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The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today's News: February 11, 2019

Top Headlines
Day of Mourning – 2/23/19: www.dayofmourning.org
The specific day for all of us to join in prayer and calling on God to turn back the tide of evil that has engulfed our country and the world is Saturday, February 23, 2019.
It is a call for mourning and repentance for the unborn.  Ask God what you can do to motivate as many people as you can to participate in this extremely needed endeavor.
Here Are The Top 50 Streamed Talk Show Hosts
Radio Ink – Thanks to Talk Stream Live for sharing their annual list. TSL sampled a record 28.8 million listeners during 2018 to produce its Power 50 Report. Rush Limbaugh topped the list, followed by Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and Laura Ingraham.
The TSL Power 50 Report tracks streaming talk shows through its website, channels, apps and gadgets.
The 50 Most Influential and Most Listened-To Streaming Talk Show Hosts.
Great work to everyone at The Power Hour and our listeners for making us one of the Talk Stream Live top 50 streamed shows another year in a row!
Infowars – A German Dr. named Stefan Lanka put out a reward for 100,000 Euros to anyone who could prove the measles virus existed.
After being challenged by someone who claimed to have proof of the virus’ existence, the German Federal Supreme Court confirmed that there was not enough evidence to prove its existence and Lanka did not have to pay.
Survey shows that three in ten parents think the flu shot is actually one big conspiracy, but doctors continue to recommend most people receive the vaccine
Study Finds – Millions of parents in America have reservations about their child getting the flu shot, but it has nothing to do with developing autism. A recent survey shows that more than a half of parents believe their child can get the flu from the vaccine itself, while a third simply believes it doesn’t work.
The 2017 flu season was one of the most severe on record in the United States, with 180 child deaths blamed on influenza. The consensus in the medical community is that flu shots are safe for use in adults and children, and that — hands down — it is the best way to prevent infection and combat the spread of the virus.
But this survey, conducted by medical researchers at Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children, shows that many parents still feel nervous about the vaccine despite its overwhelming support by doctors.
“With any medication or vaccine, people are going to have concerns,” says Dr. Jean Moorjani, a board-certified pediatrician at Orlando Health, in a statement. “Because information can come from so many places, from friends and family to the internet, it’s important to talk to a doctor you trust to get credible information that is based in science and facts.”
The flu vaccine works by exposing the body to a small part of the virus, which allows the body’s white blood cells and other infection responses to adapt to the trio of strains typically found in each shot. The parts of the virus in the vaccine are long-dead cells, so doctors say there’s no risk of contracting the virus from the vaccine itself. The body takes up to two weeks to develop the correct responses to the flu after receiving the vaccine, so if one contracts the disease immediately after getting vaccinated, they could still get sick, experts warn.
Of course, the belief that the vaccine causes autism has been a topic of debate for many years, with 28% of respondents in this latest survey believing that it does. Three in ten respondents believe the flu shot is actually a conspiracy. Still, doctors insist it’s simply not true.
World News
Have four or more babies in Hungary and you’ll pay no income tax for life, prime minister says
CNBC – Hungary’s prime minister has announced a raft of measures aimed at boosting the country’s declining birth rate and reducing immigration.
Giving his annual State of the Nation address Sunday, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced a seven-point “Family Protection Action Plan” designed to promote marriage and families.
Measures announced included waivers on personal income tax for women raising at least four children for the rest of their lives and subsidies for large families to buy larger cars. The ‘action plan’ also extended a loan program to help families with at least two children to buy homes. Every woman under 40 will also be eligible for a preferential loan when she first gets married.
The government has also said it will spend more on Hungary’s heathcare system and will create 21,000 creche places. In addition, grandparents will be eligible to receive a childcare fee if they look after young children instead of the parents, Orban said.
Acting Pentagon chief: no orders to withdraw from Afghanistan
Al Jazeera – Acting Pentagon chief Patrick Shanahan says there is no order to withdraw US forces from Afghanistan and the Afghan government should participate in peace talks with the Taliban, in remarks on a surprise trip to Afghanistan on Monday.
US-backed Syrian forces battle to capture last ISIL enclave
Al Jazeera – ISIL snipers, landmines slow US-backed militia’s advance on remaining holdouts in eastern Deir Az Zor province.
Report: CIA, Mossad, MI6 Smuggle Iranian Nuclear Scientist to UK on a Dinghy
Breitbart – An Iranian nuclear scientist was reportedly smuggled out of the Islamic Republic to the UK in a dinghy in a joint operation conducted by the CIA, Mossad and Britain’s MI6, the UK’s Sunday Expressreported.
Citing unnamed sources, the British paper said the nuclear technician has information on Iran’s nuclear program. He also helped plan the assassination of Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, a nuclear scientist who died in a car bombing in Tehran in 2012, the newspaper alleged.
The migrant crisis was used as a cover to get the Iranian to safety in the town of Lydd, the report said.
Maduro Declares Venezuela ‘Impregnable’ from U.S. Invasion in War Games Launch
Breitbart  – Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro launched large-scale military exercises over the weekend, boasting in over a dozen posts on his Twitter accounts of how his “highly trained” soldiers held “impeccable demonstrations,” proving the country is “impregnable” from any foreign threat.
“We advance in the consolidation of our new Military Doctrine, the ‘War of the All People,’ based on the ideals of our liberators and resumed, for the Integral Defense of the Nation, by our Commander [former dictator Hugo] Chávez,” he wrote. “Our men and women of the #FANB are highly trained and with maximum moral to defend, of any empire, our sacred ground.”
“Always Loyal, Traitors Never! That is the brave cry that is heard in each military unit of our beloved Homeland,” he added. “Long live our FANB!”
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Chicago Public Schools Monitored Social Media for Signs of Violence, Gang Membership
Activist Post – In January 2017, after a social media analyst for the Chicago Public Schools reviewed the Facebook profile of a Roosevelt High School student and began to suspect he might be in a gang, a police officer was summoned to the school to conduct an intervention. There wasn’t any imminent threat of violence, but the officer and a school district security official met with the student. They asked if he was in a gang.
“That is my business,” the student replied, according to a report from the intervention.
The officer, a member of the Chicago Police Department’s Gang School Safety Team, told the student he needed to be more respectful. The student said he was not in a gang but did hang around gang members.
The officer asked for their names, but the student wouldn’t give them. The officer asked if the student was considering joining a gang. He said he wasn’t sure.
Meet the 2020 candidate giving away money, in ‘universal basic income’ pitch
Fox – Several Democratic presidential candidates are pitching government-backed health care, child care and education in their 2020 platforms.
Andrew Yang is going a step further — pushing a plan for “universal basic income.” And to demonstrate what he’s talking about, the entrepreneur from New York City and uber-longshot for the Democratic presidential nomination is personally giving away money to families in Iowa and New Hampshire, the states that vote first and second in the presidential caucus and primary calendar.
It would help people improve their health, nutrition, pay off some debts and bills that have been hanging over them, reduce their stress levels,” Yang told Fox News in an interview, describing what he’s dubbed a “freedom dividend.”
Trump Heads to El Paso amid Stalled Wall Negotiations, Texas Lawmakers Propose State Wall Funding
Breitbart – Two Texas statehouse members will soon introduce legislation funding President Donald Trump’s planned border wall along the U.S. border with Mexico — specifically the Texas border — Breitbart News has learned.
State Reps. Kyle Biedermann and Briscoe Cain intend to introduce legislation soon that would fund $2.5 billion of wall construction along the Texas border with Mexico, appropriating it from the economic stabilization fund for the state fiscal year ending August 31, 2019. The funds would be used, Biedermann tells Breitbart News, “to design, test, construct, and install physical barriers, roads, and technology along the international land border between the State of Texas and Mexico to prevent illegal crossings in all areas.”
Preference for the contracts and awarding of bids, Biedermann added, “for all phases of construction” would be given to Texans and Texas-owned entities.
Economy & Business
U.S. Steel Firing Up Furnace in Alabama, Thanks to Tariffs
Breitbart – United States Steel said Monday it will resume construction of a furnace in Alabama, adding 1.6 million tons of steelmaking capacity and hundreds of jobs.
Construction on U.S. Steel’s mill in Jefferson County, Alabama, was suspended in 2015 after China’s overproduction caused a global steel glut that sent prices plummeting. The tariffs the Trump administration imposed last year have reduced the flow of foreign steel in the U.S. and allowed domestic makers to expand again.
U.S. Steel Chief Executive Officer David Burritt said in a statement:
Thanks to the President’s strong trade actions and improved market conditions, support from the United Steelworkers and incentives from the State of Alabama and the Jefferson County Commission, we are excited to add EAF capabilities to our company’s footprint and provide sustainable tubular solutions for our customers.
EAF refers to “election arc furnaces,” which make steel from scrap metal instead of iron ore. They are considered more energy efficient than traditional blast furnaces and can be restarted once shut down. Older furnaces often had to be retired once they were shut down.
The Alabama plant will be the company’s second major expansion following the imposition of steel tariffs. The company restarted two blast furnaces at its mill near St. Louis last year.
U.S. Steel said the electric furnace and related casting equipment will cost about $215 million and will add about 150 workers to the existing 750-person workforce.
The market for tubular steel is closely tied to the U.S. energy market because the products are used at oil and natural gas wells. The tariffs have cut foreign supply while a recovery in energy prices has boosted demand.
China Rocked By Two Biggest Corporate Defaults Yet
ZeroHedge – Ever since Beijing allowed Chinese companies (even certain state-owned enterprises) to officially fail for the first time in 2016, and file for bankruptcy to restructure their unsustainable debt loads, it’s been a one-way street of corporate bankruptcies, one which we profiled last June in “Is It Time To Start Worrying About China’s Debt Default Avalanche“, and which culminated with a record number of Chinese onshore bond defaults in 2018, as a liquidity crunch sparked a record 119.6 billion yuan in defaults on local Chinese debt in 2018.
Energy & Environment
NASA Finds Possible Second Impact Crater Under Greenland Ice
NASA – This follows the finding, announced in November 2018, of a 19-mile-wide crater beneath Hiawatha Glacier – the first meteorite impact crater ever discovered under Earth’s ice sheets. Though the newly found impact sites in northwest Greenland are only 114 miles apart, at present they do not appear to have formed at the same time.
If the second crater, which has a width of over 22 miles, is ultimately confirmed as the result of a meteorite impact, it will be the 22nd largest impact crater found on Earth.
“We’ve surveyed the Earth in many different ways, from land, air and space – it’s exciting that discoveries like these are still possible,” said Joe MacGregor, a glaciologist with NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, who participated in both findings.
Before the discovery of the Hiawatha impact crater, scientists generally assumed that most evidence of past impacts in Greenland and Antarctica would have been wiped away by unrelenting erosion by the overlying ice. Following the finding of that first crater, MacGregor checked topographic maps of the rock beneath Greenland’s ice for signs of other craters. Using imagery of the ice surface from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer instruments aboard NASA’s Terra and Aqua satellites, he soon noticed a circular pattern some 114 miles to the southeast of Hiawatha Glacier. The same circular pattern also showed up in ArcticDEM, a high-resolution digital elevation model of the entire Arctic derived from commercial satellite imagery.
“I began asking myself ‘Is this another impact crater? Do the underlying data support that idea?’,” MacGregor said. “Helping identify one large impact crater beneath the ice was already very exciting, but now it looked like there could be two of them.”
MacGregor reported the discovery of this second possible crater in Geophysical Research Letters on Feb.11.
Turmeric for Dogs: Top 5 Turmeric Benefits for Dogs
Dr. Axe – Have you ever thought about what you can do naturally to boost your dog’s health? Something you may want to strongly consider is turmeric for dogs. Is turmeric good for dogs? Generally speaking, it can be very good for dogs. Turmeric benefits are extremely impressive for humans so it’s not really that surprising that this golden-colored root could also be quite magical for pets as well.
In general, the active component of turmeric known as curcumin displays powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and chemopreventive abilities. If you’re wondering, can I give my dog turmeric for pain? Yes, pain is actually one of the top reasons why pet owners supplement with turmeric. It’s not hard at all to incorporate it into your dog’s diet. You can mix a turmeric paste for dogs into their food, give it to them in homemade turmeric dog treats, or buy pre-made treats or supplements.
Top 5 Turmeric Benefits for Dogs
What does turmeric cure? It can help naturally treat and improve a wide arrange of health concerns, especially ones related to inflammation. Turmeric benefits for dogs include:

  1. Turmeric for Dogs With Cancer
  2. Turmeric for Dogs Arthritis
  3. Turmeric for Dogs Cysts
  4. Turmeric for Dog Wounds
  5. Turmeric for Dogs UTI

Study: Sesame Seeds More Effective than Drugs in Treating Osteoarthritis
Health Impact News – A recent human clinical study demonstrated sesame seeds were as good or better than normal treatments using NSAID only (non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs) such as Tylenol or Ibuprofen in treating osteoarthritis.
The humans involved in the study all suffered from osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. This type of arthritis is the result of degenerated tissue in the joints that prevent bone against bone in any joint. Then where the joints join there is friction, damage, inflammation, limited movement, and pain.
This degenerative disease is more common among seniors. The usual treatments with NSAIDs, whether over the counter (OTC) or prescription, create side effects that can worsen overall health. So, it’s only natural that we should focus on natural herbal or food cures.
The conventional group was given a 500 mg dose of Tylenol twice daily along with 500 mg of glucosamine once daily. The sesame group was given both this treatment plus 40 grams of sesame powder daily.
After two months of treating the two test groups, 22 patients in the group treated with sesame and 23 patients in the control group had satisfactorily completed the study.
Comparing before and after pain levels of all the study’s subjects showed a more significant decrease in pain among the group that added sesame to their treatment compared to the group treated conventionally only.
The average pain rating from both groups initially was 9.5. After treatments, the conventional only group’s pain rating was 7.
However, the sesame-added group realized an average rating of 3.5 after treatments, a very significant difference.
The researchers also observed increased mobility among those treated with sesame seeds using KOOS (Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score) surveys, which included pain assessments, and TUG (Timed Up and Go) testing as well. (Source)
Study: Birth Control Impairs Women’s Recognition of Complex Emotions
Science Daily – Women who take the pill are nearly 10 percent worse at recognizing subtle expressions of complex emotions like pride or contempt, according to new research. Previous research suggests the relationship is causal, but the impact on women’s ability to form intimate relationships is unknown.
The pill could be blurring your social judgement — but perhaps not enough so you’d notice. By challenging women to identify complex emotional expressions like pride or contempt, rather than basic ones like happiness or fear, scientists have revealed subtle changes in emotion recognition associated with oral contraceptive pill (OCP) use. Published in Frontiers in Neuroscience, their study found that OCP users were nearly 10% worse on average than non-users in deciphering the most enigmatic emotional expressions, raising questions over the possible impact of OCPs on social interactions in intimate relationships.

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