July 2, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: July 27, 2023

Today’s Top 5:

1.Subclinical Heart Damage More Prevalent Than Thought After Moderna Vaccination: Study

Damage to the heart is more common than thought after receipt of Moderna’s COVID-19 booster, a new study indicates.

One in 35 health care workers at a Swiss hospital had signs of heart injury associated with the vaccine, mRNA-1273, researchers found.

“mRNA-1273 booster vaccination-associated elevation of markers of myocardial injury occurred in about one out of 35 persons (2.8%), a greater incidence than estimated in meta-analyses of hospitalized cases with myocarditis (estimated incidence 0.0035%) after the second vaccination,” the researchers wrote in the paper, published by the European Journal of Heart Failure.

In a generally healthy population, the level would be about 1 percent, the researchers said.

2.Chase Shuts Down Bank Accounts of Mercola and Key Employees

July 13, 2023, JP Morgan Chase Bank informed me they are closing all of my business accounts, along with the personal accounts of my CEO, my CFO and their respective spouses and children

My CEO was informed his young children also will never be allowed to bank with Chase in the future

No reason for the decision was given, other than there was “unexpected activity” on an unspecified account

This is what the new social credit system looks like, and what every soul on the planet can expect from the central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) that are being rolled out. Go against the prevailing narrative of the day, and your financial life will be deleted

It’s difficult enough trying to navigate this hurdle today. Once everything is digitized, cash eradicated and the social credit system completely integrated and automated, this kind of retaliatory action for wrongthink could be a death sentence for some people

3.Hunter Biden hearing ends after judge is not ready to accept revised plea deal

A plea deal between President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden and the Justice Department is on hold after a dramatic court hearing Wednesday.

Hunter Biden failed to pay between $1.1 million and $1.5 million in federal taxes before the legal deadlines and was poised to plead guilty to two tax charges with prosecutors agreeing to recommend a sentence of probation.

But before the original plea could be entered, the deal began to unravel and a revised agreement reached during the hearing was not accepted by the judge.

4.Mitch McConnell Jokes How Biden Got ‘Sandbagged’ After Freeze Moment

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) played his unfortunate “freeze” episode for laughs on Wednesday when he joked about President Joe Biden getting “sandbagged” earlier this year.

As Breitbart News reported, Mitch McConnell froze in the middle of a press conference for an extended period of time, ending with him being escorted off by concerned staffers


Mitch McConnell ‘Clearly Had Some Kind of Neurological Event’ at Podium, Concludes CNN’s Sanjay Gupta: ‘He Needs to Get Checked Out’

CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta warned that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) “clearly had some kind of neurological event” during his freezing incident on Wednesday and that he should be “checked out” by doctors as soon as possible.

Following the incident — which saw McConnell frozen and speechless for more than 30 seconds, before he was aided away from the podium — Gupta told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, “It was definitely concerning to watch. I mean, I think his doctors will be looking at that tape and sort of, you know, trying to figure out what happened there. He needs to get checked out, I think that’s really the bottom line.”

Noting that McConnell had claimed he was fine less than 30 minutes after the incident, Gupta said:

He seemed to have recovered from it, but something clearly happened. It could be something more simple: dehydration, a little infection, medication interaction, but I think given his history, that fall back in March, his age, you’ve got to make sure you’re also addressing and ruling out other things. A mini stroke, a mini seizure, things like that. A mini seizure could have been related even to that fall that he had back in March, so, again, common things common, but you’ve got to rule out the bad things as well.

Gupta went on to speculate that McConnell could have suffered a mini stroke and that he should be seen by a doctor as soon as possible:

I really think he needs to be seen. I mean, you know, one thing about things like a TIA, which is a transient ischemic attack, also known as a mini stroke, is that untreated it could lead to more mini strokes and even lead to a more significant stroke. The key is to actually get that checked out in time. If there’s one thing that people know about strokes, it’s that time is really important. Again, this is speculative, but he clearly had some sort of neurological event there. I think, again, that video is something that his doctors would probably be examining as well.

5.Russian Fighter Jet Fires Flares at US Drone Over Syria

U.S. and Russian officials are each accusing the other side of being the aggressor in a dangerous encounter between a U.S. MQ-9 Reaper drone and a Russian military jet over Syria on July 23.

Russian Rear Adm. Oleg Gurinov told the Russian state-run TASS news agency that a U.S. drone nearly caused a midair collision with Russian warplanes operating near Al-Bab, in northern Syria’s Aleppo region. He claimed that the U.S. drone eventually turned its targeting system on a Russian jet, automatically triggering the Russian warplane’s defensive systems.

“Russian pilots once again demonstrated high professionalism and took timely measures to prevent collisions with the coalition’s unmanned aerial vehicles,” Rear Adm. Gurinov claimed.


Scalp! Bank Boss Resigns With Immediate Effect Over Leaking Nigel Farage’s Private Information to BBC

NatWest Chief Executive Dame Alison Rose resigned on Wednesday morning, the latest shock development in a five-week saga triggered by the attempted debanking of Nigel Farage. The Brexit leader has said the whole NatWest board should resign next.

Russia Preparing to ‘Enforce Blockade on Ukraine’ With Warships, Says UK

Russia has redeployed its warships in the Black Sea and there is a “realistic possibility” that it will deploy a task force to intercept civilian ships heading to and from Ukraine’s ports as part of a blockade, a British intelligence digest says.

The Black Sea Grain Initiative collapsing last week, meaning there is no longer a safe corridor for Ukrainian grain exports by sea, has seen a shift in Russian military posture says the United Kingdom, predicting the coming of a full-on blockade.

Putin Calls on Africans to Abandon Dollar Settlements, Switch to National Currencies

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that it is necessary to switch to financial settlements in national currencies with African countries, including in rubles.

Un-Holy Cow! China Engineers And Clones ‘Super Cows’

China achieves a cloning breakthrough with the creation of three ‘super cows.’

Animal cloning is mainly used to improve the quality and productivity of livestock, as well as for conducting research in the field of biotechnology.

Earlier, China cloned various species, including cattle, sheep, pigs, horses and even pets.

Italy forges ahead with criminalizing parents who use surrogates

Italy’s lower house of parliament has approved a divisive bill that could impose prison terms on parents that use surrogates to have children — if even the process was legally carried out overseas. The vote represents a step forward in the implementation of a socially conservative agenda backed by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

New Zealand government funds project to discredit anyone who questions safety of vaccines

It’s not only the UK government that’s refusing to acknowledge excess deaths since the mass covid injection campaign began, the New Zealand government is doing the same.  Is it because they are afraid to admit that those who are raising awareness about the unsafety of the vaccines might be right?

Silence is one thing but the New Zealand Prime Minister’s office is taking things further.  It is actively funding a disinformation project dedicated to discrediting anyone who asks questions about vaccine safety.


Largest US Grid Declares Emergency Alert For July 27

PJM Interconnection LLC has declared a level one emergency for the 13-state eastern US grid and called on all power plants to operate at full capacity Thursday during a heat wave.

The largest US grid issued an Energy Emergency Alert level one, meaning it is concerned about being able to maintain adequate power reserves on July 27 as consumers and businesses turn up their air conditioners amid scorching heat. PJM has ordered all power plants to be online and for consumers enrolled in demand-response programs to be ready to curtail their electricity usage to keep power supply stable, according to a notice late Wednesday.

PJM, which serves more than 65 million people from Washington, DC to Illinois, warned of potential tight conditions earlier in the week and asked generators to prepare. Power suppliers that fail to show up when asked to by the grid may face stiff penalties.

Trump Diverges From GOP Primary Field, Declines Iowa Governor’s Invite to ‘Fair-Side Chat’

For anyone hoping to become president, Iowa is an important state.

With its first-in-the-nation caucuses, Iowa is often seen as a key indicator of whether a candidate has a fighting chance in securing their party’s nomination.

That said, it’s no surprise that most of the GOP primary field jumped at Gov. Kim Reynolds’ invitation to up their profiles in one-on-one chats with her at the Iowa State Fair.

According to the schedule the Republican governor shared via Twitter on July 25, almost every declared candidate is slated to participate in her “Fair-Side Chats”—with one noticeable absence.

Idaho Christians Are Compensated $300,000 for Rights Violations

In September 2020, a Moscow, Idaho church organized a public hymn event where masks were not worn. Three were arrested, several others fined and police broke up the event. The city council, mayor and police chief were in support of the arrests. The “offending” Christians have now been awarded $300,000 for having their First Amendment rights egregiously violated.

To say that Technocrat thinking is not contagious is absurd. Those who said “the science is settled” convinced everyone else that the Constitution and all moral/ethical standards should be suspended while the science is blindly obeyed. This happened all across America as churches were bullied, fined, censored and literally driven out of existence. In the Moscow case, the local government got busted with a big fine; it is unlikely that they actually repented of any wrongdoing.

Feds Used 8 Search Warrants in Trump Classified-Docs Case: Court Filings

Newly unsealed court filings reveal that a total of eight search warrants were used to gather information in the classified records case against former President Donald Trump and his aide.

Previously, the public knew about just one of those search warrants, the one that was used to raid Mr. Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago, Florida, on Aug. 8, 2022. A judge released a redacted (blacked-out) version of that record shortly after Mr. Trump revealed its existence last year.

But federal court records made public on July 25 show that authorities used seven additional search warrants in the investigation. The contents of those search warrants remain sealed, along with their accompanying affidavits–sworn statements justifying reasons for the searches.

In addition, the government released a less-redacted version of the original Mar-a-Lago affidavit, including a newly revealed photo of about 61 document boxes stacked in a storage room at the former president’s residence.

The newly disclosed information sheds more light on the extent of the government’s probe of Mr. Trump. The documents also reveal that the Department of Justice (DOJ) is asserting that additional precautions are needed to ensure the safety of witnesses and others tied to the case.

“These concerns are particularly acute in this extraordinarily high-profile case in which law-enforcement personnel have already been targeted,” DOJ lawyers wrote.

No further details about that allegation are divulged in a 13-page, partially redacted court filing that the DOJ wrote in a filing (pdf) that was written June 30 and was unsealed July 25.

EXCLUSIVE: Migrant Rush Forces International Bridge Closures in Texas

International ports of entry in Eagle Pass, Texas, were closed for nearly one hour after a group of nearly 50, mostly Venezuelan migrants, attempted to force their way through one of the ports to claim asylum. According to a source within CBP, the group of migrants forced their way onto Bridge One but were repelled by CBP Office of Field Operations personnel who closed the gates and shut down all traffic on Tuesday evening.

According to the source, not authorized to speak to the media, the migrants began the rush after assaulting a bridge toll worker in Piedras Negras, Mexico, at approximately 7:50 p.m. The migrants, frustrated by a lengthy wait in Mexico for CBP One appointments, returned to Mexico once the gates were closed. As a precaution, the second bridge linking the border city of Eagle Pass to Piedras Negras was also closed for nearly one hour as authorities on both sides of the border dealt with the incident.

Hunter Biden Could be Jailed if He Consumes Drugs, Alcohol as Part of Release Conditions

President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, could be jailed if he consumes any drugs or alcohol, according to the conditions of his release signed by U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika.

Seattle Schools official says parents shouldn’t be notified of pronoun change, ‘regardless of age’: emails

A top official with Washington state’s biggest school district told a fourth-grade elementary school teacher that a student’s pronoun change should not be shared with the parents, “regardless of age,” unless the student consents, emails obtained by Fox News Digital reveal.

In March of last year, a Seattle Education Association (SEA) board member and fourth-grade teacher reached out to Seattle Public Schools (SPS) to request a training at an SPS school on LGBTQ best practices, according to emails Fox News Digital obtained in a public records request.

“It came to my attention here that staff admin have disagreed about how best to support nonbinary students, and I asked admin whether we could have training on best practices,” John Shaw wrote to Lisa Love, the manager of the Health Education Department at SPS, on March 1, 2022.

Love quickly responded that she was happy to help and added, “Also, it is helpful to know whether there is a current situation folks are grappling with, or if there are any ‘landmines,’ I should be aware of.”

The next day, Shaw obliged, telling Love of two alleged instances on campus: One in which an SPS principal asked a teacher to remove a Pride flag from her classroom at the request of a parent, and in the other instance, a principal had directed a teacher to notify the parents of a student who asked to be addressed with “they/them” pronouns.

“Another teacher told me that she had a student who asked to be addressed with they/them pronouns,” he wrote. “The teacher emailed the other staff who worked with the student (specialists). The principal directed the teacher to notify parents first. The teacher did not feel that that would’ve been the best choice; the principal notified the parents on their own.”


Anheuser-Busch Lays Off Hundreds of Workers amid Bud Light Boycott

Bud Light parent company Anheuser-Busch laid off hundreds of U.S. workers after Bud Light sales declined for months following a collaboration between Bud Light and transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney.

Anheuser-Busch said the layoffs would impact less than two percent of its nearly 18,000 U.S. workforce.

Dylan Mulvaney Charging $40k in Speaking Fees on ‘Female Empowerment’

Dylan Mulvaney, a transgender TikTok influencer, will be embarking on a college speaking tour soon and will be charging up to $40k in fees to talk on subjects like “female empowerment.”

Mulvaney announced the upcoming speaking tour in an Instagram story last weekend that encouraged college students to book speaking engagements through the agency Crista Spadafore.

Lawsuit: Cigna Healthcare Misused AI to Deny Legitimate Insurance Claims

Cigna Healthcare, a major player in the health insurance industry, is now at the center of a federal class action lawsuit over claims that the company has been using AI algorithms to improperly deny customer claims. The lawsuit claims that Cigna’s system denied about 300,000 pre-approved claims, spending an average of 1.2 seconds to deny each claim.

Axios reports that major health insurance provider Cigna Healthcare is currently the target of a federal class action lawsuit. According to the lawsuit, the firm has been violating California law by utilizing AI algorithms to refuse payments to clients as part of a largely automated claims decision process.

Wizz Air faces millions in payouts over flight delays

CAA starts enforcement action after finding budget airline’s treatment of passengers was unacceptable

Wizz Air could be forced to pay out millions of pounds to passengers after the UK airline regulator started enforcement action against the budget carrier in response to an avalanche of complaints over unpaid refund claims.

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) said it had been in contact with Wizz Air for several months after it received a high volume of complaints about the airline’s failure to pay passengers what they are owed, particularly in the wake of flight cancellations.

Paul Smith, the regulator’s joint interim chief executive, said it had told Wizz Air that the way it had treated passengers over the past year was “unacceptable”.

The SEC has a big, new cyber rule for public companies

The Securities and Exchange Commission voted on Wednesday to require publicly traded companies to disclose within four days when they suffer a cyber incident significant enough to weigh into the decisions of prospective investors.


Whistleblower tells Congress govt concealing ‘multi-decade’ program that captures UFOs

The U.S. is concealing a longstanding program that retrieves and reverse engineers unidentified flying objects, a former Air Force intelligence officer testified Wednesday to Congress. The Pentagon has denied his claims.

Retired Maj. David Grusch’s highly anticipated testimony before a House Oversight subcommittee was Congress’ latest foray into the world of UAPs — or “unidentified aerial phenomena,” which is the official term the U.S. government uses instead of UFOs. While the study of mysterious aircraft or objects often evokes talk of aliens and “little green men,” Democrats and Republicans in recent years have pushed for more research as a national security matter due to concerns that sightings observed by pilots may be tied to U.S. adversaries.

Grusch said he was asked in 2019 by the head of a government task force on UAPs to identify all highly classified programs relating to the task force’s mission. At the time, Grusch was detailed to the National Reconnaissance Office, the agency that operates U.S. spy satellites.

“I was informed in the course of my official duties of a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program to which I was denied access,” he said.

Asked whether the U.S. government had information about extraterrestrial life, Grusch said the U.S. likely has been aware of “non-human” activity since the 1930s.

The Pentagon has denied Grusch’s claims of a coverup. In a statement, Defense Department spokeswoman Sue Gough said investigators have not discovered “any verifiable information to substantiate claims that any programs regarding the possession or reverse-engineering of extraterrestrial materials have existed in the past or exist currently.” The statement did not address UFOs that are not suspected of being extraterrestrial objects.

Grusch says he became a government whistleblower after his discovery and has faced retaliation for coming forward. He declined to be more specific about the retaliatory tactics, citing an ongoing investigation.


Nazi Albert Speer Warned The West About The Rise Of Technocracy

The term “technocracy” is nothing new to our political lexicon. It’s been around for decades and is commonly associated with totalitarian leftist regimes who appoint technical elitist “experts” to manage specialized sectors of their regime’s military, economy, and other civil sectors. A technocracy’s effect is to nullify the will of the people.

The first of such modern regimes was arguably the National Socialist German Workers Party (aka the Nazi Party). Minister of Armaments Albert Speer was among Hitler’s finest and most prized technocrats. In recent years, Speer’s role has been overshadowed by diabolical agents with more obvious blood on their hands, such as Adolf Eichman, Rudolph Hess, Hermann Goering, and others.

However, Speer was central to Hitler’s vision for Germany. He laid out grandiose architectural plans for the Third Reich’s capital and kept the bulk of the German armaments machine running, even as the lights dimmed around Hitler’s failed vision of a thousand-year reign of unopposed power. He was no less diabolical than his peers.

Since WWII, people have pondered and debated how it was possible for Germans, considered among the world’s most cultured and educated people, to fall in line with the Nazi agenda. After the war, Speer offered insights that are also warnings to Democrats’ technocratic aspirations.


Tennessee residents unable to drink or use tap water following diesel fuel spill

Many of the 40,000 people in the suburb of Germantown under order to avoid using water for everything except flushing toilets

Are America’s wild horses the answer to wildfires? – a photo essay

Since moving to a remote mountain region just south of Interstate 5 on the Oregon-California border in 2014, William Simpson, 70, has assumed responsibility for the care of 120 wild horses that roam his land. He has also adopted 60 more as part of an effort to study the effect that grazing has on managing grass, brush and other fuel for wildfires in the face of increasingly extreme blazes.

“I started watching the horses and seeing what they were doing,” says Simpson. “They were managing the fuel.”

He calls the project the Wild Horse Fire Brigade, and hopes the discoveries he makes from living among the animals will contribute to the debate around the role herbivores can play in wildfire mitigation.

Drought-hit North Africa turns to purified sea and wastewater

From Tunisia to Morocco, sun-baked North Africa has embarked on a building spree of plants that purify sea and wastewater as climate change intensifies droughts in the water-scarce region.

Across the Maghreb region, which takes in parts of the Sahara desert and is plagued by scorching summer heat, countries are banking on new desalination plants and facilities that can purify wastewater for farming.

In Tunisia, struggling through its fourth year of drought, engineers recently inspected a desalination plant being built in the southern town of Zarat on the Mediterranean coast.

Across the region, “the only solution is the desalination of seawater for human consumption”, said Mosbeh Helali, outgoing CEO of Sonede, the company constructing the plant.

The World Bank predicts that by 2030, the wider Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region will fall below the absolute water scarcity threshold of 500 cubic meters per person per year.


‘We tried to stop them’: US family found dead in forest wanted to live off grid

Two sisters and a son set off for remote area in Colorado last summer, seeking to escape civilization, women’s stepsister says

A Colorado family whose partially mummified remains were discovered at a remote campsite were trying to live off the grid and escape civilization, family said.

Authorities have identified the bodies as those of sisters Christine Vance, 41, and Rebecca Vance, 42, as well as Rebecca’s 14-year-old son. The remains were recovered in and around a tent near a campsite in the Gunnison National Forest about 9 miles (14.5km) from Ohio City, Colorado, Michael Barnes, the Gunnison county coroner, said Tuesday.

The women’s stepsister, Trevala Jara, told media that the family set off for the remote area last summer, seeking to escape the world. The sisters did not have survival experience and had only done research online and watched YouTube videos on the subject.

Low Water Vegetable Gardening

Read on to learn about low-water inputs for a dry garden and how you can still grow food with a low-water vegetable garden.


Drink This Tea Daily — It Could Pay Off For Blood Pressure & Heart Health

Oolong tea is one of the most popular drinks in Asian countries, especially in China. Also known as oōlióng(dé), which means“black dragon tea”, oolong tea has a rich history and its use has been linked to a variety of health benefits. 

Here’s everything you need to know about oolong tea, including its potential benefits and the best ways to add this healthy sip into your routine.

Oolong tea provides trace amounts of some minerals, such as magnesium and potassium, but not enough to be considered a good source of any nutrient. 

Though oolong tea is low in nutrients, it’s packed with plant compounds that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects in the body. It’s a concentrated source of polyphenols, including theaflavins, theasinensins, thearubigins, epigallocatechin (EGC), and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), all of which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. 

Oolong tea also contains types of carbohydrates called polysaccharides. Following polyphenols, polysaccharides are the second most abundant ingredient in tea. Polysaccharides extracted from oolong tea have been shown to have powerful antioxidant activity as well as antidiabetic, anticancer, and lipid-lowering properties. 

This Diet Was Just Associated With A 57% Reduced Risk Of Breast Cancer

The Mediterranean diet may lower breast cancer risk

A recent case-controlled study conducted in Iran and published on Frontiers in Nutrition found a significant inverse association between the Mediterranean diet and breast cancer. In this research, individuals with the highest tertile of the Mediterranean diet score compared with those in the lowest tertile were 57% less likely to have breast cancer1. This relationship was most significant among postmenopausal women.

Previous studies on the association between diet and breast cancer are mostly from Western populations where data from Middle East countries was not often included, hence why this study specifically set out to gather data on Iranian women, as the prevalence of breast cancer in Middle East countries is high, yet the analytic data available is quite low. 

The classic Mediterranean diet focuses on eating real, whole foods and is modeled after countries lining the Mediterranean Sea. It centers fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, olive oil, herbs, and spices and limits processed foods, red meat, and added sugars.

“Our findings were aligned with the findings from a case-control study conducted by Turati et al. in Switzerland in which adherence to the Mediterranean diet was inversely associated with the risk of breast cancer,” researchers said. Regional studies like these are important, as dietary patterns vary greatly from country to country. 

Surgeons Reveal They’ve Engineered Female-Like Organs in Boys as Young as 15

At 15, boys can’t legally smoke a cigarette. But an increasing number are requesting—and undergoing—surgery to recraft their genitals, a study shows.

The study, titled “Age Is Just a Number,” flies in the face of claims by radical gender ideology activists that child sex-change surgery isn’t happening.

It also shows that the sex-change surgery guidelines of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) are being defied by surgeons.

The study, published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine in 2017, reveals details from interviews with 20 surgeons who perform sex-change surgeries.

Rise in Type 1 Diabetes Among Young People Linked to COVID-19: How to Prevent Autoimmune Diseases

There was an unexpected surge in the diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes among children and teenagers worldwide amidst the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study.

The systematic review, published by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), analyzed 42 studies on diabetes incidence, including 17 studies involving nearly 38,000 people under the age of 19. The review revealed a 14 percent surge in Type 1 diabetes cases in 2020, followed by a 27 percent increase in 2021, compared to before the pandemic.

Furthermore, the research highlighted a rise in Type 2 diabetes incidence and diabetic ketoacidosis, a severe complication of diabetes more common in Type 1 patients, after the start of the pandemic.

North Carolina woman warns of vaping dangers after teen stepson’s sudden death: ‘We had no clue’

Prior to his sudden cough, Solomon Wynn had been a healthy teenager who loved football

A North Carolina woman is sounding the alarm about the potential dangers of vaping after her 15-year-old stepson’s unexpected death. 

Solomon Wynn’s family took him off a ventilator in mid-June, just months after the teenage football player developed a bad cough.

“We went to the primary care doctor because he had a bad cough. They diagnosed him with what they thought was bronchitis,” his stepmother, Charlene Zorn of Wilmington, told Fox News Digital in an interview. 

Doctors prescribed Solomon antibiotics, steroids and inhalers, but nothing seemed to help improve his condition, so they referred him to a pulmonologist. The pulmonologist did allergy testing and test X-rays on Solomon, determining in April he had been vaping.”By looking at the test X-rays, she knew,” Zorn said. 

Prior to his sudden cough, Solomon had been a healthy teenager. He “loved” football, his stepmother said. Once he began going to the gym with his dad, Zorn said, it became a routine. Solomon went to the gym “every morning.”

“He openly admitted it to the doctor. He didn’t try and deny it,” Zorn said of the moment Solomon’s doctor said he had been vaping. “As parents, we had no clue. We had no indication that he had been vaping. Neither his father nor myself smoke, so there were no products in our house that he could get. It wasn’t that it was something accessible to him. It was something he got through his friends.”

He also admitted that his friends provided him with vapes and “showed him how to do it,” Zorn said.

“The CAT scan showed that there was fluid in three places on his lungs and surrounding his heart. He was supposed to see the cardiologist that following Monday because, obviously, they had concerns because it was affecting his heart. And then on that Friday, on June 16, he collapsed and then ended up in the hospital on a ventilator,” Zorn recalled. 

He collapsed on June 16 and died the next day, shocking his family, friends and football team at school. Zorn implored Solomon’s teammates at his funeral to give up vaping.


New Potentially Deadly MERS-CoV Case Reported as WHO Continues to Monitor Situation

The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that it discovered a case of the potentially fatal Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), which infects bats, camels, and people.

A 28-year-old man tested positive for MERS-CoV in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), according to officials in the Middle Eastern country. The WHO stated in a news release this week that it was notified of the case after the patient was admitted to the hospital in mid-June.

“[The patient had] no history of direct or indirect contact with dromedaries, goats, or sheep,” the release read. “All 108 identified contacts were monitored for 14 days from the last date of exposure to the MERS-CoV patient. No secondary cases have been detected to date.”


Jason Aldean’s ‘Try That in a Small Town’ Video Edited to Remove BLM Footage

Country music star Jason Aldean’s controversial video of his new song “Try That In a Small Town” has reportedly been reedited to remove images of Black Lives Matter protests.

That’s according to reports that have come out over the last 24 hours from multiple media outlets including The Hollywood Reporter and The Guardian. The Washington Post on Tuesday first reported that the video on YouTube was six seconds shorter than the version uploaded on July 14, with a news clip from Fox 5 Atlanta about the 2020 Black Lives Matter demonstrations having been removed. The outlet also noted that neither Aldean, YouTube, nor the music video production company Tacklebox responded to questions about the video’s edit.

Michael Jackson Sexual Abuse Lawsuits on Verge of Revival by Appeals Court

A California appeals court on Wednesday will consider reviving the dismissed lawsuits of two men who allege Michael Jackson sexually abused them as children for years, a move the court appears likely to make after a tentative decision that would order the cases back to a lower court for trial.

The suits were filed after Jackson’s 2009 death by Wade Robson in 2013 and James Safechuck the following year. The two men became more widely known for telling their stories in the 2019 HBO documentary, “ Leaving Neverland.”

‘Going Woke in Dixie:’ Claremont Reports U. of Alabama and Auburn U. Spend $5+ Million a Year on DEI

The University of Alabama and Auburn University currently spend more than $5 million annually on their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, a report by the Claremont Institute has revealed.

“All across the country, administrators are transforming universities into institutions dedicated to political activism and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI),” the Claremont Institute wrote in a report titled, Going Woke In Dixie?: The progress of DEI at the University of Alabama & Auburn University.


22 Top Treat Choices That Don’t Come From a Box

Most dogs enjoy a treat now and then, just like their owners. This is a perfect opportunity to add more nutrient-dense, fresh food into your pet’s diet. But it’s important not to overdo it.

Treats should make up no more than 10% of your dog’s daily food intake — any more than that and you run the risk of overfeeding or unintentionally depriving your dog of other nutrients his body needs.

You’ll also want to steer clear of “junk food” treats — think bacon-flavored “sausages” and bone-shaped cookies. Most commercially available dog treats are not only too big, portion-wise, but they also provide too many calories from carbs and often contain preservatives, artificial colors and flavors and other harmful additives.

A better choice is to focus on real food, in small, bite-sized portions, to give your dog a flavorful treat he’ll enjoy that will also boost his health and wellness.

The Growing Canine Epidemic – Is Your Dog Affected?

Now affecting 59% of dogs and 61% of cats, this epidemic continues to spread– and that’s reason for concern as it increases the risk for serious, chronic disease, including malignancy and premature death. The good news is, there are three actions you can take today to help turn things around.

In 2022, 59% of dogs and 61% of cats were overweight or obese

This is a 3% increase from 2018 — all represented by an increase in obesity

The percentage of overweight dogs — 37% — stayed the same from 2018 to 2022, but the prevalence of obese dogs rose to 22%, up from 19% in 2018

The numbers are cause for concern since, as in humans, excess weight increases the risk of chronic diseases — including kidney dysfunction, metabolic and endocrine disorders like diabetes, orthopedic diseases like osteoarthritis, and cancer

To help your dog lose weight, swap out high-carb, highly processed kibble with a species-appropriate fresh food diet, watch portion sizes and ensure your dog gets daily activity


Sinéad O’Connor dead: ‘Nothing Compares 2 U’ singer was 56

Sinéad O’Connor, the gifted but controversial singer of the classic song “Nothing Compares 2 U,” has died at the age of 56.

Kevin Spacey Cleared After Six Years of Hollywood Blacklisting

Based solely on allegations, two-time Oscar winner Kevin Spacey was blacklisted by all of Hollywood for six years before being cleared of every allegation hurled against him.

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