables must be worn close to the body, we recommend eliminating the use of wearables altogether, if possible,” Ms. Husain said.

Of course, RF fields are difficult, if not impossible, to avoid these days. Homes, schools, and workplaces are already bathed in Wi-Fi 24/7, and most people carry a smartphone wherever they go. So does adding a wearable into your daily mix of wireless radiation exposure really make much of a difference?

Ms. Husain says it does.

“Exposure from wireless sources is complex and cumulative,” she said. “This means that the more wireless sources a person is exposed to, and the closer they are to the body, the greater the health risk.”

While we can’t see RF radiation, it can certainly make people sick. Electromagnetic sensitivity is a federally recognized health condition in which individuals suffer from a wide range of adverse symptoms due to RF exposure. Symptoms include headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, sleep problems, depression, fatigue, flu-like symptoms, restlessness, anxiety, heart palpitations, and muscle and joint pain.


Arizona judge declares mistrial in the case of a rancher accused of fatally shooting a migrant

After three days of deliberation and being sent back twice by the judge; the jury has reached an intractable impasse—there’s no verdict in the trial of George Alan Kelly.

Judge Thomas Fink declared a mistrial yesterday and set a status hearing on April 29th in which the prosecution will either move to schedule a retrial or move to dismiss the case.

Mr. Kelly faced one charge of second-degree murder or manslaughter or negligent homicide and an additional charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in the shooting death of Mexican national Gabriel Cuen-Buitimea, an  illegal immigrant on Mr. Kelly’s ranch.

“It’s a victory,” said defense lawyer Kathy Lowthorp after the judge declared a mistrial

“It’s the second best answer–not guilty, and then a mistrial. So either way, it’s a win, just not the perfect win.”

Lead defense lawyer Brenna Larkin said the state has 60 days to call a new trial or dismiss the case. “We will know on Monday,” she told The Epoch Times, referring to the April 29th hearing.


Pre-print Study: COVID spike proteins help cancer cells survive and resist chemotherapy!

Spike protein from SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, potentially promotes cancer by interfering with anti-cancer activities, according to a recent preprint cell study from Brown University.

The preprint authors, led by Dr. Wafik El-Deiry, director of the Cancer Center at Brown University, exposed cancer cells to spike protein subunits. They found that the spike subunits may promote cancer survival and growth by blocking a cancer suppressor gene known as p53.

The gene—the most commonly affected by cancer—stops cancer cell growth and encourages DNA repair.

“Interfering with p53 can promote cancer development as well as aid cancer growth,” Dr. El-Deiry told The Epoch Times.

When exposed to chemotherapy, cancer cells containing spike protein subunits had a better chance of survival.

“We saw enhanced cancer cell viability in the presence of SARS-CoV-2 spike S2 subunit after treatment with several chemotherapy agents,” said Dr. El-Deiry.

The researchers then used chemotherapy drugs to activate the p53 genes and cause cancer cell death.

However, they found that cancer cells with spike protein S2 tended to survive the effects of the anti-cancer gene and chemotherapy. They also observed that p53 activity was reduced in these cells.

It is still unknown why cancer cells with spike protein S2 DNA had better survival rates. Dr. El-Deiry said it could be because S2 proteins seem to interfere with p53 activity. However, S2 proteins may also cause “other effects that promote cell survival” even in the presence of toxic chemotherapy.

Dr. El-Deiry’s study was designed to test whether the SARS-CoV-2 virus or its viral subunits could promote cancer activities.

However, the study further implied that SARS-CoV-2 therapeutics like the COVID-19 mRNA and protein vaccines may yield similar effects.

“Our goal was to study spike protein regardless of its origin,” Dr. El-Deiry told The Epoch Times. “We focused on spike that may come from infection or any other way it can be expressed in human cells … this would also apply to vaccine-made spike.”

Several recent studies have shown a rise in cancer that coincides with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Two preprints investigating codes for cause of death found that in 2020, there was a slight increase in excess death from cancer neoplasms—new and abnormal tissue growth—according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The excess mortality rate of neoplasms for young Americans was 1.7 percent in 2020. In 2021, this increased by almost threefold to 5.6 percent. In 2022, the excess neoplasm death rate increased to 7.9 percent.

“The results indicate that from 2021 a novel phenomenon leading to increased neoplasm deaths appears to be present in individuals aged 15 to 44 in the US,” authors of one of the preprints wrote, alluding to possible COVID-19 vaccine involvement.

Another follow-up report on older Americans presented similar findings.

A peer-reviewed Japanese study published in Cureus on April 8 observed a “significant increase“ in cancer deaths in Japan after mass vaccination with the third mRNA COVID-19 vaccine dose in 2022.

The issues with the jabs and children seem to get more nefarious as the days go by!

Children who received an original COVID-19 vaccine have little protection against hospitalization just months after vaccination, according to a new study from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Children initially have 52 percent protection against hospitalization but that estimated effectiveness plummeted to 19 percent after four months, according to the paper.

Protection against so-called critical illness also dropped sharply, from 57 percent to 25 percent, researchers found.

The researchers include CDC employees and the paper was published in the CDC’s weekly digest on April 18.

The study covered children who received two or more doses of the original Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines from Dec. 19, 2021, through Oct. 29, 2023.

The study involved children aged 5 to 18 who were hospitalized with acute COVID-19 and tested positive for the illness and compared them to a control group of children hospitalized with COVID-19-like symptoms but who tested negative for COVID-19.

Researchers drew data from the Overcoming COVID-19 Network, which includes health care sites in most of the United States, and ended up with 1,551 case patients and 1,797 in the control group.

The study found that “receipt of ≥2 original monovalent COVID-19 vaccine doses was associated with fewer COVID-19–related hospitalizations in children and adolescents aged 5–18 years; however, protection from original vaccines was not sustained over time,” Laura Zambrano, a CDC epidemiologist, and her co-authors wrote.

It also recorded a similar drop in protection against critical illness, defined as being placed on mechanical ventilation, vasoactive infusions, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or dying.

Just 14 percent of children, and 23 percent of adults, have received one of the newest vaccines as of April 6, according to CDC estimates. The available vaccines are messenger RNA (mRNA) shots from Pfizer and Moderna and an alternative from Novavax.


Gavin Newsom pushes the envelope showing Alabama abortion ad of cop arresting female!

Far-left California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) is pushing a pro-abortion video ad that portrays an Alabama cop who pulls over a female, makes her take a pregnancy test, and handcuffs her on the hood. 

“Alabama’s abortion ban has no exceptions for rape or incest,” Newsom writes in his Sunday X post. “Now, Republicans are trying to criminalize young women’s travel to receive abortion care. We cannot let them get away with this.”

According to Politico, Newsom’s ad targets a proposed bill in Alabama that would make it a crime for people who help minors get abortions without informing parents or guardians.

West Virginia middle school girls exit shot put competition protesting trans male athlete!

A transgender middle school athlete won a shot put competition in West Virginia last

week, as a slew of female competitors refused to throw and walked off the pitch in protest. Becky Pepper-Jackson, a 13-year-old boy who identifies as a girl, took first place at the Harrison County

Championships on Thursday by a three-foot margin, official records show.
The eighth grader finished with a 32-foot-9-inch throw, while the second-place finisher came in at 29 feet and six inches.

Most of the girls did attempt throws, but five brave girls protested the unfairness of a male invading their category by preparing like they were about to throw, then exiting the field.

Women’s sports advocate Riley Gaines, who was forced to compete against male swimmer Lia Thomas in the 2022 NCAA Championships, praised the middle schoolers for taking a stand.

“It’s a sad day when 13 to 14-year old girls have to be the adults in the room, but I couldn’t be more inspired by and proud of these girls,” she wrote on X. “Enough is enough. The tide is turning!”

The courageous demonstration came just days after a federal appeals court overturned a West Virginia transgender sports ban, ruling that Pepper-Jackson cannot be banned from competing against girls in schools.

Pepper-Jackson, who has identified as a girl and taken puberty-blocking drugs since the third grade according to the Associated Press, shouldn’t be forced to play against boys, the court found.

Judge Toby Heytens wrote that giving the teen a “choice” between either quitting sports or playing with other males “is no real choice at all.”

“The defendants cannot expect that B.P.J. will countermand her social transition, her medical treatment, and all the work she has done with her schools, teachers, and coaches for nearly half her life by introducing herself to teammates, coaches, and even opponents as a boy,” Heytens wrote.

Biden-appointed Heytens and Obama-appointed Judge Pamela A. Harris outvoted the lone dissenter to rule that the law violates Title IX, which prohibits sex-based discrimination in schools.

West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey (R), who argued the case on behalf of the state, said he was “deeply disappointed” by the court’s decision.

“I will keep fighting to safeguard Title IX. We must keep working to protect women’s sports so that women’s safety is secured and girls have a truly fair playing field,” the attorney general said, according to NBC News. “We know the law is correct and will use every available tool to defend it.”

Planet Fitness incoming CEO forced workers into unconscious bias training at former job! 

Planet Fitness’s incoming boss reportedly required workers at her previous job to attend

“unconscious bias training.”

Colleen Keating also backed “hiring through a DEI lens” in her former position as chief executive with FirstKey Homes and signed a document called “CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion pledge,” the New York Post revealed.

In its announcement Tuesday, Planet Fitness said Keating’s appointment to the company will take effect on June 10.

“As the next CEO of Planet Fitness, I am eager to begin working alongside the management team and hit the ground running as we position the business for sustainable growth and value creation. I have long admired the Planet Fitness brand and could not be more excited to dig in and help the Company reach its fullest potential,” Keating stated.

The news comes as Planet Fitness’s stock plunged once the company told women to share restrooms with men, Breitbart News reported March 19.

It also instructed its workers to “speak in the way transgender customers demand,” the outlet said. It later reported that Planet Fitness experienced a $400 million drop in market value after it canceled the gym membership of an individual in Alaska who took a picture of a transgender person shaving in the women’s locker room.

More recently, Planet Fitness received over two dozen bomb threats across the country after the “transgender woman,” a biological male, was seen shaving in the women’s locker room, Breitbart News reported April 9.

“The original incident occurred in March after one gym goer, Patricia Silva, discovered a man shaving in the women’s locker room. According to reports, she told employees and made a video about it,” the outlet said.

In addition, law enforcement officers in North Carolina arrested a man recently for entering a Planet Fitness women’s locker room and removing his clothing, according to Breitbart News.

According to the recent Post article, it is the policy of Planet Fitness to allow its members to use the restroom and locker room of their gender identity.


L.A. County deputy shot in West Covina saved by bulletproof vest! 

A Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department motor officer was shot April 22 in West Covina, with a bulletproof vest likely saving his life, and a suspect was later detained.

The shooting occurred shortly before 3 p.m. on or near the San Bernardino (10) Freeway at Barranca Street around Garvey Avenue in West Covina. The deputy was taken to an ambulance but was alert and conscious, with the bulletproof vest believed to have effectively stopped the bullet.

According to reports from the scene, a witness told responding deputies that the shots were fired from a white van, and authorities quickly tracked the vehicle to a home in the 600 block of Mangate Avenue in nearby La Puente.

Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn said the deputy works out of the sheriff’s Century Station in Lynwood and was in West Covina for training.“Thankfully, the bullet struck his bulletproof vest and he is going to be OK,” Ms. Hahn said in a statement. “This could have been so much worse, and it is a reminder to all of us that our deputies put their lives on the line everyday to protect our communities. I stand ready to support the sheriff as he and his deputies work to bring the person responsible to justice.”


And in case you missed it, or you actually care … The following artists were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for 2024: Mary J. Blige, Cher, Dave Matthews Band, Foreigner,

Peter Frampton, Kool & The Gang, Ozzy Osbourne and A Tribe Called Quest.

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