July 21, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: August 22, 2023

Today’s Top 5:

1.Trump Confirms Thursday Surrender in Georgia Case Over 2020 Election

Former President Donald Trump confirmed on Monday that he will be surrendering to authorities at Fulton County Jail in Georgia on Thursday, Aug. 24, over the charges he faces for contesting the state’s 2020 election result.

“Can you believe it? I’ll be going to Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday to be ARRESTED by a Radical Left District Attorney, Fani Willis, who is overseeing one of the greatest Murder and Violent Crime DISASTERS in American History,” he wrote on Truth Social.

“In my case, the trip to Atlanta is not for ‘Murder,’ but for making a PERFECT PHONE CALL! She campaigned, and is continuing to campaign, and raise money, on this WITCH HUNT. This is in strict coordination with Crooked Joe Biden’s DOJ. It is all about ELECTION INTERFERENCE!”

2.Former Trump Aide Files to Have Georgia 2020 Election Racketeering Charges Dropped

Mark Meadows, former chief of staff to President Donald Trump, filed a motion to dismiss the charges against him in Georgia based on the supremacy clause in the Constitution.

Mr. Meadows, President Trump, and 17 other co-defendants were charged by a grand jury on Aug. 14 with violating Georgia’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, along with 40 other counts, over their actions to challenge the 2020 Georgia general election results.

Mr. Meadows was the first co-defendant to file to have his case removed to federal court, which he did a day after the indictment. Others have indicated they will do the same. The new filing on Aug. 18 argues he is immune from state prosecution under the supremacy clause in the Constitution, as all actions listed were part of his official duties as a federal employee.

“The State’s prosecution of Mr. Meadows threatens the important federal interest in providing the President of the United States with close, confidential advice and assistance, firmly entrenched in federal law for nearly 100 years … and gives rise to precisely the sort of state interference in federal affairs the Supremacy Clause prohibits,” reads the 34-page motion (pdf).

3.Flooding in ‘Cut off’ Palm Springs as Hilary Passes Through: Trapped Cars, Roads Washed Away

Cars were trapped and parts of the road washed away in Palm Springs as Tropical Storm Hilary swept through, triggering mass flooding and mudslides.

“Life-threatening and locally catastrophic flash flooding is expected this evening across southern California as Tropical Storm Hilary advances north and brings and produces very heavy rainfall total,” the National Weather Service (NWS) warned Sunday night, previewing heavy rains and flash flooding.

4.Congress Barrels Toward Shutdown as Freedom Caucus Opposes Stopgap Spending Bill

The House Freedom Caucus released a statement Monday that it opposes any stopgap spending bill that does not have border security measures, address the weaponization of the government, and end the left’s woke policies in the military.

The House Freedom Caucus urged House Republicans to continue passing their 12 appropriations that would fund the government past September 30, or the government funding deadline.

5.Biden Administration to Urge All Americans: Get a Coronavirus Booster Shot Now

All Americans will be urged by the Biden administration to get a coronavirus booster shot this autumn ahead of what it claims is a new wave of infections, a White House official said Sunday.

Reuters reports the official said while the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports an increase in infections and hospital admissions from the virus, overall levels remain low, however caution is urged.

Moderna and other coronavirus vaccine makers Novavax, Pfizer and German partner BioNTech SE have all reportedly created versions of their shots ready and aimed at the XBB.1.5 subvariant.

Related: Time for your Eighth Covid Vaccine Dose: Pfizer Says Latest Booster Won’t be Tested on Humans but It Works Great on Mice!

Pfizer announced on August 17, 2023 that their new shot, which targets the Eris variant (whatever that is) of the cold/flu rebrand sickness that is commonly referred to as Covid-19, is showing great promise in mice.

And given that Big Pharma heavyweights like Pfizer pretty much control America’s Government Health institutions, we should expect to see FDA authorization for another “emergency use” shot in the coming weeks.

For the True Believers who are on schedule with “the science,” this would make for an eighth dose of mRNA in under three years.

In April, the FDA authorized a seventh dose of a new shot labeled the “bivalent booster.” When the new “Eris” formulated shot comes out, it will make for an eighth shot.

But for some pharma captured doctors and institutions, eight is still not enough! According to this new article in NPR, some of the “experts” now recommend a booster every two months for the immunocompromised. If you’re not yet immunocompromised, you can take a shot every four months. Once you are immunocompromised by the shots, you have unlocked the every two months achievement and you will be rewarded with a free Pfizer toaster. Time to get those antibody levels up. Personalize the dose!


Fukushima nuclear disaster: Japan to release treated water in 48 hours

Japan will start releasing treated radioactive water from the tsunami-hit Fukushima nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean on Thursday, despite opposition from its neighbours.

The decision comes weeks after the UN’s nuclear watchdog approved the plan.

Some 1.34 million tonnes of water – enough to fill 500 Olympic-size pools – have accumulated since the 2011 tsunami destroyed the plant.

The water will be released over 30 years after being filtered and diluted.

Greece wildfires: Hospital evacuated as fire intensifies in Alexandroupolis

Dozens of patients have been moved from a hospital in north-eastern Greece as wildfires burn out of control for a fourth day near Alexandroupolis.

The flames reached the grounds of the university hospital and among those moved were new-born babies and intensive care patients.

Many of those evacuated were taken to a ferry in the nearby port.

Patients hooked up to oxygen bottles lay on mattresses on decks of the ship converted into hospital wards.

Tents were also erected on the shore.

Alexandroupolis, a major port close to Greece’s north-eastern border with Turkey, is one of a number of Greek regions tackling wildfires, whipped up by high winds and temperatures which are set to reach 39C (102F) on Tuesday.

Fires are raging elsewhere – on the island of Evia and in Boeotia in central Greece, where several villages have been evacuated.

Guatemala: Bernando Arévalo Wins Presidential Race, Swinging Country Hard Left

Guatemalan leftist candidate Bernardo Arévalo emerged as the winner of Guatemala’s 2023 presidential runoff election on Sunday, defeating leftist former first lady and first-round front-runner Sandra Torres.

The official results published by Guatemala’s Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) show that Arévalo and his Semilla Movement party obtained 58 percent of the votes, while Torres of the National Unity of Hope (UNE) party obtained 37.24 percent. Voter turnout rate was tallied at 44.98 percent, for a total of roughly 4.2 million votes cast.

India Announces Moon Landing on Wednesday as Russia’s Lander Crashes

The race between India and Russia to make the first landing near the Moon’s south pole took a dramatic turn on Sunday as Russia’s Luna-25 spacecraft tumbled into an uncontrolled orbit and slammed into the lunar surface.

India, meanwhile, announced that its Chandrayaan-3 mission is on schedule for a controlled landing on Wednesday.

LATAM Airlines Confirms ‘Medical Emergency’ Caused Pilot to Die

A Chilean airline pilot had a “medical emergency” midflight between Miami and Santiago de Chile on Aug. 14, 2023.

LATAM Airlines confirmed the incident in an Aug. 16 press release (pdf).

According to LATAM Airlines, the flight was diverted to Tocumen International Airport in Panama, but despite following the “necessary protocols” to “safeguard the life of the affected pilot,” he passed after landing.

“LATAM Group is deeply saddened by this event and takes this opportunity to express our most sincere condolences to the family of our employee,” LATAM said. “We are thankful for his 25 years of service to LATAM, distinguished by his dedication, professionalism, and enthusiasm.

Baby Killing Nurse Given Rare ‘Whole Life’ Sentence by UK Court

Lucy Letby, a 33-year-old nurse called the worst child killer in modern British history, has been given a life sentence at the end, the culmination of the longest UK murder trial ever.

Convicted last week of seven murders of newborn children at the hospital where she worked, Lucy Letby was told this afternoon that she had been sentenced to a whole life order, a rarely used sentence in British law which means she will never be allowed to leave prison. Life sentences can otherwise see inmates paroled without the additional whole life order added to it.

Handing down the sentence, the judge said Letby was guilty of a cruel and cynical “campaign of child murder” which was motivated by “a deep malevolence bordering on sadism”. Judge Mr Justice Gross said Letby had acted contrary to the natural human instinct to protect children and had told “many lies” to protect herself, including projecting an outward image of being a “conscientious, hardworking, knowledgable nurse” to cover for the murders.

UK to Spend £100 Million on Chips to Develop Domestic Artificial Intelligence Systems

The British government is reportedly preparing to plough £100 million of taxpayer cash into buying chips needed to train advanced artificial intelligence models, as Prime Minister Rishi Sunak pushes forward with his goal for the UK to become an A.I. “superpower”.

The government of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has entered into discussions with leading tech manufacturers including AMD, Intel, and Nvidia for the potential purchase of thousands of high-end chips needed to power AI models in the hopes of transforming the British economy and keeping competitive on the world stage.

According to a report from The Telegraph, the UK has earmarked around £100 ($127) million to purchase as many as 5,000 graphics processing units (GPUs) from American tech firm Nvidia. The current version of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which has been a leading force in the burgeoning artificial intelligence with its language-based model, was trained on approximately 25,000 Nvidia chips.

Domino’s Pizza will close all 142 stores in Russia

Domino’s Pizza will close all its outlets in Russia, becoming one of the first major Western fast-food chains to exit the country since McDonald’s and Starbucks left more than a year ago.

DP Eurasia — the company that owns franchise rights for the Domino’s Pizza brand in Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia — said Monday that it would file for bankruptcy for its Russian unit, DPRussia.

The move highlights the increasingly hard choices facing Western firms that stayed in Russia after the start of the Ukraine war. The Kremlin has made it vastly more difficult and more costly for Western companies to sell their Russian businesses. And it has in some cases seized control of firms’ local assets, as with Danish brewer Carlsberg (CABGY) and French yogurt maker Danone (DANOY).

BRICS to focus on curbing dollar reliance – South Africa

The leaders of the BRICS nations will discuss ways to eliminate dependence on the US dollar during their meeting in Johannesburg this week, South African Deputy President Paul Mashatile has said. 

The bloc comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa has taken several steps towards reducing the share of the greenback in mutual settlements by boosting payments in members’ currencies. 

“Today the world takes notice of this bloc because it’s at the forefront of the global discourse” to curb dependence on the dollar, Mashatile told business leaders from the BRICS countries in Johannesburg on Monday. “We are not here to compete with the West. We want our space in global business.” 

Members of the bloc have floated the idea of creating a common currency for intra-member trade. 

BRICS countries, which currently account for 40% of the world’s population and almost a third of the global economy, are also expected to discuss the addition of new members to the group. 


Lex Greene pretty much says it all about tomorrow night’s GOP debate! 

First 24 GOP “Debate” 8/23/23

Commentary by Lex Greene – Still pretending as though we have lawful, legitimate elections in the USA, hosted by Fox News (aka The DeSantis Channel), the Fox team is ramping up for the first so-called debate of the 2024 Presidential race tomorrow night.  Everyone at FOX and everyone who will appear on the stage, knows that the 2020 elections were blatantly stolen by O’Biden’s DNC, backed by “deep state” Military, Justice, and Intel community traitors. They all know it, but only Ramaswamy has the intestinal fortitude to say it. The rest work with DC traitors to keep Trump out of the White House.  As we head into the event, only eight GOP candidates have qualified for the debate stage and as of this writing, current aggregate poll numbers look like this

TRUMP – 55.5%

DeSANTIS – 14.5%


PENCE – 5.2%

HALEY – 3.3%

SCOTT – 2.7%


BURGUM – 0.5%

The rest who tossed their hat in the ring couldn’t meet the polling and fund-raising thresholds to qualify for the debate stage. They simply have no real support. Of course, neither do at least five of the eight who made the debate. Like Chris Christie says, “this is the first time they can speak to a real audience,” because nobody shows up for their campaign stops.

At best, this is a three-way race, Trump, DeSantis and Ramaswamy. But in reality… Trump holds a 41-point lead over DeSantis, a 48.3-point lead over Ramaswamy and more than a 50-point lead over all others who made the debate stage. Democrats have done a fantastic job of making Trump the obvious GOP nominee by turning voters towards Trump in their endless efforts to destroy Trump with false accusations and political persecutions. Democrats continue to make Trump the most popular political figure on earth. Trump might not even need to campaign, like Biden in 2020. He’ll win in a landslide strictly because “the people” of all political stripes are figuring out that what they see democrats (and some republicans) doing to Trump, can and will be done to them if democrats were to succeed in destroying Trump. People are supporting Trump to defend themselves from Obama’s global criminal cabal, who hate the average American as much as they hate Trump. Everyone on the debate stage who falls into this trap set for them will lose what little support they currently have. Voters from the political spectrum are fed up with the criminal O’Biden regime using taxpayer funds to attack their political opponents with the weaponized Justice Department.

Normally, I would want every serious candidate to face their opponents on every debate stage. But in this case, Trump holds such a commanding lead that it might be a better strategic play for him to sit this one out, letting his opponents dig their own graves. These seven candidates have a high hurdle to clear this Wednesday night. None are likely to close the gap with Trump because all of them will be pushed by moderators to talk about Trump, rather than themselves, granting Trump even more free publicity without any need to even show up.

The debate is highly likely to turn into a scripted Trump-bashing event. Only two candidates in the race are “political outsiders” critical of the DC establishment, Trump and Ramaswamy. The rest are all longtime political operatives who have had years to do things they will talk about on Wednesday evening, without ever keeping any of their past campaign promises. Except for Ramaswamy, everyone else on the debate stage this week is a RNC “deep state” actor in the race simply to derail Trump. Pretty much every GOP voter knows it.

Republican and even Democrat and Independent voters are shifting hard in Trump’s favor due to the blatant weaponization of O’Biden’s DC cabal. So, GOP candidates who join O’Biden’s attack on Trump Wednesday night, will drive voters away from themselves as well.Until we hold criminals fully accountable for the massive election fraud in 2020, we won’t ever have lawful elections again. But I’ll be watching this debate, for entertainment value. Never get in the way of your enemies while they are busy digging their own grave… Nothing is more entertaining than watching traitors dig their own hole!

Donald Trump says he will skip first GOP presidential debate: ‘The public knows who I am’

Former President Donald Trump confirmed on Sunday that he would not join the Republican presidential primary debate in Milwaukee on Wednesday — and hinted he might sit out the others as well.

“The public knows who I am & what a successful Presidency I had,” Trump announced on Truth Social Sunday. “I WILL THEREFORE NOT BE DOING THE DEBATES!”

RFK, Jr … just saying what he thinks Americans want to hear, unzips his fly … sad! 

EXCLUSIVE: RFK Jr. Believes Trump, Biden Should Participate in Debates

“I think it would be better if we have a democracy where every candidate debates,” Mr. Kennedy told The Epoch Times at a hotel conference room in Columbia, South Carolina. He is in the state courting voters in a town hall tour ahead of the February 2024 primary.

“I suppose he is making a strategic decision that’s based upon his own interest, but I think we’re living in a period when people have lost faith in the democratic process, and they think the system is rigged,” Mr. Kennedy said about both President Joe Biden and President Trump not appearing in primary debates.

And with that, RFK used the word “democracy”; thus, he’s no better than the rest of the swamp. Sadly, the Epoch Times didn’t call him out on his vernacular! 

Hawaii State Government Attempts Information Blackout On Maui Fire — Refuses Media Access

The West Maui disaster is becoming less about the fire and more about the government’s bizarre response to the aftermath.  Independent media sources and some mainstream media sources have confirmed multiple instances of the Democrat-controlled government’s mismanagement that led to the escalation of the tragedy.

The circus included a woke water management bureaucrat who believes water is “godlike” and that it must be distributed according to the rules of “equity”; the same official withheld vital firefighting resources for a day while Maui burned.  The state government has been thoroughly embarrassed, but instead of responding with humility, they have doubled down and gone on the attack.

The Governor of Hawaii, Josh Green, took a wild swing at independent reporting, telling people not to listen to information from social media and “influencers.”  It’s hard to say what his definition of an “influencer” is, only that he is clearly hostile to anyone reporting news outside of the government narrative.  Green’s disapproval of media reporting is not limited to alternative journalists, however.  It appears that there is now an information blackout being instituted by the state.  Corporate journalists are also being denied access to the area of the fire damage path as well as access to any details surrounding the investigation into how the fires may have started.

The Maui fires are highly suspicious: Here are NINE questions we should all be asking

There are a lot of anomalies in what is now being described as “the largest natural disaster” in Hawaii history.

The Maui fires, which have run their course and left the city of Lahaina and surrounding areas scorched and devastated, do not make sense in terms of how the government is trying to explain them away as “a product … of … global warming combined with drought, combined with a super storm where we had a hurricane offshore several hundred miles, still generating large winds,” to quote Hawaii Gov. Josh Green.

There are many unanswered questions about the disaster, including (1) How did the fires really start? Gov. Green’s explanation makes little sense, especially since the visuals coming out of Lahaina show what appears to be evidence of directed energy weapons (DEWs).

Also, (2) How did the fires spread so rapidly? We are told by the media that the raging inferno swept the land so fast that trapped residents and visitors had to jump into the Pacific Ocean to save themselves.

Another strange anomaly is the fact that (3) The Lahaina fire, which was supposedly already “out” at the time, ended up causing the most damage of all the fires.

We would also like to know (4) Why Maui’s emergency sirens never went off as they were supposedly designed to do to warn people to flee the area? This is a disturbing conspiracy all on its own.

What are your thoughts on what really happened in Lahaina and why?

And (5) What about all those emergency supplies? We are told that a “telecommunications blackout” is to blame for interfering with the delivery of said supplies to those most in need.

Reports also indicate that (6) Homeowners throughout the area are already being contacted by others wanting to purchase their scorched properties. It would seem as though the vultures are already circling to take over the area now that it has been burned to the ground – did these vultures know what was going to happen before it actually did?

Then we have the FBI (7) Bringing a “mobile refrigerated morgue” into Lahaina, for what purpose? Are there many more deaths than what is being reported?

And (8) Why aren’t police and national guardsmen protecting what remains from looters? According to reports, there is “some” police and military presence in and around Lahaina, but overall, it is a chaotic nightmare, especially at night when “people are being robbed at gunpoint,” according to Matt Robb, the co-owner of a Lahaina bar called The Dirty Monkey.

“People are raped and pillaged,” Robb said. “I mean, they’re going through houses – and then by day, it’s hunky-dory. So where is the support? I don’t think our government and our leaders, at this point, know how to handle this or what to do.”

Perhaps the most disturbing element to all this is the way that fake president Joe Biden is taking it all in stride. (9) Why is the “most popular” White House occupant based on the alleged vote count hamming it up for his umpteenth vacation while the survivors of the Maui fires suffer?

“No comment,” was all the “big guy” had to say when asked by reporters about the Maui fires. Even though the death toll has since breached 100, Biden was seen sunbathing on a beach near his Delaware home without a care in the world.

“When disaster strikes, we need a leader in the White House that knows how to act appropriately,” reported End of the American Dream about Biden’s callous disregard for the people he supposedly represents.

By all appearances, the Maui fires were another government-contrived false flag attack against Americans and the United States itself.

Maui Fire Response Shows ‘Danger of Politically Driven Governance’

Despite boasting the world’s largest outdoor siren warning system, experts say the fact that it wasn’t activated as massive wildfires spread across Maui shows that fatal consequences can result when important government positions are staffed based on politics instead of relevant experience.

Even though officials in Maui defended the decision of then-emergency management chief Herman Andaya not to set off warning sirens as the deadly wildfires advanced rapidly toward Lahaina, critics are already questioning whether someone with emergency management experience could have better responded to the blaze, which has caused more than 110 deaths.

States look to hire illegal immigrants to fatten struggling police departments

Struggling to fill the ranks of their police officers, some blue-state politicians are turning to an unusual option: illegal immigrants.

A California law that took effect earlier this year allows noncitizens — including some unauthorized migrants — to sign up if they are protected from deportation, including by the Obama-era DACA program. Colorado and Illinois have followed suit with laws allowing some noncitizens to join the force.

It’s all deeply uncharted territory.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Opens Migrant Mega-Camp, Costing New Yorkers $20M Every Month

New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) has opened a migrant mega-camp on Randall’s Island, where schoolchildren’s soccer fields will be disrupted as a result. The housing project is expected to cost city taxpayers about $20 million every month.

On Sunday, Adams’s office began filling up the newly built migrant camp with single adult male border crossers and illegal aliens who have arrived in the sanctuary city from the United States–Mexico border.

Judge Blocks Georgia’s Ban on Cross-Sex Hormones in Transgender Procedures for Kids

A federal judge in Atlanta has put a temporary freeze on the application of a Georgia law that prohibits the use of cross-sex hormones to treat minors who identify as transgender.

U.S. District Court Judge Sarah Geraghty granted a preliminary injunction on Aug. 20 (pdf) in a lawsuit challenging Georgia’s ban on hormone replacement therapy for the treatment of gender dysphoria in children.

Georgia banned child gender transition when Senate Bill 140, which prohibits sex change surgeries and hormone replacement therapy for minors, was signed into law by Republican Gov. Brian Kemp on March 23.

That law became the subject of a lawsuit by several transgender-identifying children, their parents, and a community organization, in a case known as Koe v. Noggle.

Joe Biden sparks outrage by comparing Hawaiian blaze that killed at least 114 to a kitchen fire at his house after making tone-deaf ‘hot ground’ joke to rescuer

Joe Biden has sparked outrage by comparing the Hawaiian blaze that killed at least 114 people to a kitchen fire – and joking about ‘hot ground’ to a rescuer.

The President’s motorcade was met with screams of ‘f*** you’ after he finally arrived in Maui – two weeks after the inferno which left 850 people missing and destroyed the historic city of Lahaina.

Biden compounded the anger in a garbled, meandering speech about the deaths of his wife and daughter in 1972, before comparing the horrific blaze to a kitchen fire at his Delaware home in 2004.

The 80-year-old capped off his disastrous five-hour tour by asking a rescue team whether their boots were reinforced, noting the ‘hot ground’ beneath their feet in a tone-deaf attempt at humor. 

Hawaiian residents and politicians have unleashed a torrent of criticism over Biden’s failure to visit the island sooner and a paltry $700 offered to each affected family.

Palm Springs Train Derailed Due to Tropical Storm Hilary 

A train derailed Monday morning in the Palm Springs, California, area due to the impact of Tropical Storm Hilary.

Aerial footage showed water flowing around the derailed train cars.


When the criminals manage to acquire guns … 

Gunbattle Leaves 1 Dead, 8 Injured at Block Party in Democrat-Run Philly

Multiple gunmen opened fire, killing one person and wounding eight, at a block party in Democrat-run Philadelphia around 1:30 a.m. Saturday morning.

ABC News noted that the gunbattle occurred “in the Parkside neighborhood in the western part of the city.”

CBS Philadelphia reported that the shooting victims included men and women “ranging in age from 17 to 51 years old.”


There’s only 1 new car left under $20k

Mitsubishi Mirage was the cheapest new car on the US market last month.

Car-buying wisdom if you’re trying to save money: “Stick to public transit.” But if the bus simply isn’t your thing (or available), brace for a budget-shattering event: Cox Automotive found the Mitsubishi Mirage was the only new model going for less than $20,000 last month.

The humble hatchback may make your mom’s Prius look like a racecar, but its $19,205 average selling price in July really does resemble a mirage in the heat of the auto market.

Cox reports:

  • A middle-of-the-road new car cost over $48,000 in July, up 30% since 2019.
  • And used cars were no better. The average July price was $27,000, also a 30% hike from 2019.

The pricey four-wheeled boxes most Americans rely on to get places have been straining family budgets. It takes over 42 weeks of median household income to cover the average cost of a new car, per July data supplied by Cox and Moody’s Analytics.

On top of high prices, high-interest auto loans also burden auto owners. Last quarter, a record 17.1% of new car owners had a monthly payment above $1,000, according to Edmunds. This helps explain why auto loan delinquencies have been rising this year, despite a strong economy with exceptionally low unemployment.

America’s obsession with supersized rides is partially to blame for the high prices since carmakers have ditched affordable compact vehicles. Pandemic-related supply chain snags also threw a wrench into production, creating a car shortage that let auto producers slap exorbitant price tags onto windshields.

But…despite the lack of cheaper models on the market, new car prices have slowly begun to fall as dealers report having more cars sitting on their lots. EVs are getting discounted the most as manufacturers engage in a price war.

Biden’s Labor Market: 44M Americans Out of Workforce While Foreign Workers Hold More U.S. Jobs than Ever

Now’s the time to get creative and start your own small business!  Most CPA’s will tell you that you have over 75 deductions on your Schedule C just by setting up an LLC! 

President Joe Biden’s use of mass immigration to inflate the nation’s labor market comes as more than 44 million working age Americans are out of the workforce altogether, not including those counted as unemployed, data reveals.

The labor data, published on August 21 by Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler at the Center for Immigration Studies, shows that while Biden adds millions of legal immigrants and illegal aliens to the United States population who now hold jobs, working age Americans — especially those among the working class — are falling out of the workforce at an alarming pace.


AI-generated art cannot receive copyrights, US court says

A work of art created by artificial intelligence without any human input cannot be copyrighted under U.S. law, a U.S. court in Washington, D.C., has ruled.

Only works with human authors can receive copyrights, U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell said on Friday, affirming the Copyright Office’s rejection of an application filed by computer scientist Stephen Thaler on behalf of his DABUS system.

The Friday decision follows losses for Thaler on bids for U.S. patents covering inventions he said were created by DABUS, short for Device for the Autonomous Bootstrapping of Unified Sentience.

A new type of “freedom,” or, tracking children with AirTags, with Heather Kelly: Lock and Code S04E17

“Freedom” is a big word, and for many parents today, it’s a word that includes location tracking. 

Across America, parents are snapping up Apple AirTags, the inexpensive location tracking devices that can help owners find lost luggage, misplaced keys, and—increasingly so—roving toddlers setting out on mini-adventures. 

The parental fear right now, according to The Washington Post technology reporter Heather Kelly, is that “anybody who can walk, therefore can walk away.” 

Parents wanting to know what their children are up to is nothing new. Before the advent of the Internet—and before the creation of search history—parents read through diaries. Before GPS location tracking, parents called the houses that their children were allegedly staying at. And before nearly every child had a smart phone that they could receive calls on, parents relied on a much simpler set of tools for coordination: Going to the mall, giving them a watch, and saying “Be at the food court at noon.” 

But, as so much parental monitoring has moved to the digital sphere, there’s a new problem: Children become physically mobile far faster than they become responsible enough to own a mobile. Enter the AirTag: a small, convenient device for parents to affix to toddlers’ wrists, place into their backpacks, even sew into their clothes, as Kelly reported in her piece for The Washington Post

In speaking with parents, families, and childcare experts, Kelly also uncovered an interesting dynamic. Parents, she reported, have started relying on Apple AirTags as a means to provide freedom, not restrictions, to their children. 

YouTube Boosts Its Censorship Campaign

YouTube has created a new framework to crack down on so-called “medical misinformation” and boost its censorship campaign on the platform. The quick slide into dystopia is getting quicker.

YouTube has been known to ban and censor channels that tread too far from the official narrative.

YouTube Gives Itself “Free Expression” Award Then Brags About Censoring Dissent

“In the years since we began our efforts to make YouTube a destination for high-quality health content, we’ve learned critical lessons about developing Community Guidelines in line with local and global health authority guidance on topics that pose serious real-world risks, such as misinformation on [Wuhan coronavirus] COVID-19, vaccines, reproductive health, harmful substances and more,” reads a blog post written by YouTube. “We’re taking what we’ve learned so far about the most effective ways to tackle medical misinformation to simplify our approach for creators, viewers, and partners.”

According to Natural News, YouTube’s new policy will streamline its existing policy into three distinct categories, which would make it easier in the long term for the platform to suppress medical information. The three types of so-called medical misinformation that will be censored are “Prevention, Treatment, and Denial.”

“To determine if a condition, treatment or substance is in scope of our medical misinformation policies, we’ll evaluate whether it’s associated with a high public health risk, publicly available guidance from health authorities around the world, and whether it’s generally prone to misinformation,” reads YouTube’s blog post.

Kind of like they did with ivermectin, right? After insulting, banning, and censoring those who dared to say it could help with treatments of COVID-19, the Food and Drug Administration finally admitted that the “conspiracy theorists” were correct.


We’re All Suspects in a DNA Lineup, Waiting to be Matched with a Crime

Commentary by John Whitehead – Be warned: the DNA detectives are on the prowl.

Whatever skeletons may be lurking on your family tree or in your closet, whatever crimes you may have committed, whatever associations you may have with those on the government’s most wanted lists: the police state is determined to ferret them out.

In an age of overcriminalization, round-the-clock surveillance, and a police state eager to flex its muscles in a show of power, we are all guilty of some transgression or other.

No longer can we consider ourselves innocent until proven guilty.

Now we are all suspects in a DNA lineup waiting to be matched up with a crime.

Suspect State, meet the Genetic Panopticon.

DNA technology in the hands of government officials will complete our transition to a Surveillance State in which prison walls are disguised within the seemingly benevolent trappings of technological and scientific progress, national security and the need to guard against terrorists, pandemics, civil unrest, etc.

By accessing your DNA, the government will soon know everything else about you that they don’t already know: your family chart, your ancestry, what you look like, your health history, your inclination to follow orders or chart your own course, etc.

It’s getting harder to hide, even if you think you’ve got nothing to hide.

Armed with unprecedented access to DNA databases amassed by the FBI and ancestry website, as well as hospital newborn screening programs, police are using forensic genealogy, which allows police to match up an unknown suspect’s crime scene DNA with that of any family members in a genealogy database, to solve cold cases that have remained unsolved for decades.

As reported by The Intercept, forensic genetic genealogists are “combing through the genetic information of hundreds of thousands of innocent people in search of a perpetrator.”

By submitting your DNA to a genealogical database such as Ancestry and 23andMe, you’re giving the police access to the genetic makeup, relationships and health profiles of every relative—past, present and future—in your family, whether or not you or they ever agreed to be part of such a database.

EPA Approves Fuel Made From Recycled Plastic With High Cancer Risks, Responds to Concerns

Does eco-friendly necessarily mean cancer-safe?

Recently, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) permitted Chevron to manufacture fuel made from components of recycled plastics, despite data from its 203-page risk assessment showing an increased risk of developing cancer for those exposed to the new chemicals. Some communities and environmental groups assert that the agency didn’t do its job.

Environmental Groups Plead With EPA to Step on the Brakes

On Aug. 2, environmental groups, including Environmental Defense Fund, Moms Clean Air Force, and Sierra Club, presented a letter (pdf) to the EPA saying that the agency gave Chevron the green light too soon. They claim the EPA potentially minimized health concerns that the risk assessment revealed.

The concerned organizations pointed out that Chevron manufacturing plants implementing these plastic-based chemicals, such as a refinery in Pascagoula, Mississippi, could put nearby residents at increased risk of developing cancer in their lifetime through exposure to toxic fumes via air smokestacks, nearby airports using the plastic-based fuel, and contaminated fish.

The authors of the letter also cited other concerns, including:

  • Unwarranted comparison to other existing chemicals.
  • Lack of understanding of the toxic effects of the new chemicals.
  • Inadequate protections for workers and residents living near manufacturing plants and using the fuel.

The EPA maintains that it is working closely on this issue and addressing concerns as they arise.


How to Save Seeds From Tomatoes

Saving heirloom tomato seeds ensures that the precious, delicious tomatoes from yesteryears find themselves growing again in the gardens of the future. Learning how to save seeds from tomatoes is a safeguard against tomorrow’s uncertainty.

Midsummer is here, and, for most gardeners, this means tomato season! Tomatoes are the uncontested queens of the garden and one of the most beloved plants grown across the world. With over 3,000 varieties of heirloom tomatoes documented by experts like Craig LeHoullier, author of the 2019 book “Epic Tomatoes,” tomatoes have a lot to offer the gardening enthusiast. Some might even say that no single gardener can ever hope to grow them all.

But one can certainly try!

Whether they decide to grow a few select varieties of cherished heirlooms year after year or dive into the “tomato craze,” most gardeners find themselves wishing they could save their own tomato seeds at some point or another on their gardening journey. The reasons for wanting to harvest and preserve one’s own seeds are varied, from the difficulty of sourcing some rare heirlooms to the fickleness of the large seed companies that may drop a favorite variety without warning.

Owning one’s own seed supply is a safeguard against uncertainty and a guarantee that the precious, delicious tomatoes from yesteryears find themselves growing again in the gardens of the future.

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Can Magnesium Help You Lose Weight? Here’s What a Dietitian Says

Magnesium has proven its worth by helping people achieve better sleep, relieve PMS, thwart leg cramps and avoid those miserable migraine headaches. But for weight-loss seekers, could magnesium be an effective strategy for shedding weight? If you want to lose weight, you’re not the only one. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that about 49% of American adults attempted weight loss within a 12-month span. It’s possible to lose weight in multiple ways, some safer than others. Here’s what a dietitian says about magnesium, weight loss and strategies to support your best efforts.

Can Magnesium Help You Lose Weight?

Maintaining normal magnesium levels may benefit weight loss

Research suggests that nearly 50% of Americans aren’t getting enough magnesium. Further, a 2021 review published in Nutrients reports magnesium deficiency is more prevalent in people with obesity. When magnesium levels are extremely low, chronic inflammation can occur by modifying the gut microbiome, according to a 2018 review published in Archives of Medical Science and a 2019 review published in Microorganisms. A 30-year study of over 5,000 participants, published in the European Journal of Nutrition, found inverse associations between magnesium intake with obesity incidence and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels (both of which are inflammation markers in the body). This means that the higher the magnesium levels, the lower the obesity incidence and possibly less inflammation. Inflammation is an unwelcome stressor and irritant for your body, and it could interfere with losing weight. Revisiting the gut microbiome, the presence of certain gut bacteria, whether friends or foes, could create weight-loss troubles since gut health and weight loss are linked.

Magnesium may assist weight loss by supporting healthy blood sugars

A 2020 review published in Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews found that magnesium intake was inversely related to risk of type 2 diabetes, a disease prevalent in populations with BMIs that are classified as obese. This means a higher intake of magnesium might lead to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. In people with diabetes, researchers also found that adequate magnesium intake promoted better blood sugar control. Magnesium could help manage blood glucose levels by helping your body use insulin properly or become more insulin sensitive. In fact, insulin sensitivity is the opposite of insulin resistance, a condition that makes it hard for your body’s insulin to utilize glucose and can lead to excess body fat, according to a 2022 review in Stats Pearls. With that said, magnesium may make weight loss more attainable by helping to keep your blood sugars balanced and your insulin functioning optimally.

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Unveiling the hidden risks of gadolinium, a common but controversial ingredient in MRI contrast dyes

Maryland Reports Case of Locally Acquired Malaria

There’s been another case of locally acquired malaria in the United States, this time in Maryland, authorities report.

It’s the first time this has happened in that state in 40 years.

No evidence connects this case to seven locally acquired infections in Florida or another one in Texas that were previously reported, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Secret Letter to CDC: Top Epidemiologist Suggests Agency Misrepresented Scientific Data to Support Mask Narrative

Documents recently obtained from the National Institutes of Health suggest public health officials used inaccurate information and misrepresented medical research to advance their policy objective that masks prevent severe COVID-19 and virus transmission—despite opposing scientific evidence received from experts.

In a recently obtained letter (pdf) sent in November 2021 to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), top epidemiologist Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, and seven colleagues informed the agency it was promoting flawed data and excluding data that did not reinforce their narrative.

The letter warned the agency that misrepresenting data on trusted websites such as the CDC and the COVID-19 Real-Time Learning Network—jointly created by the CDC and Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)—would “damage the credibility of science,” endanger public trust by “misrepresenting the evidence,” and give the public “false expectations” masking would protect them from the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.

“We believe the information and recommendations as provided may actually put an individual at increased risk of becoming infected with SARS-CoV-2 and for them to experience a serious or even life-threatening infection,” Mr. Osterhom wrote.

The authors urged the IDSA to remove the suggestion that masking prevents severe disease from its website and asked the CDC to reconsider its statements about the “efficacy of masks and face coverings for preventing transmission of SARS-CoV-2.”

Osterholm also noted a pattern of selectively choosing data that supported the desired narrative that masks prevent severe COVID-19 disease and transmission—claims he said are unsupported by the scientific evidence provided by the CDC and IDSA on their websites.

How Convenient: Biden Regime Begins Procuring COVID-19 Equipment and Hiring Safety Advisors, Government Spending Data Reveals

The Biden regime has begun procuring COVID-19 equipment and hiring advisors on safety protocols, according to an exclusive report from War Room.

This comes amidst increasing speculation that the White House might be preparing to reinstate pandemic-era lockdowns and mandates.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that the Biden regime is preparing to reinstate full COVID-19 lockdowns, beginning with masking mandates for TSA and airport employees reportedly as early as mid-September, Infowars first to report.

COVID Mandates Return to Hollywood: Lionsgate Requires Employees to Mask Up, Submit to Daily Testing

COVID mask mandates are returning to Hollywood, with Lionsgate being the first major studio to reinstate masking and daily testing for its Los Angeles office workers.


Report: Fox News Bans Trump Surrogates from Debate ‘Spin Room’

Although Trump is not attending the first Republican primary debate hosted by Fox News Wednesday, several of his surrogates planned to attend the event.

Fox News reportedly told former President Donald Trump’s surrogates they are not allowed access to the post-debate “spin room” following Trump’s announcement that he would skip the debate due to a significant polling advantage.

Teachers Union Summer Trainings Continue to Focus on Harmful Ideologies: Report

The nation’s two largest teachers unions continue to prioritize trainings that will indoctrinate students with transgender ideology and racial equity, according to a recent report by the Defense of Freedom Institute (DFI).

DFI, a conservative think tank, criticized the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association (NEA) summer conferences in a report titled “Summer of Woke, The Sequel,” authored by DFI policy counsel Paul Zimmerman and spokeswoman Angela Morabito (pdf).

“The NEA and AFT have shown, yet again, that they do not represent the interests of the average teacher and will never serve as responsible stewards of an effective public K–12 education system,” states the DFI report.

The DFI report criticizes the NEA Representative Assembly and the AFT for voting on their July meeting items in secret.

“This shameful commitment to secrecy reveals that the NEA is out of step with the public regarding its policy goals, as well as the organization’s hypersensitivity to criticism of its stances,” states the report, especially because the unions receive “perks” like some tax exemptions from the government.

“Just as Americans have the right to demand transparency from Congress and presidents, we have every right to know what the NEA decides at its annual meetings and in other settings,” the report said.


Can My Dog Eat This? A List of Human Foods Dogs Can and Can’t Eat

Certain human foods, like carrots and blueberries, can be safe for most dogs. But others, like garlic and onions, can be toxic.


‘We’re Glad to Help’: New Hampshire Barbershop Gives Free Haircuts to Children Before School

A New Hampshire barbershop is giving away free haircuts to school-aged children for the two weeks before the start of the new school year.

Mane Street Barber Company owner Henry Proctor said the idea came to him after one boy in a group of friends said he could not afford a haircut, WMUR reported.

“There were probably three to four of them,” Proctor said. “They all got haircuts and there was one kid who was left out. I was like, ‘Are you next?’ He said, ‘I wish, but I just can’t afford it. We never have money.’ That just crushed me,” Proctor said.


Viral Country Music Star Oliver Anthony Says He’s Rejected $8 Million Offers From Music Executives

Oliver Anthony, the country music artist who went viral after his working-class lament “Rich Men North of Richmond” sailed to the top of the charts, said he has rejected $8 million offers from music industry executives and that he’s just a regular guy who doesn’t want to be in the spotlight.

Mr. Anthony, who has four songs in the top ten on iTunes charts, including “Rich Men North of Richmond” still at number one, took to Facebook on Thursday to post a deeply personal and revealing message about his own struggles, while decrying the social division gripping America.

“I’m sitting in such a weird place in my life right now,” he wrote. “I never wanted to be a full time musician, much less sit at the top of the iTunes charts.”

With verses like “I’ve been sellin’ my soul, workin’ all day, overtime hours for [expletive] pay,” the song laments the pitfalls of modernity and lifts the lid on the gritty and thankless lives of everyday Americans who rarely brush elbows with Washington elites.

In the song, which has won widespread praise among conservatives, Mr. Anthony takes aim at trends affecting the lives of many Americans, like the rise of the surveillance state, debasement of the dollar, high taxes, and cancel culture.

In his message on Facebook, he lamented the way the internet “has divided all of us,” expressed sadness at the state of the world (“with everyone fighting with each other”), and decried America’s decline.

“I have spent many nights feeling hopeless, that the greatest country on Earth is quickly fading away,” he wrote, reminding his audience that freedom is precious yet fleeting.

What scares the hell out of gun control freaks? 

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