July 5, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: January 04, 2021

China, US, UK, France and Russia pledge to avoid nuclear war

CNN – Five of the world’s largest nuclear powers pledged on Monday to work together toward “a world without nuclear weapons” in a rare statement of unity amid rising East-West tensions.

“A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought,” said the joint statement, which was issued simultaneously by the United States, Russia, China, the United Kingdom and France. “As nuclear use would have far-reaching consequences, we also affirm that nuclear weapons — for as long as they continue to exist — should serve defensive purposes, deter aggression, and prevent war.”

The statement also stressed the importance of preventing conflict between nuclear-weapon states from escalating, describing it as a “foremost responsibility.”

The statement comes as tensions between the world powers have risen to heights rarely seen in recent decades. In Europe, Russia is massing troops along its border with Ukraine, raising alarms in Washington, London and Paris. And in Asia, increased Chinese military activity around the self-governed isla

‘Artificial Sun’ hits record temperature

RT – China’s clean energy experiment reaches temperature five times hotter than the Sun

A clean energy experiment known as the ‘Artificial Sun’ reached a temperature of 70,000,000C, and held it for more than 17 minutes, during trials in China. The program aims to mimic natural reactions occurring within stars.

On Thursday, Chinese scientists set a new record, as their Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), known as the ‘Artificial Sun’, reached and sustained a temperature five times hotter than the Sun, state-run Xinhua News Agency reported. 

The high-temperature plasma operation sustained temperatures of 70,000,000C for 1,056 seconds, more than 17 minutes, Xinhua claimed. By comparison, our own Sun is believed to be around 15,000,000C at its core.  

The achievement was announced on Friday by Gong Xianzu, a researcher at the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP). “The recent operation lays a solid scientific and experimental foundation towards the running of a fusion reactor,” Gong said.

China: Xi’an residents in lockdown trade goods for food amid shortage

BBC – People quarantined in the Chinese city of Xi’an are bartering supplies amid continuing worries over food shortages.

Social posts show locals swapping cigarettes and tech gadgets for food. About 13 million have been confined to their homes since 23 December.

The strict measures come ahead of the Lunar New Year and the Winter Olympics due to be held in Beijing next month.

Overnight, the city of Yuzhou was shut down after the discovery of just three cases, all of them asymptomatic.

Yuzhou, with a population of 1.1 million, has closed its transport system and entertainment venues and banned almost all vehicles from the roads. All but essential food shops are shut, with only workers involved in epidemic prevention allowed out.

Devin Nunes officially resigns from Congress

CNN – Devin Nunes, a Republican who has represented California since 2003, has officially resigned from Congress, ending a nearly 20-year stint in the House of Representatives.

Nunes, a close ally of former President Donald Trump, announced in December that he was leaving Congress at the end of 2021 to become CEO of the Trump Media & Technology Group. His departure also comes as midterm elections kick off in which he faced the threat of a more-Democratic district through redistricting.

“I was presented with a new opportunity to fight for the most important issues I believe in. I’m writing to let you know I’ve decided to pursue this opportunity, and therefore I will be leaving the House of Representatives at the end of 2021,” Nunes told his constituents in a letter issued in December.

His resignation was effective January 1, 2022.

Federal judge blocks the Defense Dept. from punishing Navy forces who refuse the vaccine.

Reuters – A federal judge on Monday barred the U.S. Department of Defense from punishing a group of Navy SEALs and other special forces members who refused COVID-19 vaccines on religious grounds.

U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor, acting in response to a lawsuit filed on behalf of 35 special forces service members, issued a preliminary injunction blocking the Navy and Defense Department from enforcing the mandate.

Reed, who was appointed to the federal bench in Texas by President George W. Bush, said the Navy had not granted a single religious exemption to the vaccine rule.

“The Navy servicemembers in this case seek to vindicate the very freedoms they have sacrificed so much to protect. The COVID-19 pandemic provides the government no license to abrogate those freedoms,” the judge wrote in a 26-page decision.

Facebook Suspends Marjorie Taylor Greene for 24 Hours

Daily Signal – Facebook suspended the account of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., for 24 hours on Monday, one day after Twitter permanently suspended her account over repeated violations of COVID-19 misinformation policies.

Greene posted on Telegram that Facebook blocked her from posting or commenting for 24 hours for not abiding by the company’s “Community Standards” on Monday.

“This is because you previously posted something that didn’t follow our Community Standards,” Facebook’s temporary restriction announcement said, according to Greene.

“This post goes against our standards on misinformation that could cause physical harm, so only people who manage Marjorie Taylor Greene can see it,” the announcement said. “Repeatedly violating our Community Standards can cause further account restrictions.”

Facebook’s restrictions on Greene relate to a post where she raised concern over some Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System data, a system using data to track problems with vaccines.

“But apparently they too think the CDC managed #VAERS system on our own government websites are misinformation,” Greene said on Telegram. “And to date there has been ZERO investigation into reported Covid deaths from government mandated #covid vaccines.”

Meanwhile, Twitter permanently suspended Greene’s personal account Sunday for repeated violations of its policy on COVID-19 misinformation regarding the same post.

Glenn Greenwald Slams ‘Dystopian’ MTG Twitter Ban In Epic Thread

ZeroHedge – Glenn Greenwald has written yet another blistering indictment of big tech censorship in response to Twitter’s permanent suspension of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA).

Whites Need Not Apply: Non-White New Yorkers to Receive Priority For Scarce Monoclonal Antibody Treatment

Gateway Pundit – Whites need not apply.

Non-white New Yorkers will receive priority for scarce monoclonal antibody treatments and Covid oral antiviral pills.

The New York State Department of Health this week published a memo warning they don’t have enough Paxlovid or Monoclonal Antibody Treatment so white people will be put at the back of the line.

The NYSDOH said Paxlovid and Molnupiravir are in “limited supply will require providers to prioritize treatment for patients at highest risk for severe COVID-19 until more product becomes available.”

The department said it will be prioritize people who have certain risk factors for severe disease.

One of the risk factors?


“Non-white race or Hispanic/Latino ethnicity should be considered a risk factor, as longstanding systemic health and social inequities have contributed to an increased risk of severe illness and death from Covid-19,” the NYSDOH said.

How is this even legal?

US Surveillance Bill 6666: The Devil in the Details

Mercola – H.R. 6666, the COVID-19 Testing, Reaching And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act, was introduced and referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, May 1, 2020, by Rep. Bobby Rush, D-III

The bill, had it passed, would have authorized the CDC to award grants for testing, contact tracing, monitoring and other activities to address COVID-19

The government grants — $100 billion of taxpayer money for 2020 alone — would be used by “eligible entities” to hire employees and buy the supplies needed to conduct testing and contact tracing, including sending employees to the residences of citizens to conduct COVID-19 testing

H.R. 6666 did not ensure privacy. It also was setting the stage for multiple violations of our constitutional rights, including the Fourth, Fifth, Eighth and Ninth amendments

Contact your Congressional representative today, and ask them to oppose any bills similar to H.R. 6666 when and if they are introduced again

New highly mutated Covid strain discovered

RT – A coronavirus variant with 46 mutations has been detected in southern France

The new variant of Covid-19 was first discovered in a patient who returned to France from Cameroon. Researchers said it’s too early to assess the variant’s features.

The new strain, B.1.640.2, was detected in 12 patients living in the same geographical area in southeastern France, a team of scientists said in a preprint published online on medRxiv last week.

The strain is related to the B.1.640 lineage, which was classified as a variant under monitoring (VUM) by the World Health Organization (WHO) in November.

The first known patient was a vaccinated adult who returned to a French village from a trip to Cameroon and exhibited mild respiratory symptoms the day before the diagnosis. 

Genome analysis revealed that the virus of this particular strain has 46 mutations, the researcher said. “It is too early to speculate on virological, epidemiological or clinical features of this… variant based on these 12 cases,” they wrote.

Pfizer Says It Needs to Study a Third Dose for Toddlers

Mercola – Pfizer announced their experiments on children 6 months and older were unsuccessful in 2- to 5-year-olds as they didn’t produce an immune response, leading to a recommendation for a third shot and delaying the EUA for the youngest citizens

Although the experiments produced a strong response in children 6 months to 24 months and 5 to 12 years, the company announced they were evaluating increasing these doses as well

The study is listed as a phase 1, 2 and 3 model, evaluating the safety, dose and efficacy simultaneously, a strategy seldom, if ever, used. Data collection and analysis will be completed in one year on a population with little risk of the illness

Despite the readily available and public data, some continue to call for a shot for children for the sake of herd immunity. Yet, according to a recent engineering analysis more people have died from the shot in less time than from the disease

Top Tips for a Healthier 2022

Mercola – The start of a new year is often a good time to take stock and plan out beneficial lifestyle changes. Included are 22 tips for making 2022 your healthiest year yet

Top tips include optimizing your vitamin D, targeting your immune system with immune-boosting nutraceuticals, treating COVID symptoms early, improving your liver health, protecting your vision and combating inflammation and autoimmune diseases

Items to eliminate include processed foods high in seed oils and processed sugar, as well as electromagnetic field exposures, freedom of speech robbers such as Google and Facebook, and toxic clothing

Items to add include magnesium, collagen, filtered water, vision-enhancing nutrients, osteoporosis-busting exercise and healthy sleep

Dr. McCullough: Outpatient Treatments for COVID-19 Have Been Suppressed

Epoch Times – Dr. Peter McCullough told The Epoch Times that the public should question why the governments and public health officials around the world have put little to no emphasis on outpatient treatments in their efforts to fight the COVID-19 virus, instead promoting a massive effort on vaccines.

“Lots of messaging on the vaccine, but zero mentioning on treatment, none. And it’s been from the very beginning. There is a theme here, I hope everyone’s starting to get the theme. There is zero effort, interest, promotion, or care about early treatment, people who are sick with COVID-19,” said McCullough. “But there is a complete and total focus on people who don’t have COVID-19 and giving them a vaccine.”

McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, and lead author of the first paper on early COVID-19 outpatient treatment involving a multi-drug regimen. In a recent interview with EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders” program, he discussed a wide range of evidence on COVID-19 preventative treatments that are being used around the world.

He said that drug treatments must be prioritized in the effort to stamp out the threat of COVID-19. “So early treatment markedly changes spreads. So, we reduce new cases, we reduce the intensity and severity and duration of symptoms. And by that mechanism, we reduce hospitalization and death.”

The doctor cited some recent treatments that have been effective in killing the virus at the early stage of infection: Dr. Iqbal Mahmud Chowdhury conducted a protocol in Bangladesh that used a povidone-iodine rinse in the nose and eyes to kill the virus. Another treatment effort by a French doctor, Didier Raoult, who treated people using hydroxychloroquine, met with great success.

“Chowdhury is the first author recognizing the fact that the virus is in the air, people breathe it in, it settles in the nose, and it begins to replicate. And it has to get to a certain threshold and overcome the other organisms in the nose and overcome our own immune system to become a clinical infection. So, there’s about a three-to-five-day window to actually zap the virus directly.”

Masks and hand sanitizer are illogical and the data does not show them to be effective means to prevent COVID-19 infections because the virus is spread through the air, not hands, and is too small to be blocked by most masks said, McCullough.

FDA Authorizes Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Booster for Children 12 to 15

Epoch Times – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Jan. 3 authorized a booster shot of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for 12- to 15-year-olds.

The agency stated that its scientists determined the booster’s benefits, including bolstering protection against virus infection, outweigh its potential risks in the population.

Reviewers analyzed data from Israel, one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, to reach the conclusion.

The dataset from Israel included information on more than 6,300 children 12 through 15 who have received a booster dose.

“The data shows there are no new safety concerns following a booster in this population. There were no new cases of myocarditis or pericarditis reported to date in these individuals,” the FDA said in a statement.

Myocarditis and pericarditis are two forms of heart inflammation seen at much higher than expected rates among young people, particularly young men, following vaccination with the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.

The risk of heart inflammation is actually higher from the vaccines than from COVID-19 itself in young persons, according to some studies.

One study published last month found post-booster inflammation was more prevalent than post-COVID inflammation.

The FDA didn’t immediately post any documents about its decision, which came without consulting its expert vaccine advisory panel.

Woman Arrested After Allegedly Injecting Teen With Vaccine on New Year’s Eve

Epoch TImes – A 54-year-old woman from Long Island, New York, was arrested over the weekend for allegedly injecting what is believed to be a COVID-19 vaccine to a teenager in her home.

Laura Parker Russo, of Sea Cliff, is accused of administering a shot to a 17-year-old boy, who was not named, on New Year’s Eve without parental consent. Russo is not a physician or authorized to administer doses of the vaccine, Nassau County Police officials told the New York Post and other local media.

After the teen received the shot, he returned to his home and told his mother. The mother then notified the police that she did not give Russo permission to give the vaccine to her son, authorities told Pix11.

Russo was arrested on New Year’s Eve and was charged with unauthorized practice of a profession. She was released on a desk appearance ticket and is scheduled to appear in court on Jan. 21, police said.

“The mother had not given permission or authority to have her son injected with a Covid Vaccine and called police,” said Nassau County Police in a statement to the Daily Voice.

Statistics Show America’s Education System Is Failing: CRT and Lower Expectation Equals Fewer Literate Graduates, Expert Says

‘Learning has been replaced by an aggressive political agenda designed to instill doubt, mental pain, and low expectations in students’

Epoch Times – According to government statistics, America’s education system is failing. According to one expert, lower expectations and the shift in focus from academic excellence in mathematics, science, reading, and history toward the implementation of social constructs like critical race theory equals fewer literate graduates.

“Public records and other evidence show that state-level and some local education officials are no longer focused on maintaining high academic standards and providing the best public education possible to students,” Liv Finne wrote in her September 2021 report (pdf) regarding the lowering of academic standards by school officials in Washington state as they implement CRT. “Instead, a concern for learning has been replaced by an aggressive political agenda designed to instill doubt, mental pain and low expectations in students. This race-centered agenda also seeks to divide children from teachers, their own communities and from each other. This harmful trend can only be resolved through policies that return high-quality academic standards to public education and well-funded and supportive education-choice programs that allow families to access alternatives services to meet the learning needs of all children.”

2021 COVID-19 Recap: 200 Million Vaccinated, 450,000 Dead

Epoch Times – With the New Year’s Eve passing, 2021 is now the second year defined by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic and the global response to it. Compared to 2020, last year was not only deadlier, but also more complicated. Issues such as virus variants, vaccine resistance, and vaccine efficacy have come to the forefront. Mandatory vaccination went from a “conspiracy theory” to official policy in a matter of months. Increasingly prominent were also legal battles over government restrictions on the population, with approaches taken by different states further diverging.

Although 2021 started with a massive wave of COVID-19-related hospitalizations, there was also an expectation that the pandemic would soon end or at least fade into the background. Vaccination was billed as the ticket to normalcy, and initially it looked that way. By mid-June, about 180 million Americans had received at least one does of one of the approved vaccines and even states with the most authoritarian approaches, such as New York, had lifted most of their restrictions.

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