July 7, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: February 23, 2021

World News

Whistleblower Video Footage of Forced COVID Vaccines in German Nursing Homes Goes Public – Attorney: “We’re Dealing with Homicide, Maybe Even Murder”

Vaccine Impact – Earlier this week we published the English translation of a video in German that Attorney Reiner Fuellmich published with a whistleblower who works in a nursing home where several residents were injected with the experimental COVID mRNA shots against their will, and where many of them died a short time later. See:

Whistleblower: 8 of 31 Residents Dead in German Nursing Home After They Were Forcibly Injected with Pfizer Experimental mRNA COVID Shots Against Their Will

Since that interview was published, other whistleblowers in Germany who work in nursing homes have also stepped forward, some with video footage showing residents being held down and vaccinated against their wish.

This is from our Rumble channel, and it is also on our Bitchute channel.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

The Justice Department and FBI are investigating whether Roger Stone and Alex Jones played a role in the Capitol siege, report says

Business Insider – The Justice Department and FBI are looking into whether Roger Stone and Alex Jones played a role in the deadly insurrection on January 6, according to The Washington Post.

The right-wing influencers and ‘Stop the Steal’ organizer Ali Alexander, are being investigated to help gain a greater understanding of what inspired the rioters to ransack the US Capitol building, The Post reported.

Investigators intend to explore whether there is a link between those who stormed the Capitol and those who may have influenced them by promoting election fraud conspiracy theories, the paper said.

The investigation does not necessarily mean that the men will face criminal charges, people familiar with the case told The Post. 

Dominion Sues MyPillow, CEO Mike Lindell Over Election Claims

The voting-machine maker’s lawsuit alleges defamation, seeks more than $1.3 billion in damages

Wall Street Journal – One of the largest makers of voting machines in the U.S. on Monday sued a prominent supporter of former President Donald Trump, alleging that the businessman had defamed the company with false accusations that it had rigged the 2020 election for President Biden.

Dominion Voting Systems sued Mike Lindell, chief executive of Minnesota-based MyPillow Inc., and his company in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, seeking more than $1.3 billion in damages.

In its complaint, the company cites a number of statements made by Mr. Lindell, including in media appearances, social-media posts, and a two-hour film claiming to prove widespread election fraud. Mr. Lindell said he helped produce the film, which he released online in early February.

The complaint alleges that Mr. Lindell made false claims about the integrity of Dominion’s voting machines and that he knew no credible evidence supported his claims that the company had stolen the election from Mr. Trump—what Dominion has called the “Big Lie.”

3 Supreme justices: 2020 election practices could have ‘catastrophic’ consequences

WND – The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to review election lawsuits by Pennsylvania Republicans challenging the state’s extension of the deadline for mail-in ballots.

Three justices dissented — Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch — with Thomas warning of “catastrophic” consequences if the court doesn’t address the issue of authorities “changing the rules in the middle of the game.”

Alito, joining with Gorsuch in dissent, pointed out that lower courts are divided on the issue.

“In the cases now before us, a statute enacted by the Pennsylvania Legislature unequivocally requires that mailed ballots be received by 8 p.m. on election day. … Nevertheless, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court … altered that deadline and ordered that mailed ballots be counted if received up to three days after the election,” he said.

Trump to claim total control of Republican Party: Report

WND – Former President Donald Trump is expected to tell attendees at this week’s Conservative Political Action Conference that he’s still in charge, according to reports.

“Let’s just say that singing Kumbaya isn’t in the plans,” commented the RedState blog.

It will be Trump’s most significant public statement since he left Washington last month. Shut down by Twitter and Facebook, he was largely silent until interviews last week regarding the death of Rush Limbaugh.

Axios cited sources saying Trump “plans to send the message next weekend that he is Republicans’ ‘presumptive 2024 nominee’ with a vise grip on the party’s base.”

A longtime adviser told Axios that Trump’s speech will be a “show of force,” sending the message: “I may not have Twitter or the Oval Office, but I’m still in charge.

The report said “payback” is his “chief obsession.”

Trump will meet with advisers this week at Mar-a-Lago to plan his next moves, Axios reported, “and to set up the machinery for kingmaking in the 2022 midterms.”

Garland vowed to keep politics out of the Department of Justice

CNN – During the first day of his confirmation hearing yesterday, Attorney General nominee Merrick Garland vowed to keep politics out of the Justice Department and to fully prosecute the “heinous” crimes committed in the attack on the US Capitol in the deadly riot on Jan. 6.

“I don’t care who pressures me in any direction. The Department, if I am confirmed, will be under my protection for the purpose of preventing any kind of partisan or other improper motive in making any kind of investigation or prosecution. That’s my vow. That’s the only reason I’m willing to do this job,” Garland said.

Garland was praised by Republicans and Democrats alike in his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday, where he faced questions about the politically charged investigations that await him if confirmed to lead the Justice Department, including a federal probe into Biden’s son Hunter Biden and whether the DOJ should wade into former President Donald Trump’s role in the riot.

Garland, who led the Justice Department investigation into the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, said that the current threat from White supremacists now is a “more dangerous period than we faced at that time,” vowing to make his first priority to ensure investigators have all the resources they need to investigate the attack on the Capitol.

He also pledged to redouble the Justice Department’s efforts to fight discrimination in law enforcement and provide equal justice amid heated policy debates over race and the criminal justice system.

“If confirmed, I will supervise the prosecution of White supremacists and others who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 — a heinous attack that sought to disrupt a cornerstone of our democracy: the peaceful transfer of power to a newly elected government,” Garland said Monday.

While Garland declined to weigh in on some of the controversies of the Trump administration, he strongly rebuked the Trump administration’s child separation immigration policy, calling it “shameful” and committing to aiding a Senate investigation into the matter.

Biden’s AG Pick Says He Would Support White House’s Push to Restrict Gun Ownership

Epoch Times – Merrick Garland, President Joe Biden’s nominee for attorney general, said Monday that he would align the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) with the White House’s push to restrict gun ownership. “The president is a strong supporter of gun control and has been an advocate all his professional life on this question,” Garland said during his Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. He was responding to a question from Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah.) “The role of the Justice Department is to advance the policy program of the administration as long as it is consistent with the law,” Garland continued. “Where there is room under the law for the president’s policies to be pursued, I think the president is entitled to pursue them.” Biden said last week he wants Congress to impose stricter restrictions on gun purchases, including banning “assault weapons,” banning high-capacity magazines, and eliminating liability shields for gun manufacturers.

Biden administration reopens Trump-era migrant children housing facility

The Blaze – Despite excoriating former President Donald Trump on the campaign trail over immigration policies affecting children separated from their families at the border, President Joe Biden appears to be adopting the same approach to the issue as his predecessor.

According to the Washington Post, the Biden administration has officially reopened a housing facility for migrant children along the U.S.-Mexico border in Carrizo Springs, Texas, capable of holding hundreds of children.

“Dozens of migrant teens boarded vans Monday for the trip down a dusty road to a former man camp for oil field workers here, the first migrant child facility opened under the Biden administration,” the Post reported on Monday. “The emergency facility — a vestige of the Trump administration that was open for only a month in summer 2019 — is being reactivated to hold up to 700 children ages 13 to 17.”

The move has been in the works since earlier this month, CNN reported, characterized by an administration spokesperson to the outlet as a necessary evil as immigration officials grapple with an overflow of illegal crossings taking place at the country’s southern border.

Navy Will Make All Sailors Reaffirm Oath to the Constitution in Extremism Stand-Down

Military.com – When the Navy holds its daylong stand-downs to address the extremist ideologies that leaders say have infiltrated the military ranks, sailors across the fleet will be required to reaffirm the oath they took to the U.S. Constitution.

All Navy personnel — uniformed and civilian — will have to repeat the oath of enlistment or office and discuss what actions betray that promise during the virtual or in-person learning sessions that must be held by April 6. The stand-downs will focus on the “damaging effects of extremism” and how to eliminate it, Chief of Naval Personnel Vice Adm. John Nowell wrote in a service-wide message.

“As public servants, we took an oath to the Constitution and we will not tolerate those who participate in actions that go against the fundamental principles of the oath we share, particularly actions associated with extremist or dissident ideologies,” Nowell wrote.

The Navy is the first military service to reveal what leaders will cover during the military’s upcoming stand-downs. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered the one-day events last month after dozens of veterans and service members were arrested in connection with the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

Biden AG Nominee Merrick Garland Suggests Antifa Riots NOT “Domestic Terrorism” Because They Happened After Hours

The New American – Judge Merrick Garland, who is Joe Biden’s pick to serve as attorney general, said during a Senate hearing on Monday that he does not place Antifa attacks on federal buildings on the same level as the January 6 Capitol Hill protest — that is, he does not classify it “domestic terrorism” — because the former attacks occurred at night when the facilities were not “in operation.”

Garland made his comments while being questioned by Senator Josh Hawly (R-Mo.).

“Let me ask you about assaults on federal property in places other than Washington, DC — Portland, for instance, Seattle,” Hawley questioned. “Do you regard assaults on federal courthouses or other federal property as acts of domestic extremism, domestic terrorism?”

To which Garland replied:

Well, Senator, my own definition, which is about the same as the statutory definition, is the use of violence or threats of violence in attempt to disrupt the democratic processes. So an attack on a courthouse, while in operation, trying to prevent judges from actually deciding cases, that plainly is domestic extremism, domestic terrorism. An attack simply on a government property at night, or any other kind of circumstances, is a clear crime and a serious one, and should be punished. I don’t know enough about the facts of the example you’re talking about. But that’s where I draw the line. One is — both are criminal, but one is a core attack on our democratic institutions.

Garland neglected the fact that, while the leftist attacks on federal buildings occurred at night, they were not victimless crimes. In some cases, there were federal employees trapped inside the facilities. In other cases, the Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters attacked local police and federal officers with explosives, lasers, projectiles, and harmful dangerous devices.

Economy & Business

Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Janet Yellen are sending bitcoin tumbling

CNN – Bitcoin’s roller coaster ride continues. The top cryptocurrency surged to a new all-time high above $58,000 on Sunday but fell to just above $46,000 in early trading Tuesday morning.

The move followed skeptical comments from Tesla CEO Elon Musk, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Microsoft (MSFT) co-founder Bill Gates.

Prices stabilized around $48,000 in early trading Tuesday, but that’s still a more than 10% drop from Monday’s levels.

Bitcoin (XBT) has soared recently following the news that Tesla (TSLA) had invested $1.5 billion in the digital asset to hold on its balance sheet, leading to hopes that the cryptocurrency would become a more popular investment for other big companies.

Bitcoin’s HUGE daily drop sends cryptocurrency market crashing

RT – The world’s highest-valued digital currency, bitcoin, has seen its biggest drop ever, plummeting below $46,000 per coin from the weekend record of over $58,000 in a span of just 19 hours.

Despite the nearly 16-percent drop, the cryptocurrency is still up around 500 percent in the past year.

The decline triggered a major sell-off across cryptocurrency markets due to growing concerns over volatility, jeopardizing the jaw-dropping rally.

The second-biggest cryptocurrency by market value, ether, also plunged by more than 20 percent to around $1,400, down nearly 30 percent from last week’s record high.

The crypto markets have been unprecedentedly bullish this year since digital assets started attracting capital from big money managers and corporate giants. The acceptance by big investors drove confidence among smaller speculators.

Earlier this month, Tesla revealed that it had made a $1.5 billion investment in bitcoin, pledging to start accepting it as a form of payment for its electric vehicles. Bank of New York Mellon, the US’ oldest lender, announced plans for storing bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies for their clients.

At the same time, Mastercard said it would support the use of some cryptocurrencies on its network in 2021, while US asset manager BlackRock and payments company Square have outlined plans for supporting digital currencies.

MicroStrategy CEO says bitcoin will one day have $100 trillion market value even as price dives

CNBC – MicroStrategy CEO Michael Saylor told CNBC on Tuesday he believes bitcoin will continue appreciating in value to the point where the cryptocurrency becomes a “stabilizing influence” for the entire global financial system. He predicted, in a bold call, that bitcoin’s market value would be worth $100 trillion one day.

Saylor’s comments on “Squawk Box” came as the price of bitcoin fell more than 10% Tuesday, dipping below $50,000 per unit. The move lower took the market value of the world’s largest cryptocurrency back under $1 trillion, just a few days after the volatile digital asset eclipsed that level for the first time.

However, Bitcoin was still up 60% since the start of the year and up more than 360% in the last 12 months.

“There’s a $500 trillion monetary planet and the outer layer is currency, then you’ve got stocks, bonds, real estate. There’s $10 trillion worth of gold in there, $1 trillion of bitcoin in there. Bitcoin is going to flip gold, and it’s going to subsume the entire gold market cap,” contended Saylor, who has become one of the most prominent evangelists for bitcoin since his enterprise software company began buying it in August.

“Then it’s going to subsume negative yielding sovereign debt and other monetary indexes until it grows to $100 trillion. Once it gets to $10 trillion, its volatility will be dramatically less,” Saylor continued. “As it marches toward $100 trillion, you’re going to see the growth rates fall, the volatility fall, and it’s going to be a stabilizing influence in the entire financial system of the 21st century.”

In his addition to his company’s significant bitcoin holdings, Saylor told CNBC he also owns the digital coin in a personal capacity.

House panel advances $1.9 trillion Covid relief bill as Democrats move toward passage this week

NBC – The House on Monday moved forward with its $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package, setting the stage for passage later this week.

The chamber’s Budget Committee advanced the bill in a 19-16 vote as Democrats rush to beat a March 14 deadline to extend key unemployment programs. The party is trying to pass the proposal through budget reconciliation, which allows it to get through the evenly split Senate without Republican support.

US economy will need support for ‘some time’, Fed’s Powell warns

Al Jazeera – The United States economic recovery remains “uneven and far from complete” and it will be “some time” before the Federal Reserve considers changing policies it adopted to help the country back to full employment, Fed Chair Jerome Powell said on Tuesday.

The US central bank’s interest rate cuts and purchases of $120bn in monthly government bonds “have materially eased financial conditions and are providing substantial support to the economy,” Powell said in remarks prepared for delivery to a Senate Banking Committee hearing on the state of the economy.

Millions in Texas facing water issues as state still reeling from effects of deadly winter storm

Fox – Millions of Texans are grappling with boil water notices and other water-related issues Tuesday as the state is still reeling from last week’s deadly blast of wintry weather. 

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality at one point Monday estimated that 8.7 million residents were under notices to boil their water before consumption – but that figure has fallen as of Tuesday as major cities such as San Antonio and Austin began lifting their warnings.  

“As of 6 a.m. CT Tuesday, more than 1,300 public water systems have reported disruptions in service due to the weather, many of them leading to Boil Water Notices,” Gary Rasp, a spokesperson for the agency, told Fox News. “This is affecting more than 7.9 million people, in 204 Texas counties.”

Republican plan would raise minimum wage to $10 but only if businesses are required to ensure worker legality

USA Today – Republican Sens. Mitt Romney and Tom Cotton are proposing to raise the federal minimum wage to $10, but only if businesses are required to use the internet-based E-Verify system designed to prevent employers from hiring undocumented workers.

Although the measure which was unveiled Tuesday morning is unlikely to go far in a Democratic Congress pushing for a $15 minimum wage, the bill from Romney, R-Utah., and Cotton, R-Ark., represents the most serious Republican proposal yet on an issue that has emerged as a key priority for progressive leaders.

Both senators say their proposal provides a dual benefit for American workers: raising the pay floor for the first time in more than a decade while also ensuring that documented employees would be the beneficiaries.

Global Debt Reaches A Record $281 Trillion! Get Ready For A New Global Monetary Order: Bitcoin? Gold?

Many people are not aware of what is happening. They are not aware that the U.S. dollar is collapsing and a new monetary order is coming…

by Financial Argument via Financial Argument

Many people are not aware of what is happening. They are not aware that the U.S. dollar is collapsing and a new monetary order is coming.

According to the latest data published a few days ago, global debt has exceeded $281 trillion. This is a record high, surpassing predictions that were already terrible enough. The global debt amount increased by $24.1 trillion when compared to 2019, which was $ 281.5 trillion at the end of last year. It’s clear that, in the next few years, debt will rise to the quadrillions. And these debts belong to governments, companies, and, even worse, households.

For those who have been watching the Financial Argument for a long time, these numbers are no surprise. I have been telling you that the current corrupt economic system (which has been connected to the fiat monetary system for years) is permanently damaged and cannot be recovered.

But many people also forget that the paper money in their pocket is nothing more than a promise made by their government or bank. And we know that they have not kept these “promises” many times in the past.

At the Bretton Woods conference in 1944, the American delegation managed to convince all other nations that the U.S. dollar was the world’s new reserve currency, establishing a new monetary system similar to a gold standard.

This system was great until 1971, when Nixon officially announced the end of the gold convertibility. Though the debt crises following Nixon’s announcement had been painful, it wouldn’t compare to what happened in 2008 and what is happening currently. The theoretical ship had hit the cliffs and was taking on water.

Attempts were made to cover the breaches of the ship with limitless money printing, but it was never successful.

The Cherokee Nation asks Jeep to change the name of its SUV

ArsTechnica – It’s time for Jeep to reconsider calling its SUVs “the Cherokee” and “Grand Cherokee,” says Cherokee Nation Chief Chuck Hoskin, Jr. This marks the first time the Cherokee Nation has directly asked Jeep to stop using its name for vehicles, something the brand has done for the past 45 years.

Although the Cherokee Nation has commented on the name in the past, this time, the debate was reignited by Car and Driver, which reached out to Chief Hoskin for comment on the topic.

“I’m sure this comes from a place that is well-intended, but it does not honor us by having our name plastered on the side of a car. The best way to honor us is to learn about our sovereign government, our role in this country, our history, culture, and language and have meaningful dialogue with federally recognized tribes on cultural appropriateness. I think we’re in a day and age in this country where it’s time for both corporations and team sports to retire the use of Native American names, images and mascots from their products, team jerseys, and sports in general,” he told the publication.

The first Jeep Cherokee arrived in model year 1974, and although the nameplate was retired in favor of the Jeep Liberty between 2002 and 2014, Jeep continued to sell a Grand Cherokee model throughout that time. In fact, the Grand Cherokee is Jeep’s best seller, with nearly 210,000 finding homes in the US in 2020.


Big Pharma Promises Big Government mRNA Vaccine Production Will Be Ramped Up

SFHTPlan – Pfizer and Moderna are promising the United States government that they will increase mRNA vaccine production, more specifically, they will ramp the production of the COVID-19 vaccine.

According to a report by RT, Pfizer has increased its 2021 production plan from 1.3 billion to at least 2 billion doses since July. “To date, no serious safety concerns have been identified that have changed the favorable risk-benefit profile of the vaccine,” Pfizer Chief Business Officer John Young wrote. Say what? So a propaganda minister for a pharmaceutical company is now saying there are no serious safety concerns with the COVID-19 vaccine?

Not only have people reported serious health concerns after taking this vaccine, but it doesn’t return life to normal. So what’s the point anyways?  The ruling class obviously needs people to take this thing, and we’ll let you go ahead and guess what the reason for that could possibly be.

The worst part is that around 64.2 million Americans have decided that injecting themselves with this concoction is a good idea. Over 64 million doses of the vaccine have been administered across the country after the vaccine rollout began in December, according to Bloomberg’s tally.

Among the main concerns about this vaccine from the rulers and Big Pharma, are that people don’t want this thing.  They are also trying to keep the fear as high as possible over new mutations of COVID.  The new variants of Covid-19, including the UK variant, which, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, could become dominant in the United States by March.

Pfizer said its studies show that the company’s vaccine is effective against the coronavirus strains from the UK and South Africa. Moderna reported that the company is closely monitoring the new variants and is testing the performance of its vaccine against them.

All while Bill Gates, known for his comments on population control and genocide, has said a third dose of the vaccine may be needed to “combat” the new variants. 

Eating raw sauerkraut offers more health benefits than you think

NaturalHealth365 – Sauerkraut, that familiar hot dog condiment, may not have the beauty of garnet-colored raspberries or the sweet, refreshing flavor of tropical fruits.  But the latest scientific research tells us that freshly-made organic sauerkraut is a true superfood that boosts the immune system, promotes intestinal health, and helps prevent cancer in many ways.

A recently published study in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition found that fermented foods such as raw sauerkraut contain chemical compounds and beneficial bacteria that offer a wide array of health benefits due to their anticancer, anti-microbial, and antioxidant activities.

How does sauerkraut prevent cancer?

Cabbage, the cruciferous vegetable from which sauerkraut is made, is already valued by natural food experts and nutritionists for its sky-high amounts of anticarcinogenic bioactive compounds.  In fact, the glucosinolates in cabbage help activate the body’s own antioxidants, which fight the lipid oxidation and inflammation that can trigger cancer and heart disease.

Additionally, the process of lacto-fermentation involved in turning cabbage to sauerkraut produces beneficial bacteria. It unleashes even more potent anti-inflammatory cancer-fighting substances – taking the health benefits to a whole new level and helping to ward off cancers of the prostate, bladder, and breast.

Here is why raw sauerkraut helps ward off cancer

According to the author and natural health expert Sandor Ellix Katz, the process of lactic fermentation not only preserves the nutrients in food but breaks them down.  Hence, they are even more healthful and easily digested.  But what, exactly, is lactic fermentation, and why is it beneficial?

Although the term sounds somewhat technical, it is actually the natural result of layering shredded cabbage in water with salt, then letting existing bacteria on the cabbage do the work.  The end product – sauerkraut – contains more live probiotic cultures than yogurt.

One result of lacto-fermentation is to create large amounts of beneficial lactobacillus bacteria, which support friendly flora in the intestinal tract.  Another is the release of isothiocyanate compounds from existing glucosinolate; these isothiocyanates have shown such pronounced anticarcinogenic effects in cellular, laboratory, and human studies.

Impressive science behind the benefits of sauerkraut

In an October 2002 article in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, researchers announced that they had isolated isothiocyanates in sauerkraut and that these compounds had cancer-protective effects in animal studies.  They added that clinical research would be required to determine if these effects extended to humans.

In the twelve years since the article was published, many studies on sauerkraut and sauerkraut juice show that it lowers cancer risk in humans – particularly for cancers of the breast and colon.

In a study published in 2011 in the British Journal of Nutrition, researchers noted that the detoxifying enzymes in sauerkraut juice have an anticarcinogenic effect on kidney and liver cancer cells and added that sauerkraut juice increased levels of glutathione-S-transferase – considered a chemoprotective agent.

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