July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: December 01, 2022


Former CCP Leader Jiang Zemin, Responsible for Persecution of Falun Gong, Dies at Age 96

Former Chinese Communist Party leader Jiang Zemin, who single-handedly launched one of the most brutal persecutions against a faith group in modern times, died at the age of 96, according to China’s state-run media.

Jiang, who was the communist regime’s top leader from 1989 to 2002, passed away owing to leukemia and multiple organ failure. He died at 12:13 p.m. local time in Shanghai on Nov. 30, where he was once the city’s mayor.

His legacy stands as one of the worst human-rights abusers in history, responsible for countless deaths over his lead role in launching the persecution against Falun Gong in 1999.

Death of Former CCP Leader Spurs Calls for Regime to Be Held Accountable for Atrocities

The death of former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin, who unleashed one of the bloodiest campaigns against a faith group in modern history, has brought fresh calls from rights advocates to hold the Chinese regime accountable for its widespread abuses.

Jiang, who rose to power after the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, presided over the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) from 1993 to 2003, although his influence within the Party persisted for many years after he formally stepped down.

His death on Nov. 30 of leukemia and multiple organ failure has put into focus Beijing’s atrocities, according to China critics and human rights advocates, who consider the former leader’s chief legacy as the architect of an array of human rights abuses that continue to threaten the basic rights of millions of people in China today.

“Jiang Zemin died a butcher in shame,” Chen Yonglin, a former political consul at the Chinese Consulate in Sydney who defected to Australia in 2005, told The Epoch Times.

French Surrender Firearms in Record Numbers During Government Crackdown

French gun owners are surrendering their weapons in record numbers at police collection points across the country as a round up of unlicensed firearms winds down.

France is keen to limit the number of illegally owned firearms – as many as six million, authorities estimate – and the Macron government is offering an amnesty in an effort to limit their distribution.

EU Threatens to Ban Twitter Over Elon Musk’s Free Speech Plans

Twitter could be banned from the EU if Elon Musk continues with his free speech reforms, a senior official within the bloc has reportedly said.

Thierry Breton, the European Union’s Internal Market Commissioner, has reportedly ordered Elon Musk to abandon some of his free speech plans for Twitter or risk seeing the platform banned from operating within the EU.

Resurgence of Cuban Boats Bring Hundreds of Migrants to Florida Coast

Miami Sector Border Patrol officials report hundreds of mostly Cuban migrant apprehensions as a resurgence of boats hit the Florida coastline.

Early on Wednesday morning, Border Patrol agents and other law enforcement partners responded to multiple boat landings in the Florida Keys. The agents managed to apprehend 44 Cuban migrants, according to a tweet from Miami Sector Chief Patrol Agent Walter N. Slosar.

Vatican Suffers Cyber-Attack After Offending Russia and China

The Holy See’s website was shut down for many hours Wednesday by a cyber-attack after the Vatican offended both Russia and China in past days.

The Vatican site remained inaccessible until late Wednesday, due to what Holy See spokesman Matteo Bruni called “abnormal access attempts” by unknown hackers.

New Zealand government tries to seize guardianship of baby after parents demand unvaccinated blood for surgery

New Zealand’s government health service has applied to remove guardianship of a four-month-old baby girl from her parents after they demanded that her life-saving surgery can proceed only with blood that does not contain the COVID-19 vaccine.

Health New Zealand, also known as Te Whatu Ora, made a court application Monday with the Auckland High Court to transfer guardianship under the Care of Children Act, according to court documents reported by the New Zealand Herald.

The baby’s parents recently explained their position during an interview with Liz Gunn, a broadcaster from New Zealand who has raised concerns about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.

Explaining how their daughter has severe pulmonary valve stenosis and needs surgery “almost immediately,” the parents said they are “extremely concerned with the blood [the doctors] are going to use.”


Republican AG Candidate’s Election Lawsuit Dismissed by Arizona Judge Over Premature Filing

A lawsuit filed by Arizona Republican attorney general candidate Abraham Hamadeh was dismissed by a Maricopa County Superior Court judge on Tuesday.

Hamadeh and the Republican National Committee, which joined in the legal action, filed the lawsuit in Maricopa County court on Nov. 22 against his opponent, Democrat Kris Mayes.

Mayes is leading by just 510 votes out of more than 2.5 million cast ahead of an automatic recount.

Hamadeh’s lawsuit alleges “errors and inaccuracies” at voting locations during the election process and requests “judicial intervention” to ensure the candidate who “received the highest number of lawful votes is declared the next Arizona Attorney General.”

However, Judge Randall Warner, in a three-page ruling (pdf) on Tuesday said that the lawsuit was filed prematurely under the election contest statute and must instead be filed after Arizona certifies the election.

Antifa Defendants Arrested in Attack on Trump Supporters Take Plea Deals

Six of 11 alleged assailants connected with Antifa, a far-left extremist group, have taken plea deals and pled guilty to charges related to violent attacks on supporters of outgoing President Donald Trump at a “Patriot March” in San Diego shortly after the 2020 election.

Five defendants pled guilty on Nov. 18, just over a week after Erich “Nikki” Louis Yach was sentenced to four years and eight months in prison for his role in the violence near Crystal Pier in Pacific Beach on Jan. 9, 2021. Yach was the first of the 11 to be sentenced.

Yach earlier pled guilty to charges of conspiracy, assault, and the unlawful use of tear gas.

At his sentencing hearing, GG Hubbard, Yach’s spouse, urged the court to send Yach—a biological male who identifies as female—to a women’s prison. Yach has spent nearly the last two years in a men’s prison and will be credited for time already served.

“I want to make sure she gets put in the correct facility according to her gender,” Hubbard told the court.

Hubbard claimed Yach is “not violent” and said incarceration in anything but a women’s facility was “violating the law” and “political and fascist nonsense.”

EXCLUSIVE: Documents Reveal Senate Democrat Pressured IRS, DOJ to Target Conservative Groups

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., called for revoking a tax exemption for a conservative group for not masking up and socially distancing during the pandemic, insisted on a slew of investigations of other conservative groups, and pressed for the Internal Revenue Service to expand its reach. 

A total of 176 pages of correspondence from and to Whitehouse was obtained from the IRS by the conservative watchdog group American Accountability Foundation through the Freedom of Information Act and shared with The Daily Signal. 

“It’s abundantly clear that [Whitehouse] is trying to take the 87,000 new IRS agents and put them to work investigating me and my friends because he doesn’t like their politics,” Tom Jones, president and founder of the American Accountability Foundation, told The Daily Signal in a phone interview Tuesday. 

The letters span from Jan. 19, 2021, the day before President Joe Biden took office, into May 2022. 

Republican Sen. Mike Braun to Run for Indiana Governor, Making an Open Senate Seat in 2024

Republican Sen. Mike Braun filed paperwork on Tuesday to run for Indiana Governor in 2024 to succeed Gov. Eric Holcomb (R), who is term-limited, creating an open U.S. Senate seat in the next election.

Braun confirmed to Politico that the paperwork was filed with the Indiana Secretary of State’s office Tuesday. He told the news organization on a brief phone call, “That filing did occur yesterday… We’ll talk to you down the road.”


Disney CEO Bob Iger ‘Sorry’ for Battle Against Florida, Calls on Employees to ‘Respect’ Audience

Bob Iger, who recently returned to Walt Disney Co. as chief executive, said he feels “sorry” to see the entertainment giant getting dragged into a battle with Florida lawmakers over a ban on sex and gender discussions in early elementary classrooms.

The Florida law, in response to parents’ complaints that children as young as five are being taught about homosexuality, transgenderism, and other matters related to sex and gender, prohibits public school teachers from discussing those topics with students in kindergarten through third grade.

Disney didn’t immediately join other major corporations in condemning what progressive critics described as “‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill,” which became law in March. However, after a group of vocal activist employees criticized the company for not publicly taking a position, both Iger and his successor, Bob Chapek, spoke out in opposition of the measure.

“To me, it wasn’t politics. It was what is right and what is wrong, and that just seemed wrong. It seemed potentially harmful to kids,” Iger said during an interview with CNN on Mar. 31, adding he believed it’s a responsibility for a company’s CEO to “weigh in on issues, even if voicing an opinion on those issues potentially puts some of your business in danger.”

Eight months later, Iger appears to have regretted for the company’s involvement in the fight with Florida.

Nolte: CNN Formally Announces ‘Hundreds’ of Christmas Season Layoffs

The reckoning has arrived at far-left CNN with the formal announcement of “hundreds” of layoffs.

Chris Licht, CNN’s hapless new chief of lies (CNN is returning to journalism — oh, okay), released a memo Wednesday that warned “many” they might want to learn how to code:

To my CNN[LOL] colleagues:

Our people are the heart and soul of this organization. It is incredibly hard to say goodbye to any one member of the CNN[LOL] team, much less many.


He continued…

“I recently described this process as a gut punch, because I know how this feels for all of us”:

Today we will notify a limited number of individuals, largely some of our paid contributors, as part of a recalibrated reporting strategy. Tomorrow, we will notify impacted employees, and tomorrow afternoon I will follow up with more details on these changes.

San Francisco food delivery giant DoorDash lays off 1,250 employees

DoorDash, the food delivery tech company headquartered in San Francisco, announced Wednesday that it would lay off 1,250 employees — about 6% of its staff.

Dropping Like Coin Prices: 3 Crypto Billionaires Have Died in the Last Month

Three well-known cryptocurrency billionaires have died under mysterious circumstances over the past month, fueling conspiracy theories.

Over the course of the past month, multiple cryptocurrency billionaires have died under mysterious circumstances. All three had made their fortunes in the cryptocurrency industry, with one tweeting that he believed he was being targeted just days before his demise.


Elon Musk: Twitter Has ‘Interfered in Elections’

Elon Musk claimed in a recent tweet that Twitter has “failed in trust & safety for a very long time and has interfered in elections.” Musk, the new owner of the platform, has promised to release internal documents to restore public trust in the company.

In a recent tweet, Twitter owner Elon Musk responded to a tweet from another user in which he stated that Twitter has “interfered in elections. The comment was sparked after Reuters tweeted an interview with the extreme leftist former head of Trust and Safety, Yoel Roth, in which he stated that the platform has not been made “safer” under Musk.


WH: We Won’t Tell Apple to Allow AirDrop in China Because They’re Private, That’s a Different Situation from Us Vowing to Watch Twitter

On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “The Story,” White House NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby responded to Apple limiting the AirDrop file-sharing feature in China by stating that the White House isn’t “in the business of telling private companies how to execute their initiatives.” And the situation with Apple is different from the circumstances with Twitter that the White House has promised to watch.

Kirby stated, “Look, in general, and we’ve been clear about this all around the world, we want individual citizens, no matter what government they live under, to be able to communicate freely and openly, transparently and reliably. And we’ve made that clear with respect to Iran and we certainly continue to make that clear here with respect to China. Apple’s a private company, Martha, they have to make decisions and they have to speak for those decisions. But here at the White House, here in the administration, we want to see that individual citizens — whether they’re protesting or not, but in this case, I know that’s the context we’re talking about — are able to communicate freely and openly.”


What Works for the Common Cold?

During cold and flu season, coughing, sneezing, congestion and fatigue can couch-lock you for days at a time. We’ve compiled five top natural cold therapies that work to keep you breathing easy through the coldest time of year

The common cold is just that — a standard ailment for many people when winter weather arrives. But that doesn’t make a cold any easier to deal with when it strikes. You’re likely to feel tired and achy, stuffed-up or tending to a runny nose. You may develop a sore throat and persistent cough. Each year, the common cold causes more missed school and work days than any other illness.

Keep Colds at Bay by Maintaining Healthy Habits

Preventing seasonal illness starts by washing your hands frequently and avoiding close contact with people who are sick. Disinfect shared surfaces that may harbor virus particles; research has shown that rhinoviruses can survive up to three hours outside of the nasal canal.[vii]

Five Tips to Relieve Cold Symptoms Naturally

If you do find yourself with a case of “the ick,” or if you feel a cold could be coming on, consider the following supplements that may work for treating the common cold.

  1. Echinacea (Recommended: Elderberry & Echinacea (2 fl oz))
  2. Vitamin C (Recommended: Optivida Vitamin C (60 CT) or Purely-C Caps (90 CT))
  3. Elderberry (Recommended: Elderberry & Echinacea (2 fl oz))
  4. Probiotics (Recommended: Latero-Flora Probiotic (60 CT)
  5. Pelargonium sidoides (African geranium)

Report: FDA Plans to Lift More Restrictions on Gay, Bisexual Men Donating Blood

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is planning to lift more restrictions on donating blood for gay and bisexual men in monogamous relationships, even if they have not abstained from sex for 90 days.

The new rules are expected to be implemented within the coming months, FDA sources familiar with the plans told the Wall Street Journal.


Prayers? Bombs? Hawaii history shows stopping lava not easy

People in Hawaii are asking if anything can be done to stop or divert the flow of lava as molten rock from Mauna Loa volcano inches toward a highway on the Big Island.

Prayer. Bombs. Walls. Over the decades, people have tried all of them to stanch the flow of lava from Hawaii’s volcanoes as it lumbered toward roads, homes and infrastructure.

Now Mauna Loa — the world’s largest active volcano — is erupting again, and lava is slowly approaching a major thoroughfare connecting the Big Island’s east and west sides. And once more, people are asking if anything can be done to stop or divert the flow.

“It comes up every time there’s an eruption and there’s lava heading towards habited areas or highways. Some people say ‘Build a wall’ or ‘Board up’ and other people say, ‘No don’t!,’” said Scott Rowland, a geologist at the University of Hawaii.


Michigan Sisters Run a Thriving Flower Farm, Credit Faith and Family for Their Success

Two Michigan sisters, one of whom has cerebral palsy, have made a shared dream a reality by starting their own flower farm. With a sprig for every season, their venture is going from strength to strength.

Sisters Britney, 34, and Emily Zondlak, 31, grew up in a farming family in West Michigan, where they still live. Bound close by sisterhood and faith, they launched their passion project, Two Sisters Flower Farm, together in Byron Center, Michigan. Today, their farm is thriving.

Rabbit meat selling for $32.95 EACH, already prepared

Unintended Consequence of COVID-19 Vaccines–Permanent Installation of mRNA Genetic Code

When we heard about Operation Warp Speed there was sense of shock and awe.  American greatness was poised to strike the “China Virus” and it was going to be defeated in a matter of weeks.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) created a project many years ago called ADEPT Pandemic Prevention Platform (P3) whose stated goal was to “end pandemics in 60 days with mRNA technology.”[i] Our government has had a love affair with mRNA for over a decade for precisely a time such as the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak.

A Look Inside the COVID Vaccines and the Blood of the Vaccinated

More than 12.7 billion doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been administered since the treatment became available nearly two years ago. Some have received one or two doses, while others have had multiple doses. Yet many don’t know what these shots actually contain.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) website provides ingredient lists for curious consumers to consider. For example, vials from Moderna and BioNTech/Pfizer famously contain messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA). This is a genetic sequence designed to program your cells to manufacture a spike protein, thereby training the immune system to guard against the signature spike of the COVID-19 virus in the wild.

Banking on a Shot in the Dark

In recent months, two Pfizer officials have bragged about moving vaccine science forward at a speed that disallows proper scientific protocols from being followed, and the release of reformulated mRNA COVID boosters without testing is now the norm

In November 2022, recently retired head of vaccine R&D at Pfizer, Kathrin Jansen, said “we flew the aeroplane while we were still building it. We couldn’t wait for data, we had to do so much at risk.” Pfizer compressed its vaccine development timeline from 10 years to a mere nine months by simultaneously developing and testing the product in human trials

Pfizer and other COVID jab makers hid side effects by eliminating the control groups long before the studies were over

Vaccine makers are readying to release other mRNA shots, many of which are being fast-tracked and predicted to receive authorization in months rather than years. Moderna is working on a three-in-one shot for COVID, flu and RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), and they seem to expect releasing it before clinical trials are finished

Pfizer quoted and relied on data from Israel when it sought approval from the FDA, and as it turns out, the Israeli government hid information about side effects. It didn’t even implement its surveillance system until a year after the shots rolled out, and when the data were analyzed, researchers concluded there were causative links between certain side effects and the jabs


Former Twitter Safety Chief Yoel Roth Now Admits Censoring Hunter Biden Laptop Story Was a ‘Mistake’

Twitter’s former “safety chief,” Trump-hating leftist Yoel Roth, recently admitted that censoring the infamous Hunter Biden laptop story — which was published just weeks before the 2020 presidential election — was a “mistake.”

Yoel Roth, the rabid anti-Trumper and former Twitter employee who briefly served as the site’s top censor as head of “Trust and Safety,” has admitted the company made a “mistake” by censoring the 2020 Hunter Biden laptop story, according to a report by Daily Mail.

New Thought Police NewsGuard Is Owned by Big Pharma

NewsGuard is a self-appointed internet watchdog that sells a browser plugin to rate websites on nine criteria of credibility and transparency

NewsGuard received much of its startup funds from Publicis Groupe, a giant global communications group

Publicis Groupe’s health subsidiary, Publicis Health, names Lilly, Abbot, Roche, Amgen, Genentech, Celgene, Gilead, Biogen, Astra Zeneca, Sanofi, Bayer and other Big Pharma giants as clients

In October 2018, GlaxoSmithKline sent its $1.5 billion media account to Publicis

In January 2020, GSK awarded Publicis Media with even more business, handing over the former Pfizer Consumer Healthcare Brands to Publicis, a move worth an estimated $400 million

While NewsGuard’s warnings may be enough to prevent someone from clicking these links, I believe the true intent is to bury this content entirely from search results and social media feeds


Fleetwood Mac Singer Christine McVie Dies at 79

Fleetwood Mac singer Christine McVie died on Wednesday at age 79 following a “short illness.” The British singer-songwriter died peacefully at a hospital surrounded by her family.

“On behalf of Christine McVie’s family, it is with a heavy heart we are informing you of Christine’s death. She passed away peacefully at hospital this morning, Wednesday, November 30th 2022, following a short illness,” read a statement posted to McVie’s Instagram account.

Country Singer Jake Flint Dies Aged 37 Just Hours After His Wedding

Up-and-coming country singer star Jake Flint died hours after his marriage this past Saturday at the age of 37.

Flint, whose career kickstarted in 2018 when he won breakout artist of the year at the We Are Tulsa Music Awards, reportedly died in his sleep following the wedding for reasons that have yet-to-be-revealed.

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