July 2, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: July 14, 2023

Today’s Top 5:

1.China Passing Laws, Building Infrastructure for Wartime, Expert Says

China’s communist regime is taking actions to insulate its economy and building infrastructure required to conduct a war of conquest against Taiwan.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which rules China as a single-party state, is taking actions similar to those Russia made before invading Ukraine, according to J. Kyle Bass, chief investment officer for Hayman Capital Management hedge fund.

Notably, Mr. Bass said, the CCP is building 18 air raid shelters in Fujian province, adjacent to Taiwan. The regime is also building the world’s largest combat hospital in the region, Mr. Bass added, saying that the move was reminiscent of Russia’s construction of blood banks on the borders of Ukraine in the months leading up to its invasion last year.

2.Biden Authorizes Military to Call Reservists to Active Duty to Support Ukraine War

President Joe Biden on Thursday issued an executive order authorizing the Pentagon to call reservists to active duty “for the effective conduct” of U.S. military support to Ukraine.

At the same time, the Pentagon designated the U.S. military support to Ukraine since 2014 under Operation Atlantic Resolve a “contingency operation.”

3.Election Watchdog Sues to Stop Acceptance of Ballots After Election Day

An election integrity group is suing North Dakota to block its law that allows the state to accept and count mail-in ballots that arrive up to 13 days after Election Day. There are reportedly 18 states, plus the District of Columbia, that accept mailed ballots that are delivered after Election Day. Congress created an exception to the law for military and overseas voters, whose mailed-in ballots are counted even if they arrive after Election Day.

4.Possible Hawaii impact from 1st hurricane to enter Central Pacific

A tropical cyclone developed Tuesday in the Eastern Pacific. The National Hurricane Center in Miami is now in charge of forecasting for Tropical Storm Calvin, the third named storm in the Eastern Pacific so far this year.

5.Foreclosure Activity In First Half Of 2023 Ticks Upwards Toward Pre-Covid Levels

ATTOM, a leading curator of land, property, and real estate data, today released its Midyear 2023 U.S. Foreclosure Market Report, which shows there were a total of 185,580 U.S. properties with foreclosure filings — default notices, scheduled auctions or bank repossessions — in the first six months of 2023. That figure is up 13 percent from the same time period a year ago and up 185 percent from the same time period two years ago.


Medical Apartheid, Vax Passports And The End Of The Freedom To Travel

In hindsight, we now know that lockdowns and the resulting “travel passports” for the vaccinated had nothing to do with science or health: rather, it was a dystopian power grab to flip the world into scientific dictatorship, aka Technocracy. There is no “freedom to travel” if it is only for those who are willing to take mRNA gene therapy shots. Apartheid? Discrimination? It’s still just getting started.⁃

Unfunded: Europe’s ‘Green Deal’ Headed For Collapse

On one hand, there is the bluster and bravado of global warming zealots. On the other hand, there is reality that falls way short of their imaginations and propaganda. This is true throughout the United Nations, World Economic Forum and all other greenwashing organizations. The hubris left over from these pipe dreams leaves the rest of the world in dire straits. 

Food and fertilizer: Russia poised to backtrack on Ukraine grain deal

Concerns are growing that Russia won’t extend a United Nations brokered deal that allows grain to flow from Ukraine to parts of the world struggling with hunger. The deal originally reached last year to ease a global food crisis is up for renewal next week.


Supreme Court Safeguards the Rights of the Citizenry to Challenge the Deep State’s Electoral Power Grabs and Gerrymandering

Commentary by John Whitehead – In a 6-3 opinion, the U.S. Supreme Court has affirmed the rights of citizens to challenge electoral power grabs and gerrymandering in the state courts.

In Moore v. Harper, the Supreme Court held that the U.S. Constitution’s Elections Clause does not give unchecked power to a state legislature to prescribe the times, places, and manner of holding federal elections because state courts have the authority to apply state constitutional restraints on their legislature when challenged by the people. The Court’s ruling follows arguments submitted by The Rutherford Institute, the ACLU, and the Niskanen Center, which stated that the rules set by the people in their state constitution have been understood since the Founding to constrain a legislature’s power, and principles of federalism require that state courts be allowed to interpret and apply those restrictions on the legislature to preserve the right of the people to choose their elected representatives.

‘How Convenient’: Secret Service Unable to Identify White House Cocaine Smuggler 

The Secret Service announced Thursday it is unable to identify who smuggled cocaine into the White House on July 2, triggering a number of reactions from lawmakers and pundits after President Joe Biden pledged to “restore” decency and honor to the White House.

According to NBC News, the Secret Service was not able to identify the smuggler despite using two FBI crime lab techniques to attempt to lift a fingerprint. “Sources tell me no information resulting from forensic testing or video review has been able to identify a suspect,” NBC News’ Kelly O’Donnell tweeted. “A list of several hundred individuals was compiled who may have had access to area.”

Evidence Shows UFO Tech ‘100 Percent’ Not From Earth, but That’s Not a Threat: Rep. Tim Burchett

Extraterrestrial beings might not be a threat. Otherwise, they could have already used their superior technologies to “turn us into a charcoal briquette,” said Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) after claiming to have seen classified UFO footage.

Mr. Burchett, who will lead an anticipated House Oversight Committee hearing on UFOs—now commonly referred to as unidentified anomalous phenomena or UAPs—said in a July 2 interview with space science podcast Event Horizon that he has been shown footage that has not been released to the public.

Secret Service Reveals Marijuana Twice Found in Biden’s White House

The Secret Service discovered marijuana twice in President Joe Biden’s White House, the agency revealed upon failing to identify the individual who smuggled cocaine into one of the most secure buildings in the world.

Report: Massachusetts Spares ‘Millionaire Destinations’ from Taking in Illegal Aliens

Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey (D) is sparing “millionaire destinations” from being forced to absorb a growing number of illegal aliens who are living off the state’s taxpayers in motels, Boston Herald columnist Howie Carr writes.

State Rep. Peter Durant (R), who is running for state senate, asked Healey for a full accounting of the cost to Massachusetts taxpayers to house, feed, and care for the growing number of illegal aliens arriving in the state.

Congressman Reads History of The Epoch Times on House Floor

‘The Epoch Times represents freedom,’ Rep. Ralph Norman said in his speech that was entered into the congressional record

Foreign Cops in U.S.? Illinois Bill Would Make Noncitizens Police Officers

nteresting fact: Under the Mexican constitution, a naturalized citizen may never, ever be a police officer, even if he’s lived and paid taxes in the nation for decades. Yet under a bill passed by the Illinois Legislature, a Mexican — or any other foreigner — could enter the U.S. illegally, receive some kind of unwarranted amnesty, and then become a cop. What’s more, policies allowing such are already a reality in certain parts of our country.

Welcome to the third millennium, where citizenship means a lot — most everywhere but the United States.

ABC 20 reported on the story Sunday, writing that a “bill sent to Governor JB Pritzker’s desk would allow noncitizen immigrants to become law enforcers in Illinois.”

House Bill 3751 permits anyone who is not a U.S. citizen but is legally authorized to work in the country under federal law to apply to become a police officer or a sheriff’s deputy.”

“The Democrat-dominated Illinois House and Senate passed the bill, leaving Pritzker with the power to either sign it into law or veto it,” The Stock Dork (TSD) adds. “The implications of such a decision are drawing strong reactions from both sides of the immigration debate.”

“While the legislation has been on Governor Pritzker’s desk since mid-June [6/16], he has yet to make a definitive decision,” the site also writes. “The weight of this choice is immense, as it could significantly impact the state’s law enforcement landscape. However, even if Pritzker chooses to veto the bill, the Democrat supermajority in the legislative chambers can override his decision, potentially making it a law without his support.”


Watch Six AK-74s Strapped Together As A Ukrainian Anti-Drone Gun In Action

In the latest example of ‘unconventional’ improvised Ukrainian weapons, we now have video of the contraption made of half a dozen AK-74 assault rifles in action. This follows footage released two days ago which showed the same weapon, but did not depict it firing. It is now one of a variety of improvised small arms solutions — some more relevant than others — that have been pressed into service as counter-drone weapons by Ukrainian forces.  

In the footage, which can be seen below, the weapon with its crosshair iron sight sits by the edge of a field as two targets fly overhead. An individual operating it proceeds to open fire at the targets with seemingly predictable results. It’s unclear what type of drones the targets were specifically.


Florida is now America’s inflation hotspot

Florida has become the nation’s inflation hot spot.

Data released on July 12 by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) showed that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 0.2 percent in June, behind a 0.1 percent increase in May. Overall, there was an increase of 3.0 percent over the last 12 months before a seasonal adjustment.

However, inflation has recently slowed dramatically across the country, except for big cities in the Sunshine State.

San Francisco Loses Iconic Anchor Brewing After 127 Years

San Francisco’s Anchor Brewing, the oldest craft brewery in the United States, is closing after 127 years due to persistent losses that have been driven by inflation, coronavirus lockdowns, and changing consumer behavior.

Former Anheuser-Busch Exec Warns More Layoffs Could Occur Amid Bud Light Struggle

A former Anheuser-Busch executive warned that Bud Light’s continuous decline in sales will lead to more layoffs amid a months-long boycott that was initiated in early April, saying that “more employees” could be “at risk.”

The executive, Anson Frericks, a former president of operations for Anheuser-Busch, recently spoke with Fox Business Network’s “The Claman Countdown” and said that Anheuser-Busch CEO Brendan Whitworth should have responded differently to the ongoing controversy. Mr. Frericks said that Mr. Whitworth should have responded by saying, “‘We wouldn’t do this again ’cause we’ve lost billions of dollars of market cap. Our brands are down almost 30 percent, and all of a sudden, we’re putting a lot of our suppliers at risk, and they’re laying off hundreds of people from jobs at some of their suppliers.’”

“I think there’s going to be some permanent damage to this brand,” Mr. Frericks told Newsweek on Wednesday. “Unfortunately, I think it’s going to be a long way to go to get back the market share they lost and a lot of headwind in front of them.”

‘Star of Death’: Costco Customers Say Chain May Stop Restocking Bud Light

Costco customers have been saying the retail chain may stop restocking Bud Light after the emergence of something they call the “star of death” on product price tags.

People on social media began posting and sharing pictures this week showing that Costco branded Bud Light price tags with an asterisk symbol, a.k.a. “star of death,” which customers say indicates an end to the beer’s restocking.

Former Celsius CEO faces securities fraud charges; crypto platform to pay billions in FTC settlement

Alex Mashinsky, former CEO of the failed cryptocurrency lending platform 

Celsius Network, was arrested Thursday on federal securities fraud charges.

In an indictment unsealed Thursday by federal prosecutors, Mashinsky faces seven counts of fraud. Roni Cohen-Pavon, Celsius’s former chief revenue officer, is charged as a co-conspirator, according to the Justice Department.


Bard: Google’s ChatGPT rival launches in Europe and Brazil

Google’s parent company Alphabet is rolling out its artificial intelligence chatbot Bard in Europe and Brazil.

It is the product’s biggest expansion since its March launch in the US and the UK and heats up the rivalry with Microsoft’s ChatGPT.

Both are examples of generative AI that can respond to questions in a human-like way.

‘Kind of a Fancy Thing:’ ‘AI Czar’ Kamala Harris Meets with Civil Rights Leaders on ‘Machine Learning Fairness’

Vice President Kamala Harris met with civil rights activists, union leaders, and consumer protection organizations on Wednesday for a meeting about AI regulation, as leftists continue to eagerly pursue “machine learning fairness.”

The meeting included Alexandra Reeve Givens, CEO of Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT), Janet Murguia, President and CEO of the hispanic civil rights organization Unidos, AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins, and AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler.

FTC Launches Investigation of OpenAI’s ChatGPT over Publishing False Information About Americans

The FTC has initiated an investigation into OpenAI’s popular AI chatbot, ChatGPT, over allegations of causing harm by publishing false information about individuals along with potential data security issues.

The Wall Street Journal reports that due to allegations of publishing false information about users and potential data security issues, the FTC has opened an investigation into OpenAI’s ChatGPT AI system.

 Twitter moves to end FTC oversight of data security practice

Twitter has filed a motion seeking to end the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) oversight of its data security practices that has been in place for years. 

X Corp., which is Twitter’s corporate name, filed the motion in 

the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California to end the arrangement that has been in place since Twitter agreed to a consent order in 2011 after the FTC found the platform had “serious lapses” in its data security. 

Musk predicts ‘digital superintelligence’ will exist in 5–6 years

Elon Musk said he believes “digital superintelligence” would exist in the next five or six years, during a conversation with Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.) and Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) hosted on Twitter Spaces Wednesday.

“I think it’s five or six years away,” the Twitter owner and CEO of SpaceX and Tesla said in the conversation about artificial intelligence.

“The definition of digital superintelligence is that it’s smarter than any human, at anything,” he added, explaining, “That’s not necessarily smarter than the sum of all humans – that’s a higher bar.” 

YouTube Deletes Australian Politician’s First Speech To Parliament

It is the summer of 2023, and almost as soon as another dramatic global crisis (the war) hit the world, coronavirus pulled off a magic trick and disappeared – with most restrictions and mandates disappearing with it.

And yet, it still “lives” on powerful online platforms, as an effective means and excuse to employ censorship of what should in any democratic country be legal and protected speech.

Australia has been among those who embarrassed themselves the most by imposing draconian measures against citizens and non-citizens for years, but now that the measures are lifted, the political mood seems to be to pretend they never happened.

As far as YouTube’s censorship is concerned, time stopped sometime in 2020 – the platform still uses the phrase “medical misinformation” to tell victims of censorship why their voices are being stifled – and little, if anything else by way of explanation (something similar has recently happened to elected representatives in the EU).

The “misinformation” Roddick allegedly spread in his address last Wednesday was in line with him disagreeing as early as 2021 with the way his own party, the Liberal Democrats, chose to deal with the pandemic.

Now, he told the parliament, New South Wales had turned itself into an “authoritarian Covid police state,” while enacting “(Covid) vaccine extremism” – despite the fact, he believes, this was a new, insufficiently tested vaccine.


Hohmann: Citizens Fight Back Against Dangers Of Smart City Surveillance

A key driver of smart city transformation is the nationwide network of Councils of Governments (COGs) that practice regionalization of smart city technologies. COGS also include Metropolitan Policy Organizations (MPOs). These unconstitutional bodies, all nonprofit, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), have hoodwinked the nation’s cities and counties into adopting a plethora of smart city programs. 


More Than 100 Million Americans Under Heatwave Alerts as Scorching Weather Set to Intensify

More than 100 million Americans are under heatwave alerts across the south and southwest as experts warn temperatures in some areas are set to soar further in the coming days, possibly reaching triple digits.

In a July 12 bulletin, the National Weather Service (NWS) issued excessive heat advisories and warnings for areas of the United States stretching all the way from Florida to California and encompassing nearly all of southern Nevada, western Arizona, Texas, and Oklahoma.

Graphene Rain, Scientist Sounds Alarm

Graphene rain, are climate engineering operations the source? What aren’t we being told? A highly credentialed scientist provides extensive analysis, this is a must watch report.


Introducing A Dog To Your Chickens: The Complete Guide

When you think of two animals getting along, a dog and chicken typically isn’t the first thing to come to mind.

In the wild, these two species on opposite sides of the food chain would not get along in any way, shape, or form.

However, chickens and dogs can get along well in a domestic setting. This, of course, doesn’t happen overnight, though! Introductions are important and can make or break the connection between the two animals.

So, if you want to know how to properly and safely introduce your dog and chickens to one another to potentially get them comfortable around each other, keep on reading!


FDA Approves 1st Over-the-Counter Birth Control Pill Amid Falling US Birth Rates

U.S. officials have approved the first over-the-counter birth control pill, which will let people purchase contraceptive drugs from the same store aisles as Tylenol and aspirin as the birth rate in the United States continues to drop.

On Thursday, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said that it cleared Perrigo’s once-a-day Opill to be sold without a prescription. It’s the first such drug that can be used over-the-counter, and there are no age restrictions.

WHO says aspartame is a ‘possible carcinogen.’ The FDA disagrees
A committee of 25 international experts has determined that aspartame may “possibly” cause cancer in people, according to a report released Thursday by the World Health Organization.

This new classification, which is based on a review of “limited evidence,” does not change the recommended limit on the daily intake of the artificial sweetener.

“Our results do not indicate that occasional consumption should pose a risk to most consumers,” said Dr. Francesco Branca, director of the Department of Nutrition and Food Safety at the WHO, during a press conference in Geneva. He said the problem is for “high consumers” of diet soda or other foods that contain aspartame. “We have, in a sense, raised a flag here,” Branca said, and he called for more research.

But the U.S. Food and Drug Administration says it disagrees with this new classification, pointing to evidence of safety. In a written statement, an FDA official told NPR that aspartame being labeled by the WHO “as ‘possibly carcinogenic to humans’ does not mean that aspartame is actually linked to cancer.”

An Important and Overlooked Cause of Alzheimer’s

Dentists could play a critical role in helping us avoid dementia, but most of them don’t even know it

Researchers have long linked gum disease to a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Research has revealed that inflamed, bleeding gums are the entry point for disease-causing bacteria to get into the bloodstream and trigger issues that can lead to dementia.

That means dentists could be a first line of defense against cognitive decline—if only more of them recognized that possibility.

Should This Kind of Bruise Concern You?

If a yellow bruise appears on your body, it’s not cause for alarm; bruises transition through several colors during the healing process, with yellow typically occurring toward the later stages

Bruises are initially red or pink; as the blood under the skin is broken down and absorbed by the body, the bruise will turn blue or purple, then progress to green or yellow

The greenish color comes from biliverdin, a product of blood catabolism that has a green hue; biliverdin is converted into bilirubin, which is yellow, causing the bruise to turn golden; as bilirubin is eliminated, the bruise may take on a brownish coloring before eventually disappearing

Most bruises aren’t serious, but if you have severe and frequent unexplained bruising, it’s a good idea to see a physician to rule out blood disorders, especially if the bruises seem to come on suddenly

You should also talk to a doctor if bruises appear soon after you start taking a medication; if a bruise doesn’t appear to be getting better or fading; or if you develop a very large bruise accompanied with pain after an injury

NASA says these 18 plants are the best at naturally filtering the air in your home

Back in the late ’80s, NASA was looking for ways to detoxify the air in its space stations. So it conducted a study to determine the most effective plants for filtering the air of toxic agents and converting carbon dioxide to oxygen.

In 1989, their results were published in a clean air study that provided a definitive list of the plants that are most effective at cleaning indoor air. The report also suggested having at least one plant per every hundred square feet of home or office space.


Maine Becomes Latest US State to End COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for Health Care Workers

The Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has filed a proposal to remove the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for health care workers.

The proposal, which was filed with Maine’s Secretary of State, is based on evolving scientific evidence and trends including available clinical and epidemiological data about COVID-19, increased population immunity owing to vaccinations and previous infections, and decreased severity of the virus, the department said in a July 11 statement.

Significant COVID-19 Vaccine Study Censored by Medical Journal Within 24 Hours

A systematic review of 325 autopsies showing COVID-19 vaccination caused or significantly contributed to 74 percent of deaths was removed from The Lancet’s preprint SSRN server within 24 hours, adding to an increasing number of censored studies on the potential harms of COVID-19 vaccines.

The study, published July 5, examined all autopsies published in peer-reviewed literature to determine whether COVID-19 vaccination caused or contributed to the person’s death.

Number of Virus Outbreaks on Cruise Ships Surging: CDC

Data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that incidence of a common stomach illness is on the rise on cruise ships.

In an update posted several days ago, the federal agency is now listing 13 outbreaks of norovirus on cruise ships this year, which is the highest number of outbreaks recorded on cruises since 2012. The most recent reported norovirus outbreak was on June 20 on a Viking Cruises ship in which about 120 passengers and crew members reported being ill out of about 1,200 people who were on board.


Maybelline Teams with Cross-Dressing Male TikTok Influencer Ryan Vita to Promote Women’s Make-Up

Maybelline is doubling down on its suicidal embrace gender non-conformity as a marketing ploy, teaming up with a cross-dressing  male TikTok influencer to push its beauty products for women.

This week, Maybelline teamed up with cross-dresser Ryan Vita to promote its products for Amazon Prime Day, with a full-bearded Vita posting a video in which he models his favorite shades of lipstick and lipgloss.

Sheriff: Florida Baby Dies After Teen Mom Puts Fentanyl in Bottle

A teenage mother in Florida is accused of putting fentanyl into her baby’s bottle thinking it was cocaine, which resulted in the baby boy’s death, WFLA reported

The 17-year-old mother, whom law enforcement has not identified, was arrested on Tuesday. According to the Nassau County Sheriff’s Office, deputies responded to a residence for reports of a baby who had no pulse and was not breathing. The baby was transported to a hospital where he was pronounced dead.


CDC Wants Dogs Microchipped Before Traveling Abroad to Make Sure They Don’t Bring Back Rabies

For the first time in almost 70 years, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is seeking to revise dog import regulations in an effort to keep dog rabies virus out of the country.

Rabies is known for mutating to match the animals it infects. The strain most specific to dogs has not been seen anywhere in the United States since 2004 and was declared to be eliminated throughout the nation in 2007. Being a canine rabid-free country means that dogs may still become infected from rabid wild animals like raccoons, skunks or bats, but they won’t catch dog-specific rabies from another dog.

The proposed changes, published this week in the Federal Register for public input, are meant to prevent the dog-maintained rabies virus variant (DMRVV) from being reintroduced into the United States, the CDC said.

Horse Abandoned by Roadside Wins Silver at Horse Show With His New 13-Year-Old Owner

A horse that was abandoned by the side of the road after collapsing while pulling a cart has been adopted and has found a life worth living with a young horse rider. The pair have now made waves at their first horse show together.

Seven-year-old standard-bred horse, Woody, was found by Garda Andrew Kiely of the Irish National Police in the town of Clonmel, County Tipperary, after a public report that the horse had collapsed on the road. Garda Kiely reached out to My Lovely Horse Rescue (MLHR) of County Cork, who rushed to pick him up.


Woman Transforms Rundown $1.27 House Into a Stunning Home, Here’s How It Looks

A British woman has transformed a rundown Victorian house into the home of her dreams, buying the property for just 1 pound (US$1.27) after it sat unoccupied for 15 years.

Maxine Sharples from Liverpool in England learned about her city’s 1-pound home scheme since she lived locally around the homes for sale. She applied in 2015 and waited four years to be shortlisted.

‘The Most Insane Thing Ever’ – Man Finds Huge Hoard Of Civil War Gold On Kentucky Farm

A Kentucky man has unearthed an astounding cache of Civil War-era gold coins from a cornfield on his farm. Among the hundreds are a type of coin that has sold at auction for more than $100,000 — and there are about eighteen of them.  

While the extraordinarily lucky man’s identity and the location of his property are still under wraps, his find has been certified by the Numismatic Guaranty Company (NGC), which describes itself as “the world’s largest and most trusted third-party grading service for coins, tokens and medals.” The treasure heap has become an instant numismatic legend, christened as “The Great Kentucky Hoard.”

Fran Drescher’s fiery speech against Hollywood studios goes viral as actors strike

Fran Drescher has blasted Hollywood studios in a fiery speech after talks between the actors’ union and studios failed to avert a strike, calling them “disgusting” for claiming “they’re losing money left and right when giving hundreds of millions of dollars to their CEOs”.

In a speech that was widely circulated on Thursday – particularly among many who did not know The Nanny star was heading up Sag-Aftra, Hollywood’s biggest union – Drescher said actors were being “marginalised, disrespected and dishonoured” by a business model that has been drastically changed by streaming and artificial intelligence.

“What happens here is important because what’s happening to us is happening across all fields of labor, when employers make Wall Street and greed their priority and they forget about the essential contributors that make the machine run,” she said.

“We are the victims here. We are being victimised by a very greedy entity. I am shocked by the way the people that we have been in business with are treating us.

“I cannot believe it, quite frankly, how far apart we are on so many things. How they plead poverty, that they’re losing money left and right when giving hundreds of millions of dollars to their CEOs. It is disgusting. Shame on them. They stand on the wrong side of history.”

Brave 6-year-old girl stops her own kidnapping by biting the suspect

No parent ever wants their child to experience something traumatic. All the tips we give them in an effort to make sure they survive an unfortunate encounter are always given with the hope that you never have to find out if your advice works. But sadly, the world isn’t perfect, and some children have to use all of their knowledge to try to get out of a scary situation.

A 6-year-old girl named Ah’lyric found herself in a scary situation where she had to think quickly on her feet. The little girl had been playing outside with her siblings, but when they went inside, Ah’lyric stayed sitting in the stairwell. Shortly after, a strange man attempted to pick her up and take her to the back of the stairs, but she was having none of it.

The little girl fought back just like her mother taught her to do if she were ever in a situation like this one.


Thumbs-up emoji constituted acceptance of texted contract, Canadian judge rules

A Canadian judge has ruled a farmer’s thumbs-up emoji constituted approval of a contract texted to him by a grain buyer.

Judge T.J. Keene of Saskatchewan ruled against farmer Chris Achter in a June 8 opinion. Achter had argued his thumbs-up emoji merely indicated he had received the contract, not that he agreed to its terms.

Don’t Throw Stones: Tesla Launches Internal Investigation of Project to Build a Glass House for Elon Musk

Elon Musk’s Tesla has launched an internal investigation over a secretive directive known as “Project 42,” which involved plans for a unique glass building in Austin, Texas. The project was internally described as a house for the company’s CEO, Elon Musk. Now the company’s board is investigating whether the company misused resources to build Musk a glass mansion despite his claims of couch surfing at the homes of friends.

The Wall Street Journal reports that Elon Musk’s Tesla has launched an internal investigation into “Project 42,” a covert project that involved ideas for a distinctive glass building in Austin, Texas. Employees at the company reportedly referred to the project as a glass house for Elon Musk.

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