July 6, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: July 08, 2021

UK High Court Grants US Permission for Appeal in Assange Extradition Case

Activist Post – WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s legal team said Wednesday that the United Kingdom’s High Court had granted permission to the U.S. government to appeal an earlier decision that blocked Assange’s extradition.

The court reportedly granted the appeal “on a limited basis” and on “narrow, technical grounds,” and did not set a date for a future court hearing.

The ruling led to intensified calls by Assange’s supporters for his release from Her Majesty’s Prison Belmarsh, where he has been held for more than two years following seven years in isolation at the Ecuadorian embassy in London where he claimed asylum.

The High Court’s decision “means he is still at risk of extradition where he faces a 175-year prison sentence and…is certain to lose his life if he is extradited,” said Stella Moris, Assange’s partner.

Fans banned from Tokyo 2020 Olympics after Japan declares Covid-19 state of emergency and IOC pledges to ‘support any measure’

RT – Fans will not attend the Olympics following a spike in Covid-19 infections in Japan, with minister for the games Tamayo Marukawa announcing that plans to allow spectators have been ditched just two weeks before the action begins.

Tokyo 2020 President Seiko Hashimoto apologized to ticket holders and described the outlawing of any crowds as “regrettable”, taking drastic action in an attempt to avoid a new wave of infections amid a rise driven by the highly infectious Delta variant.

Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga described the move as essential, shelving an agreement reached late last month that would have seen capacities reaching up to 50 percent, accommodating a maximum of 10,000 people per venue.

That idea had been based on the assumption that the spread of Covid would be eased by a long-awaited vaccination rollout, only for the government and organizing committee to lower the cap to 5,000 in response to warnings from medical experts that minimal crowds represented their safest option.

Haiti: Police Kill President Assassination Suspects in Wild Shootout

Breitbart – The National Police of Haiti confirmed in a press conference late Wednesday that authorities had identified a group of “commandos” suspected of having assassinated President Jovenel Moïse in his home the night before.

Unidentified gunmen entered Moïse’s home in Port-au-Prince in the early morning hours of Wednesday and shot him dead; Haitian law enforcement officials stated the assailants shot him 12 times and attacked his wife, First Lady Martine Moïse. The president died of his injuries; the first lady arrived in Miami for extended treatment of her injuries Wednesday. The assailants reportedly spoke Spanish — some reports suggested English, as well — indicating they were foreigners. Haitian officials described them as “professional.”

Lithuania to build border wall with Belarus as illegal immigration skyrockets causing Vilnius to declare state of emergency

RT – Lithuania’s prime minister has revealed that Vilnius is planning to build a barrier on its border with Belarus as a way of curbing migration across the frontier, which has seen an increase in illegal crossings in recent weeks.

The move comes after Belarus decided to allow migrants to travel to the EU via Minsk, causing massively increased activity at the Lithuanian border crossing. The policy was enacted after Brussels imposed sanctions on Belarus over the arrest of activist Roman Protasevich.

The Lithuanian authorities believe the Belarusian government is to blame for the issues on the border, and have accused it of flying migrants from Syria and Iraq to Minsk and shuttling them to the frontier.

Hungary fines store $825 for ‘misleading’ customers over children’s picture book with same-sex families

RT – A bookstore was fined for selling a kid’s picture book depicting LGBT families in Hungary. Officials argued that the store has failed to properly warn customers about the book’s content.

The book – ‘Micsoda csalad!’ (‘What A Family!’) – is a Hungarian translation of two titles by US author Lawrence Schimel and Latvian illustrator Elina Braslina: ‘Early One Morning’, and ‘Bedtime, Not Playtime!’. It features stories about the everyday life of young children of same-sex couples.

Pest county commissioner Richard Tarnai told Hir TV that bookstore chain Lira Konyv has been fined 250,000 forints ($825) for violating the country’s advertising law by not displaying a warning about the content of the book. “They should have specifically indicated that the book’s content deviated from the norm,” Tarnai said.

Soldiers Threaten to Quit Over Mandatory Jabs as Biden Says ‘Door to Door’ Vaccines Coming Soon

The Free Thought Project – As TFTP reported earlier this year, a large portion of the country has decided that they do not want to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. As a result in the drop in demand, states made moves to entice those who may be on the fence about getting that jab. We’ve seen states offer everything from free beers to millions in prizes to get citizens roll up their sleeves. But as the bribery scheme fails, Biden announced that government may soon be going door to door to vaccinate the unvaccinated.

On Tuesday, President Joe Biden took to the podium to declare that Americans need to get the free vaccine.

“Now we need to go community by community, neighborhood by neighborhood and often times door-to-door- literally knocking on doors, to get help to the remaining people protected from the virus,” Biden said.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki also pushed the “door-to-door” effort in a press briefing before Biden.

This move comes on the heels of Rep Thomas Massie proposing a bill that will allow members of the military to opt out of forced COVID-19 experimental vaccinations.

According to Massie, many members of the military have contacted his office and threatened to quit if they are forced to get the vaccine.

New York Will Allow People to Sue Gun Manufacturers for Violence

Gateway Pundit – New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Tuesday signed a law passed by the Democrat-controlled state Legislature that allows guns to be considered a public nuisance and opens the floodgates for lawsuits against gun manufacturers.

“The only industry in the United States of America immune from lawsuits are the gun manufacturers, but we will not stand for that any longer, Cuomo said in a news release.

According to NBC News, the federal Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act of 2005 carved out immunity for gun manufacturers if individuals misuse their products in a criminal manner.

Cuomo’s news release claims that New York is changing all of that.

“Under this new legislation, gun manufacturers cannot endanger the safety and health of the public through the sale, manufacturing, importing or marketing of the products they sell. The products can be considered a public nuisance even if the gun manufacturer did not purposely cause harm to the public,” the release said.

The release explained that anyone, from members of the public to corporations to the state attorney general, can now fire away at “bad actor gun manufacturers.”

Cuomo’s release said federal protection of the firearms sector “has created a perfect storm of lax controls and inability to hold bad actors to account.”

State Attorney General Letitia James, a Democrat who has taken a strong stance against the National Rifle Association, said she supports abridging the federal law.

“Plain and simple, this was federal overreach to protect the gun industry in every way possible,” she said. “But, today, New York state took an important step to right that wrong and protect its citizens from gun violence.”

Cuomo signed the law the same day he announced he would declare gun violence a public health emergency in New York.

Trump Sues Big Tech

WND – Former President Donald Trump, who has long complained about censorship by social media giants, filed class-action lawsuits Wednesday against Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Google CEO Sundar Pichai.

That’s it: Trump is my hero!

Since 2017, I have been carrying on about this issue like a madman. Google has that effect on people. I would talk about it to anyone who listened. I have written more columns on this subject than any other journalist. And I appreciate Trump for being attentive to this subject – even as Big Tech hates him more than it hates any other human being.

After all, he has gone through the wringer. Even when he was still a sitting president living in the White House, Trump was permanently banned from Twitter, and is banned from Facebook for another two years!

The legal filing seeks immediate injunctive relief to allow the prompt restoration of Trump’s social media accounts. He also said he is asking the court to impose “punitive damages” on the three social media giants.

Keystone Pipeline developer seeks $15 billion in damages over Biden’s decision to cancel project

WND – The developer of the Keystone Pipeline is taking legal action to fight back against the Biden administration’s Inauguration Day order to cancel the project as part of its efforts to combat climate change.

TC Energy, a Canadian company, announced in a news release that it had filed a notice of intent to bring a claim against the Biden administration under the North American Free Trade Agreement.

“TC Energy will be seeking to recover more than US$15 billion in damages that it has suffered as a result of the U.S. Government’s breach of its NAFTA obligations,” the release stated.

“The Notice of Intent was filed with the U.S. Department of State.”

This course of action is completely justified. President Joe Biden’s reckless decision to scrap the pipeline killed over a thousand jobs on the spot.

The project had the potential to provide even more work for blue-collar workers. TC Energy estimated up to 11,000 jobs would have been created if the project had been followed all the way through.

Yet Biden claimed in his executive order that “the Keystone XL pipeline disserves the U.S. national interest.”

“The United States and the world face a climate crisis,” he said. “That crisis must be met with action on a scale and at a speed commensurate with the need to avoid setting the world on a dangerous, potentially catastrophic, climate trajectory.”

It didn’t even take Biden a single day in office to launch a direct attack on workers.

He is pushing a horribly one-sided view of the fossil fuel industry that ignores the average Americans who depend on it.

And let’s not forget how he completely blindsided the unions that endorsed him in the 2020 election.

Jan. 6 Rioters Were So ‘Dangerous’ the FBI Has Seized a LEGO Set from One of Them

The Free Thought Project – “Don’t dare call them protesters,” Joe Biden famously said after the unarmed mob of pro-Trump hooligans stormed the capitol to take selfies with cops, hang from rafters, and sit in politicians’ chairs. “They were a riotous mob. Insurrectionists. Domestic terrorists. It’s that basic. It’s that simple.”

Since that day, the Biden admin has made it its mission to construct an all-encompassing police state to surveil, monitor, and arrest anyone who may challenge the status quo. The Biden administration, on many occasions, has capitalized on the events of January 6 to provoke fear, hatred, and divide among US citizens.

Though there were a handful of actual criminals who may have had plans to carry out violence, the overwhelming majority of the folks who Trump duped into believing they could keep him in power were soccer moms and Joe Sixpacks. Highlighting the absurdity of the entire construction of the new domestic terrorism police state is the fact that the FBI confiscated a Lego set from one of the rioters — and this was used as means of stoking even more fear.

Robert Morss of Glenshaw, Pennsylvania was one of the rioters that day who pushed past Capitol police and made his was into the building. Morss is a substitute teacher in Glenshaw and for the past six months, the FBI has been investigating him for his role in the riots.

When police arrested him, they confiscated a book on militias, a neck gator, and “a fully constructed” Lego building of the Capitol. Yes, you read that correctly. This is not satire and apparently police felt that the substitute teacher’s Lego replica of the Capitol building was evidence in the criminal case against him.

Federal charges against him include assaulting, resisting, or impeding certain officers; obstruction of an official proceeding; civil disorder; and robbery of personal property of the United States.

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