July 1, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: November 14, 2023


Millions of Spaniards Take to the Streets Against Socialist Amnesty for Violent Secessionists

Spain’s establishment right-wing Popular Party (PP) convened protests nationwide on Sunday, reportedly attracting millions of people, in opposition to a reported proposed amnesty for individuals involved in an attempt by the northern region of Catalonia to secede from the country.

The PP reported that nearly 3 million people across the country participated in the protests. Despite this, no major incidents were reported, nor did any reports surface of alleged “ultra” nationalists engaging in violence or derailing the events.

Rescuers scramble to reach up to 40 workers trapped in Himalayan tunnel collapse

A frantic effort is underway in northern India to rescue dozens of workers trapped after a mountain tunnel they were helping to construct collapsed on Sunday, leaving them confined behind a pile of rubble with little oxygen and water.

As many as 40 men were working in the tunnel, part of an ambitious Himalayan highway project in town of Uttarkashi, when part of the passageway leading to the entrance gave way, authorities said.

“We are in touch with the men inside. All of them are alright and we are communicating with them,” he said. “We are all working hard to get them all out,” Uttarkashi superintendent of police, Arpan Yaduvanshi, told CNN on Monday.

Rescuers have been supplying oxygen and water to the men through the debris, Yaduvanshi added.

Canadian Search & Rescue Saves Hikers Lost After Following Faulty Google Maps Directions

Two hikers were recently rescued in British Columbia after following a non-existent trail shown on Google Maps, prompting warnings about the reliance on digital maps in wilderness areas.

The Sydney Morning Herald reports that a dramatic rescue operation in British Columbia’s rugged forest terrain has highlighted the pitfalls of relying solely on digital map services. North Shore Rescue, a search-and-rescue team, successfully located and airlifted two hikers who found themselves in a perilous situation. The hikers, stranded on a steep, cliff-ridden area north of Mount Fromme, were apparently following a trail that only existed in Google Maps — there was no actual trail in the area at all.

Is the Financial Theft of the Ukraine War Over? 

For years, Ukraine was recognized as one of the most, if not “the” most, corrupt nation in Europe. The country is now struggling to rein in corruption as that is becoming a key hurdle to obtain more financial support.

According to official aid trackers, the U.S. had sent $76.8 billion in military, financial and humanitarian aid to Ukraine as of the end of July 2023. The European Union contributed another $85.1 billion in that same timeframe. In mid-October 2023, Biden proposed yet another $105 billion foreign aid package, $61 billion of which will go to Ukraine.

According to U.S. officials, at least 70,000 of Ukraine’s 500,000 troops had been killed by mid-August 2023, and another 100,000 to 120,000 wounded. Another 9,614 Ukrainian civilians had also been killed as of September 10, 2023.

The supply of cannon fodder is running so low that Ukraine recently updated its conscription law to include women. Women between the ages of 18 and 60 with medical backgrounds must register for military service as of October 1, 2023.

Corruption may be a primary driver of this war. The American public being robbed and Ukraine drained of its youths while a relatively small number of corrupt individuals stuff their pockets with cash. American and European taxpayers are paying for the destruction of Ukraine and the elimination of huge numbers of its inhabitants, so that technocrat globalists and central bankers can then profit from the privatization and rebuilding of Ukraine into a “smart country” model for the rest of the world.

US rights group sues Biden for alleged ‘failure to prevent genocide’ in Gaza

Complaint on behalf of Palestinian groups and individuals alleges Israel’s actions amount to genocide

A New York civil liberties group is suing Joe Biden for allegedly failing in his duty under international and US laws to prevent Israel committing genocide in Gaza.

The Center for Constitutional Rights’ (CCR) complaint on behalf of several Palestinian groups and individuals alleges that Israel’s actions, including “mass killings”, the targeting of civilian infrastructure and forced expulsions, amount to genocide. The CCR said that the 1948 international convention against genocide requires the US and other countries to use their power and influence to stop the killing.


Trump will file for mistrial in NY fraud case ‘very soon,’ attorney says

Former President Trump’s attorney Alina Habba said Sunday that she will be filing for a mistrial in the former president’s fraud cause in New York “soon,” while raising concerns that it will be the same trial judge deciding on the motion. 

Trump has repeatedly expressed concerns on both social media and in court about the judge presiding over the case, along with the judge’s principal clerk, claiming they are biased and motivated by politics. 

Judge Arthur Engoron issued a gag order last month barring Trump and other parties in the case from posting or speaking publicly about members of his staff. Last month, Engoron fined Trump $10,000 for violating the gag order. 

Asked on Fox News’s “Sunday Morning Futures” about Trump’s concerns over the judge and clerk, Habba said the gag order prevented her from responding.

“I can tell you that we will be filing papers to address all of those issues,” Habba said. 

When asked if she will file for a mistrial, Habba said “soon,” and then “very soon.”

Donald Trump Jr. Testimony Kicks Off Trump Defense in NY Fraud Trial

He described his father as a real estate visionary who saw opportunities where others couldn’t, expanding the Trump Organization far past just development.

Donald Trump Jr., executive vice president at the Trump Organization, testified on Nov. 13 as the defense’s first witness in a fraud trial naming him, his brother Eric Trump, his father President Donald Trump, and other executives as defendants.

“My father saw a lot of things before other people in real estate,” Donald Trump Jr. said on the witness stand, beginning his testimony with an overview of his work at the Trump Organization.

He was questioned by state attorneys two weeks ago, and wasn’t cross-examined at the time. During that testimony, Mr. Trump, like his siblings, said more than once that he hadn’t been involved in the creation of the Trump Organization’s statements of financial condition (SFCs).

Secret Service agents protecting Naomi Biden fired shots after attempted vehicle break-in

Secret Service agents tasked with protecting President Joe Biden‘s granddaughter Naomi Biden opened fire after three people attempted to break into an unmarked agency vehicle in Washington, D.C.

The agents saw three people breaking a window of the parked and unoccupied Secret Service vehicle while out with Naomi Biden in the Georgetown neighborhood on Sunday night. One of the agents opened fire using a service weapon, and it is believed that no one was struck by gunfire, the Secret Service said in a statement.

Two to three people fled the scene in a red vehicle, Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said on Monday. The Secret Service has put out a regional bulletin to the Metropolitan Police Department to be on the lookout for the car.

Report: Democrats Want to Throw ‘Bidenomics’ into the ‘Dumpster’

Democrats would reportedly advise President Joe Biden to “heave” so-called “Bidenomics” into the “dumpster” after polling shows just 14 percent of voters say Biden has made them better off. 

The reported unsolicited advice signals infighting among Democrats and the president’s uphill battle to convince voters he deserves reelection.

“Perhaps the most overwhelming economic messaging advice I picked up from Democrats was for him to heave ‘Bidenomics’ into the dumpster, “Politico’s Jonathan Martin wrote Monday after interviewing dozens of Democrats and never-Trump Republicans.

The White House defines Bidenomcs with three pillars intended to cure “longstanding challenges that held America back—including rising inequality and disinvestment from communities across the country”:

  • Making smart public investments in America
  • Empowering and educating workers to grow the middle class
  • Promoting competition to lower costs and help entrepreneurs and small businesses thrive

“Attempting to make voters believe something they don’t is folly. Attaching your name to that strategy borders on masochistic,” Martin wrote of Biden’s economic moniker. “At a time when people are paying more for housing, gas, and groceries, focusing on job growth and the unemployment rate is ineffective.”

A survey recently found that the president’s “Bidenomics” policies are not working for even a quarter of Americans, according to a poll by Financial Times-University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business. The poll is the latest negative poll for the president:

  • 14 percent of voters say they are better off financially now than when Joe Biden took office
  • 70 percent of voters say Biden’s economic policies had either hurt the economy or had no impact,
  • Among the 70 percent, 33 percent said the president’s policies “hurt the economy a lot”

Sanctuary City Denver Spends Millions Flying, Busing Illegal Aliens Elsewhere

The sanctuary city of Denver, Colorado, is spending millions in local taxpayer money to provide newly arrived border crossers and illegal aliens with free flights and bus tickets out of the state.

Records obtained by CBS News Colorado reveal that Denver officials have spent almost $4.5 million in taxpayer money thus far to send more than 12,000 border crossers and illegal aliens to other cities and states across the United States.

While most are being given free bus tickets to leave Denver, about 335 border crossers and illegal aliens have been awarded free flights — at a cost of $115,000 — in the last five months alone.

Mob rule?  Try anarchy!

Mob of Looters Ransacks Memphis Gas Stations, FedEx Truck

A mob of more than three dozen suspects vandalized, damaged, and stole more than $17,000 worth of merchandise from two Memphis, Tennessee, gas stations Saturday night, police say.

Local officials said the group of looters victimized an Exxon and a Fill-N-Go gas station during the rampage, the Daily Mail reported. Police said that it was just after 10:00 p.m. when 30 to 40 suspects entered the Exxon at 3483 Airways Boulevard and stole $2,000 in products.

It was close to midnight when police say a group of 40 looters entered the Fill-N-Go gas station at 3084 South Third Street as well, causing approximately $9,000 in damage and stealing $15,000 worth of merchandise.

Jacob Chansley, the Jan. 6 ‘QAnon Shaman,’ Launches 2024 Congressional Bid

The Arizona man said he believes that the government is ‘certainly corrupt on both sides of the aisle.’

Jacob Chansley, the Arizona man who entered the halls of Congress shirtless while wearing patriotic face paint and horned fur headgear on Jan. 6, 2021, has filed paperwork to run for Congress as a Libertarian.

According to the filings, Mr. Chansley is seeking to fill the seat currently held by Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-Ariz.), who announced in October that she won’t be running for reelection in Arizona’s 8th Congressional District. The congresswoman’s term ends in January 2025.

Others seeking the seat include Blake Masters, a Republican who lost to Democrat Sen. Mark Kelly in last year’s election, and Republican state Sen. Anthony Kern, who was labeled an “insurrectionist” by Arizona Democrats for being present at the Jan. 6 “Stop the Steal” rally in Washington.

VIDEO: Pennsylvania School Counselor Charged for Sexually Assaulting 14-Year-Old Boy

A 35 year old middle school counselor in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, is accused of sexual crimes against a student who was 14 at the time.

Pennridge School District said recently that Kelly Ann Schutte, who works for Pennridge South Middle School, has been placed on leave, Fox 29 reported Friday.

Supreme Court Adopts Code of Conduct

Supreme Court justices adopted a Code of Conduct on Monday after years of Senate Democrat attacks, though already Democrats are saying that the ethical code is insufficient, continuing their demands to impose a congressional code that would degrade the Supreme Court as an independent branch of government, making it subordinate to Congress.

As the justices explained in a unanimous statement accompanying the new code:

For the most part these rules and principles are not new: The Court has long had the equivalent of common law ethics rules, that is, a body of rules derived from a variety of sources, including statutory provisions, the code that applies to other members of the federal judiciary, ethics advisory opinions issued by the Judicial Conference Committee on Codes of Conduct, and historic practice. The absence of a Code, however, has led in recent years to the misunderstanding that the Justices of this Court, unlike all other jurists in this country, regard themselves as unrestricted by any ethics rules. To dispel this misunderstanding, we are issuing this Code, which largely represents a codification of principles that we have long regarded as governing our conduct.

This code was issued after a series of attacks by the Left, criticizing justices for practices that liberal justices have engaged in for years without any prominent voices accusing anyone of questionable conduct. It appears to be a strategy of reverse court-packing to disqualify conservative justices from key cases.

Police, Protesters Clash at Atlanta Training Center

Police used tear gas and flash-bang grenades Monday to halt a march against building an Atlanta-area police and firefighter training center that opponents call “Cop City.”

More than 400 people marched about 2 miles from a park to the site in suburban DeKalb County, chanting “stop Cop City” and “Viva, viva Tortuguita,” invoking the nickname of an activist who was fatally shot by state troopers while camping in the woods in protest earlier this year.

A wedge of marchers, including some in masks, goggles and chemical suits intended to protect against tear gas, pushed into a line of officers in riot gear on a road outside the training center site. Officers pushed back and deployed tear gas. One protester threw a canister back at officers.

Protests against the proposed training center have been going on for more than two years. Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr obtained a sweeping indictment in August, using the state’s anti-racketeering law to charge 61 protesters, characterizing them as “militant anarchists.”

Protesters called Monday’s march “Block Cop City” and events were held across the country in recent weeks to support the movement. It was the latest effort to stop construction of a project that has galvanized environmentalists and anti-police protesters across the country. Protester Sam Beard, rallying the crowd Monday, said the movement has fused environmentalists and police abolitionists.

“We are never letting go of each other again,” Beard said. “That is what has made this movement powerful. That is what has made this movement dangerous.”


California Sheriff Alleges Target Blocked Deputies From Arresting Shoplifters

A California sheriff accused retailer Target of preventing deputies from apprehending shoplifters despite Target stores requesting help to curb a rise in retail crime.

“We don’t tell big retail how to do their jobs, they shouldn’t tell us how to do ours,” Sacramento County Sheriff Jim Cooper wrote on X in a post last week.

Elaborating, he wrote that “recently, we tried to help Target,” according to the post. “Our Property Crimes detectives and sergeant were contacted numerous times by Target to help them with shoplifters, mostly who were known transients. We coordinated with them and set up an operation with detectives.”

For Those of You Awake: GESARA, QFS, GCR/RV, ISO 20022, BASEL III, Protocol QFS 20, and the Iraqi Dinar – The Current State of Affairs

The financial landscape is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and for those who are “AWAKE” to the signs, the future is both exciting and intimidating. We stand on the precipice of a new era, where the old financial systems are giving way to a revolutionary paradigm shift. In this article, we’ll delve into the components of this new financial system—GESARA, QFS, GCR/RV, ISO 20022, BASEL III, Protocol QFS 20, and the Iraqi Dinar. But be warned, this journey is not for the timid; it’s for those ready to seize control of their financial destiny.

The Current State of Affairs:

As we navigate through these strange times marked by erratic weather patterns, ongoing pandemics, and political upheavals, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and uncertain about the future. But amidst the chaos, a financial transformation is taking shape—one that promises stability and security for those who are prepared to embrace it.


Tragic: 15-Month-Old Girl Dies from Organ Failure and Cardiac Arrest Two Days After Receiving Three Vaccines During Routine Visit

In a heart-wrenching incident, Melody Rain Palombi-Malmgren, a 15-month-old girl, tragically passed away two days after receiving routine vaccinations. Her mother, Katherine Palombi, recalls the shock and sorrow of losing a child who was the epitome of joy and health.

On October 17, during a routine 15-month well-visit at the Herbert Kania Pediatric Group in Warwick, New York, Melody received three vaccines, News12 Westchester reported.

Just two days later, she suddenly stopped breathing and suffered cardiac arrest despite exhibiting no warning signs.

Supersize me! Now tell me something we don’t know! 

Eating Fast Food Regularly Is Linked to Liver Disease: Study

Poor diet is a major factor in many serious health issues, with fast food often cited as one of the leading causes of liver disease. So while fast food is convenient and inexpensive and also tastes good—is it worth the risks?

Research links eating fast food regularly to the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, which is an accumulation of excess fat in the liver caused by eating many unhealthy foods, being overweight, and having high cholesterol levels or diabetes. While nonalcoholic fatty liver disease can have serious consequences, such as liver cirrhosis or scarring of the liver, those who act quickly can reverse some of its effects with sensible lifestyle changes.

A new study published in Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology used the data from the nation’s largest annual nutritional survey, the 2017–18 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, to help determine the effect of fast-food consumption on liver steatosis, which is an accumulation of fat in tissues.

Heart hazards: Study links stress and insomnia to atrial fibrillation

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, stress and insomnia have become unwelcome companions for many, creating a seemingly relentless pace that often leaves us just out of reach of our pursuits.  As we navigate this demanding journey, the toll of stress on our bodies has been well-documented, and the repercussions of insomnia on overall health are no secret.  However, a recent study has uncovered a new layer of risk, particularly for postmenopausal women.

This study sheds light on the increased risk for atrial fibrillation, emphasizing the significant impact of insomnia and stress on cardiovascular health.

Study explores the link between psychosocial factors and atrial fibrillation (AFib)

Before we delve into the details, let’s familiarize ourselves with some essential terminology.  Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is a cardiac condition characterized by an irregular and often rapid heartbeat.  This condition poses significant risks, including blood clots, heart failure, stroke, and other complications related to the heart.

During an AFib episode, the atria (upper chambers of the heart) exhibit irregular beating, falling out of sync with the ventricles (lower chambers).  While AFib may manifest without noticeable symptoms, it can also cause a pounding, accelerated heartbeat, feelings of lightheadedness, and shortness of breath.

A recent study by Dr. Susan X. Zhao and her team set out to examine the relationship between psychosocial factors and AFib.  They analyzed data gathered from over 83,000 women aged 50 to 79, assessing various aspects such as stressful life events, social support, optimism, insomnia, and sleeping habits.

Chronic stress and insomnia are more dangerous than you think

After almost ten years of data analysis and follow-up, the researchers found a close association between AFib and psychosocial factors.  This indicates that there are mental health risk factors for AFib that cannot be ignored and should be identified and addressed as such, although there is a need for more studies to explore this further.

Of the 83,736 women in the study, 23,954 (25%) developed atrial fibrillation.  Stress was a major contributing factor.  Insomnia was also found to play a part in the development of  AFib.  Each additional point on the insomnia scale increased the likelihood of developing AFib by 4%.  On the stressful life event scale, each additional point increased the likelihood of AFib by 2%.


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Cutting Just 1 Teaspoon of Salt Lowers Blood Pressure

Cutting out just one teaspoon of salt every day lowers blood pressure almost as much as medication does, new research shows.

Investigators said theirs is one of the largest studies ever to include people taking high blood pressure meds in a look at the effect of reducing dietary intake of sodium.

“We found that 70-75% of all people, regardless of whether they are already on blood pressure medications or not, are likely to see a reduction in their blood pressure if they lower the sodium in their diet,” said study co-author Norrina Allen, a professor of preventive medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago.  

From vine to wellness: How grapes supercharge your gut

Grapes are a universally cherished snack enjoyed by individuals of all ages.  Their popularity is due to their convenience, being easily portable, and their delightful combination of sweetness and a subtly crisp texture that makes eating them enjoyable.

For years, scientists have sung praises about grapes’ numerous health benefits.  However, a recent study has brought attention to their unique properties that contribute to gut health and foster a healthy gut microbiome, impacting the entire body.  This newfound insight holds the potential to enhance health across vital organs such as the heart, brain, colon, skin, and more.

Grapes’ influence on gut microbiome

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers observed a dynamic impact on the gut microbiome due to grape consumption.  This led to notable shifts in interactive networks, bringing about subtle alterations in the gut microbiome and the chemicals it produces.  Grapes, it appears, possess the unique capability to instigate changes in the microbiome’s chemical composition, subsequently influencing various organs throughout the body.

These findings hint at the potential for substantial enhancements in overall health, impacting vital organs such as the brain, heart, skin, and colon.  The intricate interplay between grapes and the gut microbiome opens doors to a deeper understanding of how dietary choices can significantly contribute to holistic well-being.

Grapes: Small wonders with big health gains

Grapes are not only nutrient-packed, but they are also rich in resveratrol, a polyphenol, as well as flavanols (present in blueberries, red grapes, dark chocolate, tea, and apples) and fisetin (found in strawberries, cucumbers, and mangos).  The health benefits are impressive.  Studies have shown that grapes (and other foods containing flavanols) may help:

So, if you want a healthy snack that tastes great and is fun to eat, add some grapes to your diet and enjoy the benefits.  Obviously, if you’re dealing with blood sugar issues, you may want to limit or avoid this food choice.  Otherwise, make sure you choose organic grapes only and, finally, eat them in moderation – like any other healthy food choice.


Major Step Taken in Proposed Truth Social Merger That Would Infuse Trump-Backed Social Media Startup with Mega Cash

Digital World Acquisition Corp. (DWAC) and Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. made a major step in the proposed Truth Social merger that would inject the company with significant financing, a Monday announcement from both companies revealed.

The two companies announced the filing by DWAC of Amendment No. 1 to the Form S-4 Registration Statement, which includes a preliminary proxy statement and prospectus in connection with the proposed business combination with Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG), which runs Truth Social.

Elon Musk: The ‘Age Of Abundance’, UBI And Technocracy

hen it comes to the future, Elon Musk’s best-case scenario for humanity sounds a lot like Sci-Fi Socialism.

The world’s richest man, who for years has warned about the dangers of artificial intelligence, lately has been painting a more utopian vision for what could occur when supersmart robots are able to replace everyday workers.

“We will be in an age of abundance,” Musk said this month.

He was speaking publicly with U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who like many world leaders is trying to navigate the fast-developing technology’s effect on work and life. Sunak said he believes the act of work gives meaning, and had some concerns about Musk’s prediction.

“I think work is a good thing, it gives people purpose in their lives,” Sunak told Musk. “And if you then remove a large chunk of that, what does that mean?”

That is the question.

So often when Musk talks about the threats of AI he is describing world-ending scenarios that seem straight from “The Terminator” movie or other science fiction works where robots turn on their creators.

More recently, in talking about the technology positively, Musk likes to point to another work of Sci-Fi to describe how AI could change our world: a series of books by the late-, self-described-socialist author Iain Banks that revolve around a post-scarcity society that includes superintelligent AI.

AI chemist finds molecule to make oxygen on Mars after sifting through millions – Space.com

The system calculated more than 3.7 million molecules it could make from six different metallic elements in the rocks.

Using meteorites from Mars, an AI-powered robot chemist synthesized compounds that could be used to generate oxygen from water, scientists announced on Monday (Nov. 13). .

Potential future crewed missions to Mars will need oxygen — not just for astronauts to breathe, but also for use as rocket propellant. One key way to make such missions cost-effective in the long run is to use resources that already exist on the Red Planet to create the oxygen. That’d be much easier than lugging a bunch of oxygen, and oxygen-producing materials, all the way from Earth.

The idea is promising because Mars does possess significant reserves of frozen water ice — because water is made of hydrogen and oxygen, scientists have been looking for ways to harvest the latter element from those Martian reserves. In particular, compounds known as catalysts are capable of spurring chemical reactions that “split” water molecules to generate oxygen and hydrogen gas.

In a new study, researchers experimented with an AI chemist to produce some of those water-splitting catalysts — most importantly, these tests were conducted with materials found on Mars. The team focused on five different categories of Martian meteorites, which are rocks that crashed down on Earth after cosmic impacts blasted them off the Red Planet.

The AI chemist used a robot arm to collect samples from the Martian meteorites, then it employed a laser to scan the ore. From there, it calculated more than 3.7 million molecules it could make from six different metallic elements in the rocks — iron, nickel, manganese, magnesium, aluminum and calcium. 

Within six weeks, without any human intervention, the AI chemist selected, synthesized and tested 243 of those different molecules. The best catalyst the robot found could split water at minus 34.6 degrees F (minus 37 degrees C), the kind of cold temperature found on none other than Mars. 

The researchers estimate it would have taken a human scientist something like 2,000 years to find that “best” catalyst using conventional trial-and-error techniques. Still, Jiang noted that, although these findings suggest AI can be very helpful in science, it “at the same time needs the guidance of human scientists. The robot AI chemist is smart only if we taught it to do something.”

The scientists now aim to see if their AI chemist can operate under Martian conditions other than temperature, “in which the atmospheric composition, air density, humidity, gravity and so on are so different than those on Earth,” Jiang said.


Exxon to start lithium production for EVs in the US by 2027

Exxon Mobil (XOM.N) said on Monday it plans to start producing lithium from subsurface wells by 2027 to provide supplies of the key metal used in electric-car batteries and advanced electronics.


Hunter Makes Emergency Survival Shelter in Barren Winter Scablands With No Gear, No Wood—Here’s How

You are lost in the wilderness in winter, with no tools, no wood, no fire. Temperatures are falling, and it’s getting dark. What do you do?

The scablands in Washington state are windburned, barren, and mostly flat, causing harsh exposure for hunters and outdoorsmen. This is no place for the unsavvy solo hiker in winter. Derrick Ince, 45, was reared in these rugged parts and mostly remembers it being cold but really exciting, particularly deer hunting with his father and his friends.

Mr. Ince’s outdoorsy traits never left him. He stepped them up in his 20s, delving deep into bushcraft. “I wanted to know more about the trees and the plants and edible things,” he told The Epoch Times, “wanting to create things with minimal tools.”


Woman Shoots Armed Man Five Times to Save Individual Under Attack

An armed woman in Shelby, North Carolina, intervened to save a man under attack on November 6, 2023, shooting the attacker five times.

The Shelby Star reported that the woman witnessed a man get shot twice around 6:30 p.m. and she opened fire on the attacker.

Shelby police Capt. Seth Treadway said the two men had been involved in an argument a half hour earlier. “Then they kind of go their separate ways and about a half an hour after Unterio [Jolly] shows up with a gun and shoots (the man) in the face and the shoulder. Right after he does that… a concerned citizen shoots back trying to protect (the man) and hits Jolly about five times. She shoots him five times.”


Post-COVID Vaccine Syndrome Is a Physiological Disease: Study

A new study may have finally found biological proof of post-COVID vaccine syndrome.

The German study, led by Dr. Fritz Boege, professor of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine at the University Hospital of Düsseldorf, showed that people who developed persistent symptoms for up to five months post-vaccination have different immune protein levels than vaccinated, asymptomatic people.

Post-COVID vaccine syndrome, abbreviated as PACVS in the study, describes symptoms that can persist for months to years after the individual received the COVID-19 vaccine. Common symptoms include fatigue, brain fog, and post-exertional malaise, and abnormalities of the heart, nervous system, muscles, and the gut.

Catching a Cold Might Prevent a Severe Case of COVID-19

Scientists have puzzled over why some people seem immune to COVID-19, even after exposure. Now, emerging evidence points to an intriguing explanation: prior run-ins with the common cold.

Common Cold Antibodies Protect Against COVID

A new study investigated whether preexisting antibodies from common cold viruses offer protection against COVID-19. Researchers analyzed blood samples from 94 unvaccinated hospitalized patients with varying severity of respiratory failure; 74 had tested positive for COVID-19, while 20 did not have the infection.

They measured levels of antibodies from prior common cold coronavirus infections. The same analysis was done for non-COVID patients as controls.

There was a positive correlation between common cold antibody levels and COVID-specific antibodies. Higher common cold antibody levels in the control patients suggested a potentially protective effect against COVID severity.

‘Original Antigenic Sin’

The concept of “original antigenic sin” (OAS) was first coined in the 1960s. It refers to how initial flu exposures shape immunity against later, related strains.


1,600+ Harvard Alumni Threaten to Pull Donations over Campus Antisemitism

More than 1,600 Harvard alumni are saying they will withhold donations to the Ivy League university unless school leadership takes swift action to address antisemitism on campus.

“We never thought that, at Harvard University, we would have to argue the point that terrorism against civilians demands immediate and unequivocal condemnation. We never thought we would have to argue for recognition of our own humanity,” the Harvard College Jewish Alumni Association (HCJAA) said in an open letter to President Claudine Gay and Dean of Harvard College Rakesh Khurana.

Vatican Says Transsexuals and ‘Homoaffective’ Persons Can Be Baptized, Serve as Godparents

The Vatican’s doctrinal office (DDF) declared this week that transsexuals and “homoaffective” persons can be baptized and serve as godparents provided certain conditions are met.

Transsexual persons, even if they have undergone hormone therapy or sex reassignment surgery, may receive the Sacrament of Baptism “if there are no situations in which there is a risk of generating public scandal or confusion among the faithful,” stated the text, signed by Argentinean Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández.

Pro-Terror Teenagers Admit They Learned to Hate Israel on China’s TikTok, Zuckerberg’s Instagram

Young people attending a New York City anti-Israel rally have admitted that they learned to hate Israel by watching pro-Palestinian videos on Chinese-owned app TikTok and Mark Zuckerbeg’s Instagram.

More than a dozen young protesters who skipped school to join an anti-Israel rally in Manhattan on Thursday told the New York Post that their opinions about the Israel-Hamas war were shaped mainly by China’s TikTok and Facebook-owned Instagram, as well as their teachers.


Groundbreaking: New Category Added to Top Pet Toxins List

For the first time ever, this category of pet toxins has been added to the official ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center’s annual list of top toxins. And it’s about time, as a recent survey shows this category has become the most frequent cause of poisoning, especially for dogs.

For the first time ever, recreational drugs have made it onto the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center’s (APCC) annual list of top toxins for pets for 2022.1 Coming in at number 10 of the top 10 are drugs including marijuana (in various formats), hallucinogenic mushrooms, and cocaine. Human over-the-counter medications, in particular pain medications such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen, retain the top spot on the list for another year.

In 2022, the APCC assisted with over 278,000 calls in the U.S. for possible animal poisonings, which represents a nearly 5% increase over 2021. Almost 11% more of those calls were related to potential marijuana ingestion than in the previous year. Over the past five years, the center has seen a nearly 300% increase in calls.

Top 10 Pet Toxins of 2022

  1. Human over-the-counter medications — Pain medications (ibuprofen, acetaminophen) are the most common
  2. Food — Examples include products containing the artificial sweetener xylitol, grapes/raisins, and protein bars (many contain xylitol and/or chocolate and/or raisins and/or nuts that are toxic for pets, especially dogs)
  3. Human prescription medications — In addition to OTC medications like NSAIDs and acetaminophen, the Pet Poison Helpline lists several prescription medications as most often involved in pet poisonings, including
  4. Chocolate — Chocolate is toxic to both cats and dogs, and the darker the chocolate, the more toxic. It contains a caffeine-like stimulant substance that when ingested by your pet can cause vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, racing pulse, and even seizures. Make sure all your family members and guests, including children, understand the importance of keeping chocolate away from your dog or cat.
  5. Plants — The top 4 outdoor plants toxic to pets include the Sago palm, lilies, plants containing cardiac glycosides (e.g., dogbane, foxglove, milkweed, kalanchoe, lily of the valley, and oleander), and blue-green algae found in stagnant, warm water
  6. Household toxins — Most commercial cleaning products pollute the air inside your home by off-gassing toxic fumes that can be very hazardous, not to mention irritating, to everyone in the household. And the more cleaning you do, the greater the buildup of toxins in the indoor air. Common symptoms of irritation from cleaning product fumes include eye irritation and breathing problems.
  7. Veterinary products — Prescription animal medications are often flavored to increase palatability, so pets may mistake them for treats and eat more than prescribed. Inquisitive pets may even eat pills that aren’t flavored, so keep all medications (human and veterinary) out of your pet’s reach.
  8. Rodenticides — Common types include long-acting anticoagulants, bromethalin, hypercalcemic agents, and zinc phosphide. All types of rat bait are poisonous to pets, but bromethalin is especially deadly because it is fast-acting and currently there is no antidote. If you have rodents around your home, a nontoxic alternative to rodenticides are humane traps. To discourage mice, rats, and other pests, make sure your trash cans are inaccessible to them. To keep your pets safe, supervise them when they’re outside and don’t allow them to consume dead rodents.
  9. Insecticides — Most insecticides used around homes and yards (typically those that come in a spray can) are basic irritants to dogs and cats, and result in clinical signs of drooling, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. However, there are some less common types that are mixed with dangerous chemicals such as organophosphates or carbamates that can be life-threatening to pets if consumed
  10. Recreational drugs — As noted earlier, this category of pet toxins primarily involves marijuana, cocaine, and hallucinogenic mushrooms, along with opioids. In a study published last year, researchers at the University of Guelph’s Ontario Veterinary College conducted a survey of U.S. and Canadian veterinarians and found that ingestion of cannabis edibles by unsupervised pets (primarily dogs) was the most frequent cause of poisoning.
  11. It’s important to realize that THC levels in cannabis are higher than ever before, so to protect your pet, keep all marijuana plants and products stored safely away, and when outdoors with your dog, stay alert for signs she’s picked up something in her mouth. It’s also important to note that CBD products for pets do not contain any notable levels of THC, so don’t fear using CBD products that are specifically designed for pets.

If you know or suspect your pet has ingested a toxin of any kind, call your veterinarian, the nearest emergency animal hospital, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center hotline at 888-426-4435, or the Pet Poison Helpline at 855-764-7661 immediately.

You can become a co-producer! 

Co-Produce the Joint LC911-RG911 “9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom”!

Phase 1 and Phase 2 are both “in-the-can” and we are officially now in post-production. We’re back from Washington DC filming of the Twin Towers evidence segments of the Film Series !!


Maryanne Trump Barry, Trump’s Sister, Dies at 86: NYPD

Maryanne Trump Barry, a former federal court judge and the older sister of former President Donald Trump, has died at age 86, according to a spokesperson for the New York City Police Department (NYPD).

A spokesperson for the NYPD confirmed to The Epoch Times that she died on Nov. 13.

The NYPD also told Fox News that she died, and it was reported that there were no signs of foul play.

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