July 2, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: June 23, 2023

Today’s Top 5:

1.Five men on missing Titanic sub confirmed dead after debris reveals ‘catastrophic implosion’

The five crew members on board the missing submersible Titan died in a “catastrophic implosion”, the US Coast Guard has confirmed.

Oceangate Expeditions CEO Stockton Rush, Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman, British billionaire Hamish Harding, and French adventurer Paul-Henri Nargeolet were on board the Titan when it lost communications with a support ship less than two hours into a 4,000m dive to the Titanic shipwreck on Sunday.

A remotely operated vehicle (ROV) located pieces of debris from the Titan on the seabed about 500m from the bow of the Titanic wreck on Thursday morning Rear Admiral John Mauger, the First Coast Guard District commander, told a press briefing.

2.Missing Titanic sub live updates: Family of billionaire Hamish Harding says ‘we lost him doing what he loved’

“These men were true explorers who shared a distinct spirit of adventure, and a deep passion for exploring and protecting the world’s oceans,” according to the statement. “Our hearts are with these five souls and every member of their families during this tragic time. We grieve the loss of life and joy they brought to everyone they knew.”

3.Report: U.S. Navy Believes It Detected Titanic Sub’s Implosion Days Ago

A top secret U.S. Navy acoustic detection system may have heard the Titan tourist sub’s implosion hours after the vessel began its descent to the Titanic wreck on Sunday, according to the Wall Street Journal.

4.House Digs Deeper Into Chinese-Owned Battery Company’s Rescinded Grant From Biden DOE

DOE official says ‘in-depth vetting began’ only after announcements of billions in funding, which boosted stock prices for grantees

5.Whistleblower: DOJ Twice Prevented U.S. Attorney from Charging Hunter Biden for Greater Crimes

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) told reporters Thursday that the Justice Department twice prevented United States Attorney David Weiss from bringing stronger charges against Hunter Biden.

Upon the committee’s vote to unseal IRS whistleblower evidence of alleged Justice Department political interference in the Hunter Biden tax probe, Smith said IRS whistleblowers allege that President Joe Biden’s DOJ twice prevented charges against Hunter Biden in Washington, DC, and California in 2022. 


Technocracy’s Control Freak Agenda Is Rapidly Moving Forward

While Snyder correctly picks out 8 evidences of globalist agenda, he does not recognize Technocracy as the driving force. Technocracy’s evil and twisted agenda is behind all efforts to digitize humanity and to create a universal financial system. The ultimate result will be a global social credit scoring system that will either include or exclude you, depending on your behavior. Resist. Reject. Refute.

India Hits Record-High Russian Oil Purchases — More than U.S., UAE, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia Combined

India once again broke its previous Russian oil import records in May, Reuters reported on Wednesday, buying 1.95 million barrels per day (bpd) that month. About 40 percent of the oil India imported in May came from Russia.

Reuters cited “tanker data from trade and industry sources” for its statistics. The industry website OilPrice.com, citing similar statistics from the Joint Organizations Data Initiative (JODI), reported that the Russian imports totaled more “than the 1.74 million bpd in India’s combined imports from the next four largest suppliers – Iraq, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and the U.S.”

Latest Chinese Social Media Trend: ‘White People Food’

Both Western news outlets and Chinese state media this week uncovered a hot new trend on Chinese social media: “white people food.” The trend consists of Chinese users expressing astonishment at the horrifying discovery that some Americans and Europeans eat sandwiches and salads for lunch.

The gist of the “white people food” craze — more colorfully dubbed the “lunch of suffering” by one Chinese blogger — is that Chinese diners prefer more elaborate and heavily spiced meals, so they cannot believe Westerns would be satisfied munching on lettuce out of a bag or making lazy sandwiches with a few scraps of processed meat and a forlorn slice of cheese.


Joe Biden, Merrick Garland Implicated in IRS Whistleblower Testimony: 5 Key Questions

President Joe Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland may face tough questions after Thursday’s release of the testimony of an IRS whistleblower, which was released by the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee.

Republicans released transcripts of two whistleblowers, one of whom said he had seen evidence that Joe Biden was present when his son, Hunter, attempted to pressure a Chinese investor to send them millions of dollars. The whistleblower, IRS Criminal Supervisory Special Agent Gary A. Shapley Jr., also said that the Department of Justice had interfered in the effort to investigate Hunter Biden for tax crimes — contrary to Garland’s claims.

Senate Banking Committee Advances Bill to Claw Back Bank Executive Pay

In the most significant bipartisan response since the banking turmoil this past spring, the Senate Banking Committee advanced a bill that would claw back compensation from bank executives after their financial institutions fail.

The Recovering Executive Compensation from Unaccountable Practices (RECOUP) Act reins in the banking industry by imposing new fines for misconduct, restricting failed executives from working in the financial sector, forcing banks to enhance corporate governance, and introducing many regulatory requirements on federal regulators.

But the most consequential component of the legislation is granting the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) new powers to claw back compensation for executives.

RFK Jr. Has Democrats Worried About Appearance at Libertarian Festival

The New Hampshire Democratic Party, already reeling from the likely absence of President Joe Biden on the state’s influential primary ticket, has publicly urged Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to cancel his appearance at the state’s annual PorcFest, one of the biggest libertarian events in the country.

In a letter posted on social media, Ray Buckley, chairman of the N.H. Democratic Party urged Kennedy not to participate in an event run by an “extremist” group that predominantly votes Republicans, is against “common-sense” gun control, advocates for cuts in public school funding, and wants New Hampshire to secede from the United States.

“We respect your dedication to public service and your family’s irreplaceable role in the history of our Republic. However, we must express our serious disappointment and grave concerns about your planned participation in this event,” wrote Buckley.

Michael Yon (combat journalist, former Green Beret) is claiming that the US is aiding the invasion of our Southern Border with the intent to arm military-aged young men to engage We the People to destroy America!  Truth or Conspiracy Theory? Will 6 months tell the difference?

Google covering up invasion camps

Google Earth Not Showing US Sponsored invasion camps in Darien Province, Panama. (All these images are mine other than the Google Earth image.)

Or is it conspiracy theory meant to help boost a paid substack subscription page?


Supreme Court Rules Against Navajo Nation in Water Dispute

The Supreme Court ruled 5–4 on June 22 that the federal government has no obligation to help the Navajo Nation gain access to water, finding that a 19th-century treaty with the government imposes no such duty.

Oral arguments in the case, which took place on March 20, centered on the Navajo Nation’s desire to draw water from the Colorado River over the opposition of several thirsty nearby states.

The case pits the Navajo Nation—a large Indian reservation occupying territory in Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah—against the states of Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, and the U.S. Department of the Interior.

The Navajo Nation is one of the largest tribes in the United States, with more than 300,000 enrolled members, roughly 170,000 of whom live on the Navajo reservation created by the treaty. The reservation is one of the largest in the country—about the size of West Virginia—spanning more than 17 million acres across Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah.

Report: Sen. Rick Scott Mulls Entering Already Crowded GOP Primary Field

The Republican primary could widen even further as Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) is reportedly mulling a bid for the White House. 

The report comes from the New York Times’s Jonathan Swan and Maggie Haberman, who cite a pair of sources “familiar with the discussions.” 

Scott would mark the fourth Florida Republican to enter the race, joining former President Donald Trump, Gov. Ron DeSantis, and Miami Mayor Francis Suarez. Moreover, he would be the 13th candidate in the growing field, which saw the addition of former Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX) on Thursday. 


Home Flipping Activity Remains High Across Nation As Investor Profits Show Signs of Improving in First Quarter of 2023

Flipping Rate Across U.S. Rises Close to High Point This Century; Typical Profit Margins Inch Up but Still Near Lowest Level Since 2000; Raw Profits Remain Near 10-Year Low

Corporations Feel Pressure amid Pride Month Backlash

Corporations have been put into a difficult corner amid backlash over massive Pride Month campaigns, especially in markets directed at children.

A recent report from CNBC showed that companies will have to make difficult decisions in the years ahead. As Breitbart News reported, Bud Light has been a floundering brand since it partnered with transgender TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney and has been replaced by Modelo as America’s number one beer.


iPhone Users Urged to Update Their Devices as Soon as Possible

Apple on Wednesday released an update to devices using the latest version of iOS that fixes two serious security flaws that are reportedly being used in hacks that are currently targeting iPhones and iPads.

Transhumanism: Dishing Up A Eugenic Future With Artificial Gametes

Tens of thousands of genetic scientists around the world are racing to tinker with the building blocks of life. No matter how much they protest that they are not Transhumanists, by definition they are exactly that. They are continuing the practice of eugenics that started in the early 1900s, progressed through Nazi Germany and now is legitimatized in top Universities. 


Will DARPA Make a Travel Adapter for Human Body?

In 2020, DARPA announced a plan to develop a “travel adapter” for the human body in collaboration with researchers from different groups

Northwestern aims to engineer a wirelessly-controlled bioelectronic implant that reduces the time needed to adapt to new time zones by releasing peptide-based therapies to harmonize the central and peripheral circadian clocks

The Stanford team plans to develop an implantable device that produces and releases melatonin on demand

MIT’s focus is a swallowed device that deploys in the gut and then produces compounds that kill foodborne pathogens and neutralize toxins that may have been released by the pathogens


Making Sense of Battery Ratings

There is a variety of information out there on battery specification or “tech talk.” Sometimes it’s difficult to understand it all or tell what is accurate because the information often is not consistent. We’d like to provide some guidelines and data that is clear on typical batteries used in powering things like RVs, Camping and Utility trailers.

Let’s start by getting familiar with the technical terms and what they mean and how you use them to determine what battery you may want to use in RVs, Camping, Utility and other trailers. We’ll refer to them collectively as RVs or Trailers.

—> Lion Energy Summer Sale is going on now with up to 83% of select items – Click HERE to browse the sale To speak to a representative call (385) 375 – 8191 

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Biden Administration Loaning Ford $9 Billion for Electric Vehicle Plants

President Joe Biden’s (D) administration is loaning Ford and its battery manufacturing partner billions of dollars to help build three electric vehicle (EV) battery plants as officials discuss Thursday how the president’s green energy agenda is hurting Americans.

The U.S. Department of Energy is loaning Ford and its partner $9.2 billion to construct EV plants in Tennessee and Kentucky, the Washington Examiner reported Thursday.

EMP Weather Attack Can Destroy Your Home & Vehicle

An EMP attack can occur naturally:  Electromagnetic Pulse and Geomagnetic Disturbance:  “Extreme electromagnetic incidents caused by an intentional electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack or a naturally occurring geomagnetic disturbance (GMD), caused by severe space weather, could damage significant portions of the Nation’s critical infrastructure, including the electrical grid, communications equipment, water and wastewater systems, and transportation modes.

“The impacts are likely to cascade, initially compromising one or more critical infrastructure sectors, spilling over into additional sectors, and expanding beyond the initial geographic regions adversely impacting millions of households and businesses.  For these reasons, the potential severity of both the direct and indirect impacts of an EMP or GMD incident compels our national attention.”

—> Check out EMP Shield Protection – Worlds First Home EMP Protection

Note: They are still running their Memorial Day Sale 10% Off Your Entire Cart + Combine Our Sale With Additional Coupons – Use code “TPH “ to save an additional $50

Visit www.empshield.com or call 620-412-9978 to order 


10 Ways to Train Your Brain to Respond in a Crisis

How would you rate yourself when responding to crises? Did you know you can train your brain to improve your reactions?

When I first began researching survival and preparedness, I can’t tell you how many hours were spent in shock and panic. I read about the “golden hordes” who would soon, very soon, descend upon my suburban home shooting, stealing, and raping, although not in that particular order.

According to some survivalists, we’re approaching a tipping point at which our world will begin to run out of oil, and we’ll be thankful to have two rocks to rub together to create heat. Then there were tales of a hidden planet, Planet X, on its way to destroy Earth.

In my early prepping years, there were days I wasn’t so sure I even wanted to survive such scenarios. Anyone who has only known security is in for a shock when their normalcy bias begins to struggle with information about these possible scenarios and many others, far more realistic. In this article, I’ll give you some ideas to train your brain and improve your crisis response.

11-Year-old Boy Determined to Be a Farmer: Rents His Own Land, Breeds Sheep, and Spins Wool (Video)

Meet the 11-year-old boy who fell in love with agriculture during the pandemic, and dreamed of becoming a farmer. Today he rents his own plot of land where he cares for chickens and breeds sheep.

Joe Trofer-Cook’s passion for farming was sparked when he planted seeds in a new raised bed that his grandfather built for his seventh birthday.

A year later, after COVID hit, he began selling homegrown produce on a trolley outside the house, and saved “every penny” to buy three chickens.

Adding eggs to his produce market helped him earn enough to buy first four sheep—that he adorably named Rhubarb, Strawberry, Pumpkin, and Radish.

His mother, Clare Trofer, said that tending to his animals is a form of “therapy” for Joe who was diagnosed with autism during the lockdowns.

With the profit made from selling veg and sheep, Joe was able to rent a plot of land from a farmer in his English village of Billinghay, Lincolnshire. Over two years later, Joe now owns 37 sheep, 12 chickens, two cows and a Border Collie named Spud.

“I was born to be a farmer—that’s what I say,” Joe quips.

“He the kindest, loveliest, quietest child you’ll ever meet – and so devoted,” said his 47-year-old mom.


CDC Advisers Recommend Use of GSK, Pfizer RSV Vaccines for Adults Aged 65 and Over

An advisory committee to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on June 21 voted to recommend that adults aged 65 and over receive one of the newly approved vaccines for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices voted 9–5 in favor of recommending two different RSV vaccines—GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Pfizer’s RSV shots—taken in a single dose, for people aged 65 and older following “shared decision-making” between doctors and patients.

96% Of Women With Breast Cancer Are Also Deficient In This Vitamin

We all know someone who’s been affected by breast cancer, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that it’s the most common type of cancer worldwide. According to a 2022 review published in The Breast, breast cancer accounts for one in eight cancer diagnoses and resulted in a total of 2.3 million new cases in 2020. 

As common as this devastating cancer is, there’s very little attention paid to its link to vitamin D status. And yet, up to 96%1 of the breast cancer population is also deficient in vitamin D, per a 2017 review published in Breast Cancer. 

While we aren’t shocked that vitamin D is profoundly helpful in promoting breast health given its vast and impactful health benefits, we found this statistic too compelling to not explore further—especially considering vitamin D deficiency affects 29% of U.S. adults2.

The connection between vitamin D & breast cancer

In a 2017 Tumor Biology systematic review and meta-analysis, VDR gene polymorphisms were found to increase breast cancer risk3. Researchers believe the link between vitamin D and breast cancer risk has to do with vitamin D receptor (VDR) genes4 and their function in mammary glands—which include regulating calcium transportation during lactation and milk production. 

How vitamin D sufficiency can help prevent breast cancer

While research on the exact mechanisms and pathways of the sunshine vitamin’s effect on breast cancer are ongoing, evidence consistently shows a clear association between circulating vitamin D [i.e., 25(OH)D serum vitamin D levels] and breast cancer risk.

In a 2015 case-control study from Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, women deficient in vitamin D [i.e., with 25(OH)D levels below 20 ng/ml] had a 27% higher risk5 of breast cancer than women with sufficient vitamin D levels. But while clinical vitamin D sufficiency is defined as 25(OH)D levels above 30 ng/ml, other research indicates that higher levels provide greater protection against breast cancer risk.

Case in point: In one pooled analysis from Anticancer Research, a serum 25(OH)D level of 47 ng/ml was found to lower breast cancer risk by 50%6. This aligns with what mindbodygreen has found after speaking to leading endocrinologists, RDs, and longevity experts—a truly optimal vitamin D status of 50 ng/ml or higher is the goal for thriving health and well-being.

—> At The Power Mall we have two wonderful Vitamin D supplements available: OPTIVIDA VITAMIN D (made from button mushrooms) & GOOD HEALTH NATURALLY VITAMIN D3 

The Importance of Maintaining Mobility as You Age

Like grip strength, balance, and aerobic capacity, mobility is a reliable indicator of longevity. The ability to move our joints through a full range of motion with control enables us to keep up with the everyday demands of living, and ­allows us to participate in the activities that bring us joy.

“If you have any hope of remaining independent, mobility is crucial,” says Michael E. Rogers, PhD, CSCS, director of the Center for Physical Activity and Aging at Wichita State University. “Once you start losing mobility, your [ability to live on your own decreases], and . . . the risk of falls increases dramatically.”

More than one in four older adults fall each year; it’s the leading cause of injury and injury-related death among seniors, says Rogers. And after a fall, they tend to limit their activity, which only leads to less mobility.

“When they do start to move around again, they’re at an even higher risk for a subsequent fall,” he adds.

Mobility not only helps us avoid debilitating falls and do the everyday tasks that keep us independent, but it enables us to stay engaged with people as well, warding off social isolation and the associated cognitive decline.

It also makes it possible to sustain an exercise regimen and reap its many health benefits for the long haul. These perks include improved mood, greater stamina and strength, and a reduced risk of complications from chronic disease.

Together, these benefits make mobility a must for healthy aging.

“Not only will you live longer, but you’ll have a better quality of life,” says Juan Najarro, MD, who practices geriatric medicine at California’s Loma Linda University Medical Center.

Maintaining Mobility With Age

Mobility training doesn’t need to be compli­cated or intense. One of the best exercises is a fundamental one: walking. Maintaining that movement pattern alone can do wonders for us as we grow older. “Two to three days of walking per week is usually well-tolerated,” Najarro says. (For more on this underrated and underappreciated movement, see “The Powerful Health Benefits of Walking.”)

However, that volume of walking — or walking at all — may be beyond the capabilities of many older adults. Walking in a swimming pool, where the water reduces impact and it’s possible to assist balance by holding on to a wall, is one alternative. Indoor cycling is another low-impact way to work through a full range of motion for the lower body.

Yoga (including chair yoga), Pilates, tai chi, and other low-impact practices are great activities for maintaining mobility, especially if locomotion through walking or cycling is not an option. Tai chi, in particular, has been shown to improve balance, and because it is a gentle exercise, many people can safely practice it for 20 minutes every day.

Resistance training is also vital for building strength across a full range of motion in an aging body. “Low muscle strength, particularly in the lower body, is one of the highest risk factors for mobility ­limitations,” Rogers says.

The National Institute on Aging recommends working your major muscle groups — chest, back, arms, abdominals, legs, and shoulders — at least two days per week. Use resistance bands, dumbbells, or just your body weight. (Learn more about the many ways exercise benefits aging bodies — plus, get guidelines for training strength, cardio, and balance — at “Fit for Life: You’re Never Too Old to Get Moving.”)

And don’t underestimate the importance of continuing daily activities like climbing the stairs, gardening, and doing household chores. For many of us, mobility becomes a problem when we stop moving, whether due to a sedentary lifestyle, illness, injury, or other causes. The more we consistently move, the more we’ll be able to keep moving.


Federal Agency Issues Advisory on Symptoms Linked to ‘Long COVID’

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued an advisory Wednesday about mental health symptoms linked to “long COVID,” or suspected long-lasting symptoms caused by COVID-19.

Long COVID occurs when people recover from the COVID-19 virus but then experience symptoms that last more than three months, including fatigue, headaches, sleep problems, coughing, and cognitive impairment. While some medical professionals believe it’s largely exaggerated, HHS has signaled that it’s a real phenomenon.

UPDATE: Former Ohio State QB Kirk Herbstreit’s 21-Year-Old Son, Zak, Hospitalized with Likely Cardiac Arrest

Zak Herbstreit, the son of former Ohio State Buckeyes quarterback Kirk Herbstreit, has been hospitalized and is under the care of a team of cardiac specialists, according to reports.

The 21-year-old walk-on college tight end was hospitalized on Tuesday after complaining that he was “not feeling right,” according to TMZ Sports.

Details of just what medical condition sent him to Wexner Medical Center in Columbus, Ohio, were not disclosed, but in a subsequent message posted on Twitter, the player thanked a team of “experienced cardiologists” who are treating him.


Ministry Of Truth: Protecting Technocrat Oligarchs On Digital Platforms

The United Nations is a hard core Ministry of Truth. Fleming states that “they” – the UN – vastly outnumber the misinformation “haters”; she is dead wrong and living in her own fantastical bubble. However, as the pinnacle of Technocracy, the UN will do everything it can to quash all opposing narratives so that the Great Reset can continue unabated

Michigan’s House of Representatives Passes Legislation That Would Criminalize Hurting Someone’s Feelings

When James Madison proposed 19 amendments to the US Constitution, his proposed Bill of Rights was based in large part on Virginia’s Declaration of Rights. Seven were rejected by the New York-based Congress. In 1791, the remaining 12 Amendments became law, none more important to our liberty than the 1st Amendment.

Musk’s Twitter Threatened With $700,000 Daily Fine Unless It Tackles ‘Hate Speech’

Australia’s eSafety commissioner has issued Elon Musk’s Twitter with a legal notice to explain what it is doing to tackle hate speech on its platform.

The commissioner says it has received “more complaints about online hate on Twitter in the past 12 months” than any other platform and alleges an “increasing number” of reports of serious online abuse since Musk took over in October 2022.

If Twitter fails to respond to the notice in 28 days, the tech giant will face a maximum fine of $700,000 (US$476,000) per day for “continuing breaches.”

“We are seeing a worrying surge in hate online,” said Julie Inman Grant in a statement on June 22.

“eSafety research shows that nearly 1 in 5 Australians have experienced some form of online hate. This level of online abuse is already inexcusably high, but if you’re a First Nations [Indigenous] Australian, you are disabled or identify as LGBTIQ+, you experience online hate at double the rate of the rest of the population,” she said.

“Twitter appears to have dropped the ball on tackling hate. A third of all complaints about online hate reported to us are now happening on Twitter.”


Company’s religious liberty trumps Title VII ban on discrimination against LGBTQ employees, appeals court says

The Religious Freedom Restoration Act entitles a Texas company to an exemption from a federal mandate that bars discrimination against LGBTQ employees, a federal appeals court has ruled.

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals at New Orleans ruled June 20 for Braidwood Management Inc., which employs workers for health-related companies owned by Steven Hotze.

The companies are run as “Christian” businesses that refuse to employ people who engage in behavior that Hotze thinks is “sexually immoral or gender nonconforming,” the appeals court said.

Lottery lawyer’s ‘luck has run out’ after sentencing judge says he is responsible for $62M in client losses

Self-described lottery lawyer Jason Kurland, a former Rivkin Radler partner, has been sentenced to 13 years in prison for participating in a scheme that allegedly cost his clients more than $100 million in net losses.

Misrepresentations by Kurland, 49, and his co-defendants caused losses of more than $80 million for his lottery-winning clients, according to a June 15 Justice Department press release. Kurland also took $19.5 million from the account of one lottery winner for an investment that was mostly plundered by co-defendants, the government says.

The sentences for Kurland and a co-defendant show “their luck has run out, and this office will prosecute anyone who chooses to engage in fraud—no matter their title or degree,” said U.S. Attorney Damian Williams in a statement.

Report: Joe Biden’s 2024 Campaign Struggles to Raise Cash

President Joe Biden’s 2024 campaign fundraising is reportedly not going so well.

A dozen bundlers and donors across the country told Politico that Biden’s campaign fundraising numbers are not as strong as he hoped, causing “anxiety,” “concern,” and “nervousness” among his supporters.

Infant surrendered to Florida’s Safe Haven Baby Box adopted by the firefighter who found her

Back in January of 2023, Florida’s only Safe Haven Baby Box located outside the Ocala Fire Department received its first surrendered newborn after being installed in 2020.

It was 2:00 a.m. when a firefighter pulling an overnight shift at the station heard the alarm go off signaling that a child had been surrendered.

The moment that firefighter, who wishes to remain anonymous to protect his family’s privacy, picked up the infant wrapped up in her pink blanket, something inside of him knew she should be his daughter.

“I picked her up and held her. We locked eyes, and that was it. I’ve loved her ever since that moment,” he told TODAY.

Man Became Friends With a Fish and the Pair ‘Meet’ Every Summer in the Same Wisconsin Lake

A scuba diver has forged an unlikely bond with a wild fish and the pair meet up every summer beneath the waves for a reunion.

Rex Colubra made friends with the small mouth bass while on a fresh water dive in September 2021.

The odd encounter ended with the 40-year-old naming the fish Elvis.

According to the diver, the pair now see each other every year when Rex travels back to the Wisconsin lake where Elvis lives.

If you have any doubts about the validity of this claim, watch the video below and you might be persuaded.

The 40-year-old print-shop worker says he taught Elvis a specific call, to which it will respond.

“I will do a gulping grunt sound with my throat and he’ll come find me.”

He also claims his little ‘friend’ gets jealous if other fish come around. “Elvis will literally just fight other fish if they get too close to me to keep them away.”

23 years ago he rescued a toddler from a burning building. Now he just met the grown man’s son.

We all know that Upworthy loves a good hero story. Suddenly humanity seems a little less dark after hearing about students coming to their teacher’s rescue, moms taking on entire swarms of bees to keep their kids safe or entire bank heists being thwarted by a single hug.

However, we rarely get a glimpse of what happens after those feel-good stories take place. It’s not often that we get to witness firsthand the lasting impact made from one good deed. That’s what makes this story so special.

Xavier Dimples was only 2 years old when his house caught fire, leaving him trapped inside. Without a firefighter named Jeff Ohs bravely entering the burning building to pull the toddler out of the wreckage and resuscitating him, Dimples would have perished.

Twenty-three years after the incident, Dimples was able to reunite with Ohs, introducing him to his son who was the exact same age as Dimples when Ohs rescued him.


3 Common Mistakes Dog Parents Make With Homemade Food

The popularity of homemade dog food is on the rise, and unfortunately, so are preparation and feeding mistakes. It’s easy to prepare an unbalanced homemade meal that can even be harmful if formulated incorrectly. Be sure to avoid these three common mistakes.

Is This Urban Legend Making Dog Owners Fear Fresh Foods?

The ultraprocessed pet food industry finally seems to be embracing the reality that avocados are not toxic for dogs, which is good news; the bad news is that like all nutritious foods, the health benefits of avocados are compromised by high heat processing and extrusion.

Unfortunately, veterinarians and organizations like the AKC and the ASPCA continue to perpetuate the myth of avocado toxicity; the result is a lot of misguided and unnecessary “fear of real food” among pet parents.

Believe it or not, this misguided advice is based on a single flawed 1994 study; a 2012 study proves the opposite — avocados are a safe and nutritious food for dogs.

Avocados are a legit superfood, loaded with the kinds of nutrition dogs need more, not less of.

Feed your dog only the parts of the avocado you would eat, i.e., the flesh, and only in small portions as toppers and treats, and your canine family member will reap the same tremendous health benefits from this nutritional powerhouse that you do.

An old male bald eagle who adopted a rock as an egg has just been given a real foster baby

On March 8, 2023, a keeper at World Bird Sanctuary in St. Louis County, Missouri, noticed something odd. A male bald eagle named Murphy was guarding what appeared to be a large depression in the ground.

“The spot was sparsely but carefully decorated with leaves and branches, and featured a simple rock right in the center,” the nature preserve shared on its Facebook page.

Murphy began sitting on the rock, nudging it and becoming fiercely protective of it, as it if were an egg. People visiting the sanctuary would inquire about the bald eagle just sitting there, wondering if he was okay. The keepers finally put up a sign that read:

“If you see an eagle lying down in the back left corner under a perch, that’s Murphy! Murphy is not hurt, sick, or otherwise in distress. He has built a nest on the ground, and is very carefully incubating a rock! We wish him the best of luck!”

In case you’re wondering if this is unusual behavior for a 31-year-old male bald eagle, the answer is “not really, but….” Male bald eagles do share equally in nesting and baby-raising, so the paternal instinct part is normal. Murphy’s channeling of that instinct onto a rock…maybe not so much. And at 31, he’s more like a great-granddad than dad, as bald eagles usually live 20 to 30 years in the wild (though they do live longer in captivity).

Murphy takes fatherhood seriously, though. Soon he began screaming and charging at the four other eagles in the aviary if they came anywhere near RockBaby. (That’s the official name the keepers gave Murphy’s…well, rock baby.) Naturally, the screaming and charging caused a fair amount of stress for all involved, so Murphy and RockBaby were moved to their own enclosure for everyone’s protection.

People who saw this unfold started suggesting sanctuary staff replace Murphy’s rock with a real egg or get him a mate, but 1) Eagle eggs aren’t just lying around waiting to be given to wanna-be dads, 2) hatching a different kind of bird’s egg would be potentially dangerous for it, and 3) Murphy had two females right there in the aviary, and none of them were interested in each other. Alas, the heart cannot be forced.

However, a different opportunity presented itself in late March when an aerie with two chicks in it was blown down by high winds. One chick didn’t survive the fall, but the other was brought to World Bird Sanctuary’s Wildlife Hospital.

A bit bruised, but otherwise healthy, the chick was given a good prognosis. Staff began feeding it while wearing a camouflage suit and holding an eagle stuffy to prevent the eaglet from imprinting on humans. What the baby really needed was a foster parent—an adult eagle who would feed and care for it.

“Murphy’s dad instincts were already in high gear,” the sanctuary wrote on April 11, “but at 31 years old, he had never raised a chick before. It’s definitely a gamble, but also the chick’s best chance.”

Introducing an eaglet to an adult eagle isn’t as simple as dropping it in the enclosure. First, the eaglet is put into what the sanctuary refers to as a “baby jail,” which is a heated, comfy cage made of wood and wire that protects the eaglet but still allows some interaction between the birds so they can get used to one another. Once the desired bonding behavior is observed, then they try out some direct one-on-one interaction without the cage.

On April 12, World Bird Sanctuary announced, “IT’S HAPPENING!!!!”

The eaglet (referred to as Bald Eaglet 23-126—they don’t name foster babies at the sanctuary for superstitious reasons) was released from baby jail, and after an hour or so Murphy approached it with curiosity. Was he wondering if his RockBaby had hatched? Maybe. Would he be the nurturing dad everyone hoped he would be? It appears so.


The 6th Anniversary of Capt. Joyce Riley’s passing is this Sunday, June 25th.  Say a prayer for Joyce and say a prayer for the country that she loved and sought to protect by taking the Oath to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. We remember her today for all of her work in bringing Americans the truth, because knowledge is power! 

Memorial Page for Captain Joyce Riley – Share your tribute online

Born July 31, 1948 , Passed away on June 25, 2017 


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