July 5, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: February 08, 2022




‘Ought to Be Ashamed:’ Lawmaker Slams IOC for Turning Blind Eye to Genocide, Organ Harvesting in China

The Epoch Times  – Rep. Steve Chabot (R-Ohio) criticized the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for allowing the Chinese regime to host the Winter Games in Beijing, even as the Communist Party is engaging in genocide and forced organ harvesting against persecuted groups.

“The International Olympic Committee should be embarrassed in picking the PRC, China, in the first place when you consider their grotesque human rights abuses over the years, and then not moving it to a more appropriate location,” said Chabot.

“They really ought to be ashamed,” Chabot said in a recent interview on NTD’s “Capitol Report” program. NTD is an affiliate of The Epoch Times.

Chabot’s remarks came as the 2022 Winter Olympics gets underway in Beijing. The Game officially started on Feb. 4 and runs until Feb. 20.

Rights groups had raised concerns about China’s worsening human rights conditions when Beijing put the bid to host the 2022 Winter Games in 2015.

Despite the calls for rejection, the IOC decided to award the Games to the Chinese regime, making Beijing the first city to host both the Summer and Winter Olympics.

However, unlike the Beijing Games in 2008, the lead-up to 2022 has been overshadowed by a string of diplomatic boycotts and heightened scrutiny of the communist regime’s human rights violations.

The United States and some major participants, including the UK, Canada, and Australia, announced they wouldn’t send any official delegation to the Games in protest against the regime’s human rights abuses against Uyghurs in the far-western Xinjiang region, and against other groups elsewhere.

More than one million Uyghur and other Muslim minorities have been detained in Xinjiang, where they have been subjected to forced sterilization, torture, and forced labor. Some Western democracies, including the United States, have recognized the regime’s actions against Uyghurs amount to a genocide.

“We’ve seen no question gross human rights abuses towards the Uyghurs, the Falun Gong, Tibetans, the people of Hong Kong,” said Chabot. “It just goes on and on.”


World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” Revealed

Technocracy News – It was no coincidence that 1992 was chosen as the year to start the Global Leaders of Tomorrow program. This was the same year that Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development was unleashed on the world. The new agenda for the world required a new kind of leader and Schwab’s program was pivotal. ⁃ TN Editor

Through its Young Global Leaders program, the World Economic Forum has been instrumental in shaping a world order that undermines all democratic principles. For several decades, this program has nurtured compliant leaders acting as WEF agents in governments around the world. The consequences are far-reaching and may turn out to be devastating for humanity.

I have to say then I mention names like Mrs Merkel, even Vladimir Putin and so on they all have been Young Global Leaders of The World Economic Forum. But what we are really proud of now with the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, President of Argentina and so on, is that we penetrate the cabinets… It is true in Argentina and it is true in France now… (Klaus Schwab)

In 1992, Klaus Schwab and World Economic Forum launched a program initially called Global Leaders of Tomorrow. In 2004, this program was turned into the Forum for Young Global Leaders (which I cover in my book The Global Coup D’Etat) –  a 5-year program of indoctrination into WEFs principles and goals. The aim was – and is – to find suitable future leaders for the emerging global society. The program has since its inception has included politicians, business leaders, royalty, journalists, performers and other cultural influencers who have excelled in their fields but have not yet turned 40 years of age (originally 43 in order to include Angela Merkel). It has since grown into an extensive global network of dedicated leaders with enormous resources and influence, all working to implement the technocratic plans of the World Economic Forum in their respective nations and fields.

The network creates a force for worldwide influence through the combination of the individual skills and resources of its members.

As Klaus Schwab says in the introductory quote, it has become very successful. Already in the first year, 1992, a number of highly influential candidates were elected. Among 200 selected were global profiles such as Angela Merkel, Tony Blair, Nicolas Sarkozy, Bill Gates, Bono, Richard Branson (Virgin), Jorma Ollila (She

The purpose from the beginning has been to “identify and advance a future-oriented global agenda, focusing on issues at the intersection of the public and private sectors.” Public–Private Partnerships is one of the cornerstones of the World Economic Forum philosophy. That is, a merger between state and large companies (also known as corporativism) with the aim of solving global problems of in a more “effective” way. The choice of leaders clearly reflects this aspiration.

The Young Global Leaders group was initially instructed to identify the major challenges of the 21st century. These included peace, the environment, education, technology and health – areas which these upcoming leaders could exploit politically, economically, and culturally in the new millennium.

Partners for Global Leaders of Tomorrow in 2000 were large global companies such as The Coca Cola Company, Ernst & Young, Volkswagen, and BP Amoco. These could contribute to the agenda by “playing an active role in developing and implementing the concept of the GLT project. The partners can therefore actively participate in the development of GLT programs; representatives of the partner companies as well as their guests are invited to GLT meetings .. ” Since the Global Leaders of Tomorrow was turned into Young Global Leaders 2004, partners such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Google, and JPMorganChase (with alumni from the program) have also participated as sponsors.

The ultimate consequence of both public–private partnerships and these target areas is the creation of a largely fascist social contract in which the individual has become subordinated to these powerful interests. Noble goals of creating a better world have also been kidnapped. This is especially evident in the context of the partnership between the WEF and the UN and the implementation of the global goals (Agenda 2030) through the application of the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

This means that the democratic principles and division of power of the 20th century have largely been completely undermined and instead replaced by a new global class that shapes our common future based on their own interests. This has led to a de facto privatisation of both  national governments and international organisations, where lobbyists are no longer kept in the lobby but have moved into the seat of power, shaping policies directly affecting our lives. What this means has become particularly evident since the pandemic was declared in March 2020. In addition, leading multinational investment management corporations such as BlackRock, led by the World Economic Forum’s own Larry Fink, have constantly moved their positions forward.

German economist and journalist Ernst Wolff believes that many of the national leaders included in the Young Global Leader program have been selected for their willingness to carry out the tough agenda of lockdowns in recent years without asking any questions, and that their impending failure (as evidenced by in a growing dissatisfaction of the masses) will be used as an excuse to create a new form of Global Government where the old nation states become largely obsolete. A new global digital currency with Universal Basic Income (UBI) can then be gradually introduced to replace our doomed monetary system.[3] This conclusion partly coincides with my own. It is also supported by Paul Raskin‘s scenarios from The Great Transition Initiative on how  a totalitarian “New Earth Order” is established, to be replaced in the long run by a global democratic government (Earth Federation) with a World Constitution.[4]

The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the catastrophic failure of an every-country-for-itself approach to public health, and national economic interests, rather than global needs, continue to dominate discussions of climate policy, paving the path toward climate chaos.

Under the tricameral World Parliament come the four main agencies of the Earth Federation government: the World Supreme Court system, the World Executive, the World Enforcement System, and the World Ombudsman.[5] – Glen T. Martin, The Great Transition Requires the Earth Constitution

The vision is that a peaceful and harmonious world in balance is created through the establishment of a World Federation with a World Parliament, World Government and a World Court. These are ideas that have long circulated in Club of Rome and closely connected New Age circles. The question is how such a new global system of power would escape the fate of being kidnapped by the same interests that created our current corrupt and failing system? This is in view of those who support projects such as The Great Transition (initiated with start-up capital from Steven Rockefeller). What is happening is rather a method of taking us to their ultimate solution in the form of a global technocratic control system.

However, it is highly unlikely that this plan will succeed. Awareness is spreading like wildfire and the panic of the elite increases as their narrative crumbles and people become more and more immune to the propaganda. Hence all the inquisitors and “fact checkers” who diligently gatekeep the narrative and help steer public opinion in the “right” direction. They are surely to be trusted since, for example, David Roy Thomson, Chairman of the Thomson Reuters Corporation, is an alumni of Global Leaders of Tomorrow, class of 1993.


NHS to offer fat jab amid obesity epidemic – reports

RT – The UK’s National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (Nice) is on the verge of approving a weekly jab in an effort to shrink the ever-growing waistlines of the nation, according to The Telegraph on Tuesday. 

Experts say that the jabs will be administered with the recommendation that recipients make wide-ranging changes to their diet, and develop a healthy relationship with exercise


Canada police threaten people bringing supplies to Freedom Convoy with arrest

WND – Ottawa police have warned supporters of the Freedom Convoy that anyone helping the truckers protesting vaccine mandates could be arrested.

The warning came in a Twitter post issued shortly before 2 p.m. Eastern time that declared: “IMPORTANT: Anyone attempting to bring material supports (gas, etc.) to the demonstrators could be subject to arrest. Enforcement is underway.”

Earlier Sunday, Ottawa police announced via Twitter that more than 450 tickets had been issued since Saturday morning as part of an effort to “reduce the impacts of demonstrators in the downtown core.”


Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy Coming to US

Activist Post – A convoy of 2,700 trucks entered Ottawa, Canada’s capital, on January 29 to protest the Covid-19 policies of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau including mandatory vaccination for truckers entering Canada through the US-Canada border. Dubbed the ‘Freedom convoy’, it has amassed support from all sections of the public. The protest is being organized by Canada Unity.

The convoy is 45-50 miles long with supporters lining highways and overpasses along the route. Since January 23, the group’s GoFundMe page raised over ten million dollars Canadian to cover the cost of the journey and to take care of truckers who have settled into Ottawa; the amount was subsequently confiscated by GoFundMe, drawing even more attention. The protests received an additional boost when farmers joined. According to Twitter users, hundreds of farmers have arrived in Ottawa in their tractors. It is a growing protest against the COVID “vaccine” mandates that is inspiring the world and is reportedly coming to the US in March.

“As per reports, the truckers have been camping near Parliament Hill and demanding reversal of all vaccine mandates in the country. A truck driver Harold Jonker told BBC, ‘We want to be free, we want to have our choice again, and we want hope – and the government has taken that away.’  He added, ‘The intent is to stay until all these mandates are dropped…all the truck drivers are used to camping in their trucks all week long. We are staying here until we can go back to work.’”




‘Breadcrumbs Lead to Speaker’s Office,’ Rep. Jim Banks Warns as GOP Slams Capitol Police Leadership Over Capitol Riot

The Daily Signal – Rep. Jim Banks heavily criticized House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for her failure to hand over key documents related to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, saying in a Monday interview that Republican lawmakers believe the severity of the riot was due to a “systemic breakdown and failure at the highest levels of the Capitol Police.” 

The Indiana Republican, who is on a panel of GOP lawmakers that is unofficially investigating the riot, spoke with The Daily Signal following an Axios report headlined “GOP’s shadow Jan. 6 committee targets Capitol Police ‘negligence.’”

Banks criticized the article and strongly disputed any implication that Republicans are focusing negative attention on Capitol Police officers themselves, noting that Republicans believe it is the leadership of the police force that was at fault. 

“We’re not attacking the Capitol Police, but we do believe strongly that there was negligence and a breakdown of leadership at the highest levels of the Capitol Police,” Banks told The Daily Signal. 

Banks characterized the investigation by House Democrats’ Jan. 6 select committee as a “political witch hunt.” Banks said that both he and Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, were “denied the opportunity to serve on the committee” because they questioned why Pelosi refused to turn over documents related to decisions made on the day of the riot. 

“The breadcrumbs lead to the speaker’s office,” he told The Daily Signal, adding: 

She’s covering something up, and the American people deserve to know what those documents say, but so far she’s refused to hand them over. The buck stops with her, and the question that deserves to be answered is why the National Guard wasn’t called to help protect the Capitol. Somebody made that decision. 

And I suspect that those documents in some way, shape, or form implicate the speaker of the house. She doesn’t want to release them because at the end of the day, no matter what those documents say, I imagine they deviate from the political witch-hunt narrative that Nancy Pelosi and [Rep.] Liz Cheney [R-Wyo.] have painted about Jan.  6.

Members of the Democrat-led Jan. 6 committee continue to ignore vital questions related to Capitol security, Banks said, noting that Republicans have interviewed dozens of Capitol Police officers and others on this topic.

“We’ve learned a lot and we’re nearing the end of our interview process,” the Indiana congressman said, promising that Republicans will publish a report containing key findings of their interviews and make recommendations for House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California, whom Republicans hope will be the next speaker of the House. 

“We’ve found that we’ve had broad support from the United States Capitol Police officers, the rank-and-file officers who know that they deserve more and better from their leadership and who know that leading up to Jan. 6 and on Jan. 6, there were systemic breakdowns and failure at the highest levels of the Capitol Police that led to what happened,” Banks said, adding:

And if we’re serious about preventing something like Jan. 6 from ever happening again, we need to look at what happened there and make those changes so that we can prevent it. Unfortunately, the Pelosi-Liz Cheney effort has no interest in pursuing those angles. Instead, they’re just out to get their political opponents and weaponizing their power to go after those who they disagree with.

Banks, chairman of the Republican Study Committee,   emphasized that he and fellow Republicans support the Capitol Police and the rank-and-file officers. 




IRS Wants to Track, Share Crypto Trades With Law Enforcement.

Nextgov – A letter the tax bureau sent to a key senator says stronger penalties for failure to report cryptocurrency-based income gains might also help deter cyber criminals.

Sharing information with law enforcement about the beneficial ownership of companies trading cryptocurrencies and related entities is one of several ways the Internal Revenue Service could help combat cyber attackers that use decentralized ledger technology as a cloak for their escape, according to the bureau.

“The IRS generally may not share information it collects with [the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network] or other law enforcement agencies, like the FBI, currently receiving” reports regarding income in excess of $10,000, the bureau said in a recent letter to Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H. “If those agencies can’t receive digital asset transaction information, it will significantly degrade the utility of the information they do collect.”

The letter explains that despite Congress calling for relevant federal agencies to contribute to a database on who ultimately owns and profits from a company—in the Corporate Transparency Act that became law with the National Defense Authorization Act of 2021—the IRS is not permitted to do so due to confidentiality provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.

The beneficial ownership database, which FinCEN is working to implement, has been a bipartisan effort aimed at countering money laundering and various other purposes for which criminals use shell companies. The IRS is empowered to levy penalties on “illicit money-transmitting businesses engaged in the use of both crypto and fiat currencies,” the bureau said, adding “enhancements to these civil and criminal penalties for egregious behavior in the cryptocurrency space could also be applied to promote voluntary compliance.”

A spokesperson for the IRS told Nextgov, “our responsive letter does not ask for a change in legislation.” Indeed the IRS was not asking, but responding to, questions in a letter Hassan had addressed to Commissioner Charles Rettig, along with Attorney General Merrick Garland, Homeland Security Department Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Gary Gensler and FinCEN Acting Director Him Das. 

Hassan’s office said only the IRS has so far replied to her letter, which highlighted cybercriminals’ use of cryptocurrency infrastructure after a town in her state lost $2.3 million. The perpetrators of that incident had fooled officials into turning the dollars over through a business email compromise, which is essentially a high-level phishing attack. The criminals then converted the fiat money into an untraceable cryptocurrency. Hassan’s letter notes that not all cryptocurrency exchanges are the same, but that those using decentralized systems are especially guilty of facilitating cyber crime by not requiring identifying information from their customers.  




Technocracy’s ‘Science Of Social Engineering’: MindSpace, Trance Warfare And Neuro Linguistic Programming

Technocracy News – In 1938, The Technocrat magazine defined Technocracy as “the science of social engineering” that would enable its new economic system. They were so certain that all of their conclusions were correct that they believed no political structure would be required to discuss things. This hideous ideology has been building for decades and is in full swing in 2022. ⁃ TN Editor

“Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen.”

Bertrand Russell – The Impact of Science on Society (1951)

This article is for anyone who has found themselves frustrated as they tried to speak with family members, friends, co-workers, or complete strangers about the official covid-19 narrative and pandemic response, only to find any kind of rational discussion nearly impossible. This article is for those who have raised concerns over the totalitarian power grab by governments, only to find a significant portion of people “spellbound,” with their stories and identities “reframed” to fit the narrative.

From collective sacrifices for the common good being ritualized in the form of “Zoom calls” among atomized individuals and families kept apart by “lockdowns” to the artfully vague and constantly shifting messaging around “stopping the spread” of a virus with a 99% survival rate, this article will demonstrate the attempts to “reframe” humanity using a new form of mass hypnosis. It will demonstrate how common-sense thinking has come to be seen as morbidly eccentric due to the fact that a significant portion of the population has been reprogrammed using a series of trance-inducing public messaging “incantations.” Above all, this article will seek to demonstrate how the spells cast over the last two years may be finally broken and the incantations reversed.

Despite the abundance of Hollywood “spy” thrillers and cartoonish depictions of Anglo-American intelligence agencies like MI6 and the CIA protecting citizens, saving the world, or reigning in one of their own “rogue” elements, the nature and extent of genuine intel agency PSYOPS (Psychological Operations) are rarely explored. While conspiracy theories abound, they may or may not be true. On the other hand, PSYOPS and what former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov called “ideological subversion” are very real, yet seldom discussed in any meaningful manner.

This is especially the case if we consider how the latest “behavioural insights” from the fields of social psychology and behavioural science have been used across the Western world over the last two years. Under the auspices of battling a virus with a 99% survival rate, the population has been bombarded with an aggressive combination of “Neuro Linguistic Programming,” “Nudging,” and public messaging “incantations.” As we will continue to demonstrate, all of these techniques — in one way or another — have been designed to target what social engineers call “automatic motivations” i.e. our unconscious (or preconscious) minds.

As we discussed in the previous article, many have observed how a significant portion of the population appears to be under a “spell.” These spells have turned attempts at honest and rational discussion among friends, family, and co-workers into futile exercises. None of this is by chance. Public messaging and senior government officials have been using the latest insights into “Neuro Linguistic Programming” (NLP) — first laid out in a book called The Structure of Magic by John Grinder and Richard Bandler — along with “Nudge Theory” to actively change people’s thoughts and behaviour without their conscious knowledge or consent. As we will show, this new age of trance warfare and mass hypnosis has been spearheaded across the Five Eyes, starting in 2010 with the establishment of the Behavioural Insights Team by top echelons of the UK political elite.




Omicron discovered in wild animals for first time:  Deer in US have caught highly transmissible Covid variant

RT  -White-tailed deer on New York’s Staten Island have become the first known wild animals infected with the Omicron Covid variant, which has already caused a huge wave of infections in humans throughout the world.

The news was revealed in a new study conducted by scientists from Pennsylvania State University, the University of Chicago, White Buffalo NGO, City of New York Parks & Recreation, and a number of other institutions. A preprint of the document was published on Monday on the bioRxiv portal.

The scientists analyzed blood samples from 131 deer, collected between mid-December and the end of January, to discover that around 15% of the animals had Covid antibodies. Seven out of 68 PCR-tested deer turned out to be infected at the time of testing, with whole-genome sequencing identifying the Omicron variant.


Pentagon flubs response to recorded spike in injuries possibly tied to vaccines

WND – The Pentagon’s explanation for Defense Department data showing an alarming spike in possible vaccine-related illness and injury diagnoses among military personnel in 2021 only raises more questions and concern.

That’s the conclusion of investigative reporter Daniel Horowitz, who has been following the shocking disclosure by a whistleblower of data showing a massive increase in neurological, cardiovascular, oncological and reproductive health issues last year when the vaccines were introduced, compared to the previous five years.

The data showed a 988% increase in reported diseases and injuries, from 1.98 million in 2020, to 21.5 million in 2021.

A Pentagon spokesman told Poltifact the dramatic difference can be attributed to a “glitch” in the database, or “data corruption,” insisting 2021 was not an anomaly.

However, as Horowitz pointed out in a column for the Blaze, the Pentagon doesn’t explain why the “true numbers” weren’t in the system for five years, what the numbers in the system represented, and why the 2021 numbers were accurate.


‘Vaccine Mania’: Fauci, Big Pharma Detail Plans for ‘Indefinite’ Rollout of Shots

Mercola – At a virtual meeting held the first day of the World Economic Forum’s Davos Agenda 2022, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel and colleagues, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, detailed their plans for “vaccine mania” to persist indefinitely.

Many experts have sounded the alarm that the COVID-19 pandemic was all about the shot and a larger agenda to impose totalitarian control worldwide. Already, one shot has turned into two doses and a third booster.

A fourth booster is also being discussed, including by Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel, who said that the efficacy of the third shot is likely to decline over several months, necessitating another shot soon thereafter.

“I will be surprised when we get that data in the coming weeks that it’s holding nicely over time — I would expect that it’s not going to hold great,” Bancel said in an interview with Goldman Sachs.

Conveniently, Moderna is working on an Omicron-specific jab that they hope to release as early as March 2022 — and this is only the beginning.

Writing on Substack, contributor Eugyppius explained:

“Moderna, just one of multiple pharmaceuticals eager to exploit our new vaccine mania, are expanding their manufacturing capacity to produce as many as 6 billion mRNA vaccine doses per year.”

The information came straight from the horse’s mouth, at a virtual meeting held the first day of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Davos Agenda 2022, at a session titled “COVID-19: What’s Next?

Along with Bancel, the meeting was attended by Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Richard Hatchett, CEO of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, and professor Annelies Wilder-Smith from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, who together detailed their plans for “vaccine mania” to persist indefinitely.


Pfizer Seeks COVID Shot Authorization for Children Under 5

Mercola – I’m sure you’re aware of the massive catastrophe we have with children under 5 dropping ill like flies from COVID, as this is the justification Pfizer is using to get an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) so they can jab these defenseless and innocent children. No? Me, neither.

Despite conclusive evidence that young children have virtually no risk of severe complications or death from COVID-19, Pfizer is hustling to get our infants and toddlers injected with their experimental gene transfer technology.

February 1, 2022, Pfizer/BioNTech asked the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to grant emergency use authorization (EUA) for their COVID shot to babies and children aged 6 months through 4 years.

In mid-December 2021, Pfizer admitted that two injections, at one-tenth the adult dose, failed to produce an adequate immune response in 2- to 4-year-olds. They’re now experimenting to see if three doses will produce adequate results in that age group. In the meantime, the EUA will be for a two-dose regimen, with the possibility of extending it to a third dose.

As reported by The New York Times,4 were Pfizer to wait until the triple-dose experiment is completed, the EUA request would not be possible until late March 2022, and federal officials are reportedly “anxious to begin a vaccination program for the youngest children because the studies showed there were no safety concerns with two doses.”

In other words, they apparently don’t care whether the shots are effective or not. They claim the shots are “safe,” so it’s OK to inject young children even though they might not gain any benefit. Does that make any sense?





No One Can Tolerate Permanent Fever, High Antibodies

Mercola – Endless COVID-19 booster shots are being presented as the solution to the pandemic, as repeated injections increase the level of antibodies in your body.1 In December 2021, for instance, Moderna reported that their COVID-19 booster shot increased the level of antibodies by 37-fold, and when a full dose was given — the same amount used for the initial shots — antibody levels rose 83-fold.2

Pfizer and BioNTech have also announced that their booster shots increase antibody levels, but to what end? Artificially inflated antibodies signal to your body that you’re always infected, and the resulting immune response could prove to be detrimental to your health.

Such a condition can only lead to a “death zone,” accelerating the development of autoimmune conditions such as Parkinson’s, Kawasaki disease and multiple sclerosis, according to tech leader and COVID analyst Marc Girardot, who urges a retreat from the vaccination “death zone” before it’s too late.


Artificially inflated antibodies caused by repeated booster shots signal to your body that you’re always infected, and the resulting immune response could prove to be detrimental to your health

Repeated booster shots may lead to a “death zone,” accelerating the development of autoimmune conditions such as Parkinson’s, Kawasaki disease and multiple sclerosis

Molecular mimicry may be to blame for autoimmune conditions caused by COVID-19 shots; there are often significant similarities between elements in the vaccine and human proteins, which can lead to immune cross-reactivity

Case reports suggest that COVID-19 shots may trigger vaccine-induced immune-mediated and autoimmune hepatitis, and concern is growing that repeated booster shots will only worsen outcomes


Self-Isolation Doesn’t Stop SARS-CoV-2 From Spreading: Study

Epoch Times – Researchers have detected tiny airborne particles containing RNA from SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, both inside and outside of rooms in which infected people were self-isolating at home.

This finding suggests that airborne transmission beyond the isolation rooms in homes may pose a risk of infection to other home occupants.

The study, in Annals of the American Thoracic Society, is the first report of household air contamination with SARS-CoV2 RNA under typical daily living conditions when a household member is infected. Airborne transmission in crowded living conditions may be one reason for higher rates of COVID-19 infection among people with lower incomes.

“Risk of infection from larger respiratory droplets that rapidly settle onto surfaces, typically within two meters of the source, can be reduced by hand-washing, social distancing, and face masks, but the tiny respiratory particles that stay suspended in air for hours, require air filtration, ventilation, or better masks for prevention,” said lead author Howard Kipen, a professor at Rutgers School of Public Health and director of Clinical Research and Occupational Medicine at the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute.

The researchers collected air samples from 11 homes in rooms where a newly infected person was self-isolating, as well as in an adjacent common room to test for the presence of three SARS-CoV-2-specific genes in airborne particles.

They found positive air samples for at least one of three virus genes in six of the 11 isolation rooms and in six of the nine common rooms. Seven of these nine homes reported no other cases in the home.

To better understand how the virus spreads in the home, researchers asked participants to record their time in the isolation room and the common room.

“We discovered that many did not strictly adhere to self-isolation, with eight of the 11 infected study participants reporting spending from a few hours to 14 hours in the common room and five of 11 participants reporting spending time in other areas of the home,” Kipen said.

Additionally, in four of the homes, other residents were also positive or had symptoms.




Spotify Has No Plans to ‘Silence’ or Drop Joe Rogan After Edited Video Compilation Shows Him Saying N-Word

Epoch TImes – Spotify has said it has no plans to “silence” its top-rated podcaster Joe Rogan or remove him from its platform after a heavily edited video compilation surfaced over the weekend that showed him saying the “N-word” several times.

“There are no words I can say to adequately convey how deeply sorry I am for the way ‘The Joe Rogan Experience’ controversy continues to impact each of you,” Spotify Technology SA Chief Executive Daniel Ek said in a letter to employees on Sunday which was shared with The Wall Street Journal by a company spokesman.

“Not only are some of Joe Rogan’s comments incredibly hurtful, I want to make clear that they do not represent the values of this company. I know this situation leaves many of you feeling drained, frustrated and unheard.”

However, Ek reportedly said he has no plans to remove the podcaster from the streaming platform and also committed to spending $100 million on music and audio content from “historically marginalized groups.”

He also said that Rogan had voluntarily removed some of his episodes from the platform following discussions with the company.

Spotify has pulled down more than 113 episodes of “The Joe Rogan Experience” from its services as of Feb. 7, according to the web tool JREMissing.com, which tracks missing episodes.

“While I strongly condemn what Joe has said and I agree with his decision to remove past episodes from our platform, I realize some will want more. And I want to make one point very clear—I do not believe that silencing Joe is the answer,” Ek said.




FDA Raising Our Blood Pressure

Alliance for Natural Health – The FDA accepted a health claim for magnesium, but somehow still manages to censor information on this critical nutrient. Action Alert!

Earlier this month, the FDA announced it will allow a health claim regarding magnesium and hypertension. The agency admits there is scientific support that magnesium helps with high blood pressure…but the evidence is “inconsistent and inconclusive.” Huh? Rather than using qualifiers to downplay the evidence for magnesium, shouldn’t the FDA, a public health agency, be more concerned about the fact that nearly half of American adults have high blood pressure? High blood pressure increases the risk for heart disease and stroke, which are the leading causes of death in this country. Shouldn’t the FDA be thrilled that there is a lot of credible evidence that a nutrient as safe, affordable and readily available as magnesium can help with lowering blood pressure and preventing coronary artery disease? Unfortunately, we have yet another example of the FDA being more concerned with protecting drug industry profits than with promoting public health through the use of safe, effective, and affordable natural medicines.

The FDA’s action was in response to a petition to allow what was already a measured health claim about magnesium: “Supportive but inconclusive scientific evidence suggests that diets with adequate magnesium may reduce the risk of high blood pressure (hypertension), a condition associated with many factors.” This, according to the FDA, went too far! Instead, the agency will allow companies to say that “inconsistent and inconclusive evidence” suggests that magnesium “may” reduce the risk of high blood pressure. In detailing its rejection of this claim, the FDA seems to contradict the findings of agencies less influenced by the drug industry.

To reach its determination, the FDA reviewed 88 publications. Fifteen studies were disregarded because the subjects had hypomagnesaemia, those with abnormally low concentrations of magnesium in their blood, which, the FDA claims, is not representative of the general population. Yet government surveys, as part of a joint effort from the Departments of Health and Agriculture, have found that 60 percent of Americans do not ingest enough magnesium to meet minimum daily requirements. So, most Americans are, indeed, deficient, yet the FDA seems unwilling to acknowledge this basic truth.

Why does this matter? Hypertension is one of the top risk factors for heart disease, the leading cause of death both worldwide and in the US. High blood pressure can be caused by several conditions, such as the inflexibility of blood vessels, hardening of arteries, and an overactive stress response; low magnesium impacts all of these factors. The scientific evidence on magnesium and heart health is extremely compelling:

  • A large study in 2020 concluded that low magnesium was a significant risk to the heart.
  • Other clinical trials have shown that lower magnesium in patients is associated with higher blood pressure.
  • A meta-analysis of large studies with more than 2,000 subjects found that supplementation with magnesium reduces blood pressure in hypertensive patients.
  • Studies have demonstrated an association between low magnesium and risk for heart attack and stroke.
  • Magnesium stimulates the production of calcitonin, a hormone that removes calcium from the soft tissues and blood, reducing the risk of heart attacks.

—> Power Mall Products of Interest:


Parkinson’s Disease: Men Who Consume More Berries And Red Wine May Live Longer

By Richard Hoffman, University of Hertfordshire

Fruit and vegetables contain many nutrients and minerals that play an important role in helping us maintain good health. Take flavonoids, for example. These are a group of naturally occurring compounds that are found in many foods – including citrus fruit, berries, red wine and even dark chocolate.

Flavonoids act as antioxidants, which help to prevent or slow damage to cells which may lead to diseases – such as cancer. They also reduce inflammation in the body, which is common in many chronic diseases – including neurodegenerative ones, such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease.

Research shows that flavonoids are good for our brain health, with studies showing diets high in fruit and veggies may slow cognitive decline and lower dementia risk. And now, a recent study has suggested that people with Parkinson’s disease who consume diets high in flavonoids may live longer than those who don’t.

To conduct their study, a team of researchers analysed data from 121,700 female registered nurses and 51,529 male health professionals. They chose to look at these two groups because many aspects of their lifestyles which might influence their disease risk would be similar – such as activity levels, education and years in work. Information on their diets has been gathered every two to four years, beginning in 1975 for the women and 1986 for the men. The data from these groups has been used in many other high quality nutrition studies.

At the time when this new study was conducted, 599 of the women and 652 of the men had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. From the foods these women and men reported consuming, it was possible to calculate their intake of flavonoids.

It was found that the men with Parkinson’s disease who ate the most flavonoids as part of their diet had a 47% lower risk of dying from any cause compared to men who consumed the least flavonoids in their diet. But for women, the amount of flavonoids they consumed in their diet had no effect on their risk of death from all causes. So the tentative conclusion from this study is that flavonoids may reduce the risk of men with Parkinson’s disease from dying, although not in women. It’s not currently known why the men saw greater benefit.




PaRx: In Canada, doctors are now prescribing nature as treatment

First Post – Some doctors in four provinces of Canada are now prescribing year-long national park passes to their patients under a program called PaRx as a way to improve physical and mental health.

Led by Dr Melissa Lem, a family physician, PaRx or Park Prescriptions recently partnered with Parks Canada to provide free admission to national parks, national historic sites, or national marine conservation areas.

It can be termed as forest therapy. It  has been around for sometime now and proponents argue it has healing effects on people with physical and mental health issues.

Let’s take a look at the PaRx program and how this form of forest therapy is helping people with their health issues:

What is Forest Therapy?

According to Harvard Health Publishing, forest therapy is inspired by the Japanese practice of ‘shinrin-yoku’, or forest bathing. It is a guided outdoor healing practice.

In forest therapy, trained guides lead people through nature at a deliberately slow pace and invite them to experience the pleasures of nature through all of their senses.

What Japanese call ‘shinrin-yoku’, Germans call ‘volksmarsch’, Norwegians call ‘koselig’, and South Koreans call ‘hit mung’.

The names are different but at its essence it’s about letting one go in a nature and be healed by it.

According to PaRx, spending time in nature decreases risk of heart diseases, high blood pressure and diabetes. Nature therapy improves the psychological wellbeing of cancer patients and activates tumour-killing cells.

What is PaRx?

Canada’s first national nature prescription program, PaRx, was launched by the BC Parks Foundation in 2020 in the country’s British Columbia province.

Over 1,000 doctors, nurses and other licensed health care professionals are authorised to prescribe nature to patients.

Each prescriber who registers with PaRx receives a nature prescription file customised with a unique provider code, and instructions for how to prescribe and log nature prescriptions.

Recently the program was launched in Canada’s Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Ontario.

According to PaRx, nature prescriptions were named one of the top eight global wellness trends in 2019, and are being implemented around the world.

“The UK and other countries are now investing in park prescription pilots to help address mental and physical health problems and the resulting strain on their health care systems and economies,” it said in a press statement.

Apart from improving patients’ health, park prescriptions can help in protection and restoration of nature.

“PaRx’s commitment to improving patient and planetary health was recently recognized by the World Health Organization in its COP26 Special Report on Climate Change and Health, where it was featured as a way to inspire protection and restoration of nature as the foundation of our health—one of only two case studies cited from North America,” it said.


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