July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: January 2023


Lockdown Queen Jacinda Ardern Announces Resignation as New Zealand Prime Minister

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced, in a reportedly tearful press conference, that she will resign on February 7th.

Jacinda Ardern, 42, who became infamous on the world stage for her fervent support of draconian lockdown policies during the Chinese coronavirus crisis, announced that she will be stepping down her role as prime minister, a position she has held since 2017.

Brazil Gives Dozens Arrested for Anti-Socialist Riot Coronavirus Vaccine Products

The Brazilian newspaper O Globo, citing Brasilia’s Health Department, reported on Wednesday that as many as 70 men arrested in relation to the January 8 anti-socialist riot in the nation’s capital had received doses of coronavirus vaccine products.

The report stated that 134 people at the detention center in Papuda, which took in about 904 male prisoners following the riot, had been processed and received vaccines for a host of diseases, including hepatitis B and tetanus. The report listed 64 men as having rejected the coronavirus vaccine products available, meaning 70 did receive the doses. Another 19 reportedly refused hepatitis, tetanus, and the Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR) vaccine.

The report appeared to confirm police assurances that reports of vaccine availability for suspected rioters did not mean that authorities would force the medical product on those in custody. Following the initial arrests, some claims surfaced online that the government of far-left President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva would be mandating coronavirus injections for rioters, prompting outrage on the political right and derision on the left.

World Economic Forum Plots Misinformation Plan

At the World Economic Forum (WEF) 2023 annual meeting, countering misinformation is a key agenda

WEF claims a “wide range of actors with access to sophisticated technology and weaponry, as well as an ever-increasing capacity to spread misinformation” are a threat

WEF hasn’t defined the misinformation it’s targeting, but it likely includes criticism of the WEF and challenges to mainstream COVID-19 narratives

In 2022, WEF held Sustainable Development Impact Meetings that also featured panels on “tackling disinformation”

Among the participants were the United Nations, which noted it had partnered with Big Tech giants like Google and TikTok to censor the narrative on environmental issues and COVID-19

Khanna: Davos Is ‘More of the Problem’ — It’s ‘Cosmopolitanism for Elites’ that Forgets Citizens

During an interview Khanna: Davos Is ‘More of the Problem’ — It’s ‘Cosmopolitanism for Elites’ that Forgets Citizens aired on Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN International’s “Amanpour,” Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) stated that the World Economic Forum in Davos is “More of the problem” and you can’t have a “cosmopolitanism that is a cosmopolitanism for elites and forgets the concerns of citizens in those nations.”

Author and Tulane History Professor Walter Isaacson asked, “A lot of the big corporate leaders and world bankers are gathering in Davos today as we speak. Davos has always been sort of a symbol of globalization and, to some extent, free trade. Is the World Economic Forum in Davos part of the problem or part of the solution?”

Al Gore WEF Meltdown: ‘Boiling the Oceans,’ ‘Rain Bombs,’ a Billion ‘Climate Refugees’

Former Vice President Al Gore said that “greenhouse gas pollution” was “boiling the oceans,” causing “rain bombs,” and creating “climate refugees” during remarks at a World Economic Forum (WEF) event in Davos, Switzerland on Tuesday.

Gore joined a panel discussion ostensibly examining what the WEF and the White House regularly describe as a “climate crisis” driven by consumption of fossil fuels. One of the panel’s hosts framed it as a “planetary crisis” driving “mass extinction” while “really putting humanity’s future at risk.”

Gore claimed:

We’re still putting 162 million tons [of greenhouse gas pollution into the atmosphere] every single day, and the accumulated amount is now trapping as much extra heat as would be released by 600,000 Hiroshima-class atomic bombs exploding every single day on the Earth. 

That’s what’s boiling the oceans, creating these atmospheric rivers, and the rain bombs, and sucking the moisture out of the land and creating the droughts, and melting the ice and raising the sea level, and causing these waves of climate refugees, predicted to reach one billion in this century. 

Look at the xenophobia and political authoritarian trends that have come from just a few million refugees. What about a billion? We would lose our capacity for self-governance on this world. We have to act.

>> Video: ‘We Are Still Failing Badly’: Al Gore Delivers Fiery Remarks On Climate Change Dangers

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp at Davos: ‘Secure the Dang Border’

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) attended the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, this week and used the opportunity to draw attention to the ongoing fentanyl crisis in the United States and urged Congress to secure the southern border.

Kemp spoke at a WEF panel moderated by Norwegian diplomat Børge Brende on Tuesday alongside other American politicians, including Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) and Sens. Chris Coons (D-DE), Joe Manchin (D-WV), and Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ).

Deconstructing Bill Gates’ Agenda

Gates has used his staggering wealth to buy control, and he’s done it under the cloak of “charity.” A significant piece of that control is the control over population growth. Gates’ family also has a long history of supporting eugenics

According to Gates, the global population could be lowered by 10% to 15% if we “do a really great job on new vaccines, health care [and] reproductive health services.” His theory is that as health improves, families opt to have fewer children

In 2017, Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance — founded by the Gates Foundation in partnership with the WHO, the World Bank and vaccine manufacturers — decided to provide every child with a digital biometric identity to ensure 100% vaccine coverage

Gates has also invested in the development and implementation of biometric identification programs tied in with digital currencies

Ultimately, the plan is to connect everything together — our identity, finances, medical data, vaccine records and more — at which point we will be 100% enslaved



Social Security Payments ‘Going up at a High Rate,’ Says CEO

American consumers are still in “pretty good shape” despite the Federal Reserve setting interest rates to their highest levels in decades to tame inflation, Bank of America Chief Executive Brian Moynihan said at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting.

“So it (growth) is solid. And that consumer spending, it goes back to the question of why the U.S. in pretty good shape,” Moynihan told Reuters at the Davos, Switzerland, event. “It’s a consumer-led consumption economy. The consumers are spending, their wages are growing and frankly, there’s still a lot of stimulus in accounts and there’s more … Social Security payments are going up at a high rate, things like that that are going to add more fuel that they can use to spend.”

Moynihan was likely referring to the Social Security Administration’s announcement that the cost-of-living adjustment, or COLA, for Social Security payments increased by 8.7 percent for 2023. That’s because of decades-high inflation that endured for most of last year.

He told the newswire service that the U.S. economy could enter a mild recession later in 2023 or in 2024. For the rest of the world, the CEO said, the bank is still predicting growth.

“And the reason why we still feel they feel confident, and they’re the economic experts, but even talking to CEOs, yes, they feel that earnings may be under pressure from margins, from demand and things like that,” Moynihan remarked, adding that “business plans are solid and they continue to perform, but they’re being careful because with higher interest rates, that’s more expensive. With higher interest rates, demand may change and so they’re being careful.”

House Republicans Introduce Bill to ‘Terminate’ COVID-19 Health Emergency

House Republicans on Tuesday introduced legislation to end the COVID-19 public health emergency, coming about three years after it was implemented nationwide.

On Jan. 11, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) confirmed that it would again extend the health emergency for another 90 days, according to a declaration issued by HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. The emergency has been renewed about a dozen times since it was implemented under the Trump administration in early 2020.

Rep. Brett Guthrie (R-Ky.) proposed ending the emergency declaration, again putting more pressure on the Biden administration to rescind the measure. If it passes through Congress, it’s likely President Joe Biden would attempt to veto the bill.

“The COVID-19 pandemic is over,” Guthrie wrote on Twitter Tuesday. “It’s long overdue to end the COVID-19 [public health emergency] and for President Biden to relinquish his emergency powers.”

The bill, titled the “Pandemic Is Over Act,” stipulates that HHS “shall terminate on the date of enactment of this Act.” About three months ago, Biden told a “60 Minutes” reporter that he believes “the pandemic is over,” prompting White House officials to scramble to clarify his stance.

“The COVID-19 pandemic is over,” Guthrie said in a statement. “Despite President Biden admitting this in September, his administration just authorized the 12th extension of the COVID-19 public health emergency. It is long overdue for President Biden to end the COVID-19 public health emergency and relinquish the emergency powers that he just renewed again.”

Supreme Court Again Refuses to Halt New York Gun Restrictions

The ruling comes as challenges to gun laws across the nation have escalated since the high court struck down previous New York rules on guns in June 2022. In the same opinion, the court also held that there’s a constitutional right to carry a gun outside the home for self-defense, leading states such as New York and Illinois to respond by doubling down on firearms restrictions.

The new state law in question, New York’s sweeping Concealed Carry Improvement Act, has been hotly litigated in the federal courts since it was approved by lawmakers in Albany. Some state law enforcement officials previously condemned the law, which took effect on Sept. 1, 2022, saying it would be difficult to enforce and may be unconstitutional. The New York State Sheriffs’ Association said the law was a “thoughtless, reactionary action.”

The Supreme Court rejected the application in Gazzola v. Hochul, court file 22A591, in an unsigned order (pdf) on Jan. 18. No justices dissented from the order.

The dealers said in court papers (pdf) that the new law treats “state licensed dealers in firearms as if they are ‘a highly selective group inherently suspect of criminal activities.’” The dealers said they were “urgently [seeking] a preliminary injunction to keep their doors open, while fighting to restore their civil rights through this lawsuit.”

“Petitioners are risking everything to try to stay in business in support of civil rights under the Second, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments, and to keep the doors open and the lights on while they pursue this case, but we can’t seem to find a judge in district or circuit court who will back them up,” they said in the brief.

Defense Contractors Rake in Millions as U.S. Seeks to Supply More Weapons to Ukraine

Defense contractors are raking in millions of dollars as the Biden administration pledges to continue supporting Ukraine for “as long as it takes.”

The U.S. Army announced in December it awarded an $84 million contract to Raytheon Missiles and Defense for more than 1,000 Excalibur 1B precision munitions to replenish those sent to Ukraine.

Report: Republican Rep. Greg Steube Hospitalized After Falling at His Florida Home

Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL) was reportedly hospitalized after falling at his property late Wednesday afternoon.

“Congressman Steube was involved in an accident on his property late this afternoon and has sustained several injuries. We will provide additional updates when possible. Please pray for the Congressman and his family,” his official congressional account stated on Wednesday.

Geraldo Rivera Says the ‘AR’ in AR-15 Means ‘Automatic Rifle’

FOX News personality Geraldo Rivera backed President Biden’s push for an “assault weapons” ban and said that the “AR” in AR-15 stands for “automatic rifle” on Tuesday’s The Five.

Newsweek quoted Rivera telling the co-hosts, “I submit to you, ladies and gentlemen, there is no legitimate reason … to have an AR-15.”

He described the AR-15 as a “machine gun” that people own in order to make them feel “macho.”

Greg Gutfeld then asked Rivera, “What does ‘AR’ stand for?”

Rivera responded, “Automatic rifle.”

Geraldo Rivera Doubles Down: Criticizes AR-15s by Tweeting Video of Truck-Mounted Machine Gun

Geraldo Rivera tweeted video of a truck-mounted machine gun in Mogadishu Wednesday as part of his continuing effort to prove AR-15s are machine guns and should be banned.

Rivera’s video also shows a machine gun that is being carried by soldier. Neither of the guns are AR-15s, but he tweeted about them to show his support for an “assault weapons” ban.

Breitbart News noted that Geraldo told hosts on FOX News’ The Five that “AR” stands for “automatic rifle.”


Breitbart Business Digest: Wall Street Again Caught Offside on December Retail Sales Slump

As the great American sage Yogi Berra once put it: it’s like deja vu all over again.

A year ago, the “resilient” consumer was expected to prop up holiday sales in December despite rapidly raising prices. Overall sales were expected to be down one-tenth of a percentage point due to weak sales in autos, largely reflecting a shortage of new cars to sell. Excluding autos, sales were expected to rise three-tenths of a percentage point.

Central Bank Digital Currency: The Risks and the Myths

Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) have the potential to radically transform the American financial system‐​ultimately usurping the private sector and endangering Americans’ core freedoms. Although CBDCs have gained the attention of politicians, central bankers, and the tech industry, this experiment should be left on the drawing board. This paper provides a summary of why Congress should explicitly prohibit the Federal Reserve and the Department of the Treasury from issuing a CBDC.

Microsoft Is Cutting 10,000 Jobs in Latest of Big Tech Layoffs

Microsoft will cut 10,000 jobs in response to decreasing demand after the pandemic, its CEO said in a note to employees Wednesday.

The announcement comes after tens of thousands of job cuts across the technology sector. The layoffs are a response to decreased spending in cloud computing after the COVID-19 pandemic, Microsoft said: “First, as we saw customers accelerate their digital spend during the pandemic, we’re now seeing them optimize their digital spend to do more with less.”

The same holds true for organizations that are fearing or impacted by recession, according to the note. Palantir Technologies Inc., a software company, said this week that reducing cloud spending was a top-ten priority of its customers.

The 10,000 jobs cut amounts to around 5 percent of Microsoft’s total workforce. The company is cutting far fewer jobs than it had added during the COVID-19 pandemic; it expanded by about 36 percent in the two fiscal years following the start of the pandemic, growing from 163,000 workers at the end of June 2020 to 221,000 in June 2022.

The tech giant will also hire in some areas and focus on artificial intelligence (AI) for its future development plans.

“The next major wave of computing is being born with advances in AI, as we’re turning the world’s most advanced models into a new computing platform,” it said.

The company will spend $1.2 billion for employee severance costs and changing its hardware portfolio.


Company genetically engineers fruit flies to be “biofactories” for fake meat production

The biotech company Future Fields has notified the Canadian authorities of its intention to commercialise EntoEngine, a genetically modified fly. The flies are engineered to produce foreign proteins – in this case, growth factors, which are cell signalling molecules that play important roles in cell proliferation and development, for use in what Future Fields calls “cellular agriculture” – what we call lab-grown or fake meat.

The public can comment on the application until 28 January 2023 and we encourage them to do so. In our view, EntoEngine flies poses serious environmental risks in the likely event that they will escape contained conditions.

The details

The company says, “The EntoEngine fly line has been genetically engineered to express a growth factor isolated from cows…. The gene sequence poses no known risks to either humans or animals. Expression of the gene encoding the growth factor is under the control of a gene expression regulator isolated from yeast.”

Future Fields argues that the GM fly is needed to replace the usual way of producing growth factors – in bioreactors. The company confirms what GMWatch has long said – that bioreactor technology is expensive, resource and energy hungry and produces vast quantities of problematic waste. The company concludes, reasonably, that growth factors cannot be produced cost-effectively using bioreactor technology – so they aim to produce them in GM drosophila, or fruit flies.

The company makes grand claims for the fly’s sustainability and environmental friendliness, compared with bioreactor protein production, based on lower input use and less greenhouse emissions. Drosophila, Future Fields says, “do not have these large operation costs and require only modest environmental controls to ensure optimal rearing… Drosophila can feed on organic side streams and byproducts from other processes (i.e. organic waste). In fact, insects are some of the most efficient organisms at converting nutrients into biomass.”

However, the problem with this “solution” is that even with a cheaper source of cell growth factors in the shape of the flies, lab grown meat will still need to be produced in huge bioreactors, with the consequent vast running costs and environmental impacts.

Brownstone: Technocratic Dystopia Is Impossible

In the coming technocratic dystopia, life will be grim for most of us. For those who survive the preliminary depopulation, a technological control grid run by AI and robots will keep tabs on our every movement. You notice that your pantry cube is running a bit low on freeze-dried bug burgers, fake meat, and cockroach milk.

You time your break to fall outside of your three daily hours of wind-powered internet. Forbidden by the World Economic Forum from owning your own car, you flag down a quick ride share from your leased living quarters in a stacked shipping container on the near side of your 15-minute city. After dropping off the seven other people in your ride share, you arrive at the fake meat distribution point, where you wait in a long queue, hoping to trade in a few of your remaining carbon ration credits for more provisions.

You worry that your transaction might be rejected by the central bank digital currency network. After all, there was that one moment where your wrinkled brow showed slight unhappiness. You wonder if the facial recognition AI picked it up during one of your masked Zoom calls.

But for the elites, things will be better than ever. Private jets, cars, ultra wagyu beef tenderloin (for their dogs), and large estates. Life-extension drugs will make them nearly immortal. They will vacation at 5-star hotels, a short limo trip from the Louvre, but without the crowds.

The WEF – an infinite source of technocratic malapropisms – says that you will “own nothing” and be happy (the happiness perhaps will be a drug-induced state as Yuval Hariri suggests). Many independent researchers who have looked into the WEF’s plans have reported similar findings. For example – see James Corbett, Patrick Wood, Whitney Webb 2, Tessa Lena 2, Jay Dyer, and Catherine Austin Fitts.

Aaron Kheriaty, who says much the same in his book The New Abnormal, calls the oncoming system “communist capitalism.” Jeffrey Tucker calls it “techno-primitivism.” He describes the system as:

a combination of digital technology plus a rollback into previous ages of existence to a time without fossil fuels and meat plus geographical isolation and limited choices for average people. In other words, it’s a step back to feudalism: the lords of the manor are digital titans and the rest of us are peasants toiling in the fields and eating bugs when the food runs out.

The researchers that I have cited have done a deep dive into the GI tract of the beast. While I don’t dispute the truth of their findings, my problem with much of the commentary on the Great Reset is that it takes the Grand Plan at face value. Indeed, a group of elites have a plan. They are open about some parts of it (and most likely, less open about others).

One can imagine something, plan for it, and even try to bring it into being. However, in order to succeed, the laws of reality must be observed. The laws of cause and effect apply to all things. Grand utopian visions always fail in the implementation – if they even get that far.


Technocrats-At-Work: Medical Profession Implements WHO’s Digital Diagnosis Code For The Unvaxxed

A set of international codes are used by the medical industry for billing purposes under Medicare-Medicaid and the private insurance companies, but it’s not just about billing.

These codes are part of the International Classification of Disease (ICD) system set forth by the United Nations World Health Organization and they’re about to get far more invasive.

This system was originally created after World War II for the purpose of tracking the diagnosis of major diseases within a population. But over the years, there have been 11 major revisions, and with each revision the data being collected on each individual has become more precise and all-inclusive.

More than 1.6 million clinical situations can now be coded, according to the WHO website.

And it’s also become more coercive, to the point where it’s become impossible for doctors to get reimbursed by insurance companies if they don’t upload all the requested data points.

According to an April 2016 article in the American Journal of Neuroradiology, “Across the years, it has become an integral part of the payment infrastructure of the U.S. healthcare system along with the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) coding system for medical procedures.”

The ICD system really grew into an electronic data-mining beast with the passage by Congress of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) in 2012. The digitization of healthcare records was fully implemented with the upgrade to ICD-10 after two congressional delays in 2016.

Since then, there has literally been a numeric code created for almost any diagnosis you can think of, and some you would never think of (Search “crazy ICD-10 codes” and you will see what I’m talking about).

Fast forward now to April 2022. This is when the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) announced a new code that anyone who is awake and aware of the growing medical tyranny should be concerned about. After some delays, the new code was rolled out in October 2022 and became available to nearly every medical clinic and hospital in January 2023.

What is this new code? It’s Code Number Z28.310. This is the code for a very peculiar “diagnosis” since it’s not a diagnosis at all, but an invasion of privacy and likely to be used against many people in the future. This is the code your doctor will log into the computer system that is accessed by government and private health insurers informing them of your Covid vaccine status.

These are internationally recognized codes for very specific medical conditions for insurance and government purposes. They are accessible worldwide should you be overseas and have a health issue that needs to be treated.

I recently interviewed a fully licensed M.D., a physician who practices in a Midwestern state and has full hospital privileges. This doctor’s name will remain anonymous because if it were to get out, he could end up losing his job. On January 12, he informed me that Code Z28.310 went live in his state.

“Yesterday (January 11) it showed up for the first time in any kind of hospital paperwork I’d seen,” the doctor told me.

If diagnostics aren’t entered properly, a doctor may not get reimbursed. Now that this new code is officially required by government and private insurance providers, doctors will likely now be “incentivized” to ask about your vax status, he said. That means they get financial payouts whenever the government decides there’s a “meaningful use” for this data.

I had no idea that doctors were being bought off in this way.

360 Degree Surveillance: How Police Use Public-Private Partnerships to Spy on Americans

We live in a surveillance state founded on a partnership between government and the technology industry.”— Law Professor Avidan Y. Cover

In this age of ubiquitous surveillance, there are no private lives: everything is public.

Surveillance cameras mounted on utility poles, traffic lights, businesses, and homes. License plate readers. Ring doorbells. GPS devices. Dash cameras. Drones. Store security cameras. Geofencing and geotracking. FitBits. Alexa. Internet-connected devices.  

There are roughly one billion surveillance cameras worldwide and that number continues to grow, thanks to their wholehearted adoption by governments (especially law enforcement and military agencies), businesses, and individual consumers.

With every new surveillance device we welcome into our lives, the government gains yet another toehold into our private worlds.

Indeed, empowered by advances in surveillance technology and emboldened by rapidly expanding public-private partnerships between law enforcement, the Intelligence Community, and the private sector, police have become particularly adept at sidestepping the Fourth Amendment.

As law professor Avidan Y. Cover explains:

A key feature of the surveillance state is the cooperative relationship between the private sector and the government. The private sector’s role is vital to the surveillance both practically and legally. The private sector, of course, provides the infrastructure and tools for the surveillance… The private sector is also critical to the surveillance state’s legality. Under the third-party doctrine, the Fourth Amendment is not implicated when the government acquires information that people provide to corporations, because they voluntarily provide their information to another entity and assume the risk that the entity will disclose the information to the government. Therefore, people do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy in their calling data, or potentially even their emails. As a result, the government does not normally need a warrant to obtain information transmitted electronically. But the Fourth Amendment is not only a source of protection for individual privacy; it also limits government excess and abuse through challenges by the people. The third-party doctrine removes this vital and populist check on government overreach.

Critical to this end run around the Fourth Amendment’s prohibitions against unreasonable searches and seizures by government agents is a pass play that allows police to avoid public transparency requirements (open bids, public meetings, installation protocols) by having private companies and individuals do the upfront heavy lifting, leaving police to harvest the intel on the back end.

Stingray devices, facial recognition technology, body cameras, automated license plate readers, gunshot detection, predictive policing software, AI-enhanced video analytics, real-time crime centers, fusion centers: all of these technologies and surveillance programs rely on public-private partnerships that together create a sticky spiderweb from which there is no escape.

As the cost of these technologies becomes more affordable for the average consumer, an effort underwritten by the tech industry and encouraged by law enforcement agencies and local governing boards, which in turn benefit from access to surveillance they don’t need to include in their budgets, big cities, small towns, urban, suburban and rural communities alike are adding themselves to the surveillance state’s interconnected grid.

What this adds up to for government agencies (that is, FBI, NSA, DHS agents, etc., as well as local police) is a surveillance map that allows them to track someone’s movements over time and space, hopscotching from doorbell camera feeds and business security cameras to public cameras on utility poles, license plate readers, traffic cameras, drones, etc.

It has all but eliminated the notion of privacy and radically re-drawn the line of demarcation between our public and private selves.



FDA Announces Recall of Common Drug–Here’s What You Need to Do

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the recall of three epinephrine lots, used to treat severe allergic reactions, after consumer complaints.

According to an announcement on Jan. 9, manufacturer Spectrum Laboratory Products said it voluntarily recalled the lots after the product was found to be discolored.

Epinephrine, known as L-adrenaline USP, is a bulk active pharmaceutical ingredient that can “treat a variety of medical conditions including anaphylaxis and other severe immediate hypersensitivity reactions, asthma, bronchospasm, airway edema, nasal congestion, dilation during intraocular surgery, vasoconstrictor with local anesthetics, hypotension or shock, heart failure, bradycardia or atrioventricular block, and sudden cardiac arrest,” the announcement said.

Epinephrine is placed in autoinjectors, the most common of which are sold under the EpiPen brand name. They’re often used for people who have severe food allergies or asthma.

Spectrum’s epinephrine is packaged in amber glass bottles enclosed in a vacuum-sealed pouch, and the recall is for tracking catalog number EP130. It covers lot numbers 1KG0865 and 2KF0151 with the expiration date of Mar. 31, 2023, in sizes 100 gm, 25 gm, 5 gm, and 1 gm, as well as and lot 2KL0353 with the expiration date of Sept. 30, 2023. The drug’s labels can be accessed via the FDA’s website.

Consumers, distributors, or pharmacies that have epinephrine USP with the catalog number EP130 should immediately stop using the product and return it to the place of purchase, said the announcement. It was distributed from Spectrum facilities in the United States and Canada.

“The use of a finished dose product manufactured or compounded with this recalled product could result in less-effective product, and incomplete treatment of life-threatening conditions including, low blood pressure, heart failure, anaphylaxis, irregular heartbeat, and heart attack,” the recall bulletin also said. “Treatment with a less-effective product, essentially underdosing epinephrine, could result in death.”

But Spectrum said it has not received any reports of adverse events related to the recall. The company said it is now notifying its distributors and customers through mail, email, and phone and will arrange for the return of the impacted products.

People who have suffered any medical problems from the product or any other drug are advised by the FDA to see a doctor or medical professional. They’re then advised to let the agency know via its MedWatch Adverse Event page or by filling out a form.

Are You a Mouth Breather? Here Are the Surprising Benefits of Making the Switch to Breathing Through Your Nose

Recently, we’ve all become acutely aware of how important respiratory health is.  With this in mind, the growing trend of conversation about the health benefits of nasal breathing could not have come at a better time.

And while breathing through your nose appears to explicitly beneficial, the alternative — being a chronic mouth breather — could actually be harmful to your health.

Increase Oxygen Uptake in Your Body by 20 Percent With This Simple Trick

According to a 2015 clinical review published in the peer-reviewed Irish journal Nursing in General Practice, breathing through the nose creates an increase in airway resistance by up to 50 percent.  Since airflow resistance during inhalation helps maintain the elasticity and volume of the lungs, the result is a net 10 to 20 percent increase in oxygen uptake in the body.  Breathing through the nose is also likely to improve oxygenation in the body because once inside the nasal passageway, the air is exposed to a network of arteries, veins, capillaries, and lymphatic vessels.

Breathing through the nose also naturally slows the respiratory rate.  It’s exactly this sort of slow deep breathing that can stimulate the vagus nerve, which plays a central role in facilitating the parasympathetic nervous system-mediated relaxation response, as noted by a 2018 paper in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.  (No wonder people tell you to take slow deep breaths to calm down.)

Another interesting benefit of nose breathing is the way in which it promotes the production of nitric oxide, a compound produced by almost every cell in your body and a “potent bronchodilator and vasodilator.  Therefore,” explains the author of the 2015 clinical review, “it helps lower blood pressure and significantly increases the lungs’ oxygen-absorbing capacity.  It is also known to be antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial.”

Nasal breathing has also been shown to:

  • Improve air moisture
  • Provide a natural filtration system by trapping airborne debris in nose hairs and mucous
  • Potentially prevent or alleviate common colds, allergies, and hay fever
  • Support appropriate action of the diaphragm
  • Promotes the correct alignment of the tongue against the upper palate, which supports the formation of dental arches and straight teeth

As for the alternative, predominantly breathing through the mouth — done by about 30 to 50 percent of the population — is suggested to be linked to an increased risk of gum disease, bad breath, dental decay, snoring, sleep apnea, jaw joint dysfunction, inefficient upper-chest breathing, teeth malocclusion, speech and swallowing problems, and enlarged tonsils and adenoids.

What Your Poop Says About Your Health

You can learn a great deal about your overall health by taking a look at your stool and noting its color, size, shape, consistency, odor and other features

Your toileting habits, such as frequency of elimination and the ease with which you move your bowels, can provide additional clues to your health status

Three bowel movements per day to three per week is considered the normal range

If you know what to look for, you may be able to detect health problems early enough to stop them in their tracks

Most gastrointestinal problems that lead to constipation and diarrhea can be prevented or resolved by making simple changes to your diet and lifestyle


“Demonized” ESG Narrative Is Finally Getting To Blackrock’s Larry Fink

BlackRock, the world’s biggest asset manager, has faced increasing backlash about environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing. A handful of US states have pulled billions of dollars from BlackRock funds over accusations of “greenwashing,” hurting the fossil fuel industry and turbocharging America’s “woke” culture.

On Tuesday, BlackRock’s Larry Fink told Bloomberg TV at the World Economic Forum in Davos that ESG investing has been tarnished:

 “Let’s be clear, the narrative is ugly, the narrative is creating this huge polarization. “

Fink continued:

“We are trying to address the misconceptions. It’s hard because it’s not business any more, they’re doing it in a personal way. And for the first time in my professional career, attacks are now personal. They’re trying to demonize the issues.”

The Republican crusade, including states such as Florida, Louisiana, and Missouri, said they would pull funds out of BlackRock, citing that the asset manager’s ESG efforts could impact investor returns.

In December, Florida made the most significant withdrawal, pulling $2 billion from BlackRock.

 “Using our cash to fund BlackRock’s social-engineering project isn’t something Florida ever signed up for.

 “It’s got nothing to do with maximizing returns and is the opposite of what an asset manager is paid to do,” Jimmy Patronis, Florida’s chief financial officer, said in a recent statement.

Meanwhile, Texas Lt. Gov Dan Patrick has urged state officials to label BlackRock as a hostile entity for its action in the attempt to crush the oil and gas industry.

BlackRock is “capriciously discriminating’” against fossil fuel firms, Patrick said as he called for the asset manager to be added to the list of financial firms that “boycott” fossil fuels.

Several other states are pushing back on BlackRock.

Bomb Cyclones and Atmospheric Rivers: Is Someone Messing with the Weather?

In recent months the world is hearing unusual terms to describe extreme weather events. Now terms like Bomb Cyclone or Atmospheric Rivers are used in the daily TV weather reports to describe dumping of record volumes of rain or snow in regions of the world in an extremely destructive way. The Green Mafia claims, without a shred of factual proof, that it is all because of man’s too-large “carbon footprint.” They use it as an excuse to double down on phasing out oil, gas, coal as well as nuclear energy in favor of unworkable, taxpayer-subsidized “green energy”– unreliable wind or solar. Could it be that these freak weather calamities are indeed “manmade,” but not from CO2 emissions? 

Since late December, especially the United States has undergone severe weather events from the Bomb Cyclone storm that buried much of the East Coast in record snow from Buffalo down as far as Florida. At the same time the US West Coast from Washington State down the coast of California has undergone extreme flooding from wave after wave of so-called Oceanic Rivers carrying huge volumes of water from the Pacific causing severe flooding. Without presenting any scientific proof, green ideologues have claimed it is all due to manmade global warming– now called “climate change” to confuse the original issue– and argue for accelerated transition to a dystopian carbon free world.

A serious case can be made that it could well be manmade. But not because of too much CO2 or other manmade greenhouse gas emissions. It could be due to deliberate and malicious manipulation of our major weather patterns.


Weather manipulation technology is one of the areas that is highly secret and has been kept from open debate since the end of World War II. It is often called geoengineering or more recently the less ominous-sounding “climate intervention.” Whatever name, it involves man messing with the complexities of Earth weather, with potentially catastrophic results. What do we know about the possibilities?

Following the 2015 Paris Climate Conference and subsequent Paris Agreement, Peter Wadhams, professor of ocean physics at the University of Cambridge, along with other leading global warming scientists, began an open call for geoengineering to “solve” the alleged climate crisis and prevent global warming above 1.5 ‘ C above pre-industrial levels, an utterly arbitrary target. What the post-Paris scientists claim is that, “Our backs are against the wall and we must now start the process of preparing for geo-engineering. We must do this in the knowledge that its chances of success are small and the risks of implementation are great.“ [1] What they do not say is that geo-engineering weather manipulation has been developed in secrecy by the military and intelligence agencies of the USA for decades.

‘Owning the Weather in 2025’

In June 1996 the US Air Force published a report with the provocative title, “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025.” The report outlined the possibilities of manmade geoengineering to, among other things, enhance precipitation or storms, deny precipitation (induce droughts), eliminate cloud cover of an enemy, and other events. It was produced, “to examine the concepts, capabilities, and technologies the United States will require to remain the dominant air and space force in the future.”  The report noted at the onset, “weather-modification can be divided into two major categories: suppression and intensification of weather patterns. In extreme cases, it might involve the creation of completely new weather patterns, attenuation or control of severe storms, or even alteration of global climate on a far-reaching and/or long-lasting scale.” (emphasis added).[2]

 The Air Force document  also states,

“…the tremendous military capabilities that could result from this field are ignored at our own peril… appropriate application of weather-modification can provide battlespace dominance to a degree never before imagined… The technology is there, waiting for us to pull it all together.” By 2025 it claimed, “we can Own the Weather.” The report notes that way back in the Eisenhower era, “In 1957, the President’s Advisory Committee on Weather Control explicitly recognized the military potential of weather modification, warning in their report that it could become a more important weapon than the atom bomb.” [3] That was almost seven decades ago.


Where To Get Seeds – Learn About Seed Buying And Harvesting

One key to planning any type of garden is determining how to obtain plants. While purchasing transplants can help to establish the growing space quickly, starting your own plants from seed is a much more cost effective option. Exploring where to get seeds and seed buying is an easy way to ensure that as a grower, you’re ready when warmer weather finally arrives.  Where to Get Seeds Before buying seeds for the upcoming growing season, many gardeners suggest taking inventory of what types and quantities of seeds you need. It’s generally best to purchase slightly more seed in order to account for low germination rates or other unforeseen seed starting issues. Purchasing seeds early in winter will help to ensure that you’re able to get all the varieties you want before they have sold out for the season. 

>> Please check out the heirloom non-gmo seeds we offer at thepowermall.com 


Connecticut bill would let 12-year-olds get vaccines without parental consent

Abill proposed in the Connecticut state legislature would, if passed, give children 12 years and older the right to get vaccines without parental consent.

Democratic state Rep. Kevin Ryan, who represents the state’s 139th District, introduced the measure, Bill No. 5480, which is described as “an act allowing children 12 years of age and older to receive a vaccination without the consent of a parent or guardian.”

The measure, which has been referred by the state House to the Joint Committee on Public Health, was proposed for the state’s 2023 legislative session and does not rule out other vaccines aside from those for COVID-19.

Ryan’s proposal, according to Hartford’s WFSB, comes amid concerns from his constituents.

As their representative, it’s my duty to express their requests and ensure their concerns have been taken seriously, especially on a health care issue,” Ryan said, according to the outlet.

At this point, it is unclear whether Ryan’s bill, which is one of many that were proposed for the state’s legislative session this year, will make it to a floor vote. The Public Health Committee will be tasked with deciding whether the measure advances.


Texas Police Department Rejects Gift From Conservative Christian Company, Patriot Mobile

A Texas police department rejected a pizza party donated by Patriot Mobile after receiving public backlash on social media for accepting a gift from the conservative Christian company.

Patriot Mobile on Tuesday requested that the Grapevine Police Department donate the $1,500 gift to another department in North Texas.

“If Grapevine continues to reject the donation, Patriot Mobile asks that it be given to another police department in North Texas,” the company said on Tuesday in a news release.

On Thursday, Patriot Mobile delivered a Cane Rosso restaurant gift card to Grapevine Police Department (GPD) as a gesture of gratitude for their service to the community.

“The Patriot Mobile team was blessed to visit the Grapevine Police Department to give them a pizza party gift card to Cane Rosso! It was wonderful to meet our local police officers. We’re so grateful for the work our law enforcement does every day to keep us safe in our community,” Patriot Mobile wrote on social media.

“At Patriot Mobile, we will always support our law enforcement!” it continued, adding the hashtag #backtheblue.

The company said it had purchased the $1,500 restaurant gift card at a recent fundraiser benefiting fallen soldiers, adding that it paid $2,575 during an auction at the event.

“Patriot Mobile’s intention, when purchasing the gift certificate at an auction that benefits families of fallen soldiers, was to honor our police officers,” Patriot Mobile said in the release.

Later the same day, the police department expressed its gratitude in a separate social media post.

“Sincere thanks to our friends at Patriot Mobile,” GPD wrote. “We are blessed to have their support and encouragement. Today they presented us with a certificate to host a pizza party for our staff. We are grateful for the opportunity to have a fun and relaxing meal together as a team.”


Fisherman Dragged Overboard by Giant Tuna in Hawaii, Still Missing

California: 10.8 Million Mail-In Ballots ‘Unaccounted For’ in 2022 Elections

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