July 1, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: December 08, 2023


Arizona Border Surge Results in Mass Migrant Releases into United States by Biden Admin

Breitbart Texas observed a constant stream of fully loaded buses carrying migrants from a Border Patrol processing facility to the Casa Alitas Migrant Welcome Center in Tucson. As each bus carrying migrants released by the Border Patrol arrived at the center on Wednesday, a simultaneous flow of buses, taxis, and travel vans shuttled newly released migrants to other destinations farther inland — some destined for the Tucson International Airport to begin their journey to cities across the nation.

Brazil to Mandate COVID Shots for Children as Young as 6 Months

The Brazilian Ministry of Health has added the COVID-19 vaccine to the country’s mandatory vaccination schedule for children 6 months to 5 years old, and is considering establishing school vaccination centers with strict reporting requirements.

Venezuela Arrests Dissidents, Including an American, After Biden Lifts Sanctions in Exchange for ‘Free’ Elections

The socialist regime arrested a group of Venezuelan opposition members on Thursday, accusing them of “treason” and “conspiring” against a recent referendum to annex a region consisting of most of Guyana.

The regime of socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro confirmed the arrest of at least one American citizen, identified as Savoi Jandon Wright, in the sweeping crackdown on dissent. Wright was reportedly arrested in October and stands accused of being part of an alleged conspiracy against the socialist regime.

Long Island Official: Illegal Aliens Burglarizing New Yorkers to Pay Back Mexican Drug Cartels

An official from Long Island, New York, says “organized gangs” are making their way through the United States-Mexico border on President Joe Biden’s watch and exacerbating crime in many American communities.

During a House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Emergency Management and Technology hearing this week, Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman (R) said communities and law enforcement agencies on Long Island are feeling the impact of illegal immigration.


Biden: If Ukraine Aid Is Not Passed, U.S. Troops Will Be Deployed to Fight Russia

President Joe Biden echoed the warnings of his defense secretary in an address to the public this week, saying if Congress does not pass $64 billion in aid to Ukraine, U.S. troops will end up fighting Russia in Europe.

“This cannot wait. Congress needs to pass supplemental funding for Ukraine before they break for the holiday recess. It’s as simple as that,” Biden began.

He then accused skeptical Republicans in Congress of being “willing to give Putin the greatest gift he could hope for and abandon our global leadership not just to Ukraine, but beyond that.”

He argued that Putin has committed atrocities against Ukrainian civilians and that Russian forces are committing war crimes.

“It’s as simple as that. It’s stunning. Who is prepared to walk away from holding Putin accountable for this behavior? Who among us is really prepared to do that?”

He then argued that if Putin succeeds in taking Ukraine, “he’s going to keep going.”

“If he keeps going and then he attacks a NATO Ally — well, we’ve committed as a NATO member that we’d defend every inch of NATO territory — then we’ll have something that we don’t seek and that we don’t have today: American troops fighting Russian troops.”

He repeated, “American troops fighting Russian troops if he moves into other parts of NATO.”

Trump Appeals Judge’s Dismissal of Presidential Immunity Claim, Seeks Halt of Federal Election Case

Judge Chutkan had rejected Trump’s motion to dismiss on the grounds of presidential immunity.

Hunter Biden Indicted on 9 Tax Evasion Charges in Special Counsel Probe

A California grand jury has returned a nine-count indictment against Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son, charging him with three felony tax offenses and six misdemeanor tax offenses.

Special counsel David Weiss announced the indictment on Thursday night, which alleges Mr. Biden spent millions on a lavish lifestyle and drugs instead of fulfilling his tax obligations between 2016 and 2019—totaling at least $1.4 million.

Instead of paying his taxes, Mr. Biden “spent this money on drugs, escorts and girlfriends, luxury hotels and rental properties, exotic cars, clothing, and other items of a personal nature, in short, everything but his taxes,” reads the indictment.

House GOP Files Resolution to Formalize Biden Impeachment Inquiry

House Republicans released on Dec. 7 the text of a resolution to formalize the House impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden.

The 14-page measure, put forth by Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R-N.D.), instructs the House Ways and Means, Oversight and Accountability, and Judiciary committees to continue their probe of President Biden, who has come under fire for allegedly profiting from his time as vice president and afterward through family foreign business dealings, including with China, that involved his son Hunter Biden.

The resolution is scheduled for markup on Dec. 12 with a vote expected later next week.

US Military Grounds Entire Osprey Fleet After Deadly Training Crash in Japan

The U.S. military is grounding the United States’ entire fleet of CV-22 Osprey aircraft following last week’s deadly U.S. Air Force crash off the coast of Japan’s Yakushima Island that left eight airmen dead.

All variants of the Osprey flown by the Marine Corps, Air Force, and Navy are being grounded as part of an operational standdown.

Lt. Gen. Tony Bauernfeind, the commander of the Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC), said in a Dec. 6 statement that he had directed an immediate “operational standdown” of the Air Force’s Osprey fleet until an investigation of the incident is concluded. Meanwhile, Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) also said on Dec. 6 it was grounding the Navy and Marine Corps’ V-22s out of “an abundance of caution” as the crash is under review.

Expert Says He Couldn’t Find a ‘Single’ Accounting Provision Violated in Trump Fraud Trial

Former President Donald Trump returned to Manhattan’s famous courthouse on Dec. 7 to hear the last expert witness testify in his defense before he will take the stand himself next week.

Eli Bartov, professor of accounting at NYU’s Stern School of Business and an award-winning researcher, has published several papers on financial reporting misconduct—the issue at the heart of the case against President Trump.

Last year, New York Attorney General Letitia James sued President Trump for defrauding the state, and a week before his trial began this fall New York Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron ruled in her favor, deciding that President Trump was indeed liable for fraud and had inflated his net worth on the yearly Statements of Financial Condition (SFoC) produced by the Trump Organization.


The Money Supply Continues its Biggest Collapse Since the Great Depression

Money supply growth fell again in October, remaining deep in negative territory after turning negative in November 2022 for the first time in twenty-eight years. October’s drop continues a steep downward trend from the unprecedented highs experienced during much of the past two years.

Since April 2021, money supply growth has slowed quickly, and since November, we’ve been seeing the money supply repeatedly contract year over year. The last time the year-over-year (YOY) change in the money supply slipped into negative territory was in November 1994. At that time, negative growth continued for fifteen months, finally turning positive again in January 1996. 

Money-supply growth has now been negative for twelve months in a row. During October 2023, the downturn continued as YOY growth in the money supply was at –9.33 percent. That’s up slightly from September’s rate decline which was of –10.49 percent, and was far below October 2022’s rate of 2.14 percent. With negative growth now falling near or below –10 percent for the eighth month in a row, money-supply contraction is the largest we’ve seen since the Great Depression. Prior to this year, at no other point for at least sixty years has the money supply fallen by more than 6 percent (YoY) in any month. 

Housing Markets Facing Greater Risk Of Downturns Clustered In California, New Jersey And Illinois

 ATTOM, a leading curator of land, property, and real estate data, today released a Special Housing Risk Report spotlighting county-level housing markets around the United States that are more or less vulnerable to declines, based on home affordability, foreclosures, underwater mortgages and other measures in the third quarter of 2023. The report shows that California, New Jersey and Illinois have the highest concentrations of the most-at-risk markets in the country, with the biggest clusters in the New York City and Chicago areas, as well as central California. Less-vulnerable markets are spread mainly throughout the South, Midwest and Northeast.

Private Payroll Growth Slumps: Lowest Wages In 2+ Years

Private payrolls grew by 103,000 workers in November, below the downwardly revised 106,000 in October and the 128,000 Dow Jones estimate.

After leading job creation for most of the period since Covid hit in early 2020, leisure and hospitality recorded a loss of 7,000 jobs.

Services-related industries provided all the job gains for the month, as goods producers saw a net loss of 14,000.

PayPal shares slide after Amazon drops Venmo as payment option

Amazon notified users late Wednesday it will soon stop accepting Venmo as a payment method.

The company said it will no longer let users pay using Venmo beginning Jan. 10, according to a notice sent out to Amazon customers. Amazon will still accept Venmo debit and credit cards, the notice states. Venmo announced the move in a separate notice posted to its website.

“Due to recent changes, Venmo can no longer be added as a payment method,” the company said. “Venmo will remain available to users who currently have it enabled in their Amazon wallet until 01/10/24.”

Shares of PayPal, which owns Venmo, closed down 1.7% on Thursday.

The move is an abrupt reversal. Amazon announced last October it would add Venmo as a payment method at checkout, giving shoppers more options to pay for their purchases. Venmo is a popular payment service that lets users instantly send money to one another.

An Amazon spokesperson confirmed the change and said shoppers will still be able to use “nearly a dozen other payment methods.” The company didn’t elaborate on why it is removing Venmo as a payment method.


How Refined Sugar Fuels Cancer

Researchers theorize that refined sugars may play a role in the development of cancer.

There’s a common misconception that all sugar, i.e., carbohydrates in general, will act as fuel for cancer, but nothing could be further from reality. When it comes to the “sugar fuels cancer” issue, it’s important to make a distinction between the sources of the carbs.

While it is technically accurate to call all carbs sugar, there is a radical difference in the source of the carbs — ripe whole fruits versus starches, for example, and whole fruits versus refined processed sugar (ex: table sugar and high fructose corn syrup).

Many studies have indeed found a strong and accurate link between refined sugar intake and cancer risk. For example, research1 published in 2014 found that Stage 3 colon cancer patients who drank two or more servings of sugar-sweetened beverages per day had a 67% higher risk of cancer recurrence and death compared to those who consumed less than two servings per month.

The key term here is “sugar-sweetened beverages.” There are significant differences between liquid refined/processed sugar and unrefined sugars from fruits.

Refined sugars, as well as many starches, are a common cause of endotoxin production in your gut, which destroys mitochondrial function and results in cancer metabolism, whereas the fructose present in whole foods does not typically result in the production of endotoxin. This is one of the primary differences between refined sugar and fructose from ripe fruit and helps explain why refined sugars fuel cancer.

Beyond Hot Flashes: 11 Surprising Symptoms of Menopause You Might Not Expect

Women are often educated on the uncomfortable symptoms of menstruation, but being informed on the many facets of menopause often falls through the cracks.

11 Lesser Known Symptoms of Menopause

  1. Sensation of Crawling Bugs on Skin
  2. Burning Mouth Syndrome
  3. Hair Loss (and Gain)
  4. Electric Shock Sensations
  5. Aches and Pains
  6. Changes in Body Odor
  7. Phantom Periods
  8. Cold Flashes
  9. Visual changes
  10. Feeling Off Balance
  11. Forgetfulness

Note: Maca may help relieve symptoms of menopause

Power Mall Product to Try: Vita-Myr Organic Maca Root Capsules

Medicare Overpays for Generic Drugs: Report

Some private insurance providers sponsoring Medicare Part D marked up certain generic drugs an average of five times what it costs to acquire the drug, data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) show.

The data were presented in a research letter published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) on Dec. 5 in an evaluation by researchers at the University of California–San Diego, West Health Policy Center in Washington, D.C., and the University of Washington.


Why protecting your home against a geomagnetic event is so important … 

Gaping Hole in The Sun Bigger Than 60 Earths Just Blasted Solar Wind Right at Us

A giant hole in the atmosphere of the Sun more than five times larger than the diameter of Jupiter is unleashing a powerful solar wind that’s blasting through the Solar System.

Elon Musk’s SpaceX Passes Military Starlink Trials Opening Door to Pentagon Contracts

Elon Musk’s SpaceX Starlink satellite internet service has successfully completed a rigorous nine-month testing period with the U.S. military in the Arctic. Passing the military trials opens the door to Pentagon contracts for the billionaire’s space company.

Bloomberg reports that SpaceX Starlink has emerged as a valuable asset in the realm of military communications following its successful completion of extensive U.S. Air Force tests in the Arctic. This achievement  paves the way for potential Pentagon contracts, potentially enhancing the strategic communications infrastructure in the increasingly competitive Arctic region.

McMasters of the Universe: McDonald’s Works with Google to Make ‘Hotter, Fresher Food’ with AI

McDonald’s is set to partner with Google, implementing generative AI technologies to optimize its food service operations and deliver “hotter, fresher food.” Google, which has based its entire company on surveillance capitalism, is likely quite keen to learn about customer habits in the restaurant.

The Verge reports that McDonald’s recently announced a collaboration with Google to deploy generative AI in thousands of its stores. This technological integration involves both hardware and software upgrades, including enhancements to McDonald’s ordering kiosks and mobile app. The primary goal of this partnership is to leverage AI for analyzing vast amounts of operational data, leading to tangible improvements in service quality. A key expected outcome, as highlighted by McDonald’s, is the delivery of “hotter, fresher food” to customers.


Republicans in Revolt as Speaker Mike Johnson Moves to Punt Deep State Surveillance Fight to 2025

Republicans are in revolt as Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) moves to punt a deep state surveillance authorization fight to 2025.

Johnson backtracked and caved to the deep state and Democrats on Thursday, agreeing to slip a surveillance authorization into the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

Conservatives are increasingly calling foul on the move, suggesting it adds to evidence that nothing is getting better under Johnson’s leadership.

“That’s a full-on strike two and a half — if not more,” Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) said, alluding to baseball’s three strikes and you’re out rule.

Rep. Mike Collins (R-GA), who was one of the NDAA conferees who was supposed to negotiate the details of the bill, said he was frustrated after not being able to participate in the negotiations.

“If you’re going to do all that behind doors, then don’t waste our time by making us look like we’re doing something we’re not. I think that’s what people are so tired of up here,” Collins said.

Beyond the politics of shutting out lawmakers who were supposed to negotiate the NDAA, privacy experts believe that the NDAA could very likely extend Section 702 authority until April 2025, all but removing any leverage for lawmakers to reform the controversial deep state surveillance law.

“House and Senate leaders have attached a reauthorization of Section 702 to the NDAA. It purports to be a “short-term” reauthorization until April 19 2024, but make no mistake: leaders are actually extending this abuse-ridden authority INTO APRIL 2025,” Elizabeth Gotein, a codirector at the Brennan Center for Justice, wrote on Wednesday


And as a follow-up to OpenTheBooks.com’s interview …

San Franciscans Learn ‘Poopie Dance’ to Avoid Feces on City Streets

Residents of San Francisco are apparently having to learn the “Poopie Dance” to avoid stepping in something revolting as they walk on city streets.

Neighbors are having to find a clean path as they travel along the street as those in the increasing homeless population have been using the sidewalks as toilets, the Daily Mail reported Thursday.

“As you walk around here, it’s kind of like you have to do a Poopie Dance, always avoiding stepping in s**t,” architect Rick Garcia told the outlet during an interview in Union Square.

He added that the most disturbing aspect is when residents see someone squatting between two parked vehicles. However, Garcia said it was a good idea not to confront the squatter “because you don’t want to engage.”

An image shows several people standing along a San Francisco street with what appear to be blankets, tarps, trash bags, and other litter scattered on the pavement


ATF Caves Under Pressure from GOP House, Accepts 40,000 Additional Petitions Against Background Check Rule

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) caved Thursday under pressure from Rep. Andrew Clyde (R) and other GOP House members, agreeing to accept 40,000 additional petitions against the agency’s background check rule.

Early on Thursday, Rep. Clyde tweeted: “Last week, the ATF refused to accept 40,000 petitions from National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR) members opposing the agency’s universal background check rule. I led 25 of my colleagues in demanding the ATF abide by the U.S. Constitution and accept these petitions TODAY—when the comment period ends.”

Hours later, Clyde tweeted, “The ATF caved and finally accepted the NAGR 40,000 petitions. MAJOR WIN—but the fight continues. Now it’s time for Congress to take down the ATF’s universal background check rule.”


Harvard President Faces Backlash for Her Testimony on Anti-Semitism on Campus

A Harvard Jewish student organization has criticized Harvard’s president, Claudine Gay, for her testimony over anti-Semitism on campus following her hearing before Congress on Dec. 5. 

“When pressed during her testimony, President Gay repeatedly equivocated, refusing to characterize calls for the genocide of Jews as a breach of Harvard’s code of conduct, instead saying the offense ‘depends on the context,'” the Jewish student association Harvard Hillel said in its statement.

“President Gay’s refusal to draw a line around threatening antisemitic speech as a violation of Harvard’s policies is profoundly shocking given explicit provisions within the conduct code prohibiting this kind of bullying and harassment,” the student organization added.


Family Takes Adorable Pet Goose to Store, Riding in Shopping Cart: ‘She Was Really Well-Behaved’

An adorable goose joined its family on a shopping trip for animal snacks—even jumping in the trolley and riding through the store with the young boy.

When Faith Lyons’s pet African grey goose, Angie, “asked” for some food on Nov. 19, her owner knew they needed to do a quick shop for her favorite treats.

Cute footage from a Tractor Supply store in Fruitport, Michigan, shows the 6-month-old goose wandering through the automatic doors wearing a pink harness keeping her close to her owner


Don’t be fooled by warm and fuzzy …  it’s by design to lull you into a false sense of security! Peach Fuzz is Pantone’s 2024 color of the year

The Pantone Color Institute Thursday named PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz the 2024 color of the year, describing it as a heartfelt peach hue bringing a feeling of kindness and tenderness.

Pantone Executive Director Leatrice Eiseman said in a statement the company was searching for a color that captured the desire to nurture ourselves and others.

“In seeking a hue that echoes our innate yearning for closeness and connection, we chose a color radiant with warmth and modern elegance,” Eiseman said. “A shade that resonates with compassion, offers a tactile embrace and effortlessly bridges the youthful with the timeless.”

Pantone said it wanted to choose a 2024 color of the year that would express a desire to want to be close to loved ones and it needed to be a color that conveyed compassion and empathy while also being nurturing and one that “elicited a feeling of tactility.”

WATCH — ‘I’m So Grateful’: Secret Santa Surprises Hardworking Idaho Grandma with Car

A Secret Santa in eastern Idaho is making the season even brighter for neighbors in need this Christmas.

In his article on Thursday, East Idaho News reporter Nate Eaton shared the story of 74-year-old Karen, who is still working a job to make it in life.

Dumb shoplifter tries stealing $727.86 in items while 75 police officers are in store for ‘Shop with a Cop’ charity event

woman who tried to shoplift $727.86 in merchandise from a Michigan Walmart over the weekend didn’t get very far — namely because 75 police officers were in the store for a “Shop with a Cop” charity event.

What are the details?

State troopers from the Brighton Post were participating in Saturday’s event at the Walmart Store in Genoa Township, police said. Genoa Township is about an hour northwest of Detroit.

Police said Shop with a Cop gives area children, through donations from local businesses, an opportunity to partner with police officers and shop for themselves and family.

“We bring children that might otherwise not have a good Christmas get to come to the store,” Lt. Rene Gonzalez of the Michigan State Police told WJBK-TV. “They get $100, sometimes a $150 gift card to go and shop for themselves or family.”

Ohio Woman Who Hurled Chipotle Bowl at Cashier Sentenced to Work at Fast Food Restaurant

An Ohio woman who threw a hot burrito bowl in the face of a Chipotle worker was able to get her jail time lessened by agreeing to work at a fast food restaurant.

Rosemary Hayne, 39, was convicted of assault after hurling her food at the 17-year-old cashier, identified as Emily Russell, in an attack in September that was caught on video.


Texas mom finds high school cheerleader daughter dead in bathtub of their apartment, police investigating as capital murder

grieving Texas mom is speaking out after she discovered her 16-year-old daughter dead in the bathtub of the apartment they both lived in.

Jacqueline Medina told Fox News Digital that she found the remains of her daughter, Lizbeth “Liz” Medina, on Tuesday evening just before 7 p.m. after not hearing from her all day.

“I decided to go look for her. And I kept calling her phone nonstop, and it would take me straight to voicemail,” said Medina.

“I called a bunch of people and nobody knew anything,” she continued. “It wasn’t until I walked into the restroom that I was on the phone with my friend asking him to come help me look for her — is when I [saw] her foot, and it was in the bathtub. And so I opened the curtains. There she was.”

Tucker Carlson Interviews Alex Jones (who he says is the most censored man in history)!  https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1732897835572461582?s=20

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