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The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: November 12, 2021

Appeals Court Blocks House Jan. 6 Panel From Accessing Trump’s White House Records

Epoch Times – A federal appeals court on Thursday halted the scheduled transfer of records of President Donald Trump’s time in office from the National Archives to Congress, ruling that Congress cannot access the files for now. A three-judge panel from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit overruled a federal judge, who had opined earlier this week that a House of Representatives panel investigating the Jan. 6 of the U.S. Capitol had a legitimate legislative purpose in seeking the records. U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, an Obama nominee, said the transfer could proceed as planned on Friday. Trump appealed. Jesse Binnall, a Trump lawyer, said the former president is likely to prevail as he tried to convince the higher court to enter an injunction against Chutkan’s order. “The alleged legislative purpose underpinning the overbroad request at issue here clearly does not merit involving the President and his records,”

Pennsylvania Department of Health Refuses to Provide Full COVID-19 Death Data

Epoch Times – The Pennsylvania Department of Health refuses to share complete information about how it counted COVID-19 deaths for reports ordered by the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. The reports were ordered a year ago when the House unanimously approved a resolution in November 2020, requiring the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee (LBFC) to review the Department of Health’s reporting of COVID-19 testing and deaths. State Rep. Kate Klunk sponsored the legislation, House Resolution 1087 of 2020, noting that throughout the pandemic, there have been discrepancies in the information published by the Department of Health, including thousands of COVID-19 positive cases being removed from the daily totals, days where there were significant statistical anomalies in the data, the commingling of data, and COVID-19 being listed as a factor of death when the death was the result of something else. 

Florida Gov. DeSantis Threatens to Send Illegal Immigrants to Biden’s Home State

Epoch Times – Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis threatened to send illegal immigrants who are flown to Florida to President Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware amid increasing Republican criticism of the president’s immigration policies. During a news conference Wednesday, the GOP governor said his office is looking at legal avenues after his administration alleged that about 70 illegal aliens were sent to Jacksonville, Florida, after being picked up by agents along the U.S.–Mexico border. “We’re going to get together and figure out what we can do in the immediate term to protect folks in Florida,” DeSantis told reporters, noting that his options are limited because the federal government controls the immigration policies and actions. But “if they’re not doing that,” DeSantis added, “then clearly the state should be able to come in and provide protections, and so that’s what we’re going to be looking to do.” 

Regulator Reviewing Reports of ‘Rare’ and Serious Condition Linked to Moderna Vaccine

Epoch TImes – Europe’s drug regulator on Thursday confirmed it is investigating reports of a blood condition in recipients of Moderna’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. According to a bulletin posted by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), it is reviewing six cases capillary leak syndrome, considered a “very rare disorder,” after they were reported in the EMA’s EudraVigilance database. “At this stage, it is not yet clear whether there is a causal association between vaccination and the reports of capillary leak syndrome,” the EMA wrote on Thursday, adding that “these reports point to a safety signal … information on new, or changes in, adverse events that may potentially be associated with a medicine or vaccine and that warrant further investigation.” The review also will address the risk of capillary leak syndrome in groups who have a medical history of the disorder.

Facebook Users Unable to Find Results When Searching for ‘Kyle Rittenhouse’ Amid Teen’s Homicide Trial

Epoch Times – Facebook users are unable to find anything when searching for the name “Kyle Rittenhouse” in the social media platform’s search bar as the 18-year-old appears in court at his homicide trial in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Rittenhouse is charged with five felonies, including first-degree intentional homicide, first-degree reckless homicide, and first-degree attempted intentional homicide after killing two men and injuring a third during Black Lives Matter protests and riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin in August 2020. He is also charged with possession of a dangerous weapon while under the age of 18, a misdemeanor. The former police youth cadet is testifying in his own defense. His defense team has argued he acted in self-defense when he opened fire. But while his trial takes place, a Facebook search for Rittenhouse turns up no results, even when using both the mobile and desktop version of the platform. 

The Global Takeover Is Underway

Mercola – According to the World Economic Forum, by 2030 we will own nothing and be happy about it.

Terms like “the Great Reset,” “the Fourth Industrial Revolution” and “Build Back Better” all refer to the same long-term globalist agenda to dismantle democracy and national borders in favor of a global governance by unelected leaders, and the reliance on technological surveillance rather than the rule of law to maintain public order.

For decades, war and the threat of war have enriched the technocratic elite and kept the population going along with their agenda. Today, pandemics and the threat of infectious outbreaks are the new tools of war and social control.

The Federal Reserve is working on a central bank digital currency (CBDC). An all-digital currency system is part of the system of social control.

Key globalist players working on the implementation of the technocratic agenda include the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates and foundations such as the Rockefeller Foundation, the UN Foundation and George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, Avanti Communications, 2030 Vision and Frontier 2030, Google, Mastercard and Salesforce.

Kyle Rittenhouse’s mom says Biden ‘defamed’ her son by suggesting he was a white supremacist

Yahoo – Kyle Rittenhouse’s mom said President Joe Biden “defamed” her son by suggesting he was a white supremacist in a tweet last year.

Rittenhouse is currently standing trial for fatally shooting two men during August 25, 2020, protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, that erupted in the aftermath of the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

Appearing on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show on Thursday night, Wendy Rittenhouse said Kyle “has a lot of healing to do” and still has “nightmares” about that night.

Wendy Rittenhouse also told Hannity that Biden, then a presidential candidate, wrongly suggested that her son was a white supremacist in the aftermath of the protests.

On September 30, Biden tweeted a video showing the violence in Kenosha which included an image of Kyle Rittenhouse carrying the AR-15 rifle he used to shoot Rosenbaum and 26-year-old Anthony Huber.

Obama era official to become new FDA chief – reports

RT – President Joe Biden is expected to nominate Robert Califf to lead the Food and Drug Administration, a job he briefly held during the Obama administration. He was hired by Google’s parent company after leaving the public sector.

The nomination of Califf to the position, which remained unfilled since Biden’s inauguration, is expected later on Friday. His tenure under Obama was a relatively short one, lasting less than a year.

Miami to Become First City to Give ‘Bitcoin Yield’ From MiamiCoin to Its Citizens

Epoch Times – Miami will soon become the first city in the United States to give its residents some of the gains from its new cryptocurrency, Mayor Francis Suarez said Thursday. Speaking during an interview with CoinDesk TV, Suarez said the city is creating a way to make digital wallets for citizens to distribute the “bitcoin yield.” “We’re going to be the first city in America to give a bitcoin yield as a dividend directly to its residents,” Suarez said. The yield will come from the city’s staking in MiamiCoin, which launched in August through CityCoins, and is marketed as a way for “people to support the Magic City and grow its crypto treasury while earning STX and BTC for themselves.” CityCoins are powered by Stacks, a protocol that enables smart contracts on the Bitcoin network. The protocol allocates 30 percent of the reward that miners forward in order to compete in the earning of MiamiCoin to the city. 

Johnson & Johnson to Split Into Two Companies

Epoch Times – Johnson & Johnson has announced plans to split into two companies, spinning off its consumer health division—which sells products like Band-Aids, Baby Powder, and Listerine—into a separate publicly traded company. The consumer health business has been provisionally dubbed the New Consumer Health Company, according to a Nov. 12 statement, while the new Johnson & Johnson company will focus on the medical devices and pharmaceuticals business, which sells its COVID-19 vaccine and other drugs. “The planned separation would create two global leaders that are better positioned to deliver improved health outcomes for patients and consumers through innovation, pursue more targeted business strategies and accelerate growth,” the company said. The New Consumer Health Company will have in its portfolio four $1 billion megabrands and 20 brands worth over $150 million, including such household names as Neutrogena, Aveeno, Tylenol, Listerine, and Band-Aid, the company said. 

Taiwanese Top Executive Quits China’s Largest Chipmaker

Epoch Times – China’s largest chipmaker said on Nov. 11 that its Taiwanese vice-chairman has resigned in a leadership reshuffle, less than a year after he took the role, leaving its board entirely Chinese. China’s state-supported Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp (SMIC) said in a Nov. 11 statement (pdf) following a board meeting that Chiang Shangyi resigned as the vice-chairman as well as from the board, effective from the day, citing the reason as to spend more time with his family. In late 2016, Chiang, a then-retired research director at the world’s largest and most advanced contract chipmaker Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), joined Shanghai-based SMIC as an independent board member. Despite SMIC being considered China’s largest and most advanced chipmaker, a previous Financial Times report found it could lag up to two generations behind industry leaders in process technology and wafer sizes.

>> Related: US, EU Must Avoid Subsidy Race Amid Chip Shortage: EU’s Vestager

The United States and the European Union must avoid a subsidy race as they rush to support semiconductor production amid a global chip shortage, EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager said on Friday. “We really need to avoid a subsidy race, a race that leaves everyone poorer off,” Vestager said in a speech at the University of Leuven, warning taxpayers would have to fund this. “In the present circumstances, it may be a temptation too hard to resist for companies to try to play governments out against one another, scanning the landscape to see who will pay more—the risk, of course, is letting taxpayers, whether European or American, pick up the bill and getting maybe very little from that investment,” she continued.

These Energy Bites Are Delicious and Easy to Make

Different types of food can give you different types of energy. Sweet foods such as cookies and candy give you a lot of energy, and fast—but that energy lasts for only a little bit of time, since sugar moves quickly through your body. But foods such as these energy bites that combine complex carbohydrates (oats!), protein (nut butters!), and fiber (oats and nut butters!), as well as some sugar, give you longer-lasting energy. Power up!

Cranberry-Almond No-Bake Energy Bites

Makes 12 bites

  • 3/4 cup (2 1/4 ounces) old-fashioned rolled oats
  • 1/3 cup peanut, almond, or sunflower butter
  • 1/3 cup sliced almonds
  • 1/3 cup dried cranberries
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt

Stir all the ingredients in a bowl with rubber spatula until well combined.

Use your wet hands to roll the mixture into 12 balls (about 1 tablespoon each). Place the balls on a plate and cover with plastic wrap.

Refrigerate the balls until firm, at least 30 minutes.

The Longest Lunar Eclipse of the Century is Coming Next Week

Good News Network – Night sky fans, it’s time to prepare for an exciting week—as coming right up is both is longest lunar eclipse of the century, and this year’s Leonids meteor shower.

On Thursday-Friday, November 18-19—look up to see a Blood Moon lunar eclipse, as the full moon slips into the Earth’s shadow over the course of 3 hours and 28 minutes.

While you won’t be experiencing a full lunar eclipse, the event is still set to be spectacular: At its peak, only a small sliver (2.6%) of the moon will remain lit up by the sun.

If you’re in North America, you’re in a prime location for watching the lunar show.

According to NASA, for people on the U.S. East Coast, the partial eclipse begins a little after 2 in the morning, reaching its maximum at 4am—that’s when you’ll really want to be watching the moon.

For those on the West Coast, the partial eclipse begins at 11 p.m., with a maximum at 1 a.m.

Why Do Dogs Tilt Their Heads? Scientists Look at What’s Going On in Their Minds

Good News Network –  You’ve probably seen dogs tilt their head. It’s adorable, but why do they do it? According to scientists, it may be a sign of concentration and memory recall.

Several animals, including humans, present an asymmetry in the way they move or perceive the environment through their senses. For instance, one can prefer an ear or an eye over the other when processing a vocal signal or an image. In dogs, these asymmetries manifest in behaviors such as tail wagging, nostril use while sniffing, or even paw preference when trying to grasp something out of their reach.

“Tilting the head is yet another asymmetrical movement in dogs, but it had never been studied. We investigated the frequency and direction of this behavior in response to a specific human verbal vocalization: when the owner asks the dog to bring a toy by saying its name. We did so after realizing that it often happened when the dogs were listening to their owners,” explains Dr. Andrea Sommese, lead researcher for this study, from the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest.

“It seems that there is a relationship between success in retrieving a named toy and frequent head tilts upon hearing its name.

That is why we suggest an association between head-tilting and processing relevant and meaningful stimuli” clarifies Shany Dror, co-author of the study.

“It is important to notice that this study only investigated head tilts during a very specific dog-owner communicative interaction: when the owner asks the dog to fetch a named toy. Hence, it is important to refrain from thinking that only Gifted Word Learner dogs tilt their heads in other situations not tested in this study” adds Andrea Temesi, another researcher working on the project, published in Animal Cognition journal.

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