July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: December 14, 2022


Prosecutors: FTX Founder Bankman-Fried Made ‘Tens of Millions’ in Illegal Campaign Donations

Federal authorities on Tuesday charged FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried for making “tens of millions of dollars in illegal campaign contributions” to influence policies and laws around cryptocurrency.

Damian Williams, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, told reporters Tuesday that Bankman-Fried—sometimes known as SBF—faces charges of wire fraud, conspiracy, and campaign finance violations.

“From 2019 until earlier this year, Bankman-Fried and his co-conspirators stole billions of dollars from FTX customers,” Williams said. “He used that money for his personal benefit, including to make personal investments and to cover expenses and debts of his hedge fund, Alameda Research.”

Elaborating, the FTX founder was also charged with violating campaign finance laws “by causing tens of millions of dollars in illegal campaign contributions to be made to candidates and committees associated with both Democrats and Republicans,” he said, adding that his team’s investigation into alleged fraudulent FTX activity and sister company Alameda Research is moving quickly.

Experts Sound Alarms as Canada Expands Euthanasia to Cover Mental Illness

Canada’s impending expansion of assisted suicide to people suffering from mental illness is sounding alarms across the country and around the world, especially given the woefully inadequate funding for mental health in Canada’s public health care system.

“This country is on the verge of providing publicly funded euthanasia for people suffering from diseases for which there is little publicly funded care,” Canada’s Globe and Mail warned last week, becoming the latest critical voice to wonder if “Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID),” a euphemism for killing people by request, might start looking like an all-too-efficient way to balance the books.

Australian Authorities to Investigate Police Killers’ Motives

Queensland Police will investigate the motives behind three individuals who ambushed, shot, and killed two officers investigating a routine missing person report on Dec. 12.

Six individuals in total were killed in the incident that Commissioner Katarina Carroll has called “the largest loss of police life” the state force has suffered in years.

In the aftermath of the siege, Carroll vowed to “unpack these peoples’ lives.”

“We will get to the bottom of this,” she told Today on Dec. 14. “It may not be in the next couple of days, but certainly in the next couple of weeks, we will get a real sense as to why this occurred.”

The police commissioner said the online activity of one of the assailants would also be investigated, including whether the incident was premeditated and if the shooters had extremist links.

“Some of the stuff that’s online from these people, we will investigate what they have been doing not only in recent weeks but in recent years, who they’ve been interacting with … their online presence, every aspect of this will be thorough,” she told ABC’s 7.30 program on Dec. 13.

One of the shooters, Gareth Train, posted online content including claims the 1996 Port Arthur Massacre—which triggered Australia’s gun buy-back scheme—was a hoax aimed at disarming citizens.

The incident also comes after the chief of Australia’s domestic spy agency, Mike Burgess, warned last year that terrorist and security threats no longer fit the “left-wing, right-wing, or Islamic extremism” categories.

“We are seeing a growing number of individuals and groups that don’t fit on the left-right spectrum at all; instead, they’re motivated by a fear of societal collapse or a specific social or economic grievance or conspiracy,” he said in the 2021 Annual Threat Assessment of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation.

German Police Raid Climate Radical Group for Allegedly Establishing a Criminal Organisation

Police raids were carried out across Germany against the far-left climate radical group the “Last Generation”, which is now under investigation for allegedly forming a “criminal organisation”.

On Tuesday, the Neuruppin Public Prosecutor’s Office in Brandenberg announced that it has begun investigating the Letzte Generation (Last Generation) green activist group for potentially being a criminal organisation in response to months of activist actions against an oil refinery earlier this year.

Ukraine Plea for Aid Secures Extra $1.1 Billion as U.S. Readies Patriot Missiles

Seventy countries and globalist institutions lined up Tuesday to pledge an additional one billion euros ($1.1 billion) in emergency winter aid to Ukraine, responding to personal pleas from President Volodymyr Zelensky to help his country withstand the winter ahead.

The promises came as France hosted a global meeting in its capital to discuss what could be delivered between now and March to maintain water, food, energy, health and transport during Ukraine’s typically frigid winter.

Video: MP calls for complete suspension of mRNA jab in extraordinary British Parliamentary speechConservative MP Andrew Bridgen calls for complete suspension of mRNA jab stating unprecedented harms and close to ‘non existent’ benefit

Woman faces prison for saying men cannot be lesbians

A lesbian artist in Norway is facing criminal hate-speech charges punishable by up to three years in prison for stating it’s impossible for a man to become a lesbian.

Police informed Tonje Gjevjon on Nov. 17 she was under police investigation for a post on Facebook for contesting a claim made by prominent Norwegian transgender activist Christine Jentoft, a man who claims to be a lesbian mother, reported Reduxx, a site featuring “feminist news and opinion.”


Democrats wage ‘holy war’ on Christian America

New report documents radical growth of bizarre leftist cults, from Climate to Wokeness to Gender

The “Climate Change Cult.” The “Anti-Racism Cult.” The “Cult of Wokeness.” The “LGBTQ Cult” and its predatory offspring targeting America’s children, the “Transgender Cult.” The “Cult of Abortion.” The “COVID Cult.” The “Cult of Globalism.” “TikTok Cults.” Every month the list grows.

To right-thinking Americans attempting to make sense of a nation seemingly gone mad, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the deranged – and often demonic – leftwing political and cultural movements currently capturing the minds of millions of Americans are nothing short of full-fledged cults.

Their profoundly negative effects are inescapable: Repeated polls confirm that the “Climate Change Cult,” with its hysterical indoctrination of America’s school kids, has caused a staggering three out of four young people to fear the future, so great is their concern that the world may soon come to an apocalyptic end. Even many married couples say they will not bring any children into such a cursed and short-lived world. And of course, much of the globe is freezing this winter because of the “Climate Change Cult’s” mass-suicidal war on fossil fuels. Never mind that 1,100 scientists and scholars recently signed a document affirming “There is no climate emergency.”

Meanwhile, the “Wokeness Cult” intimidates millions into living in continual fear of saying, writing or even thinking the “wrong thing,” on threat of being shunned, “cancelled,” ostracized from their peer group or fired from their job – a scenario jarringly reminiscent of the dreaded “thoughtcrime” accusation in George Orwell’s “1984.”

The “Cult of Abortion” is compared by many to the ancient “Cult of Moloch” because of the uncanny similarity between modern-day abortion and the ubiquitous practice of child sacrifice in the pagan world of old. In past millennia, sacrificing children to demonic gods like Moloch and Baal was justified by the belief that the gods thus satisfied would reward the parents with greater prosperity and a better life. That’s precisely the argument given for legalized abortion today.

Then there’s the “COVID Cult,” which has crippled much of American society over the last three years. While shutting down real churches all over the country during the pandemic, COVID’s high priests founded their own religion. As with most faiths, the “COVID Cult” clearly differentiates between the clean and the unclean, the justified and the unjustified – or as they are better known, the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. The only problem is their sacred ritual of internal cleansing, an act elevated almost to the level of holy communion, necessitated the CDC to quietly change the definition of “vaccine” to fit a drug that really is not a vaccine, but rather an ineffective and dangerous experimental medicine the COVID priests still insist on administering to believers – and their children.

Today’s leftwing cults frequently instigate full-bore social contagion episodes – for example, the hypnotic influence various TikTok personalities exert on adolescents, especially girls, persuading many to “identify” as transgender and undergo surgical amputation of healthy body parts. Still other TikTok influencers, displaying their Tourette’s Syndrome on camera, have ignited a bizarre epidemic of teenage girls suddenly manifesting spontaneous Tourette’s tics themselves. There are few limits to this social contagion phenomenon, which Western medicine refers to as “mass sociogenic illness.”

Cult Central, of course, would be the nation’s far-left colleges and universities, which historian William Lind likens to “little ivy-covered North Koreas.” There, America’s next generation is daily indoctrinated in toxic, delusional and intensely guilt-producing Marxist ideologies that, in many cases, totally transform the student.

Nevertheless, this wildly metastasizing panorama of leftwing cults is not the whole story – far from it.

Biden Signs Respect for Marriage Act Into Law

President Joe Biden on Dec. 13 signed a bill declaring marriage can be between people of the same sex.

“Today is a good day. Today America takes a final step toward equality, toward liberty and justice—not just for some, but for everyone,” Biden said outside the White House in Washington before signing the bill. “Toward creating a nation where decency, dignity, and love are recognized, honored, and protected.”

The bill, H.R. 8404, repeals the Defense of Marriage Act, a 1996 law that defines marriage as being between a man and a woman. It was signed by President Bill Clinton, a Democrat, and broadly supported by both parties.

Since then, most Democrats and some Republicans have become supportive of gay marriage, and lawmakers in both parties helped pass the new law.

H.R. 8404, known as the Respect for Marriage Act, codifies a U.S. Supreme Court decision, Obergefell v. Hodges, that found the Defense of Marriage Act’s provision on same-sex marriage unconstitutional. Obergefell forced states to grant marriage licenses to gay couples.

Judge Orders Kari Lake and Katie Hobbs to Appear at Emergency Court Hearing Over Election Lawsuit

A judge overseeing Republican Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake’s electoral lawsuit ordered Lake, Secretary of State and Arizona Gov.-elect Katie Hobbs, Maricopa County Board of Supervisors officials, and others to appear at a court hearing on Tuesday.

Judge Peter Thompson, in issuing the (pdf) order, wrote that the court has “reviewed” Lake’s “verified statement of election contest” and said the “matter will be set on an accelerated basis.” Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer and Board of Supervisors Chairman Bill Gates were also ordered to attend the hearing, which will start at 2 p.m. ET.

It comes as Lake stated Monday that her lawsuit is, in part, fueled by alleged whistleblower claims who have come forward.

“We’ve had three whistleblowers from Maricopa County reach out and say the system is seriously flawed,” Lake told Just the News on Monday, days after the suit was filed with a Maricopa County court. “They were throwing out tens of thousands of signatures saying they were scribbles that in no way matched. But somewhere between there, the ballots were being completely tossed out and they got looped back into the system and counted as if they were fine.”

Lake said that about 25,000 “additional ballots and early voting ballots were discovered two days after Election Day,” adding that they “just showed up.” She continued: “It shows the whole system has serious problems.”

“We believe that up to 135,000 ballots were pushed through that should not have been pushed through,” Lake added, without elaborating. “We’re asking a judge to let us take a look at all of the envelopes and compare signatures, so that we can find out for sure how many bad, fraudulent ballots got through in that way, of basically cheating or breaking the rules.”

Bipartisan Legislation Seeks to Ban ‘CCP Puppet Company’ TikTok From US

A bipartisan group of lawmakers is seeking to ban social media giant TikTok from operating in the United States. The effort follows extensive testimony from U.S. intelligence leaders that the app poses a threat to national security.

Legislation seeking to ban the app was introduced into both houses of Congress on Dec. 13 by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Reps. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.) and Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-Ill.).

The lawmakers condemned TikTok’s ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) through its parent company ByteDance, and said that the company was collecting Americans’ data for the communist regime.

“The federal government has yet to take a single meaningful action to protect American users from the threat of TikTok,” Rubio said. “This isn’t about creative videos, this is about an app that is collecting data on tens of millions of American children and adults every day.”

“We know it’s used to manipulate feeds and influence elections. We know it answers to the People’s Republic of China. There is no more time to waste on meaningless negotiations with a CCP-puppet company. It is time to ban Beijing-controlled TikTok for good.”

Report: Lobbyists Try to Slip Controversial JCPA Media Cartel Bill into Omnibus

Despite discrediting themselves in an ultimately futile effort to attach the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA), a massive handout for big media companies, to the annual defense funding bill, media lobbyists are now trying to slip the controversial bill into a potential omnibus package.

While it is still unclear if there will be an omnibus bill at all, sources on Capitol Hill tell Breitbart News that media lobbyists are actively contacting members in a last-ditch effort to latch the bill onto an omnibus if it does materialize.


Biden’s Outgoing Econ Adviser, A Former BlackRock Exec, Likely To Be Replaced By … Another BlackRock Exec: REPORT

Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo, a former senior adviser at investment firm BlackRock and Obama-era Treasury official, is likely to be appointed as President Joe Biden’s top economic adviser early next year, according to Bloomberg Wednesday.

Adeyemo, if selected, would become the second BlackRock alumnus in a row to serve as director of Biden’s National Economic Council, having served as chief of staff to BlackRock CEO Larry Fink in addition to working as a senior adviser at BlackRock’s Center for Strategic and International Studies, according to the Treasury Department. The council’s current director, Brian Deese, served as BlackRock’s global head of sustainable investing before taking his position in the Biden administration, and is expected to leave this spring after fulfilling his promise to serve for two years, Bloomberg reported.

Key Lawmakers Announce Government Funding Deal Framework 

Key lawmakers on Tuesday announced that they had struck a deal on the framework for funding the government through the end of the current fiscal year, with government funding set to run out on Friday.

Retiring Senate Appropriations Chair Patrick Leahy (D-VT) announced that appropriators have “reached a bipartisan, bicameral framework that should allow us to finish an omnibus appropriations bill that can pass the House and Senate and be signed into law by the President,” according to Politico.

Report: Over 7,500 Earmarks Totaling $16 Billion Being Negotiated for Spending Bill

There are over 7,500 earmarks totaling $16 billion lawmakers are trying to negotiate to be in a year-long “omnibus” spending bill that would expire at the end of the current fiscal year — September 2023.

As key lawmakers indicated late Tuesday, there is an omnibus framework agreement. Bloomberg Government reported earlier in the day that there are over 7,500 earmarks totaling $16 billion in 2023 appropriations bills released throughout the year that could make it in the overall package.

The Senate included 3,123 earmarks totaling $7,780,973,000 in its fiscal 2023 appropriations bills released in July, according to a Bloomberg Government analysis of nine documents published by the Senate Appropriations Committee. A central Excel document containing all the earmarks, compiled from the nine PDF files, is available here. On the House side, lawmakers included 4,386 earmarks totaling $8,231,999,565 according to an analysis earlier this year. A central Excel doc with the House earmarks is available here. Combined, the two chambers have published 7,509 earmarks totaling $16,012,972,565.

The earmarked funding total is slightly less than 1% of the roughly $1.7 trillion government funding package lawmakers hope to finish this year. Members agreed to apply a 1% limit to the new earmarking process when they brought it back ahead of fiscal 2022, after a decade-long ban on the process.

McCarthy: We Can’t Have a Spending Increase in Omnibus Written by People Who Are Retiring and Unaccountable to Voters

On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) reacted to the omnibus framework by pointing out that the two leaders on the Senate Appropriations Committee, Chairman Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT), and Vice Chairman Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL), who agreed to the deal with House Appropriations Committee Chair Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), are leaving the Senate when their terms expire in January, “So, there’s no way that the taxpayer or the constituents can hold them accountable for what they’re about to do.”

McCarthy stated, “[T]he two people who lead in this Appropriations, Sen. Leahy and Sen. Shelby, will no longer be here in 21 days. They did not run for re-election. So, there’s no way that the taxpayer or the constituents can hold them accountable for what they’re about to do. Why wouldn’t you wait 21 more days? What they’re talking about is adding the baseline, meaning where would we start in the next year. They want to increase it somewhere between 90 and $130 billion. Instead of saving money, instead of cutting back in this world of inflation that we have, why would we — if we do nothing in the CR, we’re going to save ourselves almost $100 billion. That’s the hard-earned taxpayer money. And are you going to get a time to read it? They’re trying to jam us right before Christmas. Why would you ever move forward when there’s a change in power in 21 days where Republicans would have a stronger hand? … Are two individuals who are leaving the Senate going to write a bill where they add 100 billion more dollars?”

Meta sued for $2bn over Facebook posts ‘rousing hate’ in Ethiopia

A lawsuit filed in Kenya alleges Facebook’s recommendations systems amplified violent posts, inflaming the conflict.


You’d Better Watch Out: The Surveillance State Is Making a List, and You’re On It

By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead

“He sees you when you’re sleeping

He knows when you’re awake

He knows when you’ve been bad or good

So be good for goodness’ sake!”

—“Santa Claus Is Coming to Town”

You’d better watch out—you’d better not pout—you’d better not cry—‘cos I’m telling you why: this Christmas, it’s the Surveillance State that’s making a list and checking it twice, and it won’t matter whether you’ve been bad or good.

You’ll be on this list whether you like it or not.

Mass surveillance is the Deep State’s version of a “gift” that keeps on giving…back to the Deep State.

Geofencing dragnets. Fusion centers. Smart devices. Behavioral threat assessments. Terror watch lists. Facial recognition. Snitch tip lines. Biometric scanners. Pre-crime. DNA databases. Data mining. Precognitive technology. Contact tracing apps.

What these add up to is a world in which, on any given day, the average person is now monitored, surveilled, spied on and tracked in more than 20 different ways by both government and corporate eyes and ears.

Big Tech wedded to Big Government has become Big Brother.

Every second of every day, the American people are being spied on by a vast network of digital Peeping Toms, electronic eavesdroppers and robotic snoops.

This creepy new era of government/corporate spying—in which we’re being listened to, watched, tracked, followed, mapped, bought, sold and targeted—has been made possible by a global army of techno-tyrants, fusion centers and Peeping Toms.

Consider just a small sampling of the tools being used to track our movements, monitor our spending, and sniff out all the ways in which our thoughts, actions and social circles might land us on the government’s naughty list, whether or not you’ve done anything wrong.

Fauci Says He Doesn’t ‘Pay Any Attention’ to Musk Criticism

Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden and Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), brushed off recent criticism from Elon Musk Monday, describing the Twitter CEO’s barbs as a mere “distraction.”

“I don’t respond to him,” Fauci told CNN’s David Axelrod for an upcoming podcast. “I don’t pay any attention to him because that’s merely a distraction. And if you get drawn into that—and I have to be honest—that cesspool of interaction, it’s … There’s no value added to that, David. It doesn’t help anything.”


Lead Exposure Still Kills Nearly 1 in 5

Lead is one of three toxins shown to have the greatest negative impact on your life span. By competing with calcium at the cellular level, lead can disrupt several bodily systems, including your cardiovascular and neurological systems

Research published in 2018 found lead levels in adults are strongly correlated with a higher risk of death, especially from cardiovascular complications

Nearly 1 in 5 (18%) of all deaths and more than 1 in 4 (28.7%) of all cardiovascular deaths are related to lead toxicity

Previous research suggests lead exposure can cause multigenerational DNA changes

Aside from cardiovascular problems, lead exposure has been linked to an increased risk of reproductive problems in both men and women, miscarriage, premature birth or low birth weight, headaches, seizures, hearing and vision impairment, high blood pressure, nerve disorders, muscle and joint pain, brain damage, reduced IQ and learning difficulties

FDA Approves Absurd Pill to Delay Diabetes

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Tzield (teplizumab-mzwv), made by drugmakers Sanofi and Provention Bio, for use in adults and children 8 years and older who have stage 2, Type 1 diabetes

Tzield is a monoclonal antibody injection that neither treats nor prevents Type 1 diabetes

The treatment is intended to delay the onset of stage 3, Type 1 diabetes by only about 25 months

The drug’s wholesale cost is $193,900 for a 14-day supply, and it comes with a risk of unknown side effects

Tzield may cause cytokine release syndrome (CRS), an acute systemic inflammatory syndrome that includes fever and multiple organ dysfunction

Lymphopenia, a reduced level of white blood cells, occurred in 78% of patients treated with Tzield

These Are The 8 Best Drinks For Fighting Inflammation, According To Science

It’s no surprise that inflammation can damage our health. But with so many triggers in our daily lives, we have many opportunities to protect ourselves from unnecessary inflammation.

Want To Calm Inflammation, STAT? These Are The Drinks To Sip On

The following nutrient-dense drinks are delicious, easy to add to your day, and effective at helping your body fight inflammation.

1.Earl gray tea – Earl gray tea is a type of black tea with bergamot oil that has been shown to increase autophagy1—your body’s cellular recycling process—as well as soothe inflammation2. This is likely due to black tea’s high content of theaflavin, a powerful antioxidant that has the ability to down-regulate pro-inflammatory cytokines3.

2.Golden milk – By now, you are probably familiar with turmeric’s next-level inflammation-fighting capabilities. Due to its high curcumin content, turmeric has been shown to improve a variety of inflammatory conditions including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, pneumonia, dementia, and other autoimmune diseases.  

3.Green tea – Green tea is one of the most popular brews for good reason. It’s harvested later than white or black tea, leading to high levels of catechins—specifically epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).

4.Galangal broth – Often used as a plant-based alternative to bone broth, galangal broth is made with the galangal root—part of the same rhizome family as ginger.

5.Pomegranate juice – Pomegranates have high levels of anti-inflammatory antioxidants, including the powerful ellagitannin compound. Antioxidants work to inhibit oxidation from outside triggers like toxins, poor diet, and stress, which can damage our cells and lead to increased inflammation.

6.Chlorella water – Sea vegetables and algae like chlorella have been consumed for centuries across many cultures. The ancient gift from the sea is high in antioxidants that can be beneficial for fighting inflammation, particularly to combat asthma and other respiratory conditions

7.Coffee – Coffee is anti-inflammatory, but it’s not suitable for everyone. It all comes down to your genetics; your CYP1A215 gene largely determines how quickly (or slowly) you metabolize caffeine. Coffee is loaded with tons of anti-inflammatory antioxidants16, so feel free to pour yourself a cup if you are not sensitive to caffeine.


Nuclear Fusion ‘Breakthrough’ Touted by White House, Drawing Praise and Some Skepticism

It was 1:03 a.m. on Dec. 5 that experimental physicist Alex Zylstra first spotted it: for the first time, a target yielded more energy from a fusion reaction than a laser put into it—though that’s not counting the much greater input energy that was needed to power the laser in the first place.

“One of the first things I did was call one of the diagnostic experts to double-check the data,” he said during a Dec. 13 press conference with his colleagues from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

Zylstra was running a test with the world’s most energetic laser—Lawrence Livermore’s National Ignition Facility (NIF).

By blasting a capsule of hydrogen atoms with that laser until the atoms heat into plasma and combine, he and his colleagues were hoping to achieve nuclear fusion through an approach known as inertial confinement.

The other main approach to fusion, magnetic confinement fusion, uses devices such as tokamaks to contain plasmas using powerful magnetic fields.

NIF physicist Tammy Ma said that “tears were running down [her] face” when she learned about the result.

“I want to emphasize that each experiment we do is building on 60 years of work in this field, and more than a decade on NIF itself,” Zylstra said.

His team’s latest work comes as the latest in a recent series of fusion-related achievements from that facility, where fusion research is pursued under the National Nuclear Security Administration’s “Stockpile Stewardship” program, as an alternative to the underground nuclear testing that ended during the early 1990s.

10 Things to Do Now for a Better Garden Next Year

By the time colder weather rolls in, most people are ready to call it quits in the garden. But before you hang up your trowel for the winter, there are several things you should do to ensure your garden gets off to a great start next spring.

  1. Clean Up the Veggie Garden
  2. Amend the Soil
  3. Divide & Transplant
  4. Seed the Lawn
  5. Plant Spring Bulbs
  6. Weed Thoroughly
  7. Plant a Tree
  8. Protect Tender Plants
  9. Start Cuttings
  10. Clear Leaves

DeSantis announces grand jury probe of COVID-19 shots

lorida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has staunchly opposed pandemic-related mandates and lockdowns, is seeking a grand jury investigation of potential wrongdoing by the major manufacturers of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Mr. DeSantis announced the grand jury probe Tuesday during an “accountability roundtable” examining the vaccine’s shortcomings and side effects as well as efficacy claims made by the two COVID-19 mRNA-vaccine manufacturers, Moderna and Pfizer

“Today I’m announcing a petition with the Supreme Court of Florida to impanel a statewide grand jury to investigate any and all wrongdoing in Florida with respect to COVID-19 vaccines,” said Mr. DeSantis, who was re-elected by 20 points in November and is increasingly eyed as a 2024 presidential candidate. 

What Is the Best Disinfectant for Surfaces?

Due to it being an enveloped virus (meaning its single-strand RNA is enveloped in a bubble of lipid or fatty molecules), COVID-19 (as all other coronaviruses) is highly susceptible to soap and disinfectants

To disinfect and sterilize surfaces around your home, you need to clean the surface first. Soap and water is a good choice. Once the surface is clean of dirt and sticky grime, spray your chosen disinfectant on the surface and let it set for up to several minutes before wiping

If using an alcohol-based disinfectant to inactivate and protect against coronaviruses on surfaces around your home, make sure it contains between 60% and 80% alcohol. Higher concentrations are less potent

Chlorine disinfectants such as household bleach have broad antimicrobial activity and effectively kills bacteria, fungi and viruses, including influenza viruses

Accelerated hydrogen peroxide (AHP) is more effective than 3% hydrogen peroxide and appears to be the most effective virucide overall. It can kill viruses in as little as 30 seconds. Other easy but effective home disinfectants include 10% malt vinegar and distilled white vinegar in combination with 3% hydrogen peroxide (see safety precautions)

—> Try our all-natural OregaSpray.  Made with completely natural emulsified oil of wild oregano P73, oil of wild lavender, oil of wild bay leaf, and oil of clove.  OregaSpray gives you the opportunity to use nothing other than wild spice oils for cleansing and deodorizing your environment. Plus, it’s a natural vegetable wash for cleaning and supporting the health of the whole family. It also has a wonderful wild lavender scent and is safe to use around pets.

People Died From mRNA-Vaccine-Damaged Hearts, New Peer-Reviewed German Study Provides Direct Evidence

Medical pathologists from Heidelberg University Hospital in Heidelberg, Germany have published direct evidence showing how people found dead after mRNA vaccination died. As this team of six scientists explore in their study, these mRNA-vaccinated patients suffered from heart damage because their hearts were attacked by their own immune cells. This autoimmune attack on their own heart cells then leads to their damaged hearts beating so many times per second that, once the tachycardia unexpectedly started, they died in minutes.

The article, “Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination,” was published on Nov. 27, 2022, in the journal Clinical Research in Cardiology, the official journal of the German Cardiac Society. The research team autopsied 25 victims of different ages who were found dead at home within 28 days of vaccination. They looked at their heart tissue under the microscope to find out why these people died of cardiac rhythmic disruption when they had no apparent underlying heart disease.


Twitter Employee From China Warned Colleagues Against Censoring Trump

A Twitter employee from China, where the Chinese Communist Party rules with an iron fist through surveillance and censorship, spoke out against banning former President Donald Trump’s account, according to the fifth installment of the Elon Musk-endorsed “Twitter Files.”

The latest installment, published by The Free Press founder and editor Bari Weiss on Dec. 12, exposed more internal details at Twitter that ultimately led to the suspension of Trump’s Twitter account on Jan. 8, 2021. Weiss revealed that was an internal discussion a day earlier, particularly how there were “dissenters inside Twitter” who preferred not banning Trump.

“Maybe because I am from China, I deeply understand how censorship can destroy the public conversation,” a Chinese Twitter employee said to co-workers on Jan. 7, 2021, according to the screengrab.

In response, another employee said, “I understand this fear, but I also think it’s important to understand that censorship by a government is very different than censorship of the government.”

“The first amendment in the U.S.—and similar legislation in other countries with similar concepts—exist specifically to prevent the government from silencing the people,” the employee added.


Stuart Margolin, Emmy-Winning Actor, Angel on ‘Rockford Files,’ Dies at 82

Actor Stuart Margolin, probably best known as James Garner’s frenemy conman “Angel Martin” on the Rockford Files, has died. He was 82.

Joe Manchin Will ‘Look at’ Dumping Democrat Party Ahead of 2024 Reelection Bid 

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) stated Monday he will consider leaving the Democrat Party ahead of a heated 2024 Senate reelection bid.

“I’ll look at all of these things. I’ve always looked all [sic] these things but I have no intention of doing anything right now,” Manchin commented, according to the Hill.

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