July 5, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: November 05, 2021

Report of Problems With Pfizer COVID-19Vaccine Trial Being Investigated: Contract Company

Epoch Times –  Alleged problems with a major clinical trial examining Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine are being probed, a contract company involved in the research has confirmed.

Ventavia Research Group operated several of the trial sites in the fall of 2020. Brook

Jackson, who worked for the company during this time, told the British Medical

Journal that the trial was riddled with issues, including the falsification of data.

Jackson said she alerted the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to the problems she

witnessed and was fired within hours.

Ventavia confirmed to The Epoch Times that it employed Jackson for two weeks last

year. Lauren Foreman, director of business development and communications, said in

an email that Ventavia is investigating Jackson’s allegations.

“Ventavia takes research compliance, data integrity, and participant safety very

seriously and stands behind its important work supporting the development of

lifesaving vaccines and is conducting its investigation accordingly,” she said.

The FDA appeared to confirm it was aware of the matter.

Lawsuits Pile UpAfter White House Sets COVID-19Vaccine Mandate Deadline

Epoch Times – Numerous lawsuits have been filed against the Biden administration over vaccine mandates for private employers and federal contractors that are set to be published in

the federal register on Nov. 5.

The attorneys general of Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee announced they would take

legal action against the White House over the rule and filed a lawsuit (pdf) in a bid to

challenge President Joe Biden’s rule affecting federal contractors.

The Biden administration unveiled details of its federal COVID-19 mandate on Nov. 4,

providing a Jan. 4, 2022, deadline for federal contractors and health care employees

who work at Medicare- and Medicaid-funded facilities. At the same time,

the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued a rule requiring

businesses with 100 or more employees to make sure all workers are vaccinated or

submit to weekly testing, affecting tens of millions of workers.

“Unless we intervene, federal contractors in Tennessee will be forced to make sense of

the mandate’s many inconsistencies that require their entire workforce be vaccinated

or face potential blacklisting and loss of future federal contracts,” Tennessee Attorney

General Herbert H. Slatery III said in a statement.

Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron said that he takes “the issue of federal

overreach seriously,” while Ohio AG Dave Yost joined the lawsuit, saying that “the

Biden administration may not do whatever it wants, however it wants.”

“The Constitution lays out critical rules by which the executive branch must operate,”

Yost said. “Congress and the states have their own powers, which the administration

can’t just take over because it wants to.”

OSHA COVID-19 Vaccine Rule May Be Expanded to Small Businesses: Labor Department

Epoch Times – The Biden administration’s emergency COVID-19 vaccination requirement released today could be expanded in the future to employers who have fewer than 100 workers.

The emergency temporary standard, issued by the Labor Department’s Occupational

Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and scheduled to go into effect on Friday, is

presented as only applying to firms that have 100 or more employees.

But OSHA is seeking public comments on that aspect of the standard, and it may be

ultimately expanded to include smaller businesses, the agency said in the 490-page


OSHA said it is “soliciting stakeholder comment and additional information to

determine whether to adjust the scope of the ETS,” or emergency standard, “to

address smaller employers in the future.”

The agency is seeking perspectives from employers, it indicated (pdf).

“OSHA seeks information about the ability of employers with fewer than 100

employees to implement COVID-19 vaccination and/or testing programs,” it said.

“Have you instituted vaccination mandates (with or without alternatives), or

requirements for regular COVID-19 testing or face covering use? What have been the

benefits of your approach? What challenges have you had or could you foresee in

implementing such programs? Is there anything specific to your industry, or the size

of your business, that poses particular obstacles in implementing the requirements in

this standard? How much time would it take, what types of costs would you incur, and

how much would it cost for you to implement such requirements?”

The standard takes effect on Friday but also serves as a proposal under

the Occupational Safety and Health Act. That means OSHA is seeking feedback and

may adjust the finalized version based on the comments.

Food Prices Vault to Highest Level in a Decade

Epoch Times – Food prices across the world have risen to their highest levels in a decade on the back of tightening supply conditions coupled with robust demand, according to the Food

and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

The FAO’s food price index, which measures world food commodity prices, surged

31.3 percent in the 12 months through October, coming in at a reading of 133.2 points,

a level not seen since July 2011.

On a month-over-month basis, the index rose by 3.9 points, or 3.0 percent, with the

October rise representing the third consecutive month of increases.

Accounting for the bulk of the rise in the index were higher prices of most cereals and

vegetable oils.

The FAO vegetable oil price index hit an all-time high of 184.8 points in October, up

16.3 points, or 9.6 percent compared to September’s reading.

“The increase was driven by firmer price quotations for palm, soy, sunflower, and

rapeseed oils,” FAO said in a statement, in which it also noted that rising crude oil

prices were also a factor.

The agency’s cereal price measure rose to 137.1 points in October, up 4.3 points, or 3.2

percent, from September and vaulting to its highest level since November 2012.

“Tighter availability in global markets due to reduced harvests in major exporters,

especially Canada, the Russian Federation, and the United States of America,

continued to put upward pressure on prices,” according to FAO.

Dairy prices also rose by 2.2 percent month-over-month in October, while the meat

price index edged down 0.7 percent and sugar prices fell 1.8 percent.

“International price quotations for butter, skim milk powder, and whole milk powder

rose steeply for the second consecutive month, underpinned by firm global import

demand amid buyers’ efforts to secure supplies to build stocks,” FAO said.

Helping to drive down meat prices were drops in international quotations for pig

meat, mostly due to reduced buying from China.

“By contrast, poultry meat quotations rose, boosted by high global demand, while

production expansions remained weak due to high feed costs and avian flu outbreaks,

especially in Europe,” FAO said.

Nitrogen fertilizer shortage threatens to cut global crop yields -CF Industries

Reuters – A shortage of nitrogen fertilizer due to soaring natural gas prices is threatening to reduce global crop yields next year, CF Industries, a major producer of the crop nutrient, said on Thursday.

European gas prices have jumped amid high demand, as economies recover from the pandemic and with below-average gas storage levels at the start of the winter heating season. Natural gas is a key input in the production of nitrogen-based fertilizers and higher costs have caused some producers to cut production.

“Who’s going to get the scarce tons that are out there? … There’s going to be a lot of unmet demand that’s going to be pent up,” CF (CF.N) Chief Executive Tony Will told analysts on a conference call. “And so we do think yield is going to be, on a global basis, off next year. Not because of demand destruction, just because there’s not enough tons available.”

Prices of nitrogen fertilizer, one of the most commonly used fertilizers to boost production of corn, canola and other crops, are at their highest levels in more than a decade.

Hurricane Ida also hit CF’s ammonia plants in Louisiana in late August, forcing them to halt production.

Strong global fertilizer demand looks set to last into at least 2023, CF Senior Vice-President of Sales Bert Frost said.

U.S.-based CF’s predictions of constrained crop production echo those last month of Norwegian rival Yara International ASA (YAR.OL), which warned rising fertilizer costs would drive up food prices and could lead to famine.

Russia will limit exports of nitrogen fertilizers for six months to try to curb any further increase in food prices, its prime minister said on Wednesday. China is also limiting nitrogen exports.

CF reported on Wednesday a $185 million quarterly net loss, factoring in an impairment charge related to shutting its United Kingdom operations in September due to high natural gas costs.

Broken Heart Syndrome Is on the Rise

Mercola – Broken heart syndrome is also called Takotsubo syndrome (TTS). Under severe emotional stress the left ventricle of the heart can balloon and trigger what looks like a heart attack.

Data show that the incidence of TTS was rising before COVID-19 began spreading, especially in middle-aged and older women.

Scientists have long suspected that the syndrome is associated with a brain-heart connection that can be triggered by a significant emotional trauma, such as a car accident, loss of a loved one, domestic violence, and financial loss.

It is important to learn how to manage stress to protect your overall health. Consider Emotional Freedom Techniques, meditation, spending more time in nature, breathing through your nose and a combination of vitamin B6 and magnesium.

Secret Military Experiments and Our Health

Mercola – This story is about secret experiments on people. It is also about the reality of living inside a Machine that plays games with us. Sometimes the Machine selectively shows its face — and sometimes it selectively hides it — and based on that, it plays its favorite game called, “Confuse, Divide and Conquer.”

The story was specifically inspired by the fact that as I am typing this, a biosecurity experiment is taking place in my home town of New York. All safe, allegedly …

Of course it’s safe. It’s always safe when the television says so! We in the West are used to being mostly spared by the Machine, and so we think that our bureaucracies are mostly under control. We believe that yes, there is corruption — and yes, there are bad apples here and there — but they cannot go very far because we have a Democracy. A Machine that is working for us. A working Machine.

And while our levels of trust do vary from person to person and from community to community — based on the fact that some people get to see the Machine more up close than others — overall, up until last year, we’ve been living in relative comfort, taught to generally trust our bureaucracies like sweet puppies generally trust their owners with their open-for-petting bellies (including those owners who, on a side note, sterilize their pets at the beginning of their life journeys and then potentially euthanize the mat the end of it, in order to prevent greater suffering; such is our culture).

Relationships of love inside the Machine can be puzzling at times. And so, we’ve been living in relative comfort and relative trust of our bureaucracies, and feeling okay. And then last spring, we were asked to lockdown for two weeks to flatten the curve — and here we are.

The blood-chilling dehumanization is in vogue. It’s 2021, and we are marching straight into the Great Reset. Everything is “fine.”

And what about the Machine? The Machine is showing its face to most of us at last. It demands that we stop being human, stop touching each other, and bury our faces and our children’s faces under The Mask, “to be good citizens.” It demands that we don’t think and comply. It proclaims that we have no bodily freedom and need to obey.

But another thing that is happening is that we the people are becoming awake. Many people are becoming “mechanics,” looking under the hood — and discovering things we have not thought about before.

How Long Will We Ignore the Truth About Vitamin D?

Mercola – A scientific review published in 2006 concluded that epidemic seasonal influenza is most likely related to the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency during winter months. Since then, other studies have confirmed this theory.

A 2010 study found there’s an inverse relationship between UVB sun exposure — which is how your body synthesizes vitamin D naturally — and influenza deaths.

Vitamin D protects against tuberculosis, a fatal lung disease that kills an estimated 1.8 million people around the world each year.

According to recent research, 82.2% of COVID-19 patients tested were found to be deficient in vitamin D, and vitamin D status has been shown to influence your risk of testing positive for COVID-19, hospitalization rates and need for intensive care, as well as your risk of dying from the infection.

Vitamin D can reduce your risk of COVID-19 and other respiratory infections by reducing the survival and replication of viruses, reducing inflammatory cytokine production, maintaining endothelial integrity and increasing ACE2 concentrations, which helps lower COVID-19 severity

—> Power Mall Products of Interest:

      – OPTIVIDA VITAMIN D – 2000IU 

      – VITAMIN D3 (4000 IU) 

Durham Grand Jury Indicts ‘Steele Dossier’ Source Igor Danchenko

Epoch Times – An analyst who was a source for the infamous 2016 “Steele dossier” that contained allegations against then-presidential candidate Donald Trump has been arrested on

charges stemming from special counsel John Durham’s investigation.

A grand jury indictment issued in a federal court in Virginia charges Igor Danchenko,

a Russian analyst, with five counts of false statements. The case was brought as part of

Durham’s investigation into the origins of the FBI’s probe into alleged ties between

Russia and Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Specifically, Danchenko was charged with misleading FBI officials about the sources

of the information he provided to former UK spy Christopher Steele. He was

interviewed multiple times by FBI officials in 2017 as they attempted to corroborate

the allegations in Steele’s dossier.

According to the indictment, Danchenko’s alleged lies “were material to the FBI

because … the FBI’s investigation of the Trump Campaign relied” on the dossier to

obtain warrants to surveil former Trump aide Carter Page.

“The FBI ultimately devoted substantial resources attempting to investigate and

corroborate the allegations contained in” the dossier, including whether Danchenko’s

sub-sources were reliable, the indictment states. The dossier and information

provided by Danchenko “played a role in the FBI’s investigative decisions and in

sworn representations that the FBI made to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance

Court throughout the relevant time period.”

Supreme Court allows vaccine mandate for health workers that didn’t offer religious exemption

ABA Journal – Maine’s vaccine mandate for health care workers, which doesn’t allow religious exemptions, is being enforced after the U.S. Supreme Court refused to intervene Friday.

The deadline for vaccinations was Friday, although Maine Gov. Janet Mills is allowing people to work if they have received their first vaccine and they wear protective gear, the Bangor Daily News reports.

The Supreme Court refused to grant an injunction to stop the mandate. Three dissenters—Justices Neil M. Gorsuch, Clarence Thomas and Samuel A. Alito Jr.—would have blocked the requirement, citing a “double standard” that allows medical, but not religious, exemptions.

The New York Times, the Washington Post, the Associated Press and SCOTUSblog have coverage.

A concurrence by Justice Amy Coney Barrett, joined by Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, noted that the case was on the court’s emergency docket.

Barrett said the Supreme Court has discretionary judgment on whether to review such emergency applications.

“Were the standard otherwise,” she wrote, “applicants could use the emergency docket to force the court to give a merits preview in cases that it would be unlikely to take—and to do so on a short fuse without benefit of full briefing and oral argument. In my view, this discretionary consideration counsels against a grant of extraordinary relief in this case, which is the first to address the questions presented.”

Gorsuch wrote the dissent, joined by Alito and Thomas.

“If human nature and history teach anything, it is that civil liberties face grave risks when governments proclaim indefinite states of emergency,” Gorsuch wrote.

Gorsuch said the medical exemption in Maine requires a doctor’s note that says vaccination “may be” medically inadvisable, with no further explanation.

“It seems Maine will respect even mere trepidation over vaccination as sufficient, but only so long as it is phrased in medical and not religious terms,” Gorsuch wrote.

Gorsuch said the mandate should be evaluated using strict scrutiny, and the state did not show that its rule is the least restrictive means of achieving its goals.

“This case presents an important constitutional question, a serious error and an irreparable injury,” Gorsuch wrote.

New York and Rhode Island also have vaccine mandates for health care workers that don’t allow religious exemptions, according to the AP. The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals at New York upheld New York’s requirement Friday.

Video: Elite Athlete Explains Vaccine Injury and Doctor’s Ignorance

Mercola – Kyle Warner, a 29-year-old professional mountain bike racer, developed pericarditis, POTS and reactive arthritis following his second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot.

About two weeks after the shot, Warner experienced extremely elevated heart rates; an ER doctor refused to believe it was an adverse reaction to the jab and instead blamed it on a “psychotic episode”.

After visiting another hospital due to more heart trouble, Warner was referred to a cardiologist who diagnosed him with pericarditis, an inflammation of the outer lining of the heart.

For four months now, Warner has been so ill that he hasn’t been able to work or ride a bike; even mental exertion can cause him to relapse physically.

At the Real, Not Rare rally held in Washington, D.C., Warner spoke before politicians to make a difference in the support level for vaccine-injured people — which is nonexistent in the U.S. — and voice opposition to vaccine mandates; “I believe where there is risk, there needs to be choice,” he said

NASA craft to crash into asteroid for Earth-defense test

RT – Final preparations are underway in the US as NASA gets ready to launch a spacecraft destined to deliberately collide with an asteroid at high speed. The crash will be a test of the agency’s “planetary defense” mission.

Aiming to find out whether it’s possible to protect Earth from a potentially hazardous space object, NASA is sending a spacecraft to try and change an asteroid’s path by crashing it into the speeding rock. Called the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART), the mission — worth $330 million — is part of a larger-scale “planetary defense” program. While it has been deflecting Earth-threatening space rocks only virtually, now a real space probe will be sent some 6.8 million miles away from the planet to hit an asteroid.

San Francisco To Force 5-Year-Olds To Show Vaccine Passport To Enter Restaurants

Activist Post – San Francisco will force children as young as 5-years-old to show a vaccine passport to enter a restaurant and other indoor venues, officials have announced.

After imposing similar mandates for children over 12 back in August, authorities are set to make the same demands of even younger children after the the CDC granted emergency approval to kids aged 5-11 to get the Pfizer-BioNTech shot.

This will likely cause further controversy and opposition given that a significant number of parents have asserted that they won’t let their child take the vaccine.

One poll found that a third of parents would “definitely not” allow their child to take the jab, with only 27 per cent of parents indicating they would let their kid get vaccinated “right away.”

Children account for less than 0.1 per cent of all COVID deaths in America, with many warning that the risks posed by the vaccine could outweigh the risk of them getting the virus.

San Francisco Health Officer Susan Philip says parents will have about two months to get their child vaccinated before they start being turned away by establishments for the inability to show a vaccine passport.

“We definitely want to wait and make sure children have an opportunity to get vaccinated, so that will happen no sooner than about eight weeks after the vaccine is available to kids, so there will be a limited time in which there will not be those requirements in our plan,” she said.

“But at some point, five to 11 year olds will also have to show proof of vaccination to access some of those same settings.”

Under San Francisco’s current rules, no one over the age of 12 is allowed to enter bars, restaurants, gyms, or theatres without having taken the shot.

There is no option to provide proof of a negative COVID test, despite the fact that the fully vaccinated can still get infected and transmit the virus.

Maryland’s most populous county told students there is a ‘double pandemic’ of COVID and racism

Fox – According to new documents received by Judicial Watch and exclusively provided to Fox News, Maryland‘s most populous county, Montgomery County, launched a “psychoeducational lesson” teaching children in schools that there is a “dual pandemic” involving COVID-19 and “systemic racism.” Materials recommended that teachers buy the Ibram X. Kendi book “Antiracist Baby” as “the perfect gift” for “ages baby to age 3.”

The documents come amid intense debate about critical race theory (CRT) in schools, after Virginia Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin won the 2021 governor’s race on a platform banning CRT. Many parents have opposed CRT – a framework that involves deconstructing aspects of society to discover systemic racism beneath the surface – as divisive and racist.

“This material details how extremist race politics and CRT are being used to target children for political ends,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement on the documents. “Politics should immediately be removed from the curriculum of Montgomery County Schools. These CRT-laden teachings have no place in any American classroom.”

In an Aug. 26, 2020, email to Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) principals, Associate Superintendent Janet S. Wilson announced that “all schools will be required to implement a student psychoeducational lesson during one of the school’s mandatory Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) block [sic] before September 18, 2020. This lesson will provide students crisis facts about the dual pandemic (COVID-19 and systemic racism) that is occurring around the country and here in Montgomery County.”

An instructional video for teachers begins with instructions on how to set up Zoom classes to make “students saving and sharing the chat for later” less likely, the instructor directs teachers to use a “scripted response.”

“We are currently living through a dual pandemic with COVID-19 and the Systemic and Structural racism occurring worldwide,” the instructor coaches teachers to say. “A pandemic is defined by an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects an exceptionally high proportion of the population. As you can see from this slide [featuring a Black Lives Matter protest poster], both are affecting lives of people in our community and around the world.”

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