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The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: November 22, 2022


Lockdown Policies Are Alive And Well In The Globalist Assault Playbook

he lords of lockdown barely escaped their worst possible fate, namely that the topic would become the national and international source of scandal that it should be. And let’s add the vaccine mandates here too: even if such had been morally justified, which they were not, there is absolutely no practical reason for them at all.

To have imposed both of these within the course of one year – with zero evidence that they achieved anything for public health and vast amounts of unfolding evidence that they ruined life quality for countless millions – qualifies as a scandal for the ages. It was in the US but also in nearly every country in the world but a few.

Might that have huge political implications? One would suppose so. And yet today it appears that truth and justice are further off than ever. The most passionate of the anti-lockdown governors – those who never locked down or opened earlier than the rest of the country – won on their record. Most of the rest joined the entire political establishment in pretending that all of this is a non-issue. Tragically, this tactic seems to have worked better than it should have.

Meanwhile, a few points to consider:

The US government, through the Transportation Safety Administration, has signed yet another order extending the ban on unvaccinated international visitors until January 8, 2023. This means that no person who has managed to refuse the shot is allowed to come to the US for any reason. This is 30% of the world’s population, banned even to enter the US on their own dime. Something like this would have been inconceivably illiberal three years ago, and been a source of enormous controversy and outrage. Today, the extension hardly made the news.

The Biden administration has once again extended the Covid emergency declaration another 90 days, which continues to grant government vast powers without Congressional approval. Under a state of emergency, the Constitutional structure of the US is effectively suspended and the country remains on a wartime footing. This announcement was not controversial, and, like the above, it barely made the news.

Many colleges and universities, and also other schools and public agencies, continue to enforce the vaccine mandate even without any solid science behind the approval of the bivalent shots or any real rationale behind the push, given that most people have long ago been exposed and acquired natural immunity, and, moreover, it is very well established that the shots do not protect anyone from infection nor stop transmission. They just keep doing this anyway.

German Companies Scramble to Buy Generators Amid Grid Collapse Fears

Medium and large companies have reportedly been scrambling to purchase electricity generators amid fears that the country could see parts of its national grid collapse.

Companies responsible for the sale of electricity generators in Germany are reported to be seeing their business boom with many enterprises reportedly fearing that there could be widespread power outages or even partial grid collapse throughout Germany this winter.

Government to Beg Public to Turn Down Heating as Possible Blackouts Loom

UK government officials are set to urge the general public to turn down their heating as fears over possible winter blackouts loom.

Britons are to be asked by their government to turn down their heating before Christmas in a bid to save energy, reporting on Monday morning has claimed.

Finland: Security Professionals Call For Return to Right of Armed Self Defence

A group of security professionals have called on the government of Finland to allow members of the public the right to armed self-defence, claiming police are not able to protect all citizens from violence.

The group Citizens’ Initiative has called on the government to introduce reforms to allow individual citizens to be licensed to carry firearms for self-defence purposes, arguing that many may be at risk of violence and that police may be unable to help them.


Judge Says Former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki Must Answer Questions Under Oath

Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki must sit for a deposition, a U.S. judge ruled on Nov. 21.

Psaki, who now works for MSNBC, isn’t facing an “undue burden,” U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty, a Trump appointee, wrote in a seven-page ruling.

In October, Doughty ordered Psaki and other former and current Biden administration officials to answer questions under oath because evidence has been put forth indicating they colluded with big tech firms to censor users.

Plaintiffs in the case said that Psaki’s public statements about the administration pressuring Facebook and other companies to crack down on supposed disinformation and misinformation and to ban users showed she had personal knowledge about communications between officials and big tech executives. Doughty agreed, finding the plaintiffs “have proven that Jennifer Psaki has personal knowledge about the issue concerning censorship across social media as it related to COVID-19 and ancillary issues of COVID-19.”

He also said that “any burden on Psaki is outweighed by the need to determine whether free speech has been suppressed.”

Psaki sought to quash the subpoena, saying it would unduly burden her because she would need to spend several days preparing for and participating in the deposition.

Psaki filed the motion in federal court in Virginia, where she lives. Doughty is based in Louisiana.

US releases new batch of documents about JFK assassination

The National Archives has made public nearly 1,500 documents related to the U.S. government’s investigation into the 1963 assassination of President John F

US releases new batch of documents about JFK assassinationBy ERIC TUCKERAssociated PressThe Associated PressWASHINGTON

Mohave County Delays Certifying Arizona Election Results in Protest

A second Arizona county on Monday delayed certifying its midterm election results until the Nov. 28 deadline in a show of solidarity with Maricopa County, where voting problems were reported on Election Day.

The Mohave County board of supervisors explicitly promised during a meeting they would certify the results by Nov. 28, saying their decision to push certification back until the deadline was a political statement.

Kari Lake Gives Update, Says ‘Whistleblowers Are Coming Forward’

Arizona Republican governor’s candidate Kari Lake issued a Monday update, saying her attorneys are working to obtain more information and “whistleblowers are coming forward” after reports of poll issues on Election Day in Maricopa County.

“Attorneys are working diligently to gather information,” said Lake, a former local news anchor who was backed by former President Donald Trump. “Whistleblowers are coming forward and the curtain is being lifted. Whether done accidentally or intentionally. It is clear that this election was a debacle that destroyed any trust in our elections.”

Authorities Maricopa County are, according to Lake, “still counting ballots” after “printer problems, tabulation errors, three-hour-long lines and even longer and confusing instructions given by election officials made this election day the most chaotic in Arizona’s history.”

For the past several days, Lake has been posting videos of voters complaining about their experiences during Election Day to her Twitter page.  She’s said that Republican voters were disenfranchised when they tried to cast ballots in Maricopa County, the state’s most populous county.

Murkowski Takes Lead Over Tshibaka in Alaska Senate Race

Incumbent U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, one of seven Senate Republicans who voted to impeach former President Donald Trump, has claimed a slim lead over Republican challenger Kelly Tshibaka, according to the updated results from the Alaska Division of Elections.

On the morning of Nov. 18, with 95 percent of the ballots counted, Tshibaka was ahead with 104,898 votes (43.28 percent) compared to 104,470 (43.11 percent) for Murkowski, according to the Associated Press.

The Alaska Division of Elections’ report that was released on the evening on Nov. 18 showed Murkowski with 112,519 votes (43.32 percent) and Tshibaka at 110,861 (42.68 percent). Democrat Patricia Chesbro followed with 26,874 votes (10.35 percent).

Republican Buzz Kelley, who dropped out of the race in September and backed Tshibaka but still appeared on the ballot, occupied the fourth spot with 7,484 votes (2.88 percent).

Hunter Biden Laptop Repairman Reveals ‘Chilling’ Warning From FBI Agent

John Paul Mac Isaac, the laptop repairman who allegedly obtained Hunter Biden’s laptop, revealed Monday that he is working with Republican lawmakers as they prepare to investigate the younger Biden after taking the House majority during this month’s midterms.

Mac Isaac alleged in a Monday interview with Fox News that an FBI agent gave him a “chilling” warning when he first interacted with the bureau after finding the laptop. The Delaware-based laptop repairman said he recalled telling one agent that he would change their names when he published his book.

“That’s when Agent Mike turned around and told me that, in their experience, nothing ever happens to people that don’t talk about these things,” Mac Isaac said, claiming that it was a veiled threat to keep silent.

“I have been dealing with retaliation from multiple fronts for the past two years when what I did was leaked to the country. I’m expecting it, and I’m going to expect it to continue,” he added to Fox News while promoting his book.

Republicans, he said, should hold “the FBI accountable for colluding with our mainstream and social media to block a story, a real story with real consequence,” and they should “get to the bottom of what the Biden family was up to when Joe Biden was vice president.”

Florida Offers ‘Blueprint for Success’: DeSantis Says at Major GOP Gathering in Las Vegas

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a potential presidential hopeful in 2024, said during the weekend that the midterm results show that the Sunshine State presents a “blueprint for success” for the Republican Party looking forward.

“What the election results in Florida show is that Florida really has a blueprint for success,” DeSantis told the influential crowd of Republican leaders, donors, and activists at the annual leadership meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition on Nov. 19.

“What we’ve shown in Florida is you can stand up for truth, you can stand on principle, you can fight the woke elite, and you can win,” DeSantis said during his 25-minute speech, which generates the most applause including multiple standing ovations.

Beginning a day earlier, the Las Vegas gathering was seen as the first major GOP cattle call in the next White House race, featuring about 10 possible presidential candidates in the 2024 GOP nomination race, such as former President Donald Trump, former Vice President Mike Pence, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, most of whom addressed in person.

Lindsey Graham set to testify before Fulton County special grand jury

 After months of delays and legal arguments, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham is set to testify before the Fulton County grand jury investigating possible illegal interference in the 2020 election by then-President Donald Trump and his allies.

Graham was scheduled to appear before the grand jury last week, but his testimony was pushed back to Tuesday.

The senator has made multiple attempts to quash the subpoena ordering him to testify, but earlier this month, the U.S. Supreme Court cleared the way for his testimony by lifting their temporary hold on his appearance.

The South Carolina senator, a top Trump ally, had argued that a provision of the Constitution, the speech and debate clause, shields him from being forced to testify at all.

The court ruled that Graham has to testify, but that he did not have to discuss matters related to legislative activity.


Twitter Fact Checks Joe Biden’s Bogus Claim on Lowering the Deficit

Twitter fact-checked a bogus claim by President Joe Biden on Monday that he had lowered the deficit, despite signing trillions of dollars in spending bills and raising taxes.

“The Biden-Harris Administration lowered the deficit with the single largest one-year reduction in American history,” the claim from the White House read on Twitter.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Touts Continued Record Growth in Tourism

On Nov. 17, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced continued record visitation to Florida in the third quarter of 2022.

“People are visiting Florida in record numbers because Governor DeSantis has championed freedom,” DeSantis’ press secretary Bryan Griffin said in a statement to The Epoch Times. “He refused to shut down the state during COVID and has always resisted vaccine mandates and forced masking. By standing up for freedom, the governor helped Florida avoid the economic turmoil that many lockdown states are still facing today.”

According to the latest estimates from Visit Florida (pdf), the Sunshine State welcomed 35.1 million visitors between July and September 2022, marking a 6.9 percent increase from the same period in 2021 and the fifth consecutive quarter of overall tourism surpassing pre-pandemic levels.

Digital Currency: The Future Of Your Money

Digital currency has the potential to completely change how society thinks about money. The rise of Bitcoin, Ethereum and thousands of other cryptocurrencies that exist only in electronic form has led global central banks to research how national digital currencies might work.


Report: Used Electric Vehicles ‘Too Expensive’ Compared to Diesel, Petrol Alternatives

The high unit cost of used electric vehicles (EVs) is holding back the electrification of the car market, new research suggests, with a lack of community charging facilities, short driving range, and disinterested customers cited by UK motor trade dealers as combining to stifle sales.

November’s Startline Used Car Tracker shows more than half (58 percent) of dealers are worried about the expense of EVs compared to petrol and diesel alternatives.


Ex-CIA Insider: ‘Biden Just Signed the U.S. Dollar’s Death Warrant’

The following content is sponsored by Paradigm Press.

When it comes to big financial predictions, renowned financial analyst Jim Rickards doesn’t mince words.

An ex-CIA insider and financial advisor to the Pentagon, Mr. Rickards has been a leading voice in global finance for decades.

He was a major influence in negotiating the end of Iranian crisis during the Reagan administration, and his bestselling book Currency Wars is often cited as one of the most important economic works of the last decade.

Today, he’s sounding an alarm most people don’t want to hear – but according to him, that’s a big mistake.

“The U.S. dollar as we know it is doomed,” he says. “President Biden signed the death warrant himself on March 9th with Executive Order 14067.”

According to Jim, buried inside this little-known federal order is specific language that could lead not only to legal government surveillance of all U.S. citizens…

But also total control over your bank accounts and purchases.

“This is a pretty sinister move by the President, to tell you the truth,” he says. “And I bet 99 percent of Americans have no idea about it.

“What’s worse, it could spell disaster for the wealth of millions of Americans – at a time when inflation is already destroying their purchasing power.”

So what’s in Executive Order 14067 that makes it so devious?

Well, as Jim points out in his critical new exposé, it sets the stage for a fully trackable “spyware” version of the U.S. dollar.

That would be a serious threat to the privacy and personal security of all Americans – and give a disturbing amount of control over your money, straight to the U.S. government.

And if you think this is some far-off pipe dream, think again.

“This is happening right now,” Jim says. “Executive Order 14067 already gives President Biden unprecedented power over the future of the U.S. dollar.

“And sadly, most Americans will be completely caught off guard by it.”

That’s why Jim just released a new must-see presentation on how you can prepare for this critical event NOW – and he includes a critical way for you to actually profit from the fallout.

Click here to watch this urgent new presentation from Jim Rickards now.


New Post: Jay’s Corner – November 2022

Bacterial Infections the Second Leading Cause of Death Worldwide

Bacterial infections are the second leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for one in eight of all deaths in 2019, the first global estimate of their lethality revealed on Tuesday.

The massive new study, published in the Lancet journal, looked at deaths from 33 common bacterial pathogens and 11 types of infection across 204 countries and territories.

The pathogens were associated with 7.7 million deaths — 13.6 percent of the global total — in 2019, the year before the COVID-19 pandemic took off.

That made them the second-leading cause of death after ischaemic heart disease, which includes heart attacks, the study said.

→ Related: Top seven safe, effective natural antibiotics

Power Mall Recommended Products: 


Report: Thanksgiving Gas Prices Set to Break Record

Citizens traveling over Thanksgiving weekend are in for more pain at the pump in President Joe Biden’s (D) America.

In a report on Tuesday, GasBuddy said the “Projected average price of $3.68 on Thanksgiving Day will break record set 10 years ago.”


Cardiologists Come to the Same Conclusion Regarding COVID Jab Side Effects

“The Covid mRNA vaccine has likely played a significant role or been a primary cause of unexpected cardiac arrests, heart attacks, strokes, cardiac arrhythmias, and heart failure since 2021…”

Until the British cardiologist, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, expressed grave concern about the safety of Covid mRNA vaccines, he was one of the most celebrated doctors in Britain. In 2016 he was named in the Sunday Times Debrett’s list as one of the most influential people in science and medicine in the UK in a list that included Professor Stephen Hawking. His total Altmetric score (measure of impact and reach) of his medical journal publications since 2013 is over 10,000 making it one of the highest in the World for a clinical doctor during this period.

In the early days of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Britain, he advocated the injections for the general public. However, in July of 2021, he experienced a terrible personal loss that caused him to reevaluate the shots—namely, the sudden and unexpected death of his 73-year-old father. His father’s death made no sense to him because he knew from his own examination that his father’s general and cardiac health were excellent. As he put it in a recent interview

Pfizer CEO Claims COVID Vaccine Will Be ‘Free for All Americans,’ Critics Push Back

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said the company’s COVID-19 vaccine will be “free for all Americans” because insurance companies and other groups will pay the cost, although critics have said his claims aren’t true.

“Americans will see no difference,” Bourla told STAT Summit last week. STAT is a health care publication. The vaccine, he added, will “be free for them to get, regardless of the insurance they have.”

However, Bourla did not mention whether uninsured Americans would have to pay for the vaccine. Currently, the federal government is paying Pfizer $30 per dose of the mRNA vaccine and has been distributing it to the public.

The drug giant announced in October that it would raise the price of its vaccine to $130 per dose after the federal government uses up the vials it has purchased and the vaccine goes on the open market in 2023 when the U.S. public health emergency expires.

Pfizer’s Financial Supernova and the Art of Really Big Lies

Pfizer’s annual revenue is expected to reach $101.3 billion in 2022, thanks to its COVID jab, which doesn’t prevent infection or spread, and Paxlovid, an ineffective and dangerous COVID antiviral that causes rebound

Pfizer got plenty of free help from the federal government, which bullied and harassed people into getting the shots, and implemented rules that ensure hospitals and pharmacies will only prescribe certain COVID drugs, Paxlovid being one of them

The key to getting away with a really big lie is making it so divorced from reality that the listener will assume their own perception is flawed, and then repeating it over and over again. This strategy has been used to great effect over the past three years, resulting in a massive shift from fact-based public health orthodoxy to irrational fantasy-based dogma

Centralized top-down health care is far more attractive to Big Pharma investors than patient-centered care. The primary obstacle to the corporatization and monetization of public health has been truth, and this obstacle was finally overcome during the COVID pandemic

The Big Lies told during the pandemic work because they veer so sharply from the truth. This break from factual reality is what makes it so difficult to question them, because if you do, you’re now questioning the entire hierarchy of public health

C-19 Injections: Massive Regulatory and Manufacturing Fraud

Alexandra Latypova is an ex-pharmaceutical industry and biotech executive with a lot of experience in the areas of drug safety and clinical trials

Early on, she discovered that, based on the number of reported deaths and adverse events per lot, there was unprecedented variability in the toxicity of the product

According to Alexandra, the mRNA shots do not conform to their label specifications, and “in practice, both ‘blank’ and ‘lethal’ vials and anything in between is produced”

Having analyzed massive amounts of publicly available data, as well as documents that became available as a result of FOIA requests and other sources, she has found strong evidence of manufacturing and regulatory fraud

How Omega-3 Might Help Prevent Cytokine Storm

Evidence suggests the omega-3 fats EPA and DHA affect biological pathways that may have direct influence in the outcome of COVID-19

EPA and DHA have a direct influence in the immunological response to viral infections and can modulate immune response and function

Animal-based omega-3 fats, especially DHA, also help prevent thrombosis (a blood clot within a blood vessel) by decreasing platelet aggregation. Hypercoagulation is another complication of severe COVID-19 infection that can have lethal consequences

Omega-3 also lowers your risk of lung dysfunction, protects against lung damage and secondary bacterial infections, and improves mitochondrial function

Research shows that by lowering triglycerides, the risk of developing a cytokine storm is diminished. Omega-3 supplementation is known to lower triglycerides, but krill oil does so more effectively than fish oil

→ Power Mall Recommended Product: Optivida Super Krill Oil


Associated Press Reporter Fired After Retracting Story on Russian Missiles Hitting Poland

The Associated Press has reportedly fired the journalist who retracted the story about Russian missiles hitting Poland last week, which led to heated speculation of a possible World War III scenario.

Last week, the world came to a standstill after investigative reporter James LaPorta of the Associated Press wrote that a “senior U.S. intelligence official” indicated that “Russian missiles crossed into NATO member Poland, killing two people.” The story set off a firestorm of concern across social media as people wondered if this would be a Franz Ferdinand-type of event that would plunge the Western world into full-scale war with a nuclear power. One day later, the Associated Press took down the story and issued an editor’s note saying that the unnamed “senior U.S. intelligence official” relayed incorrect information.


The Truth About Ivermectin

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