July 4, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: June 08, 2022


The Last Stage Of Tyrannical Technocrat Takeover

Repeat guest Naomi Wolf is the author of “The End of America,” published in 2007, and “The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and the War Against the Human,” which was released at the end of May 2022. In our previous interview, we discussed how “The End of America” dovetailed with current pandemic events. (You can download the first and last chapters for free on the publisher’s website, chelseagreen.com.)

Here, we review what lies ahead if we don’t challenge and stand firm against the global control agenda. It’s really important to realize that the progression toward tyranny and loss of freedom is neither new nor accidental — and really has nothing to do with COVID or biosecurity per se.

These are just convenient justifications for the unjustifiable. No, this is a comprehensive plan for a global takeover that’s been in the works for many decades. What we’re seeing now is just the final implementation.

“I wrote ‘The End of America’ when I saw that issues around terrorism and the terror threat post-9/11 were being used in such a way as to hype fear and strip us of our civil liberties,” Wolf says. “There are 10 steps to fascism that leaders who want to crush a democracy will always take. They’re the same 10 steps whether the leaders are on the left or on the right. It really doesn’t matter.

So, I looked at history at different times and places in which a robust democracy was crushed. You start with invoking a terrifying threat. It can be a real threat, but it’s hyped. You go on to surveil citizens. You create militia groups unaccountable to the rule of law.

You create a Gulag. You start to demonize whistleblowers and critics. You start to call dissent, treason or espionage or subversion. And then you get to Step 10, which is martial law, declaring emergency law. Well, here we are at Step 10.”

The U.K. Is Launching the World’s Largest Four-Day Workweek Experiment

More than 3,300 employees at 70 companies get an extra day off each week for the next six months—without a reduction in pay

Thousands of workers in the United Kingdom will get an extra day off this week—and every week for the next six months—without their paychecks taking a hit in what organizers are calling the largest four-day workweek experiment in the world.

Under the pilot program, employees at a range of companies are working 80 percent of their usual week for 100 percent of their pay. A major caveat: they must maintain 100 percent of their normal productivity even while working the shortened schedule.


55 Years Ago Israel Admitted To Killing 34 US Sailors, But ‘By Mistake’

The Navy “followed orders” to cover up the attack on the USS Liberty

The murder of journalist Shereen Abu Akleh on May 11, 2022 is, sadly, not the first time Israeli forces have killed American citizens and gotten away with it.

The Israeli bulldozer that ran over – and then backed up over – 23 year-old Rachel Corrie to ensure her back was broken on March 16, 2003 is another sad example.

Today, we call to mind the most egregious example 55 years ago (June 8, 1967), when Israeli aircraft and torpedo boats attacked the USS Liberty in international waters, killing 34 and wounding more than 170 (total crew was 294). At the height of the attack, Seaman Terry Halbardier jerry-rigged an antenna so an SOS could be sent. The Israelis heard the SOS and broke off the attack.

That Israeli forces attacked the ship is not in dispute. Former Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Thomas Moorer helped form an independent commission to investigate the attack on the USS Liberty. After an exhaustive review of previous reports, naval and other military records, including eyewitness testimony from survivors, in October 2003 it presented its findings to Capitol Hill. They include:

  • Israeli reconnaissance aircraft closely studied the Liberty during an eight-hour period prior to the attack, one flying within 200 feet of the ship.
  • Weather reports confirm the day was clear with unlimited visibility.
  • The Liberty was a clearly marked American ship in international waters, flying an American flag and carrying large U.S. Navy hull letters and numbers on its bow.
  • Despite claims by Israeli intelligence that they confused the Liberty with a small Egyptian transport, the Liberty was conspicuously different from any vessel in the Egyptian navy. It was the most sophisticated intelligence ship in the world in 1967. With its massive radio antennae, including a large satellite dish, it looked like a large lobster and was one of the most easily identifiable ships afloat.
  • Israel attempted to prevent the Liberty’s radio operators from sending a call for help by jamming American emergency radio channels.
  • Israeli torpedo boats machine-gunned lifeboats at close range that had been lowered to rescue the most seriously wounded.

Israel claimed the attack was a mistake. Intercepted Israeli communications and copious other evidence – like the pieces of evidence listed above – tell a very different story.

10 Underreported Revelations From Trial of Former Clinton Lawyer

While former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann was acquitted of lying to the FBI, a number of new details came to light during his trial. Some haven’t been made known or been widely reported.

  1. FBI Lawyer Sussmann Met With Sought Perkins Coie Job
  2. Joffe Was an FBI Source, and Was Fired
  3. ‘Tea Leaves’ Was April Lorenzen
  4. Multi-Pronged Effort to Seed Allegations
  5. Clinton Lawyers Met Regularly With Fusion
  6. FBI Leaders Were Excited About Probe
  7. Multiple Offices Worked on Investigation
  8. FBI Took Months to Close Investigation
  9. Paperwork Had ‘Mistakes’
  10. Investigation Into Crossfire Hurricane Continues

EXCLUSIVE: Activists Plan to Block Entrances and ‘Shut Down’ Supreme Court to Prevent Expected Roe v. Wade Ruling

‘We may talk about some action ideas that stretch the bounds of constitutionally protected speech’

Protest organizing group Shut Down D.C. plans to block access to the Supreme Court in Washington on June 13.

In online meeting footage obtained by The Epoch Times, the group announced that it planned to seal off all three vehicle entrances to the court so justices wouldn’t be able to get in and announce a decision that might overturn Roe v. Wade.

“Goal is to create a decision dilemma, presenting the court, Congress, and law enforcement (and the political leaders that oversee them) with three unacceptable (to them) options,” a video slide made by the activists reads.

The group’s presentation says it would either stop Supreme Court justices from entering the court, “continue to escalate the crisis in democracy” by making police remove the demonstrators by force, or make the government implement its demands.

The protests are in response to a leaked Supreme Court Dobbs v. Jackson draft opinion that suggests the court may overturn Roe v. Wade. This new opinion could allow states to make their own laws on abortion.

The leaked opinion sparked the ire of many. For weeks, protesters have demonstrated outside the Supreme Court.

Then protesters changed tactics.

Activist group Ruth Sent Us published the home addresses of the Supreme Court justices and asked people to protest there. Many walked by the homes of the six conservative justices, yelling obscenities at them and their families.

Protesters in the Shut Down D.C. meeting also suggested that their actions might not be constitutionally protected.

“We may talk about some action ideas that stretch the bounds of constitutionally protected speech,” one activist said on the video call.

Another activist advised protesters to be careful in what they said.

“There can be people on any big call who might not have great intentions, so if there is something that you might not want seen on Fox News or any of the conservative news channels, you might not want to say it on this call,” she said.

GOP House Lawmakers Criticize Biden Admin for ‘Unlawfully Expanding’ Obamacare

Two House Republicans have criticized the Biden administration for what they view as an unlawful expansion of Obamacare subsidies.

“The Internal Revenue Service recently issued a proposed rule that, if finalized, would unlawfully expand eligibility for taxpayer-subsidized health insurance under ObamaCare,” Reps. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and James Comer (R-Ky.) wrote in a letter (pdf) dated June 6 to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig.

In April, President Joe Biden signed an executive order to strengthen Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which is also known as Obamacare. The aim was to fix the “family glitch” in the ACA, whereby dependents who are offered unaffordable family coverage do not qualify for coverage under the ACA.

Following Biden’s order, the Treasury Department and IRS published a proposed rule in the Federal Register. The proposal would allow non-employee family members who have to pay more than 10 percent of the household income for coverage to get premium tax credit subsidies.

The Biden administration estimated that the rule change would allow 200,000 uninsured people to gain coverage, and nearly 1 million more Americans to see their coverage become more affordable.

Jordan and Comer charged the Biden administration with being politically motivated in making the rule change.

“This proposed rule is inconsistent with both the statutory text and a rule that the IRS finalized nearly a decade ago,” the lawmakers wrote.

“The IRS’s reversal is unlawful, and it is bad policy,” they added. “By deploying the IRS for partisan political ends, the Biden Administration is returning to its playbook from the Obama-Biden Administration in weaponizing the IRS to achieve partisan goals.”

Additionally, Jordan and Comer alleged that the proposed rule “is a poor policy” since it “will cost billions of taxpayer dollars.”

“The rule ‘would mostly displace private spending with government spending as dependents replace employer coverage with subsidized exchange coverage,’” they wrote.

Citing a 2020 report (pdf) from the Congressional Budget Office, the two Republicans pointed out how the change would cost an estimated $45 billion over 10 years.

Noem, Johnson Opt for ‘Ground Game’ Campaigning

Many politicians turn to social media platforms or television ads to get their message out. But South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem and U.S. Rep. Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.) decided they wanted to “take the pulse of the people” themselves, opting to travel door-to-door through a subdivision in Sioux Falls to meet their constituents on June 4 and listen to their concerns.

Noem and Johnson, both Republicans, also wanted to thwart negative ads that have recently begun airing throughout the state.

“The air war is not what wins elections in South Dakota—it’s the ground game,” Johnson told The Epoch Times during his door-to-door tour of the neighborhood. “It is going out and talking to voters and answering questions—this is how victory gets done.”

The top issue for the people of South Dakota is inflation, Noem told The Epoch Times as she walked with Johnson through the neighborhood. She said people are worried about the price of fuel and food—kitchen table issues.

“We are hearing a lot of concern about inflation,” she said. “People feel it every single day.”

Noem and Johnson agree that inflation is “higher than it should be” and blame the current administration, as “trillions of dollars have been spent unnecessarily.”

San Francisco ousts liberal DA Chesa Boudin in heated recall

San Francisco residents voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to recall progressive District Attorney Chesa Boudin following a heated campaign that captivated the country and bitterly divided Democrats over crime, policing and public safety reform in the famously liberal city.

Recall proponents cheered the results at a victory party, with California state leaders of the hotel and retailers associations lauding Boudin’s removal as a sign that visitors, shoppers and workers will be prioritized again in a city that relies heavily on tourism. They rejected Boudin’s efforts to paint them as Republicans.

“This election does not mean that San Francisco has drifted to the far right on our approach to criminal justice,” said Mary Jung, a chair of the recall campaign, in a statement. “In fact, San Francisco has been a national beacon for progressive criminal justice reform for decades and will continue to do so with new leadership.”

Boudin, 41, was a first-time political candidate who narrowly won office in November 2019 as part of a national wave of progressive prosecutors who pledged to seek alternatives to incarceration, end the racist war on drugs and hold police officers to account.

But his time in office coincided with a frustrating and frightening pandemic in which viral footage of brazen shoplifting and attacks against Asian American people drove some residents to mount a recall campaign of the former public defender and son of left-wing activists.

Partial returns Tuesday night showed about 60% of voters supporting the recall, but Boudin remained defiant in a speech to supporters, saying he was outspent by “right-wing billionaires.” He said voters were understandably frustrated by the pandemic and a city government that has failed to deliver on safety, housing and equity.

“We have two cities. We have two systems of justice. We have one for the wealthy and the well connected and a different one for everybody else. And that’s exactly what we are fighting to change,” he said, adding that justice was on their side.

Democratic Lawyer Runs For New York Assembly to Reverse Progressive Trend

New York criminal defense attorney James Magee, a Democrat, has seen first-hand how bail reform hurt the weak and vulnerable that his party vows to protect.

When his district’s Democratic state assemblywoman Catherine Nolan announced retirement in February, opening her seat up for the first time in more than three decades, Magee jumped into the race.

“A refusal to prosecute crime cannot be a part of this party’s platform. I am running to reverse this trend and show that the Democratic Party can govern sensibly on public safety,” Magee told The Epoch Times.

Magee was raised by a working-class family in Sunnyside, a neighborhood on the west side of Queens borough in New York City.

After graduating from law school in 2006, he worked as an assistant district attorney at the city’s Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office for five years before opening his criminal defense practice.

During his years working in the New York criminal justice system, he saw how the system evolved from a heavy-handed punitive approach to one that embraces treatment and rehabilitation.

Yet the bail reform just blew that up, he said.

In April 2019, five months after Democrats regained control of both chambers and governorship in New York, they crammed a major criminal justice reform into the annual state budget.

The reform is often called the bail reform because it eliminates cash bail for most misdemeanors and nonviolent felonies. For those offenses, defendants are to be released without paying any money.

It also made big changes to the discovery law, requiring that prosecutors automatically turn over a large amount of evidence to the defense counsel a lot faster. If prosecutors fail to honor the timeline, they risk having their cases dismissed by judges.

Iowa Primary Features Key Races in Both the Senate and House

At a town hall meeting conducted by Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley last week, multiple audience members interrupted the seven-term lawmaker and said he was endangering children’s lives by “filibustering gun reform.”

Grassley told attendees that, before commenting further, he wanted to monitor negotiations between Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) and Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) as the pair discuss gun reform.

At 88, Grassley is campaigning to secure his eighth term as a U.S. Senator in Iowa.

Endorsed by former president Donald Trump, he is the oldest Republican serving in the Senate. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 1975 and won his Senate seat in 1980.

The Iowa native and farmer, who is the longest-serving U.S. senator in the state’s history, faces state Sen. Jim Carlin in the GOP primary on June 7.

Carlin, an attorney, was elected to the Iowa House of Representatives in 2017, succeeding the retiring Ron Jorgensen. Later that year, Carlin was elected to the Iowa Senate, a seat he currently holds.

The Democratic U.S. Senate primary features former Rep. Abby Finkenauer, retired Navy Adm. Michael Franken, and city councilman Glenn Hurst.

Finkenauer, who is 33, is talking about abortion access as part of her platform. She is a former two-term state representative.

“It is why we need somebody standing on the floor in 2023 in the United States Senate who is a woman of childbearing age, who does actually have a personal stake in this,” Finkenauer said at a May debate.

“It is absurd to me that we don’t have more voices standing on that floor right now.”

South Dakota to Vote on Ballot Initiative Which Raises Threshold to Approve Tax Hikes

A ballot initiative that South Dakotans will see on their ballot on June 7 will amend the state’s constitution and is described as “rare,” as it is appearing on the primary ballot instead of the general election ballot in November.

Amendment C or the “taxpayer protection amendment,” is a Republican-sponsored bill that requires at least 60 percent of the voters to approve ballot initiatives that amend the state’s constitution, raise taxes, or involve $10 million in spending over five years.

The South Dakota constitution currently says that a “measure must obtain a majority of the votes cast” to be approved. Prior to appearing on the ballot, initiatives must also receive two-thirds of the vote from the members in each legislative branch. The initiative on Tuesday’s ballot would alter the simple majority rule to require three-fifths public support to approve measures which raise taxes, alter the constitution, or involve more than $10 million in spending over five years.

State Rep. Jon Hansen said during the debate over the bill in February that it “should be harder for the government to tax and spend your money, as the Legislature already operates under a higher threshold.”

Progressive Prosecutor Movement Goes on Trial in California Primary

Three prosecutors at the forefront of the progressive movement in California will be put to the test on June 7.

Chesa Boudin, San Francisco’s chief prosecutor, faces a recall election in the primary. Polls suggest there’s a good chance he’ll lose.

Diana Becton and Tori Berber Salazar, chief prosecutors of two counties just east of San Francisco, face uphill reelection bids against career prosecutor challengers.

All three are founding members of the Prosecutors Alliance, a first-of-its-kind prosecutor organization pushing progressive changes in the California criminal justice system. The fourth founding member, George Gascón, is also mired by a robust recall campaign in Los Angeles.

Boudin, a former public defender and son of incarcerated parents, was elected in 2019 on a progressive platform. He set out policies to restrict cash bail and sentencing enhancements for offenders while ramping up criminal prosecutions against police officers.

His term, coinciding with the pandemic years, has been marked by an uptick in property crimes and homicides, according to San Francisco police data.

The political committee that is most active in the recall campaign, San Franciscans for Public Safety Supporting the Recall of Chesa Boudin, spent nearly $4.5 million in 2022, according to the latest campaign finance disclosures published by the San Francisco Ethics Commission. The treasurer of the committee is Mary Jung, former San Francisco Democratic Party chair.

Four committees opposing the recall spent a combined $2.1 million in 2022. Among them, a committee set up by the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California spent $263,171.

Technocracy’s High Tech War Is Just As Effective As Rockets, Bullets, Tanks

The object of war is to kill or maim as many people as possible, by whatever means. However, outright killing is often less efficient than wounding because more of the enemy’s resources are consumed in caring for the wounded than burying dead bodies. The overall goal of war is to conquer and subdue a people. In the process of conquering, the enemy must be psychologically and physically broken to the point that they give up their will to fight and their will to assert self-determination.

The current pandemic war has all the markings of more traditional militaristic war except that it is still unrecognized by those who are under attack. It is the perfect stealth war. History is full of examples of stealth attacks that were extremely successful. The victims never saw the attackers until it was too late to resist.

In today’s war, the entire health system has been weaponized and turned into a giant Trojan horse. Obey, obey, obey it cries. Humiliate yourself by donning a face mask, by staying home and retreating from normal society. Mutilate yourself by giving up your job, closing your business, injecting harmful substances into your body.

Meanwhile, dead bodies are piling up in record numbers. It’s an old-fashioned genocide with a medical twist.

For a minute, forget case numbers, hospital beds and epidemiological studies. The Expose provides a back-door look at what’s going on by analyzing ambulance call-outs, all of which are nicely recorded and detailed:

The National Health Service has confirmed in response to a freedom of information request that ambulance call-outs relating to immediate care required for a debilitating condition affecting the heart nearly doubled in the whole of 2021 and are still on the rise further in 2022. But the most concerning published figures show that they have also doubled among people under the age of 30.

What group is getting hit hardest? Young people under 30 – those normally suited for military service, i.e., to build a physical army. Overall, emergency calls for heart-related incidents has skyrocketed from the first day of Emergency Use Authorization injections.

The tidal wave of propaganda – just like in any war – is designed to deceive, demoralize and confuse. Prominent medical journals spit out headlines like:

They all state that your eyes are lying to you. Rather, you should trust the propaganda that sows just enough doubt that you don’t dare open your mouth in public about such silly things as ambulance call-outs for heart-related emergencies.

Do Mass Murderers Represent Law-Abiding Gun Owners? Why are the Innocent Always Punished? By Bradlee Dean

Note: Bradless Dean will be joining The Power Hour this coming Monday, June 13th!

“To ban guns because the criminals use them is to tell the law-abiding that their rights and liberties depend not on their own conduct, but on the conduct of the guilty and lawless.” -Lysander Spooner

Over and over again, after mass shootings that take place, Americans sit back and watch their said representatives congregate, in direct contrast to what it is that their forefathers established, to further attack their God-given Rights, namely the right to bear arms (Luke 11:21-22; 2nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights).

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There is only one reason a politician would aim to disarm, and for no other:  They want gun control because they want the control (1 Samuel 13:22).  Just look to history.

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The truth of the matter lies in the face of the law.  Not one piece of gun legislation, as they call it, is legal. Again, we have rights, not privileges.

Let me ask the question, does the law breaker represent the law abiders?  They no more represent them than the corrupt politicians represent the law that they are to uphold (Psalm 94:20).

The truth of the matter is that to blame guns for mass murder is like blaming spoons for people being overweight.

I ask, when Cain killed Able, did the Lord blame the weapon used or did He lay the consequences to Cain (Genesis 4:8-13)?

You do not accuse the innocent for which the guilty are responsible (Revelation 12:10).

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Also, take note that those who mean to accuse the innocent by disarming them do so with taxpayer funded armed security detail (Matthew 23:3). Consider who it is that are calling for gun control measures.

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For the politicians who want to go along to get along and undermine our God-given rights, it is time for them to be held accountable for what it is that they are responsible for doing, and that is the death of the innocent in their illegal gun-free zones.

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Pizza Hut Draws Conservatives’ Ire Over Touting Book About ‘Drag Kids’

Pizza Hut’s year-over-year sales reportedly fell 2.2% in 2021 compared with 2020, dropping it to 12th overall in the survey of the most profitable U.S. quick-service restaurants.

But the pizza chain has a different kind of worry today — on the public relations end.

Pizza Hut has apparently drawn the ire of parents and concerned citizens alike after the company promoted a book about “drag kids” for its “Book It” reading incentive program.

The promotion seemingly coincides with “Pride Month,” which is June.

Pizza Hut is promoting the book “Big Wig,” about a little boy who dresses up in drag and dons a magical wig.

The book is apparently geared to children in the pre-kindergarten to third-grade range, according to MSN.

Citing a Breitbart News report, the Pizza Hut promotion pledges to “award [children] a free one-topping pizza if they are able to meet a monthly reading goal. ‘Big Wig’ was promoted in the summer reading program Camp BOOK IT!”

Breitbart also wrote:

“Other books with LGBT undertones to coincide with Pride Month, which is celebrated by the left in June. “Be Amazing,” written by Desmond Napoles, is about “the history of the LGBTQ community.”

”As Breitbart News’ John Nolte wrote in 2018, Napoles, aged 11 at the time, was filmed at a New York gay bar dressed in drag while dancing in front of adults.”

‘Nuclear Winter’ Discussed in Newly Released Reagan-Era Documents

Newly released government documents from the 1980s outline the devastation that would be wrought on the planet if nuclear superpowers went to war—which should serve as a reminder for policymakers to prioritize peace negotiations as the war in Ukraine rages on, according to Scott Horton, editorial director of Antiwar.com.

Horton told The Epoch Times on June 6 that the nuclear winter documents, released last week by the George Washington University-affiliated National Security Archive, come “with the American and NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine bringing the threat of war to its highest point since the 1962 Cuban missile crisis.”

Such a war would kill “billions,” said Horton, author of the forthcoming book, “Hotter than the Sun: Time to Abolish Nuclear Weapons.” According to the National Security Archive documents, the country’s top scientists feared such a scenario: Two superpowers fire nuclear weapons at each other, producing enough smoke to blot out the sun for weeks. Temperatures fall, crops die, and world starvation ensues.

Now commonly referred to as “nuclear winter,” such a scenario was once thought implausible by many U.S. national security officials. But that thinking began to change in the 1980s, when the then-Defense Nuclear Agency—now the Defense Threat Reduction Agency—began researching the issue, according to newly released documents from that era.

The documents, released on June 2 by the National Security Archive, include internal scientific records discussing the possibility of a nuclear exchange that results in “atmospheric trauma.”

“The net effect of a summertime nuclear exchange would be that summer conditions in mid-latitudes would turn to dark, near winter-like conditions, while a wintertime nuclear exchange would lead to somewhat more severe winter conditions,” reads a declassified 1984 report from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. “Lower latitude temperatures would become more like those in middle or higher latitudes.”

The Livermore report and other studies from the 1980s produced controversy in the Reagan administration. In response to a 1986 Government Accountability Office (GAO) report on nuclear winter, the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) accused the GAO of “giving more validity to the nuclear winter theory than was warranted.”

Michigan Sheriff Sues Attorney General, Secretary of State, State Police Amid Election Investigation

The sheriff of Barry County announced he is filing a lawsuit against Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, the Michigan State Police, troopers, and others and accused them of obstructing his investigation into allegations of election fraud.

The lawsuit, filed by lawyer Stefanie Lambert on behalf of Barry County Sheriff Dar Leaf, alleged that the defendants interfered with his investigation into claims of election fraud during the 2020 general election.

In the filing, Leaf said he is conducting an investigation into the 2020 election and that his deputies are being allegedly intimidated by Michigan State Police officials. At least one Barry County Sheriff’s deputy was subpoenaed by Michigan officials in connection to the investigation, according to the suit.

“On information and belief, at approximately the same time, [‘they’] presented an ultimatum to said Deputy and subpoenaed him to sit for an interview and/or give testimony related to his work on the investigation by and on behalf of the Plaintiff Sheriff, including requiring said Deputy to disclose details and information regarding the law enforcement investigation, all of which was and is protected by the law enforcement privileges, confidentiality, protections, and investigatory privileges,” he said.

The subpoena and attempts to contact other deputies are an attempt to “intimidate them, interview them, confiscate protected materials and information in their possession related to the ongoing election investigation being conducted by plaintiff sheriff,” Leaf’s lawsuit also said (pdf).

The lawsuit seeks a court order to prevent state authorities from “usurping and interfering” with his office’s investigation and alleges the Michigan State Police have been weaponized as an “unaccountable strong arm” of Michigan state officials.

Unnamed law enforcement officials told The Detroit News that Leaf and Lambert, a lawyer who was reportedly involved in Sidney Powell’s election-related lawsuits, are both subjects of an ongoing investigation.

State Police spokesperson Shannon Banner told The Epoch Times that the “Michigan State Police has an ongoing criminal investigation” regarding an incident that started in another Michigan county. “Due to the ongoing nature of this investigation, we are not providing further comment,” Banner added.

Local officials in Barry County, including Hastings Supervisor Jim Brown, recently complained that Leaf is “wasting our taxpayers’ money” on the election investigation, according to Bridge Michigan. “We suggest you and your office concentrate on the law enforcement duties that our taxpayers elected you to do,” Brown, a Republican, told Leaf in a letter after the sheriff requested township records relating to the 2020 election.

Leaf had filed a lawsuit just weeks after the 2020 election, which was shot down by a federal judge in December of that year. The sheriff eventually withdrew the lawsuit entirely.

“Plaintiffs’ applications invite the court to make speculative leaps towards a hazy and nebulous inference that there has been numerous instances of election fraud and that defendants are destroying the evidence,” Chief U.S. District Judge Robert Jonke wrote in a three-page ruling on Dec. 7, 2020, dismissing Leaf’s challenge.

Non-Binary New Yorkers Can Soon Choose Gender X On State IDs

Gov. Kathy Hochul announced Friday that New Yorkers who do not identify as male or female will be able to choose X as a gender on state-issued IDs as soon as June 24.

“Every person, regardless of their gender identity or expression, deserves to have an identity document that reflects who they are,” Hochul said.


Inflation: Prelude to Globalist Central Bank Digital Currency?

“Allow me to issue and control a nation’s money, and I care not who makes the laws.” -Mayer Amschel Rothschild

“Who controls the issuance of money controls the government.” -Nathan M. Rothschild

Inflation is roaring. This is common knowledge. Inflation is not just roaring in the U.S., where gas prices have soared to well over $4.60/gallon and are averaging over $5/gallon in several states. It is roaring worldwide. Both food and gas prices having risen in Chile where we live. I encounter similar stories from elsewhere.

I’ve not seen specific statements on such from the globalist ruling class, at least not yet, but I suspect we are being set up for globalist central bank digital currency (CBDC). This is not to say there aren’t such statements. I’ve not searched exhaustively, and globalists have a penchant for telling us what they plan to do—knowing that few will seek out information that isn’t on CNN, and those who do will be marginalized as conspiracy theorists.

Here, straight from the horse’s mouth, so to speak—from the globalist Atlantic Council — is an accessible account of CBDCs and where they stand.

What we learn: in May 2020 (two months into the plan-demic), 35 countries were looking into CBDCs. Now, 105 countries representing 95 percent of global GDP, are considering them. Fifty have advanced to a development stage, with ten having launched a CBDC. China has piloted a CBDC planned for launch in 2023. The European Central Bank plans to introduce a “digital euro” by mid-decade.

Of G7 countries, the U.K. and the U.S. are the furthest behind. Think Brexit; think Trumpism. These are the places where globalism has received the most pushback. The Bidenistas have responded. “Joe Biden” signed an executive order calling for the “responsible development” of a digital currency.

Nineteen of G20 countries are working on CBDCs, with 16 in development or ready for the pilot stage. Included in this list are South Korea, Japan, India, and Russia.

Finally consider this paragraph:

The financial system may face a significant interoperability problem in the near future. The proliferation of different CBDC models is creating new urgency for international standard setting.

There’s your dog-whistle. What it really says: individual nation-states’ central banks developing their own CBDCs is a transitory step. The goal is to go global via “international standard setting.” With the central banks in the world answering to the Bank for International Settlements, this should not be difficult to accomplish.

And don’t think you will have a choice, peasant, when this begins to affect you: when, that is,major stores begin refusing your cash. Or when, out of nowhere,you confront new hoops to jump through at banks in order to withdraw cash from “your” account.It’s to ensure “your security,” of course.

This move, from roaring inflation to a global CBDC, will be Hegelian dialectic in operation, all around you and right in front of you.

How Fake Is Twitter’s User Data?

Over the last several weeks, the perception has grown that Elon Musk will not be the emancipator of Twitter, freeing it finally from its mysterious algorithms that throttle, block, and ban perfectly wonderful accounts solely based on the political vendetta of employees and management.

It’s said that he has cold feet, as if Elon’s demand for better data is purely a cover for emotional doubt. That’s simply not true. What he has intuited—that Twitter underreports the sheer fake accounts and bot armies that use its platform—could in fact become another scandal for our age.

Twitter says it’s only 5 percent. Elon has crowd-sourced the question and suspects it is closer to 20 percent.

The truth is out there, but Twitter is not forthcoming. Why might this be? Here is where we get to the core of the issue: the reach data provided by these companies—this pertains not only to Twitter but to hundreds of thousands of sites—form the basis of its pricing structure for advertisers and therefore drive the fundamentals of the business model.

The business model is that these companies sell your content—which you provide because you want your views known—to advertisers so that they can sell to you. Advertisers are charged for access to your brain based on an overall estimate of how many users are on the platform and how broad is the reach. Accuracy is of huge importance here.

But accuracy has not exactly defined the way these companies have long operated. The data are subject to manipulation in the extreme. For example, Twitter has proven to be absolutely awful at policing the number of fake accounts that pretend to be some famous person with large followers. One might suspect that getting rid of such accounts should be part of Twitter’s main focus.

I’ve dealt with it for years and spent far too much time getting rid of them. Who has such time? It’s ridiculous. But have a look at this problem which has been going on for many weeks now. Brownstone’s Martin Kulldorff has a famous Twitter account but I can easily search his name which turns up many fake accounts. Notice the slightly different spellings. This isn’t rocket science! Does Twitter do anything about it? Not in many weeks.

Biden Administration Expected to Reinstate Price Controls, Bringing Back 1970s Gas Lines, Experts Warn

Gas prices continue to rise, topping historic highs and there’s no imminent hope of relief in sight, according to sector analysts. The average price for a gallon of regular gasoline in the United States has now more than doubled since President Joe Biden took office.

Congressional Democrats and the Biden administration assert that a solution may be found by cracking down on Big Oil’s “excessive or exploitative” price increases at the pump.

Last month, House Democrats passed the Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act, which empowers politicians and bureaucrats to bring civil action against gas companies who engage in “unconscionable pricing,” as defined by the bill.

The legislation grants the president the power to declare an energy emergency for up to 30 days, with the option to extend the declaration.

While the term “unconscionable pricing” could be difficult to pin down, the measure attempts to make it illegal to increase the price of gasoline in a predatory manner.

“So essentially, what this bill would do is, for an unlimited duration, create a system where politicians and bureaucrats can decide what the appropriate level for prices are and fine people,” according to Jack Spencer, senior research fellow for energy and environmental policy at the Heritage Foundation.

Spencer called the measure a recipe for “disaster” during a virtual panel discussion on June 1 hosted by the conservative think tank.

Prices at the pump jumped to a national average of $4.87 per gallon on June 6, according to AAA. In certain parts of California, drivers pay more than $7 per gallon on average.

Many economists of all political stripes are opposed to price controls as a means of curbing inflation. It would repeat mistakes that led to gas lines in the 1970s, they say.

Former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers, during an interview with Bloomberg, called the price-gouging bill “dangerous nonsense.”

Summers, who served under Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, accused Democrats of creating “diversionary confusion” and disregarding “real determinants of inflation,” which he said have to do with the inflated demand created by excessive stimulus measures.

The bill was also met with opposition from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which dubbed it the “Bring Back 1970s Gas Lines Act.”

US Crude Output Still Below Pre-Crisis Levels; Slowing Production Could Weigh on Growth

Over the last month, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil prices have surged nearly 20 percent to around $120 per barrel. Despite soaring energy prices, U.S. output is still below pre-pandemic levels, with analysts pointing to Washington and cash discipline as the causes.

WTI and Brent, the international benchmark for oil prices, have rallied in recent sessions on China’s economic reopening and Saudi state-owned oil producer Saudi Aramco having raised the price of Arabia light crude for Asian customers by $2.10 per barrel. The European Union’s plan to reduce its imports of Russian energy by 90 percent at the end of 2022 has also contributed to the latest gains.

But the U.S. oil and gas industry’s lack of significant activity continues to play a major role in the commodity’s gains.

According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), domestic production totaled 11.9 million barrels per day (bpd) in the week ending May 27. This is unchanged from the same time in the previous month, and it remains under the peak of 13.1 million bpd in February 2020.

Industry activity has quieted down in recent weeks. The Baker Hughes oil rig count stood at 574 for the second consecutive week.

This could exacerbate the sector’s fragile situation, particularly after the United States has seen three straight weeks of notable supply drawdowns, totaling nearly 10 million barrels. Moreover, inventories at the Cushing, Oklahoma storage facility recently recorded a small build of 256,000 barrels following three consecutive weeks of withdrawals totaling close to 4 million barrels.


Science Denier Anthony Fauci: America’s High Priest Of Scientism

On April 13, the editors of National Review opined: “More than a year ago, Americans welcomed [Dr.] Anthony Fauci into their homes as a sober scientist who was helping them make sense of a deadly new virus. But he has worn out that welcome.”

William F. Buckley’s heirs are absolutely right, and here’s why.

Anthony Fauci is no longer viewed as our nation’s sober “scientist” because he’s not one. Instead, he has shown himself to be a political opportunist and our country’s new high priest of “scientism.”

In my new book, “Grow Up! Life Isn’t Safe, but It’s Good,” I offer the following: In the early 1900s, G.K. Chesterton spoke of the unavoidable consequences of worshipping science above the sacred. Observing that the naturalists of his day were only too willing to turn their science into a philosophy and then impose their new religion upon all of culture with near fanatic zeal, Chesterton said, “I never said a word against eminent men of science. What I complain of is a vague, popular philosophy which supposes itself to be scientific when it is really nothing but a sort of new religion and an uncommonly nasty one.”

Recognizing that science could never presume to compete in the moral arena, Chesterton went further.

“To mix science up with philosophy is only to produce a philosophy that has lost all its ideal value and a science that has lost all its practical value. It is for my private physician to tell me whether this or that food will kill me. It is for my private philosopher to tell me whether I ought to be killed.” 

Chesterton knew science could answer the questions of mathematics and medicine, but he was likewise keenly aware it had little to say about meaning and morality. He warned that scientific “progress” unrestrained by sacred principles was fraught with dangers. “Survival of the fittest,” he contended, may be an interesting academic discussion when applied to a vegetable, an animal or a mineral, but when practiced on people, its consequences are nothing short of horrifying.

C.S. Lewis also spoke of Western society’s diminishment of God’s created order while elevating personal power to fill the chaotic void. Predicting the rise of what he and others labeled “scientism,” Lewis warned of a dystopia where public policy and even moral and religious beliefs would be dictated by oligarchs only too eager to assume the role of our new cultural high priests.

In his novel “That Hideous Strength,” Lewis asks an obvious question: After two world wars in which technology has brought us the “advancements” of the mass slaughter, ballistic missiles, and the atomic bomb, how is our new man-made god of “scientism” working for us?

“The physical sciences,” said Lewis, “good and innocent in themselves, [have] already … begun to be warped. [They have] been subtly maneuvered in a certain direction. Despair of objective truth [has] been increasingly insinuated into a concentration upon mere power …” Lewis knew that scientists, unhampered by any objective moral restraint, would always reach for, what his friend J.R.R. Tolkien called the “one ring to rule them all,” and he cautioned his readers accordingly.

The list of those who warned of the inevitable consequences of “scientism” over science is long. Chesterton, Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, T.S. Eliot and many more, both before and after them, all knew that when we supplant God’s Created order with man’s political maneuvering, there are always dire consequences.

CDC Raises Monkeypox Alert, Recommends Masks During Travel, Then Removes Advice

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Monday raised its alert level for monkeypox to level 2 and recommended that people wear masks when traveling, before appearing to make a U-turn on the advice.

In an update, the government agency raised the alert level to 2, encouraging people to practice enhanced precaution measures such as avoiding contact with visibly sick people, regularly washing hands, and wearing a face covering.

“Cases of monkeypox have been reported in Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Asia, and Australia,” the CDC wrote in its alert.

“Some cases were reported among men who have sex with men. Some cases were also reported in people who live in the same household as an infected person,” it added.

The health body on Monday cautioned travelers to avoid close contact with sick people, including those with skin or genital lesions, as well as with dead or live wild animals such as small rodents and monkeys.

Travelers were also urged to avoid eating prepared meat from wild game or using products such as creams and lotions derived from wild animals from Africa, where cases of monkeypox are mainly found.

“Avoid contact with contaminated materials used by sick people (such as clothing, bedding, or materials used in health care settings) or that came into contact with infected animals,” the health body said.

Finally, the CDC urged travelers to wear masks, noting that doing so “can help protect you from many diseases, including monkeypox.”

However, the advice regarding mask-wearing is no longer present on the CDC website as of June 7, while the rest of the advice for travelers remains in place.

A CDC spokesperson told The Epoch Times on Tuesday: “Late yesterday CDC removed the mask recommendation from the monkeypox Travel Health Notice because it caused confusion.

Travel Health Notices inform travelers and clinicians about current health issues that impact travelers’ health, like disease outbreaks, special events or gatherings, and natural disasters, in destinations around the world. In countries where there is a current monkeypox outbreak, CDC continues to recommend masking in high-risk situations including for household contacts and healthcare workers, or for other people who may be in close contact with a person who has been confirmed with monkeypox.

CDC will continue to update recommendations as more is learned about this current outbreak.”


Reports of Melatonin Poisonings in Children Surged 530 Percent Over 10 Years: CDC Study

The number of reports of melatonin poisonings in children has risen dramatically over the past decade, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report released on Friday.

The report, led by Dr. Karima Lelak, a pediatrician at the Children’s Hospital of Michigan, assessed isolated melatonin ingestions among children, adolescents, and young adults aged 19 and under between Jan. 1, 2012–Dec. 31, 2021.

Melatonin is a hormone that the brain produces in response to darkness and which plays an important role in sleep. It is sold as an over-the-counter dietary supplement or sleep aid in the United States in a range of doses for both adults and children.

Researchers used the American Association of Poison Control Centers’ National Poison Data System (NPDS), a poisoning surveillance database, to track reports made during the 10-year period.

They found that accidental poisonings with melatonin among people 19 and under increased 530 percent from 2012 to 2021, from 8,337 in 2012 to 52,563 in 2021, while 260,435 pediatric melatonin ingestions were reported to the NPDS, of which 27,795 children required treatment in a health care facility.

Of those who needed treatment, 19,892 were discharged, 4,097 were hospitalized, and 287 required intensive care.

“Among all melatonin ingestions, 4,555 (1.6 percent) resulted in more serious outcomes,” researchers wrote. “Five children required mechanical ventilation, and two died.”

Both deaths occurred in children aged 2 and under (3 months and 13 months) and occurred in the home. One ingestion involved intentional medication misuse while the authors noted that the reason for the other death is unknown.

“Increasing use of over-the-counter melatonin might place children at risk for potential adverse events,” the study authors wrote. “Public health initiatives should focus on raising awareness of increasing numbers of melatonin ingestions among children and on the development of preventive measures to eliminate this risk.”

Overdoses Skyrocketing as Officials Admit Failure of Oregon’s Drug Legalization Experiment

More than a year after Oregon became the first state in the nation to decriminalize drugs, officials are admitting the pioneering experiment has failed so far.

Overdoses in just one county have jumped by 700 percent.

Seizures of fentanyl, marijuana, and opioids have skyrocketed.

Funding for programs intended to provide drug users with treatment has not materialized. And very few drug users are showing any interest in obtaining that treatment.

The experiment began when Oregonians passed Ballot Measure 110 in 2020, which decriminalized possession of “personal amounts” of heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and other drugs.

Under the new law, which took effect in February 2021, those found in possession of drugs would receive a maximum fine of $100, which would be waived if they called a hotline for a health assessment to enter a drug treatment program.

Treatment programs were to be funded by redirecting millions of dollars in tax revenue collected from the state’s legal marijuana industry.

From the onset, many of the state’s small cities were unhappy with this plan, as the new program reduced the amount of funding they were promised when the state legalized recreational marijuana in 2015.

In the first year of the new law, an estimated 136 people have entered treatment and just 13 percent of the $300 million budget for treatment has been spent.

Meanwhile, Oregon State Police (OSP) troopers seized 482,111 doses of fentanyl in 2021, according to testimony by OSP Superintendent Terri Davie.

That’s up from just 27,282 in the previous year, she told the Oregon Interim House Judiciary Committee on June 2.

Troopers also seized 966,328 pounds of marijuana in 2021, which is more than 10 times the 90,010 pounds seized in 2020 and eclipses the 20,509 in 2019, Davie continued.

In addition, more than 10,188 doses of oxycodone were seized compared with just 1,189 in 2020.

“When the voters of Oregon passed Measure 110, we did so because it was a change of policy in Oregon to improve the lives of people, to improve our communities,” secretary of state Shemia Fagan testified before the Oregon House Interim Committee on Behavioral Health on June 2.

“Instead, in many communities in Oregon, we’ve seen the problem with drug addiction get worse.”

According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, Oregon has the worst drug addiction rate in the country, with 9 percent of residents admitting they are addicts and 12 percent acknowledging they are alcoholics.

Studies Finds New Immunotherapy Pathway to Prevent Breast Cancer, Gives Treatment Potential

A study by Massachusetts General Hospital has identified a previously unknown immune system mechanism underlying breast cancer prevention, creating potential for future immunotherapy.

The study found T helper 2 cells (Th2)—a type of regulatory immune cell—can “directly block spontaneous breast carcinogenesis [from becoming cancerous]” by regulating cancers cell to become unable to differentiate, according to lead author Dr. Shawn Demehri.

Though previous research showed that Th2 took part in cancer growth and proliferation rather than prevention, Demehri’s 2016 work showed that a specific messenger molecule in the immune system, called thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) is able to activate Th2 attack against breast cancer cells.

The study that Th2 cells could force the breast cancer cells to grow into terminal proliferation stages; a stage where cells would no longer be able to divide and proliferate, leading to eventual cell death as the cell ages.

“The Th2 cells force the cancer cells to go back to their original programming of making a breast gland that has no potential for growth or metastasis,” he said.

Once the Th2 cells are stimulated by the TSLP to enter breast cancer tumor masses, they will also release chemical messages that directly act on tumor cells, changing the tumor cells from high-grade to low-grade breast cancer cells.

High-grade cancer cells have a high risk of proliferation and metastasis—being able to spread to other sites to cause secondary tumors elsewhere—whereas low-grade tumors resemble normal cells and are slower growing and less likely to spread to other places, thereby making them easier to treat.

The breast cancer cells are induced to become low-grade cells. Though may look similar to normal breast gland cells, they are not entirely the same, instead forming tissues that are lumpy to the touch.

Th2 cells are “upstream activators” of the adaptive immune response, meaning that they regulate and control immune response against a targeted pathogen.

This makes them better targets for immunotherapy as compared to conventional immunotherapy that targeted the cytotoxic T cells (Tc) that engage in close combat with cancer cells rather than regulating the entire process, as Th2 cells can regulate the response of the Tc cells, mounting a more “robust antitumor immune response.”

Additionally, Th2 cells can turn “cold” tumors into “hot” tumors. “Cold” tumor cells that are not recognized and attacked by Tc cells due to the cancer cells being surrounded with other immune cells that suppress immune attack, however, Th2 cells can regulate Tc cells with immune messages, turning the tumors into “hot” ones.

Giving options for future treatments coming out of the study, the authors wrote calcipotriol, a molecule that leads to production of TSLP are “safe and accessible agents for breast cancer immunoprevention” though other ways of inducing TSLP in the body is being considered with one option given as administering mRNA of TSLP.

Whilst more research into the interaction between TSLP and Th2 is still needed, the researchers are confident that “inducing Th2 cell immunity in the breast can be readily translated into improved clinical outcomes for early and late breast cancer patients.”

Demehri and his colleague wrote that their “findings establish a previously unrecognized mode of immunity against early malignant [cancerous] transformation,” regulated by Th2 cells.

Toxic To-Go Containers Linked to Liver Disease

Fluorinated chemicals known as polyfluoroalkyl or perfluoroalkyl chemicals (PFAS), which include PFOA and PFOS, are known to accelerate metabolic changes that lead to fatty liver

Higher ALT levels — a marker of liver injury — in humans were associated with exposure to PFOA, PFOS and PFNA, another type of PFAS

Exposure to PFOA was also linked to higher aspartate aminotransferase and gamma-glutamyl transferase levels — two widely used markers of liver disease — in humans

PFAS may damage the liver via promotion of liver inflammation and triglyceride accumulation as well as altered lipid metabolism

Grease-resistant to-go containers, papers and wrappers often contain PFAS; this includes fast food containers and wrappers, microwave popcorn bags, pizza boxes and candy wrappers

You can also be exposed to PFAS via contaminated drinking water and soil, as well as via exposure to consumer products that contain PFAS, including nonstick cookware, stain resistant clothing and upholstery, cleaning products and personal care products

Accumulating Body Flab as You Age? Help Stop It With This

Bilirubin inhibits NOX, a metabolic enzyme that reduces NADPH, which is the most important antioxidant recharging molecule in your body. Phycocyanobilin found in spirulina can inhibit NOX and increase NADPH

Elevated bilirubin might aid weight control by preventing the development of leptin resistance, and spirulina may therefore be an effective way to combat leptin resistance

Bilirubin also appears to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and atheroprotective properties, and spirulina mimics those effects as well

Most overweight Americans have some degree of insulin and leptin resistance. This also includes diabetics and many with high blood pressure or high cholesterol

If you fall into this category, it would be prudent for you to restrict fructose to about 15 to 25 grams per day from all sources. Spirulina supplementation may also be an effective treatment for leptin resistance


WHO and WEF Globalists Coordinate Their Global ‘Reset’

Each year, the self-proclaimed ruling class spend a week in Davos, Switzerland, discussing their visions of the future and how to impose their ambitions on the rest of the world

They believe the future is theirs to create. They believe they, the attendees in that room, have all the power. And, by extension, they think that the rest of the world, those unfit to wear a Davos Forum badge, have no say in the matter

Among their plans is to track your carbon footprint. They want to track where you travel, how you travel, what you eat and any other resources you might use in your day-to-day life

To start, individual carbon footprint tracking will be sold to you as a way for you to be a responsible citizen and track your own carbon footprint. In time, your carbon footprint will be part and parcel of your social credit score, and used to place restrictions on your way of life

They also openly admit that their plans will cause pain for the populace. We have to expect shortages of food and energy, for example, because they’ve decided societal changes need to occur faster than what the “green” technology sector can keep up with

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