July 1, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: November 28, 2023


Eat Less Meat: The UN’s Net Zero Plan For Agriculture At COP28

The world’s most-developed nations will be told to curb their excessive appetite for meat as part of the first comprehensive plan to bring the global agrifood industry into line with the Paris Climate Agreement.

The global food systems’ road map to 1.5C is expected to be published by the United Nations’ Food & Agriculture Organization during the COP28 summit next month. Nations that over-consume meat will be advised to limit their intake, while developing countries — where under-consumption of meat adds to a prevalent nutrition challenge — will need to improve their livestock farming, according to the FAO.

Crickets, mealworms, and cockroaches are more sustainable than cattle, pigs, and sheep. The UN claims that one-third of all global “greenhouse emissions” come from agriculture, mostly from livestock and most of that from cattle. In December 2023, The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will officially present the first Agriculture Roadmap for Net Zero By 2050. Of course, this will mean “shifting diets to reduce global production of livestock-based protein.”

Russia’s Military Budget Soars, Government Spending up 25 Per Cent Over Next Three Years

 Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday signed a national budget for the next three years that increases spending by around 25% and reportedly devotes a record amount to defense as the the country’s military operation in Ukraine drags on.

The budget foresees spending in 2024 of 36.6 trillion rubles ($415 billion) with an expected deficit of 1.595 trillion rubles ($9.5 billion).

After the budget was passed by the lower house of the parliament, Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin said it was developed specifically to fund the military and to mitigate the impact of international sanctions imposed after Russia sent troops into Ukraine in February 2022.

‘All Allies Agree’ Ukraine Will Join NATO, Says Alliance Boss

NATO reaffirms its long-term support for Ukraine and says its members all agree the nation will join the alliance, but not while the war is ongoing, and not before it has reformed.

The Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) Jens Stoltenberg again spoke of NATO membership for Ukraine as a definite matter — despite previous dissent from within the alliance — as he spoke of a forthcoming meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council this week.

White House Confirms: Israel Agrees to Extend ‘Pause’ for 2 Days, 20 Hostages

The White House confirmed Monday that Israel had agreed to extend the four-day “pause” in fighting in Gaza for two days in exchange for a Hamas promise to release 20 additional Israeli hostages over that period.

Israeli media had reported that such an agreement had been reached, citing Egyptian and Qatari mediators, but neither Israel nor U.S. mediators had confirmed the extension.

White House national security aide John Kirby confirmed to reporters that such an agreement had been reached — and also that Israel would return to fighting once the “pause” had ended. Israeli forces remain in their positions in the northern Gaza Strip.

John Kirby Makes Surprising Revelation That Hostages Might Be Held by ‘Other Groups’ Besides Hamas

We reported on the good news that a third round of hostages was released by Hamas on Sunday. Included in that group was little Avigail Idan who spent her fourth birthday in captivity, with Hamas having killed her parents before they kidnapped her. Following news of her release, Joe Biden said he didn’t know the status of the other American hostages, and then made a creepy comment about the child.

Now, National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby is reiterating that they don’t know much about where the hostages are or when they might be released. 

“We don’t have a whole lot of information about them, where they are, what condition they might be in, or what exactly the schedule would be for their release,” Kirby said.

But then he made a surprising revelation that there were “other groups” who might be holding the hostages, besides Hamas, something they had not told us before. 

“There’s other groups that could have some [hostages], and of course, it’s gonna be on Hamas to go get them and to be able to produce them in exchange for additional Palestinian prisoners,” Kirby stated.

Wow, to what other groups is he referring? Are other Iranian proxies holding them? That’s concerning. It’s also concerning that they’re only revealing this now. 

Kirby said they were working through the Qataris to speak with Hamas to get to the other groups. Hamas leaders are staying in Qatar, as we noted, in part because of a deal made by Barack Obama and Joe Biden. 

Irish police launch hate speech investigation into Conor McGregor after he condemned stabbing of schoolchildren

Irish police have launched an investigation into former two-division UFC champion Conor McGregor after he expressed outrage over the vicious Nov. 23 stabbing of three young children and their caregiver outside a primary school in Dublin.

According to the Sunday Times, assistant Garda Commissioner Justin Kelly is leading an Irish police investigation into whether McGregor has disseminated online hate speech.

BBC confronts its own journalist over false reporting about Gaza hospital strike — and a stunning response follows

a journalist who helped fan the flames of misinformation about the alleged Al-Ahli Arab Hospital strike is refusing to apologize for his mistake.

After a jihadist rocket fell on the parking lot of the hospital last month, the legacy media uncritically regurgitated Hamas’ claim that Israel struck the hospital, totally destroying it and killing more than 500 people.

BBC international editor Jeremy Bowen is one such journalist who joined the chorus claiming the hospital was destroyed. He reported:

The missile hit the hospital not long after dark. You can hear the impact. The explosion destroyed Al-Ahli Hospital. It was already damaged from a smaller attack at the weekend. The building was flattened.

In a recent interview on the BBC’s “Behind the Stories” program, Bowen was asked if he regrets his false reporting.

“To answer your question: No, I don’t regret one thing in my reporting because I think I was measured throughout. I didn’t race to judgment,” Bowen answered.

But the interviewer pushed back, confronting Bowen with the fact that his reporting was incorrect. Stunningly, Bowen not only defended himself but justified his failure to use the basic tenets of journalism, like verifying claims before reporting them.

“But you said that building had been flattened,” the interviewer told Bowen.

“Oh, yeah. Well, I got that wrong because I was looking at the pictures, and what I could see was a square that appeared to be flaming on all sides. And there was a sort of a void in the middle. And it was, I think it was a picture taken from a drone. And so, you know, we have to piece together what we see. And I thought, ‘Well, it looks like whole building’s gone.” And that was my conclusion from looking at the pictures. And I was wrong on that,” he admitted.

“But I don’t feel particularly bad about that,” Bowen boasted.

While Bowen has no regrets, his employer certainly does. Several days after Bowen’s report, the BBC issued a correction and an apology for speculating that Israel was responsible for the strike, which neither flattened the hospital nor killed the number of people that Hamas claimed.

Montreal Jewish Community Center Hit by Molotov Cocktail

The Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) has launched an investigation after a purported Molotov cocktail was thrown at a Jewish community center in the Canadian city’s Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce area on Monday morning, according to local media.

CBC reports:

Montreal police spokesperson Jean-Pierre Brabant says a 911 came in around 1 a.m. for an incendiary device thrown through the front door window of a building on Décarie Boulevard, near Vézina Street.

Rabbi Saul Emanuel, executive director for the Jewish Community Council of Montreal (JCC), says there was damage to one of the entrances of the building, but no one was injured. […]

The Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM)’s arson squad is leading the investigation. The hate crimes unit has been advised of the case, although it is not yet actively involved in the investigation.

“It did make it through the door, but other than that there was no further damage except for charred floors, walls and the glass panel of the front door was blown out,” Emanuel said in a statement to the news outlet.

Xi Jinping Tells Chinese Women to Get Married and Make Babies

Frustrated by his inability to counter China’s rapidly declining birthrate, dictator Xi Jinping abandoned his rhetorical commitment to “gender equality” at a meeting with the All-China Women’s Federation and told women to start getting married and having babies to secure China’s future.

“It is necessary to guide women to play their unique role in carrying forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation and establishing good family virtues to create a new trend of family civilization,” Xi said at the meeting in early November.

“Only with harmonious families, good family education, and correct family traditions can children be raised and society develop in a healthy manner,” he contended.

Unprecedented Surges in Cardiac Arrest Cases in Victoria, Australia: Exploring the Potential Vaccine Link

Research has established a causal relationship between vaccines and myocarditis—a common cause of sudden cardiac arrest in young individuals.

A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be might, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction. . . . American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. . . . This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. . . .Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. . . . In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
      Farewell speech by then-President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1961

Tuberville: Biden’s Border Policy Could Cause ‘9/11 Attack Every Few Weeks’

Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) said Monday on Newsmax TV’s “The Balance” that President Joe Biden’s border policy could cause multiple 9/11-style terror attacks.

Anchor Eric Bolling said, “There was a headline the other day of massive amounts of Chinese migrants coming across our southern border, 24,000 in fact, the ones that are apprehended not to mention senator I mean people on the terror watch lists approaching 200, who knows who have gotten through those are the ones we catch.”

Tuberville said, “Well what happened in Israel and Hamas that catastrophe going on over there, when that happened, Joe Biden should’ve woke up and called Secretary Austin and said, ‘Ok, send every available military personnel to the border immediately. Close it down. Nobody else comes in.’ We’ve had hundreds and hundreds of terrorists come across the border. And you know what? We could care less, not we, the Biden administration, it is going to get us in so much trouble.”

Report: RNC Donations Hit 8-Year Low

Donations to the Republican National Committee (RNC) have hit an eight-year low, sources told the Washington Post on Monday.

The diminished donations raise concerns about whether or not RNC leadership is properly aligned with the party’s grassroots to counter an unpopular Democrat president seeking reelection.

Iran-Backed Hackers Take Control of Pennsylvania Water Station

The municipal water authority of the Pennsylvania town of Aliquippa announced on Saturday that one of its water stations was hacked by an Iran-backed criminal group called the “Cyber Av3ngers.”

The Iranian group loaded the water station’s computer screens with messages saying “Down with Israel!” and “Every equipment ‘Made in Israel’ Is Cyber Av3ngers legal target.”

Suit by Republican challenger to keep Trump off the ballot in RI dismissed

A federal judge on Monday threw out a lawsuit challenging former President Donald J. Trump’s right to be on the presidential ballot in Rhode Island.

U.S. District Court Chief Judge John J. McConnell Jr. dismissed the lawsuit brought by write-in Republican  presidential candidate John Anthony Castro, of Texas, based on a 1st Circuit Court Appeals ruling from Nov. 21, concluding that Castro lacked standing in a nearly identical case in New Hampshire.

The court found that Castro failed to show he was a “direct and current competitor at the time that he filed his complaint,” and that as a result, he could not establish that he would suffer an injury-in-fact if Trump remained on the ballot.

According to U.S. law, RFK, Jr. won’t qualify for “security” until July of next year, but … 

RFK Jr. Has Millions on Hand to Fund 2024 Independent Run

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s independent campaign for the White House is lining up to be the most significant third party challenge since Ross Perot’s 1992 effort.

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has raised millions ahead of 2024. His campaign is already spending it to put together what could be the most notable third-party campaign in recent memory.

In an email to The Epoch Times, the Kennedy campaign’s press secretary, Stefanie Spear, said the current focus is “getting Mr. Kennedy on the ballot in all 50 states.”

“We are spending most of our money on setting up field offices in every state, organizing volunteers, and organizing rallies,” Ms. Spear wrote.

Judicial Watch: DC Government Spends $270,000 To Repaint ‘Black Lives Matter’ on Street Near White House

Judicial Watch announced today it received 25 pages of records in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from the Washington, DC, Department of Transportation which show the cost to taxpayers to repaint the Black Lives Matter slogan on a street in the nation’s capital was over $270,000. (The repainting seems to have taken place shortly before Black Lives Matter groups began defending Hamas terrorist murders of Jews in Israel.) 

On June 5, 2020, after days of protests and riots in DC led by the Black Lives Matter movement, a team of artists, residents, District employees, and demonstrators painted “Black Lives Matter” in 50-foot-tall yellow capital letters and the District’s crest, which resembles three stars above an “equals” sign, on 16th Street NW near the White House. The following day, demonstrators painted “Defund the Police,” a key demand of the Black Lives Matter movement, alongside the “Black Lives Matter” message. 

The total price tag of $271,231 includes $53,551 for paint and supplies, and $217,680 for labor.  

Illegal Alien MS-13 Gang Member Stabs Man After Feds Failed to Deport Him

An illegal alien MS-13 gang member has pleaded guilty to stabbing a man in Loudoun County, Virginia, after federal immigration authorities repeatedly failed to deport him.

This month, illegal alien Gustavo Enrique Portillo Aguilar — a member of the violent MS-13 gang — pleaded guilty to stabbing a man as well as pointing a gun at him in May of this year in Loudoun County.

Bodycam Footage Shows Atlanta Officer Repeatedly Using Taser on Church Deacon Who Later Died

Bodycam footage was recently released in the case of Johnny Hollman, a 62-year-old church deacon who died after being repeatedly tased by Officer Kiran Kimbrough of the Atlanta Police Department. The footage was made public at the family’s behest and has raised questions about police procedures and use of force.

Hollman was driving home from a Bible study when he got into a minor traffic accident. Officer Kimbrough, who responded to the incident, determined that Hollman was at fault for the accident and tried to issue a citation, which Hollman refused to sign at first.


You’d have to be an idiot to go there … 

Joe Biden Brags About Airfare, Turkey, Gas After Prices Increased Under His Watch

President Joe Biden bragged about the prices of turkey, gas, and air travel during a speech on Monday after the cost of the items actually increased under his leadership.

Biden’s decision to highlight the increased prices under his leadership — even as they dropped from last year — shows his administration’s concern that inflation is hurting his reelection chances.

“Well, this past week, as Americans gathered around their own kitchen tables for Thanksgiving dinner, that was our goal: to give them a little more breathing room.  And together, we made progress,” Biden said during a speech on supply chains. “You know, from turkey, to air travel, to a tank of gas, costs went down.  They went down.”

New Home Sales Plunge as Bidenflation Interest Rates Hit Hard

Sales of newly built homes in the U.S. fell by much more than expected in October and the data for the earlier months was revised down sharply.

The Commerce Department said new home sales fell 5.6 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 679,000. The September sales figure was revised down from 759,000 to 719,000.

New York Retailers Blast Gov. Hochul After Losing $4.4 Billion to Theft Last Year

New York retailers are blasting Gov. Kathy Hochul after losing a whopping $4.4 billion last year to theft, as the Democrat governor vetoes measures to tackle the issue.

Hochul vetoed a proposal last week that would have created a 15-member task force of appointed experts to tackle organized retail crime, to the “chagrin” of store owners, the New York Post reported.

Texas Factory Activity Is Shrinking Again As Business Conditions Seen as Worsening

Texas factory activity contracted in November, ending the two-month-long expansion recorded in September and October, data from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas indicated Monday.

The Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey, which is conducted monthly by the Dallas Fed, showed that perceptions of broad business conditions continued to worsen in November. The general business activity and company outlook indexes were largely unchanged and deep in negative territory, at -19.9 for general activity and -18.8 for company outlook. These have booth been negative for more than a year and a half.

The production index, which is considered the key measure of state manufacturing conditions, fell 12 points to -7.2, putting the index back in negative territory after two months above water.


Health Conditions That Worsen in Cold Weather – How Winter Affects Your Body

Health Conditions That Worsen in Cold Weather

Although cold weather is often synonymous with flu season, other conditions can also be prompted by cold weather. 

When the temperatures drop, your body adapts to protect its vital organs and conserve heat. “Our bodies are designed to maintain a steady core temperature, and when the environment changes, there are mechanisms that help us regulate our internal temperatures,” explains Northwestern Medicine Internal Medicine Physician Catherine C. Cheng, MD.

One of the ways that your body adjusts to cold is by reducing blood flow to your skin; this keeps heat near your inner body. Your muscles can also produce heat by shivering, and your thyroid gland will release hormones to increase your metabolism.

Cold weather can also create conditions that make you more susceptible to injury, like slipping on ice. “Just being outside is a physical stressor,” notes Dr. Cheng. Take proper precautions by wearing appropriate clothing, shoes and accessories. Additionally, if you’re going to walk or work outside, wear shoes with a sturdy grip and walk with intention.

Below are several other conditions that may occur or worsen in cold weather.

Mental Health Issues

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that can occur during the changing of seasons, usually attributed to the lack of daylight. Making matters more complicated, some individuals, particularly the elderly, may have anxiety about leaving their house in inclement weather, which can increase feelings of isolation.

Power Mall Recommendation:: Optivida Vitamin D & Lithium Balance 

Skin Conditions

The drop in temperatures can affect your skin, but even after you’ve sought shelter indoors, the heat and drop in humidity also play a role.

Tuning in to skin issues is especially important for individuals whose immune systems are compromised, says Dr. Cheng. For example, diabetes can impact your immune system and cause diabetic neuropathy, which can lead to numbness. Therefore, if a small cut occurs due to dry skin, the person may not notice, increasing the likelihood of developing an infection.

Power Mall Recommendation: Miracle Skin & Miracle II Skin Lotion 

Respiratory Conditions

“In general, we know that people respond to temperature in different ways,” says Dr. Cheng. Just like some may find cold weather triggers a skin condition, others may find that it worsens their asthma. “This is a generalization,” cautions Dr. Cheng. “Others may find humidity to be a trigger and experience no trouble at all with the cold.”

Power Mall Recommendation: OregaRESP 

Joint Pain

If you have occasionally aching joints, winter weather might act as a trigger. Although there is not enough evidence to explain the link between colder temperatures and arthritis flare-ups, studies reveal individuals with arthritis are more likely to feel discomfort when the temperatures drop.

Power Mall Recommendation: Topricin Classic Pain Relief Cream 

Bottom Line

Whether you are a winter warrior or prefer the warm glow of summer, your body naturally adapts to protect itself. Changes in sunlight, temperature, barometric pressure and humidity can cause a number of pre-existing conditions to worsen.

By taking appropriate steps, like drinking plenty of water, staying physically active and adhering to a healthy routine, you may be able to adapt to these changes in a healthier way.


PHOTOS: First Spanish A.I. Model Earns Nearly $11K Monthly for Agency

Aitana is a 25-year-old model from Barcelona who is raking in money for her agency, however, she is not a real person.

She is the first Spanish model created by artificial intelligence (AI) when the designer and founder of the agency known as The Clueless agency, Rubén Cruz, needed to generate business, EuroNews reported Wednesday.

An image shows the young model who has pink hair and perfectly shaped eyebrows and makes $11,000 a month:


Police Warn Parents About iPhone’s New ‘NameDrop’ Feature

The feature, which can be exploited by predators, comes turned on by default, but can be disabled.

Multiple U.S. police departments issued alerts about a new iPhone feature that allows sharing contact info and images wirelessly between two closely held devices, warning that the feature could pose a risk to children and other vulnerable individuals.

“If you have an iPhone and have done the recent iOS 17 update, they’ve installed a feature called NameDrop. This feature allows you to easily share contact information and photos to another iPhone by just holding the phones close together,” the Middletown Division of Police, Ohio, said in a Nov. 26 Facebook post. “PARENTS: Don’t forget to change these settings on your child’s phone to help keep them safe as well!”

“With this feature enabled, anyone can place their phone next to yours (or your child’s phone) and automatically receive their contact information to include their picture, phone number, email address, and more, with a tap of your unlocked screen,” the Watertown CT Police Department, Connecticut, said in another post.

The NameDrop option is turned on by default. In order to cancel the feature in iOS 17:

  • Open the “Settings” option
  • Tap the “General” option
  • Tap the “AirDrop” tab, which controls the file-sharing features of the phone
  • Once AirDrop is selected, turn off the “Bringing Devices Together” option to disable NameDrop.

White House Surveillance Program Lets Law Enforcement Snoop on *Trillions* of American Phone Records

A secretive surveillance initiative, managed by the White House, grants law enforcement agencies unprecedented access to trillions of American phone records, raising significant privacy and legal concerns.

A Wired investigation has revealed a secret White House surveillance program that permits federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies to access an extensive array of U.S. phone records. Known as Data Analytical Services (DAS), this program functions in partnership with telecom giant AT&T, offering a comprehensive analysis of American call records to law enforcement agencies at all levels of government. This deal not only involves direct phone contacts of criminal suspects but extends to their social networks as well, snooping on individuals who have not been suspected of any criminal activity at all.


Rolling Blackouts Could Impact South Again This Winter, Report Cautions

As winter approaches, concerns about the reliability of the electric grid in the southern United States have been raised, especially after the rolling blackouts experienced last year.

The North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s (NERC’s) 2023–2024 Winter Reliability Assessment (WRA) released earlier this month provides a comprehensive view of the potential challenges and readiness of the bulk power system (BPS) for the upcoming winter season.

This assessment is a crucial tool for informing industry leaders, planners, operators, and regulatory bodies about the potential risks and necessary actions to ensure reliable power supply during the winter months​​.


BROWSE LION ENERGY PRODUCTS Use promo code POWERHOUR at checkout (their black friday sale of up to 40% off is still going on!)

At Lion Energy, we believe we are all on a journey to become energy independent. Our Smart Energy™ solutions help you optimize the way you store and use energy. We are dedicated to providing safe, silent, renewable power that you can use every day – around the house, in the yard, on an adventure or during an emergency. We do this by engineering, creating, manufacturing, testing and delivering high-quality energy storage products for home, work or play.

All of these solutions, from portable handheld power banks and solar generators to home and large custom solutions, use advanced technology we call LionESS™ or Lion Energy Storage Systems. LionESS allows you to control and efficiently use energy, where you need it, when you need it.


Deep Winter Greenhouses

Lettuces, Asian greens, herbs and more. These are just a few types of produce that Shayne Johnson of Grampa G’s farm in Pillager has experimented with growing in the middle of winter in Central Minnesota.

“Nothing we’ve tried to grow has failed,” said Johnson, who sells the farm’s product to local food co-ops and customers in the area by word of mouth.

How does Grampa G’s do it? With the help of a prototype deep winter greenhouse made possible by a collaboration with the University of Minnesota Extension Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships (RSDP) and the College of Design Center for Sustainable Building Research (CSBR).

A Deep Winter Greenhouse (DWG) is a greenhouse designed to limit the amount of fossil fuel it takes to grow crops during cold winters. DWGs are passive-solar greenhouses that rely on energy from the sun to heat the building instead of more traditional heating sources.

There are a few important aspects of the design that make this possible. DWGs are built in an east-west position, with a glazing wall that faces south. This wall can be specially angled, depending on latitude, to get the most possible solar energy on the coldest day of the year. The sun heats the air inside which is blown underground with a fan and stored in a thermal mass made of rock or soil. This heated thermal mass acts as a heat battery and stores heat for when it is needed at night.

DWGs in Minnesota can be used to grow crops that thrive with minimal light, providing year-round production capacity for small-scale farmers and gardeners. Crops well-suited to DWG production include a variety of lettuces, herbs, brassicas, Asian greens and sprouts. 



Record Number of NICS Background Checks on Black Friday 2023

The FBI conducted a record number of National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) checks on November 24, Black Friday 2023.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) noted the FBI conducted 214,913 NICS checks on Black Friday, easily surpassing the 192,749 NICS checks conducted on Black Friday 2022.


How Pfizer and Moderna Control Vaccine Discourse

Pfizer financed consumer, medical and civil rights organizations that lobbied for COVID jab mandates, thereby creating the false appearance of broad support

Moderna controls the vaccine debate and influences vaccine policy by working with a third party nongovernmental organization (NGO) called Public Good Projects (PGP), which monitors and censors online discussions about the COVID shots on Moderna’s behalf

Moderna has also retained an online monitoring company called Talkwalker that uses artificial intelligence to monitor and flag vaccine-related conversations across 150 million websites across the globe

Oftentimes the information flagged and/or censored as “misinformation” is factually accurate. It’s flagged/censored simply because it has the potential to create “vaccine hesitancy” or contradicts the “safe and effective” narrative

As vaccine resistance grows, Moderna is ratcheting up its surveillance operation, with a focus on coercive or forced vaccination policies. Documents show Moderna is tracking elected officials that object to vaccine mandates, as well as new laws that restrict vaccine mandates

Why the Fall COVID Shot Uptake Is an Abysmal 7%

In September 2023, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended everyone 6 months and older get an updated COVID-19 shot

Only 7.1% of adults and 2.1% of children had received the updated COVID-19 shot as of October 14

A CDC survey found that 37.6% of adults said they “probably or definitely will not get vaccinated”

Among parents, 37.7% said they “probably or definitely will not get their child vaccinated”

The media have blamed the low uptake partly on the shots’ shift to the commercial market, but surveys suggest concerns about side effects and lack of effectiveness may be involved


Target Embraces Transgenderism, Hires ‘Gay Cruella’ for Marketing Job

Target has reportedly chosen a man named Erik Thompson, who goes by “GayCruella” on social media, as the company’s “Senior LGBTQIA+ Segmentation Strategist and Pride Lead,” despite seeing its sales decline over its Pride-themed products earlier this year.

Thompson, who claims to go by “he/him/his/her” pronouns, said he is “honored” to accept a role leading “Target’s LGBTQIA+ multicultural merchandising strategy and Pride businesses” in an Instagram post that was flagged by the popular X/Twitter account Libs of TikTok.

“Remember when @Target sold tucking swimwear for kids and their sales dropped, stock plunged, and they were sued by shareholders?” Libs of TikTok wrote. “Apparently they didn’t learn their lesson.”

Media Triggered Over ‘Kid in Blackface’ and Native Headdress in Stands at Kansas City Chiefs Game

A young fan has become the focus of outrage by the media after TV cameras caught the youngster in the stands at Sunday’s Kansas City Chiefs game wearing a Native American headdress and half black and half red face paint.

Members of the media are all wee weed up, if we may quote Barack Obama, over the boy seen in the stands wearing a Travis Kelce no. 87 jersey.

Left-wing media outlets such as Deadspin were outraged over the “black face” incident, with the wild claim that they are “doubling up on the racism” in Kansas City.


Wet-behind-the-ears carjackers pistol-whip victim, take his keys — then run into a little problem when they try to drive away

crew of would-be carjackers managed to pistol-whip their victim and take his keys Sunday night in Bethesda, Maryland but ran into a little problem when they tried to drive off in the vehicle.

Apparently, they couldn’t drive stick and gave up on their caper, WTTG-TV reported.

What are the details?

Officers were called to the 7200 block of Wisconsin Avenue around 11:55 p.m. after a report of an attempted carjacking, the station said.

Authorities said the victim was in front of a business when three or four individuals approached him and demanded at gunpoint the keys to his vehicle, WTTG said.

Investigators said the suspects pistol-whipped the man, who ran back into the business, the station said, adding that the victim told police shots were fired, but investigators said no shell casings were found.

However, WTTG said the carjacking encountered a major roadblock when the suspects tried to drive away: they couldn’t operate the SUV because it came equipped with a manual transmission.

With that, the suspects fled the scene in a different vehicle, the station said, adding that the victim is recovering from his injuries.

Texas Gov. Abbott Skydives with 106-Year-Old Veteran

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) made headlines Monday after skydiving with a 106-year-old veteran.

“My biggest fear was realized. And that is, I would land, and I will not be able to walk away from the landing spot,” Abbott, who is paralyzed from the waist down due to an incident that occurred in 1984, joked after the dive, triggering laughs.

Abbott participated in the activity alongside Al Blaschke, a 106-year-old World War II veteran, at Skydive Spaceland San Marcos. According to the Texas Tribune, “Blaschke has made headlines for his previous skydives.”

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