July 6, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: August 11, 2021

Bidenflation Stays High with Prices Jumping 5.4%

Breitbart – Consumer prices surged higher in July.

The Consumer Price Index rose 5.4 percent compared with a year ago, the Department of Labor said Thursday. On a monthly basis, the CPI rose 0.5 percent.

Economists had expected the inflation measure to rise by 5.5 percent on an annual basis and 0.5 percent compared with a year ago.

Core inflation, which excludes the volatile food and energy categories, rose 4.3 compared with 12-months ago—apart from the prior month’s 4.5 percent rise, that is the biggest annual increase since 1991—and 0.3 compared with June. Both figures were in-line with expectations.

Prices rose 0.9 percent on a monthly basis in June and 5.4 percent annually. The June monthly and annual figures were the highest since June 2008, when prices jumped 1 percent in a single month.

Federal Reserve and Biden administration have said they expect this rapid rise in the cost of living to taper off later this year or early next year.  A growing number of investors and economists, however, are warning that inflation is likely to stick around longer than anticipated.

Some Federal Reserve officials have begun to say that the Fed should move sooner to lower the level of monetary policy accommodation by reducing the central bank’s bond purchases.

A survey of consumers by the New York Fed found that the public expects prices to rise 4.8 percent over the next 12-months, matching June’s record high in data going back eight years. A plurality of Americans now say price levels are the most important economic indicator, a change from earlier in the year when unemployment and jobs figures were considered the most important

Senate OKs Dems’ Massive $3.5T Spending Programs

Newsmax – Democrats pushed a $3.5 trillion framework for bolstering family services, health, and environment programs through the Senate early Wednesday, advancing President Joe Biden’s expansive vision for reshaping federal priorities just hours after handing him a win on a hefty infrastructure package.

Lawmakers approved Democrats’ budget resolution on a party-line 50-49 vote, a crucial step for a president and party set on training the government’s fiscal might on assisting families, creating jobs and fighting climate change. Higher taxes on the wealthy and corporations would pay for much of it. Passage came despite an avalanche of Republican amendments intended to make their rivals pay a price in next year’s elections for control of Congress.

House leaders announced their chamber will return from summer recess in two weeks to vote on the fiscal blueprint, which contemplates disbursing the $3.5 trillion over the next decade.

Final congressional approval, which seems certain, would protect a subsequent bill actually enacting the outline’s detailed spending and tax changes from a Republican filibuster in the 50-50 Senate, delays that would otherwise kill it.

Even so, passing that follow-up legislation will be dicey with party moderates wary of the massive $3.5 trillion price tag vying with progressives demanding aggressive action. The party controls the House with just three votes to spare, while the evenly divided Senate is theirs only due to Vice President Kamala Harris’ tie-breaking vote. Solid GOP opposition seems guaranteed.

$600M gone: Biggest crypto theft in history

Washington (CNN Business)Hackers have stolen some $600 million in cryptocurrency from the decentralized finance platform Poly Network, in what it says is the largest theft in the industry’s history.

A vulnerability in Poly Network allowed the thief to make off with the funds, the platform said Tuesday, begging the attacker to return the money.

“The amount of money you hacked is the biggest one in the defi history,” Poly Network wrote in a letter to the attacker it posted to Twitter. “The money you stole are from tens of thousands of crypto community members… you should talk to us to work out a solution.”

Poly Network urged other members of the cryptocurrency ecosystem to “blacklist” the assets coming from addresses used by the attacker to siphon away the funds — which included a mix of various coins including $33 million of Tether, according to Tether’s CTO. The cryptocurrency exchange Binance said it was “coordinating with all our security partners to actively help.” Poly Network links together the blockchains of multiple virtual currencies to create interoperability among them.

Following the hack, Poly Network established several addresses to which it said the attacker could return the money. And it appears the hacker is cooperating: As of 7:47 a.m. ET Wednesday, Poly Network said, it had received about $4.7 million back. It was not immediately clear who was behind the hack or why the money is being returned.

Regulators have increased their scrutiny of crypto platforms as investors pour billions of dollars into digital currencies. Senator Elizabeth Warren recently asked SEC Chair Gary Gensler to investigate the SEC’s ability to oversee trading on crypto platforms.

CDC adjusts Florida COVID-19 numbers after health department call-out 

Fox – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday updated its COVID-19 tracker for Florida over the past few days after the state’s department of health appealed publically for an update. 

The CDC told Fox News in an email on Tuesday that it was working with the state’s health department to correct the information. 

The state took to Twitter on Monday to ask the CDC to update its COVID-19 case tracker because it incorrectly combined “MULTIPLE days into one.” The Sunday total was the state’s worst ever, according to the CDC data.

Multiple media organizations picked up on the number and the department corrected the stories online with some bite.

“Wrong again. The number of cases @CDCgov released for Florida today is incorrect,” it responded to a report in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel. “They combined MULTIPLE days into one. We anticipate CDC will correct the record.”

The CDC initially reported 28,317 new cases on Sunday but adjusted that number to 19,584 by Tuesday. The health department said there were 15,319 cases on Sunday. 

YouTube Suspends Sen. Rand Paul for Posting Anti-Mask Video

Newsmax – Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., has been suspended from YouTube for posting a video claiming masks are ineffective in fighting COVID-19.

The seven-day suspension marks the second time Paul has been penalized by YouTube, which last week removed video of a Newsmax interview from Paul’s channel. During the interview, the senator said, “there’s no value” in wearing masks.

“They are now banning all my speech, including speech that is given on the Senate floor, which is protected constitutional,” Paul told reporters on Tuesday, Yahoo News reported. “YouTube now thinks they are smart enough and godly enough that they can oversee speech, even constitutionally protected speech.”

Later, Paul tweeted: “A badge of honor … leftwing cretins at Youtube banning me for 7 days for a video that quotes 2 peer-reviewed articles saying cloth masks don’t work. If you want to see the banned video go to Liberty Tree.”

A YouTube spokesperson Tuesday said Paul’s claims in the three-minute video had violated the company’s policy on COVID-19 medical misinformation, The New York Times reported.

The platform’s policy bans videos that spread a wide variety of misinformation, including “claims that masks do not play a role in preventing the contraction or transmission of Covid-19.”

Fiscal Tyranny: Biden Threatens to Withhold Federal Funding from Universities, Nursing Homes and Other Federally-funded Institutions if They Don’t Hit Mandatory COVID Vaccination Quotas

Global Research – In an effort to bully more Americans into getting “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), Joe Biden is now threatening to withhold federal funding from schools, nursing homes and other critical sectors.

According to reports, Dementia Joe thinks that depriving colleges and universities, elderly care facilities, and cruise ships of the funds they need to function will help convince more unvaccinated people to stay “safe” from the Chinese Virus by agreeing to get their “Operation Warp Speed” injections as soon as possible.

While no official decision has been made, Hunter’s dad is said to be in the “early phases” of conversations with the people who believe they hold the power to do something like this and achieve the desired outcome.

One idea is to withhold Medicare dollars and other federal funds from nursing homes where not all residents are injected. As the old people who live in these facilities slowly start to die off due to lack of money, the idea is that they will come begging Beijing Biden for the jab and for the resources they need to survive.

There are some 90 million more Americans who are just saying no to Donald Trump’s “warp speed” injections, and Biden is working on new ways to try to convince them to get jabbed, too.

Due to mainstream media fears about the “delta variant,” the Pedophile-in-Chief is considering other drastic measures aimed at “flattening the curve” and “stopping the spread.” Many government agencies are now “mandating” the injections, and some in the private sector are also following suit.

Biden is salivating at the idea of medically raping you with a covid needle

Even if every unvaccinated person today were to rush out and get jabbed for the Fauci Flu, it would still take as many as six weeks for the faux “immunity” to kick in, experts say. Because of this, China Joe is scrambling to come up with new authoritarian ways of getting more people jabbed immediately.

In the short term, Biden is threatening that more new “cases” will emerge if those who still have not permanently altered their DNA by getting syringed refuse to obey. “Infections” will rise, Biden says, until every last American gets the needle in accordance with the government’s wishes.

When asked specifically if he plans to try to impose a vaccine “mandate,” Hunter’s dad told the media that he is looking at various options while encouraging more Americans to get vaccinated if they wish to do so.

Some public health “experts” are chomping at the bit for mandatory injections. As it turns out, a sizeable percentage of Western medicine “specialists” have never met a vaccine needle they did not want forcibly jammed into every person’s body, so the prospect of a Biden mandate is music to their ears.

The government claims that more than 100,000 people per day are now testing “positive” for the latest editions of the Chinese Flu. This is scary for some people to hear talked about on television and social media, which the Biden regime is hoping will convince the remaining holdouts to comply already.

“I think wisely using the federal spending power is absolutely right,” says Lawrence Gostin, director of Georgetown University‘s O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law, in full support of depriving unvaccinated elderly people and students of funding as punishment for their non-compliance.

Instead of “bludgeoning the private sector,” Biden is “starting with high-risk settings with an absolute ethical obligation and legal obligation to keep your workers and your clients safe” through injection, Gostin added in a statement to The Washington Post, clearly thrilled about such a power grab.

Government to Instruct What ‘Problematic’ Content Should Be Removed from the Internet

Off Grid Survival – They are not even trying to hide it anymore. This morning the Biden Administration outright admitted that the federal government is working with so-called private business to censor and remove “problematic” content from the internet, and essentially silence their enemies.

This morning White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki admitted that “We are in regular touch with the social media platforms” about #COVID19-related misinformation. “We’re flagging problematic posts for Facebook.”

Psaki disclosed the government’s role in policing social media during her daily press briefing after Surgeon General Vivek Murthy called on companies to purge more pandemic posts. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, who also spoke at the press conference added, we’re asking [social media companies] to consistently take action against misinformation superspreaders on their platforms.”

Here is a political party that has cried for four years, kicking and screaming about “fascism”, now openly  becoming the embodiment of fascism.

Journalist Glenn Greenwald summed up the announcement by saying, “If you don’t find it deeply disturbing that the White House is “flagging” internet content that they deem “problematic” to their Facebook allies for removal, then you are definitionally an authoritarian. No other information is needed about you to know that.”

Former President Donald Trump filed a series of lawsuits last week against Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, arguing that they are illegally squelching free speech rights on behalf of the government.  “These companies have been co-opted, coerced and weaponized by government actors to become the enforcers of illegal, unconstitutional censorship,” Trump said.

For over decade we have reported on the takeover and destruction of the so-called free internet; our posts are shadow banned on most social media outlets, many of our sites have been removed from advertising platform to ensure it’s harder for independent media to make enough money to keep their sites running, and we’ve been basically booted off of Google search.  

95% of severe patients in Israeli hospitals are vaccinated, warns doctor

NaturalNews – Israel has become one of the most tyrannical nations, forcing vaccination on its citizens. As of July 4th, more than 78 percent of Israelis eligible for COVID-19 vaccination were inoculated. Despite having one of the highest vaccination rates in the world, Israel has seen a gradual uptick in severe coronavirus cases throughout July and the first week of August. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control even added Israel to its highest risk level, advising U.S. citizens to avoid travel to one of the most vaccinated regions in the world.

Now, an Israeli doctor is breaking ranks with his colleagues and coming clean about the current medical situation in the country. Dr. Kobi Haviv spoke to News Israel 13 with specific details about the rise in hospitalizations across Israel. “I understand that most of the patients are vaccinated, even ‘severe’ patients,” said Dr. Kobi Haviv.

He reports that 95 percent of the severe patients have had at least one dose of the vaccine. He says “85-90% of the hospitalizations are in fully vaccinated people.” He warns that “the effectiveness of the vaccine is waning/fading out” and forcing hospitals to open up more COVID wards to deal with severe illness.

Pfizer vaccine failing in Israel, weakening the population, mutating coronaviruses

The Israeli Health Ministry now admits that the efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine has fallen to a meaningless 39 percent, as more vaccinated people fall ill. The vaccine is weakening the population, putting selective pressure on specific coronavirus spike proteins, causing more infectious mutations to spread.

Instead of scrapping the vaccine program, Israel has decided to expand it, coercing citizens to get a third dose. It won’t be long before a fourth and fifth dose are also “required” in order to prove one’s immunity, with seasonal or even monthly booster shots pushed onto the population as a prerequisite to their freedom.

Before the vaccine rollout, Pfizer worked out a deal with the Israeli government. Pfizer agreed to provide accelerated access their vaccine supply in exchange for legal immunity and demographic data on vaccinated people. These mass vaccination deals are turning out to be fatal mass experiments, as vaccines only confer protection for a couple months, putting the population at increased risk to infection long term. This serious scientific matter is exacerbated by the side effects of the vaccine, which range from blindness to blood clots to seizures or death.

The same phenomenon is occurring in Singapore, where 75 percent of new cases and 35 percent of new hospitalizations are occurring in people who are fully vaccinated. In Gibraltar, covid cases have increased by 2,500 percent per day, despite the nation having a 99 percent vaccination rate. In Sydney, Australia, government health officials announced in late July that nearly all new COVID hospitalizations involved vaccinated people – except one. In the US, vaccinated people were getting sick at such a high rate, the CDC had to dial back the amplification cycles used in the fraudulent covid tests to artificially lower the number of reported covid cases in the vaccinated.

Think you’re “fully” vaccinated? Not anymore: Fauci aggressively pushing THIRD covid vaccine shot

NaturalNews – Tony “doctor death” Fauci is now claiming that the first two doses of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” that millions of people received are not enough to provide full protection against the Chinese Virus, and that a third “booster” shot is necessary.

In a public statement, Fauci fearmongered about how it is a “very high priority” for people to rush on out and get their third injection of one of the syringes from Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” scheme, which he says will keep them “safe” from all the mutating “variants.”

Because many Americans have weak immune systems, Fauci contends that a third – and who knows, maybe even a fourth and a fifth – injection is needed “as quickly as possible” to help “flatten the curve” and bring about a “new normal.”

“Immunocompromised individuals are vulnerable,” Fauci stated during a recent White House briefing.

“It is extremely important for us to move to get those individuals their boosters, and we are now working on that and we will make that be implemented as quickly as possible … It is a very high priority.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which is a private corporation posing as a government body, immunocompromised Americans may receive a little extra “boost” from additional injections of Chinese Virus vaccine, so Fauci wants to see everyone get one immediately.

“It is clear now from observational data that was made that they do not, in general, do not make an adequate response that we feel would be adequately protected,” Fauci proclaimed.

France, Israel already offering third “booster” covid shots to sick and elderly

Fauci’s latest scheme has already been adopted in France, where officials are handing out third “booster” shots to residents living with cancer or other immune impairments. The government of Israel announced last month that it plans to do the same for people over 60, in whom the first two jabs supposedly “wane” over time.

Fauci and other death “doctors” are aggressively pushing for the United States to follow suit. Should Fauci’s proposal get the green light from the rest of the medical-industrial complex, then soon Americans who got sick from their first two jabs will be lining right up to “cure” their vaccine-induced ails with a third injection.

Scott Gottlieb, who was appointed by Trump to lead the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from 2017 to 2019, agrees with Fauci. Gottlieb told CNBC in a recent interview that older people and sick people need to get a third injection of a Trump Vaccine by September or October at the latest in order to stay “safe.”

“Scott Gottlieb is a CNBC contributor and is a member of the boards of Pfizer, genetic testing start-up Tempus, health-care tech company Aetion Inc. and biotech company Illumina,” reads a CNBC disclosure at the bottom of an article about Gottlieb.

“He also serves as co-chair of Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings’ and Royal Caribbean’s ‘Healthy Sail Panel.’”

In other news, Fauci has come out to condemn the recent biker rally in Sturgis, S.D., calling it a dangerous “super spreader” event. Meanwhile, Fauci is perfectly okay with Barack Hussein Obama’s recent birthday bash, which saw hundreds of celebrities converge on Martha’s Vineyard to party it up in celebration of Obama’s existence.

“I’m very concerned, Chuck, that we’re going to see another surge related to that rally,” Fauci told Chuck Todd of “Meet the Press,” completely ignoring the massive Obama rally in Massachusetts.

“There comes a time when you’re dealing with a public health crisis, that could involve you, your family, and everyone else that something supersedes that need to do exactly what you want to do.”

Julian Assange loses court battle to stop US expanding extradition appeal

The Guardian – The WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, has lost a high court battle to prevent the US government expanding the grounds for its appeal against an earlier refusal to allow his extradition to face charges of espionage and hacking government computers.

On Wednesday, judges said the weight given to a misleading report from Assange’s psychiatric expert that was submitted at the original hearing in January could form part of Washington’s full appeal in October.

Sitting in London, Lord Justice Holroyde said he believed it was arguable that Judge Vanessa Baraitser had attached too much weight to the evidence of Prof Michael Kopelman when deciding not to allow the US’s appeal.

The expert had told the court he believed Assange would take his own life if extradited. But he did not include in his report the fact that Assange had fathered two children with his partner while holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London – a fact Assange later used in support of his bail application.

Just In: Senate PASSES Anti-CRT Bill in Razor Thin Vote; Dems Now on Record Supporting the Marxist Propaganda

Gateway Pundit – In a late night vote on Tuesday, the US Senate passed an amendment that prohibits federal funds from going to pre-K programs and K-12 schools that teach critical race theory. Every single Democrat, except one – West Virginia senator Joe Manchin – voted against the legislation, which passed 50-49.

The measure was sponsored by Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton, who has been one of the leaders in the fight against the anti-American propaganda for over a year. Its passage effectively bans CRT from being taught in schools until after 12th grade, when students are free to pay for the indoctrination themselves. 

Cotton released a statement on his amendment:

“Our future depends on raising a generation of kids who love America and love each other as fellow citizens, no matter their race. But Critical Race Theory teaches that our country is irredeemably racist, that ‘equality’ is a sham, and that true justice requires treating everyone differently—based on the color of their skin. Our tax dollars should never support indoctrinating the youngest Americans with such poison.”

Earlier in the day, his office published an explainer document that lists examples of CRT being taught in schools and talks about how the materials encourage the teachers to treat kids differently based on their skin color. The one pager also re-affirms that taxpayers will not fund the marxist doctrine.

From the document: At least 30 school districts across 15 states have assigned a CRT-inspired book, Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness, which depicts “whiteness” as the devil, luring children with the promise of “stolen land [and] stolen riches”

The full text can be found on his website, here.

WATCH: Loudoun County Teacher Tearfully Resigns at School Board Meeting Over ‘Highly-Politicized Agendas’

Gateway Pundit – A Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) teacher tearfully resigned during a school board meeting over the “highly-politicized agendas” being pushed on students.

The Virginia teacher, Laura Morris, gave her powerful resignation speech during the public comment period at Tuesday’s board meeting.

“Within the last year, I was in one of my so-called equity trainings that White, Christian, able-bodied females currently have the power in our schools and ‘this has to change,’” Morris said.

“Clearly, you’ve made your point. You no longer value me or many other teachers you’ve employed in this county. So since my contract outlines the power that you have over my employment in Loudoun County Public Schools, I thought it necessary to resign in front of you.”

The fifth-grade teacher said that she would not honor the district’s pronoun policy requiring teachers to play along with their student’s pronoun preferences.

Watch her speech here: https://twitter.com/DrewWilderTV/status/1425250552003403785?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1425250552003403785%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thegatewaypundit.com%2F2021%2F08%2Floudon-county-teacher-resigns-school-board-meeting-politicized-agendas%2F 

Four Top Reasons to Love Watermelon

Green Med Info – Here are the “big four” benefits of watermelons for health and wellbeing, mainly due to their rich antioxidant and lycopene content

The ultimate summer fruit is ripe for the picking when it comes to a wealth of health benefits. More than just a refreshing dessert or treat for the hotter days, watermelon is a proven medicinal food at any season of the year.

With the scientific name Citrullus lanatus, watermelon is a fruit that belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family.[i] While native to the Kalahari Desert in Africa, it is cultivated in the world’s various tropical regions today.

Watermelons are a much-valued source of antioxidants, particularly lycopene and ascorbic acid, and citrulline, and may help protect against chronic issues such as cardiovascular disease and cancers. [ii] Lycopene gives fruits and vegetables their distinctive red color. In a 2003 study, consuming regular watermelon juice led to significant increases in blood plasma concentrations of lycopene and beta carotene.[iii]

As 92% water, watermelon helps you stay hydrated and this is one of the reasons why fruits and vegetables promote a feeling of satiety.[iv] Interestingly, despite its high water content, a 2011 study highlighted watermelon seeds as a good source of dietary protein.[v] Here are some of the top benefits of watermelons for health and wellbeing.

  1. Cancer Prevention

Increased intake of fruits and vegetables was linked to a decreased risk of breast cancer among Chinese women.[vi] The tested fruit and vegetable groups included dark leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, carrots and tomatoes, bananas and watermelon.

  1. Fight Metabolic Syndrome

A promising preclinical study in 2007 showed that watermelon pomace, an abundant source of L-citrulline, significantly improved metabolic syndrome in diabetic and overweight animal models.[x] This also helps disprove claims that fruit intake harms people with Type 2 diabetes.  Watermelon juice in particular showed anti-diabetes potential.

  1. High Blood Pressure and Weight Regulation

Supplementing with watermelon extract had a beneficial effect on arterial function and blood pressure, particularly among obese middle-aged adults with prehypertension or stage 1 hypertension.

  1. Prevention of Macular Degeneration

Lycopene is found in parts of the human eye and helps protect against both oxidative damage and inflammation. Thus, it may also help prevent age-related macular degeneration, a common blindness-causing condition in the elderly.

Coffee bean extracts contain anti-inflammatory compounds that can help fight chronic disease

NaturalNews – Coffee bean extract contains anti-inflammatory compounds that can help fight chronic health problems, according to a study published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology.

Researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the Autonomous University of Madrid treated fat cells of mice with water-based extracts from coffee bean skins. The researchers found that the phenolic compounds, protocatechuic acid and gallic acid, reduced fat-induced inflammation and improved glucose absorption and insulin sensitivity.

The researchers suggest that adding these phenolic compounds to one’s diet may work as a nutritional strategy for preventing obesity-related chronic conditions, such as Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Exploring the effects of coffee bean compounds on fat cells

Coffee by-products like the husk and silverskin are generated in large amounts during the harvesting and processing of green, or raw, coffee beans. These by-products contain significant amounts of antioxidants that can be recovered for use as value-added products. Previous studies show that the phenolic compounds in coffee by-products can increase insulin secretion by beta cells and protect the pancreas from oxidative stress.

However, the researchers noted that the anti-inflammatory effect of coffee by-products on adipocytes (fat cells) and their mechanism of action hadn’t been detailed before.

The team tested the effect of five pure phenolics found in coffee husk and silverskin on adipocytes and immune response cells called macrophages. These two types of cells work together in a loop in obesity-related inflammation, which increases oxidative stress and interferes with glucose uptake.

“Macrophages are present in the adipose tissue and when adipose tissue grows excessively, there are interactions that stimulate inflammation and oxidative stress,” explained lead author Miguel Rebollo-Hernanz, a visiting scholar at the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at Urbana-Champaign. Those interactions can decrease the number of mitochondria in fat cells, weakening a person’s ability to burn fats.

The researchers found that protocatechuic acid and gallic acid were the most effective at blocking fat accumulation in adipocytes. Upon further analysis, they discovered that these compounds work by stimulating lipolysis – the breakdown of fats – and by generating “brown” or “beige” adipocytes. These cells are known as fat burners and contain a high number of mitochondria, the cell organelles that convert nutrients into energy.

Moreover, the researchers observed that interactions between macrophages and the fat cells were completely blocked with the phenolics.

“The compounds we tested were able to inhibit inflammation in the macrophage,” said co-author Elvira Gonzalez de Mejia of Urbana-Champaign. She added that different inflammatory markers had been inhibited, and glucose uptake was improved due to the presence of glucose transporters. (Related: Food, herbs, and spices that can control blood sugar.)

“Now we know that in the presence of these compounds, we can reduce inflammation, reduce adipogenesis, and decrease the ‘loop’ that helps the two types of cells grow and develop bad compounds,” de Mejia said.

The researchers are optimistic that their findings will lead to new strategies for the prevention of Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other chronic conditions linked to obesity and being overweight.

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