July 4, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: June 24, 2022


Metaverse: Virtual Children To Help Combat Overpopulation

Artificial intelligence expert Catriona Campbell predicts virtual children will be commonplace within the next 50 years, which can help combat overpopulation

The virtual children would only exist within the metaverse, and parents would interact with them using high-tech wearables like gloves that can deliver tactile feedback to replicate physical sensations

Climate change, overpopulation, transhumanism and the digitization of human life are all part and parcel of The Great Reset agenda, which will not be complete until humanity is enslaved to the unelected few who will run the world through algorithms and AI

World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab wants to create a world in which humans are connected to the cloud, able to access the internet through their brains. This is what the Fourth Industrial Revolution is all about — the merger of man and machine. This is how we know, without a doubt, that transhumanism is part of The Great Reset

The technocratic, transhumanist cabal also wants to track your individual carbon footprint and dictate your diet. Meat consumption is to be cut by 90% and replaced with fake lab-created meats and bugs

Global Food Shortage: U.N. Chief Guterres Warns of Looming ‘Catastrophe’

The world faces the prospect of a mass starvation “catastrophe” driven by unprecedented food shortages, U.N. chief Antonio Guterres warned Friday.

Guterres pointed to the conflict in Ukraine as exacerbating disruptions caused by “climate change, the coronavirus pandemic and inequality” to produce an “unprecedented global hunger crisis” already affecting hundreds of millions of people.

“There is a real risk that multiple famines will be declared in 2022,” he said in a video message to officials from dozens of countries gathered in Berlin. “And 2023 could be even worse.”

Guterres noted harvests across Asia, Africa and the Americas will dive as farmers struggle to cope with rising fertilizer and energy prices, AP reports.

As Breitbart London reported, one indirect obstacle already posed by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is the strain that is putting on Romania as it seeks to help export its neighbour’s wheat crop to a waiting world.

The Black Sea port of Constanta has emerged as a main conduit for the war-torn country´s grain exports. It has processed nearly one million tons of grain from Ukraine – one of the world´s biggest exporters of wheat and corn – since the Feb. 24 invasion, just one example of the impact of the conflict.

The Berlin meeting’s host, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, disputed Moscow’s claim Western sanctions imposed over Russia’s action in Ukraine were to blame for food shortages as “completely untenable.”

Russia exported as much wheat in May and June this year as in the same months of 2021, Baerbock said, echoing Guterres’ comments that several factors underlie the growing hunger crisis around the world.

“But it was Russia’s war of attack against Ukraine that turned a wave into a tsunami,” Baerbock concluded.

U.S. Says Taliban Has Not Requested Aid After Earthquake Kills 1000+

U.S. officials said Thursday that the Taliban has not officially requested assistance in the aftermath of a powerful earthquake in eastern Afghanistan on Wednesday that reportedly killed over a thousand people.

The confused disaster response from the extremist regime left rescuers scrambling to dig through the rubble with their hands.

Afghanistan has been cut off from much international financial assistance ever since the Taliban conquered the country by force in August 2021, following U.S. President Joe Biden’s disastrous military withdrawal. 

Taliban Supreme Leader Haibatullah Akhundzadah made an unusual public appearance on Wednesday to ask the international community to “help the Afghan people affected by this great tragedy, and spare no effort.”

“When such a big incident happens in any country, there is a need for help from other countries. It is very difficult for us to be able to respond to this huge incident,” Taliban Prime Minister Mohammad Hassan Akhund said at an emergency meeting in Kabul.

Several countries quickly offered millions of dollars of disaster relief, including the European Union, India, Pakistan, South Korea, and Japan. However, U.S. Deputy Special Representative to Afghanistan Ramiz Alakbarov said on Wednesday the Taliban has not “formally requested that the U.N. mobilize international search-and-rescue teams or obtain equipment from neighboring countries to supplement the few dozen ambulances and several helicopters sent in by Afghan authorities.”

Alakbarov feared the earthquake would “add a lot to the daily burden of survival” in Afghanistan, which was already a humanitarian crisis zone.

U.N. officials confirmed on Wednesday they had not received a request from the Taliban regime to mobilize search-and-rescue teams or bring in rescue equipment from other countries.


Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade, Eliminates Constitutional Right to Abortion

A deeply divided Supreme Court eliminated the constitutional right to an abortion, overruling the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision and leaving the question of abortion’s legality to the states.

The court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization upheld a law from Mississippi that bans abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy, roughly two months earlier than what has been allowed under Supreme Court precedent dating back to Roe.

In siding with Mississippi, the court’s conservative majority said the Roe decision was egregiously wrong in recognizing a constitutional right to an abortion, an error the court perpetuated in the decades since.

Abortion banned in Missouri as trigger law takes effect, following Supreme Court ruling

Nearly all abortion is now banned in Missouri following the U.S. Supreme Court decision Friday ending the federal right to the procedure that marks the culmination of a decades-long campaign by Missouri abortion opponents to restrict – and one day eliminate – the lawful ability to end a pregnancy. The U.S. Supreme Court opinion overturns the federal right to abortion established by the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. Missouri has a “trigger law” prohibiting abortions except those necessary because of medical emergencies in the event Roe is overturned. The sole clinic in the state offering surgical abortions —in St. Louis— is almost certain to immediately stop performing the procedure.

The decision is a historic moment not only for the country but for Missouri, ending nearly half a century of legal abortion in a state with deep anti-abortion roots. Missouri law barred abortion as early as 1825 – a prohibition that only ended with Roe 49 years ago. The opinion ushers in a new, chaotic era in the fight over reproductive rights in Missouri, as lawmakers clash over how far to go in eliminating the procedure and weigh whether they can punish those who help Missouri residents get abortions out of state. Prosecutors, including Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, will face new choices about whether to charge individuals with abortion-related crimes. The decision may not be the final word on abortion in Missouri. In the future, a ballot initiative could force a statewide vote on legalizing the procedure. A lawsuit could also be brought that argues the Missouri Constitution guarantees the right to an abortion. “The battle is not over. It’s just that the battleground has shifted,” said Samuel Lee, a lobbyist for Campaign Life Missouri. “I expect lots more work for the pro-life movement over the coming years to protect the unborn and help women who are risk for abortions.” Even before Friday’s decision, access to abortion was already very limited in Missouri. By 2020, fewer than 200 surgical abortions were performed, a drop of several thousand over the past two decades. In 2020, Yamelsie Rodríguez, president and CEO of Reproductive Health Services of Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region said that “the reality is, abortion has essentially become a right in name only in Missouri.” Missouri residents often traveled to Kansas, where a clinic in Overland Park offers the procedure, or to a clinic in Fairview Heights, Illinois, near St. Louis. In 2021, for instance, 3,458 Missouri residents received abortions in Kansas — 44% of all abortions performed in Kansas that year.

Abortion is likely to remain legal in Illinois, but in Kansas, voters will decide in August whether to approve an amendment to their state constitution that would clear the way for state legislators to approve a ban. The one clinic in Missouri offering abortions, called Reproductive Health Services of PPSLR, will stop offering abortions. Instead, it will refer patients to a nearby clinic in Illinois. “We will have to stop providing abortions at our clinic in St. Louis immediately,” Bonyen Lee-Gilmore, a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood of the Saint Louis Region (PPSLR), said in an interview on Tuesday. “It comes with criminal penalties.” TRIGGER LAW SET STAGE FOR BAN Republicans set the stage for halting legal abortion in Missouri three years ago, when lawmakers embedded a trigger ban in a 2019 anti-abortion bill signed by Republican Gov. Mike Parson. The law requires either Parson or Schmitt to issue statements that Roe has been overturned to implement the ban.

EXCLUSIVE: Ray Epps Was Worried Fast-Moving January 6 Crowd Might Interfere With ‘The Plan,’ Kentucky Man Claims

Man also says he witnessed Epps directing group that removed 2-by-4 lumber and a long cardboard tube from utility hatch at U.S. Capitol

Ray Epps, the former Arizona Oath Keepers leader who was famously captured on camera a day before the Jan. 6, 2021, protests urging protesters to go into the U.S. Capitol, allegedly directed a group of individuals who removed “siege weapons” including a long piece of 2-by-4 lumber, from a utility hatch on Capitol grounds after telling a witness they needed to slow down the crowd lest it “[expletive] up the plan,” a Kentucky man claims.

Eric Clark, 45, says he encountered Epps on the west side of the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, but did not realize who he was until seeing news reports about Epps earlier this year. Behavior and statements Clark said he witnessed took on new meaning after he read news reports about Epps’s possible role as a provocateur at the Capitol.

“I didn’t know who Ray Epps was,” Clark told The Epoch Times. “I just knew a tall mountain of a man who said something to me, and I saw some things occur.

“It was almost literally, probably right at a year later, when I saw a [news] post with Ray Epps in it, and I was able to put a name to a face,” Clark said.

Through his attorney, Epps denied Clark’s story.

Epps has long denied being an informant for the FBI or other law enforcement on Jan. 6. His photo—assigned No. 16—was initially placed on the FBI’s January 6 most-wanted website, but later removed without explanation. Epps has not been arrested or charged with crimes for being at the Capitol.

Clark had been at the Ellipse to hear President Donald Trump speak earlier that day. Due to the massive crowds, Clark stood about 50 yards away and watched the speech on a jumbo video monitor. He left before the speech ended and walked to the Capitol.

Feds Step Up January 6 Law Enforcement Activity as Democrat Partisan Hearings Continue

The Feds have stepped up their January 6 law enforcement activity as the Democrats’ partisan hearings continue, serving a search warrant on Nevada Republican chairman Michael McDonald and state party secretary James DeGraffenreid, as well as raiding Trump-era Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark’s home this week.

According to reports, agents obtained McDonald’s cell phone “reportedly as part of an investigation into the fake elector scheme initiated at the end of the 2020 presidential election,” according to 8 News Now. In 2020, six Nevada electors cast symbolic votes for Trump in the wake of the controversy over Biden’s victory, as the Democrat, according to official figures, won the state by less than three percent.

The Feds’ law enforcement activity comes as the Democrats’ partisan January 6 hearings continue. Famed conservative talker and author Mark Levin warned that it would “go down in history as a dark mark on the American political system.”

However, polls indicate that the committee’s investigation is not very popular among the American people, as less than ten percent say they are following the hearings “very closely,” according to an ABC News poll released this week. What is more, survey data shows that Americans trust Republicans more than Democrats to protect democracy.

The recent wave of law enforcement activity comes three weeks after Feds arrested former White House economic adviser Peter Navarro for contempt of Congress, refusing to cooperate with the January 6 committee. According to Navarro, authorities failed to read him his Miranda rights and also failed to provide him access to his attorney.

“The committee came at me with their full force,” Navarro told Breitbart News Daily during an interview this month. “I’m in an untenable situation. I don’t have the power to waive the [executive] privilege. So, what did they do? This is the tragedy here in this country.”

“They colluded passively or explicitly with Joe Biden and the White House, who writes me a letter saying, ‘You don’t have immunity, and you’re not covered by privilege,’ meaning that Biden was effectively attempting to strip me of testimonial immunity and President Trump of his right to executive privilege,” he continued, referring to the committee as a “kangaroo court.”

“A second search warrant was issued for state party secretary James DeGraffenreid, who also signed the document, but FBI agents could not locate him Wednesday, sources told Knapp,” according to the outlet.

The list does not end there, either. On Wednesday, agents also searched the home of Trump-era Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark, who reportedly pushed letters to states to consider overturning their election results, urging them to investigate claims of voter fraud.

Clark’s place of employment, Center for Renewing America, affirmed the search, as Center for Renewing America President Russ Vought revealed that “more than a dozen DOJ law enforcement officials searched Jeff Clark’s house in a pre-dawn raid, put him in the streets in his pajamas, and took his electronic devices.”

“The new era of criminalizing politics is worsening in the US,” he said, later adding that the Clark is being targeted because he “saw fit to investigate voter fraud.”

“This is not America, folks,” Vought, who also served as the Office of Management and Budget director under former President Trump, said.

“The weaponization of government must end. Let me be very clear. We stand by Jeff and so must all patriots in this country,” he added.

Supreme Court nears end of term amid conflict and discord

The headlines paint a distressing picture for the U.S. Supreme Court as it approaches the end of this most unusual term.

“Chaos in John Roberts’s Court,” said a June 2 article on the website of Vanity Fair magazine, by the novelist and lawyer Scott Turow, referring to the U.S. chief justice.

A USA Today headline on June 7 said, “Chief Justice John Roberts facing test of leadership amid tense time at Supreme Court.”

“Discord at Supreme Court mirrors diminishment of democratic norms,” said a story on CNN’s website on June 13.

And on June 17, the front page of the Washington Post said, “Since draft opinion leak, controversies continue piling up for justices.”

For anyone who hasn’t been paying attention, the leak was of a draft opinion in a pending case that would overrule Roe v. Wade, the court’s landmark 1973 decision establishing a woman’s right to abortion. In a term loaded with hot-button cases on reproductive rights, guns, religion and the environment, the May 2 revelation of the draft majority opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization by the journal Politico ratcheted up scrutiny of the high court and brought a raft of repercussions as the justices hurtle toward the targeted end of their term by June 30.

“What we have now is kind of a perfect storm,” says Stefanie Lindquist, a professor of law and political science at the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University. “The court is sort of rattled by all the political instability that we’re all experiencing writ large.”

Senate Breaks Filibuster on Gun Deal, Clearing Way for Final Passage

The U.S. Senate on June 23 voted to break the filibuster on gun control legislation that was hammered out this week between Republicans and Democrats, clearing the way for its final passage in the chamber.

The bill, as with most bills in the Senate, needed the support of at least 60 lawmakers to overcome the filibuster threshold and close out further debate. The proposal topped the threshold, winning the support of 15 Republicans in addition to all 50 Democrats.

In addition to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), and Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.)—all of whom were instrumental in negotiating the deal—the other 12 Republicans who joined Democrats in support of the bill are Sens. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), Richard Burr (R-N.C.), Bill Cassidy (R-La.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), Rob Portman (R-Ohio), Mitt Romney (R-Utah), and Todd Young (R-Ind.).

With the successful cloture vote, the measure will go to the floor for a final vote, where it’s likely to pass by the same margin.

The legislation, which was proposed in the wake of a school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, that left 19 children and two adults dead, has received mixed reactions on Capitol Hill.

Some provisions have broad bipartisan support.

For example, the bill would allocate $15 billion to mental health care access and increasing school security, a measure that was particularly popular among Republicans. To offset these costs, the bill delays the implementation of a Medicare drug rebate program that proponents say will save the federal government $21 billion.

However, included provisions that would close the so-called boyfriend loophole, incentivize states to adopt red-flag laws, and boost background check requirements have sparked concern.

The bill won the support of both GOP Leader McConnell and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.).

Rejecting the concerns of members of his party who oppose the legislation on gun rights grounds, McConnell said it will “protect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.”

He added that the package “does not so much as touch the rights of the overwhelming majority of American gun owners who are law-abiding citizens of sound mind.”

The package, McConnell said, is full of “common sense and popular solutions to make these horrific incidents less likely.”

“This is real progress,” Schumer said of the bill. “It will save lives.”

Supreme Court Allows GOP Legal Defense of North Carolina’s Embattled Voter ID Law

The Supreme Court ruled 8–1 on June 23 that North Carolina’s Republican-controlled Legislature must be allowed to step in to advocate for a heavily litigated voter ID law in court because Josh Stein, the state’s Democratic attorney general, allegedly isn’t doing enough to defend the statute.

Republican lawmakers have long complained that Stein’s advocacy has been half-hearted and has focused on technical issues instead of countering the oft-repeated left-wing claim that voter ID laws are racially discriminatory. Republicans generally favor strengthening election integrity measures, such as requiring photo identification by voters. Democrats generally oppose photo IDs, saying that the requirement is burdensome and disenfranchises voters.

In 2018, North Carolina voters approved by 55.5 to 44.5 percent a state constitutional amendment requiring voters to present photo ID and directing the North Carolina General Assembly to develop legislation to enforce this requirement. The Legislature soon approved Senate Bill 824, which Gov. Roy Cooper, a Democrat, vetoed. The Legislature overrode his veto.

Lower federal courts sided with Stein.

On June 7, 2021, a divided U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit rejected the request from the Legislature to take over the defense of the law from Stein. In dissent, Judge Harvie Wilkinson, a Reagan appointee, suggested that Stein may have a conflict of interest.

“When a challenge is brought to an unpopular or controversial state law, an attorney general’s defense of the law may be less than wholehearted,” Wilkinson wrote. “If the plaintiffs in the case are politically influential, the temptation to pull punches becomes even stronger. It casts no aspersions on anyone to note the obvious: North Carolina’s voter photo ID law is a very controversial statute.”

Separately, a divided state court in North Carolina struck down the law on Sept. 17, 2021, finding in Holmes v. Moore that it “was motivated at least in part by an unconstitutional intent to target African American voters.”

The case at hand is Berger v. North Carolina State Conference of the NAACP, court file 21-248, an appeal from a ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit. The lead petitioner Phil Berger, a Republican, is president pro tempore of the North Carolina Senate. Tim Moore, also a Republican and speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives, is also a petitioner. The lead respondent, the NAACP, is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

The case has drawn comparisons to Cameron v. EMW Women’s Surgical Center, in which the Supreme Court ruled—also by 8–1—on March 3 that Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron, a Republican, should be allowed to defend a state law restricting abortion after the state’s Democratic governor, Andy Beshear, refused to do so. The Epoch Times reported on the ruling at the time.

Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote the court’s opinion in the North Carolina case, which was joined by five conservative justices and two liberal justices. The sole dissenter was liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

“Setting aside the lower courts’ erroneous presumptions, the proper resolution of today’s case flows quickly,” Gorsuch wrote. “Casting aspersions on no one, this litigation illustrates how divided state governments sometimes warrant participation by multiple state officials in federal court.”

“Within wide constitutional bounds, States are free to structure themselves as they wish. Often, they choose to conduct their affairs through a variety of branches, agencies, and elected and appointed officials. These constituent pieces sometimes work together to achieve shared goals; other times they reach very different judgments about important policy questions and act accordingly.

“This diffusion of governmental powers within and across institutions may be an everyday feature of American life. But it can also pose its difficulties when a State’s laws or policies are challenged in federal court.”

If January 6th Had Been a Real “Insurrection”

Commentary By Lex Greene

…Not a single anti-American socialist democrat would remain in DC power today. Half of the republicans who are actually democrats in RNC disguise, would be gone as well.

If this many Americans had gone to Washington DC to “overthrow the government” in any armed “insurrection,” there are not enough cops or combat ready troops to have stopped it. This many Americans can do anything they want, anytime they want, and frankly, by any means they want.

This alone proves that the events of January 6th, 2021, had nothing to do with any “insurrection” or attempt to “overthrow” the government. It also proves how just such a show of unified indignation, scares the living hell out of every evildoer in DC. They NEVER want to see anything like this ever again.

AND…they sure aim to disarm every decent, honest, productive, law-abiding American Citizen, before such a gathering happens again!

Still, socialist democrats are wasting more taxpayer money with yet another wild witch hunt, with a blatant clear intent to simply make it difficult for Trump to ever seek office again, or for the people of the USA to ever execute their Right and Duty to remove from power, a government which is destructive of freedom, liberty, sovereignty, and security.

Since June 16, 2015, when Trump rode down the escalator to announce his political bid for the Oval Office, far left democrat lunatics have tried everything under the sun to destroy Trump, his family, his businesses, and his future. Repeated attempts all failed miserably, time and again. Every effort was instead, proven to be a pure political witch hunt based on false accusations, backed by fake evidence, solicited, and paid for by the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the Democrat Party.

Yet here we are again! Because it’s entirely impossible to sell January 6th events as any “insurrection” with a serious face, or even a “riot” by BLM and ANTIFA standards, congressional democrats have stopped using the term “insurrection” in their latest fake investigation, hoping many Americans will at least accept the equally false term, “riot.”

Meanwhile, countless political prisoners from that day remain in Biden’s gulag and more people are headed there, for allegedly “trespassing” on public property. Of course, it’s not possible to trespass on public property, because public property is owned by, well, the public. A property owner cannot trespass on their own property. They have a right to be there!

Most recently, the Biden regime arrested Dr. Simone Gold, leader of the Frontline Doctors group that has been spreading the TRUTH about COVID19 with thousands of other honest doctors, nurses and scientists.

UNDERSTAND: There is no proof at all that a single life has been saved by any of the COVID19 “vaccines.” No one can “prove” why someone didn’t die. However, there is a mountain of growing evidence that thousands or maybe millions of lives have been lost or ruined as a direct result of the so-called “vaccines.” The new “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” is the new label for vaccine related deaths.

Dr. Simone Gold and thousands of other reliable medical professionals from all over the globe have been proven right. Gold was simply speaking truth at the Trump Rally on January 6th. Christopher Cooper, U.S. district judge for the District of Columbia, sentenced Gold on Thursday to a 60-day prison term followed by 12 months of supervised release and ordered her to pay a $9,500 fine. Cooper was appointed to the bench by Barack Hussein Obama and is merely a rubber stamp for Obama’s political prisoners.

Likewise, evidence has shown that “mass-shootings” only happen in “gun-free zones,” where the criminal shooter is the only person armed. It’s therefore counterintuitive to suggest that disarming all legal lawful citizens can solve the problem.

As I finish this piece for release, the US Supreme Court just issued a ruling against New York’s effort to continue disarming their lawful citizens.

“In this case, petitioners and respondents agree that ordinary, law-abiding citizens have a similar right to carry handguns publicly for their self-defense. We too agree, and now hold, consistent with Heller and McDonald, that the Second and Fourteenth Amendments protect an individual’s right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home,” Justice Clarence Thomas wrote in the Court’s opinion. “Because the State of New York issues public-carry licenses only when an applicant demonstrates a special need for self-defense, we conclude that the State’s licensing regime violates the Constitution.” (SOURCE)

Now, in the case of the picture above from January 6, 2021… this picture is worth at least a billion words! Imagine if all of those people had been a part of any “armed insurrection” or even a BLM-ANTIFA riot… No one could have stopped them from doing anything they wanted to do that day, especially since House Speaker Pelosi had declined any special security measures offered by President Trump for that day.

No, there was no insurrection and no riot in DC on January 6, 2021. But these facts have had no impact at all on yet another expensive DNC circus stunt intended to mislead millions of Americans into voting themselves and everyone else back into bondage, under the false propaganda aimed at destroying Trump and every Trump supporter.

The picture tells all that needs to be told on the matter. This many armed angry Americans could have overthrown the DC criminal cabal that day if that’s what they had set out to accomplish. No one could have stopped it.

So, what are WE going to do about the continued open fraudulent assault on innocent freedom and liberty loving Americans, playing out on pretty much every news network, all of whom know the truth? Without the frauds in Congress and their lying minions in the news media, none of this could be happening. Without severe consequences for their actions, this is the new norm in the USA, an entire federal government and news media weaponized against every American citizen who dare to disagree.

Are YOU willing to accept these unconstitutional new norms for yourself, your loved ones, and all future generations? If you’re not, then it’s time to stand together against blatant unconstitutional tyranny from the halls of our own illegitimate government. According to our Charters of Freedom, such a government has no lawful right to exist…

Facts of Uvalde Shooting Violated All 4 Steps of Effective School Security

Information about what happened before and during the tragic school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, has changed continually. The bottom line is that it’s not a happy story, but confirms that school security is still a work in progress.

Having a plan is better than not having one. Absent good implementation, practice, and real rehearsals, however, the plan will fall apart.

What unfolded in Uvalde on May 24 is a dark comedy of errors and bad decisions. 

Originally, the story was that the shooter got inside the school, entered a classroom, and barricaded the door, and then frustrated police officers tried to apprehend him.

The school district’s police chief, Pedro “Pete” Arredondo, decided that the situation had devolved into a hostage situation, and besides, his men didn’t have the wherewithal to make a tactical breach. Given those “facts,” the chief decided to wait for other forces with more capability to arrive.

Almost all of that turned out to be wrong. The shooter killed 19 students and two teachers at Robb Elementary School and. Another 17 adults and children were wounded or injured in the attack.

We now know that the door to a fourth grade classroom invaded by the shooter wasn’t barricaded and may not even have been locked. Instead of two underequipped and wounded officers facing a huge obstacle, it was four officers with a ballistic shield, at least two of them armed with rifles, standing outside an unlocked classroom door. 

Arredondo, the school district’s police chief, now says that he never thought or knew he had authority at the scene as incident commander. The “decision” to wait before entering the room where the carnage was ongoing—and confronting the killer—now seems to have been a complete lack of initiative on everybody’s part. 

The long delay in stopping the shooter’s killing spree was completely unjustified. Arredondo was placed on administrative leave Wednesday.

What does all this mean? The situation violated all four steps of effective school security.

First, no one picked up on the many signals from the shooter of his potentially horrific intent. His misogynistic and violent comments online reference rape. His abuse of animals and dubious conversations and associations on social media all were ignored.

The fact that an underemployed 18-year-old had hoarded enough money to purchase two pricey, high-end firearms wasn’t noticed even by his parents or custodial grandparents. No preemptive action was considered, let alone taken. 

Second, school officials grossly violated control of access to the building. An unsecured door from the outside left a gaping hole in protection of the students that sunk law enforcement’s response plan nearly immediately. 

The shooter had acted out on the street beside the school, firing at two people across the street and at the building itself. This behavior produced a 911 call and the dispatching of police officers, but apparently no call to lock down the school.

Somehow the shooter apparently knew exactly which outside door was unsecured. Was he lucky? Had he done a reconnaissance? Or perhaps all the doors actually were unlocked?

Having that one door unsecured eliminated any value to directing visitors toward the front doors. Basically, school administrators had access control in name only. It really didn’t exist.

Third, despite the shooting going on outside, no lockdown was signaled inside the school. When police chased the shooter into the building, he simply entered a fourth grade classroom at random. Inside, the teachers were completely unprepared. The classroom door had not been locked and no one was in a safe place.

Again, the key here is that no lockdown occurred. This is the very definition of failure.

Fourth, and probably most telling, no one mounted an effective response onsite. This isn’t terribly surprising in a small town, but the incomprehensible response of law enforcement exacerbated the situation. When more police officers did arrive, they took no effective action whatsoever, allowing the killing to go on for an hour.

A trained onsite team would have been the best preparation. But barring that, police have to know what to do in an active shooter situation. In this case, officers should have initiated the breach of the classroom door immediately and taken out or arrested the shooter. 

Plans are great. They help tremendously. But plans must be well conceived, and then they must be briefed and discussed by all potential participants.

There must be a system that we call “crawl” (talking individual teachers through necessary actions in their classrooms), “walk” (slow-going drills that are evaluated and critiqued), and “run” (full-on drills that add some stress factors such as speed and  noise). 

Administrators must ensure that this is done, both when the system is initiated and on an ongoing basis. These actions find weak spots and build reflexive responses that move fast and with positive effect. If you don’t execute the plan, it’s guaranteed not to work.

All the mistakes still could be “rescued” by initiative and courage. Sadly, that was missing also. The response collapsed completely. 

We must learn from Uvalde.


Latest Shortage Crisis: Tampons

Tampons are now in increasingly short supply

Experts cite supply chain issues resulting from a combination of the COVID pandemic, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, cotton crop failures, increased cotton exports from the U.S. to China and inflation

Edgewell Personal Care, maker of Playtex and o.b.™ tampons, blames its declining stocks on “extensive workforce shortages” caused by Omicron surges in late 2021 and early 2022

Alternatives to tampons include pads and panty liners, reusable menstrual cups and discs, and reusable washable period panties

When using tampons, opt for ones that are certified 100% organic, unbleached, unscented and free of synthetic materials such as wood fluff pulp and other super-absorbent fibers, to avoid risks associated with pesticides, GMOs and toxic byproducts from bleaching. Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) certification ensures the cotton is truly organic and free of toxins

The Gas-Tax Holiday Is a Trap

News Analysis

The Biden administration is under intense pressure as the universal loathing of inflation has unleashed public fury. The most salient increase is in gas prices.

They have doubled since inauguration, and the record highs have upended all summer travels, made work commutes unbearably expensive, and severely damaged family finances. The producer costs are all devastating for trucking, airlines, and everything else.

The intensity of the pain outstrips the overall consumer price index and also affects utility bills for all residential and commercial properties, busting budgets from coast to coast.

It doesn’t help that the administration is on record, before taking office and at all levels ever since, in dreaming of the end of all non-renewable energy sources, and a conversion to a world in which we all live off the “wind and the sun”—a dream that effectively reverses most of the industrial achievements of the past 200 years.

Moreover, the Biden administration has repeatedly said that high gas prices have a silver lining, in that they spur a drive toward this great transformation. From everything “lousy,” Biden quotes his mother as saying, comes something good, in this case, the end of fossil fuels.

Let’s just say that voters aren’t on board with this dream. Nor does buying an electric vehicle somehow contribute to the dream of 100 percent renewables. For some reason, the Biden administration doesn’t seem to understand that most electricity is produced via coal, not wind and sun.

Facing pressure, and realizing that blaming Putin isn’t quite cutting it, the Biden administration thinks it has a solution. It’s calling for a temporary halt to the 18.4-cents-per-gallon tax on regular gas and a reprieve from the 24.4-cents-a-gallon diesel tax. It would have to be subject to congressional approval.

Let’s say it happens. The economic unsophisticates in Washington will demand to see an instant fall in the retail price by 18.4 cents, simply because these people are clueless about how pricing works in a market.

Prices are always forward-looking while taking into account producer costs tracing back deep into the production structure. The formation of prices is never mechanical; it’s always both retrospective and speculative, ultimately depending on complex relationships rooted in competitive structures, supply constraints, expectations, and demand elasticities.

White House political appointees with political science degrees from Wellesley simply can’t outthink the market even if they spend 20 minutes googling where energy comes from.

For example, do they even know at what stage of the production structure this tax is paid? It’s not at the pump. It’s much deeper back when the gas is shipped. Yes, those costs saturate the whole structure eventually, but not in a way that is easy to game.

It’s by no means certain that the price of gas would fall at all, simply because inflationary pressures are still there. Moreover, the Biden administration’s rhetorical and regulatory war on fossil fuels continues unabated. When the price fall doesn’t happen, the Biden administration will be well-positioned to step up these attacks with the claim that the oil companies “pocketed the savings” and failed to pass them on to consumers.

That would set up a real regulatory basis for hounding every retail seller in the country for alleged “price gouging,” and a further unjust attack on this most essential industry, thereby only intensifying the assaults on the energy sector. In fact, that has already begun, with Biden unleashing all kinds of hell on the actual sellers at the pump. It’s amazing.

Richest Man in Illinois Moves Business From Chicago to Miami Amid Crime Concerns

The richest person in Illinois announced Thursday he’s moving his hedge fund firm’s headquarters from Chicago to Miami, Florida, coming as he said that crime in the Windy City is far too high.

“Chicago will continue to be important to the future of Citadel, as many of our colleagues have deep ties to Illinois,” billionaire Ken Griffin wrote in a note Thursday to Citadel’s employees. “Over the past year, however, many of our Chicago teams have asked to relocate to Miami, New York, and our other offices around the world.”

“I am excited to share with you that Citadel is moving its global headquarters to Miami,” the letter read, according to several media reports. “Miami is a vibrant, growing metropolis that embodies the American Dream. I am excited to have recently moved to Miami with my family and look forward to rapidly expanding Citadel in a city so rich in diversity and abounding with energy.”

Griffin has provided more than $600 million in gifts to educational, cultural, medical, and civic organizations in Chicago over the years, his spokesman, Zia Ahmed, told the Wall Street Journal.

In the letter, he did not make any critical comments about Chicago’s or Illinois’s Democratic leaders, or the crime rate in the city.


Silicon Valley’s Transhuman Philosophy Is Fundamentally Wrong

If, through biotechnology, we could drastically enhance ourselves—such that our ability to absorb and manipulate information was unlimited, we experienced no disquiet, and we did not age—would we? Should we? For advocates of radical enhancement, or “transhumanism,” answering “yes” is a no-brainer. Accordingly, they press for the development of technologies that, by manipulating genes and the brain, would create beings fundamentally superior to us.

Transhumanism is far from a household term, but, whether or not they use the word publicly, its adherents are in places of power, especially in Silicon Valley. Elon Musk, the world’s richest person, is devoted to boosting “cognition” and co-founded the company Neuralink toward that end. Having raised more than $200 million in new funding in 2021, in January, Neuralink proclaimed its readiness to start human trials of brain-implantable computer chips for therapeutic purposes, to help those with spinal-cord injuries walk again. But Musk’s ultimate target in exploring brain-computer connections is “superhuman,” or “radically enhanced,” cognition—a top transhumanist priority. Those with radically heightened cognitive ability would be so advanced that they wouldn’t even really be human anymore but, instead, “posthuman.”

In transhumanist fantasy, posthumans could, philosopher Nick Bostrom assures us, “read, with perfect recollection and understanding, every book in the Library of Congress.” Similarly, according to futurist and transhumanist Ray Kurzweil—who has worked at Google since 2012—they would rapidly absorb the entire contents of the World Wide Web. Pleasure would be pervasive and boundless: Posthumans will “sprinkle it in [their] tea.” On the flip side, suffering wouldn’t exist, as posthumans would have “Godlike” control of their moods and emotions. Of course, posthuman bliss would not be supreme absent immortality. This last facet, the quest to conquer aging, already garners substantial backing from Silicon Valley. In 2013, Larry Page, Google’s co-founder—and CEO of its parent company, Alphabet, until December 2019—announced the launch of Calico Labs, whose mission is to understand aging and subvert it. A growing list of startups and investors, dedicated to the “reprogramming” of human biology with the defeat of aging in view, has entered the mix. This list now includes Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, who, in January, contributed to the $3 billion that launched Altos Labs.

Today, transhumanism’s name recognition has spread beyond Silicon Valley and academia. In 2019, an opinion piece in the Washington Post stated that “the transhumanism movement is making progress.” And a 2020 essay in the Wall Street Journal suggested that, by making “our biological fragility more obvious than ever,” COVID-19 may be “just the kind of crisis needed to turbocharge efforts” to achieve transhumanists’ goal of immortality.

You’re probably already familiar with certain enhancements—like athletes using steroids to gain a competitive advantage, or individuals using ADHD drugs like Ritalin and Adderall off label in search of a cognitive boost. But a chasm separates such enhancements from transhumanism, whose devotees would have us engineer a species-level upgrade of humanity into posthumanity. And key to all of transhumanism’s planned advancements, mental and physical, is a specific understanding of “information” and its causal dominance in relation to features that advocates prize. This focus on information is also transhumanism’s fatal flaw.

Arguably, transhumanism’s closest antecedent is Anglo-American eugenics, inaugurated by Francis Galton, who coined the term eugenics in 1883. Among the many substantive parallels between transhumanism and Anglo-American eugenics are an insistence that science set humanity’s guiding aspirations and that human intelligence and moral attitudes (such as altruism and self-control) require major, biological augmentation. The term transhumanism was first used by a British eugenicist, Julian Huxley (also the brother of Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World). Transhumanism as we know it, however, is a marriage of sorts between substantive commitments shared with Anglo-American eugenics and the notion that living things and machines are basically alike—the latter stemming from developments in computing and information theory during and after World War II.

Here, the key idea is that animate entities and machines are, in essence, information, their operations fundamentally the same. From this perspective, brains are computational devices, genetic causality works through “programs,” and the informational patterns constituting us are, in principle, translatable to the digital realm. This informational lens is the crux of transhumanism—its scientific convictions and confidence in prospects for humanity’s technological self-transcendence into posthumanity.

Some of transhumanism’s greatest promises rest on the assumption that genes, as information, drive and dominate people’s standing in relation to complex phenotypic traits, such as intelligence, self-control, kindness, and empathy: in other words, that they “code for” these features. Thus construed—transhumanists assure us—these traits are manipulable. The roots of these ideas go back more than 50 years. For instance, in The Logic of Life (1970), François Jacob announced that, “with the accumulation of knowledge, man has become the first product of evolution capable of controlling evolution.” Jacob’s expectation of boosts to complex mental features, once we pinpoint “the genetic factors involved”—in other words, attain due familiarity with the informational “mechanisms” playing key roles in their causation—is palpable in transhumanism. Today, however, the perspective represented by Jacob is increasingly rejected by scientists, philosophers of science, and historians.

That genes influence human features is not in question. Where transhumanists err is in the disproportionate role assigned to genes in creating their favored traits. In contrast to clear-cut physical features, such as eye color, the relationship of genetic “information” to characteristics such as intelligence and kindness is nuanced and indirect. Today, developmental systems theory supersedes the dominant, unidirectional causality previously lodged with genes. From this vantage point, development spans a range of levels and a wealth of factors, biological and nonbiological, that interact in complex ways. Crucially, as philosopher of science Susan Oyama observes, none of these factors—genes included—“is privileged a priori as the bearer of fundamental form or as the origin of ultimate causal control”; rather, “everything [the] organism does and is rises out of this interactive complex, even as it affects that very complex.”

Transhumanists’ understanding of the brain is similarly flawed. Their presumption that particular mental capacities are tethered to specific areas of the brain—and could, therefore, be targeted for manipulation—is increasingly outdated. Indeed, a monumental shift in the focus of neuroscientific research, from discrete areas with dedicated functions to complex functional networks, is well underway. As is now well documented, mental tasks such as attention, memory, and creativity engage numerous areas of the brain; individual regions are pluripotent, meaning that they have multiple roles; and various areas function as “hubs.” To give but one example, as neuroscientist Luiz Pessoa observes, the amygdala, long deemed a strictly emotional area—tied to the processing of fear-related information in particular—“is increasingly recognized as playing important roles in cognitive, emotional, and social processes.”


Report: Working In The Metaverse Lowers Productivity, Causes Anxiety

According to a recent report, volunteers who spent a week working in a virtual-reality environment similar to the metaverse proposed by Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook reported more anxiety, lower productivity, and suffering from migraines.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been pushing for the development of a full digital metaverse, where people will work, game, and socialize in a virtual world powered by Facebook’s VR headsets. But a recent report from New Scientist found that volunteers who spent one week living in the metaverse were not thrilled about the concept.

Workers that spent a week in the metaverse for extended periods of time reported higher levels of anxiety, an increased perception of higher workloads, and some experienced adverse physical effects. The study was conducted by researchers from European institutions including Coburg University in Germany and Cambridge University in the UK.

16 universe staff and reserach participants spent their 35-hour workweek in normal, physical office spaces, and then another week doing the same workload in virtual reality. Researchers found that when it came to health and productivity, almost all participants reported “significantly worse ratings across most measures.”

Participants reported greater anxiety over their job, an average increase of 19 percent while working in the metaverse. Their perception of how much work they had to do also grew by 35 percent compared to the week spent in the physical office. Workers also reported greater “frustration,” with being able to complete their work in a timely manner. Researchers also found that productivity dropped by around 16 percent.

A Vibrating Pill for Constipation Goes to the FDA

The latest Phase 3 trial using a vibrating pill enrolled 850 patients at 137 sites and showed 61% added at least one bowel movement each week as compared to 33% who had the same result after taking a placebo

The pill can be tracked by the user on a smartphone app and can also be monitored by the user’s physician. This opens the potential for the user’s location and other data to be accessible and increases exposure to EMF

The number of people with chronic constipation varies depending on the study, but one found 16% of all adults and 33.5% of those over 60 with chronic constipation lead to millions of clinic visits and over 700,000 ER visits; another study found 65% of people over 65 had symptoms of constipation

Chronic constipation is associated with anal fissures, rectal prolapse, hemorrhoids, kidney disease and neurological diseases and may trigger heart events

Instead of a vibrating smart pill, consider using proven strategies to regulate your circadian rhythm and support your gut health to normalize your bowel habits. These include good sleep hygiene, hydration, fiber and regular exercise

—> If you suffer from constipation try Oxy-Powder, a safe and effective colon cleanse product that uses the power of oxygen to gently cleanse and detoxify your entire digestive tract and relieve bloating, gas and occasional constipation.

How Intermittent Fasting Can Help You Live Healthier, Longer

Fasting has a number of health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, reduced cancer risk, gene repair and increased longevity

Research shows you can get most, if not all, of the same benefits of severe calorie restriction through intermittent fasting, when you feast on some days and cut calories on others

One of the primary mechanisms that makes intermittent fasting so beneficial for health is related to its impact on your insulin sensitivity

Intermittent fasting helps reset your body to burn fat for fuel

Mounting evidence shows that when your body becomes adapted to burning fat instead of sugar as your primary fuel you dramatically reduce your risk of chronic disease

People who would be best served to avoid fasting include those living with chronic stress (adrenal fatigue), and those with cortisol dysregulation. Pregnant or nursing mothers should also avoid fasting


Energy Crisis: EU Passes Carbon Emissions Bill that will Result in ‘Poverty for Generations’

Despite the fact the bloc is wrestling with a crippling energy crisis, the EU has passed legislation putting further curbs on carbon emissions.

Having initially failed to pass the European parliament two weeks ago in part thanks to Conservative and Populist politicians voting against the measure, the EU has now managed to push through a further climate crazy clampdown on carbon emissions.

Being implemented despite the fact that many nations within the union are experiencing a crippling energy crisis, the move has been described by one MEP as condemning the EU to generations of poverty.

Part of the bloc’s “Fit for 55” plan to cut union-wide emissions by 55 per cent, the initially rejected measures passed on Wednesday significantly expand the EU’s regime of carbon trading, something critics claim will result in higher costs for both individuals and businesses.

“By passing the Fit for 55 legislation, the European Parliament has condemned the European Union to have no future and its citizens to poverty for generations to come,” Cristian Terhes MEP told Breitbart Europe shortly after parliament voted to implement the once rejected measures.

“This legislation is part of the “ambitious” plan of Ursula von der Leyen to change the behaviour of Europeans through higher taxes and prices, as well as more restrictions,” the Romanian conservative continued. “Not only will this legislation will make the EU less attractive for businesses, but it will also push current businesses to escape the EU.”

“People will be left with less jobs, less opportunities and will barely make ends meet from one month to another,” Terhes went on to say, adding that those within the bloc were already feeling the costs of the EU’s ‘utopian dreams’.

The European Union’s expansion of its carbon trading system — along with a host of other measures put through as part of the Fit for 55 plan this month — come as many of its member states resort to burning high carbon-emitting fuels to help fend off the ongoing energy crisis sparked in part by the war in Ukraine.

Germany, for example, has had to resort to burning more coal to keep the lights on after Moscow dramatically reduced the amount of gas it was supplying the country with, with ministers now announcing that the country is in the midst of a “gas crisis” as a result.

Meanwhile, Italy has attempted to significantly cut down on its energy usage by rationing the use of air conditioning in public buildings, mandating that government offices and schools can only be cooled to a maximum of  25 degrees celsius (77°F) during the summer months.

How the EU’s relentless pursuit of lower carbon emissions will play into epidemic energy insecurity spreading through the bloc has yet to be seen, but Cristian Terhes is adamant that individual voters need to act so as to resist the actions of the European Commission.

“It is time for people across [the] EU to get ready to elect to the European Parliament representatives who use common sense, reason and facts when passing laws, not nonfactual and utopian ideologies, which are disregarding their rights and condemning them to poverty,” the European Conservatives and Reformists Group concluded.


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COVID-19 Vaccination Reactivates Highly Contagious Virus: Studies

Reports of people being diagnosed with shingles on the rise

Doctors and scientists are seeing an increase in the reactivation of the chickenpox virus, known as varicella-zoster virus (VZV), following the COVID-19 injections.

The chickenpox virus is one of the eight herpes viruses known to infect humans. After a person contracts and recovers from chickenpox, the virus never leaves the body but lies dormant in the nervous system for life.

The chickenpox virus will show up as shingles, or herpes zoster (HZ) when it gets reactivated.

Federal health authorities claim that there’s no correlation between COVID-19 injections and shingles, but studies show that there is a higher incidence of shingles in people who’ve received the vaccine.

Israel was one of the earlier countries to publish a case series of six women (out of 491 participants) with an autoimmune disorder who developed shingles 3 to 14 days after receiving the first or second dose of Pfizer COVID-19 shot. None of the 99 participants in the control group developed shingles. The study was published in the journal Rheumatology in April 2021.

“To our knowledge, there were no reports of varicella-like skin rash or HZ in the mRNA-based vaccines COVID-19 clinical trials and our case series is the first one to report this observation in patients within a relatively young age range: 36–61, average age 49 ± 11 years,” the authors wrote.

They hoped that publishing the case series would “raise awareness to a potential causal link between COVID-19 vaccination as a trigger of HZ reactivation in relatively young patients with stable AIIRD [autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases].”

Major Supermarket Chain Won’t Give COVID-19 Vaccines for Kids Under 5

Florida-based supermarket chain Publix said Tuesday that it will not provide COVID-19 vaccines for children under the age of 5 after authorizations were handed down by federal health agencies.

Spokesperson Hannah Herring told the Tampa Bay Times that the company will not be providing vaccines for kids aged 6 months to 4 years “at this time.” Herring said the company will not be providing an explanation for the decision.

The company’s website says that it will provide COVID-19 vaccines for children aged 5 and older. Publix’s pharmacies are still offering influenza vaccines and other, traditional vaccines for young children, according to its website.

The Epoch Times has contacted Publix, which has the majority of its stores in Florida, for comment.

A spokesperson for CVS told Fox News that the company will offer vaccines for children younger than 5, while Walgreens told Fox 13 in Tampa Bay that children ages 3 and older can receive the vaccine across the United States, including in Florida.

And a spokesperson for Walmart told the Tampa Bay Times that it will give vaccines to kids aged 4 and older.

“While we expect the majority of these vaccines to be distributed to pediatric providers, we plan to administer authorized vaccines for ages 3–5 as supply as distribution allows,” said Walmart spokesperson Tyler Thomason.

Last week, both the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) handed down an emergency authorization to give Pfizer’s and Moderna’s mRNA vaccines to children aged 6 months and older. The agencies in October 2021 similarly approved an emergency use authorization for Pfizer’s vaccine for children aged 5 to 11 years of age, although federal data suggests that only about 29 percent of children in that age group are fully vaccinated.


Twitter Suspends Doctor for Sharing Study That Shows Pfizer Vaccine Impacts Semen

Twitter has suspended a doctor for sharing the study that shows men who received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine had lower levels of semen and a loss in motile sperm count.

Dr. Andrew Bostom, with the Brown University Center For Primary Care and Prevention, shared the peer-reviewed study on June 19.

Twitter informed Bostom that the missive violated its policy against “spreading misleading and potentially harmful information related to COVID-19, according to a message reviewed by The Epoch Times. It suspended Bostom’s account over the post.

“It seems to fit into the whole pattern of silencing open discussion,” Bostom told The Epoch Times.

Twitter did not respond to a request for comment.

Bostom’s post included a link to the Israeli study, which analyzed semen and sperm in men who received two doses, or a primary series, of Pfizer’s vaccine.

The study was published online ahead of publication in Andrology.

Researchers found that the men had lower levels of semen concentration and lower numbers of sperm after receiving a vaccine.

They alleged that the issues were resolved after 150 days, but figures from the paper actually suggested that was not the case. The authors wrote that the values “did not reach statistical significance.”

In his post, Bostom wrote that primary vaccination with Pfizer’s vaccine “temporarily impairs semen concentration and total motile count among semen donors, with apparant rebound by ~5mos, but no data on boostering effect.”

“Does boostering yield another decline?” he wondered.

“I kind of understood what they really showed, which is that some of the metrics, whether it was the counts or the motility, were still depressed,” Bostom told The Epoch Times. “And I used their terminology … I didn’t do anything to exaggerate their findings.”

The authors said they excluded men with boosters.

“I just pointed out that if this happens with the first series of vaccinations, maybe if they take these guys and have data on people that were semen donors and they had boosted them, when they followed them after the booster, you’d see another round of depression, and maybe it would be depressed—who knows—would it be depressed more? Would it be depressed, less? Would the effect last longer? We just don’t have any data on that,” Bostom said. “So that was the only other thing I put into my tweet—that we just don’t know what the effect of boosters is going to be. I don’t know why any of that was such a big deal.”

At least one other prominent figure has shared the study and not been affected.

Dr. Peter McCullough, a cardiologist, shared on Twitter a screenshot of The Epoch Times article about the study’s results along with an image from the study that highlighted how men still had lower semen concentration and sperm counts when measured 150 days or more after getting the vaccine.

“Indiscriminate use instead of targeted, risk-stratified EUA rollout has led to a myriad of concerns. Never broadly apply a brand new experimental biologic agent on a large population without assessment of risk stratification,” McCullough wrote. “Over-used and now uninvited concerns in young men.”

Conservative Gays Speak Out Against ‘Radical LGBTQ Agenda’

A group of conservative gays including a celebrity drag queen is coming out against what they call the radical left LGBTQ+ agenda of promoting drag queen events for children and trying to de-gender society by pushing transgenderism.

In coming out against “their own,” the group of men, all emerging social media influencers, say they know they are risking being ostracized by some of the gay lobby pushing these so-called “woke agendas,” as they called them, but said they are concerned that if they don’t speak up, the radical movement will ruin the progress gays have made to be accepted as normal.

William Browning, a veteran drag queen who now manages Ru Paul drag queen pageantries in LA, blames parents and educators for embracing what he told The Epoch Times is “obviously and absolutely inappropriate activity” being promoted by what he referred to as “the alphabet community.”

“There is a difference between being gay and promoting deviant behavior and we want to make that distinction,” said Browning, a former truck driver and diesel mechanic who has half a million followers on social media and is also a staunch supporter of former president Donald Trump.

Browning and the other men are so disgusted by what they call the “crazy woke gay movement” that they produced a video they are releasing on June 24 entitled Top 5 Things About The LGBTQIA+ Community No Ones Talking About.

The men chose Pride Month to release the video because they want the growing number of parents who take their kids to Pride Month events and are supporting radical gay agendas in their schools to see how misguided they are.

“It’s normalizing public indecency,” said Frank Rodriguez, who helped produce the video, “if we don’t draw it in and end this nonsense, the entire gay community is going to get labeled as supporting it.”

Rodriguez, who hosts a popular weekly YouTube show on gay-centric issues, said the gay community has enough problems without far-left gays promoting them as sexual deviants. “Being gay is only a part of who we are,” Rodriguez, who holds multiple degrees, emphasized.

According to Rodriguez, opioid use is three times higher in the gay community than among heterosexuals. Gay pride month, he said, is a venue for drug use and also sexual assaults that go largely underreported because of assaults by gays on gays. Rodriquez would actually like to abolish “pride month.”

He said he is shocked by the growing number of parents that he has observed standing next to their children clapping and smiling as gay men expose themselves during public gay performances. “It has literally made me sick to my stomach,” he said, “do parents actually think this is progressive?”

Anthony Raimondi, known as Conservative Ant to his quarter of a million followers on social media, said he knows there are many gays who feel the same, but are are afraid to speak up publicly. “We worked so hard to normalize our lifestyle, to get married and to adopt children and we are now going back 10 years,” said Raimondi, who also appears in the video.

For Browning, who has long been performing in drag under the names Kitty Demure and Hogatha, the most disturbing is the support of drag queen events by parents, government officials, and taxpayer-funded institutions such as the Smithsonian American Art Museum, which hosted a drag show earlier this month for children as young as three.

The industry, he said, is based purely on adult gay sex. He said there is a lot of drug use in the drag queen industry and there is nothing about drag queens that is intended to benefit children.

“Parents are exposing their children to a culture that was never meant to be child friendly,” he said. “They are treating it like a lifestyle. I put on these shows and I’ve seen a million of them and I’ve been in a million of them; I know what they’re doing. They are taking their night time drag queen routine and putting it into a day time setting for kids.”

Browning suspects that when parents see big companies like Geico and Chase Bank with their “rainbow-covered corporate” signs sponsoring gay events, they take that as virtue signaling when in reality, the companies are just tapping into the revenue potential of a popular radical agenda.

Even promoting things like transgender closets, he suspects, has a profit-making agenda. “You have a dysphoric kid, so now you’re buying two wardrobes,” said Browning.


Artist and Her Husband Ditch ‘Noisy City Life’ for Self-Renovated Cozy Home in the Woods

Tired of the “noisy city life,” a Kazakhstan-born artist and her Russian-born husband ditched their urban digs in favor of a quiet home in the middle of nature. The now beautiful, cozy home inspires the couple to live in harmony with the world around them.

Both 32, freelance artist and content creator Katharina Kölln and her husband, Roman, an online marketing consultant, have lived in Germany since childhood. They began dating at the age of 15 and married each other 11 years ago.

Tired of the “noisy city life,” a Kazakhstan-born artist and her Russian-born husband ditched their urban digs in favor of a quiet home in the middle of nature. The now beautiful, cozy home inspires the couple to live in harmony with the world around them.

Both 32, freelance artist and content creator Katharina Kölln and her husband, Roman, an online marketing consultant, have lived in Germany since childhood. They began dating at the age of 15 and married each other 11 years ago.

However, the couple were clear from the start that they wanted to have a small house with a large, overgrown green plot.

“The plan was to make everything as simple and sustainable as possible; it should be fun and extraordinary, functional and minimalist at the same time,” Katharina said.

Beginning their process of renovation a year ago, the couple set out to renovate almost everything in their home. They hired a building surveyor to find out what they could possibly do by themselves and what they could outsource.

The pair got the roof insulated by outside contractors before taking on the rest of the work themselves.

“We always inform ourselves very thoroughly before each project; of course, everything has to be done professionally and safely,” said Katharina. “It’s fun! The house becomes something very special, and of course, we save money in the process.”

Spending between 60,000 and 70,000 pounds (approx. US$73,500 to $85,800) on materials needed for the entire redevelopment, Katharina and Roman sanded and partly replastered the walls, enlarged and reframed the windows, installed interior doors, laid wooden floors, and updated the shower room. They “opened the ceiling,” sanded the original ceiling beams, and laid roof tiles.

However, their renovation is still not complete, according to Katharina. The couple plans to clad the sloping roof with wood, swap two more windows, exchange the terrace and entrance doors, build a bathroom with a bathtub and a guest toilet, and erect a new fence to enclose two proud editions to the garden: a sauna and hot tub.

The entire house boasts the couple’s nature-loving, minimalist aesthetic throughout. Katharina’s artistic eye has also helped bring the couple’s visions to life; “as an artist and interior blogger I have endless ideas,” she said.

Katharina revealed that they plan to finally finish the entire renovation process by the end of this year.

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