July 4, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: April 29, 2022



‘Police State’ — Legislation Criminalising ‘Noisy’ Protests to Become Law in Britain

Controversial legislation empowering police forces to crackdown on “noisy” protests in Britain is set to become law after passing through the House of Lords on Tuesday evening.

By a margin of 180 to 113, the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill was approved by the House of Lords, meaning that it will be sent for Royal Assent to become enacted into law.

The policing bill covers a wide-ranging manner of law enforcement issues, however, a section concerning the policing of protests has garnered widespread criticism, and in some cases violent protests from left-wing radicals.

Under the new law, police in England and Wales will be given authority to clamp down on otherwise peaceful protests if they are deemed too “noisy” and cause “intimidation or harassment” or “alarm or distress” to the public.

The government began crafting the bill in response to disruptive protests from far-left activist organisations such as Black Lives Matter and Extinction Rebellion, which have both cost the taxpayer millions in policing overtime and deployment costs.

Opponents of the legislation have claimed that it will remove the fundamental aspect of protest, namely, to cause disruption in order to have a message noticed by the wider public.

Criticising the legislation, Liberal Democrat Lord Paddick noted that “the more popular the protest, the more likely it is to be noisy and the more likely it is to be banned.”

The House of Lords peer, who previously served as a deputy assistant commissioner in the Metropolitan Police, went on to warn: “Allowing the police to prevent people peacefully meeting together—to ban political rallies, for example—surely puts us on the slippery slope of the erosion of fundamental human rights and the imposition of a police state.”


Internet Outage in French Cities After Apparent Coordinated Sabotage Campaign, Fibre Optic Lines Cut

Police have launched an investigation into coordinated physical attacks on infrastructure leaving several French cities with internet outages and slowdowns on Wednesday.

French internet service provider (ISP) Netalis released a statement on the incident saying the fibre optic links between Paris and Lyon and Paris and Strasbourg had suffered losses and slowdown, and noted that fibre optic lines had been found to be cut. While no group has been publicly identified as a perpetrator for the alleged sabotage at this stage, the attack is the latest in a line of recent such cases, many of which have been connected to hard-left anarchist groups.

“The fact remains that the characteristics and circumstances of this particularly serious and very rare incident make it difficult [to blame is on being] an accidental break. Several operators using the same [methods] vandalized infrastructures are involved.” the company said and stated it would be filing a criminal complaint to prosecute those behind the sabotage.

“This is unprecedented, we do not know who is at the origin of these malicious acts, we had already experienced damage to pylons, but here, we reach the major highways … The coordination of the attacks on the cables was well done, by people who inevitably know the network,” the head of Netalis, Nicolas Guillaume, said, broadcaster Franceinfo reports.

French Secretary of State for Digital Cédric O confirmed cables had been cut on Twitter saying, “Cable cuts have been confirmed in Île-de-France impacting the fixed and mobile network. We are in contact with the operators who are in the process of restoring the service.”


Lockdowns Drove Tens of Thousands of Kids into ‘Clinical Depression’ – Study

Tens of thousands of kids in the United Kingdom have been driven into clinical depression by coronavirus lockdowns, a study has found.

Lockdowns hoping to curb the spread of the Chinese coronavirus have driven tens of thousands of kids in the United Kingdom to clinical depression, a study published on Wednesday has suggested.

The study’s findings mirror those of a number of other investigations which found that children have been negatively affected as a result of harsh COVID-19 restrictions, which saw young people’s activities heavily restricted for an extended period of time.

According to the paper published in the Royal Society Open Science journal, children attending secondary schools in the United Kingdom found themselves suffering more from clinical depression as a result of COVID clampdowns.

Researchers found that 27.1 per cent prevalence of depression among their thousands-strong sample, which they say represents a notable increase from where they would have expected the percentage to be had the pandemic never occurred.

Overall, The Telegraph reports that this increased percentage means that 60,000 more youngsters were driven into clinical depression by the lockdown.

“After controlling for baseline scores and several school and pupil-level characteristics, depressive symptoms were higher in the COVID-19 group,” the study’s discussion section reads.

“These findings demonstrate that the COVID-19 pandemic increased adolescent depressive symptoms beyond what would have likely occurred under non-pandemic circumstances,” it said.

The study also stated that girls seemed to be particularly affected by lockdown measures; a finding that appears consistent with other data suggesting that the mental health of young girls is in a worse state than young boys in the modern age.

“Exploratory analyses suggest that the impact of the pandemic may have been greater in females, with females exposed to the pandemic showing greater depressive symptoms, externalizing difficulties and lower wellbeing,” it suggested.




Biden Claims School Children Don’t Belong to Parents ‘When They’re in the Classroom’

At the 2022 Teacher of the Year ceremony hosted by the White House on Wednesday, President Biden claimed that school children don’t belong to parents “when they’re in the classroom.”

“They’re all our children. And the reason you’re the teachers of the year is because you recognize that. They’re not somebody else’s children. They’re like yours when they’re in the classroom,” he said.

Later in the speech, Biden targeted Republicans and the parent movements in local school districts that have fought to remove from libraries and curricula books that promote radical gender and racial ideologies.

“There are too many politicians trying to score political points trying to ban books, even math books. Did you ever think when you’d be teaching you’re going to be worried about book burnings and banning books all because it doesn’t fit somebody’s political agenda?” Biden said.

The comments struck a similar tone to that of former Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe, when he made his now infamous remark last year that parents should not be involved in K–12 public education. On the campaign trail, he declared at a debate: “I’m not going to let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decisions. I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”

McAuliffe’s then-opponent Glenn Youngkin, now governor of the Virginia, countered with: “You believe school systems should tell children what to do. I believe parents should be in charge of their kids’ education.” Since Youngkin’s sweeping victory in the state, multiple Republicans have followed his model, making parental rights a major policy priority and crafting legislation along those lines.

Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis, for instance, recently signed the Parental Rights in Education law, which prohibits instruction of sexual education and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade, deferring to parents to decide how and when to teach their children about such sensitive topics.

The parental-choice rhetoric has angered many progressives for its efficacy at the ballot box, given that it has persuaded many moderates too. Last week, MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace compared parental-rights legislation to the “war tactics” of Russians who “get their soldiers to rape children by dehumanizing them.” Similarly, American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten suggested last week that these Republican-backed measures amount to “propaganda” and “misinformation,” claiming “this is the way in which wars start.”


Okla. legislature approves bill banning abortions after 6 weeks of pregnancy

The Oklahoma Legislature approved a bill on Thursday prohibiting abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy, a ban that could sharply reduce abortion access not only for women in the state but for those who have been crossing its borders to work around increasingly strict anti-abortion laws across the South.

The bill is modeled on one that took effect in Texas in September. It bans abortion after cardiac fetal activity, generally around six weeks of pregnancy, and requires enforcement by civilians, allowing them to sue any doctor who performs or induces the abortion, or anyone who “aids or abets” one. The bill incentivizes lawsuits by offering rewards of at least $10,000 for those that are successful.

Gov. Kevin Stitt, a Republican, had signed a law this month that outlaws abortion entirely except to save the life of a pregnant woman “in a medical emergency,” and makes the procedure a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a $100,000 fine.

But while that law will not take effect until late August, the bill the Legislature sent to Mr. Stitt’s desk on Thursday would take effect immediately if signed.


US State, Local Governments Helped Chinese Firms With $1.7 Billion in Subsidies: Watchdog

U.S. state and local governments have provided about $1.7 billion in subsidies to Chinese companies since 2010, a trend that must be reversed, said Robert Atkinson, president of Washington-based think tank Information Technology and Innovation Foundation.

“The official U.S. policy is to try to slow down China because they’re playing unfairly, if you will. So here we’re trying to slow down China, but at the same time, state and local governments are providing subsidies to speed up China,” Atkinson said in a recent interview with NTD.

China is known for engaging in a number of unfair trade practices, such as dumping cheap products in foreign markets, providing excessive government subsidies to Chinese companies helping them to gain market share, and stealing intellectual property (IP) and technologies. The Commission on the Theft of American Intellectual Property estimated in 2017 that the U.S. economy suffers an annual loss of between $225 billion to $600 billion from China’s IP theft each year.

The subsidy amount was tabulated by Washington-based watchdog Good Jobs First, a nonprofit that promotes corporate and government accountability. It found that China-based companies received over $1.8 billion in subsidies from U.S. government bodies from 1991 to 2020. The majority of the aid, about $1.7 billion, started flowing out of the United States in 2010.

The subsidies came in the form of tax credits, tax rebates, grants, loans, and property tax abatement. While most of the aid was handed out by state and local governments, some was distributed by federal agencies.

“Pretty much every state government and many local governments want to attract businesses to their borders,” Atkinson said. “They want to grow their economy, and by and large, they’re indifferent to whether those are American companies or British companies or Chinese companies.

“And so, they ended up actually subsidizing Chinese companies to come to the United States.”

According to the watchdog, two such companies are Chinese state-owned entities that have been identified by the Pentagon as having ties to the Chinese military—the Aviation Industry Corp. of China (AVIC) and China National Chemical Corp. (ChemChina). AVIC is also on the U.S. investment blacklist.

AVIC received a total of over $168 million in subsidies between 2009 and 2013, mostly in the form of tax credits and grants from the states of North Carolina and Michigan, according to the watchdog.

More recently, in 2020, the Iowa state government steered $717,355 in tax credits to Swiss-based agrichemical giant Syngenta, which is owned by ChemChina, according to the watchdog. The state government in North Carolina also gave Syngenta $155,594 in tax credit and rebates in 2019.

China’s Lenovo, a maker of personal computers that has received more than $135 million in subsidies as of 2019, has long been under the scrutiny of the U.S. government. In July 2019, the Pentagon’s Inspector General published a report (pdf) warning that Lenovo computers present an elevated risk for “cyberespionage” and “unauthorized system or network access.”

Atkinson said Congress could step in to prevent local U.S. governments from helping Chinese firms.


Texas Sues Biden’s Homeland Security Department Over Rule Allowing More Asylum-Seekers

The Texas Attorney General’s Office has filed a lawsuit to block the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) from allowing more asylum-seekers to remain in the United States.

The lawsuit (pdf), filed April 28, seeks a permanent ruling against an interim Biden administration rule that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton says will “release even more illegal aliens into our country.”

The new federal immigration rules would allow asylum officers from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to screen applicants who are subject to expedited removal from the country. People who say they’re fearful of torture or prosecution in their country of origin can remain if they successfully pass a test.

Last month, DHS and the Department of Justice announced the change in screening procedures. Typically, U.S. immigration judges would carry out credible fear screenings for those seeking asylum.

But Paxton, in the April 28 lawsuit, said the policy shift violates the law and will invite more illegal immigrants into the United States because it limits the power of immigration judges.

“The Interim Rule transfers significant authority from immigration judges to asylum officers, grants those asylum officers significant additional authority, limits immigration judge review to denials of applications, and upends the entire adjudicatory system to the benefit of aliens,” Paxton wrote in the lawsuit.


linton Campaign, DNC Misreported Opposition Research as Legal Services: FEC

Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) labeled payments that went to Fusion GPS for opposition research against her rival Donald Trump as going to legal services, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) has determined.

A yearslong investigation into the matter, triggered by multiple complaints, led commission lawyers to conclude that payments reported as legal services actually went to Fusion to dig into Trump, documents released on April 28 show.

Invoices “demonstrate that Fusion was providing opposition research services related to Trump and Russia, and there is no evidence that Fusion provided services other than this opposition research,” the lawyers wrote in a brief.

The campaign, Hillary for America (HFA), and the DNC tapped the law firm Perkins Coie to assist them with legal matters ahead of the 2016 election. Perkins Coie contracted Fusion GPS, a firm founded by former Wall Street Journal reporters. Fusion later paid Christopher Steele, the former British spy who compiled the infamous Trump–Russia dossier.

The government investigation started in 2018 after the Coolidge Reagan Foundation and two other parties lodged separate complaints asserting the Democratic entities violated federal law that requires political committees to report disbursements over $200 per year.

“By intentionally obscuring their payments through Perkins Coie and failing to publicly disclose the true purpose of those payments, HFA and the DNC were able to avoid publicly reporting on their statutorily required FEC disclosure forms the fact that they were paying Fusion GPS to perform opposition research on Trump with the intent of influencing the outcome of the 2016 presidential election,” the Coolidge Reagan complaint stated.

The new documents show the accused objecting to the accusations, alleging that Fusion GPS’s work was entirely in support of Perkins Coie’s legal services for the campaign and the DNC.


Judge Orders Biden Administration Not to End Title 42 Border Powers

President Joe Biden’s administration must stop implementing an order that terminates the Title 42 emergency border powers, a federal judge said on April 27.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had recently started scaling back in its use of the powers in preparation for their termination, currently scheduled for late May.

Federal health officials decided the powers, which enable quick expulsion of illegal aliens due to fears of them bringing COVID-19 into the country, were no longer needed due to rising access to vaccines and treatments and the low level of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in the United States.

Instead of immediately terminating Title 42, the Biden administration announced on April 1 that it would end on May 23.

“Defendants, including DHS and all of its subdivisions, agencies, and employees, are hereby enjoined and restrained from implementing the Termination Order … and are further enjoined and restrained from reducing processing of migrants pursuant to Title 42,” U.S. District Judge Robert Summerhays, a Trump appointee, said in a temporary restraining order.

The block is only in place for two weeks, unless the judge extends it.

The order was imposed on the request of 21 states, including Arizona and Missouri. Attorneys general argued the implementation of the termination order violated federal law. Summerhays agreed.

“The plaintiff states have demonstrated a substantial likelihood of success on the merits with respect to their claims that the termination order was not issued in compliance with the Administrative Procedure Act,” the judge wrote, echoing his comments during a status conference in which he announced his intent to issue the restraining order.

“The court further concludes that the plaintiff states have established a substantial threat of immediate and irreparable injury resulting from the early implementation of Title 42, including unrecoverable costs on healthcare, law enforcement, detention, education, and other services for migrants, and further that the balance of harms and the public interest both favor issuance of a temporary restraining order,” he added.


Federal Informant in Trump Investigation Found Dead

A federal informant who worked with federal authorities investigating links between former President Donald Trump and Deutsche Bank was found dead in Los Angeles on Monday, officials said.

The Los Angeles County Coroner’s office said Val Broeksmit was pronounced dead at 7 a.m., Sgt. Rudy Perez of the Los Angeles School Police Department told local media. Los Angeles Police Captain Kenneth Cabrera told the Los Angeles Times that officials don’t suspect foul play in his death.

Perez added that it appears that Broeksmit, 46, was homeless. The coroner’s office did not elaborate on his cause of death, according to local outlets.

Broeksmit was last seen driving a red Mini Cooper in April 2021 on Riverside Drive, according to Los Angeles police. He was later reported missing by his relatives.

A 2019 New York Times report said that Broeksmit was the son of a Deutsche Bank executive who died via suicide in 2014. Later in 2019, Broeksmit told the Forensic News Network that he acquired emails of his late father, Bill Broeksmit, and said that “I informed the FBI” about several of Deutsche Bank’s loans to Trump.

While speaking to the outlet at the time, Broeksmit, who was born in Ukraine, said he spoke to the Department of Justice in 2016 and said, “I’m writing in hopes of speaking to someone at the DOJ in reference to the evidence I have showing major fraud at one of the World’s largest banks.”

Reports also indicated that Broeksmit allegedly provided documents to journalists and Fusion GPS. Fusion GPS was notably hired by a law firm that was hired by the Clinton campaign in 2016, which, in turn, hired former UK spy Christopher Steele to concoct the infamous and discredited “Steele dossier” against Trump.

Forensic News Network journalist Scott Stedman reacted to Broeksmit’s death, writing on Twitter: “I don’t suspect foul play. Val struggled with drugs on and off.”


Nonprofit Pushing Jan. 6 Ballot Disqualifications Is Funded, Led by Left-Wing Activists

Just minutes after Donald Trump was sworn in as president in January 2017, Free Speech for People (PFS), working with RootsAction, another obscure left-wing activist group, launched the website ImpeachDonaldTrumpNow.org.

The Trump impeachment website remains live today, but PFS has moved on from years of seeking to drive the embattled Trump from the Oval Office to now trying to remove four of his strongest congressional supporters from their respective November 2022 ballots.

Although officially a nonpartisan educational nonprofit, PFS’s most notable activities since being organized in the wake of the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision have all been directed at Trump and other Republicans.

Most recently, PFS made headlines with litigation it filed against four House Republicans and one Arizona Republican state representative seeking to have state courts remove the officials’ names from the November ballot.

An Arizona Superior Court judge rejected PFS’s request to remove U.S. Reps. Andy Biggs and Paul Gosar, both Arizona congressmen, and Arizona state Rep. Mark Finchem from the November ballot. The PFS lawsuit stated that the lawmakers’ alleged efforts in support of the January 2021 breach of the U.S. Capitol amounted to participation in an insurrection seeking to bring down the federal government.

Biggs and Gosar are seeking reelection to the U.S. House, while Finchem seeks to be elected as Arizona’s secretary of state.

Judges in North Carolina and Georgia are hearing similar suits brought by PFS-backed plaintiffs seeking the ouster of Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) from the November ballots in their states.

An analysis by The Epoch Times and the Capital Research Center (CRC) of available public records for PFS reveals a top leadership with deep ties throughout far-left precincts of liberal and progressive nonprofit political activism and funding from numerous well-known and some not-so-familiar liberal foundations.

A total of 91 grants to PFS from left-wing foundations with a value in excess of $7.3 million were found by CRC using the Foundation Search database.


Musk’s Mention Highlights Twitter Counsel Baker’s Russiagate Past at FBI

Former top FBI attorney James Baker, who now serves as Twitter’s deputy general counsel, has had a spotlight thrown on him after billionaire Elon Musk, who recently negotiated a deal to buy Twitter, responded to comments about Baker’s past actions during the FBI’s Russia investigation in 2016.

On April 26, a day after Musk reportedly reached an agreement with Twitter, filmmaker Mike Cernovich wrote on Twitter that Baker, during his time as FBI general counsel, “personally arranged a meeting” with cybersecurity attorney Michael Sussmann, who was at the time working for the Clinton campaign.

“In this meeting, Sussmann presented fabricated evidence in the Alfa bank matter,” Cernovich wrote.

Sussmann was charged last year by special counsel John Durham for lying to Baker during that meeting.

“Sounds pretty bad,” Musk responded on Twitter to the Cernovich post.

According to court documents, it was Sussmann who asked for the meeting, which took place in September 2016 at FBI headquarters. The two men knew each other from their time working in the Justice Department criminal division.

Sussmann emailed Baker that he was going to the meeting not representing any client. But in fact, he billed the time to the presidential campaign of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Durham alleges that this was a material lie, which means that it had a natural tendency or was capable to affect government decisions.

During their meeting, Sussmann gave Baker data and reports purportedly showing secret communications between The Trump Organization and Russia’s Alfa-Bank. The FBI determined that there was no such secret communication. A tech expert firm hired by Alfa-Bank concluded that the data may have been fabricated, although Durham hasn’t made that assertion.

The data and reports were provided to Sussmann by Rodney Joffe, who has run several tech companies. Sussmann, Joffe, and others were in a “joint venture” to dig up dirt on Trump and help Clinton, Durham said, thus far stopping short of alleging the venture amounted to a criminal conspiracy.


Smugglers Locked 40 Migrants Inside Metal Box on Trailer near Border in Texas

Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol agents found a group of 40 migrants trapped inside a metal box loaded on a conveyance trailer at an interior immigration checkpoint. The migrants were inside the sealed box with no means of escape.

Agents assigned to the Falfurrias Border Patrol Checkpoint located in Brooks County on U.S. Highway 281 observed a tractor-trailer hauling large metal boxes approaching on April 26 for inspection. During an initial interview and search, a K-9 alerted to the possible presence of drug or human cargo inside one of the metal boxes, according to information obtained from Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol official.

The agents referred the driver to the secondary inspection area for further evaluation. As agents inspected the large metal boxes they found a 16×6 inch vent. They removed the vent and found 40 migrants in a seating position trapped inside. Agents reported the box had no other means of opening or escape.

During a search of the truck, the agents found a power tool that they utilized to remove multiple bolts holding the box together. They removed the 40 migrants from the box and began the processing of medically screening and identifying them.

The agents identified the migrants as citizens of Mexico and Central American nations. All were unlawfully present in the United States.

A search of the truck also led to the discovery of a weapon and magazines. The agents took custody of the 40 migrants and turned the driver, a U.S. citizen, over to the Brooks County Sheriff’s Office.

Brooks County Sheriff Benny Martinez told Breitbart Texas this smuggling attempt is just “the latest example of the cruelty of these human smugglers.”

“There is no way these migrants could have gotten out of this box without someone on the outside using power tools to take it apart,” Martinez continued. “They placed these migrants in grave danger of dehydration or heat exhaustion and their actions could have led to the deaths of 40 people.”




US Economy Declines 1.4 Percent in 1st Quarter

The U.S. economy contracted at an annualized pace of 1.4 percent in the first quarter, well below market expectations of 1.1 percent growth.

The gross domestic product (GDP) data, reported on April 28 by the U.S. Commerce Department, mark the first negative growth since the second quarter of 2020 and a dramatic reversal from a 6.9 percent increase in the previous quarter.

The decline in GDP was driven by a drop in private inventory investment, exports, and federal, state, and local government spending. Imports rose in the three months ending in March.

Personal income advanced $268 billion in the first quarter, while disposable personal income climbed to $216.6 billion. The personal savings rate tumbled to 6.6 percent, down from 7.7 percent in the previous quarter.

The negative growth was mainly driven by a sharp decline in net exports, which subtracted more than 3 percentage points from GDP growth. Slower inventory gains (minus 0.84) also contributed to the decline. Government spending shrank mostly because of lower defense spending on intermediate goods and services, slashing growth by another half-percentage point.

“On a positive note, spending by consumers and businesses continued at a healthy pace,” Scott Anderson, chief economist at Bank of the West, wrote in a note.

Consumer spending, which accounts for a significant portion of U.S. GDP, increased at an annualized 2.7 percent rate, while business equipment investment jumped by 15.3 percent.



Parents Beware: They’re After Your Children

Psychological obedience training is being used to control the global population, from cradle to grave. The technocratic elite are after our children, and they’re using a variety of psychological tools to shape and mold them. The more we know about their strategies, the better we can protect ourselves and our children from these predators

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (HR 3684) grants control over what and when you drive to the transportation system. It will control the type of vehicle you can use and when you can drive. It will control the vehicle-to-grid 5G technology and its kill switches (which will be built in). The bill also includes an integrated payment system and a per-mile driving fee

The effort to control you starts from birth. Social emotional learning (SEL) is a programming effort that uses the relabeling and changing of words to alter perception of reality and mold children’s beliefs and behaviors

Companies are collecting and analyzing your child’s personal data to build their social credit score. In addition to demographics and grades, the data collection also includes behavioral information, such as scientific, financial, cultural and civic literacy, and competencies such as critical thinking skills, problem solving, creativity, communication and collaboration, plus character qualities such as curiosity, initiative, persistence, grit, adaptability, leadership, social and cultural awareness

Unless we refuse to comply or participate, our social credit scores and climate scores will soon dictate everything we can and cannot do in life




Slashes Cortisol Levels, Try This If You’re Stressed

Ashwagandha is a powerful adaptogenic herb, meaning it helps your body manage and adapt to stress by balancing your immune system, metabolism and hormonal systems  Withanolides — naturally occurring steroids — in ashwagandha suppress pathways responsible for several inflammation-based illnesses, including arthritis, asthma, hypertension, osteoporosis and cancer  Withanolides also have immunomodulating properties, while somniferin, an alkaloid in ashwagandha, promotes relaxation and sound sleep  Ashwagandha supports sexual and reproductive health in both men and women. In men, it helps boost testosterone levels, and has been shown to improve semen quality in infertile men  In women, ashwagandha’s ability to rebalance hormones (including thyroid hormone, estrogen and progesterone) has been shown to improve polycystic ovary syndrome and relieve menopausal symptoms

—> Power Mall Product of Interest: Herbal zzZs

Utilizing pure synergistic ingredients and a quality manufacturing process, Herbal-zzZs, is a product that you can trust.   The Five Core active ingredients are Ashwagandha, Hops, Chamomile, Magnolia Bark, and Black Seed Oil. Ashwagandha is part of a rare class of herbs called adaptogens. This water extracted root supports hormonal balance plus the body’s coping mechanism for stress and anxiety.  It also nourishes the adrenal glands, which can keep you awake when overactive. Hops behave like a mild sedative and support effective relaxation.




Biden’s Wind & Solar-Based Economy Is A Suicidal Fantasy

When President Biden and other advocates of wind and solar generation speak, they appear to believe that the challenge posed is just a matter of currently having too much fossil fuel generation and not enough wind and solar; and therefore, accomplishing the transition to “net zero” will be a simple matter of building sufficient wind and solar facilities and having those facilities replace the current ones that use the fossil fuels.

They are completely wrong about that.

The proposed transition to “net zero” via wind and solar power is not only not easy, but is a total fantasy. It likely cannot occur at all without dramatically undermining our economy, lifestyle and security, and it certainly cannot occur at anything remotely approaching reasonable cost. At some point, the ongoing forced transition… will crash and burn.

[I]t doesn’t matter whether you build a million wind turbines and solar panels, or a billion, or a trillion. On a calm night, they will still produce nothing, and will require full back-up from some other source.

If you propose a predominantly wind/solar electricity system, where fossil fuel back-up is banned, you must, repeat must, address the question of energy storage. Without fossil fuel back-up, and with nuclear and hydro constrained, storage is the only remaining option. How much will be needed? How much will it cost? How long will the energy need to remain in storage before it is used?

There should be highly-detailed engineering studies of how the transition can be accomplished…. But the opposite is the case. At the current time, the government is paying little to no significant attention to the energy storage problem. There is no detailed engineering plan of how to accomplish the transition. There are no detailed government-supported studies of how much storage will be needed, or of what technology can accomplish the job, or of cost.

It gets worse:…. Ken Gregory calculated the cost of such a system as well over $100 trillion, before even getting to the question of whether battery technology exists that can store such amounts of energy for months on end and then discharge the energy over additional months. And even at that enormous cost, that calculation only applied to current levels of electricity consumption…. For purposes of comparison, the entire U.S. GDP is currently around $22 trillion per year.

In other words: we have a hundred-trillion-or-so dollar effort that under presidential directive must be fully up and running by 2035, with everybody’s light and heat and everything else dependent on success, and not only don’t we have any feasibility study or demonstration project, but we haven’t started the basic research yet, and the building where the basic research is to be conducted won’t be ready until 2025.

Meanwhile the country heads down a government-directed and coerced path of massively building wind turbines and solar panels, while forcing the closure of fully-functioning power plants burning coal, oil and natural gas. It is only a question of time before somewhere the system ceases to work…. [I]t is easy to see how the consequences could be dire. Will millions be left without heat in the dead of winter, in which case many will likely die? Will a fully-electrified transportation system get knocked out, stranding millions without ability to get to work? Will our military capabilities get disabled and enable some sort of attack?

No sane, let alone competent, government would ever be headed down this path.




FDA Approves Remdesivir for Babies 28 Days Old

The first drug approved in the U.S. to treat COVID-19, remdesivir, has just been given the go-ahead by the FDA for babies age 28 days and up. Saying that the virus can cause severe illness in babies who haven’t been vaccinated against it, the FDA said this will be a afe and effective COVID-19 treatment option for them.

As a reminder, Science reported a little over a year ago that the World Health Organization found that “remdesivir does not reduce mortality or the time COVID-19 patients take to recover.” Not only that, when the FDA first approved it in late 2020, Science learned that the agency never convened a regulatory group that is supposed to weigh the risks and benefits of a drug before approving it.

In a review investigation of the drug, Science also learned that the antiviral surprisingly had no impact on levels of the coronavirus. In a separate post-marketing report, the journal Cardiovascular Toxicology found in late 2021 that remdesivir is connected with cardiotoxicity that includes sinus bradycardia, hypotension, T-wave abnormalities, AF and a prolonged QT interval.


COVID-19 Testing Company Fined $22 Million for Faking Tests

California COVID-19 testing company Sameday Health has agreed to pay a $22 million fine for faking some of its test results. In some instances, patients were given “results” before their test even reached the processing lab.

Others were simply not tested at all, Daily Mail reports. While the MIT and UC Berkeley founder of the company insisted he was not guilty and had not admitted to any guilt, he still will be paying $4 million in fines for the company’s alleged deceit.

“The city attorney said that around 500 people’s tests were either fake or forged,” Daily Mail said. “The company did this by doctoring old PDFs of test results.” 


Teen Killed Himself After Bullying Over COVID-19 Vaccination Status: Lawsuit

A 15-year-old boy who was targeted by an allegedly false rumor that he was unvaccinated was bullied until he took his life earlier this year, according to a lawsuit filed by his parents.

A lawsuit (pdf) filed by the boy’s parents, Robert and Rosellene Bronstein, accused administrators at the Latin School of Chicago, a private college prep school, of committing “willful failure” to stop the incessant bullying of the boy. They said the harassment led to the teen’s suicide.

Speaking to local media, Rosellene Bronstein confirmed that her 15-year-old son, Nate, took his own life in January 2022. “He was very sweet, very kind,” she said. “He had a really big heart, he always worried about others.”

Their lawsuit names the school, a number of employees, and the parents of alleged bullies.


Michigan Investigated Hundreds of Doctors, Nurses Over COVID-related Complaints

Hundreds of nurses and doctors, including a chief medical examiner, have been investigated by the state of Michigan on COVID-related allegations ranging from videotaping a wedding where some guests weren’t wearing masks to telling trick-or-treaters not to get the vaccine.

Authorities dismissed many of the complaints. Dozens are still pending, with a number referred for disciplinary action. Some have been referred to the Michigan Attorney General’s office for criminal prosecution.

An allergy and asthma specialist is the subject of one of the referrals sent to the attorney general. The complaint accuses the doctor of prescribing “a lethal dosage” of ivermectin.

Copies of the complaints, which total more than 500, were provided exclusively to the Epoch Times. The Pacific Justice Institute obtained the records through a FOIA request. The institute represents some of the accused nurses and doctors.

The Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs received and investigated the complaints. Those they have investigated have either been dismissed or referred to its enforcement division for disciplinary action or the AG’s office. Many are listed as still being listed “under board review.” The list provided to the institute includes complaints as recent as February 24, 2022.

One of the nurses the Pacific Justice Institute represents is Holly Austin, a college nursing professor who holds a doctorate in nursing.

She faced the revocation of her license by the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs for speaking at a public school board meeting in December of 2021 as a parent against plans to reinstitute a mask mandate at her children’s school.

Dave Peters, a staff attorney with Pacific Justice Institute, told The Epoch Times he was shocked when the state continued its investigation into Austin even after he submitted a 100-page response to the state’s allegations that she was spreading misinformation.


EXCLUSIVE: Hundreds of CDC Employees Haven’t Received COVID-19 Vaccine

Nearly 400 employees at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) haven’t received a COVID-19 vaccine, according to data obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times.

A total of 382 workers at the CDC are unvaccinated, Roger Andoh, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) officer at the agency, told The Epoch Times.

Another nine employees have just had one dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, meaning they also don’t qualify as fully vaccinated per the CDC’s guidelines.

Collectively, the number is 3.2 percent of the CDC’s workforce.

Andoh initially pointed to a statement from the government that contained data as of December 2021 and declined to fully answer The Epoch Times’ FOIA request, which asked for more detailed figures that were current as of March 15.

“Please note that this is the most recent and most complete data available and some data elements that you requested are not available,” Andoh said initially.

When asked to clarify, another CDC officer repeated Andoh’s statement.

After The Epoch Times filed an appeal to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the CDC’s parent agency, the office changed its stance without explaining why.

“After an additional search, we are providing you with the following information,” Andoh said in the new response.

“The response I got to your appeal from CDC gave me the impression they didn’t mean to withhold any information in the first place,” Jonathan Nelson, a FOIA analyst with HHS, told The Epoch Times in an email. “Based on that, my (personal) belief is that this was just an accidental omission on their part.”

In addition to revealing that 391 employees weren’t fully vaccinated, the CDC said that 12,399 were fully vaccinated, meaning that they had received two doses of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines or the single-shot Johnson & Johnson jab.

Additionally, 5,810 employees shared that they had received a booster dose, although the agency stressed that employees don’t have to say whether they’ve had a booster.


22 Countries Drop Mask Mandates

A total of 22 countries around the world have dropped mask mandates since January this year.

As debates over masks have returned to the United States after a judge struck down a federal mask mandate for interstate travel, the nation joined nearly two dozen countries that have ended broad mask and pandemic measures this year.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the withdrawal of mask mandates in public places on Jan. 19, citing information from government researchers suggesting that the worst of the Omicron variant cases had already peaked.

Additionally, face coverings are no longer legally required on public transportation in England.


Meryl Nass: As COVID Narrative Wanes, Don’t Sing Kumbaya

There has been so much bad news about the vaccines in the last few months, it even leaked into the mainstream media.  I think the cabal’s plan, at least in the US but probably everywhere, is to stop propping the ludicrous vaccine claims up and allow them to die a natural death. I explain why below.

There was just too much bad news, too few getting boosted, too much resistance from parents. Getting 8 or 10 doses into everyone was not going to happen.  The terrified obedient masses were becoming fewer and fewer.

For example, here is one story that got lots of traction:  ABC News covered the fact that “At least 72 COVID cases in the fully vaccinated resulted from the Gridiron dinner.”  Not only did Nancy Pelosi test positive, but several members of Biden’s Cabinet and many other Beltway glitterati did too.  All of whom had to have been vaccinated in order to attend.

There was plenty of happy talk that the afflicted politicians in DC had only mild COVID cases. Good for them. But, if vaccinations caused them to become asymptomatic spreaders instead of spreaders with symptoms, who would know to stay home while sick, the vaccines could actually be doing more harm than good in terms of transmission. They could be causing more COVID cases, not less.

By now, it has to be apparent to everyone who walks by a newsstand or turns on the TV that the media are begging much too hard for more shots.

It must be obvious to all that the shots do not prevent spread and therefore there is no logical way you can mandate them.  Because if my shot does not protect you (and only with lots of fairy dust will it protect me) why would you have any interest in whether or not I am vaccinated?

Once you stop caring about my vaccination status, the cabal’s nexus of control starts to fall apart. That was their ace in the hole. Time for them to move on to something else.

The kicker for childhood vaccines: the New York state Department of Health study of vaccine efficacy in children.  After 2 months, efficacy in the 5-11 year olds had fallen to 12%.  In other words, 7 out of 8 vaccinated kids derived no benefit after 2 months, only risk.  The data were derived from 365,000 children, and apparently there was no way CDC could spin them, or 12% was the best spin they could put on the data. This report is a huge obstacle to universal child vaccinations. They cabal cannot surmount it.

It is important to mention again–because we keep forgetting–that while the vaccines are nominally licensed for adults, in fact you can only find the EUA (unlicensed) product in the US, and legally an EUA is experimental–and therefore forcing someone to be vaccinated is a Nuremberg violation and a violation of federal law.

The imposition of mandates for these experimental gene therapy products is therefore a crime, being committed by states, federal government and certain companies and other institutions.  It seems that because US law was not designed for situations in which the government is the criminal, it has been very difficult to use the judicial system to change what is happening.  But surely if this persisted much longer an honest judge somewhere would finally rule that the vaccines are experimental and the COVID mandate house of cards would then collapse. Like Humpty Dumpty (it is Easter today after all):

All the king’s horses and all the king’s men

Couldn’t put COVID mandates together again


‘What I’ve Seen in the Last 2 Years Is Unprecedented’: Physician on COVID Vaccine Side Effects on Pregnant Women

Dr. James Thorp is an extensively published 68-year-old physician MD board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology, as well as maternal-fetal medicine, who has practiced obstetrics for over 42 years.

Thorp told The Epoch Times that he sees 6,000–7,000 high-risk pregnant patients a year and has seen many complications among them due to the COVID vaccines.

“I’ve seen many, many, many complications in pregnant women, in moms and in fetuses, in children, offspring,” Thorp said, “fetal death, miscarriage, death of the fetus inside the mom.

“What I’ve seen in the last two years is unprecedented,” Thorp asserted.

Thorp explained that although he has seen an increase in fetal death and adverse pregnancy outcomes associated with the COVID-19 vaccination, attempts to quantify this effect are hampered by the imposition of gag orders on physicians and nurses that were imposed in September 2021, as reviewed in the publication “Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-Patient Relationship” (pdf).

At the beginning of January, the FDA was ordered to release its first large batch of documents related to Pfizer’s COVID jab trials, of which over 10,000 of about 450,000 pages have been made public so far.

From the first day of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine rollout on Dec. 1 2020 through Feb. 28, 2021, 1,223 deaths and 42,086 adverse events were reported to Pfizer.

Among the adverse events, particularly alarming are the ones that affected pregnant women. The documents say that there were 274 pregnancy adverse events, of which 75, or 27 percent were “serious.”

“49 non-serious and 75 serious, reported clinical events, which occurred in the vaccinated mothers. Pregnancy related events reported in these cases coded to the [patients] Abortion spontaneous (25), Uterine contraction during pregnancy, Premature rupture of membranes, Abortion, Abortion missed, and Foetal death (1 each). Other clinical events which occurred in more than 5 cases coded to the [patients] Headache (33), Vaccination site pain (24), Pain in extremity and Fatigue (22 each), Myalgia and Pyrexia (16 each), Chills (13) Nausea (12), Pain (11), Arthralgia (9), Lymphadenopathy and Drug ineffective (7 each), Chest pain, Dizziness and Asthenia (6 each), Malaise and COVID-19 (5 each),” reads the previously confidential Pfizer documents (pdf).

The CDC website recommends the COVID vaccines during pregnancy in order to “prevent severe illness and death in pregnant women.”

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) also “strongly recommends that pregnant individuals be vaccinated against COVID-19,” adding that pregnant women’s complete vaccination should be a “priority.”

Thorp repeatedly emphasized that it’s not that everybody got their shots when the vaccine was first distributed.




Elon Musk Says Twitter Must Be ‘Neutral,’ Says Leftists Are ‘Primarily’ Attacking Him

Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk said that Twitter must remain “politically neutral” after it was announced this week that he came to a deal to purchase the social media platform.

“For Twitter to deserve public trust it must be politically neutral, which effectively means upsetting the far right and the far left equally,” Musk wrote on Twitter.

It’s the latest in a series of Twitter posts about the platform that Musk wants to take private. Earlier this week, the two parties said they agreed he would purchase it for $44 billion.

In another post, Musk wrote that attacks against him are coming in “thick and fast” but “primarily from the left, which is no surprise.” He was responding to a comment from Daily Wire commentator Ben Shapiro.

“I should be clear that the right will probably be a little unhappy too,” the Tesla and SpaceX CEO wrote. “My goal is to maximize area under the curve of total human happiness, which means the [80 percent] of people in the middle.”

Earlier, Musk has been outspoken about promoting free speech on Twitter. He’s also said the company has engaged in censorship and has criticized the firm’s content moderation policies.

“If people want less free speech, they will ask government to pass laws to that effect,” Musk wrote in another post this week. “Therefore, going beyond the law is contrary to the will of the people.”

Twitter, meanwhile, reported Thursday that it had 229 million daily users in the first quarter of 2022, which is up about 15 million from the December-ended quarter. Analysts said in notes that the rise was higher than expected, although the firm said its revenue rose to $1.2 billion in the first quarter—slightly below earnings forecasts.


How the World Economic Forum Uses Newspeak to Wage War

The use of “newspeak” is a military grade methodology of “hacking” our instincts and tricking us into acting against our best interests

In the natural world, the method of “disguising as a friend” exists strictly as a hunting technique — but today, it is applied by the power holders to the entire population

For centuries, invaders and reformers have been using upside-down language to confuse the enemy and recruit loyal supporters

Since 2020, we have seen many definitions changed, from medical terms to things like “compassion” and “freedom”

World Economic Forum’s Global Shapers Community is a recruitment effort designed to eventually misplace those who want to live in the “old normal”




This company is helping cities breathe by covering walls with moss

It absorbs CO2, filters out pollution, supports wildlife and looks great. Now one Dutch startup is using moss to coat concrete buildings

he sight of a concrete building turning green may strike fear into the hearts of architects or building maintenance managers, but for those at Dutch startup Respyre, it’s a sign of things going exactly to plan. 

Auke Bleij (main picture) and team pioneer the use of ‘bioreceptive’ concrete, which they say allows for the abundant growth of moss. With rhizoids instead of roots, moss is non-invasive to building facades, they say, and given its dense leaf system, is of potentially great benefit to urban environments. 

Moss converts CO2 to oxygen and absorbs and removes other pollutants from water and air; boosts biodiversity by providing habitat on otherwise bare concrete surfaces; and retains water and cools via evapotranspiration and by shielding the surface from sunlight.

Plus, said Bleij: “It requires minimal maintenance, looks great – and is even graffiti-resistant”. 

And, in a bid to get the aforementioned maintenance managers on side, applying the mossy concrete actually helps protect underlying walls or surfaces against weathering, effectively extending their lifetime, he adds. 

It can be applied to existing structures, or concrete elements can be produced to be bioreceptive from the start. 


Adopted puppy takes first walk with new family and digs up treasure worth nearly $8,000

Many a canine lover would agree that all dogs add value to our lives. But let’s face it, Ollie takes it to a whole new level.

Adam Clark and Kim Mcguire of Blackpool, England, originally bought little Ollie as a surprise for their daughter Alice. However, it turns out they were in store for a lovely surprise as well.

Ollie is much more than an adorable face. His breed, the lagotto romagnolo, once used its keen sense of smell to hunt waterfowl in the wet marshlands of Italy, according to Dog Time

Pretty much a teddy bear on four legs.

These pups are also natural diggers, and nowadays the only dogs bred specifically to hunt for truffles.

These talents came into play rather quickly when after only 10 minutes into his first family walk in the park, Ollie began to frantically dig into the soil.

Much to everyone’s surprise, Ollie dug up what appeared to be 15 sovereign coins, meaning pieces of gold that could date back as far as 1489.

Clark took the coins to be examined by a reputable gold dealer, who not only deemed the coins legitimate, they valued them to be £5,943.96, equivalent to $7,564. It’s not clear how much the family paid for Ollie, but it seems safe to say that they got their money back … and then some.

Though Ollie’s find is remarkable, Clark still finds his presence to be the ultimate gift. “The treasure is one thing, but the fact is, I’ve bought myself my very own gold hunter, and I cannot wait to take him out again,” he told The U.S. Sun. “He is obviously a very special pup, and I’m thrilled with what he brings to the table — quite literally!”


Florida Chihuahua is World’s Oldest Living Dog Setting Guinness Record

A new record for the world’s oldest dog living has been official confirmed in Florida: Born on 9 January, 2001, meet 21-year-old chihuahua TobyKeith.

TobyKeith’s owner, Gisela Shore, has been with him for much of his life after adopting him from a shelter.

“I was a volunteer at Peggy Adams Animal Rescue and one of the employees told me about an elderly couple trying to surrender a puppy because they could not take care of him any longer,” Gisela told Guinness World Records.

“I met with the elderly couple and I was introduced to a tiny tan Chihuahua. They had named him Peanut Butter.  I later changed his name to TobyKeith.”

TobyKeith has a close friendship with Gisela’s 28-year-old umbrella cockatoo Coco, and often walks around with her. Otherwise, he enjoys eating slices of turkey, going on little walks, and lying next to Gisela’s work station while she works from home.

To celebrate being named the world’s oldest dog, on the day Guinness confirmed the news, TobyKeith got a bath, he had his nails trimmed down, and then he went on a car ride—his favorite treat.


Teen with a fishing magnet found a safe full of cash. And then he returned it all to its owner.

A new trend in treasure hunting called magnet fishing has blown up over the past two years, evidenced by an explosion of YouTube channels covering the hobby. Magnet fishing is a pretty simple activity. Hobbyists attach high-powered magnets to strong ropes, drop them into waterways and see what they attract.

The hobby has caught the attention of law enforcement and government agencies because urban waterways are a popular place for criminals to drop weapons and stolen items after committing a crime. In 2019, a magnet fisherman in Michigan pulled up an antique World War I mortar grenade and the bomb squad had to be called out to investigate.

Fifteen-year-old George Tindale and his dad, Kevin, 52, of Grantham, Lincolnshire in the U.K., made an incredible find earlier this month when they used two magnets to pull up a safe that had been submerged in the River Witham.

George has a popular magnet fishing YouTube channel called “Magnetic G.”

After the father-and-son duo pulled the safe out of the murky depths, they cracked it open with a crowbar and found about $2,500 Australian dollars (US$1,800), a shotgun certificate and credit cards that expired in 2004. The Tindales used the name found on the cards to find the safe’s owner, Rob Everett.

Everett’s safe was stolen during an office robbery in 2000 and then dumped into the river. “I remember at the time, they smashed into a cabinet to get to the safe,” Everett said, according to The Daily Mail. “I was just upset that there was a nice pen on my desk, a Montblanc that was never recovered.”

The robber, who was a teenage boy, was apprehended soon after the crime because he left behind a cap with his name stitched inside.

The father and son met up with Everett to return his stolen money and the businessman gave George a small reward for his honesty. He also offered him an internship because of the math skills he displayed in the YouTube video when he counted the Australian dollars. “What’s good about it is, I run a wealth management company and… I’d love him to work for us,” Everett said.

Although the safe saga began with a robbery 22 years ago, its conclusion has left Everett with more faith in humanity.

“I was just amazed that they’d been able to track me down,” he said. “There are some really nice and good people in this world. They could have kept the money, they could have said they attempted to get hold of me.”

“There’s a big lesson there. It teaches George that doing good and being honest and giving back is actually more rewarding than taking,” Everett added.


9-Year-old’s Lemonade Stand Raises $2,000 For Shelter Cats After He Saw They Had No Toys

A 9-year-old boy walked into his local animal shelter with a big plastic bag filled with cash, handing over all the proceeds he’d raised at a lemonade stand.

Ben Miller from Boise, Idaho, collected a whopping $1,150 in one weekend.

It was his third lemonade stand fundraiser since 2019, a year when he was visiting the Idaho Humane Society with his grandmother and noticed that some of the cats didn’t have toys.

So far, he’s donated a grand total $1,950 to support the cats he loves so much.

His mother helped him create an event on Facebook, which brought in people from across the valley. People also sent money without even visiting to get a drink.

“It was such a fun day meeting so many awesome people and their pets. We had a car full of people pull up saying they had just heard about it on the radio,” said Amy Miller on Facebook. And the highlight that topped off the day was Ben’s teacher coming by.

Ben says he has no plans to stop his charity work for the shelter, which makes his mother beam, even though she says he’s always had a big heart. “It really just blew me away.”




Too Stupid to Remain FREE

I have been thinking this for decades and discussing it in private with fellow freedom fighters for years, but we have finally reached that moment in history when I just have to publicly call it as I see it.

“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” – Thomas Jefferson

With great sadness, I have concluded, based on many years of research, and works, beating my head against the wall with know-nothing know-it-alls, that the vast majority of American citizens are just too stupid to remain free today. Unlike our nations Founders, or our Greatest Generations, current U.S. generations are simply no longer suited for freedom and liberty.

I know, it’s politically incorrect to use the term “stupid.” But as I explained to my kids as they were growing up, ignorance is the absence of information and knowledge. Stupidity is when you know better but do it anyway!

This doesn’t apply to everyone today, just most. But if the shoe fits, kick yourself with it! I won’t waste time with the laundry list of examples readily available. If you can’t figure this out with just a few key examples, then the shoe does indeed fit.

EXAMPLE #1 – 14-years ago now, a young nobody from nowhere with a totally blank resume’ and without so much as a legitimate USA birth certificate was carefully groomed and installed as the “first black president of the USA,” and openly set out to “fundamentally transform America.” Never mind that according to his checkered history, he was birthed half white, with an official Kenyan birth record, and has used a few different aliases throughout his life. To this day, most Americans still don’t know the truth about him, and none of the people who do know the truth have ever lifted a finger to prevent the Oval Office from being occupied by an unknown foreign agent. Any foreign agent can occupy the office as a result.


EXAMPLE #2 – The COVID19 Great Global Reset was carefully plotted well in advance and executed with great precision, to create a “national emergency,” the means by which our criminally corrupt federal government could test (or prove) just how easy it is to frighten and threaten American citizens into self-isolation and self-destruction, voluntarily giving up every freedom and liberty they had ever known, just because Simon (Fauci) said so! For more than two years now, millions of Americans remain so afraid of catching a cold that they still drive around in their own car with a useless mask on their face, awaiting the next tyrannical order from unelected global oligarchs who told you point blank, that you will soon “own nothing and be happy.” Stupid people still line up for their next so-called “vaccine” even though if any prior “vaccines” had worked, they wouldn’t need more “vaccines.” Face it, this entire event was the means by which to steal the 2020 elections via massive “mail-in” ballot fraud and international computer vote rigging. No COVID means, no national emergency, and therefore no mail-in balloting.

For those too stupid to know I’m speaking truth to you here, have you even figured out that when “you own nothing,” THEY WILL OWN YOU?


EXAMPLE #3–As the 2022 mid-term elections approach, the same people who refuse to see the 2020 fraud or do anything about it, think they are going to win this November, in an election that will undoubtedly be more rotten with fraud than the last. Evidence of the stolen 2020 elections is overwhelming and the only people who can’t see it are people who refuse to see it. As a result, nothing has been done about it and that means that 2022 elections will also be rampant with fraud. The DNC has perfected the art of mass election fraud, and republicans have perfected the art of talking about it, without ever doing anything about it.


In a previous column, I discuss how every living American has lived under a steady diet of lies from their government, their entire lives. I referred to it as Death by a Thousand Lies. Because modern Americans have been raised and still live under a constant flood of lies their entire lives, the vast majority find it much easier to buy lies than to find truth, especially in a “cancel culture” where the truth is not allowed to see the light of day.

Fact is a vast majority of Americans have never even read the Charters of Freedom. In fact, most don’t even know what the Charters of Freedom are. Most who have read these documents, can’t even properly interpret the words that appear in our Charters of Freedom. If they could, they would know better than to fall for the Convention of States scam that has taken in huge sums of money to lead people to a different form of national suicide.

But the two most dangerous lies today are the Climate Change hoax and the COVID19 scamdemic. The Climate Change hoax is designed to get unwitting citizens to go-along with killing innocent people to save mother earth. And the COVID19 scamdemic is designed to gain total control over populations through constant fearmongering, causing the average idiot to go-along to get-along, all the way to their death.

Both have been used to steal elections and they will be used to steal elections again and again. 2022 will be no different at present. But frankly, our electorate is so dumbed-down and disengaged at this point that cheating may not even be necessary in the future.

Fox News is reporting WASHINGTON, D.C. – Georgetown University college students told Fox News COVID-19 and climate change are their top priorities headed into the midterm elections. (HERE) The two most dangerous lies on earth today, are the main focus points of the upcoming election for the college indoctrinated voters. Imagine that!

These two blatant lies now motivate more American voters than freedom and liberty do. THAT’S STUPID!

This is the return on your investment in higher-learning for your kids and grand kids. You send smart kids to college for insane tuition rates, and they will send you back some of the dumbest people you ever met in your life. Not only that, but they are also teaching the young that YOU have killed mother earth and YOU are the reason they have to kill people “to save the planet!”

These younger generations are stupid enough to not realize that it is them that must be killed to save the planet. Us old folks will be gone soon enough, of natural causes. It isn’t ourselves we are trying to save by speaking out like I am here, it’s YOU dummy! …the so-called future of our once great nation!

Sure, I know many of you will find this piece “offensive.” You find every truth offensive today. But I can no longer afford to care who is offended by truth, and neither can you!

LAST EXAMPLE OF UTTER STUPIDITY: Right now, the WOKE Marxists in government are once again promising to “forgive all student debt” to the tune of approximately 1.6 trillion. You stupid people need to know, there is no such thing as forgiveness of those debts. Instead, it would be a transfer of those debt obligations, from those who borrowed the money and allegedly benefited from it — to those who didn’t borrow or benefit from it, the taxpayers!

In case no one told you in your high falutin lecture hall, democrats have already driven American taxpayers to more than 30-trillion in government debt, before transferring your 1.6-trillion in student loans to those same taxpayers. Now, again it isn’t ourselves we are trying to save by sharing these tidbits of fact with you, people my age are heading into retirement, and YOU are now the future taxpayers. The bill belongs to YOU now!

As Thomas Jefferson said so wisely a long time ago, “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.”

If you really want to know how your precious socialism ends, ask the millions currently flooding our southern border illegally to escape it…genius!

Inescapable Rule #1 for idiots – Nothing on earth is free, nothing!

Rule #2 – In the end, FREE stuff will cost you everything!

To be clear, any nation too stupid to be FREE, won’t be!

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