July 23, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: December 06, 2022


Warning From UK: Technocracy And The Global Technate Are Imminent

Over the last couple of years the question of technocratic governance has become a talking point in Western society. The debate concerns the degree to which qualified experts should influence or possibly even control policy.

Largely due to disillusionment with the political class, many people are broadly supportive of this idea. It is therefore crucial that we understand that technocratic governance is just one aspect of technocracy.

A Technate—technocracy applied to the whole of society—is not limited to technocratic governance. It goes much further and is a new and distinct sociopolitical construct.

Green Pioneer: France Bans Short Haul Flight Routes, Passengers to Take Train Instead

The French government has praised itself as a green “pioneer” after it got permission from the European Union to ban domestic short-haul flights, giving preference to railway travel instead.

Three short-haul flight routes from Paris to regional French cities have been banned following a 2021 law that has now been rubber-stamped by the European Commission.

Secret Service: Chinese Hackers Stole Millions in Coronavirus Benefits

The Secret Service recently disclosed that hackers linked to the Chinese Communist Party stole at least $20 million in coronavirus relief benefits.

While it is known that theft of state unemployment funds related to the Chinese coronavirus was committed, this is the first time the U.S. government has publicly acknowledged that thievery was also committed by foreign, state-sponsored cybercriminals, according to a report by NBC News.

Indonesia bans sex outside marriage as parliament passes sweeping new criminal code

Indonesian lawmakers unanimously passed a sweeping new criminal code on Tuesday that criminalizes sex outside marriage, as part of a tranche of changes that critics say threaten human rights and freedoms in the Southeast Asian country.

The new code, which also applies to foreign residents and tourists, bans cohabitation before marriage, apostasy, and provides punishments for insulting the president or expressing views counter to the national ideology.

“All have agreed to ratify the (draft changes) into law,” said lawmaker Bambang Wuryanto, who led the parliamentary commission in charge of revising the colonial-era code. “The old code belongs to Dutch heritage … and is no longer relevant.”

The world’s largest Muslim-majority nation, Indonesia has seen a rise in religious conservatism in recent years. Strict Islamic laws are already enforced in parts of the country, including the semi-autonomous Aceh province, where alcohol and gambling are banned. Public floggings also take place in the region for a range of offenses including homosexuality and adultery.

The changes to the criminal code have not only alarmed human rights advocates, who warned of their potential to stifle personal freedoms, but also travel industry representatives – who worried about their potential effect on tourism.

In a news conference Tuesday, Law and Human Rights Minister Yasonna Laoly said it wasn’t easy for a multicultural and multi-ethnic country to make a criminal code that “accommodates all interests.”

He said he hoped that Indonesians understood that lawmakers had done everything they could to accommodate “public aspiration,” and invited dissatisfied parties to submit a judicial review to the constitutional court.


North Carolina county declares state of emergency after “deliberate” attack causes widespread power outage

Moore County, North Carolina, has declared a state of emergency as power outages continue after a “deliberate” attack over the weekend in which gunfire damaged two substations. The attack left roughly 45,000 people without power in North Carolina.

Under the state of emergency, a curfew is in place from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. each night, and residents of the county are encouraged to conserve fuel. 

Jeff Brooks, a spokesman for Duke Energy, said Monday that the company had restored power to about 7,000 customers. About 38,000 remain without power, and Brooks said that it’s likely full restoration won’t happen until Wednesday or Thursday. In a press release shared earlier in the day, Duke Energy general manager Jason Hollifield said “the damage is beyond repair in some areas.” 

“That leaves us with no option but to replace large pieces of equipment — which is not an easy or quick task,” said Hollifield said. 

The outage has also rendered wastewater pumps in the area out of order, and schools in the county have been closed. Traffic lights are also out. Emergency shelters have been opened to the public.

In Carthage, residents Steve and Meg Wilkins’ unheated house has dipped to 55 degrees. 

“This is not what I wanted to be doing today or last night or the night before,” Steve Wilkins said. “Stringing power cords. Eating cold ham.”

Power outages were first reported to police on Saturday, Dec. 3, shortly after 7:00 p.m., according to Moore County Sheriff Ronnie Fields. When utility companies responded to the substations, “evidence was discovered that indicated that intentional vandalism had occurred at multiple sites,” Fields said Sunday.

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Arizona Certifies 2022 Midterm Election Results

Officials in Arizona on Dec. 5 certified the results of the 2022 midterms after coercing supervisors in at least one county to certify vote tallies.

Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, a Democrat, canvassed the election and Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey, a Republican, oversaw the ceremony, which certified Hobbs as the winner of the gubernatorial race.

Hobbs, who refused to recuse herself from overseeing the election, cracked jokes and thanked voters during the brief ceremony, which Republican Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich and Arizona Supreme Court Justice Robert Brutinel also attended.

“These signed and sealed documents now constitute the official canvass and results of the Nov. 8th, 2022 general election,” Hobbs said.

She and Ducey then signed the certificate finding Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.) the winner in the U.S. Senate race over Republican Blake Masters.

“Because of your participation, our democratic institutions thrived,” Hobbs told voters. “Stay engaged and keep voting.”

Katie Hobbs’ Office Sought Removal of Election ‘Misinformation’ from Twitter

A recently discovered filing in a court case relating to Big Tech censorship revealed that the office of Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs coordinated with Twitter to censor election “misinformation” in January 2021.

The documents (pdf), filed on Aug. 31 in the case Missouri v. Biden and circulated Dec. 3 on Twitter, show that on Jan. 7, 2021, the communications director for Hobbs’ secretary of state office emailed the Center for Internet Security (CIS), a nonprofit cybersecurity organization, to report “Election Related Misinformation.”

The missive flagged two posts from a redacted Twitter account as being “of specific concern to the Secretary of State.”

“These messages falsely assert that the Voter Registration System is owned and therefore operated by foreign actors,” Hobbs’ communication director wrote. “This is an attempt to further undermine confidence in the election institution in Arizona. Thank you for your consideration in reviewing this matter for action.”

Musk Reveals Details of Behind-the-Scenes Twitter Operation to Censor Hunter Biden Laptop Story

News Analysis

Late on Dec. 2, Elon Musk started the process of releasing thousands of internal Twitter emails. Musk, whose purchase of Twitter was completed on Oct. 28, had previously announced that the actions of Twitter’s previous leadership had negatively affected “conservative” political candidates more than “progressive” candidates and that Twitter would release its internal documents to allow the public to regain trust in the company. On Nov. 28, Musk wrote on Twitter, “The public deserves to know what really happened.”

The first batch of emails reveals how the Hunter Biden laptop story was censored and suppressed by Twitter executives. The New York Post reported on Oct. 14, 2020, that then-2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden had met a top executive of a Ukrainian energy firm in 2015, which at the time was paying his son Hunter Biden up to $50,000 per month.

As the New York Post reported, Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of Burisma, explicitly thanked Hunter Biden for introducing him to his father on April 16, 2015. Pozharskyi’s email stated that he and the elder Biden, who was vice president at the time, had “spent some time together.”

During his 2020 presidential campaign, Joe Biden repeatedly denied that he knew anything about his son’s business dealings. 

EXCLUSIVE: ICE Is Massively Misreporting How Many Illegal Immigrants Are Being Released With GPS Trackers

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is significantly misreporting the number of illegal immigrants released into the country with GPS tracking technology by nearly 600%, according to an internal document exclusively obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

ICE disclosed privately to participants of a closed-door event about the agency’s “Alternatives to Detention” Thursday, attended by ICE Director Tae Johnson along with several agency officials and non-profits, that 8,118 illegal immigrants are monitored with GPS tracking through the program as of Nov. 14. Publicly, however, ICE says on its website that 56,805 illegal immigrants are monitored by GPS as of Nov. 19.

ICE implemented the “Alternatives to Detention” program in 2004 to monitor illegal migrants released into the country using ankle monitors, GPS tracking and cell phones.

Fauci’s Deposition in Big Tech Censorship Case Released

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s deposition, taken as part of a lawsuit alleging collusion between the U.S. government and Big Tech to censor people, was released on Dec. 5.

The 446-page document shows the questioning of Fauci, the longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser. Fauci was under oath on Nov. 23.

Here are some takeaways:

Fauci Relied on Others to Dismiss Lab Leak Theory

Fauci said he did not have the expertise to determine whether COVID-19 came from nature or a laboratory, despite repeatedly dismissing the theory that it originated in a Chinese lab.

“I am not qualified since I am not an evolutionary virologist to make any kind of definitive determination about whether a genome could or could not be a laboratory construct or experimentally manipulative,” Fauci said at one point. “I have relied, as anyone would, with highly qualified, respected evolutionary virologists to come to that conclusion or not.”

Portions of the deposition dealt with a paper released in early 2020 as a preprint and later published following peer review by Nature Medicine.

Supreme Court Sympathetic to Christian Web Designer Who Opposes Colorado Law Forcing Her to Honor Same-Sex Weddings

The Supreme Court seemed receptive Dec. 5 to the arguments of a Christian website designer who says Colorado’s law requiring her to create websites to celebrate same-sex weddings infringes on her constitutional rights.

Although the Supreme Court has become increasingly protective of religious freedoms in recent years, those on the left say the court’s embrace of religious freedoms is coming at the expense of the LGBT community.

The case is 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, court file 21-476. The respondent, Aubrey Elenis, is being sued in her official capacity as director of the Colorado Civil Rights Division.

At the hearing, the Biden administration, represented by Deputy U.S. Solicitor General Brian Fletcher, argued in support of the Colorado law.

Left-wing activists have been targeting bakers for years for political purposes, asking Christian confectioners opposed to same-sex marriage to bake wedding cakes for gay marriage celebrations. When the bakers refuse to make the cakes, these activists sue under anti-discrimination laws, hoping to secure favorable legal precedents.

Kirstie Alley, ‘Cheers,’ ‘Look Who’s Talking’ Star Dead at 71

Actress Kirstie Alley, known for her role in the hit sitcom Cheers, died at the age of 71 this week following a battle with cancer.

Kirstie Alley’s family released a statement from her official Twitter account on Monday, describing her as a “fierce and loving mother” who lost a battle with recently discovered cancer.

Dhillon: I’m Running for RNC Chair, We Have to Compete with Dems on How They Deliver Ballots and Have Populist Message

On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Republican National Lawyers Association Chair and founder and CEO of the Center for American Liberty Harmeet Dhillon announced she is running for chair of the RNC and argued that, among other things, Republicans must “modernize to compete with the Democrats dollar-for-dollar in the ways they fundraise, the way they deliver their ballots to the ballot boxes.” And “the party needs to realize that the party has become a populist party.”

Dhillon said, “I think that we really need to radically re-shape our leadership in order to win. And we can’t keep running elections like we did in the ’90s and the 2000s and we really have to modernize to compete with the Democrats dollar-for-dollar in the ways they fundraise, the way they deliver their ballots to the ballot boxes. Our messaging needs to be fresh and positive and not just reactive to news cycles and what the Democrats are doing. And I think that the party needs to realize that the party has become a populist party. The base of the party demands populist messages that speak to them and not Chamber of Commerce messages, not neocon messages, not warmonger messages and I’m afraid that the base of our party is not getting what it needs from our leadership. And so, after three successive rounds of really disappointing results, Tucker, I’m a member of the RNC and no other member is stepping up to challenge leadership, and our current leadership has never been challenged for the chair job and I think that challenge and competition is very good.”


1 in 7 Seniors Skipped Meals Due to Inflation Burden: Survey

Seniors have been severely affected by inflation. Most had to cut back on spending and many needed to take “drastic” measures, such as skipping meals, according to a recent survey.

Inflation has been running hot this year, raising to a four-decade high of 9 percent in June, before cooling down to 7.7 percent in October. Daily necessities such as food, shelter, and energy have soared in price.

Price hikes have hit seniors hard as they tend to depend on fixed income, Social Security benefits in particular. The benefits are adjusted for inflation annually, meaning the current inflation will only get reflected in payments send out next year. Moreover, the adjustment is based on the overall Consumer Price Index (CPI) which hasn’t risen as rapidly as the prices of daily necessities.

As their monthly expenses went up by hundreds of dollars, some 94 percent of Americans over the age of 55 cut back on leisure and recreation spending; almost half cut back on energy use; over 35 percent canceled trips to see family; and over 14 percent had to skip meals. About one in 10 had to delay or cancel medical procedures or even ration prescription medication, according to the survey conducted by Pollfish, a market researcher, for Caring, a senior care referral service.

Biden Admin Drained Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Save ‘Global Economy’: White House Adviser

The Biden administration has claimed it drained the heavily depleted U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) in order to save the “global economy.”

The White House’s International Energy Affairs adviser, Amos Hochstein, told CNBC “Squawk Box” host Joe Kernen on Dec. 5: “I had conversations—as did others, my colleagues—with CEOs and other senior executives in the oil industry in the United States … We were told it will take us time to increase production, it would take us six months, seven months to increase production and bring that to market.

“They thought that would be by the end of the year,” he said.

President Joe Biden authorized the release of up to 180 million barrels of oil from the SPR in March to lower surging gas prices after Russia invaded Ukraine.


TikTok Invisible Challenge “Unfilter” steals credit cards and other info

A TikTok challenge has been jumped on by cybercriminals, who are taking advantage of its popularity to try to trick people into downloading malware that steals their information.

The Invisible Challenge sees people use a filter to make their body appear see through, leaving just the silhouette visible. Some people are using the filter and then taking their clothes off on screen. They’re naked, but the user doesn’t see that because they are “invisible”.

Naturally, that’s left some people wondering if they can remove the filter, after posting, in order to see the person actually naked.

Enter the scammers.

DEADLY TREND TikTok slammed after 20 kids aged under 14 die this year due to concerning ‘blackout’ challenge

HORRIFYING details about a deadly “blackout” challenge on TikTok have emerged after 20 children died.

Fifteen children age 12 or younger – legally too young to be on the app – have died in the last last year and a half.

The “blackout” or “pass-out” challenge has reportedly killed 15 kids age 12 or younger, while ending the lives of five young teenagers, 13 and 14 years old, The Daily Beast reported.

The trend first appeared in 2008 on more primitive forms of social media, racking up a kill count of at least 80 impressionable youths.

Its killer revival came in 2021 on TikTok, with a whole new generation of kids unfamiliar with its dangers.

The point of the “game” was to choke oneself with a household item, and catch on camera the chemical rush from coming back into consciousness from the previously oxygen-deprived state.

Recent lawsuits finding fault with the app and its Chinese creator ByteDance have failed, as the company allegedly has protection under the Communications Decency Act, which protects brands that act as a publishing source for the work of others.

Meta could remove U.S. news if Congress helps outlets demand payment

Facebook parent company Meta threatened it might take all news content off its U.S. platforms — in what would be a major blow for journalism outlets grappling with a difficult media market — if Congress moves ahead with a proposal that gives publications greater leverage to negotiate compensation from tech platforms distributing their content.

The proposal, which lawmakers originally floated as a stand-alone bill and now are reportedly considering as part of a must-pass annual defense bill, would allow news outlets to collectively bargain with tech giants that distribute their content, including Google and Meta, giving them greater leverage to negotiate favorable commercial terms.

Newly discovered sea creatures found at bottom of Indian Ocean

Newly discovered sea creatures were found at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.

A blind eel, deep-sea batfishes, spider fish, and others were all discovered and revealed on a seafloor in Australia.

The deep sea batfish is one of several previously unknown creatures found below the surface of the Indian Ocean near the Cocos (Keeling) Islands Marine Park.

A team of scientists with the Museums of Victoria Research Institute recently mapped the region across nearly 7,000 miles in detail for the first time.

The project revealed flat-topped sea mountains, with volcanic cones, sharp ridges, and canyons.

Also coming to light was the newly discovered sea life.

Those include the blind eel with loose, transparent skin, the pelican and slender snipe eels, high-fin lizard fish, and others.

The museum’s chief scientist of the expedition says this represents a discovery of “an amazing number of potentially new species” living in the Marine Park.


South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster to Ban Chinese App TikTok from Government Devices

Republican South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster announced on Monday that he will seek to ban the Chinese-owned app TikTok from government devices, citing security concerns.

The governor said in an official request to the Department of Administration Executive Director Marcia Adams that he is seeking to have “the social media platform TikTok be permanently removed, and access blocked from all state government electronic devices” managed by the department.


Sperm Counts Are Declining at Accelerating Rates Worldwide

Men experienced a 50% to 60% decline in sperm counts from 1973 to 2011, according to a 2017 study published in Human Reproduction Update

A 2022 update to the study includes data from 53 countries and an additional seven years — 2011 to 2018 — and the results are alarmingly similar

Sperm concentration declined “appreciably” by 51.6% from 1973 to 2018

The percent decline per year doubled, increasing from 1.16% after 1972 to 2.64% after 2000

Total sperm count also declined at an alarming level — 62.3% from 1973 to 2018

The study authors believe lifestyle choices and endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the environment are key culprits in the declines

Top Tips to Avoid Back Injuries This Winter

I threw out my back doing yardwork. While I was laid up for a few weeks, I’m OK now. I’m concerned I will reinjure my back shoveling snow this winter. How can I protect my back while shoveling?

MAYO CLINIC ANSWER: Winters in certain parts of the country can be long and snowy. While seemingly an innocuous task, snow shoveling can be a rigorous aerobic activity and one that significantly stresses the back. You should be mindful to avoid serious injuries when shoveling.

Feeling anxious? Experts reveal which foods fuel anxiety plus what can help

Feeling anxious and stressed? Experts reveal which foods could make anxiety worse and what foods can help to boost your mood and relieve stress

At times, it’s normal to be feeling anxious and stressed. Life has a habit of throwing curveballs and you’d have to be pretty thick skinned to never feel any pangs of anxiety about work, health, finances, relationships, loved ones  – or, the state of the world, unpredictable as it is right now.

Anxiety can range from mild to severe and latest figures from the mental health charity Mind (mind.org.uk) show that Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), the most common type, characterised by having regular uncontrollable worries about many different things, affects 6 in 100 people in the UK.

‘When you’re feeling anxious you go into fight or flight mode,’ says Dr Sarah Brewer, Healthspan Medical Director.

‘This is an automatic physiological response to a real or perceived threat of danger which causes your body to produce an excess of the stress hormones, adrenaline and cortisol.

‘Typical symptoms may include sweating, shaking, shallow, a faster heart rate and breathing, racing thoughts, feelings of dread and panic, difficulty concentrating, sleep problems and changes in appetite’.

If you’re someone who is constantly feeling anxious, this affects the quality of your daily life. Ongoing anxiety can also increase the risk of developing health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.

So, if you want to stay emotionally and physically healthy, it’s important to recognise what makes you vulnerable to anxiety and how best to manage it.

Eating to beat anxiety

‘There are many psychological self-help tactics you can try, but one strategy that’s often overlooked is to make better food choices,’ says Dr Brewer.

‘Just as eating the right foods can reduce the risk of physical illness, eating the right foods can also help to enhance your mental health’.

‘If you suffer from anxiety there are usually underlying factors at play that may need to be addressed’.

‘For example, perhaps, you’re stressed at work, not getting enough sleep, or having problems with a relationship. But, making changes to your diet is an easy way to start managing your anxiety straight away’.

Anxiogenic foods

Have you noticed how certain foods and drinks can leave you feeling anxious more than you were before? No, it’s not your imagination.

Latest research shows that consuming anxiogenic foods (that induce anxiety) can have a negative effect on psychological wellbeing.

A recent Iranian study (published in the European Journal of Nutrition, 2019), shows that eating refined carbohydrates such as, white bread, flour and grains can trigger feelings of anxiety and depression.

In another large Canadian study (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020) it was found that high, sugar, highly processed diets lead to more anxiety.

‘One way to see how certain foods affect your mood is to keep a food and mood diary,’ says Nutritionist Rob Hobson.

‘Note how eating different food makes you feel both physically and emotionally. Keeping a journal will help you to identify your relationship with food and highlight which foods have a negative effect on your mood.

‘Making changes to your diet may help to improve your mental health in a number of key areas such as anxiety, mood swings, food cravings, irritability, improved concentration and reduced fatigue.’


#1 Refined sugars

#2 Alcohol

#3 Caffeine

#4 Refined Carbohydrates

#5 Artificial Sweeteners, Additives and Flavourings


#1 Dark, leafy greens

#2 Essential fatty acids

#3 Nuts and Seeds

#5 Chocolate

#6 Whole Grains

#7 Phytoestrogen Foods

Supplements help too…

Vitamin D (Check out Optivida’s whole food – plant based Vitamin D supplement)

CBD (Check out Optivida Hemp Products)


House Republicans to Probe Biden Energy Deal With Saudis: Comer

Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), the likely incoming chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, announced on Dec. 4 a “broad probe into President [Joe] Biden’s energy crisis that is harming the pocketbooks of Americans,” with particular emphasis on the president’s “secret deal” with Saudi Arabia.

“Since Day One in office, President Biden has waged war on American-made energy and driven up costs for Americans. President Biden has unilaterally shut down the Keystone XL pipeline, implemented a moratorium on oil and gas production on federal lands, drained critical oil reserves, and pushed policies that directly resulted in skyrocketing energy prices,” Comer, who is currently the ranking Republican member of the oversight panel, said in a statement.

“With one-party Democrat rule in Washington, they’ve weaponized their unchecked power, waged a war against American-made energy production, and forced Green New Deal policies on the American people. Oversight Republicans have pushed senior Biden Administration officials for answers and will continue to seek their plans to reverse energy policies detrimental to the American people and our national security.

80-Ft. Object Discovered by Beachgoers in Florida Prompts Investigation: ‘It Is a Mystery’

County officials said the mysterious object — which appears to be made of metal and wood — was unearthed, in part, due to unprecedented erosion caused by Hurricanes Ian and Nicole

There’s something strange sticking out of the sand on a Florida beach — and officials are trying to figure out what it is.

Authorities in Volusia County are looking into what exactly was recently discovered by beachgoers at Daytona Beach Shores, according to NBC affiliate WESH and The New York Times.

County officials said the approximately 80-foot wooden and metal object was unearthed, in part, due to erosion caused by Hurricanes Ian in September and Nicole in October, the Times reported.

Still, Volusia County Beach Safety spokeswoman Tamra Malphurs said this kind of erosion has not been seen “in a very long time,” and that officials are “not sure” what they have on their hands, per CBS affiliate WKMG-TV.


Homesteading Mom Is Determined To Teach Her 4 Kids Self-Sufficient Skills That Her Parents’ Generation Missed Out On

On their 23-and-a-half-acre farm in Tennessee, a homesteading mom is teaching her four kids the self-sufficiency lessons that her parents’ generation missed out on, in hopes of keeping alive the skills that served her ancestors.

High school sweethearts Cortney, 32, and her husband, Samuel Black, were raised in the Appalachian Mountains of East Tennessee. Currently, they live at Highway Homestead, a small family farm in Knoxville, Tennessee, with their four kids, aged 9, 7, 4, and 2.


Chinese hackers stole millions worth of U.S. COVID relief money, Secret Service says

Chinese hackers have stolen tens of millions of dollars worth of U.S. COVID relief benefits since 2020, the Secret Service said on Monday.

The Secret Service declined to provide any additional details but confirmed a report by NBC News that said the Chinese hacking team that is reportedly responsible is known within the security research community as APT41 or Winnti.

APT41 is a prolific cybercriminal group that had conducted a mix of government-backed cyber intrusions and financially motivated data breaches, according to experts.

Several members of the hacking group were indicted in 2019 and 2020 by the U.S. Justice Department for spying on over 100 companies, including software development companies, telecommunications providers, social media firms, and video game developers.

“Regrettably, the Chinese Communist Party has chosen a different path of making China safe for cybercriminals so long as they attack computers outside China and steal intellectual property helpful to China,” former Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen said at the time.

Clinical Studies: N95 Masks Never Worked To Stop COVID Virus

The Experts™” have repeatedly tried to deflect from the failure of their policies with misdirection.

The reason lockdowns didn’t work in the United States or the United Kingdom is because they weren’t strict enough, according to many in the expert community.

Of course, their excuses have been conveniently ignored as China’s repressive zero COVID lockdowns have continued, with horrific consequences.

Now that mass protests have broken out in the country that “The Experts™” revered for their COVID handling, there’s a massive effort to disregard their own previous advocacy.

This is perhaps best exemplified by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who clearly used authoritarian measures to suppress the protests in his own country, while now supporting Chinese demonstrations.

The bewildering lack of awareness of their own hypocrisy seems to be a feature of COVID-obsessed politicians and public health authorities.

Another similar, oft-repeated assertion is that the failure of universal masking can be explained by the type of masks being used by the public.

Even though the CDC and Dr. Fauci explicitly claimed that wearing anything to cover your face would be effective at preventing transmission, many have now quietly dismissed that messaging.

Fauci specifically said that “cloth coverings work,” not just surgical or N95s. Former Surgeon General Jerome Adams famously suggested that rolling up a t-shirt in front of your face would be effective protection.

Yet public health departments and the media are now highlighting the importance of “high quality,” “well-fitted” masks.

Their desperation to justify masking has led to remarkably poor studies being released to support their anti-science messaging.

There is new research that has been released showing that masks are ineffective, regardless of type.

And it’s not just new research, it’s high quality research.

Landmark Study Finds Masks Are Ineffective

The first randomized controlled trial of more than 6,000 individuals to assess the effectiveness of surgical face masks against SARS-CoV-2 infection found masks did not statistically significantly reduce the incidence of infection

Among mask wearers, 1.8% ended up testing positive for SARS-CoV-2, compared to 2.1% among controls. When they removed the people who did not adhere to proper mask use, the results remained the same — 1.8%, which suggests adherence makes no significant difference

Among those who reported wearing their face mask “exactly as instructed,” 2% tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 compared to 2.1% of the controls

1.4% tested positive for antibodies at the end of the month-long study compared to 1.8% of controls

0.5% in the mask group and 0.6% tested positive for one or more respiratory viruses other than SARS-CoV-2

Scientists Struggle to Explain Why COVID Spared Unjabbed

“Vaccine equity” remains high on the global cabal’s list of priorities, even though real-world evidence shows the COVID shots have done more harm than good

Africa, where fewer than 6% of people have received the COVID jab, have maintained an extremely low COVID-19 death rate throughout the last three years, likely because they didn’t have equal access to experimental COVID injections

While wholly ignoring the African experience, U.S. media are now trying to scare people into taking additional shots for fall by warning of an incoming “tripledemic” of COVID, flu and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)

The tripledemic narrative is scientifically implausible. Respiratory viruses tend to interfere with each other’s spread, such that one typically ends up dominating

Pfizer’s and Moderna’s pediatric trials both found RSV infection was more prevalent among children who got their COVID jabs than those who didn’t


‘If I Commit Suicide, It’s Not Real’: Elon Musk Addresses Speculations About His Mental Health

Elon Musk said during a live Q&A session following the first batch release relating to the “Twitter Files” that he is not having suicidal thoughts, as some have been suggesting.

The comment was a response to a question about whether the new Twitter CEO was “suicidal” because there had been lots of talk about Musk’s mental state.

“I do not have any suicidal thoughts … If I commit suicide, it’s not real!” Musk said late Dec. 3 as 100,000 people tuned into the discussion on Twitter Spaces. The “Twitter Files” are a trove of documents revealing Twitter’s censorship activities in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election.

Musk joked that given the revelations in the files and his expressed plans to ensure that political powers have no undisclosed influence at the company going forward, powerful figures and institutions may want him out of the way.

“Twitter is the one company that’s no longer colluding and is no longer just going with this NPC group think, I should probably increase my security or something,” he said.

The term NPC is derived from non-player-characters in video games, an internet meme that describes people who follow the mainstream narrative rather than think for themselves and make their own decisions.

Florida School Cuts Ties With LGBT Group Over Explicit Card Game

Duval County Public Schools has ended a 25-year relationship with a local LGBT  youth organization citing “apparent inappropriate conduct.”

Jacksonville Area Sexual Minority Youth Network (JASMYN) fell out of favor with the school district after a parent complained after seeing a social media post by the organization showing a minor participating in a lewd novelty card game.

The post that raised concerns was about a JASYMN event called “Satargaze,” said Melissa Bernhardt, lead educator for the Duval County chapter of County Citizens Defending Freedom.

“The post was removed from their Instagram account,” Bernhardt said. “But I’m very proud that the superintendent moved quickly on this.”



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