July 2, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: May 18, 2023


US President Joe Biden arrives in Japan for G7 summit

The talks will focus on Russia’s war on Ukraine, nuclear disarmament, artificial intelligence, climate change and economic security.

United States President Joe Biden has arrived for a Group of Seven summit set to be dominated by Russia’s war on Ukraine and concerns about China’s rising power and influence.

During the talks in Hiroshima, Biden is expected to rally the G7 countries to increase pressure on Moscow to end the war in Ukraine and join his administration’s efforts to push back against Beijing.

G7 leaders to discuss proposal for Ukraine peace summit

Talks come as China’s leader Xi Jinping’s special envoy visits Kyiv touting Beijing’s ‘political settlement’ to end conflict

G7 leaders will discuss a proposal to hold a Ukraine peace summit during their three-day meeting in Hiroshima this week, in an effort to promote Kyiv’s proposal for how to end Russia’s war against the country rather than rival plans proposed by China. The G7 talks on the proposed event, which has been championed by Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelenskyy and is not expected to include Russia, come as Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s special envoy visits Kyiv touting Beijing’s “political settlement” to end the almost 15-month long conflict. Zelenskyy’s 10-point plan to end the conflict includes a demand for Moscow to withdraw all its troops and for Ukraine’s full territorial integrity to be restored. China’s version does not call for Russia’s full withdrawal before peace negotiations are opened.

Kyiv Residents Who Posted Footage of Russian Air Attack on Social Media Threatened With Jail

Six Kyiv residents who posted shocking night-time footage of missiles flying through the air which quickly went viral could face up to eight years in prison if charged with breaking wartime censorship rules.

While in an age of social media saturation, it may seem natural to record and post something extraordinary happening outside your bedroom window that is presently illegal in Ukraine, as six locals — including a locally famous Instagram model — are finding out.

Turkish Opposition Documents Thousands of Ballot Box Irregularities in Presidential Election

Turkey’s main opposition party, the Republican People’s Party (CHP), on Wednesday filed complaints about thousands of alleged irregularities at ballot boxes in Sunday’s election, when incumbent authoritarian President Recep Tayyip Erdogan dramatically outperformed his poll numbers and came within half a point of winning an immediate victory over favored challenger Kemal Kilicdaroglu.

CHP officials admitted their challenges were highly unlikely to nullify the first round of the election, which will be settled by a runoff between Erdogan and Kilicdaroglu on May 28. Some of the irregularities amounted to a single miscounted vote, while others allegedly affected hundreds of ballots.

Mayor Candidate in London Fired for Saying ‘Marriage Is Between a Man and Woman’ Wins Lawsuit

The Christian mayoral candidate in London’s civic election has scored a “massive win” after tasting bitter discrimination from her former employer, housing association L&Q.

It wasn’t discrimination for her skin color—she’s the daughter of Jamaican immigrants—but the religious views she espoused during her campaign that marriage is “between a man and a woman.” For this, she was fired from her job of 13 years, though she fought back. And won.

Texas Warns Against Surgeries in Mexico over Deadly Meningitis Cases

The Texas Department of State Health Services issued an alert this week about five meningitis cases contracted by patients who traveled to Matamoros for medical procedures and received an epidural or anesthetic injected in the spinal column area. DSHS described meningitis as the swelling of the protective covering of the brain and spinal cord.

“It is very important that people who have recently had medical procedures in Mexico monitor themselves for symptoms of meningitis,” said DSHS Commissioner Jennifer Shuford in a prepared statement. “Meningitis, especially when caused by bacteria or fungus, can be a life-threatening illness unless treated promptly.”


Rep. Anna Paulina Luna Introduces Resolution to Expel Adam Schiff from Congress

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) on Wednesday introduced a resolution to expel Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff (CA) from Congress.

Luna’s resolution comes days after Special Counsel John Durham released a report about the FBI’s investigation into the Trump campaign for alleged Russian collusion.

Democrat Bill Would Pack Supreme Court to Lessen Conservative Influence

Senate Democrats unveiled a new bill that would pack the Supreme Court by adding four new seats beyond the current nine seats, a move that could lead to the loss of the court’s current conservative majority.

The legislation comes after President Joe Biden’s commission on Supreme Court reform failed in December 2021 to recommend expanding the size of the nation’s highest court. Public approval of the court has fallen in recent years, according to polls. The late Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt tried to pack the court in the 1930s after it kept striking down his New Deal policies but the plan ultimately went nowhere after the public and lawmakers from his own party turned against it.

Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) unveiled his new legislation, the proposed Judiciary Act of 2023 (pdf), at a press conference on the steps of the Supreme Court on May 16.

DeSantis signs into law restrictions on trans Floridians’ access to treatments and bathrooms

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday signed into law new restrictions on gender-affirming treatments for minors, drag shows, bathroom usage and which pronouns can be used in school, the latest front in the Republican leader’s ongoing cultural battles.

“We are going to remain a refuge of sanity and a citadel of normalcy, and kids should have an upbringing that reflects that,” DeSantis said.

Time for the Political Proctology Exam! 

House GOP Requests Testimony From Durham as Report on FBI Probe Into Trump Campaign Released

House Judiciary Republicans requested congressional testimony from Special Counsel John Durham, whose investigative report on the FBI’s 2016-2017 probe into the Trump campaign was published on Monday.

“We’ve reached out to the Justice Department to have Special Counsel John Durham testify next week,” Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, wrote in a statement on Twitter on Monday.

Jordan indicated in a Monday letter (pdf) published on Twitter that the hearing would occur on May 25. He asked Durham to summarize his findings in a ten-minute opening statement and answer questions from committee members.

The judiciary committee’s request came as the Department of Justice (DOJ) published the much-anticipated Durham report (pdf), concluding the Special Counsel’s three-year-long investigation into the FBI’s conduct—and alleged misconduct—in investigating the Trump campaign from July 2016 to May 2017.

Florida Congressman Calls to Indict FBI Agents Following Durham Report

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) has suggested that the FBI should be defunded and its agents criminally indicted after special counsel John Durham concluded this week that the federal agency should have never launched an investigation into whether former President Donald Trump colluded with Russia during the 2016 election.

Durham’s 300-plus page report (pdf) asserted that the FBI rushed into the probe without having any evidence that officials from the Trump campaign had contacted any Russian intelligence officer.

During an interview with Newsmax on Monday, Gaetz accused the FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) of being politically biased in the probe, alleging the agency has become “the enforcement wing of the Democratic Party to play offense against Trump,” describing its actions as “very ugly for the future of a democracy where the people make the choices.”

“The report takes great lengths to point out the number of times where Trump was targeted in a way no other American would be,” Gaetz said. “In essence, the FBI has now become a disinformation and election interference enterprise here in our country. It’s very damning for them, the Steele Dossier was nonsense, the probable cause standard even to originate an investigation … was never met, and you had a secret court that was lied to.”

“I think we have to deauthorize, defang, and defund many of these authorities and entities and different task forces that actually converted the just and righteous act of protecting our country with the desire to have a particular political candidate win or lose,” he added.

Kari Lake Election Challenge Heads to Trial, Maricopa Voter Signatures Under Scrutiny

A three-day trial is scheduled to start Wednesday for Republican candidate Kari Lake to prove that Maricopa County did not properly verify voter signatures on ballot envelopes during the 2022 midterm elections and that those problems changed the outcome of the race.

Lake first challenged the election in December. So far, two Arizona courts have rejected her arguments that there were enough problems on Election Day that cost her the election, but Arizona’s Supreme Court earlier this week allowed a three-day trial to proceed on her claims centered around alleged signature-verification issues in Maricopa County, which includes Phoenix. The trial will start Wednesday.

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson on Monday confirmed in a ruling that the trial would take place and stated the issue for consideration. Lake’s team must prove her allegations with “clear and convincing evidence,” while adding that she hasn’t presented what he described as compelling evidence so far. He also wrote that her lawsuit “falls far below what is needed to establish a basis for fraud.”

“While the difference between a tabulator-based claim and a printer-based claim may seem like a subtle distinction, it is not,” Thompson also wrote. “Count II was fully litigated at trial and this court’s disposition was affirmed by both the Court of Appeals and Arizona Supreme Court. This is not newly discovered evidence that goes to the claim as presented to the court in December and reviewed on appeal. It is a wholly new claim, and therefore Count II remains unrevived.”

Comer ‘Won’t Be Intimidated’ by Liberal Group’s Call for Investigation, Says House Oversight Committee

The House Oversight and Accountability Committee is pushing back against Facts First USA’s call for an investigation into Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.), describing the liberal advocacy group’s efforts as “theatrics” meant to intimidate.

“Dark money organizations are attempting to intimidate congressional investigators who are shining a light on the Biden family’s shady business schemes,” a House Oversight Committee spokesperson told The Epoch Times on May 16 in an emailed statement.

Earlier that day, Facts First USA sent a letter to U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves, contending that Comer may have violated the law in a May 14 Fox News interview, during which he said his committee had been unable to “track down” an informant linked to allegations that President Joe Biden was involved in a quid-pro-quo bribery scheme.

“Representative James Comer recently revealed that the ‘informant’ he is relying on for his unsubstantiated allegations against President Biden cannot be located,” Facts First USA co-chairs Maria Cardona and David Jolly wrote. “In truth, there is a strong possibility that the ‘informant’ that Representative Comer has been speaking about does not exist. This would explain why Representative Comer never produces the evidence he says demonstrates criminal conduct on the part of the Biden family.”

Federal Judge Expands Block on Biden Policy to Fast-Track Release of Illegal Immigrants

A federal judge on Tuesday ordered a preliminary injunction on the Biden administration’s “parole with conditions” policy that would allow federal authorities to release illegal immigrants into the country without a court date.

Judge T. Kent Wetherell, who placed a temporary restraining order (TRO) on the policy last week, on Tuesday found that Florida would suffer “irreparable harm” without the injunction.

“Florida is entitled to a preliminary injunction prohibiting DHS (Department of Homeland Security) from ‘paroling’ aliens into the country under the Parole with Conditions policy,” the judge wrote in his ruling (pdf).

DHS also requested that the court convert the TRO ordered on May 11 into a preliminary injunction that would remain in effect while the case plays out so that it can seek review from an appellate court.

Florida had argued that without the injunction, the state would suffer harm by the mass release of illegal immigrants into the country, as some of them would travel to Florida. The judge, an appointee of former President Donald Trump, agreed.

ANALYSIS: How Trump Turned the Tables on Manhattan DA’s Indictment

‘He’s managed to turn a vulnerability into a strength and that’s something we’ve seen him do over and over again.’

Despite the recent indictment by New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg, former President Donald Trump has managed to turn it into a positive boost fueling his bid to return to the White House in 2024.

As previously reported by The Epoch Times, Bragg filed a 16-page indictment (pdf) of 34 felony charges and a 13-page statement of facts (pdf) against Trump on April 4 for allegedly falsifying business records to conceal damaging information regarding an alleged affair with adult film actress Stormy Daniels before and after the 2016 election.

Bragg is the first prosecutor in U.S. history to bring a criminal case against a current or former U.S. president.

From the outset, legal experts and members of the liberal media warned Bragg about pushing a vague charge for a crime that exceeded its statute of limitations. But Bragg went forward anyway.

Dennis Prager believes it’s all part of a plan.

“I would not rule out that this is part of the design by others who have influenced Alvin Bragg,” Prager told The Epoch Times. Yet he also conceded that Bragg “may have decided this completely on his own.”

“He may want to be a star on the left and be the one to bring down Donald Trump,” Prager proposed. “These people hate Donald Trump with a hatred we don’t find rational.”

EXCLUSIVE: Tim Scott And Joe Manchin Join Forces On Bill To Help ‘Invisible’ Americans Build Credit Scores
Republican Sen. Tim Scott joined forces with Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin to introduce a bill Wednesday that would make it easier for “invisible” American consumers to build credit scores.

The legislation, entitled the Credit Access and Inclusion Act, would amend the Fair Credit Reporting Act to allow property owners and telecom providers to report “certain positive consumer credit information” to credit reporting agencies, according to the bill. If a consumer makes payments promptly, it will count toward their credit score.

“If you pay your bills on time, your credit score should reflect it,” Scott, a ranking member on the Senate Banking Committee, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Americans shouldn’t be held back from purchasing a home, financing their education, or pursuing their dreams simply because their on-time payments don’t happen to count towards their credit scores. This bill will remove needless barriers and help hardworking Americans gain access to credit.”

Harry and Meghan Accused of Pulling ‘Smollett-Style Hoax’ After Police Dispute Car Chase Claim

I try to pay as little attention as possible to the trials and tribulations of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, but it has been impossible to ignore the story that broke Wednesday on what they alleged was a “near-catastrophic car chase” their spokesman says occurred Tuesday night after attending an awards ceremony in New York City, where Markle was given the Gloria Steinem-inspired “Ms. Foundation’s Women of Vision” award by Steinem herself.

“Last night, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Ms. [Doria] Ragland [Markle’s mother] were involved in a near catastrophic car chase at the hands of a ring of highly aggressive paparazzi. This relentless pursuit, lasting over two hours, resulted in multiple near collisions involving other drivers on the road, pedestrians and two NYPD officers,” the statement read.

“While being a public figure comes with a level of interest from the public, it should never come at the cost of anyone’s safety. Dissemination of these images, given the ways in which they were obtained, encourages a highly intrusive practice that is dangerous to all in [sic] involved.”

The statement seemed odd to me, as the only time you typically hear of car chases that last that long in any city usually involve someone trying to escape being pulled over by the police, not celebrities trying to avoid having their pictures taken.

I wasn’t the only one who expressed skepticism over what was alleged to have happened.

“It’s not possible to have a ‘2-hour’ car chase in NYC, too many lights and traffic along with police stations everywhere,” NewsCycle president Jon Nicosia tweeted. “Literally hundreds of places they could have pulled into to get away from the cameras.

The DC Examiner’s Byron York openly wondered if anyone had “seen any photos from the ‘ring of highly aggressive paparazzi’ responsible for the ‘near catastrophic car chase’ with the Sussexes last night?”

Mayorkas Welcomed Record Surge of Migrants in April

President Joe Biden’s border deputies welcomed a record surge of economic migrants in April, shortly before they lifted the Title 42 barrier on May 11.


Lombardo vetoes gun control bills; ‘will not support’ infringing on Nevadans’ rights

In his first vetoes of the 2023 legislative session, Gov. Joe Lombardo rejected a trio of firearms-related bills on Wednesday.

“I will not support legislation that infringes on the constitutional rights of Nevadans,” Lombardo said in a statement. “As I stated in my (veto) letters, much of the legislation I vetoed today is in direct conflict with legal precedent and established constitutional protections. Therefore, I cannot support them.”

The vetoed legislation includes Assembly Bill 355, which would prohibit a person younger than 21 from possessing or purchasing a semiautomatic shotgun or semiautomatic rifle, and Assembly 354, which would bar people from possessing a firearm within 100 feet of an entrance to an election site. Both bills were passed in the Senate Monday on party lines.

US Supreme Court Allows Illinois Gun Control Law to Remain in Effect

The U.S. Supreme Court on May 17 allowed Illinois’s strict new gun control law to remain in effect, denying an emergency request for an injunction.

It means that the measure, which bans what it calls “assault weapons,” will remain intact while lower courts deliberate the matter. An Illinois gun store owner filed a petition with the high court to block the ban on a range of firearms as well as “large capacity” magazines.

Neither the Supreme Court nor Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who received the emergency request from the gun shop owner, explained why it decided not to issue an injunction; no public dissents were made available.

Currently, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit is considering the gun store owner’s case against the state. The Chicago-based court hasn’t yet issued a final ruling on the law, although the decision will likely be appealed regardless of the outcome.

In a separate case, a federal judge blocked the gun law. However, the 7th Circuit Court has placed that decision on hold in the meantime.


IRS Flags Over 1 Million Tax Returns for Review Citing Possible Identity Theft

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has flagged over 1 million 2022 tax returns for additional review over potential identity fraud, according to a recent report.

The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration’s interim results (pdf) of the 2023 filing season, which they released on May 10, cited 1.1 million identified as of March 2 that warranted a closer look.

The IRS stated that thus far, they have confirmed that 12,617 of the tax returns were fraudulent, and they prevented the distribution of refunds totaling $105.3 million.

During the last tax year, the IRS only identified 9,626 as confirmed fraudulent returns, with the 2023 filing period already seeing a jump of roughly 3,000 illegal returns.

According to the study, the agency would employ 236 different filters during the tax filing season of 2023, which is an increase from the 168 filters that were used during the tax filing season of 2022.

The Treasury Inspector General’s office went on to explain that the filters consist of reported income and withholding amounts, filing requirements, age, filing history, and prison status. These characteristics are derived from tax returns that have been shown to be false.

IN-DEPTH: State AGs Charge That Insurance Companies’ Net Zero Agenda May Violate US Antitrust Laws

Corporate collusion to target fossil fuel companies is illegal under Sherman Antitrust Act, experts say

Attorneys general from 23 states issued a letter to 28 insurance companies on May 15 requesting information regarding possible violations by the insurers of U.S. antitrust laws.

In what could be the first step towards an antitrust lawsuit, the state AGs requested that the insurance companies provide details on their membership in climate associations like the Net Zero Insurance Alliance (NZIA) and the Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA), two United Nations-sponsored clubs whose members pledge to act in unison to transition global energy markets away from fossil fuels. The effort was led by Louisiana AG Jeff Landry and Utah AG Sean Reyes.

“I am concerned the Net Zero Insurance Alliance is stifling competition in Louisiana and driving up insurance costs for our consumers,” Landry stated. “We are investigating if their actions violate our antitrust and consumer protection laws.”

Austin drops nearly 30 places in new ranking of best U.S. places to live

How the mighty have fallen. After sliding out of the top 10 in city rankings in 2022, Austin is now considered a peer of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and Spartanburg, South Carolina. 

In its latest annual report of the best cities to live, U.S. News & World Report ranked Austin No. 40 overall.

While 40 may not be an outright terrible ranking, it helps to put this in perspective. Last year, Austin was ranked No. 13. In 2021, it was No. 5. In 2020, No. 3. And between 2017-2019 it three-peated as the best place to live in the United States.

Target Predicts Over $1 Billion in Losses From Theft, Forecasts Gloomy 2nd Quarter as Consumers Pull Back

Target predicted a gloomy second-quarter forecast as consumers pull back from non-essential purchases such as electronics and home goods, due to inflation.

However, the retailer maintained its full-year profit expectations as total sales rose 0.5 percent, in its May 17 quarterly earnings report.

The company’s poor forecast follows poor numbers from Home Depot, which is predicting a worse-than-expected drop in annual profit.

“American consumers continue to face difficult trade-off decisions as they juggle the wants and needs of their families … The fear of a looming recession weighs heavily on many American families,” Christina Hennington, a senior Target executive, told investors on the post-earnings call.


Musk Warns There’s a Chance AI ‘Goes Wrong and Destroys Humanity’

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has issued yet another warning about the potential dangers of artificial intelligence (AI)—namely, that it could destroy humanity.

In a May 16 interview with CNBC anchor David Faber, the tech tycoon noted that the future of AI could go one of two ways.

“There’s a strong probability that it will make life much better and that we’ll have an age of abundance,” he said. “And there’s some chance that it goes wrong and destroys humanity.”

He added: “Hopefully, that chance is small, but it’s not zero. And so, I think we want to take whatever actions we can think of to minimize the probability that AI goes wrong.”

Musk’s comments echoed concerns he shared in an April interview with Tucker Carlson, during which he posited that AI “has the potential of civilizational destruction.”


Montana to become first US state to ban TikTok

Montana Governor Greg Gianforte on Wednesday signed legislation to ban Chinese-owned TikTok from operating in the state to protect residents from alleged intelligence gathering by China, making it the first U.S. state to ban the popular short video app.

Montana will make it unlawful for Google and Apple’s app stores to offer TikTok within the state, but will not impose any penalties on individuals using the app. The ban is to take effect Jan. 1, 2024, and is almost certain to face legal challenges.


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New York to Track Residents’ Food Purchases and Place “Caps on Meat” Served by Public Institutions

New York City will begin tracking the carbon footprint of household food consumption and putting caps on how much red meat can be served in public institutions as part of a sweeping initiative to achieve a 33% reduction in carbon emissions from food by 2030.

Mayor Eric Adams and representatives from the Mayor’s Office of Food Policy and Mayor’s Office of Climate & Environmental Justice announced the new programs last month at a Brooklyn culinary center run by NYC Health + Hospitals, the city’s public healthcare system, just before Earth Day.

At the event, the Mayor’s Office -f Climate & Environmental Justice shared a new chart to be included in the city’s annual greenhouse gas inventory that publicly tracks the carbon footprint created by household food consumption, the Gothamist reported.

The city already produced emissions data from energy use, transportation and waste as part of the annual inventory. But the addition of household food consumption data is part of a partnership that London and New York launched with American Express, C40 Cities and EcoData lab, Commissioner Rohit Aggarwala from the NYC Department of Environmental Protection announced at the event.

Aggarwala — who founded Google smart city subsidiary Sidewalk Labs — celebrated the expanded data collection as forging “a new standard for what cities have to do” and a new way to shape policy.

He said the inventory also will measure greenhouse gas pollution from the production and consumption of other consumer goods like apparel, whether or not those items are made in New York City. It also tracks emissions tied to services like air travel and healthcare.

But Adams’ presentation at the event focused on food consumption, particularly meat and dairy.

“Food is the third-biggest source of cities’ emissions right after buildings and transportation,” Adams said. “But all food is not created equal. The vast majority of food that is contributing to our emission crises lies in meat and dairy products.”


Expert gardener debunks bizarre new gardening trend: ‘It’s almost certainly not effective in any material way’

Electroculture is the latest fad sweeping the gardening community. 

According to its proponents, this technique uses the Earth’s “energy” to boost a plant’s natural growing process, yielding bigger and better results than traditional gardening methods. But does it really live up to the hype?


Booming Demand for Obesity Pill to Solve Junk Food Problem

The antiobesity injection Wegovy (semaglutide) has become so popular that, in early May 2023, Novo Nordisk announced it would cut the supply of starter doses for the U.S. market to “safeguard continuity of care” for existing patients

To maintain weight loss achieved on Wegovy, you must continue taking the drug indefinitely, or the weight will come back

The active ingredient in Wegovy, semaglutide, works by mimicking a hormone called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), which targets areas of your brain that regulate appetite and food intake. It also lowers blood sugar and slows the passage of food through your gut

In addition to a long list of common side effects, including severe nausea and vomiting, Wegovy also comes with warnings for thyroid parafollicular cell (C-cell) tumors, pancreatitis, gallbladder problems, acute kidney injury, diabetic retinopathy and suicidal thinking and behavior

If we are ever going to level out or diminish obesity and obesity-related cancer rates, we must address the underlying problem, which is a preponderance of ultraprocessed foods in our diet. Many studies have linked ultraprocessed foods to obesity, obesity-related cancers and poor mental health. We need better food, not more medication

Why Nutritionists Want You To Eat A Handful Of These Antioxidant-Rich Nuts Daily

Whether you prefer them sprinkled on a yogurt parfait, tossed into salads, or baked in a pie, you’re probably familiar with the buttery crunch of pecans. But there’s more to the story of pecans’ desirability than their many culinary flexes. These nuts are rich in fiber, phytonutrients, heart-healthy fats, and more, making them a surprisingly nutritious choice for meals and snacks.

Curious about pecans’ top health benefits?

  1. 1.They’re great for cardiovascular health

Pecans are widely recognized as a heart-healthy nut for their ability to lower cholesterol and inflammation.

A 2021 study in the Journal of Nutrition found that, for adults at risk of heart disease, eating pecans daily for about two months lowered harmful cholesterol2.

“Pecans are brimming with heart-healthy unsaturated fats that help lower cholesterol and maintain flexible blood vessels,” explains Maggie Moon, MS, RD, nutrition consultant and best-selling author of The MIND Diet. Moon also points out that the nuts are high in cholesterol-clearing fiber at nearly 3 grams per ounce.

  1. Their micronutrients support healthy skin, bones, teeth, and more

You may not give much daily thought to itty-bitty micronutrients like zinc, copper, manganese, and phosphorus, but each of these has its uses for health. Pecans contain over 19 vitamins and minerals that contribute to the well-being of your bones, skin, teeth, eyes, muscles, and nerves. With every pecan-topped salad, grain bowl, or oatmeal, you’re adding to your daily micronutrient needs.

  1. They could boost weight loss

For decades, many folks steered clear of nuts like pecans for fear that their high fat content would lead to weight gain. But current research shows the opposite is actually true. Including pecans in the diet has been linked to burning more calories. In one study, people who ate pecans daily for 8 weeks had increased metabolism and fat breakdown

  1. They might help with diabetes prevention

If you know you’re at risk of diabetes, choosing the right foods is key for prevention. And since pecans are a low-glycemic food, they won’t dramatically raise blood sugar. A 2018 study in Nutrients found that eating a handful of pecans helped protect adults at risk for developing type 2 diabetes5 and cardiovascular disease related to age, overweight, and body fat distribution.

  1. They’re good for your brain

Nuts are frequently included in roundups of brain health superfoods, with good reason. Several6 studies7 have linked greater nut consumption with better cognitive function. “The MIND diet [a diet focused on brain health] recommends eating nuts like pecans at least five times a week for optimal brain health and to pump the brakes on brain aging,” says Moon.


FCC Revokes COVID-Era Free Advertising

The FCC’s Media Bureau has repealed the COVID-related guidance issued in March 2020, which allowed broadcasters and other media companies to offer free advertising time without considering it in the calculation of Lowest Unit Rates (LUR) during pre-election periods. The guidance was provided to support struggling local businesses during the pandemic when the advertising market collapsed.

Broadcasters were permitted to give free ad time as long as it was not tied to an advertising contract. With the end of the pandemic emergency, the FCC believes this accommodation can be discontinued. However, there may still be limited circumstances where broadcasters can offer free time without LUR implications, such as when the advertiser is not currently running ads on the station. It is advisable to consult with an attorney to determine the applicability of these exceptions.


Corporations Threatening Free Speech and Religious Freedoms Exposed in Business Index

Many companies celebrate ‘transparency’ when it comes to issues like diversity, gender identity, and climate change but remain silent on issues like free speech

Non-profit Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) has published this year’s Viewpoint Diversity Score Business Index, putting the spotlight on corporations with little respect for freedom of faith and speech that put Americans at risk of getting punished for their beliefs.

The index measures how tolerant a corporation is when it comes to respecting free speech and religious freedom. Out of the 75 major corporations evaluated in the index, only two businesses scored more than 25 percent out of a maximum 100 percent possible in terms of respect for speech and religion. ADF calls this a sign that millions of everyday U.S. citizens are at “risk of cancellation or punishment for their views,” according to a May 16 press release. Policies and practices at behemoths like JPMorgan Chase, Alphabet, Meta, Microsoft, and PayPal “threaten the fundamental freedoms” of Americans, it said.

Other low-scoring companies include Disney, Twitter, Pinterest, PayPal, eBay, Amazon, Alphabet, and Airbnb, with these firms scoring 5 percent or less. The firm that scored the highest in the index was Florida-based multinational Fidelity National Information Services at 50 percent.

This was followed by M&T Bank at 25 percent, BOK Financial at 17 percent, and Apollo Global Management and Fifth Third Bancorp at 15 percent each. Media conglomerate Fox scored 10 percent. Likewise, the remaining businesses scored less than 15 percent. Eight companies improved their score in this year’s edition of the index.

“Threats to freedom don’t just come from the government, but from major corporations like financial institutions and big tech companies that have concentrated power over essential services and communication channels,” said ADF Senior Counsel and Senior Vice President for Corporate Engagement Jeremy Tedesco.

“Too often, these corporations de-bank or de-platform Americans, citing policies that give them unbounded discretion to censor people for their views. That needs to change. Companies need to take seriously the way their policies and practices can chill the exercise of speech and religion and deter individuals from participating in the democratic process.”

Adidas ‘Pride 2023’ Ad Features Man in Women’s One-Piece Bathing Suit

The new Adidas “Pride 2023” ad campaign features a man wearing a women’s one-piece bathing suit, perpetuating an ongoing corporate trend featuring men in women’s clothing.

Deemed the “Pride Swimsuit” and sold for a whopping price of $70, the Adidas one-piece features a fully-male model proudly displaying what can only be described as a man-bulge in his groin region. Video on the Adidas site also features the man swaying and sauntering in the one-piece.


Are Dog Training Classes Worth It?

YES!! You should go ahead and invest your time and money in teaching your dog by enrolling in regular training classes. It will be well worth your time and effort in the end. If you’ve tried training your dog on your own but are having trouble improving his obedience or behavior, now is the time to hire a professional trainer.


Kaitlan Collins Promoted to Prime Time After Hosting CNN’s Trump Town Hall

The CNN journalist who hosted a town hall with former President Donald Trump has scored a prime-time slot, CNN executives said on May 17.

Kaitlan Collins will host a show at 9 p.m. Eastern, in the middle of prime time, CNN executives said at Warner Bros. Discovery Upfront, an event with advertisers.

“In her new program, officially launching later this summer, Kaitlan will bring fresh reporting that adds new perspective to the biggest stories of the day,” CNN said in a statement.

The slot has been without a permanent host since CNN fired Chris Cuomo in late 2021.

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