July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: January 11, 2023


Sweden To Reintroduce Conscription

Conscription is slavery, and Sweden is going to reintroduce it as it aims to boost “defense capabilities” during the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The ruling classes of the globe are not even trying to hide the fact that they are going to force people against their will to carry out atrocities unless we flat-out refuse.

The Swedish government plans to reintroduce civil conscription service in the country, Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson announced during a press conference on Monday, adding that the Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) will be ordered to prepare the measure later this week. Conscription is not a choice, and therefore Sweden is declaring those who will be forced into it their slaves.

According to Civil Defense Minister Carl-Oskar Bohlin, the first step will be to send people with the appropriate skills to municipal rescue services to perform civil service there. He noted that as many as 3,000 recruits could become part of this first wave, but stressed during an MSB meeting last week that the details have yet to be ironed out, according to a report by RT. 

“We do not know exactly how many may be covered by the duty. We see that the municipal rescue service today is not designed for the demands of a high alert and ultimately an armed attack,” Bohlin explained. “The experience from Ukraine is clear – when it comes to protecting the civilian population, emergency services are put under very heavy pressure,” he added.

Compulsory civil service was originally abandoned in Sweden in 2008. The MSB will have until March 1 to prepare the activation of civil duty, the minister said. – RT

Sweden revived its military conscription in 2017, citing Russian military activity as one of the reasons. The policy requires the slaves to serve between nine and 12 months.

US Wants to Deploy Missile-Armed Marines Along Japan’s Okinawa Islands

The US wants to deploy units of Marines armed with missiles along Japan’s Okinawa islands as part of a military buildup aimed at China, the Japanese newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun has reported.

The report said that the US is looking to deploy the Marines by 2026 and that Japan is already aware of the plan. It is expected to be announced on Wednesday after a meeting between Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and their Japanese counterparts in Washington.

The Marines Corps is going through an overhaul to better prepare for a future war with China, and a major aspect of the revamping is to make units more mobile. The Marines in these new units will get rid of aircraft and heavy armor in favor of more portable missiles and drones.

Japan hosts about 18,000 Marines, and 70% of US military bases are in the Okinawa prefecture. It’s not clear if the new plan means more US Marines will be deployed to Japan or if a reorganization of Marines that are already there will suffice. Either way, further entrenchment of the US military presence in Okinawa will likely be opposed by locals as there is a robust anti-base movement in the prefecture.

Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki has called on other Japanese territories to share the burden of hosting US military bases. “Okinawa prefecture sought to become an island of peace and without bases. However, even today, despite the fact that Okinawa is a prefecture with only 0.6% of Japan’s total land, it hosts 70.3% of the total area dedicated to the US military,” Tamaki said last year.

Tamaki has also called for Tokyo to ease tensions with China since any conflict would make Okinawa a target. Hundreds of thousands of civilians were killed in the battle of Okinawa between the US and the Empire of Japan during World War II. But Tamaki is not getting his wish as the government of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has announced a plan to double military spending and named China “the biggest strategic challenge, unlike anything we have seen before.”

Kishida is set to meet with President Biden this week in talks that will likely be focused on strengthening the US-Japan military alliance to work against China. The top US Marines Corps general in Japan told Financial Times this week that the US military is increasing cooperation with Japan’s armed forces to prepare for a future conflict and is “staging the theater” as it did in Ukraine after 2014.

Thousands of Iran assault rifles bound for Yemen seized: US Navy

Weapons were discovered off the coast of Oman ‘on a route historically used to traffic illicit cargo to the Houthis in Yemen’, Navy says.

The US Navy says it seized more than 2,000 assault rifles from a ship in the Gulf of Oman it believes came from Iran and were bound for Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthi rebels.

The cargo was discovered on Friday off the coast of Oman, the Bahrain-based US Fifth Fleet said in a statement on Tuesday, noting the vessel “was crewed by six Yemeni nationals”.

Partially Cremated Remains Left on Road Amid China’s Spiraling COVID Outbreak Trigger Alarm

On the roadside near a Chinese funeral home billowing out plumes of black smoke lay a pile of charred remains, both ashes and bones.

They were found next to the Henan Zhumadian Funeral House in the central part of China.

“Look at these bones, they aren’t fully burned yet, even some spinal bones are here,” a man observed while filming a video that circulated on Chinese social media. He spoke in the local dialect, lowering the camera for a closer look at the pile before turning around to reveal a large gray compound that was the funeral facility.

The video, which does not reveal the identity of the deceased, came at a sensitive time as COVID-19 engulfs China, inundating both the country’s fragile health system and crematoriums. The Chinese regime, meanwhile, has drawn rising criticism over its refusal to provide accurate infection and death figures.

Henan, the province where the video emerged, is particularly hard hit. Officials on Jan. 9 said that about 89 percent of the local population—or about 88 million—had contracted the virus.


FAA system outage is causing flight disruptions across the United States

A Federal Aviation Administration system that provides pilots with notices they need to read before flying is experiencing an outage, affecting flights in the United States.

It’s unclear how many flights will be affected, because some airlines may be able to operate without information from the system, known as the NOTAMS — or Notice to Air Missions — system.

The FAA says “some functions are beginning to come back on line” but added it would take time to resolve. An earlier advisory stated: “Technicians are currently working to restore the system and there is no estimate for restoration of the service at this time.”

A Federal Aviation Administration system that provides pilots with notices they need to read before flying is experiencing an outage, affecting flights in the United States.

It’s unclear how many flights will be affected, because some airlines may be able to operate without information from the system, known as the NOTAMS — or Notice to Air Missions — system.

The FAA says “some functions are beginning to come back on line” but added it would take time to resolve. An earlier advisory stated: “Technicians are currently working to restore the system and there is no estimate for restoration of the service at this time.”

Fresh cyclone to hit California after historic storms kill at least 17

A major cyclone is set to hit the US state of California with up to seven inches (18 centimeters) of rain on Wednesday, the National Weather Service said, after tens of thousands of people were placed under evacuation orders due to a barrage of storms that killed at least 17 people.

On Tuesday, torrential downpours caused flash flooding, closed key highways, toppled trees and swept away drivers and passengers — including a five-year-old boy who remains missing in central California.

House GOP eyes new committee to probe ‘weaponization’ of federal government

The panel, expected to be led by Rep. Jim Jordan, would have far-reaching authority and be empowered to investigate “ongoing criminal investigations.” Democrats are pushing back.

he new House Republican majority plans to create a special committee that could serve as a one-stop shop for investigating perceived wrongdoing by the federal government against conservatives, including former president Donald Trump.

The new panel, structured as a subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee, is expected to be chaired by Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, according to a source familiar with the matter. With subpoena power, it will be tasked with investigating law enforcement agencies as part of a mandate to probe the “weaponization of the federal government.”

Former West Virginia Lawmaker Charged in Jan. 6 Capitol Breach Announces Bid for Congress

‘I have to preserve what little freedom and liberty we have left, for my children and future grandchildren.’

On Friday, a former West Virginia lawmaker who was charged for his involvement at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, announced that he is running for Congress.

On the second anniversary of the events of Jan. 6, 2021, Derrick Evans announced his candidacy for the House of Representatives. In a video posted on social media, Evans—who live-streamed his presence in the Capitol and served jail time (pdf) for that participation—spoke of his “fellow J-6ers” and the “miscarriage of justice at the hands of our government.” He spoke of being fearful about his jail sentence and of being “scared to lose time” with his family.

“But despite that uncertainty, my resolve never waned,” he said. “I knew I still had the support from the people in West Virginia and American patriots from all across this country.”

“So with that,” Evans said, he announced he was “officially running for a seat in the United States House of Representatives.”

EXCLUSIVE: Former US Capitol Police Commander Reveals Failures in Jan. 6 Evacuation Response

U.S. Capitol Police radio traffic obtained by The Epoch Times reveals silence from command center, which Lt. Tarik Johnson says caused delays and put lives at risk

A top U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) commander—recently retired Assistant Chief Yogananda Pittman—failed to respond to repeated urgent radio calls to evacuate the U.S. Congress on Jan. 6, 2021, causing the loss of precious time that might have prevented the shooting death of protester Ashli Babbitt, a former USCP commander said.

The delay caused by the radio silence from the Capitol Police Command Center was so urgent that the 22-year veteran lieutenant located near the U.S. Senate chamber forged ahead with the evacuation anyway. He said he feared lawmakers would be injured or killed if he didn’t lead them to safety before the chamber doors were breached by protesters.

In a series of exclusive interviews with The Epoch Times, former USCP Lt. Tarik K. Johnson, 47, detailed allegations that Pittman failed to respond to multiple urgent calls for help.

“I begged for help all day on Jan. 6, 2021, and I feel I was largely ignored,” Johnson told The Epoch Times. “I beg again on Jan. 6, 2023—exactly two years later—for the proper investigative entities to uncover what really occurred on J6, and I pray that the country hears my cry.”

Johnson said the crucial delay in the evacuations should never have happened.

“There was no response from anybody at the Command Center,” Johnson said. “I say even before I initiated evacuation, I say specifically, ‘We’ve got to start thinking about getting the people out before we don’t have a chance to.’

“I heard no response. Then I asked for permission to evacuate. I heard no response.”

Republicans demand FBI raid on Biden after classified docs found at think tank

Joe Biden speaks to the press as he and First Lady Jill Biden board Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House, Monday, Oct. 3, 2022, en route to Joint Base Andrews for their trip to Puerto Rico. (Official White House photo by Cameron Smith)

To Democrats it’s no big deal, but Republicans are raising the roof over the fact that classified documents were found at a Joe Biden-aligned think tank.

The “discovery” happened last year, about the time of the midterm elections, but feds apparently kept the development under wraps.

The Washington Examiner explained the documents apparently were from Biden’s time as vice president for Barack Obama, so he would have had no executive privilege to declassify them.

The parallels immediately were drawn to the dispute over custody of some of the papers from Donald Trump’s presidency, in which the Democrat-run FBI staged a SWAT-style raid on his home.

Democrats simply “shrugged off” the issue, the report said.

House Moves to Create Committee to Investigate CCP’s Efforts to Undermine US

The House of Representatives is passing a resolution that will allow for the creation of a new congressional committee to investigate the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) efforts to undermine the United States and advise on methods of countering it.

House Resolution 11, “Establishing the Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party,” will create a 16-member, bipartisan committee chaired by Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.).

The move comes amid increasing reports, including from the Pentagon, that the CCP, which rules China as a single-party state, seeks to undermine and displace the United States as the world’s greatest superpower.

“The threat posed by the CCP is not abstract,” Gallagher said on the House floor before the vote to create the committee. “The CCP’s aggression is not limited to Taiwan, the South China Sea, Hong Kong, or even Xinjiang, where two successive administrations, Republican and Democrat alike, have determined that the CCP is engaging in genocide.”

“The Select Committee will expose the CCP’s coordinated, whole-of-society strategy to undermine American leadership and American sovereignty while working a bipartisan basis and with committee’s jurisdiction to identify long overdue common sense approached to counter CCP aggression.”

The move to establish the committee received widespread bipartisan support, and will be staffed by a bipartisan group of lawmakers dedicated to uncovering and countering the malign influence of the CCP.

“One of the greatest worries about the future is that we fall behind communist China,” said House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.). “The fact of the matter is the danger posed by our dependence on China is dire.”

“Here’s the good news: There is bipartisan consensus that the era of trusting communist China is over.”

“The threat is too great for us to bicker amongst ourselves. The future should be determined by us,” McCarthy said.

Labor Unions Should Be Held Liable for Property Destruction During Strikes, Supreme Court Told

A labor union’s allegedly deliberate destruction of company property as a pressure tactic in a labor dispute is not protected by federal labor law, a concrete company told the Supreme Court on Jan. 10.

Labor activists say that endangering and destroying company property during a labor dispute is fair game that has long been protected by the law, but companies like the petitioner in this case, Glacier Northwest, a ready-mix concrete company headquartered in Seattle, are pushing back.

The justices spent much of the oral argument discussing the difference between economic harm inflicted during strikes, which the law generally does not hold strikers responsible for, versus intentionally destroying property, which is forbidden.

Chief Justice John Roberts said “there certainly is a distinction between economic harm to the employer, which is at the heart of many strikes anyway, and intentional destruction of property. The difference between the milk spoiling and killing the cow.”

The union’s attorney, Darin Dalmat, agreed with the example.

“We absolutely agree that you can’t burn down the factory,” Dalmat told Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson.

The case is Glacier Northwest Inc. v. International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local Union No. 174, court file 21-1449. Glacier Northwest does business as CalPortland.

Company attorney Noel Francisco outlined his side’s case during oral arguments.

“The Court and the [National Labor Relations] Board have long recognized that the intentional destruction of an employer’s property in the course of a labor dispute is not protected concerted activity,” he said.

“That’s why steelworkers can’t walk out in the middle of a molten iron pour. It’s why federal security guards can’t leave their posts in the middle of a terrorist threat. It’s why a ferry boat crew can’t drive their boat out into the middle of the river and abandon ship. And it’s why in this very case the government agrees that the conduct alleged in this complaint isn’t even arguably protected.”

The case goes back to August 2017 when cement mixer truck drivers decided to strike against Glacier. They loaded the vehicles with cement and left them on the company’s premises. According to the union, drivers left the trucks running to prevent the cement from quickly hardening, becoming useless, and possibly damaging the trucks’ drums.

The company had a less charitable take on the union’s activities, saying in its petition (pdf) that the union deliberately sabotaged Glacier’s business and “coordinated with truck drivers to purposely time [a] strike when concrete was being batched and delivered” in an effort “to cause destruction of the concrete.”

Conservatives Celebrate the End of Proxy Voting: ‘The House of Representatives Isn’t a Tech Company’

Some conservative lawmakers are celebrating the end of proxy voting following the Republican-led House’s vote approving of a new rules package Monday.

GOP lawmakers finally adopted rules for the 118th Congress following Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) historic speakership battle, which comprised 15 rounds of voting. On Saturday after midnight, he finally reached 216 votes after reaching an agreement with holdouts on certain concessions, which included lowering the threshold on the motion to vacate.


Kevin McCarthy: GOP Votes to Repeal Army of 87,000 IRS Agents as Its ‘Very First Act of the New Congress’

The Republican-led United States House of Representatives voted to repeal the billions Democrats desired to spend on an army of IRS agents, as House Speaker Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) identified the action as the “very first act of the new Congress.”

“House Republicans just voted unanimously to repeal the Democrats’ army of 87,000 IRS agents. This was our very first act of the new Congress, because government should work for you, not against you. Promises made. Promises kept,” 


Criminal Minds See The Internet of Things Is The Next Big Hacking Prize

John Hultquist, vice president of intelligence analysis at Google-owned cybersecurity firm Mandiant, likens his job to studying criminal minds through a soda straw. He monitors cyberthreat groups in real time on the dark web, watching what amounts to a free market of criminal innovation ebb and flow.

Groups buy and sell services, and one hot idea — a business model for a crime — can take off quickly when people realize that it works to do damage or to get people to pay. Last year, it was ransomware, as criminal hacking groups figured out how to shut down servers through what’s called directed denial of service attacks. But 2022, say experts, may have marked an inflection point due to the rapid proliferation of IoT (Internet of Things) devices.

Attacks are evolving from those that shut down computers or stole data, to include those that could more directly wreak havoc on everyday life. IoT devices can be the entry points for attacks on parts of countries’ critical infrastructure, like electrical grids or pipelines, or they can be the specific targets of criminals, as in the case of cars or medical devices that contain software.

“What I wish is that the vulnerabilities of cybersecurity could never negatively affect human life and infrastructure,” says Meredith Schnur, cyber brokerage leader for US & Canada at Marsh & McLennan, which insures large companies against cyberattacks. “Everything else is just business.”

For the past decade, manufacturers, software companies and consumers have been rushing to the promise of Internet of Things devices. Now there are an estimated 17 billion in the world, from printers to garage door openers, each one packed with software (some of it open-source software) that can be easily hacked. In a conversation Dec. 26 with The Financial Times, Mario Greco, the group CEO of giant insurer Zurich Insurance Group, said cyberattacks could pose a larger threat to insurers than pandemics and climate change, if hackers aim to disrupt lives, rather than merely spying or stealing data.

The Digitization Of Humanity Shows Why The Globalist Agenda Is Evil

In recent weeks I’ve been seeing an interesting narrative fallacy being sold to the general public when it comes to the designs of globalists. The mainstream media and others are now openly suggesting that it’s actually okay to be opposed to certain aspects of groups like the World Economic Forum. They give you permission to be concerned, just don’t dare call it conspiracy.

This propaganda is a deviation from the abject denials we’re accustomed to hearing in the Liberty Movement for the past decade or more. We have all been confronted with the usual cognitive dissonance – The claims that globalist groups “just sit around talking about boring economic issues” and nothing they do has any bearing on global politics or your everyday life. In some cases we were even told that these groups of elites “don’t exist”.

Now, the media is admitting that yes, perhaps the globalists do have more than just a little influence over governments, social policies and economic outcomes. But, what the mainstream doesn’t like is the assertion that globalists have nefarious or authoritarian intentions. That’s just crazy tinfoil hat talk, right?

The reason for the narrative shift is obvious. Far too many people witnessed the true globalist agenda in action during the pandemic lockdowns and now they see the conspiracy for what it is. The globalists, in turn, seem to have been shocked to discover many millions of people in opposition to the mandates and the refusals to comply were clearly far greater than they expected. They are still trying to push their brand of covid fear, but the cat is out of the bag now.

They failed to get what they wanted in the west, which was a perpetual Chinese-style medical tyranny with vaccine passports as the norm. So, the globalist strategy has changed and they are seeking to adapt. They admit to a certain level of influence, but they pretend as if they are benevolent or indifferent.

The response to this lie is relatively straightforward. I could point out how Klaus Schwab of the WEF savored the thrill of the initial pandemic outbreak and declared that covid was the perfect “opportunity” to initiate what the WEF calls the “Great Reset.”

I could also point out that Klaus Schwab’s vision of the Reset, what he calls the “4th Industrial Revolution”, is a veritable nightmare world in which Artificial Intelligence runs everything, society is condensed into digital enclaves called “smart cities” and people are oppressed by carbon taxation. I could point out that the WEF actively supports the concept of the “Shared Economy” in which you will “own nothing, have no privacy” and you will supposedly be happy about it, but only because you won’t have any other choice.


Hackers Drool As California Rolls Out Trackable Digital License Plates

Security researchers were able to gain “super administrative access” to Reviver, the sole provider of California’s digital license plates, and track the GPS location of all of vehicles they are associated with.

A team of security researchers successfully obtained “full super administrative access,” which allowed them to perform a slew of tasks involving the company’s user accounts and vehicles, according to a blog post by researcher Sam Curry.

After gaining access, a hacker could track the physical GPS location of all license plates of Reviver customers, as well as change the slogan or personalized message at the bottom of the plates to arbitrary text.

The personalized messages on the license plates involves a feature that allows customers to digitally update the bottom section of their plates to display different messages, such as, “Go Team!” or “looking for a trail.”

Additionally, a hacker could update any vehicle status to “STOLEN,” which would alert authorities.

“An actual attacker could remotely update, track, or delete anyone’s REVIVER plate,” Curry wrote in his blog post, revealing that he and his team had found security vulnerabilities across the automotive industry, not just with Reviver.

A hacker could also access all user records, including what vehicles people owned, their physical address, phone number, and email address, as well as access the fleet management functionality for any company, locate, and manage all vehicles in a fleet, Curry noted.

“We could take any of the normal API calls (viewing vehicle location, updating vehicle plates, adding new users to accounts) and perform the action using our super administrator account with full authorization,” Curry explained.

“We could additionally access any dealer (e.g. Mercedes-Benz dealerships will often package REVIVER plates) and update the default image used by the dealer when the newly purchased vehicle still had DEALER tags,” he added.Reviver responded to the revelations, telling Vice’s Motherboard that it has since patched the issues discovered by the researchers.

“We are proud of our team’s quick response, which patched our application in under 24 hours and took further measures to prevent this from occurring in the future. Our investigation confirmed that this potential vulnerability has not been misused.”

VIDEO: Biden Signs Law Putting Kill Switches in Cars; Update on Brunson Case by Joshua Phillip (Epoch Times) 

** As we predicted previously on The Power Hour, the Brunson case went nowhere. 

Global Expansion of Mass Surveillance Technology

An investigation by The Associated Press reveals pandemic-era mass surveillance technologies are being utilized as instruments of control

In China, COVID-19 QR codes have been used to restrict movement, protests and other forms of dissent

In Israel, the Shin Bet security agency used COVID-19 contact tracing technology to send text messages accusing innocent people of acts of violence

There is fear that COVID-19 mass surveillance technologies will become a measure for widespread social control in which health data, housing information, financial profiles and more are used to create a comprehensive profile of each individual on earth

The solution to opting out of the madness and protecting your personal privacy and liberties as much as possible is not to voluntarily give up your control and information


Japanese Condiment Fights Highly Lethal Pancreatic Cancer

A promising study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine titled, “Effect of Wasabi Component 6-(Methylsulfinyl)hexyl Isothiocyanate and Derivatives on Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells,” reveals the potent Japanese horseradish concoction known as wasabi may help fight highly lethal pancreatic cancer by striking to the very root cause of cancer malignancy and its resistance to conventional treatment.

A team of Taiwanese researchers studied the effects of a naturally occurring wasabi isolate, compound 6-(methylsulfinyl)hexyl isothiocyanate (6-MITC), and two of its synthetic derivatives (I7447 and I7557, respectively), on human pancreatic cancer cells. They used two pancreatic cell lines known as PANC-1 and BxPC-3, respectively, and measured their responses to the wasabi derived compounds 


Gas-stove ban: U.S. moves closer to action as a consumer agency turns up its scrutiny

States including California and New York already limit the installation of new stoves and ovens that use natural gas

The U.S. as a whole could be edging nearer to a ban on gas stoves, if the interest of a federal consumer safety agency is any indication.

The agency is reviewing gas stoves and range tops, opening a comment period for now, a member of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission told Bloomberg News in a recent interview. Attention on these appliances has increased in the wake of new studies of respiratory and certain cancer risks linked to their use, as well as research on their contribution to global warming from the greenhouse gases that the combustion of natural gas NG00, 1.06% and other fossil fuels releases into the atmosphere.

Gas appliances are “a hidden hazard,” CPSC commissioner Richard Trumka Jr. said in the interview. “Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.” 

He said the agency could also consider other actions, including setting standards on emissions from the appliances, or take no action at all.

Trumka later tweeted: “To be clear, CPSC isn’t coming for anyone’s gas stoves. Regulations apply to new products. For Americans who CHOOSE to switch from gas to electric, there is support available – Congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act, which includes a $840 rebate.” Read more on the IRA.

Still, his position sparked a social media response, including from Sen. Joe Manchin, an energy-state Democrat. “The federal government has no business telling American families how to cook their dinner. I can tell you the last thing that would ever leave my house is the gas stove that we cook on,” Manchin tweeted.


Technocrats-In-Action: Nation-Killing COVID Lockdowns Were Spawned During Trump Admin

The latest of the Twitter Files is reported by Alex Berenson, who was granted access to messaging systems from the times before Elon Musk took over. His first round of reporting concerns the role of Scott Gottlieb, who is a perfect example of an influencer who is technically outside of government but might as well be a powerful official within it.

Gottlieb’s main gig now is as a senior fellow of the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, DC, but he also serves as a board member of Pfizer. Before joining AEI and Pfizer, he headed the Food and Drug Administration under Trump from 2017 to 2019. Before that, he was at Health and Human Services as a member of its Federal Health IT Policy Committee from 2013 to 2017.

You probably know him from TV because he has been a ubiquitous presence since the beginning of the pandemic lockdowns, defending the government’s actions and pushing the vaccines from the company whose board he serves.

In August 2021, he wrote Twitter to complain about a tweet from his successor at the FDA, Brett Giroir. Giroir wrote to report the results of a study in Israel that clearly demonstrated what most anyone could have known even without the study: natural immunity is superior to vaccinated immunity.

Gottlieb complained that the tweet is “corrosive” and might “go viral.” Twitter acted by slapping a “misleading” tag on the tweet, one that still remains to this day.

‘All Three Vaccines Are Breaking Through:’ Emails Show Discussion of Vaccine Failure Among Health Officials

Officials in Washington state recorded jumps in post-vaccination infections, hospitalizations, and deaths in mid-2021, according to newly disclosed internal emails.

Fifteen percent of COVID-19 cases and 25 percent of COVID-19 hospitalizations from July 1 to July 20, 2021, were vaccinated—up from 2 percent between February and June that year, Chris Spitters, the health officer for the Snohomish County Health District, wrote in one of the messages. A fifth of the deaths attributed to COVID-19 were vaccinated.

Spitters also detailed a COVID-19 outbreak in a long-term care facility with over a dozen breakthrough, or post-vaccination, cases.

Dr. Yuan-Po Tu, of The Everett Clinic, responded by saying that about 20 percent of people testing positive in the clinic were fully vaccinated. “ALL 3 vaccines are breaking through,” Tu wrote.

Dr. James Cook, chief medical officer at the Providence Regional Medical Center Everett, told Spitters and Tu that some hospitalized patients were vaccinated and the majority of workers who were testing positive were fully vaccinated.

“I don’t think any have been hospitalized but I’m not 100% sure,” Cook wrote.

Why Is the Associated Press Lying About Gene Therapy Shots?

The notion that the COVID shots are a form of gene therapy is so risky for Big Pharma’s bottom line, they’re going to great lengths to make sure people don’t think of them that way

The Associated Press published a “fact check” in which they argued that COVID shots are not gene therapy because they do not alter your genes

The AP misled readers by focusing on just one part of the FDA’s definition of a gene therapy — the part about modifying expression of a gene. But the full definition also includes the words “or to alter the biological properties of living cells,” which is precisely what the COVID shots do

When the mRNA shots were rolled out in 2021, they did not meet the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s definition of a vaccine. They only met the FDA’s definition of a gene therapy

The only reason COVID shots meet the CDC’s definition of a vaccine now is because they changed the definition to prevent “COVID-19 deniers” from saying that “COVID-19 vaccines are not vaccines per CDC’s own definition”

Watch the video HERE

Zinc Is Key for COVID-19 Treatment and Prevention

Zinc prevents viral replication inside your cells, but is poorly absorbed. Zinc ionophores (zinc transport molecules) such as quercetin, epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG) and the drug hydroxychloroquine facilitate zinc uptake

A combination of zinc with a zinc ionophore was in 2010 shown to inhibit SARS coronavirus in vitro. In cell culture, it also blocked viral replication within minutes

Zinc deficiency impairs immune function

Preliminary research found COVID-19 patients with plasma zinc levels below 50 mcg/dl at admission had a 2.3 times greater risk of in-hospital death than those with a zinc level of 50 mcg/dl or higher

Other research found COVID-19 patients were more likely to be deficient in zinc than healthy controls. Zinc deficient patients also had worse outcomes and higher rates of death. While 70.4% of zinc deficient patients developed complications, only 30% of those with sufficient levels developed complications

—> Watch the video HERE

Power Mall Product of Interest: Plant Based Zinc


WATCH – Texas Police Department Celebrates Retirement of Only K-9: ‘You Make Us Proud!’

The only K-9 Officer serving the Port Neches Police Department kept the Texas community safe for eight years and is retiring.

Sergeant Eric Heilman worked as Officer Rico’s handler for seven years. The pair helped maintain law and order during that time and were committed to the task, 12 News reported Thursday.


Houston Taqueria Customer Shoots, Kills Armed Robber

A customer at a taqueria on the southwest side of Houston shot and killed a would-be armed robber, according to video released by the Houston Police Department. The customer reportedly gathered the money taken by the robbery suspect and distributed it back to the victims before leaving the restaurant.

Houston Police Department investigators are wanting to talk to a man seen in a security video shooting a robbery at a taqueria located in the 6800 block of South Gessner Road, according to a report by Fox 26 Houston. A video released by police investigators shows a robbery in progress.

3 Things a Child Crimes Investigator Won’t Let Her Own Kids Do—Tips to Avoid Groomers, Sex Predators

With disturbing news of child sex predators—groomers and Balenciaga—being exposed lately, parents are hugging their children a little tighter before tucking them in each night.

Few know better what dangers are lurking out there than child crimes investigator Terra Avilla, 36, of the District Attorney’s Office in Susanville, California.

The investigator and mom of three is also a TikTok influencer, going by the handle @thegirlcop, who shares her advice to parents on social media.

In her videos which went viral, Avilla shares three tips for parents to help keep their kids safe from sex predators, which she elaborated on for The Epoch Times.

But what makes this lady cop an expert in her field, one worthy of giving advice?

Being the only female officer when she joined the Susanville Police Department in 2010, Avilla was often underestimated by her peers, yet her coworkers soon realized her forte.

Victims were often more comfortable speaking to a female officer so she soon was assigned to working child sex cases.

“After a while, because I was handling so many of them, I grew to be an expert very quickly,” she told the Epoch Times.

“I became an expert in speaking with children,” she said. “I learned how to develop a rapport with them and also discovered how important it is to have their trust.”

With this experience investigating crimes against children under her belt, she felt compelled to inform parents how to keep their kids safe.

She shared three important tips, which she follows raising her own children, which are as follows:

Number One–No Sleepovers

Number Two–No Snapchat

Number Three–No Keeping Secrets with Outside Adults


Trump Announces Death of Entertainer Lynnette ‘Diamond’ Hardaway at 51

Former President Donald Trump has announced the death of social media personality and entertainer Lynette Hardaway, better known as “Diamond” from the “Diamond and Silk” sister duo.

Trump made the announcement in a statement on Truth Social on Jan. 9 where he said that Hardaway, 51, had died at her home in North Carolina and was accompanied by her sister “Silk,” also known as Herneitha Rochelle Richardson.

The former president called Hardaway’s death “really bad news for Republicans and frankly, all Americans.”

“Our beautiful Diamond, of Diamond and Silk, has just passed away at her home in the State she loved so much, North Carolina,” Trump wrote. “Silk was with her all the way, and at her passing. There was no better team anywhere, or at any time! Diamond’s death was totally unexpected, probably her big and precious heart just plain gave out. Rest In Peace our magnificent Diamond, you will be greatly missed!”

Diamond and Silk’s official Twitter account also confirmed Hardaway’s death on Monday, writing that the world “just lost a True Angel and Warrior Patriot for Freedom, Love, and Humanity!”

Rising MMA Star Victoria Lee Dies at Age 18

Mixed Martial Arts rising star Victoria Lee died at age 18, her family and ONE Championship announced Saturday on social media.

MMA fighter Angela Lee shared in an Instagram post that her younger sister, Victoria, died last year on Dec. 26.

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