June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: February 11, 2021

World News

BBC World News banned from broadcasting in China, as London-Beijing media war heats up

RT – BBC World News has been banned from the Chinese airwaves, Beijing’s state-controlled TV network announced. The tit-for-tat move comes after the UK media regulator, Ofcom, revoked the broadcast license of the Chinese CGTN network.

China’s National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA) announced the ban on Thursday, stating that the BBC’s reports “violated the requirements that news should be truthful and fair, harmed China’s national interests, and undermined China’s national unity.”

The “reports” in question likely refer to BBC Newsnight’s coverage of China’s Xinjiang province, where the government is detaining Uighur Muslims in what it calls a “deradicalization” program. Western governments and activists have accused Beijing of waging a campaign of genocide against the Uighurs.

While Beijing has already condemned the BBC for this coverage, its banning of World News also comes as a response to Ofcom’s revoking of CGTN’s UK broadcasting license last week.

UK virus variant ‘on course to sweep world’

BBC – The coronavirus variant first found in Kent could become the world’s dominant strain, the head of the UK’s genetic surveillance programme has predicted.

Prof Sharon Peacock told the BBC’s Newscast podcast the new variant has “swept the country” and “it’s going to sweep the world, in all probability”.

She said her team’s work sequencing variants of the virus could be required for at least 10 years.

The Kent variant has already been detected in more than 50 countries.

It was first detected in September 2020 in south-east England and its rapid spread over the following months was cited as the reason for the introduction of new lockdown rules across the UK in January.

Prof Peacock, director of the Covid-19 Genomics UK consortium, said: “What’s really affected us at the moment is transmissibility.”

She added: “Once we get on top of [the virus] or it mutates itself out of being virulent – causing disease – then we can stop worrying about it. But I think, looking in the future, we’re going to be doing this for years. We’re still going to be doing this 10 years down the line, in my view.”

Japan to discard millions of Pfizer vaccine doses because it has wrong syringes – The Guardian

Guardian – Millions of people in Japan will not receive Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine as planned due to a shortage of specialist syringes – an oversight that could frustrate the country’s inoculation programme.

Standard syringes in use in Japan are unable to extract the sixth and final dose from each vial manufactured by the US drugmaker, according to the health minister, Norihisa Tamura.

Japan has secured 144m shots of the Pfizer vaccine – enough for 72 million people – on the assumption that each vial contained six doses.

Each recipient requires two jabs, three weeks apart, to increase the level of protection, according to Pfizer.

But a shortage of low “dead space” syringes – which have narrow plungers that can push out any leftover vaccine – means vaccinators in Japan will have to use mainly standard syringes that are capable of extracting only five doses per vial, or enough for 60 million people.

“The syringes used in Japan can only draw five doses,” Tamura said, according to the Kyodo news agency. “We will use all the syringes we have that can draw six doses, but it will, of course, not be enough as more shots are administered.”

The government is requesting medical equipment manufacturers to increase production of the specialist syringes.

Germany Training Dogs to Sniff out People with COVID

Armstrong Economics – Germany is training dogs to sniff out people who have COVID. It seems that Merkel keeps dreaming up more means to restrict the citizens by using the Stasi tactics of East Germany where she grew up. A friend grew up behind the wall. When it fell, his father obtained the Stasi file on him, just as the BigTech and governments now build files on everyone. In that file, his father read that all his friends were reporting him to the Stasi. He no longer retains any friends, for his trust in humanity was destroyed. When his father returned home, he began punching holes in the walls. My friend thought his father was nuts. But then he was pulling out microphones where the government was always listening to whatever he said, even at home.

Let’s get honest here. The only other intelligence agency to collect evidence on everyone was the notorious Stasi of East Germany. When the wall came down, the extent of the secret police operations targeted against their own people was mind-blowing. What surfaced was their “smelling jars” collection. Yes, the Stasi used odor recognition to keep tabs on anyone they suspected. The Stasi often collected the samples covertly by breaking into homes to stealing a suspects’ used underwear. They then kept them in jars in case they turned up missing to hunt them down.

I find this very disturbing when COVID has a kill ratio of only 0.028% and governments are using this to wipe out all freedom and human rights which include the freedom of speech.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

Biden Administration Thinking About Imposing Domestic Travel Restrictions on This US State

Western Journal – The Biden administration reportedly is considering imposing domestic travel restrictions on the state of Florida, citing fears of a contagious COVID-19 variant from the United Kingdom.

The Miami Herald broke the news Wednesday after speaking to a person identified as a White House source. That person said fears of a rash of cases of the U.K. coronavirus variant called B117 in Florida has the administration concerned.

According to that individual, President Joe Biden might take aim at the Sunshine State in the interest of public health, even as he essentially opened up the country’s border with Mexico to potentially infected immigrants, guns, drugs and human trafficking victims.

Judge Defies Gov. Whitmer, Throws Out Charges Against Hairstylists Who Violated Lockdown

Western Journal – A Michigan judge has dismissed charges against six hair stylists who cut hair in front of the state Capitol in May to protest what they called “unconstitutional” business shutdowns imposed by Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

Ironically, District Court Judge Kristen Simmons was appointed by Whitmer herself.

On Monday, Simmons dismissed the charges after the Michigan attorney general’s office failed to appear in court or respond to the hairstylists’ motion to dismiss, The Detroit News reported.

The hairstylists had been charged with disorderly conduct for participating in “Operation Haircut,” a protest in May to support barber Karl Manke, who was targeted by Whitmer’s administration for defying her draconian shutdowns.

Manke said he’s grateful for his colleagues’ support and applauded their bravery.

“A lot of these beauticians came out and they had the tenacity to stand up, and I salute them for that,” Manke told “Fox & Friends” co-host Steve Doocy on Wednesday.

DOJ says Oath Keepers leader waited for Trump’s direction before Capitol attack…

CNN – The Justice Department is now making clear that a leader among the Oath Keepers paramilitary group — who planned and led others in the US Capitol siege to attempt to stop the Biden presidency — believed she was responding to the call from then-President Donald Trump himself.

“As the inauguration grew nearer, [Jessica] Watkins indicated that she was awaiting direction from President Trump,” prosecutors wrote in a filing Thursday morning.

This is the most direct language yet from federal prosecutors linking Trump’s requests for support in Washington, DC, to the most militant aspects of the insurrection.

U.S. to Reopen $300 Million Facility as Overflow Shelter for Influx of Illegal Immigrant Youths

Judicial Watch – An increase in illegal immigrant minors crossing into the United States from Mexico is evidently forcing the government to reopen a costly and short-lived residential shelter as an overflow facility. With a capacity of about 1,300, the camp is situated in the remote southwest Texas town of Carrizo Springs just 45 miles from the Mexican border. It operated for only one month in 2019 before the population fell to just 100 and the Trump administration shut it down after enduring heavy criticism from the left for opening it in the first place. At its peak, the shelter only held about 200, which means it was a huge waste of taxpayer dollars as is the case with many government projects.

The feds dedicated $300 million to open the residential shelter in the summer of 2019, according to an announcement posted in the Federal Register. The money flowed via the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), a well-funded branch of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) charged with providing care to illegal aliens under the age of 18, classified as Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC). “ORR has been identifying additional capacity to provide shelter for potential increases in apprehensions of Unaccompanied Alien Children at the U.S. Southern Border,” according to the July 1, 2019 Federal Register note. “Planning for increased shelter capacity is a prudent step to ensure that ORR is able to meet its responsibility, by law, to provide shelter for Unaccompanied Alien Children referred to its care by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).”

A San Antonio-based nonprofit called BCFS Health and Human Services, was contracted by the government to operate the Carrizo Springs facility, classified as an “emergency shelter” with classrooms, soccer fields and a gazebo. Less than a month later, HHS revealed that the last group of UAC were to be discharged and the Texas camp would be closed. “HHS will retain access to the Carrizo Springs site for temporary influx as HHS considers options regarding its future use,” the agency wrote in a July 30 2019 announcement. “HHS is mindful of the vulnerability of these children and is committed to providing for the safety and wellbeing of children in our care.”

ACLU abandons defending free speech, switches to promoting “racial justice”

NaturalNews – The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has completely changed course from an organization that defends free speech to one that tramples all over the First Amendment when doing so has the potential to challenge “systemic racial inequality.”

In an announcement, the ACLU called the Biden regime to task concerning its pre-Nov. 3 commitment to advancing anti-white causes. Now that China Joe and Cackling Kamala are “in charge,” the ACLU wants them to put their money where their mouth is.

“President [sic] Biden and Vice President [sic] Kamala Harris made a lot of promises and commitments around racial justice, challenging systemic racial inequality,” the 101-year-old organization declared.

“And now it’s time for the ACLU to be a part of the effort to hold them accountable for those promises.”

As part of a campaign called “Systemic Equality,” the ACLU is pushing the Biden regime to help “dismantle a system deeply rooted in racist policies, practices, and attitudes that harm Black and Indigenous people of color.”

The campaign will continually urge Beijing Biden and the Democrat-controlled Congress to advance various initiatives that help give “people of color” (PoC) the upper hand in American society.

A few examples include protections for voting rights (which already exist in the Constitution), student loan debt forgiveness, and laws provisioning reparations for people with dark skin tones.

“The organization will also promote fair housing, expanded high-speed internet access and banking services at the post office,” writes Justine Coleman for The Hill.

Biden Rescinds Emergency Order Used to Build Trump’s Border Wall

Newsmax – President Joe Biden has terminated the emergency order used by former President Donald Trump to justify construction of the wall on the U.S. border with Mexico.

“I have determined that the declaration of a national emergency at our southern border was unwarranted,” Biden said in a letter sent Thursday to the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Vice President Kamala Harris in her role as president of the Senate

“I have also announced that it shall be the policy of my Administration that no more American taxpayer dollars be diverted to construct a border wall, and that I am directing a careful review of all resources appropriated or redirected to that end.”

Axios reported Trump had used the emergency order to divert billions of dollars in funds to build a wall on the southern border. It said the order was used after it became clear Congress was opposed to using additional funding for construction.

CDC to Issue New School Reopening Guidelines Friday

Newsmax – The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention plans to issue new guidelines for schools reopening on Friday, White House coronavirus adviser Andy Slavitt said.

Schools reopening safely is a top priority, he said in an interview with MSNBC on Thursday. “Tomorrow, the CDC is going to roll out their operating plan to give school districts, local communities, the guidance they need to know to begin to do that and to begin to do that aggressively,” Slavitt said.

Economy & Business

Desperate Americans Who Can’t Afford Housing Are Becoming “Modern-Day Nomads” … But Not By Choice

Activist Post – A recent story floating around mainstream media regarding “modern-day nomads” reads like a contemporary article on Henry David Thoreau. It shares stories of people looking to downsize their life and live simply and stories of people who have fallen on hard times, unable to afford rent. 

However, what is lacking is the exposure of the dark underbelly of the “modern-day nomad” culture. In other words, they neglect to mention the fact that the enormous growth of the “modern-day nomad” is rooted in the fact that the world economy has all but collapsed, now mired in a global economic depression of unemployment, low wages, and personal financial catastrophes.

America’s Oldest Bank Adopts Cryptocurrencies, Will Treat Bitcoin “As Any Other Asset”

ZeroHedge  – The oldest bank in America will now be storing Bitcoin on behalf of its asset-management clients, according to the Wall Street Journal.

“Digital assets are becoming part of the mainstream,” said Roman Regelman, chief executive of BNY Mellon’s asset-servicing and digital businesses.

BNY Mellon’s announcement marks the first time one of the big custody banks has unveiled a road map for treating digital currencies as any other asset.

Decrypt reports that the bank plans to enable cryptocurrencies to flow through the same systems that it uses for its traditional currencies and stocks.

It has created a prototype for doing this and is engaging with clients to see if they want to use it.

BNY Mellon intends to begin offering these capabilities later this year.

The reaction helped extend a rebound from overnight lows (crypto was oddly weaker after MasterCard and Amazon both announced pro-crypto news), back above $46,000…

BNY Mellon’s move is ironically timed as it follows Tim Lane, the deputy governor of The Bank of Canada, proclamation that costly verification methods and unstable purchasing power makes cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin a “flawed” method of payment.

In a speech on “payments innovation,” Lane desperately attempted to pour cold water on the decentralized system of payments would entirely disrupt his industry, exclaiming further that, “the recent spike in their prices looks less like a trend and more like a speculative mania – an atmosphere in which one high-profile tweet is enough to trigger a sudden jump in price.”

He doth protest too much we think.

‘One Coin to Rule Them All’: Elon Musk’s Tweet Appears to Back Bitcoin

Sputnik – he popular cryptocurrency has been reporting record-breaking surges for the past two days since Tesla announced it had purchased $1.5 billion worth of Bitcoin.

Elon Musk appears to have thrown his weight behind Bitcoin, venerating the virtual currency as the “One Coin to Rule Them All” in his latest tweet.

In an apparent reference to the “Lord of the Rings” saga, the entrepreneur posted a short poem, attaching a picture of Bitcoin styled as a ring of power – a key artefact in Tolkien’s trilogy.

Bitcoin experienced a series of jumps after Musk’s company Tesla purchased $1.5 billion in the cryptocurrency and announced it as an acceptable form of payment.​

The South African-born billionaire himself has been promoting the cryptocurrency which appears to have boosted its value.

In late January, its price surged by 16 percent in just an hour after he mentioned Bitcoin in his tweet.

A more obscure, memetic cryptocurrency, Dogecoin, previously gained over 800 percent after a Musk tweet in support of the cryptocurrency.

Energy & Environment

Stray dogs are turned bright BLUE ‘by pollution from chemical waste’ near Russian factory 

Daily Mail – A pack of stray dogs that are believed to have been turned blue by pollution have been spotted near a disused factory in Russia.

The animals’ strange colouring is thought to have been caused by chemical waste near an abandoned Soviet-era plant in Dzerzhinsk.

Local authorities are heading to the area today to take the animals for a check-up after the pictures surfaced.  

The disturbing pictures of the dogs were taken by local residents near the Dzerzhinskoye Orgsteklo plant, a disused factory which closed due to financial problems six years ago.

It was once a large chemical production facility making hydrocyanic acid and plexiglass.

The plant’s bankruptcy manager, Andrey Mislivets, denied the authenticity of the images, claiming they were a prank.

He said that the stray animals could have found some copper sulphate, a type of chemicals that can cause inflammation, while wandering around the abandoned buildings in the area. 

‘Possibly they found the remains of some old chemicals and rolled in it, and possibly it was copper sulphate,’ the commissioner said. 

Science & Technology

Project Veritas says Twitter locked its & founder O’Keefe’s accounts over Facebook ‘freezing comments’ video

RT – Twitter has reportedly locked conservative watchdog group Project Veritas and its founder, James O’Keefe, out of their accounts after they released a video confronting a Facebook official on his platform’s hate speech policies.

In screenshots posted by Project Veritas to Telegram on Thursday, the group showed that its account and that of founder James O’Keefe had been locked down. According to the screenshots, Twitter claimed that Veritas and O’Keefe had posted a video that violated its rules on sharing “other people’s private information.”

The video in question was published to YouTube on Wednesday and is still available there. In it, Project Veritas journalist Christian Hartsock confronts Facebook’s VP of Integrity, Guy Rosen, apparently outside Rosen’s house. 

Mandalorian star Gina Carano is fired from the series over Instagram post

Daily Mail – Actress and former MMA fighter Gina Carano has been fired from the cast of the Disney+ Star Wars series The Mandalorian, following online outrage over a social media post that likened the murder of Jews during the Holocaust to the current U.S. political climate.

A spokesperson for Lucasfilm said in a statement on Wednesday that Carano is not currently employed by the production company with ‘no plans for her to be in the future.’

‘Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable,’ the statement read.

Talent agency UTA has also dropped Carano as a client following the controversy, according to Variety

Carano fell under heavy criticism after she posted on Instagram Stories that ‘Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…. even by children.’

The post continued: ‘Because history is edited, most people today don´t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?’ 

Carano, who played the recurring character Cara Dune on the ‘Star Wars’ series, deleted the post but it was widely shared online and spurred the #FireGinaCarano hashtag to trend. 

HUGE ‘potentially hazardous’ asteroid to skim past Earth in March

Daily Mail – A mile-wide asteroid twice the size of the world’s tallest building will pass Earth in March and has been dubbed ‘potentially hazardous’ by NASA.

The asteroid, named 231937 (2001 FO32), is unlikely to hit the Earth as it will be 1.2 million miles from the planet – five times further away than the Moon. 

However, NASA dubs any space rock that comes within 93 million miles of us a ‘Near Earth Object’, which is three quarters of the 120 million-mile distance to Mars.

The mile-wide by half a mile-long space rock will make its closest approach to our planet at about 16:03 GMT on March 21. It has been branded ‘potentially hazardous’ as it ‘might’ hit the planet at some point in the future of the solar system.  

Asteroid 231937 is the largest space rock to ‘come close’ to the Earth this year and at 1.7km is more than twice the size of the tallest building on Earth – the Burj Khalifa. 

It should be possible to see the asteroid through an eight inch aperture telescope just after sunset on March 21 by looking slightly above the southern horizon. 

The asteroid was first detected in 2001 by an array of telescopes in New Mexico that are part of the Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) program.

The MIT project is funded by the US Air Force and NASA and it detected the space rock on March 23, 2001 and has been under observation ever since.

Using those observations astronomers calculated its orbit, found how close it would get to Earth and determined it would be going at 77,000mph.

SpaceReference.org wrote of the asteroid: ‘Based on its brightness and the way it reflects light, 2001 FO32 is probably between 0.767 to 1.714 kilometers in diameter, making it larger than ~97% of asteroids but small compared to large asteroids.’ 

Anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. banned from Instagram

The Hill – Instagram has removed the account of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. over his anti-vaccine advocacy and claims about COVID-19 amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. 

“We removed this account for repeatedly sharing debunked claims about the coronavirus or vaccines,” a spokesperson for Facebook, which owns the photo-sharing platform, confirmed in a statement to The Hill.

Kennedy has been a longtime anti-vaccine activist and is the founder of the nonprofit Children’s Health Defense, a prominent anti-vaccination group. He has regularly backed discredited connections between vaccines and autism in children.


At Least One Third Of U.S. Adults Are Skeptical About The COVID-19 Vaccine

SHFTPlan – A new poll has found that the vaccine propaganda is failing.  Even with all of the censorship and propaganda designed to brainwash the public into getting this vaccine, about one-third of Americans remain skeptical.

The poll from the Associated Press–NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that while 67% of Americans plan to get vaccinated or have already done so, 15% are certain they won’t and 17% say probably not. Many expressed doubts about the vaccine’s safety and effectiveness.

But we have nothing to fear, right? The mainstream media and the ruling class say this vaccine is our ticket to return to normalcy. Or is it?

Even if you get the vaccine, the ruling class demands that you don the ritualistic shame muzzle to show your compliance to the New World Order. No wonder people are losing trust in rulers.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government’s leading infectious-disease scientist, has repeatedly admitted to lying and moving the goalposts in order to push the vaccine agenda.

He has consistently lied to the American public about herd immunity and has admitted such. Media outlets claim that somewhere between 70% and 85% of the U.S. population needs to get inoculated to “stop the scourge” that has killed close to 470,000 Americans.

More recently, he said the spread of more contagious variants of the virus increases the need for more people to get their shots — and quickly, whether those shots will work or not. What’s important here, is the fear and belief in centralized commands and authority. Once the slaves start to see what’s really going on, Fauci will be one of the first they demonize.

Nearly 33 million Americans, or about 10% of the population, have received at least one dose of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, and 9.8 million have been fully vaccinated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Could Spike Protein in Moderna, Pfizer Vaccines Cause Blood Clots, Brain Inflammation and Heart Attacks?

Global Research – Dr. J. Patrick Whelan, a pediatric rheumatologist, warned the FDA in December that mRNA vaccines could cause microvascular injury to the brain, heart, liver and kidneys in ways not assessed in safety trials.

On Dec. 8, 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) received a public submission from J. Patrick Whelan, M.D., Ph.D. The submission was in response to the agency’s request for comments regarding vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 in advance of the Dec. 10  meeting when the committee would review the Pfizer/BioNTech (BNT162b2) SARS-CoV-2 vaccine for emergency use authorization (EUA).

Whelan’s training (at Harvard, Texas Children’s Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine) includes degrees in biochemistry, medicine and rheumatology. For 20 years, he worked as a pediatric rheumatologist. He currently specializes in treating children with multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C), which has been associated with coronavirus infections.

In his public submission, Whelan sought to alert the FDA about the potential for vaccines designed to create immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to instead cause injuries.

Specifically, Whelan was concerned that the new mRNA vaccine technology utilized by Pfizer and Moderna has “the potential to cause microvascular injury (inflammation and small blood clots called microthrombi) to the brain, heart, liver and kidneys in ways that were not assessed in the safety trials.”

While Whelan did not dispute the vaccines’ potential to quickly arrest the spread of the virus (assuming that the vaccines prove to actually prevent transmission — also not assessed in the clinical trials), he cautioned that “it would be vastly worse if hundreds of millions of people were to suffer long-lasting or even permanent damage to their brain or heart microvasculature as a result of failing to appreciate in the short-term an unintended effect of full-length spike protein-based vaccines on other organs.”

Unfortunately, Whelan’s concerns were not acknowledged, and the agency instead relied on the limited clinical trial data. The VRBPAC endorsed the use of the Pfizer vaccine on Dec. 10. The following day, the FDA issued the first COVID-19 vaccine emergency use authorization allowing the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to be widely distributed in individuals 16 and older without calling for the additional studies that Whelan felt were critical to assure safety of the vaccine, especially in children.

Why was Whelan worried about the mRNA vaccines causing blood clots and inflammation?

One of the peculiar and often deadly findings with regard to SARS-CoV-2 infection is widespread damage occurring in numerous organs beyond the lungs. Clinicians around the world have seen evidence that suggests the virus may cause heart inflammation, acute kidney disease, neurological malfunction, blood clots, intestinal damage and liver problems. Unexpectedly, however, clinicians observe a very limited or non-existent presence of the virus in organs other than the lungs.

Red Alert Warning About Pfizer and Moderna COVID Inoculations

Global Research – Pfizer and Moderna mRNA inoculations aren’t what they’re promoted to be.

As medically defined by the CDC, vaccines are supposed to stimulate the “immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease.”

Immunization is a “process by which a person becomes protected against a disease through vaccination.”

The above is not what mRNA inoculations are designed to do. They’re something else entirely.

They’re gene modifying delivery systems that don’t produce immunity —what Moderna calls “gene therapy technology.”

Not designed to prevent seasonal flu-renamed covid illness, at most they may somewhat reduce symptoms short-term.

Promoting mRNA technology as vaccine protection from covid is part of a state-approved/media proliferated mass deception scam.

The above technology is unapproved by the FDA for human use because it’s experimental, inadequately tested, and high-risk — especially for the elderly with weakened immune systems.

The nanoparticle-based delivery system is unapproved.

mRNA inoculations contain hazardous polyethylene glycol (PEG) to deliver their DNA-altering technology to human cells.

The risk of adverse events increases greatly from follow-up inoculations, including to potentially life-threatening anaphylactic shock.

In 2017, Moderna abandoned mRNA technology and lipid nanoparticles because tests caused large numbers of adverse effects.

Yet the same gene therapy and nanoparticle delivery system are used by Moderna and Pfizer in their misnamed mRNA “vaccines” that aren’t what they’re called.

According to statnews.com, “mRNA is a tricky technology.”

“Several major pharmaceutical companies have tried and abandoned the idea, struggling to get mRNA into cells without triggering nasty side effects.”

“(N)anoparticles created a daunting challenge: Dose too little, and you don’t get enough enzyme to affect the disease.”

“(D)ose too much, and the drug is too toxic for patients.”

“Moderna could not make its therapy work, former employees and collaborators said.”

“The safe dose was too weak, and repeat injections of a dose strong enough to be effective had troubling effects on the liver in animal studies.”

Moderna earlier admitted that its lipid nanoparticles (LNP) risked “significant adverse events,” adding:

“No mRNA drug has been approved in this new potential category of medicines, and may never be approved as a result of efforts by others or us.”

“mRNA drug development has substantial clinical development and regulatory risks due to the novel and unprecedented nature of this new category of medicines.”

“(T)here can be no assurance that our LNPs will not have undesired effects.”

According to virologist Judy Mikovits, LNPs can enter the brain, risking pathologic neuro-inflammation that could cause multiple sclerosis, ALS, or other serious diseases.

Johns Hopkins explained that potentially serious adverse events may occur after receiving follow-up mRNA inoculations.

According to Children’s Health Defense, “doctors link Pfizer (and) Moderna ‘vaccines’ to (a) life-threatening blood disorder.”

Health Impact News reported the following:

“An entire school district in Ohio canceled classes on Monday this week after so many of the staff suffered side effects from one of the experimental COVID mRNA injections over the weekend.”

Fox News Cleveland reported that “(t)wo days after employees were given their first round of COVID-19 vaccinations, the Fairless Local School District canceled classes, attributing it to many developing side effects and becoming ill.”

Similar events to the above are happening in the US and European countries after Pfizer and Moderna inoculations.

The more people jabbed, the more adverse events that at times are fatal.

Going along with experimental mRNA inoculations is playing Russian roulette with human health.

There’s high risk of things turning out badly in the short or longer-term.

Deceased 39-year-old Dr. Keshav Raman Sharma is an mRNA statistic.

Inoculated on January 5, he was found dead at home five days later.

He’s not alone. Others suffered the same fate.

Protecting health and well-being requires avoidance of these experimental, inadequately tested high-risk, unapproved inoculations.

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